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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1969, p. 22

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t.......-...............- . ~...............--s, .~- ---~-.-.'- -..... S. -- r------. . - -........... - - 22 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bownianville. Apr. 21, 1999 - Births __ Deaths Cards of Thanks PERRIS-Larry and Ro;se- BALL,-At Memýorlîal-Hospital. I1 wish to express my sincere bC~ry (nec Orsuiston) arc Bowmanville. on Wednesdav., appreciation te friends foi happy tô announce the arrival April l6th, 1969. Lillian Chap-ý flowers. candy, visits, card, cf their son Larry James, man ln ber 76th year, beloved and acts of kindness te me dur- 9 -ibs. 842 ozs., on Sunday, wife of Edwin Bail. R.R. 4. ing my stay in Doctors' Hos- April 20, 1969 at Memoril Bowmanvflle: dear niother of pital. Toronto. H.osp it a . Bowmanville. A Leland and Ivan. Service wPs Margaret Hyland, bwothcr for Laura Lee. 17-1 held in the Morris Funerali Nestleton. 17-1* -IChapel. Bowmanvllle. on Sat-, Engagement urday at 2 n'clock. Intermentý Mrs. Maudie E. Smith, Nw - Orono Cemetery. 17-1' tonx'ille wishes te thank ail her Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas good friends and neighbors Newby of Toronto announce, for their kindness in servini tbç engagement of their daugh- CHERRINGTON --Suddenly at':hot ,coffee and sandw'iches ai tit. Nancy Claire, ta Thomas h is home, Bnwmanviile. on the time of her recent fire, Gilbert Mason. son of Mr. and' Monday. April 2lst, 1969. also thanks te Newcastle anc Mrs. Lawrence Masan of Bow- George Cherrington. aged 89,Orono firemen and Ontario manville. The marriage wilî years, belaved husband of ly "Proxvincial Police. 17-1 take place on Friday, May 16, Burns. dear father of George,! 1969 aI. 6:30 o'clock ln Timothy St'. Catharines; Edith. (Mrs.' We wish to' extend sincere Eaton M e in o r i a 1 Church, Wm. Mathiesan), C-anoe. Brit- thanks te aur many friends Toronto. 17-1 ish Columbia. Servire was and neighbours in Newtonville ______________held ln the Morris Funeral for cards. flowers, acts ol Fotcrig Chapel. Bowmianville. Tuesday! ides t thetue of OU] Marriage Mount Royal Cemetery, Mont- of a dear daughter and father- real, Wednesday afternoon. iin-lamw, Michele and Wilfrec Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- i 17-1 Cox. lop. Orono, take pleasure ln!I- The Cox Family. 17-1* announcing the forthcoming____ marriage of their eldest daugh- COwAN. Mrs. O. W. (Hazel) ter Dorothy Anne, te Mr. Bruce~ Entered int.o rest April 19th.' .I would like to express my John Mercer, only son of Mn. 1969. at the Oshawa General; sincere appreciation te rla- and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, Orono. Hospital. Mrs. 0. W. Cowan,1 tives and friends for flowers, will take place, (formerly Hazel Cooper) in ,gifts and cards during my, SQurday. May 31. 