-- n - - . - Ne ~...... - - 20 The Canadjan Statestnan, Bowmanville. Apr. 23, 1969r Council Accepfs Capital Forecas! A five years Capital Fore-! .92,728: 197(l. $132.374: 1971, at was presented to Town!Sl42.789: 1972. $1,92.125. and Ceunc11 by Clerk-ControlIer 19731 $161.845. Robert L. Byron last week and Capital works for whlch ap- lt was accepted on a motion proval of the Ont.ario Muni- by Councillor Robert Dykstra. ricPai Board m-ill he asked ln aecnded by Deputy Reeve E eacb of the vears 1969 qt.o 972 «J. Rundie. The assessment' nclrisve: 1969, Aurditorium loecstfo echof the yea ri > ~lcal improvements. 199 to 1973 Inclusive was asroas.$1 .00;swa$e5t.e0o- follows: 1969. $10.,036.889: 197d. ment. $710.000; sparking lot S10,147,308: 1971. $10.874.6q6-:et 7JM akn o 1972. $11,319,470, and 1973, $25.000,. a total of $825.000.- $11L782,440. 1970 Local improvemnents $150.000. roads $9mo00, a total Retirement of capital dieht of $245.000 71971l Local im- in each of these years: 1969. praements ___________ KENDAL ' (Interrded for last week -Mrs. L. Burwash and M KBurwash of Cobourg spE Eater with Mr. A rt hi Thompson. 1Master Eric Lamrbier. frc bis school for the Blind Brantford. was home for t Easter holiday with his pé erits, Mr. and Mrs. L. Lambii Last weekend Mr. and Mi Eddie Couroux and Lvi visited his parents at Caci BaY. Eddie also went in haVe a look at their cottaj nt Lake Xushog. We are pleased that Mt Nichoils is progressing favo ablY after undergoing , OPeratron in BowmanxTrl Memnorial Hospital last weeý She went in last Monda. April 7. Mrs. G. X. Lofthouse an Mrs. H. Scott of Whitby visi ed with Miss C, W. Stewai on Friday last. There has been consjderabl Interest taken in where th new Kindergarten for thi section is going to be helc A numbe'r of sites for i! ha been investigated. K e n d a gunday school room hein on@ of them. However. it ha been dercided to make use c Xirby's old school. This schoo 'will serve Kendal. Leskar( and the north of the Town ShIp. It ie expected the child ren will attend for a full daý en an everv other day basis There are expected to be 1- çhildren in a class. Registra. tion for it is to be held Apri! 25th in the no rning at Kirb\v A number of Masons anè their wives from Kendal area Iattended the Mfasonir Lad ip yi'ght in Ororio Saturda'i eight anà hadi a good turke- d!ýnner and enjoy*ed the pro- gr-ým. The BP07 Souts. Cubs. Gir] C ides anid Brownies5 are a!. trnding a Church Parade in .Tune isi. We begin ro t!i;nk we are qiite a place now tnat tihe Scouts have rut , p ' carnies on mur streeis- 1Georv, 'vMercer went irtc Memoýrial HosPita! Thursdav iWith a bad dose «,f -çsitiF andl fli. and hooes ta be ou! tI a week- The -earher Si-ndav morri- ing ---s especiaflv pleasa-1, andi there were a lot of wpe Iffiks out Rev. T. Snelgrove told for the children the storv of 'The M.%izlity Name - jesuzs- whîch concerned a missionarv' andi one of th(- believers in Lndia. He took his sermon fram St. John the 2th chap- ter fromn 19 to 29. The dis- cipfles %Vere ail verv mucb afraid that they might be put to death. Jesus appeared ta thern and cleared up their doubt.s and fears, Thomas doubting until he had put hi5 bands in the wnunds. The' choir sang 'It is wel] with mv Sou!' with Mrs. A. Foster playing the organ. Next Sun- day the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is to be held. Corinne Turansky had her bonsils out over a wveek ago and wili be back ta school thii week. Miss Kathy Turan- Esso funi 'al ie [r ^n ig al 'n it tri