Thie Canadian 8tatesynan. Bourmanvllle. Apr. 23. lPA9OPNIILh -L'nrr fS I i mith waiw awarded her Pro ,W viIa honors; Betty A n @rhm *'a «a oule onr fr insmen Club 4Morton and Wendy Preston otn receiveci certIf Ica tes for I i .69 Canadian Grand Prix Rea U N' ~~Peterborough, were get Cornes to Mos port Sept. 21 Pbllhi:Mr: Of 98 iases r Mosport Park will be the big race and the total purse but when this projed. Va.à, Mred Wirista nd lisMr. isase'-eso dite Of the 1969 Caniadian is valued at $152.000.a àle new venue had to Palmer repreaented theth- sien and mmpo, r >mea Grand Prix. on Sunday, Sep- The official announ<rerent., be 'selected. anY Ladies Orange Lodge ut listed in order of eaec ~mber 21, when the world'll; as made bv ]an W. Mirraý,, Although the choice of Mo-,the meeting of The Grand In the ftint three r kËp Formula I-drivers will be ,ice-president of Imperial To--%port was not confirmcld and Ldehl tHldyIn hi er 8 ae aebe competlng for a slice nofthe barco. at the animal Penlensjofficiallv released r ntil lasti Petebrh. repHoidaoIn, ti mont.39acasf ~rgest purse in Canada's roc- Awards Dinner. held last veek< week. the prospects of such a':Peerbor uh Wmna erel wum nraei t~g car history, as \\-vit is for, at The Old Mill I ini Toronto. decision had heen hopefullv Agian Cuc oe' leewue toveted points ln their bld for Thit; 'eat*'s Canadian Gra id1discussed bv enthusiasus who 0 Meeting theicidrm o f rabist nad the world*s charn»ionship tille. Prix had bec i originally attended the Canadiaticn gM.C Colyo Pme' ma i we r an ab The Trnperial Tobarco Pro-. heidiiled for the proposed new Drivers' Association banquet:FloMrlC.nd, eof Perborou g ad b tes foou ~utsU iterd wi!! sponsoir (lpie akeslhot-e" track tToronto sainie weeks ago. F wra ues Peerboruth rAn- blaboratory glican Church Women'a meet- and oetefs. an boin ing on Thursday nlght ln St. Cavan Townihip. w r ~ U L I N APaul's Parish Hall. Mr. Crow- Clarke, and one eachtH1 *Church ervice \\-Ill be al slip service and rollection. and Mr.q. Crvdermn xlstc arrangementsansd gave num- Tuberculomk 10.30 a ni-. Dayhight Savinz, Mrs. Baker read about homes. Mr. Edgar TIho.-nton. M1i eIl mus hints on how ta pre- tfu 'istciia 0 'rime. schools and clathing lri China.' brook, on Sunday afternouiev utf esfr rogrprsn eevd ha - SoUris Scýhoor Cubmtrl Mrs. Lantzniaid read uls a storv! Mr. and Mrs. 1Iarry' Knox Iength of time. He presentd edry There eredf nwàae Nli's. ai and fmily wee Sunda sup- jMrs. Belle Smith with a white rpreadn Sealy. niur Dist rict liralth whoi didn't know what. ta doj per gucsts wilh Mir. and M rs. 1 orchid, which hie said had to or discharges f1msaa nqurse, showed the filmn strip with' hinself but. finallv decid- i Ros.7 Cryderman and farni1\. ý taken seven years to graw. toriu. en sex eilucation Presenîîv bc-e- d ta make kites for thie child-i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylr1 " The Kinsmen Club of Bowrnanville was double honored recently at the The speaker was introduced juin.zaîo g ued u shaa eholsren10 I' Weha a in-sang..j and hmrily w-ere dininer gtuests Zone C Spring Confet-ence held in Peterborough, Roy Woodward received the by' Mrs. Smith and tiianked Twenty-six clinics wr ý_hge als mentonedothe film 1-1t, o all e ha gaies abyonMrnd.YNeelth M.od. Mrheld, iny rsHeNlthWodUnitdonfficeh lahe als mict boned ahe ilm ato alw aines andosse 'r ueny tmr, amdpMo.: Zone Kinsman of the Yar award and Ralph Whyte was elected Deputy Gv Mrs. Keith Adams gave and inichools. At thee hr erhdch. or 8lteeandtl ta Te E e dms e Bldd ý rucendMnt. oerne Hanipton. rnor The presentation ceremony is shown here, from left to right, Deputy comments on the prograrn were 56 primary y cnain Vie indixidual counsellirir the Church an April il th. Wevisited friends lui GamcebridelGe rn r T<.d Reid <of Peterborough, Kin Woodward, Kin Whyte and Bowman- motta l'Oui lives are lke a and 165 re-vaccinain;2 purses try ta do %vitb teenage. opeoed aur- meeting wý,-th the 1and also visited cousins tri Pcf- xille's club Prcsidet Alex Wiseman. Zone C includes clubs from Whitby, flower". Mrs. NoeI Wood gave children cempleted h pr- boys and girls. Explorer Purpose faliowed bv feîliw on Stinday' Oshawa, Bow'manvillîe, Pott ope,*Cobaurg, Peterborough, Bancroft, Cardiff, a reading, "Directions Of ary series of Qujintqa r f rl n eddi scuss onu gt h t .h e -Explorer ExMo rfer ih. Na rm n ti so . nfel, M inden., Lindsay and Bob aygeon. O ver 30 m em bers of the local club w ere The ral cal was answered toriad vaci n 3 d ren- 0. more apt terni ta use for this! We had the minutes, rail calS . C. Wotten and famîîv. present for the conference. -McRobbie Photography 1by 16 memnbers and 14 gueSs inforcing tniad. type of education would be and busines.s. The rail calli Mr. and Mis. Paul Farthinq.. wt a sang titie which in- Public Health 1usn uýFamily Living"'. It xas alsa; was 1.3 present, and xx at you IErîc anîd Moniîca, spelîr the' MIrs. Leslie Evans, Mî-s. Leo J Ucluded the nome cf a flower. Home visits ta h adr telt thas, samewhere ln uicj did on Easteî weekend. We~ weekend al, their cottage on Raccat. Miss Esthier Mathe- 1 I Arrangements were mnd age group in the pplto Curriculum tue teenage pupîllhad the warship service and1 Buckhorn Lke. son, Oshawa. B E A N Yfo mmbsta sst d woud enfitfrm iscsson~ cllcton.KaenHane~, an Mrs. Orville Lunuii. Peter- Mr. and Mis. Sain Cari were Mr., and Mrs. Glenn Smith, bis mother, Mira. Belle Smith. cleaning the cburch once a mnonths. This yearntoy concerning the e ni a t i a ni a 1 ice Yellowlees and Calette Tay- borarigh, visited on Saturday - Sundi.. evcning visitais wÏth Gait, spent the weekend with Sy aiy setndd a montb. Mrs. John Palmer was are more visits beinï mdet thngs nd 1r ea astrS aou arierwith ber mother-. Mis. KatieiMr. and Mis. Il. Pasoe. Ms aodGenadfmî thanked for hier donation ef give nursingcaebtao hi c t hey face as mbtnnetg that floe. W ae e ar' a g ad Sunday -isitrs! Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Achievement Day for Needle- in the death o! her mother- a vacuum cleaner. more visits have 1en m d aduts Este bnntstha w wrewith Mis. Langmaid were Mi. veic Sîîndav supper guests r raft held in Part Hope on Sat- Mrs. Elizabeth Rusk, on April nPe worship service and ta give health supeisint Mrs. B. James thanked Mis. ta make anid Anniette Taylor and Mis. Arthr Rae. Mark- with Mt's. Hlilton Tink, Ebeni- urday, April1 19, was attended 15th.Tne funerai service was lunch was in charge cf Graup aider persans who ae11a Sealy for presenting this n- got the prize for the best bat. hani, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecillczcr. Ou Wcdnesdav . eveninigiby oui local girls. their lead- held from the Rasa Funera] One. home. The registerdnse formation ta ris. We then had games and were Pascoe, Oshawa. imr. aud Mis. 