1969 at ber 70th year. Beloved %vife stay in i'ospital. A special 31!.m. in Orono United Cburch. of the late Oswald W. Cowan., thanks teo Dr. H. B. Rundle, -~1'7-1* beloved mother of DMargaret' Dr. D. M. Sproull and Dr. (Mrs. J. Connolev., Chatham. Cunningham, nurses and staff DEADLINE FOR (LASSUFIEDI Tu.sday, 4:30 p.. ComingEvents Coming Events -Articlesfor Sale Articles for Sale Work Wcmted Work Wanted- IF1sh and chips, ail you .an Anyone wishing ta go to WATER for sale and delivered. RASPBERRY canes. Phone WOMAN desires llght bouse- A. BA AR S r' eat, every Saturday niglit at Yorkdale Plaza or downtown Cal Ouf Pethick, 623-2313. 723-8328. 17-1*I keeping. Telephone 987-4364 s Th Aces, 9c.5-t Phone 885-2527 Port Hope. JH ER 1,46hus hoIne 623-5069. __p_176-1Plumnbing & Heating -Rummage Sale, St. Joh' ornoJOnaApi 8 HN,' __________________3 hon-tf23-069. 16-1;MAN with 3/4ton truck will doPoe6372 -Junior Auxiliary, Friday e-Rw rvlAec. 1- Phone 986-4696, *Blackstock. jKA--iao n-d- moving jobs, trash removed, 39 Neluon St.. Bowmauviiie ening, 6-9 p.m., April 25. ln Cartwright High School after 6. -1741* diionhon 786-2289, New dd jobs. Phone 623-7628. j-____________ Parsh all 1~I*AnnalAt omeDaceFr1 HY and straw, good quallty tonvilie. 17.1---- 16-13 LA TN A D LÔs-t Heirand -Euchre -Party day, April 25, 9 p.m.. Recrea- mixed hay. L. HalIowell, -BOYS'-24"-a-n-d--2-6" bicycles -EXPERIENCED R.N.A. nurse A M N * oiaCommunity Hall, Sat' tion Centre, Blackstock. Music 786-2468. __ 15-3 -losdwî iyl.Cî with light office and typing, AR E rurday. April 26. Ladies please by the Ambassadors. Admis- ---- ieda, 0ebae 63-42.itbefrecponsI-G R E SRVC r; rîn crdsandî~h 1-1sion $3.50 per couple. Every- 1GOOD 71 suitable or0receptîon2t3-5n-7SERVIC ____one________ ____16-2_M. oes Nw'vlPoeGEORGE White 21-tooth culti- lices. Phone 6231-7187. 17-1 al6373 91Country and Western Dance. on ecme 6 ý786-2518. 17-l'vator on rubber. Telephone dustrial or In-tFREtional serv 1Bowmanville Badminton Hl. ATTENTION-WESTERN-sad-dle,--likenew, -Hampton_263-2185ý. 17-1 ýBOWTMANVILLE FINE FRIDGESTIMDSAES Saturday, April 26, $2.50 per used one summer. Telephone TiEEP manýure, well rotted. TrTIN RDG Icouple; featurlng Val Babich, HOUSE'WIVES 1 98.3-5854 Orono. 17-1 By bushel or truckload, picked A UTO.. BODY and the Country Troubadours.!' j----C 17-1 Bownianville Kinsmeni Club DRIED shelled corn. Phone Up at farm. 623-5817. 16-4 P oe6371 Bob Carruthers, 623-5485 for TORhomnerilr,23ep-4,4 SPTCSE VC Enniskillen C.G-.I-.T.sponsýors are planning their pickupor delivery. ___ TOpR o e trer, e e ox. 41.350. _SERVIC Ba. ary2sh8ppers Concet r-2 nua TDEBA.KER nervice, new Phone Orono 983-5974. 17-1 FO D P R S Fast and Efficient Servie day My 2 8p.. Auis'AUCTIONS L and used parts.FGrRam'PARTC , $1.00, children under 14, 50e SSALE ha 'LC our&htoRa altines - Telephone Reserve tickets from C.G.1.T. atrda , ay 0 Garage, 416-263-2233. 43tf, minion piano, good working' Repairs te ail types et vehicles 12~o r7319 rmmbers. 17-1* SLA~,~' ~ YOUNG man's suit and coat,! condition. best offer. 623-241250 2or73 79 -~PnySl. audyMy1969i size 36: girls' coats, sizes 10, 17-i Ray Gibbs Sunoco 15-____ ___ i3rd in Kendal School Audi- Aiiyone having used appli-'12, teen 12. Phone 623-3062. îPTTOS N.Ismall.ècx-,ý 181 KING E O- torium by W.1. A lovely Co-lances. dishes, furniture, cloth- 177*1cellent for seed; 2 boys' bi phono 623-3503, Bowmanvill et~ *IoilLayqit n ayIng. toys, bicycles, etc. telOD mixed hay, 40e bale,'cycles, 28". Phone 623-2847.i tflrck & Sone W r worthwhile articles. Start tick- wiht oaet hswortby 1100 or more delivered. Car-. 