ils il il -If Form Bus Patrols for Better Safety Protection ;ky %vas borne for a few days is sttudying for ber exams and !nt Miss Diane Turanskv wa a r bomne for thi' weckend. She is now -back ai ber aid job in )m Oshawa Hospital. in Thre as a large r'rowd Schools throughot the area will soon have their1 he af boYs and mon at thr t-' onbspastanopeewihItinLscpeso ýr- party beld Sqaturriay wnbisptrl, oplt ithlmios aes hol rno tht' Orange Hall for Briar dier straps, etc. This is a new dcvelepmnent to provide sFosqter xvho is heinz married hetter contrai and safety for the pupils who aie trans- n thîs Saturday afternoan in portedJ to and fram schools hy bus. The Statesrn e,, Kendal cbîîrcb. photographer happened ta be at Kirbv Centennial ao Those working nn the. For- School on Fridav whert OPP Safetv Officer John e estrx' tram bere ;tarted in an Manday marning. April 14. ~.Ray Carîrorîx spent SundaY - witb bis parents. Mr. and Mrs.1 !b c o l rpe T i n Eddie Cotîroux. t' Scout Report for March VMarch w as a busx- mon th. ; starting %with tht Fir.st Aidi dcourse a! Bowmanville Ini whichb oth Scouts and Gulidesý taaok pa rt. Another event came about on the' l5tb af , Mrc wirh was the' Father- and Son banquet. On thiq. event 1I-%wntld like ta thank' the' mothers and thet' iret' ~Girl Guides for prepar ing a * ~ ~ .- deliciatis meat, also tiraks ta the fathere who made rt a hb ize sces.ard special s-\'. tbanks to aur guets.sRe\.~ Sneeroe.District Cib Ma,ý ter Clare Mutton. and Mrs. G. Atw.,'Li We trird tn have ainothe-i xinter camp but tl vas cani- celledi becaitîse cf a floaded- i t eampsite. We also started a new pat- roli tht' famnors man patrol.s- And elected nt'xv patral lead- ers arrd ,zfconders. Tht' nevu patrol leader- for the Eagle . Patrol is David HErrdersor arr- tht e eoridtr is Dale K lod The patrnl leader for the' fanîous mari paîral is Bill'~ ('atbcart arr- the. seconder is ~ -' John Zealand. Tht' patrol - - leader for tht' Constillatin '-i- ; Pitrol i, Will.v W vrn and th.p seconder is Timn Ma-Donaidi Eight of the nine mnembers of Kirhv Centennialj .Also4' tht' 201hl of 'Marcb Schaol's triple trio are shoxyn ahoxe. The 'v won first1 we xx ent arri oicked corn at prîze ai. tht' recect Kiwanis Music Festival in Peter-a Crooked Creek. .-' . . - narough. îrom lott ta rîght, Lamna Lowerv, ehi IChalmer s was pi esent te issuie the r i s shown heî-e at ceai, wth patl 1r ta right, Rick Ph iiiips, StepheylUlHrii Warren Johnsntrri, Bi l Farrow, Bor rBattams, I)ebbie Adarrs, Ken Ca' and WiIf Giffcrrd. Wins Festival First 'Family Services Pro vided 1By Children's Aid Societv FOSTER CARE The Boy Who picked i Olkn Motber Btlv xwas a tl-'ear-old boy wbo Was verv tunbappv h in b ' home. Deseried hv bis miolbe:. some Years before, he feit ou-j j~ - ~ wanted bY bis father and the woman bis father lived 'b Ie was trequentx- purîji-.cd for trifling matters and was left alone for b1ours on end while the couple staved in a nearbv Pub. onlv coming home %wben it closed. After one par-- ti('1rl7Y Violent quarrel a! homne, he rail awav. * Bllvremenibered a fa-,tc: imother m'ho bad once heen a neigbhbor and had oftcn he- friended and ýomnforte1d Ihli. She had mloved ta aal bler pieiglhhorhood, but he %vas ahît' to fi nd lier. M rs. Anies teie-1 ~ ~' pbaned the Children', Aid So- vietv and explaincd Bll' pligti t. Latet- investigation1 .:* ..hoedthat. the par-cls b; adl hem neletrl nd did lo0,t new equ iproco t. Ilie tvaut1 reres po iisi hi 'v\,o ! -nembers, fro(m lft raisinig