'ITYRONE Ms . .Mrosn U.C.W. ladies are preparing and ffmiiy were Sunday s £PerýFulson l a service toir Sunday, April per guests with bis sisl o ial onal 27tb. Mns. Betty Gracie, wife Mr-. and Mrs. Desmond C P hone 623-3303 lof minster at St. Johns ran, Peterborough. _____________________________________ Iguest speaker. Specil music panied by ber sister Mr.a will be providéd. Everyone Mns. Reg Taylor, Osha% Mrs. John Preston of Toron-, Crippled Children's District weicomne. were Sunday visitors at th to vs tedt s w e ih Ms oni o 0 m eigi Belated congratulations toý mother's, Mrs. E. H. Wili Mildred Wllmott, C h ur ch!iden, Ont., on April l7th, BuiM C .Wolyonbsr-Pr oe Street. Thierburger was elected chair-cetbt Mr and Mrs. Stan Corden. man for a two-year term. The cet i hdy A family gat:h- Mir. and .Mss. Doug Snid haveretrne iceclus mkingup is-ering was heid at the home who were visiting her b snendinghome wi ter otsi8rce CucN.1 re as f his dughter. Mr. and Mrs.1ther Mr. and Mrs. Len Goc snedin th wnte mothsIntrit Cune o. 0 ae a fi Ray Paterson, Oshawa. murphy and daugbters,i Fiorida. lows. Bowmanville Rotary Mr ad rs Cci .am Club, Brighton Lions Club, and Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd companied by Mns. AIl ,\Ir an Mr. CcilJams Campbellford, Cob>ourg, Col- visited last week at Manila Snowden, were Suriday su cf Toronto were weeken dbonFnlnFlsHaead nigt. per guests with the latte guests cf Mr. and Mrs. E. L. orne, Fnlbron, ia,Have-adCangon daugbter. Mr. and Mns. B Macauly.Rin S. Est loc. HliurtnLinsa, Mn- Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Goodmnurphy, Orona. Ma-uly in t Es den, Peterborough and Port Mr. Wayne Gaskin. Taronto, M.adMs rdR Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Daviezv Hope Rotary Clubs. were Sunday dinner guests of yens.sant th.e eed R S of Toronto were Tueçday visi-1 dnBeh r n r.G ldedadvessetteweedw tors; with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mr: and Mrs. Gaon ecM.adM-.G ldedan their daughter Mr. and M: Purdy, Skip and Derek. Tem- King St. East, wbo were ac : Mrs. M. Gaskin wbo celebrat- Roy Tapping and sons. Th, perance Street. companied by Mrs. Reta Rod- cd ber 93rd birthday ApriI 17, helped them celebrate thi man of Oshawa and Mr. and Ms-s. Gaskin received five dif. girandson's l8th birthday. "r. and Mrs. James Paterson! Mrs. Carl Graham of Prince ferent arrangements of flow- M.adMs lxTn andthr~ sns r BamponAlbert, returned home lastlers, one being froim her home Stirling, spent the weokei were wookend visitors with Mr. Friday after enjoying al U.C.W. at Moncton, New with their daughter Mr. ai and MrF. P. R. Gilbert, Con-i month's holiday ln Florida. Brunswick, a number of cards Mrs.onBokadfrn cession Street West. They stayed at Daytona, Fart and other glfts. 1 called in MrDonn roghtan, Hail Mr.andMrs DvidBaderLauderdale and Miami, and en- Monday, hero she was So haps- dale Manor, Oshawa, was and Jeffs-ey, Sarnia. are spend-1 route home spent a few days py sitting by the table nak- Sunday visitor with ber coi inz a fow days w1th David 's with Mrs. Beech's sister and îng a fancy tea apron, keep- sins, Mr. and Mrs. C. grandparents. Mr. anri Mrs. G. brother-in-law, Mr. and Ms-s. ing hessif busy. Swallow. Badges-. Scugog Street. Stanley May of Sarasota, Ms-. and Mrs. Walter Park Ms-. and Ms-s. Ted Fole Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cock- Florida. They also toured the vstdrltvsi eebr r.PaiHciM- Fhott of Winnipeg- visited thei rj orange graves at Ocala, near ougSndeayiveingPtrbr Mrs. DeanlFoey, MaseLi aunt, Mrs. D . aMeson l er prgs Mr. and Ms-s. Ralph Bowers, wvere Sunday supper gues F a con.s, M waneM. G 'an and Todd vîsited