'finis wcie srîp- ers sud several parents. Ohapel in Part Hope on Wed-l Mis. Belle Smith conducted On staff share in tisata Solina School Cluîb membeisi; dismissed. Annette and Coi- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wcst.-lper guesis wxitiî Mc r. nd Mis.i lit the afternoon 15 ai' the nesday, wîth burial in Bow-acoeswihwswnbytergam fhmeistg. i t be l a I n i ng rr e ac the e te T or p e r-vic hargn v e la e G rdon.Sh vir y s d B " e B a s a ag îoup presented a very hiu - m ant n C em etery. M s. Earl M Q uaid . w ho re- Each registexed n rs1h ~~~~rith~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fil a nJîe h osi evc.PnyKvnwî ud evenliing Rev. aud Mi-î. Frcd Reed, ororîs aud entertaining skît en- Miceived one of the floral cen- some regular visits wihae On March 28th the ExpIai .lanies and Faye. langmaid diniier guests with Mr. ard, Suodccland, ivere receut sup- titicd "Lets Get Ready ta Em- M. and Mis. Norman Neals-, trepieces created by Mi. rmuch appreciated by h I- raopened their meeting with i were ln charge ai' the Pro-;ilMis. Farewell biackbuin, Sal-l per giues w ýith Mr. aud Mrs. broider- which was well re- Elmvale, visited with Mr. and Crowiey as hier prize. Other er persan who mayhaevr theExpore Pîrpse ollxvd gamm. m. We,ýl-N Hilis sud tfamil .. ceived bv' the audience and.,i.RoaCrrdrng the floral arrangements were pie- few other visitera uin h by the Explorer Motta after I A speedy recoveiy la wish-1 On Satuiday evening Mr.1 Miss Pearl -Leach visitcd on; visiting Hlome Economista i weekOXd.snedtMi. ethAawntrm th.Tre er which we sang the Explorer ed for Mis. Harry Dimbîey and Mis. Frank Westlake visit. Sudav Nith Mr. aud Mis.' Jeuini fer Best and Carol Fifteen members a'tewf of the dt Rs etor Adates,08 iita cf ths Typ m Lmn. The minutes of the wbo undeiwent srrgery this ed Mis. Frank Moore aud Mis Riiý4cll Rabbiins, Bowmau-iIlie. Knox îcceived their Provincial Bethany Girls' 4-H Club at-j hîcadt r.Hrl nMrh Istnmeeting followed, then the 1maîning. Lee, Bowmanville. Sereal -sauds 01aisHurrs aigcmltec2tne cieeetDy~ honipsoand teoldesmemrdAinlemetr ïoil cati and business. The rol Sunday -visitai-s with Mi.' Mis. H. Brown, Kedion. Senflcalis ofmladity hamems, aklng cb whleIris1Pt ope oevnStrDay c-prs.orng tests were conduet-iome #aIl was 12 present. and "what and Mis. Everett Crydrrnanlstaying with ber ister, Mr. tjvc he des.4ert tca at Zian Kaczulab received her Caunty campanied by theiî- leadr MiE.LLae ucho-ein arito, admad ~2 enjoyed most of ail atiwere Mi. and Mis. Helmer adMs C ie O udvlai cucdvstcuo. 'ounts for baving completed Mrs. Glenn Preston and 1Mjrs Laniske.tNorwood, p -oied Prcin d ailton Tn armnv W ha te wr-j Feitg nd oy, Obaa. r.visitais with the Vices we*e- The 4-H1 Ilmemaking Club! six such units. Wie FalLs. Miss Norma musical entertainment.shsndiCoor.Ml- id& Durham mit Reprt -i brook and Port Hope adioolk A total of 502 tests weîa-ema4 1on beginners, grade 5. al, rsecondary students. Resu i indicated that four reteei jwere normal, and 19 defee- iwere stiti present. EBVirenmeutai lan itation andIFod Contre! As an initial step in ne. quainting eating establi. lment personnel with the op. eration and maintenance M. quirements under the RegQ lations respecting Food Pr. mises, meetings were held b% the public healts lnspectoJ4 throughout the United Couc. ties. mhe film, "Safe Fonc Handling" was shewn. a*f 1pertinent points were discua- sed. Sixteen meetings were held, which tht personnqi !was encouraged ta attend The number attending varied fromn area to area, and wýn infiuenced by the interest al those in charge cf the pie- mises. 