Bill\,. Mrs Amne-. WWa eih, llartgaret Scrrv allow cd to Iit hlm StaY.BîI bas literallv made h1i: o\11 nnie(-e, Dohbie pîucne thte C.AS. %vorker wling, IJte Mittagcommiented. Things do 'lot altvats v\ or k (ut sO.naturaliv for theCA -. Usai v.fosterfamilies mujst h(' fouind and the cbild pri*pai- L Prize MVorwe', Bab-ha a sLerne AI lin, Marie Harin. Pati-icia Ho(pe, Shîelie\ Battamns and Sharon Lowei absent, Norma Downe-y. papers. etc.. on tbe roadxvav,' tess Saegc Ip ra c (artwright ~and the' niaxirlnim fine auth- Sress Saegc I prac Cartw ight orized by tht' Municipal Art Is Town hipCou cilSe~vrral people' appenrcd be- To nsip Co nclfore cotuncil tak permission B attie of V IM Y Baad 1 srfacinz tenders were la sex-er land. Wilfred ine. opened bv Cartwriabt Town- havi ng heen refused a smill ship Couril at its recent meet- sub-division at Ibis time askeýd ing beld in Blackstock. Tht' permission ta sel] tuflr'e- lovvest terrder, that of Miller lots called estate holdingsn anq Courîril cnure v th is, snîbject ta tht' Appraval of the rqet A uvnrdeî'fully vivid accounti Branch 1(8 Pi Ontario Muîniripal Board and, E. Harris also sauglit per- ft'Cadirs itrv Darliioton. Towvnship Cauincil.! mission tn retain a building lot ViYR idev - raegrat e. ihai pre Four tenders were received. off the' corner of bis farrn and Rde l taei ttt edth Bv-Lai Na. 1168 was gix-en apprOval was given for this. hackground, and the' effect of n'Neill, Art mgp three readinzs and passed. Permission wvas alsa given ta .he apturé. of Vim *von t~ ilas Zn This hx-lw inhorizes tht' re- V. MalcOlm îosex-er- a htîidià ngo ol arIh et egno hiring of the Raad Superinten- Ing lot for bis daqtîghter aird'h Allies, w as given by. Hiiit, xvhjO xvas dent. Firsi and second read- ber husband off the corner af Maior J. O'Neill, MC.. the'arrangemntts for ings xvere iven to the Salary bis farm. special speaker ai. the' Vimy ftnl ex'cnt. Scbedtîle B ' av.Caunicil appraved two tilt' ,,t Banquet lcld in the Grace xva.s sai( Council instruci.ed the Town- dirain las aoni e taLgion Hall recently., Padî-e Williamns. ' sbip Clerk L. S. Malcolm ta .000 for two residenîts of fht' Vetci-ans of World Wa r the Q ueon var drawv tp an anti-dumping and townsbip. Tt was agreed tilai. wei'e guesîs of Brancb 178 ot Presicnt Richard littering bx-laxv. vicb xvben ;two ,;Ijppementary tax levies:tht' Royal Canadian Legion 1at Miajor OnNeillI passt'd xill allou, the laying:be paid. this annuiLal event, and eaclh listeriors that bel,( af charges azainsti people who A reqtnest from tht' solic-itors~ of. tiiese honorc.d guesis ne- ainslo o-r are grîillix' of throving ma-forHeriBoinso tasdi t-evtt mm- or erbRobisonto eilanl .1ý' gifts of an Enîglish for theiî' altack 0 terial su-îrbma garbage and -ncszdlta.tt aexa stein and a Union Ja-k Coast- ils e\,(, altai tuîrned doxvn. Collincil exer-, donated b he bc owman- tlish aînd Frecrh plaîned that it is îlot its pOlicy, ville Ladies Atnxliarv b tht' ong anid barr- to create undersi7ed lots. Royal Canadian Legion. There 1200.000 auale l n wSigning officiais r-errt' arîbh- xxas alsýo a draxx for a hn-sîresun attemp oriedto ig Ch Dparmnt o- Union Jack Tra.v, whieb: Vim -v Ridige frai of Highwax-s rdetds for Cart.-xAms ls)donated il vtht' aînx-,nnans. Thri i- difi ~ l)!wright Township'.- half of tht rilimarv snd bbe luck.y winnt'r that tht' British a c Q.... n o w ,bor-indaiv.. returnped ta thet'vas Wm. Shotter.'c staffs were îîsinîg mrýnnlcipality regarding 7A Tht' atxiliar catercd frrparl wars xxirie ~~ - - Higbxvav. ir delicîous roast heef din. _ irlf!