17-2* NecatlLinsDace St-Cystie Fibrosis, please contact: 9835769. 172* automatic .«22 rifle, i-p d PT R OCS ieLace urdy, April 26. 9 p.m., Com-BiSlht -- 2-36 BUYING or selling furniture race'r. After 6, Paul or John. CONSTRUCTIONAYER ymunity Hall. Music by Royal' or 623-3740 or appliances. eall Eler 623-5734. 17-1* Brick - Block - Stone XODBRCLYR il mbasadrs.Spot prizes and 1 Wayne Thertell 623-7409 Hamp ton: business 263-2294, 1SED washer parts, motors, Frpae lucky draws. Bar privileges.1 17-1 _1 i-b PHONE ORONO 983-5609 $4.0 ercople 1-1 -~- residence 263-2695. 11 tSimiplicity, Thor and Moffa Phone 623-27563 t r ~~We Invite yen te cone, bring NEW 40 ft. heavy duty IV 1 appliances, nationally adver-! Nash Rd., R.R. 3, Bowmanville -Mrs. Breta Giies, Bethany. Ont.; Carl C. Flintoff. Elit fSricl~ona eorllshop Variety Prgrmmeln$4895amiIy and sce the Mrke, ampon 26-241 wtshes ta announce the forth- Lake; Shirley (Mns. Harvey'i Hospital for their wonderfuslenUnPd rog rein BIG SENSATIONAL cd, $17.00. Phone 623-006 42-tf R. caming marriage of ber daugh- BetnWnsrOnai.!ce A Rhrd.11*day. April 25 at 8 p.m. Adults COUNTRY ____ ter Faye Marlene, ta Allan grandmother of 14 gzrandchild- $d ihrs 71 ~.00, students 50c. Home --- j FEED corn, ail types, ground ALTI ren, isterof CT rleyClif and SAILBOAT. 9'Llghtningi cob meal. bigh moisture or dry James Horner, son of Mrs. j O sser Co.han r maey Cîiff tand' - - r anv' baking, refreshments. 17-14*B RI class, dacron salIs with spin- shelled, also silage, can be de- 0R1thCoperoOrno: rofW' wi'h t thak ar and -; th aeM.c Horner ofPoTypeoan (Mrs. M. Brooksý. Picton. Ont , relatives and fiends for their, SUNNYSIDE PARK FROMI STIRLING. ONT. naker. good condition, ideal for livered or pîcked up a t Brow- the lagtewMn. JakHer.lacelnjack and Perry Coop r saats of kindness and deepest O SEUIG 25,000 people have seen theaigo aiybaicuesjve as ecsl.Cl niriaewiltaeplc i ' TbServdea'us Oldi Tetv VîIrCtl trailer. Phone Bal:wmanville'987-4474. 8-tf. St. -Paul's Anglican Churchjw.Sriewshl b .'hOietsmptyepesdN t rginal renalaey Country j623-247. P17-I B 7 Sat0urda)Uite', May l-1 1 e2 h f ou rson, brother and:7:.45 CCrneETto -- model home: adrotons (trade-ins), 40, â0 j - --~ Our sincere thanks..E AN1oor Pvlo French Provincial chesterfield, and 60 foot structures;alij r.adMs odnWlo;CULLEN -At 'Memnonial Hos-i Douglas and Hazel HanryEnighARN Ith matching chair, dining! excellent condition. Oshawa Bow.manville. wish 1.0 an-i pital. Rowmanville. an Tues-.!itrCthnngadprn'SO unl. pril 2ZI; room suite, stenco and TV, TV Supply Limited, 723-8131. nounice the fothcoming miar- day. April 22nd. 1969. ,Joseph Mnýï. and Mns. Russell White. 6t 8:30 P.M. i ofean n ale,7p-c-___ ___ -tf rit e of their only daughter' Culien. gd8 er.blvd1- odiwCmuiyCnr'SellGetSa RD dinette suite and many other CASE tracter, Model VA; In- DÇnna Mary. ta Bruce Lloyd bushand of the laie MargaretM NTRUjtebidsne tm.Allk e.7837.traini2fno lR Richards, son of Mn. and Mrs.1 Ann Giosten. dpan father of' wr aexrs ya- ~jMKNA -t' 1 plow: 24" electric range. al nb Llbyd Richards, R.R. .5, Bow- Mary (Mns. Wm. Ward andr arltvs nins etM na fromn CRC Don Messer Jubilee PIONEER bran-d sced -coin is'i goad condition; 800 large bales. nianville. The wcdding wilj Clarene Ptraru1 To-precîation e eatve..1 and ex onayi Sing-Out Jubilee, plusi tested for seed strength ln cold 1dcean stnaw. Phone Harvel take place Saturday. May e, a nCeci],teroohaw;Thm-in and neighhoî's for gifts. flow-I 7:45 P.M. aerfena tTetVie'wt aia atmeaueo eri 2-72 7l~ 199 t4 .m n t.PulsWhitby; Joseph. R.R. 6, Bow- esadcrd etto edr R' 48 degrees. For hbrids with,WEKN- Ufiited Church, Bowmnanville, mvlle tn tteMr ing my stay in Memanial Hos-1 fEDI BARN netirs Adsio -;WEKN Speciai! Colonial! Ontarlo 17-i i FunRinha el.-aManpt]eAr-hnsaPv G WAEtrtîes dmsin-PLENTY 0F HUSTLE and 2-piece chcstenfields, $134.50,1 vile ntl brsav .W ard. Drs. Keith Sleman and' 6-t! dla$,0- hlrn7eBG ILS ln irfoam rubber, zipperedcd - O Mr. nd Ms. VctorH Te.natilTh Hattimn nrlForsad nnit ... ICOIAHLDYAl tickets nt the door this spning. Edwin Ruthx'cn, I~insaIpctrsaîpnc. j mrnng Mkîs.2 nu . rse nd taff an .17-1 Wclcame 753-2281._ Ži Ïurpiiy Furnitune. 47 King, 17 i Cutting, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 'Homne.Bancroft. Requi0ým Mass Mn'WeekrkAsoitinend et.Pon-23381 --* arc picased ta annaunce the in St. lgnatius Roman Cathalir MmoiaePrkAsocato Specials ROWE TOURS D & R SPORTS jWetPoe6378. 71* engagement nf their onlyiChunch, Maynooth. Fridav at: and the Senior Citizens. teECRE 7Kng S.WBwnnil CAMPER tops for trucks. I claughter Joanne Laurel, e. 1 i In ar.Interment St. Ignatu rs os ok-1-1t __RED6 K t.WBomnv elightwcight aluminuni, weldcd __ Johannes Ance (Hans) Roden- Cemetery. 17-1 oie Boston CANADIAN ROOKIES I Phone 623-3421 i consttruction go r a d d e d.j bungh. son of Mn. and Mrs.Noie WESTERN UINITED STATES' stren gth. as 10w as $255. Vill- Peter Radenburgh of Oshawa.-AMY Hopî.ht-Efcie av rdRy' aise and CALGARY STAMPEDE' FULL LINE OF age Sales & Rentais. Janetville. The marriage will take place, MYN-I Hsitl Cit fetieMa r. au June 28 - July 19 - 22 Days 'O TN-((~~~ Caîl 324-2050 1Manday ta Sat- on Saturday. May 24, 1969 atb ,o ensaArlIt.Bre hp atpo.wl ~~Lali EASTERN CANADA, GASP E ~ " urday. - 16- 2 2:30 p.m. In Courtice United 1.96.9. Rupert G. Haml'n. aged be closed Satuirday nights., 13-tf 1;uc.1-!81 years. beloved husband- or Hours open: Mon. 6:30 p.m. tae My o1 and NEWFOUNDLAND '____-- NEW sump pumps. 837.75: ___________ ______Ethel Sanderson. 69 Division 9 prn., Tues. 6:30 p.m. t.e 9 Tours are priced front as low! vl 28 - Aug. 17 - 21 Days SOUTHWESTERN I laundry pumps. Beatty, Jacuz In Memori= Street. Bowmpniile. Service p.rn., Wed. 9 arn. ta 9 p.m. as $4600 per person ATLANTIC CITY and PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ýzi and Dura water systenis, iPb<i eLDREAD.--In îoving me-IjChape]. Bowmanvilie. onF-'Pesnwhiterpa, For Brochure contact Aug. 2 - 10 - 9 Days ýR- aerPoofinConatinotwacr-ank, pumb ryofar en at 2 o'ciock. Tinterment have attended Christadlha KT MOOSONEE TOUR I .RSELRHE i SPIipsadfitns Hne mroforda ahr.aepan i ý 1 T. RUSSELL i AH B FPartner. Orono 9831-5206. 17-4' *,thew, who passcd away Bowmanville Cemetcry. 17-1 Sunday S hools and who bave ýJvUoaRcaAND LOV____ -IBar 2b~ri1 24th. 1942. t --lost contact with the Chrlsta- RVLA EC 071 8-4Dy hn 2-77GL lb, custmmd a presen er x-nnear 1us, ROWE FdnaVraA M-deiphians are askcd ta contact --KiRA t.EAst Bwmnvll' EICNTOR 25 Prince St. - Bewntanville tai] man, anc Inch langer thanj -Your love remains with us5 maniai Hospital,, Leonard Cook. BowavIe 9Kn t at owmanville Sept. 12 - Oct. 2nd - 21 Days ___ 12-71j standard clubs, Power Pact' yct, o od" Apnil 21. 1969 Ont.. R.R. 2. Phone 725-0120., Poe 2-3182 lcudn Acapulco, Mexico 1 bv Campbell, Icather grips,l luwcre the kind of a dad EdaVaMonbeod if__1313 City, Taxco, Cuernavaca, j very good condition, with Slazj i~ou ovdons oldnye1of W, Harry Rnwp, Onono; ~ Shrlne of Guadalupe . Office Furniture C.jegrbg lh ad 4.0 forget. dear mother of Dorothv <Mrg. riying iDutcnman Pyramldsj copee One ncw set of _ _._ýEver remembencd by the sî P omnii.T tend TrvlAroniind Rentai - Lease - Purchasel CampeliPwr ae'cus finl.1-,San Payne), BwG F vllCROSS 'codiioe Plans mcn's. right hand, list $105.00.1 ~n1.17- and Betty (Mrs. J. W.*Cory-G U LF REDCRS VOLUTRiizmý Washromr Motorcoach WTWL-I nig ell. London, Ont.. ln 1SrhceCnrr RD O OR FrInomain oaov ous829.95 - camplete set. $i25.00. i THEL-l lvigme-I "car. Prixate funeral tram i Pho etr LODD N R o nfeato te NEWCtorsSTLEn -475aNTARI49O0;la Dycat f u da nohr nk Barlow Phnoor rie NEWASHo-meTAOTerms available on these clubs.! LOAI rYndote O ' the aayOrn uncaýArl 4Hm,,Car XVash $1,00 CLINIC R' E12-t jApply Ken's Men's Wear, 35 SaM Sy2, 1964. lat Il arn. Interment Orno Tlp. 623-2651 ORNWYRNVTDTmeac t 7l te left us quictly, ber1 Cetrv 17-I 4tiW dedy a 1 TA E G N Y BSM N ET tugtun-nown. -ece' eehn 4t ensaMy7TAE GNY ASE ETDPT SRNG SPECIALS 2- thoughs un- 35A Bloontagrove Ave.j 7%,She left. a mrnmorv we arre i Bownianville Public Seboola 1:20 p.m. - 4:30 p.rnt. PotHoe88-52S NOW OPEN Al Stringa 10% OFF per set: 623-51 proud te own. nHIIS-tMmoilHs :0pn.-90 LPr Hp 8-57ýCmel n e u e treasure ber Lord ln youn pItl, Bowmanvilîe. on Wed- .nRegistration of .0Pfi .0pm 17-4',en badse u ekly! Gibson - Black Diarnond' ~- ganden of rest. nesday. Apnil 23, 1969, Beatnice. T-i1__ bargain basentent specials:j Martin -Fender 1 or when on canth she was jAlberta Thomnas, aged 96 vcar5z. Pupils f or .Lilons Centre ELSIE F. DRYGATA,j Mapes Critereon one of the bs. wf ftelt ila Bowmanville A.R.C.T., R.M.T., Chidres ioes 1 CHILDREN'S RECORD, 8e0O ~.mLovingly nemcetered and Thfeoa.daf mt of Rex'. iindergarten 1- n ',o oAlil Other Albums tdly missed by snDavidi W. L. TIhomas, Ottawa: Renqa 7-2 an $.9->s $3.99-u10%to15%OF rce and familles. 1-*IM Brown, Toronto, Nellie B. ThOSSeistatin wlI ak __ '-~Spencer, Newcastle; Fred 1. place the week ef COLMER TOURS ARSS . METF LLOYD ELLIS HOLROYD'S 'Wh BUJRNS-In loving meov Thomas. 'Bowmanville. Resi- ~ ~ nPreal sotdARCT.RMT mem~ 0f ±vîays to SH ES RECRD & M SIC K dean busband and fahrlng at the Morris Funeral M y5t present H E IEID UI Lrntell Bunns. who passed i Chanel. Bowman ville. for serv-'A rtCeifceshwn Washingqton D.C. ASRN 49 King St. W. Bowmanville1 SUPPLIES 'Ay pnl2.1963. ice "on Fniday at 2 no'cîock. In iABiA Crifct soin.9-f28DvsinStBonaiil Sai isdand ever re- j terment St. Georges Cemeter'.