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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1969, p. 3

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VI C. Jeffery and memnbero et f large; Meinberbip, Mis. L. C. C L1A g*Srtowden, Mis. L. White mndi e eje S f t w r Reports frrncrnbers at large. Standing Committee Con- - y~~- venors: Agriculture and Can - adian Industries, Mrs. S. Je!- Women's Instiutues i fery, Mrs. E. Foley. Homeý Economics and Heaith. Mrs. BLACSTOC W.I rmolc W 1. K. Hopkins, Citîzenship andl BLACSTOK W.. MP'L GROE W I. Education, Mrs. C. Swallow;' ,The anuaimeetng f te' Te Anua Meeingof heiHistorical Research and Cur-J I'a nnual Wmeetsin o! the Thlen nel Metingo! he i-cInt Event.Mrs. G. Besse,' Bt~cstok Wmen' Intitte Wmens Istîtte as eM'Resolutions, Mrs. L. C. Snow-1 began wlth a deliclous pot luck on April l4th et 8pm.ithedn ditiner at 12:30 Wednesday, 'C. Er. Hall. 8_____n___'en Ab,nrlI 2nd. Mrs.lStephen Doyle report-, Followlng an enjoyable hou r cd o an executive meeting RBETHANT W. 1. tepresident opened the meet- the lth he Oe an -Of D'urham West District. The' Mrinuwtthe Odee ad a reaiitrit naii;t n The Bethany Women's In- Minues ererea. a rea Ditrit Anal s t bein1stitute were entertained ati demi of correspondence read Bowmanville ai the Salvationithe home cf the presîdent,i afid deait with lnciuding seAi-iiiy Hall on May 14t.h at, Mrs. Addison Scott, for their1 erai cards of thanka, a letter J9:15 a.m. Mrs. S. Doyle, Mis ana etngo od froin Law Chan Hlng of Hong H. Cryderman and Mrs. S.. nnul eeig n na Ritng, letton from Save the JefferY wiil be our delegates.1 twelynine mmesas Children Fund. Troasurer's There is te oe asale of at-wndthe icil aîlshowIg report waa given. Mrs. Stan- cles alt the noon hour and thein oldest piece of jewellery ford Van Camp neoaited on Maple Grove's ahane 15 at and giving iLs history. Fees th~e district executive meeting least $3 Worth cf goods. were aiso, paid for the ccming ayd announced the District Report% for the past year'yar Aannuai In Bowmanvillie, May wcno given by: Tneasurer's, yeear -rauerMs . lt.'A commlttee was ap- Mrs. W. Brown; AgricultureR.Scea-reuerMsT. p4itedt it o n Canedian Industries, Mis. . Jennings read the minutes' Metable at annual. N. Lea; Homo Economicsan and correspondence andth *Mrs Chs. mit prsidd Halth Mr. C Swllo; Cti-financial report, noting re-ý Mrs.Cha. Slth resdedHealh, rs.C. Sailw; iticeipts cf $344.48, expenses cf' fr'the annual part, and after zensbip ad Education, Mrs. $282.26 and balance on hand' dcarlng ail offices vacant S. Doyle, Histonical Research c $622.22. Special mention MrWs. K. Sameils was esked te and Cunrent Events, Mrs. C. waOf ccftecchepr eet s screanyandsherea Gnenhm; ubl ,,Rlatons, tis held at the homes f sev-ý These five members f the electrical inspection staff of Ontario Hydro 's tlO minutes of Apnil 1968 Mrs. G. Besse. GondNeigh- esral members during the win.j Bowmanville Area are shown wîth the safety award presented to the entire meeting. Treasurer, Socre- bons report by Mrs. F. Ste~- ter season, which hlad aug- 1 tay, Nomlnating COmmltteo yens showed that a total of mne h eepsb 15-o proso eit Aditrs Reors wremenedthereeips y $0,-jstaffof5 esnfr achieving 250,000 manthours without any lost time acci- resl ud tors'thereports oefe64 carda and one dozen yellow 