Ms-. and with Mrs. Hockin's siste F.. anms. Johnt week. Mrs. Arnold Williams, Nestle- Mss. R. Trimble and er sc Mr. nd rs..Jon Smon Vv rde ro terton, Sunday evening. . Ves-non. Mr. and MssRaloh Bryso Mr ad rs Al- Mr.an Ms.Hoar C and Ms-. and Mrs. Hars-y Don- r n r.Geor~ge Al r n .Hwr r nos-. al of Loamington, wes-dedadMs M ak draMisEteM.K weeknd uess o Mr andHo ora y P es.wes-o Satus-day suppes- guosts and Master Raiph Crydermae woeked guets BfM.a fM.adMs ai l ase Lino, were Sunday sur Mrs. Charles Symons. Chntarios A fdr ad wa aviad Sun- per- guests with ber siste Stret, lck ueý hid e i iyspe et f. and Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist a. S-es. Gwon Biak. then. Mrs. H. Hardy and son Rus_ son Murray, Salem. Stret ws adoegte o he Roy A. Foster, the United seli, Bowmanvilo. Ms-. Jîm Cryderman was Federation Womon Toachers' iCounties Warden, was elected Sunday visitor witih bis ceL Association cf Ontarilo confer-lhonoras-y president of the Lt. M. J. and Mrs. Gibbs, iM.adM-.Ryo ene ol lstwek n orn Northumberland and Durham Bas-rer and oiHm-s.oW Twist. Oshawa.- Miss EsthE to. The thome was "Educa- Children's Aid Society at the Roe-adCliHmloCrY'des-an w'as a weeken tion for the '70s". annual meeting beîd i Bw wes-e weekend guests cf Mr. visitor with ber brother, Mi Mr. and Ms-s. M. L. Roonigk, manvîlle last Wednesday. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and boys. and Ms-rs. Dave Crydermar King Street West, were ln TegussearwsD. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bs-cnt, Richmond Hill. Sts-atford last Friday attend- h us pae a r Oshawa, wes-e Monday calers Mr .and Mrs. Ron Roger Ii the funeral of Dr. H.B iBenjamin Goidberg, superin- Of Mr. and Ms-s. John Dennis. and daugbters were Sunda Kennr. r. enne's-grad-.tentdent of the Children's Psy- Katenew.Dr. Kenersrn d-chiatric Rescarah Institute, Mr and Mrs. Don Stainton supper gucsts with his sîste f.ster of the Preshyterian London, Ontario. ivisted on Sunday with her Mr. a'nd Mrs. Ron Locke ani Churh hee. theroffcerseleted eresister, Mr. and Mrs. J. Simp- family and attended th, Mr-. Alox Shiolds, former J. G. Honcy, president; CanonsoTetn hr evie el inS golf profossional at Bowman- Z M. Nainby and Ms-s. A. B. Mr. and Ms-s. Harry Hath_ Geor-ge's Anglican Chus-cb ville Country Club, and his vsto v i c e - presidents; el n a-n ootNwatlwe s.adM wife Nancy. loft Toront.o last'ý Mrs. T. Gresham, secs-etas-y; v:sited Mrs. Annie Hathes-ly. fO orers Mr. B o wen I 'ekfor his now position ac"D.' H. Builock, treasus-es-. Ms-s. Tapping, Oshawa, was was confirmed into til Pro-Manager of Chippowa Golf Disectors are Mrs. W. A. a Sunday calier cf Mir. and churah. & Country Club noar South- Goodfcilow, Brighton; Mrs. R. Mrs. ROY Maynard. Ms-s. D. K. Whitney attend. ampton. Ontas-io. Bradford, Cobourg; Douglas Mri. and Ms-s. Lloyd Hoar, ed the commissionor's trainî Miss Jili Nichols. Toronto' Kemp. Bowmanville; the Rev. Tor-onto, Ms-. and Mrs. George ing course in Oshawa las Teachers' College, spont the A. Vandenberg, Bowmanville; White. Bowmanville, M iss Saturday in confection witi woekend with hor parents, Mr. R. Cooper, J. J. Fullerton, j. Margarot Hamilton, Miss Ka- Girl Guides. Girl Guides aný and Ms-s. Kenneth Nichols, Harding, T. Jones, al cf Co- thy Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bs-ownîes wîll be around or Second Street. Jill's brother, bourg; Read Budge, Colo McQuaid and Danny, Oshawa, Satu.sday selling cookies. Helr Ms-. Terry Nichais. is ln Hart- Locke and Jack van Zon, ail Miss Judy Harmes-, Oakville, tuis geod cause and encouragf fard. Conn.. whes-o ho is tak- cf Port Hope. were weokend visitassof Mr. the girls and leaders. in