S.~-.,'.* .-,S-.-,---..tI-........... ., -...--..---.- ýXbeckooints -Kept E The three photos here show just action that took place at a few of tI during the Miles for Millions walk on picture shows one of the organizers S. C School Principal Wallace Pitt directing of marchers into the f irst checkpoir Itarden Centre. Middle photo shows me ýusy During 'Miles for Millions' Walk 'a poned for thie summer. Wei will be Iooklng forward ta meeting in September. Meet- ing was then closed with t.he recital of the Scout Mlzpah. For the evening'u enter- t.ainment a panel of teachers had volunteered their tune ta hold a question and anhwerl period, based on "Our child..j ren in general and Our' sabool'a systems." Many thanks~ to Mr. Dorreil, Mrs. Turner,, Mr. Ohurch and Mr. Shaw for à most interesting and thoroughly enjoyable even-, ing. Hats off to aur program, committee for the splendid! idea. A deliciaus lunch wasi t4uen served by the hostess. Prize winners at the Wo- men's Institute euchre Wed- nesday nlght were: high lady, . .. .. .. ....Mrs. Osmnond Wright; second,! Mrs. Leith Byers; high gent, Mr. Ed Harris; second, Mr. Will Forder; lucky draw, Mr. Russel Mountjoy. Rev. R. C. Hopkins 0f Springville was guest speakeri in, the United Churcb Sundayl morning. The theme of hisi sermon was "The Three G-en- i ~"' ... ... erations." "In the Time oil Trouble" was the titie of the! anthem sung by the choir.1 In St. John's, Rev. R. C. Rose~ spoke on "The only real judg- ,:. ment comes from God." The, Sacrament of Holy Commun-i ion wag administered........... Rev. Pbilip Romeril took, the services at Springville on! Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. David Romerîl and Paul et Wawa spent the ~ weekend with Rev. and Mrs.- P. Romeril and Dennis Kll Mr. and Mrs. GeraldKel and girls %pent the weekend i with bis parents In Bobeay- geon. Mr. Paul Rahm, Toronto, spent the weekend nt home, and Mr. and Mrs. C amercin, Porter, Sean and ShirleyI w~î. Orono. were Sunday guests of~ Mr. and Mns. Stan Rabm and; e Paul. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Fergu. ~.~.~S.:s ~ .. son, Don Milîs, were Sunday spper guests of Mrs.CHill. Mrs. M. P. Philp, West Hi1l1, and Mr. an-d Mrs. Charles Smith spent Sunday with Mr!i and Mrs. Bert Hooey, Peter- borough. Visitors with Mr. and Mxi. Wilbert Archer during thej weekend were Mr. and Mrs. "".~ incent Archer, Bowmanville, '~ ~ ~Mr. and Mrs. Donald M:em *~~s\ ~ fng, Oshawa, Mr. and Ms Elmer Archer. Whitby, andi Mr. Ronald Archer, Toronto. Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer called on! Mr. and Mrs. Auetin Larmer, Bewmnanville, also Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa, Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Harvey Yel- ý lowlees and family, Solina, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and Danielle, Pickering, visît- ed Mrs. G. Fowler, Sunday. .Mrs. L. Bradley, Bowman. ville, spent the weekend with ..' ~the Harold Crawfords. Mr. Lloyd Trewin finished ~ t'his secand ycar at York Uni- versity and plans on spend- ing tbe most of the summer at home. Several from bere attended Sthe Golden Wedding of Mr. an d Mrs. Adam Sharp, Ennis. S killen, Satu.rday. Mr. and Mrs. Leitb Byers . 'j were Sunday supper guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Murray Bycni. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin was hostess Wednesday when tbe neighbor ladies gatbered for a littie good-bye party and a littie of the manville Kiwanis Club stamping checkpoint cards at'afterneon tea for Mrs. Lloyd Beacock whe moved to Port he checkpoints Slaght & Cook's Service Station, and the bottomn one Perry Thursday. Tbey pre- Saturd ay. Top shows Bowmanville Kinsmen on duty at the corner"sented bier with a hall mirror "ourtice Publice of Base Line and Waverley Road. Unfortunately a i and shelf. Mrs. Beacock ex- the thousands shortage of space made it impossible to publish photos 1Ipressed lier appreciation and it at Rundle's of individual marchers, but we hope to publîsh some1 nie i o ii hmi *mnbers of Bow- of them nextwek-- teinwho. - jerl enn.Te themo ea you'rJD. Sleep of Nestieton U.C.W.i WESLEY