5ý5. Mrs, Jennings aso repori dents. Holding the award is Mrs. Margaret Hartford. Looking on fi-m the left ieivd thnterprs i~roses for a 50th annivesary d 41 members during the are Chuck Dafoe, Reg Mouck, Jack Taylor and Bill Lauzon. ccmvenors Following are the of a member had been sent past year in which 10 meet- (naj olesfor 1969-70 which were i teHydror Mmerhpi psha ee eo;eih -o--- Injtalied by Mrs. Smith: Presi- andthespastioyear erwsi(O'ngaradoben heldphoght) donit. Mrs. H. Bailey; lst Vice- an eouin rpr aIrembers having perfect at- tn h raCovninl Président, Mrs. P. Van Camp;, Mrs. C .L. .Gr nham ws tetendance recordseaniothese §dVice-President. r.L.gnby MrsLL. .1Sowdn.were rewarded with giftsGu pAante etanndlee Engagement Tlompson; Secretary, Mrs. charge of the election of offi-i. eetdb rs alWa ae K~nnth ameis;Tresurr, ers Mr~ S.Doye gve he'preentd b Mr. Eri ea- A skit '"Thp Merr-G-'" '" Kienet Saell, Teas rep rt o! tSihoe gN v i etherilt. Mrs. Jennings aiso Round" was presented hy Mrs.1 lM4is. Rlussell Mountjov; District reoto h ominating held the position of Public llrl hnpo.Ms n DUecter, Mrs. Stan ford Van Cmite fe h lcin Relations officer and in this, beri Jones, Mrs. Earl Weath-1 Cemp; Alternates, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Greenham conducted a' repart noteci the increase inc-it and Mrs. Levi McGiII,, -" Sfnlti: Pianlst, Mrs. L. Thomp- short installation service. membership, coverage of ail a s4p: Fruit and Flower, Mrs. Mrs. S. Doyle was in charge metns:ae oa es-n amusing account of a famn- JakRh, rcFan okif the !ollowing program, papers, participation in theilsnaiivtcoewh JInk RahmcRsatink Hiek- s.R ofrypaedsv membership in ton manv or- lr~ ublc RlatonsOffcer Mrs R.Godreyplaed ev-annual sports day held by the! ganizations. 1ks. C. Hill; Resolutions, Mrs. 1enal selections on tihe aceor- Bethany Athletic Association.! Ray Taylor; Curator, Mrs J dion. Mrs. H. Bradley gave helping with the Cancer cli- Bieth n mW.Iherd cofmpe. Av McArthur; Convenors, net twe ra qigaentitiec "Wh3t fnic, remembening sick andasorcuse"cuon i- off decided yet. Easter Means" and "A Day shut-isgit tsthooderI~ t cudre ladcu s in-[. )motion, meeting adjourn- ini a Housewife*s Life." Mis. Plough Lcie.door t eçs. Jadem e lepfershaîîd S. Deye cormente ontle Cross Blood Clinic, highlightsMr.JnNesadon o- mota,"Lt s iv s mchof a bus trip te Vineiand. andiday afternoon had attendedý1 :ÂAnnoinee New Lm rpoîgorevsta assistance to the local 4-H; Durhamn C o u n t y Stmay wrtie. h avde a irls'Day a rn.These ladies' Ikéaling Substancee: riizeh"e al Mrs.Addison Scott, curator rnodelled th r oNtd SShrinks Piles anibvdai cne ook, reported local activities'netrgwt r.KihA~ searh et a ensn's oodentereci up ta date, ams givin th comnay «*point. Most ! ail woneedea Mrs. Emey Smith andi Mrs. The manv different sye admoifr daieng 1~ faiLli in aIl human beings and Bruce Ryley gave the auidi-' eemc:dieih h 'inspiital nd orl vlue."tons' rep)ort and ccmmented imem bers. Mrs. Scott presentit~ ,rZe jreeerch inatitut. hmai The meeting closed with1 on the excellent records kept'e iî etetolaesi rw auios elig.~,s-oeth ~eetig !th COllect" by Mns. Jennings. !appreciation of ail their ef-' The engagement is announced of Miss Sarah Jane ftztie mbllitMt shrink baume-.. ia unison. Mrs. R. God!rey In the absence cf the group forts.Tis rsP.wsKn, poids àine ly t re i ve itehoj g playcd for om m unity singing leader, M rs. Ted Spencely. t w as agree d I ob sk fo ,, a E n gland , to r i l a h r es H o e , e d s o ad discomfort in mnutes and with Mrs. W. Laird leading, the re'port on Agriculture and course in Quill Makingfrto..Wila nrs »0 ap hcaling of the injure&, whi]e the ladies were prepar- Cagin nutre f M.adMr.RvHopr ow vleOtno pltte naofe e e d ighîIndhtis ws i next va, iha c kiî1îof Mrand H RvHopr oopnve,eOdntario 10ose fte eu, wileinnly lunch. L ndi cff a saladte igliMrs. o tei pocourse "The Main Dish Makesi The marriage xviii take place on Saturday, May 24th, sened y Ms. oye'sgr-up. g-,e the Meal" as an alternate1 1969, at 4:00 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church,, Bcw- duisdkage) took place. Officers fr19-701 choice. i manville. for 1969 Mrs. Robent Ryley reported' Mrs, Senti, whio was enter- -____-____ ___ ?&Mt important of all--resuIta President, Mrs. H. nryder-, the meetings held unde ann1o frttei h momewoeh tatU7ioûItree.ilmari; la Vice Pi-es., Mns. S. Home Economica andi Health .:recreation room cof theur ne\w-l ma' wmaintand ovea period1 Moiton; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Mrs. Belle Smith gave an 1vy buiit home, cxpressed bernc n ag m n rdn otl.C. Gnreecn h arn; Sec.-Treas., account o! the Citîzenship & rîeas at the gond attendjrenou c E ay m n wîhaMrs. W. Brown Asst. Sec.- Education rgnis ndiance and invited the group toI -. 3 ~ ~ ~ Te Ms.E Fly District vited members to, attendahod veynotvnetig isioî irector, Mrs. S. Doyle; Asst. meeting of the Anglican in future ait her residence, an' ma~~~e ~ f m Dist. Dinecton, Mrs. H. Brad- hrh WmnArlltivtto iihwsgaîii 91i ey; Public Relations Officen, when there would be a de-' accepted. . Mis. R. Rogers, Brandi Du-cc- monstration O! floral ai-rang-. Following lunc ervdb Ne F-Dm inofeedinOàé tons, nrs. G. Bes, M . N. ing.i the hostcss and hgi-ou pemm- Lea and Mns. F. Stevens, Mis. Earl McQuaid reportedber. Mrs. l-arry Ryley ex. -1- - Ae Pafortns . aud Audi- the program% of the Histori-1 pressed thic thanks cfn i tors, Mrs. . Morton, Mns. Sa Research Cuirrn members i Mrs. Scott for hcer ijeffery.: Goo Nbighbons, Ms MEvnts Lei MGi ne generus hospitalitv and to' Mr. MEv ns. egroup. ep rt d Resoutins nd islail those who had assistcd Reounosan r. Earl ih the prograrniand ne- Jf Wcatherilt neported for thel fehe.s~" y c e n r c/ USunashine Commnittee noting' ners qý.fiaà lé!carda had been sent to al members in cases of ilînes ATTRACTIVE KEY CHAIN o0r bei-eavement, and sunshine, This mornlng the mails ' Offirer: "Why dld you keep en goingafmter 1 whistied?' I boxes sent tinthose who had eontaîned a most attractivet _Lady driver: "Sorry, officer, l'm a littie dem." 1 been hospitalized. key ehain. compiete with SOffleer: l'Weil, don't worry, lady, you'iI get yotar heenln1g Mi-s. Addison Scott gave Lhe initial "l1", that thie Edi- Iu~themoain."her Presidential report noting tor wilUse wîth apprecla- - ~~~~~i the varrîed and interesting itoTe(odarTe imeetings andi ac t ivit i e a & IIberCo. of Canada &JOTHES CARE HINT j th roughout the yeai- and ex-1 whose name ls On the back pressed her thanks for help~ of the itemo. U0¶Ied Drapes arec ertalnly not attractive. W. oan make e ndi co-operation from al t&em flower-fresh. Cali for pickp today. Icommittees andi members. LIIM.adMs oetI igS __Mns. Harniy Ryley expressed M.adMs oet1 il igS. o1n 1.I te groupa' thanks to the ne- S.ALE ilws t no eteg ageentBoman- j MAY IS CANCER MONTH i f vllewis te nnouce he egageentof tiei turngsei-ear-teas:nr, Rev. A. E. Cressweil, Hamp-1 younger daughter Patricia Lynn te Mr-. Derek Coak- Give Generously and Help Beat This Dreeded Disease Ms.T.R Jcnharorhegt0e cf our service, l atn o fM- adMs itnH a-i ,Mrs T. . Jenins fo hertonteclk clwlcMrisohfM.argr. itnH-Mr faithful services in the past'nSr Mrs. Ross Cari- gave cenlwn temeig and Miss Mari-gb kinner. Al the prognamme was an ail boy ments on thc program mnottoi Mrs. Don Welsh held a ithe students perfermed very choi hc a vr dleg - ~" N o e v n y o i e On d o r e a 1 s h w e r f e M is s S u s a n A llis o n , w e ll . O t h e r p a r t s f t h e p r o - n 7 d a d p n o m d w i Dbf',fL~ IL hinga, but everyooe cen do Toi-ente, lest Saturday after-1gi-ar wcre the many vanieties- under the directioneo!thel smali thinga. in a gi-et way ". 1 neon. 1cf dancing, Iccluding folk, above mentIoneci leaders. Miss Mis. Cari-. who bas beenl Miss Janet. Aichorne. Mr. polka, country square. modern Cindy Ayre, Bowgmanviilo, the District Director, chied:Peter Aichorne. Oshawa, and'sur.cetv acn nj agtrelvl eg bc *r 1 qar.weaiv anigen the following election cf o!- ýMiss Marlon Bittcry wcreï the Gay Gordons, ail ver, ca,-1 e enjydbthauine ficers: Mrs. Addison Scott,iSunday supper guests cf Mn. ably donc, The teachers who ast on the prognam was the prAnything Mrs. VincPorent ,and Mrs. Bob Crag. 'directcd these studeits werlBrooklîn Ladies' KI c hon vicepreiden; Ms..Vincn Bnd.They gave out with Jackson, secretary - treesurer:'-lmn lisadhdteaf i Mr. Hary yley asistatý,ence slnging right along wltlî secretany, Mrs. T. R. Jennîngs , flThitLIII ad inG lass Apublie relations f Ji> erIÇ D RUs> Ig1iufUI. To e aies wo enede- Clar nce Row n D strct i. iftheni, Th e ladiu s had ea e IRR F L ID cton, with Mrs. Hector Mer-! O V RiOU heir program wlth a couple MIRROS OFALL INDSton as eltennate: Mrs. Bruce of religlcus songs. Master cf Ryley, Mrs. Ina Palmer, Mrs.- Cenemonles for the evenlng PATTERN GLASS Rubena Jackson. bnench dii- n V was the Rev. A. Cresswell wbo _SEALED UNITS Teosmns. Aisto Cuaofl. O V M EJ the service club for brlnging -Mns. Bruce Ryley, Mrs. Ei-; them ten us. Coffee andi donuts SALUMINUM and WOOD SASH ery Smith, auditors. Prognam; were served te the penformers GLASS EPAIRSconvenons are Mis. John Cuni- Faurn euî after the show. GLASS REPAIRS ~~~~ ~~~ ~brland fer Agriculture and Fnuigbatfl HmtnWre* nttt SAET LASCanedian Industries, Mns.ý HOOVER HOUSE WARES are sponsorngag bus trip ta SAFETYGLASSHector Menton. Homne Econo- McLaughlln Planetarium on mica & Health: Mes. KeithaiocinaifieIv, 0 p'es May 2ist. For resenvatlons ~'PLASTIC and PLEXIGLASS Adams. Citizensnip & Educa- 'please cal Mrs. Ken Caverly adSIDOWNSILStien: Mrs. Ross Neals, Hîstoni- Now at Your Iai 263-2632 or Mrs. Bryant et ard S I'D0 WI DSHI LDScal Resf erh & C u rr en e . A ' 263-8483, ne later than Aprili STORE RONTSEvents; Mns. Levi MeGiUI. Re- I nadan uure Asoc tore 28bh. The price tç$.0 hs STORE FRONTS slutions: Mrs. Ftaak Wliite' M SC.jincludes your admission ta the end PLATE GLASS ad Mrs.jJames Kîoepfer,î 160 Church St. Bowmanville, Ont. i Planetarlum. SusifCoti teu e .. Phone 623-2518 Don't fonget ta drop In and -il~ Im'w atx iia.brins a friend to the Spring'- Gift Show at Iarrn's Glft The Canadian Stateuman, Bowm anviMe. Apr. 23, 109 Shop thr6ugh to April 28, and - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ see the unusual SiLs frmma&R parts of the world. Some ane eclusve picca. ENFIELD 1 Te Gidemeeting came ta M order at 6.45 and sixie this have and Mrs. A. A. Ernmett and England. ta be a ra' haee returned home after Mr. and Mrs. Thoras Oak- wa to e agirlswec ileorcd ospening three nionth touring ley, Bobcaygeon, were Sunday war sacls. Dues were taken Portugal, Spain, Iay rneguests at the Balint home. followed by our Captain dis- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- ussng our aternoon tea and wth Mr. and Mns. Melbourne cott, Ms. Edgàr Prescott, deronstration, and~ bake sale Prime. Marion, David, Dianne andc whlch will be held Thursday, Interdenominational B ib le Dennis, visited at St. Cather. April Z4th In the C.E. Rocin Club Rally will be held ln the inca a week ago. Mrs. E. Pres.ý of the church. This le ta belp Calvary Baptit Church, Osha- cott remained for a week and raise morne money for our wa, on Thureday evening nt returned when Messrs. Edgar group committee, so we're hop- 7:15. and Glenn Prescott, Marvin lng for a good crowd. Our Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith and Janice visited the Pres. Cookies Day Jisto be held on accompanled Mr. and Mrs. cotts at St. Catherines, on Saturday, April 26th. Practice Allyn Taylor and girls, Bow- Sunday. thon started on the play and manville, on Sunday ta visit Miss Beth Woodley, Cour. those not taking part, went wlth Mr. and Mis. Ray Smnith, tice, spent thc weekend witli with the Captain ta diseuse Miltan. Miss Cathy Balint. badges, etc. To close aur meet- Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith Mr. and Mis. Fred Sais ing we were told of an uP- werc Sa-turday evenlng guests vlsited Mr. and Mis. Morley comlng hike at Mr. Orvale of Mr.- and Mn. Harland Gilroy at Brookîla. Hindman's woods and wc had Trl, Bowmanvile, foflowln hr waaYut evc a sing-song and closed with thc performance of thia years here Sunay ahen theryoune Our prayer at 835. Cornz A Poppin'. holk cf Mis. Ken Ch orne Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smithfok f r.KnCcaes and famly were Sunday via- It as been said that "we class conducted the service andi tors at the George Yeo's sumn- ought ta spend more ime led in the singing of special mer cotta *at Betty's Bay on 4wond a ting 'tan 'doubtlng songs for young people. The Sturgon rke. wether'a hn can be don, male trio sang 'a umber and for 'wondering -If' can be the the Rev. J. Lougheed poke Saturday callers wlth the key ta progress". Bye now, to the young folk on "Voca- Lionel Hickey's were Mr. and sec you next week! tionis". M rs. G . A . H ic k e y a n d J o a n n e , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oshawa. Mr. and Mm. Bon Klein Nienhuis and family werc Sun- da upr usso Mr. and William A. D. Selby, C. A. A.wa. m noand A W. Prescott's Were Mr. and r] B ro s C Mrs. John Carrigan and Doug- G.E m n u r w ,C 'A las, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. of BURROWS, SELBY & CO. John Mallotte. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mallette and Marie, New- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS castle. Sunday-callers aL the Prescott home were Mrs. John are pleased to announce the further expansion Eddyvean, Orono; Mr. and of their professional practise Mrs. William Eddyvean. New tlsrough the acquisition of the practise Llskeard, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kessier and famly, Bol- previously carried on by the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd R. J. DILLING C. -A. and Lynette were Sunday with engagements to be completed afternoon callers with Mrs. from their office Iocated at Hazel Miller and famlly, New- castl.75 K N S .,E S O M VI L Mr. Frank Holroyd, Bow- 7 IGS. AT B W A IL manville; Mrs. Doris Holroyd TELEPHONE 623-7112 were Sunday evening visitai-s wth the Fred Holroyd's. - Mrs. Harold Salter Ja still a patient ln Oshawa General Hospital. A big "hello" froni ail hor friends who hope ta sec her homo soon. Sori-y to report Mr. Herman T rdtoal Vanderbet s a patient lnT. .Trdioay Toronto Western Hospital. His om friends send their bot wlshes v for a speedy recovery. Sunday callers at the Coutts' a home wero Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bell and famlly, Oshawa; Mr. a.nd Mrs. David Coutts, Osha- wa. Miss Beth Coutts was an overnight guest of Mrs. Jim - Bell, Oshawa, on Saturday. Z'V M~essrs. Jlmi Bell, Hugh and p ,,,4e Clyde Coutts report a gondT h catch of amelt. This warm veather has them really run- nlng, so ail you smelt mien take noteBouquet Lons Centre, Port Hope, lest Saturday, drew a large crowdIn i a o, 'rom the surrounding area. Miss Beverly Ruddy la ne- cuperating nicely following an appendectomy on Tbursday atU n Memorial Hospital, Bowman- vile. Al ber schooi friends vish her a speedy recovery. Hampton Ladies Euchrc Club met on Thunsday evening nt the borne of Mrs. Doris Hoi- royd. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clem- i g Inv itaê&Ofl. mns were Sunday supper guests Df M r. and M is. A. H . Clem - ,, e m . n rv.C Â m L m t C ns, Bowmanvlile.Threegae Mr. and Mm. Ron Ciernens *Wedding and engagement announcementu, Ibirth announce. ind Brad were visitons over mente, confirmation invitation&, golden and, cuver annivorsary i.e weekend wlth Mr. and announcements, etc. Us. Frank Spny, Rochester, Miss Ginger Baison, Toron- T e m - >, w&% at home this weekend <IRMSED LIEIO lith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~~ hTt arold Bason. Luka nd f" ke the fiet band jà1Ï>T;etr Mn. nd M a. P rcy ewe1 have au elegance and iadividuaity 00)7thl ce ha d en. oere Wednesday supper guests grdvmg eau match- Ith Mr. and Mrs. Bryce 3rown, Oshawa. Th.i"mOaenpraving o Lee MaMo> On F'nIday Mrs. Evelyn Dew- ces about haïl au much a hans .av gbecauftek climinm i entertained Mrs. Allen Me- atesthe copper plate that Makes hudenra goepmoive 6essock, Mrs. Roy Johnson. 7harnsford; Mrs. Doug Fer- ANI> T'S READY wrITH TIM flE EEK BLACK'S Ladies' Wear Ltd. A OSHAWA TH[ rUEOPINo P Eh3EtB~E~E1 Io ving care.. exquisite gowns for the bride, for her attendants, Beautiful fabrics, elegant embroideries and tlattering designs highlight a stunning collection of gowns for the wedding of the year ! FOR RIVAE 725OI1TME2 NEA72I1S1 LEADIES' WEAR LTD. TELEPHO ~BLACK'S Open' Friday 'til 9p.m. 1 s jashloned wilh our lenclerq

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