-. child's date of birth la requlred May 1y - 19 9-tfl28 Divison-St., B____ ;7&mbe red by xife Norma ndj Newcastle. In Iliu0f flower3freah-il tthttFe ESIVAL tJ O'VROPhnF2-79 I ~ilden hana an En!. Idonations te Ontario Heart Birth Certifîcates for child- WsenTu UI A NM W R asfrSl 17.11 F'aurdation would be appreci -ren born in Ontario may be muiLA NM W R _:__CrfoSaeP ~EEHAM1n ovigni-~<~..- - 17-1 obtained hy forwarding lu- Set Calgary Stampede featuring :16 ATBAK Msag &EENHAM-In oving me-;formation (parents' place of;, and Yellowstoe Park Brlggs & Stratton and 196FS-AKMsag Mony of a husband. ThtuatF.C. irtli) îaid $2.00 to Registrar Jl 6-2 OSHAWA Power Products Engines i1289 GT, ned. Phone 623-3954.! aed grandfather, C h anrle s!A iGoneo udx.Anl(encral of Ontario, 70 Lom- I FSIA NES.Aise Eiectrlci1e1Ml 4W-cenbam. wvha passed awayiqr0 1969, Tam Westover ofi121 bard St., Toronto. ' NwEaadM. J. HOBBS '-ALNWI TC 1964 PONTIACItwo-doon, six'PO Apnil 23, 1966. ' High Street, Bowrnanviîle. inla parents do not nowv have SCHOOL CHOIRS i cylinder. autamatie. Good con-- Isome you may be fongotten,1 his 48th vear. Belnved hsuch proaf of age, it should he' and CAPE COD W evc htW eldto.Poe6379.1- :ro others a part of the past, h"dfMa np.da M!i2'e' withoiît delay. 15-3 g RTC uswh lvd ndistyot father of Mns. G. Rrown vj SOUFTH SCHOOL, CHOIR ~Ie teig oc rks - ~Your mcmony will al'.vaysi Cath.Ms .Nnesn.-U'u' 2-lifrrirT 1 MR. KLEMI HAMBOURt I engine. Asklng $1.600. Phone GE:1 t.. laI.(Anne). .J0 h ni. Rosenianie.-~T -.jEve rmerbped y wfeCh"î d ian R~îe MALE rdng, blonde Retniever s Con6ert Vielinist 1623-7004. 1 7-l-, -.q,.E-,-e rernembprd by Chnd otheandnDind. gucateartt 1t1 85 King St. W. Bowmanville:- bbel and famiîy. 17-1 the Nothruft lîjoît Funeral tpe'f, ound North-East B. , . Phono6 623-3134 otd.gustarisr '4000NmIleCf Parisqiped,4- ~{RED-In -Home Funeral 5zerx jr'e ý For information Phone ADMISSION - S1.0015IdoradtpbstffrTe- ME-nlovine n'emarý' Of held At 2 oalock phonei-î.62e3-3609em.ur1men-fo a0icar wife and mother. Emlilv aftcrnoon Ir'ner- adt Phone 987-4465 New- 623-3265 orphn 623-3609. j, a rd---- _ Srd h asdaa atlie.__ 17-1 y,1967 ','-TON Ford witb camp-i maInel Shncd. vho p1scd j _______ - i1 9 x1 rn e .~nl27. 1961. _i_ -_-__ - - ---- -- COLMER 8 P.Mi. x 1s- rnd NoW rsen, sieeps 4. 20,000 miles; four! iempty placen anc cao nF w1sj .omng Events 'r7xx1TSRVC Asre Clusbrand new tires. 82,500.00.! filj ____ .[TRAVL SERVICEOO0 1IPhone 983-9)119. 17-1~ vWO~~~~ mis yoCMa ad jPla taatens T ornthit-, Bowmanville Town Hall 1 1957 BUICK Super, 8 cylinderj aiwavs wiii:I F L O W E R S T'c d hurch W les orsyi 16-2 1- HALL RUNNERS, 89e nun. ft. autormatic pa o w e r stecring '~tee as'tathngta bgi TA 1 M~ hool, Friday. May 9. 2:30 -'--__--- - Cnetetaodlht: pover brakes, radio. Askingi or on mall. B Y J1 %.C .ti *s'Co7-3nts,%ofiamode[, home 1$150 or any reasonable offer.i& MI Yo odnttyado FOR ALL OCCASIONS An"" e Isj g te go -_O- Phone 623-3687 aften 5 pm. us ail. :ojAyn isigt o1 and End Tables, Dlnlng-room. 17-1 .-..Aîways remembcrcd by hus-ar Falîs and district' hgdRbet auhe DIyýPhone623-3365 SudagaMyra .ESCORTEDMOTOR COACH TOURS SitsDîettes and ether --- - jRe;â Mà"mnla Roet. dgrDa ls Kn ehonesom-2.2-. nday, Maveth articles. jPt Fr ~'-n-awLae nd gn-I12Kn t, E.. Bovmant-illephn88-27 oerve Fer the Summer Season wlth ___ - idrn 7l 5tAgn.PatHoe. ---_ _ _ _ _ _TOURS HOUES : 12 NOON te 9 P.M. f TO? 