acos-e.Tos- i eoiy- Honoras-y disectors are the adM. a.. oa- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pic. rd~ at National Cash Rogistor, Rev. .Cer.Pr oe s.adMs-s. Clem Rabm, kard and daughtes- Angela Tos-onto. D. Maybee. Campbellford; the Ajaiso,BianBnsyAnwr Sunday supper guesie We otied omeyougiRv. .C.Kclloway, Cobourg; Aaxt Miss Mary Niddery, with uis parents, Mr. and girls on the weokond "skipping S. Little, Bowmanville; Ms-s. nguestsof s-.ndyd Ms-s. ei ikrB raope" - a sure sigis cf Spring. S. Winfield. Port Hope. and Waitges R of M rn s. manville. However, anothor Spring sign Mya-WihalterMs. n M-s FehW-ih sp.ems tei have disappeared - Hope. WBdkastendM-.Gib er ~cLino, were Tuesday young lads playlng "mas-bles" presented with a vacuum week visites-s with Ms-. As-chue or "how many birdý in the1 County representatives as-e, cleanes- and a vase, Ms-. and Thomsnadauhe M- bulsh". Havon't noticed tlielifW. J. H. Dunk, Campbellfos-d; Ms-s. Gilmas- Campbell (nec 5ses erlaad Hdahte-sMis yougsersplyin tesega 'G. T. Gettins, Caesas-ea; G. Geraldine Dugas) with a setsoSem las-quit a fw yee-s.Msse Baltimore, and Reevelof hs-ce aluminum sauce pans Ms-. and Ms-s. John Nos-s-i Ms-. ad Ms-s F. G iffin, A. Oke, Bowmnanvile. and a vase from Tys-one, Longan dubes Ssa WO- M. aG. Fos-sy n M. G Wi. i.d friends.an er Mr. . oreyad rs W R'Sault and Bcthesda fin.Suna ups usswt Spsy attended the annual I (I TT1VMs-. and Ms-s. J. Cavess is ar ent, M s-.an s-si I leting of the Ontario Di- OB.I LU [I wes-e recent visitors of Mir. Ji ackNris, Mrshanda. s liîsion, Canadian Red Cross and Ms-s. J. MeFaslane, Osh- M.ack nd s- shRswa. Gi Society held ln Sas-nia on~ MRS. ROSE STOVIN iwa blett wes-e Satus-day evening Thursday and Fsiday of îast 1 Ms-. and Ms-s. Norman Av- hasts te ber brothers and sis. wepk. Ms-s. Sps-y is a member The death occurs-ed April 13, es-y and family, Salem, wos-e tors. Thei evening was pîcas. nf the Executive Commlttee cf 1969, at the Oshawa Genes-al Satus-day evening visitessof nY'setiga sofcr. th Dviio tisyer.Hospital, cf Ms-s. Rase Stovin Ms-. and Miss. J. Caves-s. nThysent la gamestinf cads theDiisin hisyer.of 284 French St., Oshawa. Miss Janet Mooney, Ms-. h TitheU.C.W. eetnghallo Congratulations toiMs-s. E. She had been sick since last Pat Quinn, Toronto. wes-e Tbus-sday evening, April l7th, L. Macaulay. King St. East. Christmas. Sunday guests cf Ms-.amd with 20 members ps-sent. who was awas-ded a six-day Bas-n ln Oshawa, the de- Ms-s. J. Caves-s. PeietMrl rde holiday lns Florida as second ceased was a daughtes- cf the Tyrone 4-H HmeaintPedntMreB ad1e prize ib a ontestatnth s-o-called the meeting teos-rder cent Canadian International lt hmsReeadMr lb atne civmn with a poem aon Peace. Ladies Home Show held In Tos-onto. Capeless. A lifelong resident cf Day on Saturday at Port Hope decided to cater ta a wedding As Ms-s. Macaulay's mothes- se- Oshawa, she seceived her edu- High School, along with tbeis- on June 28th. Ms-s. H. J. sie nFlosida, hes- holiday cation there. A membes- cf the leaders Ms-s. M. Ycc and Ms-s. Brooks, the stewas-dship con- ,sidl e ams enjoyable and United Chus-ch, she was alA. Kjnowlton and il girls. vns- sea an rtceo formera or niembes- cf the Oshawa Glad to report little Calvin eora an rtce n hapy oe.stewas-dsbip. The wossip was hapy isc Wmen's Major Bowling Lge. Yeo setus-ned home fs-cm led by Betty Snowden and Fsiday evening guosts witb and among ather softball teams Bowmanville Memorial Has- Mars-jorie Jeffery. It was cen- Mrs. S. R. Cook wes-e Mr. and was a membes- of the Ontario pital on Tuesday, after a bout ts-ed3 around the themne "Loy-1 Ms-s. Hulme. Hampton: Ms-. and Malleabie Iran Cc. and British cf Pneumnonia. ing Goodwjll". Ms- Cys-il Smith and family, Consols Women's Safball Clubs Fsiday evening there was a Programme was given by Fleetwood; Ms-s. Edith Mitch- whicb were botb Ontaria gaad attendance at the euchre Betty Snowden wbd chosc ell. Sunday guests wes-e Ms-. finalists. pasty with 16 tables. Prizeg two articles on China - Mai and Ms-s. Ron Bs-came and Mss Stovin is sus-vived by wes-e as fellows, Ms-. JoeadHi miy rttnb a Kelly. Ms-. Fr-ank Cook, Ms-.1ber usba _,Ry4StnecSt_-Cs-awfos-d, Ms-. Manedroksoiwos- mivwo bad v sne IOrganlst: 9 a.m. te be picked up.- Have Plants, saysJ. Cjoke. Gaod-ý. Back to God Heur Mri.Mtaf papess ied in bundies os- year's conveoas-beîts mar-ket- Dia 110RaioM. R. et., AlC.. cardboas-d boxes, picase. ing manager. Dia 130 RdioA.RC.T, AC.CM.Recently, Ms-s. Rois Brooks Super Thes-mo-Flo boits are Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. 9:45 amn. - Sunday ScheOl was guest of boisas at a sus-- designed te handle any hot 11:00 a.m. prise birthday party given by mates-lailIs the primas-y metals, «"Everyone Welcome" Pbi W pMss.As-t James and Mrs. mining, construction and build- Infan oas-e dusing Servie wïthge Maos-e. Upon arsiving Ing mates-lals Industries. wihRon at tise Moore resi- Containing new compouisds ___________________________________________dence under the psetext cf that as-e heat and abrasion s-e- gaing bowling, she found Ms-. sistant, tbe belts ret.ain their and Ms-s. Wes Dowis, Ms-. and flexibility and resilence, even TRIN TY NITE CH RCH Ms-s. Elmer flown, Mr. and aftes- praionged beat expasus-e, Mr.Walt Tink, Ms-. and Mss 0f twe Super Thes-mo-Flo Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, BA., B.D. George Moore and Ms- and boîts installed Is one Canadian Orgnlt -Mr Wilim . FndaB.., Ms-s. Art James. An evening ste ml to bandie hot sintes-. Orgaist Mr WiliamM. Fndly, BA., of cards was enjoyed and te iss lasted 224 days and A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. lunch was ses-ved by the hos- the second 300 days. Ps-bs- te tesses.these Installations. the aves-- Misses Anie Glbank, Betty g life f a blct Is this opera- SUNDAY, APRIL 27th 1969 . scnsssi sann t onatthe mill was 60 days. WellesieyrHesintainnl, loavla from Gaod- 1 Welesey Hspial, orotoyeas- are belts containing newly 11:00 a.ni. wes-e Wednesday ef last week eeoedgasfbr-bek guests cf thse formes-'s grand-ess located between thse top 'BEARING BURDENS" pareis.Ms-. and Mrs. H. G. coves- and carcass. wbicb Freeman. Ms-. Gos-don Allit, serve as shlelds against spot Rev. George K. Ward Newcastie, was a dinnes-guest. burning by lumpy materials. Ms-s. Thelma Gilbank, Oreno, ________ wsauPPes- guest. On Sat- CHURCH SCHOOL us-day last, Ms-. and Ms-s. Ross GET CASH TODAY Aina Master Calvin Affin, F'OR OLD APPLIANCES i. - Junior, Intermediat@ and Senior Newcastle, were dinner guests. THROUGHT a, Ms-. and Mns. Morley Bus-- £.M. i Bginesgessa, Oshawa, Ms-. and Ms-s. STATESMAN lBert Creepes-, Bowmanviille, CLASSIFIEDS _1 eSaturday auppergudsi iphom ~43303 andi [str. Exciting Fashion Show Held at Kirby Cr-~ and, <e ' thri- ood- up- ter's Ste i Xrs.~ lhey ler and dis'. and in. T eadtru fKryC nenar uleSho a akd so h os- ind - - - - - - 01- an, e la st Is. ýTwoCar rmKry etnilSho Thse Canadian Statestnan, Bowmanvlle, Apr. 23, 1969 'Centennial Public School outfits at their best. Several as-ca mes-chants had co-oper. attractive clothes. Teacher Ms-s. Marlene Tompkins ;vas and the pupils joined in by bringing fancy cookies and the spectators. This photo shows the rnodels, and Mrs. being presented with a gif t by her appreciativestudents. ize at Kiwanis Music Festival on First Prize at Music Festival i --«b