v -t-' ~ *'-- 'Y Th 'r C~~adn statesnfmm,. Uwmn'vIme, Meir, Courice S. S. Activkties by SU£ RODESKYI t hearts shnuld be filled withl Throghat. .neweek, thelipride, and ta ail t.hose who; hallowedhalls oi Caurtice Sec- 1participa ted. 1 would likew ta! ondary have been îiterally extend a.very special "thanki PIastered with varlous posters Yeu*' for your determinationi reminding the student boy ci and incere lnterest. Sponsars,' thie "Miles for Millions" Walk- 1 assure Yeu. your generosity! *-thon, whlch was held an Sat- was equally appreciated. ,ardaY. Courtice was indeed Don't forget May 8th and, praud ta show Its con cern and gth! You'll be able ta sec the! deuire ta help the world's rnany various routines, precisian drl' starvlng millions. by sending and gymnastic talents dlsplay- nunierous students, smeofn a ed by the physical educationl whrni were generously spon- students In their "Spring~ 0ored. on the 30-mile trek. Expo". open House will aisel Despite thc bruîmes, blisters be held the smre evenings, and' and aching feet. 1 arn sure they1 we'1l be lokn1oradt have ail recovered. and thelr seeing you! Music Teachers WiII Meet in Oshawa May 12 The Ontario Registered Mu- music teaching. The Kodaly sil Tearbers Association wil and Susuki methods of teach- nieet in Oshawa, May 12, 1969 ing willb. presented. for their annual convention. The hIighllght of the mter- This is an Association Ofof n ~wil Mature a lecture on registered (government &P- contemporary music by Dr. proved) miusic teachers, whose Gerhard Wuensch, member qualifications meet a high of the Faculty of the Univer- prafessionel standard whîah sity of Toronto. has been veriiied and approv- A tour of Parkwood wil be ed by an authoritative Boarda lnntndejyb pr of Eanùnrs. of the atternoon's program. The objects and purposes ofiThis wIll i.nclude a visit ta thle Association are: the Music Conservatory. (1) Ta promote the higtiestl 'Me District Members are standard of musical education working bard ta en-sure tic and to encourage the overali success of the convention - cultural development of its which wlll have a registra- mnembers. Ition o! approximately 125 (2) To encourage the nffer-1 members from aIl over On- FIg of accredited imusicaltario courses ln Secondary Schools< i ~_____ and Universities.1 TeConvention Prograrmi OBITUARY opens with a rec'eption Sun-l day everdng, when the Local MRIR. LAURA FREEMAN and District Branch will en- tertain thie O.R.M.T.A. Coun- The death occurrred Mon-' cil Delegates at the homne Ofiday, April 28, 1969, following Mrs. L. W. Parrott. ;a le'ngthy sickness, at the 0sh- Monday morning. the con-. awa General Hospital, of Mrs. vention opens with a panel, Laura Freeman, of 363 Buena discussing the new trends in Vista St., Oshawa. She was in ber 6otIi year. The trmer augBll hte i AM **Ydeceased was aLauBel.I the late Matthew and Jane Elizabeth Bell. Born August 16. 1909 at Middlesboroug¶h, Yorkshire. England, she was COIINT THE married March 13, 1952 in A resident of Canada lor 54 FUTURES years, she had lived in Osh- awa for 42 years. She aima O NYOUR spent smre tme in Vancouver was iormerly employed by FINGERTIPSth hoil ole Mls California. She wax a membp'rý of the ladies' auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion. Predeceased by two hus-i bands, William Arthur M us - srn in 1947 and James Vincent Freeman Jan. 13, 1966, Mrs. Freeman is survived by a son, Harry Musson of Janetville; two brothers, Robert Bell ofi MMd 7257 " Fort Ernie and Matthew Belli of Oshawa, and five grand-i àr the mo&rs etJoMnm daughters, BeVh. Janiet, Caro-1 owLrwnmdmoutboavduoIm lin, Lorraine and Karen. We Service What We Seil The funeral service wacz; ~~~UD * B P held at the Armstrong Funeral i Home, April 30th. Intermentý BROCKS B P wax in Mount Lawn Cerne- Phone 623-5487 tery. Rev. G. Renison, rec-i 20 King St. E., Bowmanvillel tor of St. Peter's A7ngliican _______________________Church, conducted the service. -A Tod~ay wiIbe aday ofIlove and good- MOTHER'Sý DAY, SUNDAY MAY llthwil filled with pleasant surprises AOUARIUS ;(,Jan. 20 meb. 18) --Sports are in perfect order todlay if sheps weari nq a delightful cotton knit .JImraica Shiorts ,arnd Tank 'fop oîjtfit. In cool snowy White Sliorts (Sizes 9 to 15) pair 7,00 TOP (Srnai!, Medium, Large>e) arih5.00 PIS(..FS (Fpb. 1 9-Mar. 20) :ur are botter days ahewd. sr) qive her a sunny printori otton -Swirn DrPss- to hask in. Bikini pants phis bikini top with detachable "Skirt". Siies 7, 9, il in assorted suInny' iummner colours. 