~ - paynoiung Provinc uniOctoberlst ,o 1Buyyournew Esso furnace now and you cari &et a bonus $1 14.95 Esso Humidifier installed for only$69.8or the $124.95 Esso Dehumidifier for only $89.88. You pay nothirig down, nothing until October lst, convenient monthly payments thereafter. Aspecialist wiII mneasureyour home, calculatewhich one of the 28 Esso fumnaces is right for you. Cali today. Esso gives you a comfort bonus tool A Humiîdifier or Dehumiîdifier, both at savings! e9 Ahmeys 109 W l§W .fer Mlbht in hom§ coft-f MOL mqpm« ad service g ~ p. Road Prolects The cornstruction programmer nt tht' Ontario Depqrtmtnt of Highwayq, tabled in tht' On- tarin legislture on April 2nd, outlinei tht' following proiet3 ta he undertaker in iDurham ('ouot.v. during the present fiscal year. I. Improx emenîrtt or t ire, irr tcl 7ecton ai Irînction of No 2 Highwav and countxi road No 9. 4in the, Village of Newton- ville. 2. Improvr-'ert af tht'In- tersectlan at tht,' iruction nf l-igbwsy No. l106 snd roinotv raad Na, 10 at Welr--amf. .1Jmpr-oxement of the' ln- tersection mt eourdy. road Na 3 In tht' Village of ('ouirtice 9 miles east of Oshawa, The abx'e nrajectc; cail forl grading. d raiîn A ge. jra nniila r h ase and paxing in eacb Insrtance. 4ý The resurfiring of l-igh- way No. 115 easterly from a point 7.5 mniles West of High- Sway No. 28 for a dietance of 8.8 miles. 05) The completion of the CPR overl-ead appuoghes on -»lghwey No. 2 at Abe ast limits of the To*M of port Hope_ I~I RV Y AR N Rt'Crîouly eeugý' "Ig Bln ijamn Fr nl . great mercn stat4om,1n and In- ~0NE 34~MORONOI ventor who egobbed the 0#, vÀW gu L1 Home Ho$g first Canadian piSt offices in 1P W uwrn iSId ontreal, QUb« and Thre ur. Tht'. converîor Was Secre- "The' hinwor-k bar.- FlornceKnight, a past' adiai Col-nniaad- 1 president. assistcd by Treas- vivtor-v at Vimn iror Atidlrev ,Bale, who is also Raids xvene ramier ai pasi rrresii-ent. tain irîformaiai. Are youup b da te with i Ouwm sIap? When y.u have a chiId or veach 21 or noove t. a new adirem or Whou you ame newly uwrried.. Te k..p youx OMSIP protection ad t. speed poymneu-atufy.withi30Odeys: MO.sIth Inmurance ]R.gistrut@ Board, M95 louve Itrem, Téromt,7Z Ifwazmet. ho1p we 3S**d tgo w. k/k""' t. r, r, 4 -- ry; R idge Recalled pet Speaker P'e:-rdenît Ronlll mollsi of pleparation ever-ry 1ided. Othens ýCanadran unit hartj a duplicat- Pa rire Il lr cd tape laynut of tht' section Corîrradcr te~ xere to fight ori and 1,anî d b elitihey xxere extensively trained in -brg onair t for an.v tventualils- that ~r h tîe s-might develop. In additloir, s;and tables of tht' entire ares d li Ai mr xxe-e perfer-tcd so that, the., lir IToast. 10: troops -oîild have an exact uîroplosect by oven-aIl picttîre of tht' enlîre rds. situnation. reIrie (rr TIr speaker a Iso laid of the thle pIa1rîîr1 ý înrndeît-gr-onnd tunnels for -oiun- m rYnr-atiri mnicai.iorr and suîpplies tit in. tlF3r- xr-ere (-orstruted veil i n rad- liad touîllt: vainte of týhe Caîuadian attic-k. 1. s, te A s st m o f si le n c i n - 1 i ,î irn tirir Gei11 -maratlevwswre pts In taise r-at, anud the' 106 fuse, was ai n un C-n, pieat beirefit to the Ça rnid anis rfrcrî it\v \\,las n demroiisbing harbedxine' anidlnerr he pointedi out. taci-t s fronm lThie co-operati-iri of t ho xxene iniCi- an-tiil]err- with i ts rren mte. han-r-sgt' for spveral mnotesItl, oif Ilr- an-a as soo as it lifted the îuade o1i n ad vain-e of hues of infanr y inrsnbe.prox'ed a grt hen-ieft