'Pomneranian puppies; anc 1 * _______ _____ - rhartered BUS te Niagara TREN'1'MAY toTOURepppS$7.Cad *EWART-In !ovin n er ' TT Fails and Rochester. Victoria' E LM E R' Kennels, R.R. i, Ennlskillen. a dean busband and fathen.! VAN BELLE WVeckend. MaY 16-19. For* CALGART %TAMPEDE, CANADIAN ROCKIES and Phone 263-2997. 17-1 bet h. 1966. aayApi rerervatinns Phonie or write YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK 23BorS.E BEAUTIFUL Geman Shep-, ,r 1h9p66 dawy.pi GARDENS Row e Travel Agency. 885-2527. Twenty-one day. JULY 3o te JULY 20 Oshawa bond pups, purebrcd, black and' -mRemembered and stily mniss. LO ERSH PoPrt Hope. 17-3sivradbck $35 and $45.'P eq by Alice and family. 17-1 * CANA DIAN ROCRIES and YELLOWSTONE 728-34731Phn26-801711rI PHONE 62.1-5757 1 iViNSTELflBINGO NATIONAL PARK - - 15t'-GOOD NEIGBOURS1 V"RO-ln laving memary of No. 2 Righu'ay TRI'RSDAY NIGHT, 8 'clock' (For BÉ.dear grandson and nephew.1 West of Bowmanvilie Sponored hy the Junior Twenty-ene day. lUNE 30 te JULY 20 SEED GRAIN Purcbred black Germnani Wtott Vano. who passed away aeriArngmns Chamber of Commerce * MARITIMES and CAPE BRETON ISLAND Top Quality ln Best Varieties missing froni faa'm sIncejQ JUB14E 26. 1967.en ay UL 1 e UG Thursday. i7th. If obsorved'i ~er remembened by Grand- *Hospital Arrangements 0 8 a A W AILlONFiaise dayEPT.Y1 te AEPT. 2Qt laePoe2386. 1- Hupre.Ant*i$e Wedding Arrangements OHWA 8tfas0SP..3taSP.177-1:__________ bceDnand family 17*i .For ccasion The Hydro Show- Qulck CT n E OKCT Garry - Keley - Rodney TL kceDn171Tricks with Electrical Appli- ATLANTIC CIULYand te YORLYC2T Russell - Stormont Livestock For Sale 1 DKlV Deiivery te: ances. will be showui on May - Seven day. GOLDENP21omtnostallion *A Las--ting Tribuite O.saBwln 1e Oeolt 7-45pnm.i t. A~n4~*NWEGLM u AECDFLAG et aly adnoia w-1GOLEfo ericeoc $50. - 9 Mount Lawn S>4emorial Park koe~eMemorlals 723-2M3 RecdPtion .7 Mr. and li. Adamt Sharp Ennidkllen. wili 1]w ploaed recelve rla#mv and trtmidb At their hoMo. on SatupMY, a 3rtI fr= s2-4 p.m- 'anc* 7-0 00n mtbo,,caston of thetr "aaand DIaoaict Aosocia- tion for Retarded Children j Monthly bMeeting wllI b. held ion Monday, April 28 at Glen- holme Traninng Centre. 39 Fer cm. Wellington St. E.. Oshawa. 4,Tr urterInformation call JURY ' Ohawa -Andiy Van uth. St 725-7267; Bownianville - .Gary - coo" 4234, JDAY SPECIALS KOOlSONZE er QUEDEC CITY AUG. I t. 4 Sgpe tinermnteset Ail Tour, C LOVELLTRAVEL AC phono 628-311 ECntaet 'ENCY 1 o oh983-526.R2,On, rheat Yleld ln Competition 1 P ochrane.5RR. 2, -1 Aç CE EM R oo -WESTERN and Ontario Col FARvISThursday. (anytime byaP- FARMS pointment). Ivan Johnson, Phon 62-710 tSouth Monaghan, Bailleboro, BO WMAN VILLE, ONT. Port Hope on Highway 28, 2fiLai LALPH STENDER SEPTIC BEDS TERATIONS - ADDITIONS' LTPSECVTN AND REPAIRSSndadG ve FreeEstiatesaIso BARNYARD MANURF PHONE HAMPTON for sale, deiivered. Phone 263-2942 'Payne Construction 17-tf NE WTON VILLE FRANK BRINK 786-2512 Trenching DICK KNOCKER SEPTIC TANK AND SON INSTALLATION ,R. 6, BROWMANVILLE Paving Contractors NO SUNDAY CALLS 623-7201 -' wer:în.