1It is planned ta presen't such courses yeaniy. possiblî f longer duration. Considerà- tin wîll be given at thal time to issuing certificates tsi those attending. It is consid. ered to be essential thai, eventualiy, ail premises he -managed by personnel wl4a rhave been trained through recagnized instruction cour. ses or who have had acknoW... ledged experience. General Remarks We were pleased ta ha ve Mr$. Diane Rutherford ai Campbeilford return as pub- lic heath nurse ta the atari in Campbellfard office. Tbiq particula- office bas been very short of public heaith nuraing staff ail year. Mis. Rutherford wiil be working part time. iMrs. Elinore Guest. a regis. tered nurse living in Hamp- ton, has aiso jained the staff in the ]Bcwmanvilîe office. She will be doing a larger share ai' tbe nursing care visita in the Bowmanvîlîe dis- trict, as wehi as clinic and school work. Charlatte M. Horner, B.A.. M.D., D.P,H. Medical Officer of Heali and Drhctor- EVERY CAR MUST >BE SOLD BY SATURDAY, APRIL 26th Retuil Ail Sales Final * Wh olesale * D3elow CosI FuIIy Reconditioned Used Cars and Company Cars EVEN UNREASO-NABLE OFFERS ACEPTED HOURS 0F SALE: 2 p.m. to 7 p.-m. HERE ARE SOME SAMPLES:- THURS. - FR1.-m SAT. APRIL 24-125-126 1969 JAVELIN SST HARDTOP V-8 Power, Console, Radio, Plus much more. Lic. L32362. PREVTOUS PRICE $3780 1969 AMBASSADOR DPL HARDTOP V-8, Power, Autoînatic, Radio, Two-Tone, Much more. Lic. L29140. - - -- ------------- 3 8 1968 REBEL HARDTOP V-8, Automatic, Power, Radio, Vinyl Top, Much $28 more. Lic. L32245.------------- $2 8 1968 RAMBLER AMERICAN Automatic. Less than 4,000 miles. Lic. L7240.. - 1968 JAVEIIN HARDTOP V-8, Automatin, Power Steering, Radio. Lic. &3975ti. $1991 $2533 1987 AMBASSADOR 990 SEDAN V-8, Autoimatic, Power, Radio, and AMore. Lie. L2073. IS67 CHEVY II CLUB SEDAN Automatic. Lic. L35355. 1965 CHEVROLET SEDAN Automatic, Radio, etc. Lic. 3665611.- 1965 PONTIAC SEDAN Autoiatic, Radio, etc. Lic. 86657H. 1965 AMBASSADOR CONVERTIBLE V-8, Power, Automatic, Radio, and More. Lic.. 5.114J. 1965 AMBASSADOR SEDAN V-8, Automatic, Radio, and More. Lic. L.23i9 ------------------------------------ PREVIOUS PRIt E $1883 -$1366 $1290 -$998 .-.$1278 $1318 PREVIOUS PRICE 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DOOR HARDTOP V-8, Automatic, Power, Radio, and More.$19 L ic. L 34170 - ------------------------------- ---- 1 9 1964 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4-DOOR V-8, Automatic, Radio, etc. Lic. L34171. 1964 METEOR RIDEAU CUSTOM 1964 CORVAIR MONZA 900 Automatic, Radio, etc. Lic. L35110 -------------------- $884 1964 COMET CLUB SEDAN Automatic, Radio, etc. Lic. L20286.................--- -- 1964 AMBASSADOR HARDTOP V-8, Automatic, Power, Radio, etc. Lic. L35250. AND MANY, MANY MORE UNCLUDING 1963, 1962 MODELS NO DOWN PAYMENT 0 0AND A FEW OLDER - FINANCE MIN ON THE PREMISES LI, IIIs P TRENT 219 KING STle. AUTO SALES (1Blocks Ecast of Liberty Street) LIMITED BOWMANVILLE., 4 $1181 $876 $1190 Ail Sales Final