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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1969, p. 3

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ithe New Duteh Oven Restau ant. For the occasion t] bride': niother wore a ftree length. mint green drei matching bat and sboes, ar corsage of deep pink cars 'tions. She was asuistedj receling by the groom'. molJ er who chose a street-lengi salmon pink dress, navy acce sories and corsage of whi carnations and deep pin sweetheart roses. IThe couple honeymooncd S. Myrtle Beach ln South Car, lina, U.S.A., and for travelti tbe bride wone a grey woc flannel dress and coat, whi bat and black accessonies. corsage of ned sweetbeart nosi complemented ber ensembl Mn. and Mns. Burnbam a. residmng et 66 King St. Wes Bowmanvlle. A legal stenographer wlî W. Kay Lycett, Onono, th bride attended Orono PubI, School, Clarke High Scho and Port Hope High Scboc The groom Is a Plant Senvic Chemist with C.I.L., Toronti and attended Mapie Groi Public Sehool, Bowmanvill High Schooll and Queen University. Mr. and Mrs. Delton H. Schmitt, 248 Woodhaven Prior to the wedding th Road, Kitchener, announce the engagement of their bride wes honored wibb seN daughter, Betty Susann to Mn. William Douglas Mar- eral showers. Hostesses wer tin, Jr., 202 Hespeler Road, Gaît, son of Mr. and Mrs. MGrs. WSm peon, Mn a W. Douglas Martin, 141 Elgin Street, Bowmanville. e G ook is, s.JMn:. Cla The wedding will take place June 7th, 1969, at 3:00 ýMrs. John Forrester, Mn p.m. at Wanner Mennonite Church, Hespeler. !Mauice Aiinaert, Mrs. Ralpi Willis, Mrs. Gary MacDouga' Mrs. Morley Becksted ani Mrs. George Fisher. FOSTER -1MERCER The marniage of Miss Shir W eddîngsley Diane Mencer, daiughte ofMran r.GogMe Edwand F'oster, son of Mi and Mrs. Martin Foster, Camp bellcroft, was solernnized ii Kendal United Churdh oi Saturday, April 19, 1969. Fo: the cenemony the churcli wa pncttily decoratcd with ar BURNIRAM - NICHOLSON Iback. Her tou.r-tier bulle veil.1 rangements of white canna with7 scalloped edge and'tions and snapdragons. Standards of white 'mumsispinkled witb secd peanis.;Rv . .Wie n e with mauve commercial 'mums was gathcred to a crown of!RvR.CWhtan e formed an attractive setting pearîs and crystals. She car-:T nlrv fiitda for the manniage in Orono icd a bridai bouquet of rcd'the wcdding music was play Uinited Chunch on Saturday1 roses with white carnations and c d by Miss Cheryl Coathair afbennoon, Apniq 12, 1969, et white hyacinths in a long cas- cousin of the bride. 3:30 o'clock of Miss Faye And- ýcade design. Given in marriage by hei rea Nicholson, daugliter of Mn. Miss Dianne Nicholson, sis- father, tbc bride wore a for and Mn:. Floyd A. Nicholson ber of thc bride, was maid oflImal lcn.gth, empire-waistec of Orono, and Mr. Gordonihonor and Mrs. Gary. Mac- gown of white peau de soif Hfarold Bunnham, son of Mn. Dougal w as bridesmaid. They' with full-length white lac( and Mrs. Harold Burn'haml,lwere attircd in formai lengh, redingote. Thc redingote waý Oshawa. 