-- E ing Vilson & Vowles W124 SsExvt. n [ATING SPECIALISTS 12 ElginSt E. Oi and Gas Installations jOshawa 723-2132 Plumnbing Repairs Industriai - Commercial Liberty St. N., Bewmanville Resîdential Phone 623-7591 DRIVEWAY PAVING 6-tf Free Entimates 13-S SEPTIC TANK Let IJs Build Yen a PUMPINGDREAM HOUSE PUMPINGChoose from our selection e« we wIll build trom, jour plans ERT TOMPKINS on your lot. . . or W. can supply fuily serviced N.II.A. ie Newtonville 786-2552 ýapproved lots et beautifal - C~ICo~c~ 7teParkway Crescent 'RAY PAINTING SUR-Dl VISION ,- Heu ses - Garages, Etc. Liberty St. 9, - Bowmanvilit Aise jLow Down Payment ;ENERAL CARPENTRY Balance en convenient N.H.A., Repairs Ternms at only "e, Interest Phone 623-3984 D. BEERS 14-tf Phono 023-2261,BowmsnvMli ACKERMAN LawniMower EXCAVATING and Small Engine DMING - TRENCHING Tue- nd, Gravel, Tep Soil gi uep Fi11 Dellre leour WATER SERVICEj and Repairs Reasonable Rates W ilpc u n eie 5756 . BOWXANVILLE ewl pc pan eie your mower In town REUPHOLSTER CALL NOW r<>R CHESTERFIELD BOB STOCKER'S CHAIRS - Free Entimate GAAG 623-5252 Corner 153 King and 21 Brown hyte's Upholstery Phone 623-5804 King Si. E - flowmanvfle153 32-tf________________ 'ACK BURGESS Wanted DURNRS -FURNCESGOOD alfalfa or clover hay to BURNRS -FURNCESbe delivered. Allan MacklIn CLEANED 263-2684. 17-1 PLUMBING REPAIES ----- --- -- PHONE HAMPTON Dead or Crippled 263-2151 Farm Stock 1Address: Box 43 - Bowmanville' PICKED UIP PROMPTLV 30-tl' Telephone Colleet 263-2721 DOUBLE"'D" Margwill Fur Farm BUILDERS Licence No. 204-C-69 ,NERAL CONTRACTORS Wanted to Rent and RENOVATIONS i________ DOUG MEEKSwîi or witbout building3. 623-7496 Phono 728-7218. 40-4f )AVF NANCEKIEVILL WOr three bedroomn house in Bowmanvillc by June Ist. 623-3729 Phone 1-983-5479. 17-1 BO WMAN VILLE j ~ uîdsr os 1l7-4 YOUNGcopedsr ue ln country, within 10 miles of GENERAL Bowmanville. Ne chfldren nef- erences. Call 983-5225 atter 5. WELDING 1__ __ 16-tf IECHANICAL SERVICES W orte bdom house ,lnth vcintyofBowman- Mobile Equipntent ville or surrounding area by pair% and Fabrication ef June lst. Phono 987-4793, r and lndu.trIi Machlnery Newcastle. 10-2 TRAILER NITCHES Sold and Installed Notice to Creditorf 263-8818 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 9-12' AND OTHERS -IN THEESTATE 0F HARRY B Y A M JOHN HOBES. ALL PERSONS having dlaims LUMBING & HEATING agains. the Estate et Harry SALES & SERVICE John Hobb, late of the Village ornerly Darne, & Byam) of Nwastle, ln the Cnunty 24-HOUR of Durham. who died on or about the 10,th day of Sep- il Burner Service tembor 1968. are required to SEPTIC TANKS AND file proof t]hereot with the LE DEDI - PHONE undrsigied solicitor for the HAMPTN 2632288 Executix on or before the HAMPTN 2632288 th day of May 1969, after TYRONE 213-286 which date the assets et the 15-tf Estate will be distributed, hav- - -ing regard only ta the claimsn RefnigercLtîon of which the said Solicitor and shall thon have had notice ehrein. piance Service DATED nt Newcastle, On- nmeclal adDeuge tario thi. l7th day of April giferatbon - 1111h C"eie 1969. Phone BERT @VR E. R. Lovekin, Days. - 123874 Barrister & Solicitor+ Nighta *423-3117 Box 9. nder Hardware ,.,~, .~4* I V 4 Solicitor for thé

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