VILLE S T O C 1 ning. Te thme as -ou'e 1read the poem with the theme 1 flot getting to me, Jesus'Y !titie written by Janet Garniý Anyone listening throughK awa, xvere on a Panel to dis- ,Mrs. R. VanCamp introduced ham. Mr. Paisley then readithe night hours at the end of cuss Christian Education ai the Panel and the ModeratorI comments by sorne Sundayithe week could have heard the the Blackstock U.C.W. Gen-: Mr. Gordon Paisley, then Mrs S chool pupils about Sunday':sound of huge flocks of geese ___________ ________ - School. ion their way, and with the Mr. Danny Corby of Cad- first light of day they could mus Sunday School then ask- be seen in flocks of hundreds ed the Panel to comment On' flying steadily through al e flloingquetions: s the early morning. This Wis -ý YOUR - 'the Cuc bl 4cpewt s Churh ale o co e ithgreat weather for hikimge j I ~~~~today's probltms?" "Are tea- pcal fyuaeantr NUMBR O E t-~ ctiradeuatly taind:"andenthusiast as Rodney Payne NUMBER ONEWhy is Sunday School at-lis. He and a companion Oni tendnce roppng"" Mrs. Su nday afternoon were pleas-l Saywell said that wvhile S. S. ed to add several spring teachers may not have had a!1 flowers to Rodney's identifi ýgreat deal of training Stinday:cto it mn ie h 'K Sehool teachers today are bet-' tin ywievoe These were ter than they have ever been.I discovered ini abundance with' Children are no longer forced: blood root nearby. G roups I oa~ttnd SundavSclOtl, se 2 Trumnan Austin entered Portý ths h aeteeaeter oehospital aon Thursdayi. buys aThe audience was thenl di-: performed the next day. He! coordinat.d vided into three groups, eachi was able to return home on; What do you consider to be. Mrs. Wmn. Tufford who bas ' the purpose of Christian Edu-j been with ber daughter, Mrs. M ON 0cation? What values should Archie Ford, in Port Hope be taught in C. E.? an d Hw ce her return from bhospital '. ÏROU S ASdo we teach these values?lseme time ago, came to Mrs. " After everyone had had an, Harold Austin's abouta week opportun ity to speak, thej ago to remain for a, time. Panel summarized the find- I Mrs. Doug Jarvis, Dawn and ings. 1Lori visited on Sunday with ~ The Intermediate Clasm of! Harold Austin'@. Valerie Aus- Blaekstork Sunday School hadj tin Mrho bas been in Toronto prepared a Worship which' since the wlnter la home ýwas used to close, comprising iagain. ofa Litany of Thanksgîvlng, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Br aorsand praynteir bn-M. rowe. W cm. a rrow- dtiondThis as radostnc-ough and MCo rn. row.eer - diton.Thhis meetin f or t60hough andre bu horfhieteon men anwmetng frhe ttend- uay e aeind thrh slvon men and womecwontdte wedd.go aMtrend tMem Avr Sdscssin ver coffineed - hur Ma-in. fMadM% r idsuso rckieand. Al ain.adAle lo * Thokesmetngoftelar i p n aud a en i lon 'Mar meringh oLadies Axiiary rend a ii rt Hope, Min j Cwrhe LMadiest ulat p.m.1 ith Prt oenAlaind wathe homon May1s.Shirley Ela with AmandaGo chin tzand hkihoNieten m embeShrsey aived h me nda Sultz. amoskiresie n mmesTe rrvdhm nSn 4 were present. Mrs. Jean Ad-, day momning In time for ams resied.Following the church service at Welcomne. MENTScout Mother's Promise, thej Sunday school was held minutes were read by MrS.; here as usual with 32 present roPYVera Asseistinie. The Douglas Bec family were j The business for the even- ail back after their session izig conslsted of hearing a re-1 with chîckenpox. port from Mrs. Pat Sleep oni 26 King S.t. L. BowmranvilIe 623-3808 !the outoome of the Fatherl GET CASH TODAT 180 and Son banquet. A vote ofI FOR O1LD APPLIANCES Open Thursday end Friday 9 ».m. to 9 p.rn. thanks wa,; extended to alli THROUIGH the ladies for the splendid; STATESMAN îhelp and co-operation receiv* CLA9S1PIEDS ied. It wa.u decided not to hold Phono 623-3382 King St. and FREE PARKING Ail Merchandis. Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, May 10, '69, in Bowrnanvllle WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. DOMINON OR9LIMITED Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, bt Il BLACK! Mr.s. Susan Saywell, Mrs.!I Feirris and Edward Glover ofc St. Stephens Church, Osh-1t fi J iJ'10 #L I