3-pc. 19.00 APtES (Mar. 21 Apr. 19)---Detailsare riore important tnHay. so drnss tsp ber wardirobe wviîh deligbtfui chiffon or twill scarves, in 24" and 27" squares. Choose frorn a wide array of brilliant patterns and colours. each 1.00, 2.00 and 3.00 TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20)--Sticcess is in the bag today-Handbag that is! Present ber with orne fromr aur ; pring and summer collection, including, new fashlon "Satchel" or "Envelope"' styles in nuted shades. sach 7.00 and 9.00- 5 KING ST. E GEMINI (May 21-June 20)-The pace steps Up sIiç;btly today, so have ber ready in "Pbiantorn" -Cantrece Il'" nude heel Panty Hose. Choose Nude Beige, Rose Beige or Hint-o-Brown in Petite, Average, Tal and Extra-TatI. Reg. 3.00. each 2.40 CANCER (June 21-July 22)-Today promises ex- citing things, so get ber ready for tbem in a snazzy Culotte Dress, ideal for casual wear in gaily printed tinen. Sleevetess, square-necked style in Sizes 9, 11, and 13. each 16.00 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)- Focus on pleasant things today, and give hr;r a fashion-rigbt blouse of dainty patterned voile, with the smart new long collar, long steeves and button front. Pink, Aqua or Orange in Suzes 12 to 18. each 8.00 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)-This day will be filled with action, so start ber off in a pair of crimpknit slirns. These stretchy, pull-on pants wash beautifully, fit as tbough they were tailor-made. Navy, Mint, Aqua, Lilac, Beige. 10-16. pair 11.00 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)-Rornantic feelings are forecast today if anyone sees her in a frivolously frilly jaboted blouse of Dacron and Cotton with long sleeves and ruffted cuffs. White only. A lavish gift in Sizes 10-18. each 8.00 SCORPIO (Oct. 23- Nov. 21 ).-Todaywill bo a happier day than usual-if she's shod in "Happy Hoppers" Slipper/Shoes. Sporty shades in Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9. Slip- ons in stueded leather. pair 3.50 OR loafer style irn antiqued leathei. pair 5.00 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).--There's safety in numbers today, so buy her a matching pin and earring set, and add a bracelet too, from our fabulous selec- tion. There are ever-lovely pearis, or pierced earring trees, too. 2.00 and Up. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. i 9)-Today is a good day to relax and forget worries and cares. Make sure she does-in a printed Cotton Sateen duster with oriental look stand-up collar, and hidden zipper. Blue or Coral in S, M, L each 10.00 BQWMANVI LLE ~1+ TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TENDERS for STREET IMPROVEMENT at Intersection of King St. and Temperance St. SEALED TENDERS, properly marked as to contents, will be received by Mr. R. L. Byron, Clerk-Controller, Bowmanville, Ontario up to Noon, local time: Friday, May 16, 1969 for the construction of certain improvements nt the intersection of King and Temperance Streets. The work consists of the relocation of traffic signais, necessary wiring, underground ducts, cîirb reconstruction and necessary repaving. Plans and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Toronto office of the Consulting Engin- eers. A charge oi $10,00 wilI be made for eacb set which will b. refunded to General Contractors submitting bon& fide tenders to the Owner and who return documents and plans in good condi- tion to tbe office of the Consulting Engineers within thirty (30) .days of the elosing of tenders. Cheques shall b. made payable to "Proctor & Redfern". A certified cheque payable to the Town of Bow- manville for $50000 shail accompany emeh tender. The lowest or any tender need fnot necessarily be accepted. The award of a contrmet lu aubieet te D.0 approv*L ?4r L'LDjr.uProjeet Ne.fam ankcoerdr 'ROWO & 79I 'am lmv110à111 i