'empire waisted, princess style styled with long siceves fash. The, officiaing clergymanigowns of mauve peau de soie ioned with flared cuffs, an wes Rev. Resul Long, and Mn.! acccnted by a woodgrain pet-imendarin coller, and exbend. James Wilson piaycd tbc wcd-, tern. They wonc iara head-! cd into e graceful chape] ding music. ýdresses witb two-tier match- train. A back-bow of peau de Given in marniage by ber îng tulle veiling. and carried! soie higbighted bbc gown father, bbc bride wore a for-! nosegays of pale yellow 'mumsî Hen shoulder lcngth vieil wa: mal length gown of wbhlbc with white carnations. j held by a crown of teardrop souffle in princess style withl Mn. Ronald MacLean was peenlsanad shc cannied a bou- long lily-pointed sîceves. A j est man and bbc ushen waslIquet of ncd roses and white mnabching train, cauglit by aiMr. Gary MaeDougal. I antos bow, hghlighted the gown- I The reception was held etcarni os. yMrcr a S':,..:.V. ..I maid of"chonor for hern sistcî S'"~"» ~ ..,.and the bridesmaids were an- ji ohen siste of the bride, Miss c' i,'iuU' ~Irene Mencer, and Mr:. Rich- TU Kard Fsesse-f-a f ~ ~ ~gowns ot lace over peau de .-. . ~ c/ ~ ' ~soie. accented by ful1-1ct chiffon coats. Thc maid of honon was ini pink and the FOR HE INES INbidcsmaids wenc in aqua. FOR HE INES INTbey wore matching bow hcaddresses of peau de soie. FIRST AID SUPPLIES Thle maid of honor carnied a W. carry ail the prnducts that nations with white carnations, evey mdicne hes shuldand thc bnidesmaids' bou- ever meicie chat houd . quets were of piink and white have. Let us help you bei carnations. prepared for those emergency c Mn. Richard Fosten, bro- sitution. ber of bhc groom, was best Bob Foster, also a brother of tegroom, ami Mn. Bill Mer- - ç'i~¶~cer, brother of the bride. I ~ SPorisored in the Interests %W f ,btter comniunity health by: FREDERICK'S PHARMACY A. D. JACKSON DRUGSI JURY & LOVEIL LTD. ALEX McGIREGOR DRUGS Carnation Florist Remenibers the Little Spender SMALL POTTED 'MUM PLANTS Cash and Carry 69c (Lirnited Supply) AZALEAS - POTTED PLANTS DISH GARDENS - MIXED BOUQUETS ROSES.- ETC. Corne ln and browme around in our big downtown store at 33 Division St. Flowers are fresh daily froni our 17,000 sq. ft. greenhouses. MOST BULK SEEDS - -15c pkg. BOX PLANTS ON LY AT CARNATION 1#ower & Seed Store PHONE 623-7141 - 623-5577 The neception was held ln bbe Odd F'ellows Hall, Orono, wbere thc bride's mobiler ne- ceivcd wcaring a matching blue coat and dress with white accessonies. She wes assisted by thc groomn': ma- liber who wiore s punple dress and coat ensemble, matching 'bat, and black accessonies. Bobli wore corsages of yellow roses and white carnations. Before leaving on thein wedding trip to Eastern points, bbe bride donned a green suit with beige acces- sonies. A corsage 4f yellow roses and white carnations complemcnted ber travelling liensemble. They anc residing eat 45 Victoria St. S., Port Hope. A teller wibli the Port Hope 'brandi of bbc Royal Bank of ICanada, tbc bride ettended Kendal Public Sehool and Clarke and Pont Hope Higb Schools. 'Mle groom atbended'- j Kendal Public School and i Clarke Higli Schooi. BETHANY His ma'ny friends are wisli ing a spcedy rccovery ta n ýAIlln Beer, who is a patient.r lnSt. Josepl's Hospital, Pet-' erbonougli. Mr. and Mns. Ernest Cavano have anived home from win- ter holiday: in Intercession City, Plonîde. Mrs. Norman Neals, Elm- vale, is visibing with ber mo- blier, Mi':. Rubena Jackson. Mrs. Carl Porteous spent last week at a Women's In- stitute Conference in Guelphi. Mn. and Mn:. Henry Jake- man bave moved into their newly built home on Jake- iman Road. Their former pro- perty bas been sold to Mn. and Mn:, Malcolm Munro of Pickeining, wfho rnoved bore Ion Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Howard Scott, Lindsay. were Sunday guests witb Mn. and Mrs, Walter Neals. Miss Annie Kerr ia a pa- tient in Civie Hospita.l, Peter- borough. Her many friends are wishing ber a speedy ne- covery. Mn:. Irene Mcflona]d ha: imoved here frýom Cavan, pur- chasing the nesidence form'er-4 ly owned by Mr. and Mr.:. Lesle Qia.-j1 m * Forthcoming Marriage sihews ve-ry prou d to-be with finesse. nhe play re- Mrs. Wilber Smith, Oshawa. a memben of the Masons and ivolves around the snobbish Mr. and Mrs. Gene Balsoný relabed a story revolvîing NOW IN STOCK! 1 upper class and thein loWlY and Tara, Oshawa, wcre Sun-. around a ceptured bank rob- iservants, until a shipwreck day callers et thc Harold! ber who when captured was Lo e *rather reverses bhc noles wîth BaIson':. Miss Ginger Raison, asked why he chose such a L ve tiose !the bclp of 'Crichton the But- Toron-to, was home for the, SPECIAL FOR MOTHER particuler hour to rob the Schows er'. As the play cornes to an weekend with her parents,!' English Bons China bank when thene were so07 end things are back to nor. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Belson. rnany people about. He was; mal, or arc they? Evenyone Mn:. Stella Balson was a CUPS & SAUCERS cjuoted as saying "I neyer hathings aoldroe neyer andayBillrg etth Mnd1 _E saw the peple my only F OT ismesumcd old res but Snday suppeitgu let iMr thougibts ee fth oney." E E I quibe the same egain. The family, Bowmanville. Mrs.1£~ Rev. Rccd said Masonic mcm- 'ECIE cat of this play is ton numer- Stella BaIson, Mrs. Jean Bul-l. 4 u bers sec the people, ail t he i ous to mention by name but lett and Mn:. A. E.Bllt people, both ich and poor,1 SANDALS each student taking part or visited in the evening wit sick and needy, and anc ai- j work ing behind the scories Mn. and Mrs. Ken Courtice. w-ays willing to lend a hclp- F LAT and RAISED on costumes, pnops, lighting. Saburday supper guests wibh .ng hand. Mr. Reed read sev-, HEELS make-up, etc., made us very Mn. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf MANY, MANY MORE GIFTS TO CHOOSE eral texts taken from the pnoud of them and we must werc Mr. and Mrs. Clemi sciptures to form bis sermon)i COLOURED STRAPS not forget the teachens and Hambourg, of Petcnborougb.I FROM FOR THE LADY IN YOUR HOME. Thbe people of Hampton were ithan.k them for ail their belp Sunday suppen guests were I very glad to sec him and his 'Ideal for the woman and encouragement. Pnoceeds Mr. end Mrs. Glen Metcalfi Corne in and brows. around - you are under wifc in thein midst oncel coninually on ber ýwill be used for bbc Drama and Grant. Oshawa, and Mns. no< obligation to buy . . . and your glfts again. Thie choir sang twa feet - Beauty Salon, 1 Club's annual field trip. Helen Metcalf. Bowmanvillc i lovely hymns during the sern- Stores, Etc. Hampton now bas a large! There la no one who bas! wiil b. wrapped FREE au usual I vice. I numben of Young ladies and not been lost in wondcr et' Don't forget May llth Isla J*igentlemen, as well as a few imes at thc individuel beau-1 Christian Femily Sunday and ILlioyd ElUis, aduits, with sone feet and ty and perfection of the first' A A al] parents wisiing to bave a11 %tiff muscles after heving par- flowers of Spring whose blos- hild baptized please cooutacb CL ticipabed in tbe 'Miles for soming and fading. operringi EWU- R R he Rv. Cessell s son a Millions' walk on Satw-day. and cloeing mark tbc begin- ossble. ' ~KN TETw One's beant just swellcd wibh ring and passage of the sea- JW LEYAGF IO Lay ~ ~ ~ - evnna pi 9h n O M NIL prîde as you watched these sons. Ail around our village' layevninsAprl 9t an BWMAVILE young people corne by the and elsewhere this rituel i 1 King St. W. Phone 1.2-SUa Ewmm"vMlh Mth, thc M. J. Hobbs student hundreds, limping and tired, taking place if one only beke Drama Club prescnt.ed a playi yet PUahing on tbrough check the tinie to look. Take up at ______________________ s r ti b I - 1- Il '" ter check Point bto 1The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanville. Mmy T, 19o9 th xchange VOWS In urono United (jhurch mee the challenge put be-__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .et, fore theni. They proved thtl indthey are aware of the world'slrandoni anY single plant and weekend with Mr. and Mr&. needs nd tha they e ouwil find it corriplete ini G. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. willig to o tilir p r ,t ai its Parts and as adapted Quantrall. th- help. A mere thank you Young for it',;Purpose as tihough it Mr. and Mrs. Robt. West. gth People seema sos inedequate, were the only object ini this heuser, Bowmanvifle, were es- but we want You te know universe of ours. This corres- with Thicksons over the we't eyvetpoue, pondent was very glad to lis- weekend. youail jten to and read about 'The Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer had nk~"The Hampton Doubles Club~ Miles for Millions' Waik this Mr'. and Mrs. W. Terbenche ~ ~had a most enjoyable outing weekend rather than sonne and family, Port Hope, Mr. on Saturday when about 21unmportant feature of a sit- and Mrs. R. Mercer, Port at- of thie couples travelleci toi in riot somewhere. Bye now, Hope, Mr. and Mrs. R. Crom. ,ng Toronto to see 'The Spring; 5ee Yeu next week! bie, Bowmanville, at differeint Dl- Tflaw' at the Royal Alexandra' tumes over the weekend. IeTheatre, and afterwards o toi Mr. anld Mrs. Donl Whitbred teA Scott's for a delicjous buffet!Mr and rs saa eewt ;e sppr.Alerreurin hme1 LIIJABETHfVILJL r adMm' L. Muldrew on- supp r. A ter etur ing omeSunday. re. in the eveniflg Mr. anid Mrs. Church services were held Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cio)w,- Steve Art3rm also entertained at Garden Hill. It was thleir Port Hope. were with Mr. and il: ~~~~~~~~~~Hampton W. i. met (ml Sunday ScholAnerayMs.G.Paerorth Tue., ay th at8 pm. flThe guest speaker was Rev. weekend. th the C. E. Wing. BowmanvilleiW. 0. Von Boetticher, Balti- ýeInstitute were visitors and a more. 'h uir upid hooked r u g demonstration the mu1sjc and littie Neal ic ~~~~~was planined. Hanmpton rnem- popewath soit. huh 1.bers were asked te bring a services will be at Elizabeth. cefrlend and, also a hat made vile next Sunday. ou fktce is On Saturday evening the lie Please Note -H amnp t on;4-H club and friends held a Sunday Schoel 1: 1o a.m. now adsue n ls __ lJue.cup adsue n ls .~~. un t houns epe show er for M rs. Dennis Clow Peopl who asked, at Mr'. and Mrs. Adam Stec's he yes, as of the first of Janu- home, Orono. .v-. . r y Ontario fishermen re- Garry Fowler, Deinnis Lang, le ~:..quire a $3.010 licence to en- Tim Mooney were rnaking a gage in tneir favorite sport, movie as a high srhool pro- ~k.:;#~ __but womnef and boys and girls ject on Sunday at Osaca, Wel- TR n- 'c. n"c ner 19 years old are ex. come and Port Hope. Several .*,empt accordingtem reports. locaîs tookpatni. )hS heeyuhave it. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barkwell, hl, Saturday supper guests iOsa ,vste with Mran id" Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell Mrs. C. Beatty this week. .. were Mr. and Mrs. Cruick-1 On Wednesday the ladies shank. Peterborough. Sunday~ met a h hrhbsmn '.supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. fer a short course on "An- ..... ...... ...............Percy Deweil were Mr. andi tiques in Your Allie." They i Mrs. Russe]] Reynolds, Mr,.' had prepared an excellent T 'I .."c. is Reynolds, and Mr. Don dinner but found after we I S r .. . .... ~~~~~~ ~~~~Featherstone, Toronto. th h d g t re t at i te o SP Y C OG N ,~~.< Sunday Callers with wstth:3epm in 1 wasat1:o m istadof'PAY OLG. Lionel Hickeys were Mr. and~ 10:30 a.m,, se we held our In- r. -'~ .Mrs. AI ex Rogers and famn- stitute meeting. Plans were b.. iny. eevle. made for the District Annual Weeken---e---wit the whic'h it is our turn le hold. %he forbidden fragrance". r ~~.R .Wdeobswr r Also plans for the sale at oin, .. c ~ ;and Mrs. James Widdecombe, Harry Trew's later this month. Hay retl excting... Wateloo Suday s up p er We plan to have a Stanley Tabu Spray Colo>gne. Known guests with Mr. anid Mrs- R. Product party in October and nIoetewolov. Mr. nd rs.Goron arod Brnhm, how intheabove photo, chose J. Widdecombe were Miss a North American Fashion an rethwoiov. - M. ad Ms. ordn Hrod Brnhm sownin heMary Niddery, Mr. and Mrs. party in June. After dinner Saturday afternoon, April 12, 1969, at 3:30 o'clock for their wedding in Orono William Widdecombe. Karen w.e had our course led by 3z 'United Church. The bride is the former Miss Faye Andrea Nicholson, daughter and Billy, Oshawa, Mr. and Miss Armor, Toronto. Many 3 z 4.00 cof Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Nicholson of Orono, and the groom is the son of Mr. Mrs. Douglas Nichols, Ed- antique articles were display- i and Mrs. Harold Burnham, Oshawa. Photo by Astor Studio ward and Stephen, Bowman- ed and discussed. _____ ville. and Mr. and Mrs. James Ms en ieLn IL J II~I. r Setting Was Kendal United Church W o Wtaoo pn rs Cheattyn.wih r PRESCRIPTION ýd spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock PHARMACY with her granddaughter and vstdM.adMs .Pa family, Mr. and Mrs. Les. cork. Oshawa, on Sunday. 6 igSreEs Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Quantrlllw avil Mr.baie Mrs. Les. Huint andi and amily, Oshawa, spent the, Bwnnil e Sunday callers with Mr. adMrs. James Smnale werel î CI..és ip,ýucd4le s Mr and Mrs. Robert Scott, p Debbieand Terry, Pickering, andMr.and Mrs. James Smlsand family, Oshawa. MOTH PROOFING Weedguests with Mr. ,DO R RO FN and rs.Hugh Coutts were O O RPO FN rM.adMrs. Jim Bell and 1 family, Prince Albert, Sun. MILDEW PROOFING day supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Coutts and Vs vrtigta sdylae i u ln f ~~~~~~~~~~~~family, Oshawa. eeeyhn hti rceednouplt - ~~Sunday callers xci th Mr. tefi ramn tf etacs oyu -- 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and Mrs. Cecil Siemon wr estefl ramn oetac tt o 2 ~Mr. and Mrs. Les Chittick, 1 Bowrnanville, and Mr.and MONTH 0F MAY GIVE GENEROUSLY TO E ~Mrs. Dan Black, Courtîce. Mi'r. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD CAMPAIGN accomipanied Mr. and Mrs. Black to attend the Sundav Sohool anniversary service at 1 Courtice, an il were Sunday vis%! BWAN I L tos it r c JmCLEANER.S Sim. Ajax. Sunday callers with Mr. anden8 KING ST. W. 2 5S Mrs. Harold Potter and fam- ily were Mr. and Mrs. Roger CuL W. Specialize In Shirt Laundering Roberts, Toronto, and Mr. and [l R Mrs. Jim Potter, Laura and \ Danny, Salem wti.te Melbourne Primes were Mrs. Carel Buckler and girls and! ~' ~ . ~cMiss Dean Buckier. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne ....."~ Prime visited with Mr. and ~. <c~sc' ~-c~c"'Mrs. Randali Prime in Lind- say on Sundey evening. - ~ . ~ .>ndey callers at the Fred - r- HoloydswercMr -Ad rT -iT ...- 1

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