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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1969, p. 15

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---------------------------------------------------~........... 1%e C"aan Statesman. geowmanvMle. May 7. 109 Help Wanted Work Wanl HELP for dalry farm. M. H., LAWN and gardenj ]Pedwell, Newcastle, 987-4.131.1 Phone 263-2997 191'!DAILY housework Ir RLïpiIABLE woman to baby- castIe - Bowmanvilli 9it. ful time: three chiidren.,1987-4364. Phone 623-2961. 19-11I ROTO-TILLING g a FULL and part time. Chuck- lawns and flower beds. wagon Restaurant on Highway 623-2530. 115. Newcastle 987-4775. iCUSTOM farrning at -- -l.; able rates. Phone 723- AMBUL;ANCE a t tendant, or ail field work. seedlng, Reg. N. for full time employ-! raking and baling. Ment. Must be over 18. Calli UNIVERSITY studer 623-3566. 19-I1prlnc l n tutorini COK foýr -weekends,-also R.N. tutor high schooi stuÈ A., evening shift, part tinre. French and Engilsh. 2 needed for nursIng home. Cal 623-5813. 19- 1 BO I AN : EXPEý_RIENCED female teiler. O M N I Apply The Toronto-Dominion AUTO BOE Bank, 39 Temperance Street, Bowmanville.- 19-2 Phone 623-74 OLDER men for general club- bouse maintenance. A p p 1 Bowman ville Country Club, LA\VN ANI MiddleRoad. 19-1> REIBL oanfrful GARDEN SERI time work in drive-in restau- Cail 623-76% rant. Good wages for right persan. 623-3602. 19-1i FREE ESTIMATI TWO-tob-acco planters,also,'FINE RIDGE LANDSC two plant pullers,epeind L referred. Contact Lucien P T R L U Lambler, R. R. 1, Kendal. P T RL U Phone_983-5686. 1l-t f , CONS3'RUCTIOb RELIABLE lady wanted to Brick - Block - clean house, one-haîf day ai and Fireplaces week. Some Ironing. Apply Phone 623-2756 10 Lambs Lane after 5 p. m. NahR. .R ,Bw or Phone 623-3410. 19 -1NahR. R 3Boi CHAINsaw an 'for-Hofert Tree Farms; small 6 lb. Mc- RALPH STENI Cullough model. Geo. Pown- ALTERATIONS - ADDI ail, c/o Diana Motel, R.R. 1. AN E IR Ororio, 983-5229. 19-1*1i ADREAR TWO planters and three plant Fo siae pullers for tobacco farm; ex- PHONE HAMPTO perienced preferred. Phone 263-2942 Charles Lambier, Garden Hil '797-2269, three miles east of, Kendal. 17-,1 FRANK BRIb 4OàU SEKEEP ÉR comp ani o n for single lady, live in; other Trenching help kept. Driving licence SEPTIC TANK wel comed. Write Advertiser INSTALLATION 995. c/o The Canadian States- mnan, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- R.R. 6, BOWMANV] ville. 19-1 NO SUNDAY CALI A-RIH h Igh -school -stu - 623-7201 dent, 16 or over, as mother's Iielp et cottage on Lake Sim- wIlsofl & Vom *oe; able to start Immediately HEATING SPECIAL] bn weekends and w or k 011 and Gas Installaý tirough July and Auguý;t 123247. 9-1 Plumbing Repairà ONErnechanic and one me-1 iet t . on -&aànic's helper wanted Iîm- Phone 623-75, mediately to repair fleet of î school buses. G.M. and Inter----- T_ -T_ N national. Phone 623-7682 or S P I A 723-7171 and ask for Norman Carter or Harold Copping._ PUMPING STUDENT with neat stnaigh ti handwriting who cao wok BI tqccurately and quietly. TÂ,ik- ýPhq ing for legal womk an advant- I age. Please reply ln your own ý-. handwmiting ta Advemtisem 993,I SP Lc/o The Canadian Statesmnanl .0 Box 190, Bowmanville. Ba .4 MAINTENANCE Electrician. G] Applicants should bave et least live years industrial mainten- j ance experience and a suitable trade school education. A knowledge of clectronics and i S.C.R. drives would be an â sFet. St. Mary's Cernent Ce. Ltd., P.O. Box 68, Bowman- ý ERT TOMPKI« ana Newtonville 786. Cali coilect ?RAY PAINTI ms - Housce - Garagei Also ýENERAL CARPEN] Repairs Phone 623-39E ACKERMAN EXCAVATIN< ville. 19-1I LOADING - TRENC \VANTEDSand, GravaI, Top Soli IMMEDIATELY 2-Hfour WATER SERI Ni'an or woman ta suply con-1 Reasonable Rates sumerç ln Bowmanville orl623-5756 - BOWMANI ivanvers Township wlth Rasw-i * lekh Productq. Can earu $50i REUPHOLSTE * weekly part lime - $100 sud YOUR CHESTERF1EI up ful l ime. Write O HIS-Fe s RAWLEIGH ORCHARS-52r52E flept. D-140-40362~22 Mo4005 Richelieu St. \Vhyte's Upholsi Mntreal 207, Que. 55 King St. E - Bowma fREDYu FOR A CHANGE? IVant variety ln your job? Rosi Estate sales could be theý carcen for yen. It's challang-1 lnt. rewarding and intenesting work.i wlth 19 offices, le offering you this opportunity. Let me tell you the benefits you will re- celva by joining Our Progre's- sive Company. Diai 576-2421 Ask for MR. GORDON TRICK - = - - ý 19--1 RESULTS COUNTI ConsulS a Member of the SJACK BURGES POIL BURNERS - FURNý CLEANED PLUMBING REPAII PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmar DOUBLE "D" BUILDERS (JENERAL CONTRACT4 and RENOVATIONS I)OUG MEEKS 623-7496 DAVF NANCEIKIEVII 623-3729 BOWIYAN VILLE GENERAL MCANICAL SERV i Mobile Equipment 1 xrepaire suad Fabricatior MULTIPLE LISTING bEEVICE Farm and Industrial Mach e TRAILER HITCHES Oshawa & District Sl n utle ]Real Estate Board 263-8818 SIAGRICULTURAL CUSTOM WORI PLOUGHING * DISCING * SPRAYINI *CULTIVATING GRAIN SOWINI *CORN PLANTING * BALING * MOWINI *RAKING * COMBININ4 * GRAIN and ýCORN DRYING *CORN PICKING and SHELLING Robt. Brya n &Son BUS. RS X63.2301 263-8438 ted iaervlces. 19-1 nNew- e area. Phone 19-1 reason- 1308 for cutting, -- 19-tf nit ex- g, will Work Wanted 1 Aucion Sales CUSTOM wark for any farm I A'uctian sale. sponsored by work. Corn and grain spray. Ebenezer United Church, will Phxone 983-5284. 18-4 beh held Saturday, May 17. 6 A. B A RS Pm .at thiechurch. Cliff P:th- home haking. Refreshments. Plumbing & Heatig, 18__ Phono 623-7127 35 Nelson St. Bowmauvillei Publie auctIon at PetMick's ___________38-tf Auction Shed, Enniskillen, on FOR Saturday night, May 10, et 7 o'clock: large cquantity of Brick & Stone Work, furniture, lots of dishes, elec- tric and power gaz mawers, Fireplaces andniany other things. Timej IAucion Sales ~Real Estate for Sale Recal Estate for S Aouctioe sale of 45 Hoers- FOUR bedroom hbouse, New- Jc for ctteM.H. N.4 Trac- castle, contrai; ne agent. CalJc tom, M-F. self-propelled corn- 987-4383. 19-1' bine, full line af machlnery, LAKE8CUGOGCOTTAGE8 R I C A R D tumniture, etc., the property of Lake front, saine wintcrized, Lesie G. Jahnston, Lot 19, priced frain $8.000 - $16,500.: .Lta., Realtor Con. 4, Twp. ai Cartwright,, A good vaiety to choose froin. 6320 3 miles east of Blackstock, ',,2 Cal6320 mile south of Cadmus, Satur- JOAN SCOTT day, May 17. Terme cash. Port Ferry 985-7373 collect 5689 Fanm Sold. Sala at 1 P-r.1. J. j Lambert Real Estate Ltd. 5689 This Is a sale wothy et youm elo attention. The implements' e!r- Bowmanvllbe are ail ln excellent shape and Jon " p eautiful. stately oi ready ta go ta work. 'Thel oi F. uewin home, centrally located. Tenders -Wanted DURHAM Central Agricultur. ei SocIety requmes caterers for servIng Ilght lunches and mals ln dining room during the' - 'faim In Orono on Friday and ieSatumday, September 5 and 6,1 1969. Bids to besent toS retamy Mmi. John Ricka Newcastle, on or befome Xi 3lst.I TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON TRUCK TENDERS SEAILED TENDERS, plail mnarked as ta contents, will received by the undersigr until 2 p.m. E.D .S.T. on Friday, May 16, 1969 for the supply of oaa '-u -IUiAc-cLear eioeeyaai REAL ESTATE LIMITED ms enrlY redecorated. Tenders must be on forr 26en1.s nCL tioneer. 19-1 lovely condition. Ted Jackson, REALTOR Aking $29.500 witih terms. suppîied by the Townsr 619-1 OXFORD BRICKLAYERS Ted Spenceley, Auctioneers. Bowmanvllle which, with specifications,a -- AND STONE MASONS WEEKLY 19-2 14 Frank St. - Bowmanville 1 uglw nqitavailable at the Clerk's Off1 ULLI PHNEORNO98-5606 ILIVESTOCK SALES' Auction sale of new and used' Pone 623-3111 ara Paved drive, carport and Hampton. ,0. Lowest or any tendern 33_____ at Durham County Sales Arena,! furniture to be held at StIrte- COBOURG:_ 5 roomed Asig$290 necessarily accepted. )YVILSON Oroné, - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. vant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall' galow, with batbroom. Asking Newtonville R. M. SHORT 411eligHros ateSle St., Oshawa, Thursday even- $13.500. Termns. 3 bedroom bungalow on largp Road Superintendent 4-f IL BURNER ICalves, Sbeep, etc. Charlie Ing, May 8, 6:30 o'clock: French 4-fReid, Auctioneer and Pro- Provincial chesterfield sie NEWTONVILLE: Lovelv 3 lot. $15.700 with $1,000 down. Township of Darlington Sales and Service prietor. 23-tf modern chesterfielsibe 2dIroom bungalow. 011 heat- Carnies for $150 monthly. WERNL FIIRNACE INSTALLATION A1insaeo erfren dvnotdnte su i ed, 'T .bath. Asking $18,000. Oshawa Twsi fDrlgo F1RINACES CLEANED Shorthorn cows, with calves swivel rocker, reclining chair,, BOWMANVILLE: 3 bd!rck bungalow with an extra - 33 AND SPACE HEATERS at side, il Hereford steers, 2 buffet and hutch, student's room. 2 storey brick home.1 room In basement. Askingr ESBlackstock yrs.; 6 Hereford steers and desk. dressers, chests of draw- i Liviîng and dining room. Gar- $16,900. Try an offer. IN heifers, 1 vr.: 9 feeder hogs. ers, roll-away bed, single bed,, age. AIl modemn convenipnces, otg ýA 86-5521 60 hens, Mf-F. diesel tractor coffee tables, end tables, book- 1 Asking $23,900.00. Terme.Cote 17-tf 18-tf ~~"35", M-F baler, al arm Im- case, large aquarium:; aIO aenrt fBleil _1plemýents, 500 bus. oats, PO- items new), also large quant- ORONO: 35 acre tarm with ý 160' x 300' lot. Asking $5.500.' NS DIGGNG ad-NTA IGtatoes, quantity of household ity of used furniture and dish-ne 4bdro mde hm. Sne SEPTIC BEDS furniture, the property Of es. Termes cash. Myles King, Broiler barn. Lovely location*.' Joan Grills- Orono 983-5398ý Harry Trew, Lot 30, Con. 9, auctioneer. 725-57.51. 19 BOWMANVILLE: 3 unit apt. AI Bout - - 725-03531 Soe ALL TYPES EXCAVATING Hope Township, 2 miles north building on large lot. Asking Garnet Ricard 623-73971 Sand and Gravel 0 lzbtvle audy Notice 145.000. Terms. Wilf Hawke - Orono 983-5274 alo ARYRDMA D.May l7th at 1 p.m. Murray __, __ __-3911_ sanville aioBRYR AURE C. Noble, Paul Lean, Auction-,D. an's office will be r BETHANY: 24 acre parcel Helen MeDonald 623-31 39-tf for sale, delivered. Phono eers. 19-2' closed May 9th - l6th Inclus-! on No. 7A Highway. Asking Wayne Marchant- 623-2945 Pa n'ostuto lIve. 1- $15.000. Terms. Lloyd Atchison 786-2959 D RAuction sale of antique' L. C. Mason, Q.C. Law Office' PONTYPOOL: 7 roomed' Mac MeDonald- 623-3911i ITINS NEWTONVILLE furniture from a residence in' 1h atSitvn' AcinHluesday evenings8-10olck $9.000. Terme.i Graham Dallas - 263-2191 'B YA M 331-Hall Street, Oshawa, Wed- '- 19 7*_ORTH_0FCOBOURG 7,--i PLUMBNG &HEAT N i dm. evening, May 14, 5:30 FyigD ch a roomed homep with gas pumps. 1pmspinning wheel, wicker Frm Machinery dealerhp SALES & SERVICE 1 carrnage, Victorian arm chair, G U L F Asking $20,000. Terrms. W. Frank Real Esiale i ,-17-tf1 (Formerly Barnes & Byam) ladder back chair, ladder back ' COURTICE AREA: Beauti- LIMITED - ~~~~~rocker, horseshoe love seat, SERVICE CENTRE fu,3edombikbn-RE TO Oi u rnerHOServicelanetiquewhel aior, hin cab-'At your service: Paul Hamau, owwth finished rec. room. '1Ka S.WBomnil Bunrmt<ea ls orsdnn'Peter Hoakin, Gui McKnlght A ttached garage, on% acre 11Kn t . omnil SEPTIC TANKS AND roomn suite, 8 day school dlockj an rc inn i t sig$250 623-3393 TILE BEDS - PHONE ail lamps. oak, rocker, ' n Bue înng rot sin 3250 HAPTN 63228 chiid's rocker (pine),V SPIN WHEEL BALANCING1 18 ACRE treed lot. Suitable Member Oshawa and District ILEASPCATYfr1,700 sq. ft. home. Only Real EstateBor ,LSTRNE2365 telephone, cane holder (anT "'.0do.Prc$65. 10Are-8AreLk TASTY 15-tf' tique), pot-beilied stove, spool Il'T.epILone 623-2651 f BOWMANVILLE: 3 bed- 10Ace-8AreLk Refigeatin bed, C.P.R. lantern, black _ 18-tf ombnao.01hae Kendal Hilîs Area. Seclud- Rerg rýîn lantern, library desk, organ 4-pce. bath. Garage. On 3/e private lake stocked with SHORT-RIB vlIes and stool, writing desk, secretary BOWNMAN VILLE acre lot. Priced toi seîî. 'trout amidst beautiful woods. [SS A pineSrie desk, tables, chairs, hanging 1m 4,0.0 ers ISS A pineSrieilamps. picture frames, hand- P B I OSHAWA: 3 bedroom 6 $4,00.0 eris tions Commercial and Domestic ! paînted china (ipn oltP BI year-old brick bungalow. Fin- 17 Acre Horse Farm, CobourgR AS .8 Iefrîgeratlon - Mllk Coolers 'sets, fi1 r le Np 1aceepontlet rec. room. Carried by Stately brick home w1th, in IequonpmentYERSCHOOLS bxshed anvile Pone FRT TER Mercurv haIt-ton p i c k - u p!'61/2 % mortgage. Monthly pay- huge family room,be e' I Days - 623-5774 trc.Trs ah. Ml! ments of $109.00 P.T.T. Ask - ceilings, stone fireplace, 2 car -t Lander Hardware KngAuioer72 19-1! CASTLETON: 40 acre farmban $55.000 - Terme. LA N ET and ELECTRIC 1 It o-~ BEGINNERS i with 5 roomed home. Barn. 70 Aeres, Oshawa AresENAN ET ___ Wednesday, May 2scm Children who reach theIr; Asking $16,000. Terms. Leeland, 7 miles Oshawa. Lawn Mower ~plete "Ontario Hospital, W'hIt- fîfth bîrthday dunîng 1969, who j BLACKSTOCK: 2 bay gar- 1da for sod farm or garden- R S I ýby" Dispersai of 110 Register- are children of Public Scrhool ag's .bd ing. $35.000. Termas. and Srnall Engine !ed Hoîsteins, consisting of 54 Supporters and who live with- agsrvice station, INST neu mature COws (many r ~eIn the town lris are elgbesot. $12,000. Terme. 17 Acres, Bowmanvi::îo Tun -u prigin, nd redforFai),for KindergartenClseopn 70 ACRES: of valuable prop- Ideal for service sain -2552pl 30 bred heifers and 26 open Ing In Septefber.I erty with 12 roomed house. Corner property on No. 2 High- 7-f and Repairs yearlings (ail with deep, full Al euch parents who wish All modemn conveniences. 2 way. $41,500.00 - Terme. 'We lii ickup ad deive pedigrees). An Outstanding ta have their children attend barns. Corner lot. Asking, 0Ar aclOhw 1ormwr atw homebred herd sînce 1920, these classes are i'equired ta $68,000- Scenic view. Good home- esG Et.CL O biending the beet bloodiines f111 out a registration form EAST 0F BOWMANVILLE:, sites pniced at only $ll.900.00ý u u ' fs t.IC L OVrani that time, toi this - with for each chiid, and retu n AIt t Large 4 bedroom bricke home. 1 c, o, ek r TR BOB STOCKER'S 1 present daughters ffom such the echool, along with proof Of All modern convenience.To 1AceLtLekr notable sires as "Dividend age of the child, duning the large barns on 80 acres. Valu- Scenic lot near village. 'EClipper" (30 seIl), "Refiection we fMy o .$7,500) - Ternis. ____________ GARAGE~ ~~ Ormsby" (20 sell), alsa service we iMy5t .al ad ___________ 84 Corner 153 King and 21 Brown sire ta 58, "Tniune Achilles", A certificate (birth certifi- 97 ACRES with lovely 15 Acres, Stream FRESK 14-tf Phn 2-5804 "Admin", "Thornîca", and oth- cate, passport, etc.) showing stream. East of Newcastle. Kendal H1111s. Mostly wood- CELLO PACK Ph nn2 ,,es. Classified, R.0.P. tested child's date of birth le requlred, Partly wooded. ed, with Ganaraska River. ~ m m. r e 94(showing a herd average on of ail beginners. Make plans, EWASL: 7 cre $,0000-LHrs 58 records 114-124 B.C.A.). now ta acquime ane so that Il EWASLE 7 crs 8.0,0- ere LtUs Build You a FlyAceievciae will be available the day youî orcherd. Lovely trees and well 103 Acres, Kandal Hille 'HING DREAV HOUSE r and pregnancy checked. Notaeg tn Bmhcriiae kp. Icuigmciey Corner farm with bouse and 2 pks.3 9 c 1and Choose from our scto i ' A well known herd with size for chîîdren born In Ontaria etc. large barn. Paved road front- L wa ilibuld rom acionorand type. that you've been imay be obtained from theeog VaDk -6377ae.$00.0-Trns VI E on lbu fo your lopl..orw an loaking for. The property of Registrar-Genemal o ai ,GereVilis62-737 Mc$4,00.0obrs supply fully serviced N.H.A. the Ontario Dept.' of Health - 7 obr tTrn at h i 2-19 Ctae omnii VILLE approved lots at beautifiti et the Hospital Farm, Whitby, $2.00). Rosi Davidson - Bethany 30R2 East Beach, 3 bedrooms, 3-I IT'S NEW! TOASTMA Ontario. Take Hwy. 401 tai Chiidren who neach their Wesley Anderson- 349-2669 pce. bath. $7,900.010 - $1,2001i TOASTER TIME Parkway Crescent rBrock Street South Inter- sixth birthday during 1969, Harold Coutts 725-2649î on SUB-DIVISION change at Whitby (Hwy. 12), who have not attended Kind- JnOdhon 6328> Leskard Cottage . SAVE B REA I. then South ai Hwy. 401 ta ergarten In Bowmanvilie. and Faan Oudshoorn - 623-2984 13 ýLD Liberty St. S. - Bowmanvilia first stoplight, turn right for 1/ who wish te enter Grade 1 i attotsrem e- 3 HAnaeLw Don Pyet ý1let am hsn u lse nSpebr r loroame plus sun room. Very ALE' Balance ou convenient .H . .' vestock. No reserve. Terme required te register as autlined cn 1arlo.$50.0.ALN Termi at only 9% intereqt. cash. Sale 12:30 sharp. Kahn above. Bowmanville, Bras., Sale Mgrs. and Auction- Rgerto om hudIncarna Bungalow O a g tery D.israioBEERShold -I nville D. B owmavllecens. -__ 18-3'be obtained from, and retumn-1 Good deep lot near Highway r __t hn 6326,Bomnil ed to, the echool which the .401. Basement apartment willl 32t hn 2-239-tf I Thursday, May 15, Hoîsteins, child wili attend. Registration CE carry this home if you have - _____ - Imiik quota, iarm machinery. Ie ta be completed by May 9. OI 0 D VI substantial down payment. 3SVanted to Buy_ Comnplete Vlakcrost Holstein. Please pase thie notice along la Itjio £ 1I3 Double garage. Only $17.900.00 SAVE ACES -- --ispersal. 65 head registered'ta any parent wiio requîmes SU U -Terms.Ci5 16ofe GIR'54"biycl. hoe'and grade D.H.I.A. tested from this Information. 18-2 Hampton. 3 kg e RS 623-5445._1. unit sires, pregnancy checked, -________ apo Il SINGLE spool bed. Telephone 35 milk caws, 1 bmed heifers, R a sae ietToronto uine 922-7971 Must be sold at once. I 1 DELGITSF 623-7139. 19-1*' 23 open heifers and calves. ___________hme n lrge I This herd has been on test for - Listings needed hy a Firm lot.o3eyfram omon anage' nvIî tiks oMult, R.R.,ethr the past year and the first Lakeshore i wlth a proven Record of Sales. $15.2 00. Terme. 20ý' or M 3-fany. Phone 7 r 13. 17-4 record nowSc.pete, 15 9491le 30 ___ -_- - milk, 546 fat, 3.6%. At thel Lots Ca1 frcutossrie'CnhS. omni FOUR Irnch irrigation alumin- present time there are 14 co S! FrlS le Local Rexresentatives: Brick, incarne 4 plex. Large I "FAC I un i nes. Hampton 263-2305tmilking betwecn 50 and F rS l Les Hall, Bownîanville 23521comnmercial$4.0 - between 9 and 10 p.m. Only. ! Ibs. per day. Cows are venv, Fred Beaucag e, Rowrnanville Terme. % ~Im~ 19.*1dairy with-beauitiful working' Attractive wooded Lakashore 6233711,aîl623-393 728751 RSONE or more acres of land:' udders. 784 Ibs. of No. 1 pool Lots on Carfrae Lake, $2.100.i or Toronto 923-91'44 il ah nv tvar. Write mnilk quota ta be soid In 100:Tr 120 on0'i e shawa Area Office: ~B S U T ýAdvertiser 992, c/o TÈhe Can-, lb. lots. DairY equipment: .01 nb.KN MATE()rh:0 ar d CoelAf Ater 9 potICU T adian Statesman, P.O. Box (cauiiblk nilktank, Sunge' 98 Manger - Frik-Sm3t . Wye ugs Z157 190, Bowm anville. 19-4* mil*ing machine anid vacuum: 94 Mohawk, Oshana72-740 Oshawa 576-03.W e Bres 623-5077'IB'SAST __________ - - ' : Surgeunîts,' _.16-7________P_______ at Yeo - - - 6337 Wantedfarmni arhinerv, David Brown i e icks - - 63382D I _________________90diesel tractor (3 years aid),! ' Ken Hockin- - 623-5055 R LS E î7ADead or Crippled ~:aîtatr e 1 Dane Faund 623-3965 SV l 1-s Farr Stok c, 7' hay mawen, 3-pt. hitch; .,.,oe .B ar 23577p 0e7 C a MagwllF r Frm n _ _ _ _ Subdivision posslbilitiei. Tarmiaiat8%. . ZU ADj Production coutrol experience essentiaL. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Monday, May l9th- 1 55 acre parkland for luxury homesite, 30 acres timber,>Phono: MINIMUM GRADE 12 EDUCATION PREFERRED. spring ted cee.Bcautiful roiling land. Ideal for wiuter sud, 623-3326 I Appiy: , Pfr these sud other goo" buyu, 623-731 Yk.. '200 BASE LINE ROAD EAST BOWMANVILLE HryVnEedneLclF IN A N C E (HOMOP GUfflT Honeywell Controls Limited, 1L CSnlrv o.Lmtd Ratr1 O M PA N Y ! FOOD MARI- Telephone; 623-3338elrveC.Liied eltr O CANADA LIMED 1 Tenders Wcmted TENDER Northumiberland and Durham County Board nf Education 335A King St. East (Box 470) Cobourg. Ontario ge" enders are mvlted for the cd General Classroom Supplies. :ard Tender lists and conditions re 92available at the Board office at the aboya addreess Tenders close et 12:00 noon, May 26, 1969 M. A. MacLEOD Business Administrator Inly and Treasurer med OVER TE TOP Campaign Chairman W. W. Wallis advised The Statesman mys this aiternoon that the ed hip, Cross Society's caimpaign for are funds has again passed itu lce, quota. The quota wae $2.700 anéq not tha total returns were $2.710. Mr. Wallis gave credit for their succees te the canvassers, the captains. the executive L merubers and the generous contributions of the publie who realize the important 1 work being carmed on by the 19-1 Red Cross. FRESHI 3½ i-lb. Average IBONELESS BLADE ROASI 8lb ROASI 85 'f FRESH CALIFORNIA Ne. 1 Strawberries 3 pis. 99C TOASTMASTER OASIS DATECAKE SAVE 4 [ASTER >2 Loaves 49c YORK BEEF STEW 215-a0. I Tins: 6 c SAVE 15o R MOTHER'S DAY 1 More Discount on lFT BOXES 0F ity (hocolates ýND CANDIES DINETTE 100% Pure Veg. Oil MARGARINE 141b..$1.00 TE SLICED 4 24-oz. l Loaveu 95C IBER01M FURNITURE POLISH NAVE Sra 79C % Gai. AWORKS DISPLAY - Hîgh Sehool Groundg A i s t 8 1 -Af D DS fr-r i T Ir IP

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