als-, I tj Io t oh- M ajor O Ne iîll xplained. Di)ngrr ire _ 1. lic eiîitîilîasize i Ilîr tat f Ilre Germans had q! i lroilcd fVimy ail Arngnst a t Ilue stant, of the jasýt Vas, II- *e\ xx'orid ar tue r-x'r as viclary for allie-s WOUld have been MaOr'Neill also trîld ils felx embers of tînt' egiori ofl i tp ta Euriope ast alitntin îirwei lie sud sexena I nir lie' repicst'îr t t'esIrt 'onld puons 08ftire egarbixnr mnt î. le spokie of Irle roal ti*(atnittrcorded Ilitiemas * ReIitiim's liiesis o roan sd of tht' memnorahie evrnts ttnnit WPx'ert' hld..\îpnsr - iror'- ruen'remn l ook plaie iii iMoins on Nove.mbr' 1 Ih tirfi rhad he rn i n ere f Illîne ff -n irfthe' Caradian onîfil tiai ilu, le early hou rx of Nox -riak aisf'mt'Gemni ber I11h, 1918. a vo-tt' of Itanks to Maîor O'Neill for hig splenid s<j ai- riess. anrdlie Also spoke of Iris long record of sei'vii'e a., one of tht' Most valued ciii bers or Branvb 178 ort tire Royal Canadian Legioni,. C et Cash Today For OId Appliances through 8RTA T 9 NIA N C L A 8 1FI1ED S Phone 623-3303 cd for Plaçemrent tvith them. "derstandlong of the rhild who Iii Otarjo. abouît 10f,000 bas lost his own famlly. fosîci- homres are in use. About - _--- 6.<0 famnilies applv every SCar to take foster children, A\t the same trne, there are N E A IT alv\sabout 18.000 chlldren N E A IT lut our owrî area, the Child- ris Aid Societv bas î2 foster homnes in use anrd recelvedi 45 aPPPictiorrs last Nyear. The C.A.S took 85 children loto CaRU' arîd senit 38 hack tai their loniles. and another 94 were RENTY S. cd n ad pi n Thdedi the' year w lth 155 A clîiildil'u iiinva r-c. E "Il <' il e y r- b e a q u e s tio n C A- of <ixidiiig the nunber f : A clrildren bhy vthe' number of borne , aid theri sbîitting tp FROM ... the ;hop-, Said a cbild cale \vnikei, of the CAS. 'Differ- M c NML titeeds, and somte faster parents ;)te hetter with ont' kind of chlrîd tlrar with another. The' FORD mriret fosîci- familles xve have' tIola froin, the more able 813King St.W., Ostiewe wxe are Io meet a particular 576-1800 id ieds'. 'udw-i ,inn Ont ario, inaîîv Mustan.g%, Galaxies, Falcon%. l'o -n a î'îï~' .sso-jaloî', oily - Weekly - Menthty. aie leitig formcd wii.h the' help .O ft*t if their C.A.S., ta enhance the important job theY' are dolng,,l RENT-A.CAR Io add prestige bo fostering, ta riarit iîew foster parents and La circarîrage ('ornlnunity un- t; *'BEAUTI-LAWN ItNn arwr tm Fast Cirowing Hardy B 8 MiX Wîth no clover. SAV Requires a minimum~ jWIE 2LB. .82 of care. We highly IHS B lecomrnclîd it at JBULK 5 B. .77I.B PRICES 25 LB. ".70 o ______5QL. .68 LB. FC Av Home Hlardware \TRACTORS - SMO WERS I Ea~, \TILLERS Assemble ~ S 7 MADE IN CANADA STRATTON 5-r---i w r h M "EUS 0W! 106,o77 3ý4 H.P. ENGINES H-o r izo ntal Drive on 4 and 5 H.P. mode ls, Gi ves excelfeat Iow centre of gravity - for CdSy handling. 1423.77 151,877 Fnrward - Neutr ai - Reverse on Detîarp. and Super Dclixe. BeairnR take Uris externai oPEIAnL 11h mm irftqný OR If) DAYS ONLY >1<114 16 TO APIIIL 26 (Compare at 174.95) -AUL~ $~54*77 Home Hardware Stores MicGregor Hardware PHONE 623-2542 5 KING ST. W. 80 WMAN VI LLE 'a, M 4 CYCLE BRIGGS AND 22"" 3 H. P. #060 ( t CUSTOM 19f 3 H.I P. 100$67.97 GARDEN TILLERS 'IUILT TO BITE INTO ANY TYPE OF SOIL Be1RIGGS & STRATTON E .i m m LW 0 ýW- 1 1 VALUE - SERVICE - DÉPEmb mmýý 1 g - -- HOME COMFORT 3 H.P. eàm c we e - - -- - - - - m IWW -mow ýqw ýqw m ýqw lu 1 ri 1 il 5 H.P. TILLER $154,077 nar4wart im stm- 15 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE