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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1969, p. 5

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oti- FROM OU F:LOWER 'Carnations P j$3.79 ,- IELIVERED ln ueveral colon from ~IIj I K n l t MPIY FROM 0 SHOPOGRDEN ME' t"BI1Gr CENTRE Mother's Day Special. 1 Almey Flowering Crab 7' tal i Royalty Flowering Crab 7' tail iHopa Flowering Crab 7' tal Ali 3 for oniy $1 9.9,9 THESE ARE HARDY 5 TEAR OLD FLOWERING CRAR TIRES. -. -' - w àe e> AT OUR STORE Special For MQTHER'S DAYSPECIAL M te' a A lov'ely bouquet of 6 _____________________ grenfery, fuily wrapped. We caiwy them lasv 6" POTTED MUMS' ca fren to s ixe 4Gorgeous 6" Pot Chrer- for the color of yeur '7ejsntenu NIyi chowce. bloom u t the Peak of Perfeetion. Thes>e ome We wilI enelnw.j eamm4/ FLOWERING AUmey Crab SPECIAL CRAE whlch toe hoose. Why v it xvAWy W 0 3 71B*Hd"' ad ePant a lovely $795A Mother's__Day Special imm"The C ow ad anai ern mn",9pigiti ovr -order your plants. card "Temv" e- l h prn ti oe-$ . - m CF .I41with your name tennial Tre" Fl lUed i fratrantPl »JXE AN 0 boms 7 w lom. jU e, emk Chosen b h o4el u ~ i.luu. rlg tîîwnaplsgeadaee. tulal hc.8es -$ 3.79 $ 3.29 laside srintf w leomuapm loomaitle rbtTClentes t - ..791A-29 Ightros "ea fu i.t u eneili rn ches. Exc he re.. b] $4 79 $ .2 ELIVERED AT OUR STORZ watch UMom'S" e « lig*- bp.eal eat' rin fuit. A racefu ranEce t lomionut1d DP.LIVEILEJ AT OUR STORZ rn an.frEly These pans arn made apod a variety of flowerlng and fellage plants. With the different types and coloran mxed together, they r ~maie a lovely Km fefr "Mom". Make your "Mm", th. happiest PlN.anMnue '*o"i onwith thes. rugnway No £2- - iue West of Bowmanville '6 3 7 7Rotr*i.ok Invely gifîs.. OPEN --FRIDAY a-nd SATURDAY 'TIL 10 P.M. 62 m5 57MonaMyl 1 TREES NopaI Royalty Flowering Crab Flowering Crob I z-A rw luta, ay10 ifm»,.- i LI r- 1 1 --.à mmMmwfflM,@ý 1 IMML- gàm 1 e 1 L BU ~~AI ~~ g centers, nowr we flnd Missf Karen Paganan Mr.lenllghtening to Iearn thatiThe Canadi an Statean, wmnfl.My.ilO5 ~ yy M junior memers of aur';wI Happy Ivio-Year' .I Michael F'agan of Markham :Oporto. one of the land*stp-_ .__- ___ ______ E T .~ v . ~1 communty took part lnat. U visited Mr. and Mrs. F. . Qwnes, s stili rade unrer the LE Mrs. Cecil Robinson of ton. Tw ,.er . oyDai'Cooper over the weekend. supino nls ie M P EG Orr-n-~ wp ', i r Mrs. Sutton of Toronto v-îst- H-endersOn and - Bill MacDon- Many froni Orono attendedi makers, and it Is aged ln casks.' a vnn iioswt wVrt> Mr. and Mrs V ni Staple ed here wit.h Miss A. Nesitt, aid started wlth several thous-h .I en al tKn ihn hecptl0 ot-Baptismal servicenetSnthrcoinM.ndM. one day last week. n tesa saasSo dal Iast Saturday evening. gal. is an attractive city with, day. also Mother'sDa se-TdFlan ntM. Mr. and Mrs-. Jack Ell1ott pn etea r.Tae On Saturday evening an! modernl buildings and num- vice.PeiHoknBaeLe.O accompanied hy Mrs. H. Elliott' Iin eastto tBthwmaslehe Honorary Banquet was held, erous luxury hotels. Many ex-ýDntfre h drove to Waterloo on Thurs- kteDo' ore heIsittnSudyMr n Ms e ihtr wet st hitya theeLncein th Odd Fellows Hall, Or- iled royalties live ln that great meeting on Monday vnngIoyMsPriHcnM. day,. bringing their dauterw' oWib n hneoo o adnRO .FScity, as well as political exiles!May l2th nt 8 p.m TpcanlMsDo Fle.Be for th hak me S e w nk bahck tothe S eahoppng ete.5 pter, United Counties of Nor-' and refugees from other coun-: W ear a corsage r d r m Ln, w re s p e uss wt for thesummer.S'ne iswork- wich the reache at ~ tumherlad and urham. i tries. Commentator Hagar was1 flowers, leaves or veeae.'tefrrsdugtr Mr lng at Hope Haven, again.iafter covering 30 mlFivhythmerlUnitd f h ransdw nth imDakngwt li uOrn sonlnte imtakn wt:Mrs. Wmn. Laird will eso-adMs alMitr n -S Etruhtehldy.collected $3 each for this e-KFgUbetoofIal. ng sids n IoQiefBetahehaa thog h hldy.worth-while fund. United Cuc e-igUbroo tl. ig sieo Mr. Allan Martin of Port' Mr10Ms RyodTI meetings on Tuedy I h The older parts of Li bon' Places." Place ofmetn is MradMs.FdWxgt rw Credit and Mr. ad r.a rs. . atternoon, Unisd2ayn hed r lo asntngwt . La urie Stapleton and Beverly 1weeat Dalrymple Lake over a jroin Curch tud hld re asue sresadipesv'U...meigo9hr a udy eigcleso meeting inMr. tdhe Upper: geancient buildings. A lthough day eveninig, M ay l t , a i a h r M . N r a r g t C.Ei A d to i m thU n t~ there ls som e M oorish Influ- p.m . ini the C . E . H l.s s e s M s . .. B a f r bvbbq tto Kh -The Newcastle Couples' C .AdtrimadUiCluinpbur hwdte aUWoe, saa ee TusJ7n.Ms1abraWlh c About 36 teenagers travelled held a successful dance in enîmantall;in the Uper tincethePorcetu ureTheim-;oMts. Mrnd Ms . mIo Soe rek tEni bb eKitchener. Fridayý Community Hall, Saturday Unt3i h peicl otgee h o'no r n Dac a the 'gTelevsoneveMrn.I atnthe home of MrsPoR-, public appearance of Slazar. I day Iast supper get ihcmaie e ls rd Dance Party" Among thos Mr. and Mr. Wilfred Pe- Nesbitt.Who had been Dictator Of' the fornier's ICutc ihShot receiving prizes for the "Spot- den were Saturday evening Mrs. Edna G. Barrahall~otgîfrdcds ewsMs .G rea.O n'e okls e~ dancing" were Graee Hostege, visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs Simpson, age 86, wife of theseportuaeentng ea.sHetas r . Mr'J d. nnay !Darla Farrow. John Marteil, Clinton Brown. laeCaesWsySmsotr prqnî Col r ou Rhhe cCrn. ueda,,On Saturday afternmon at s i., t nd r of Minnie (Mn:. 'hiveyPonc Leslie Jackson, Bowanilj n.ndMsC.PSalo weesupper guest Wthhnwr udycleso r Ma 1 at 7 they ho)pe'St. Paul's Church, Port Hope, aner) o * grv nsouthn otglwas brother, Mr'. and Ms .G1 n r.SuatSemn hoiîio and to a baIl game ýat the the Ladies' Auxlliany combin -~ ed away oni April lOth at the1 pictuned. It hias a tropical! rea.IPn oe local school -teenagers versus: ed with the Beaver Athletic i emoal Hspitl, Swan, l*mae, equisie1gIdens Mis Jre ackeHmodOn M.adMs parens. A~ociaton ~ v~ +i " ~""~' '- ~ .~i'.~ .~ Lke, anitoa. Fueral as plms LdketrMfinitresa.ndtarioLadis Colegeathitsvrandwere oe' Mfiae Deputv Reeve and Mrs. H., hockey t anqueho aed und- tre an(1 ,tampooLadMosdav sup E.Walkey and Mr. and Mrs. er teganc h e playe n::s...:to prlIt ih 'gtto. hogo spent the weekendatMsL.pegut ihMî.RoVa E. tJ.rguLanenheaasster "Portugal there were nmany! C.Snowden's. Sunda supnapBeLie S. . ancstr atededth, inten, and aftenwards, pre- ~..... .castles te be seen, soeeare get ih Ms Waroen's banquet, Fridav ev- i sn hirpis fseil... ening n Odd ellowsHall.still lived ln, others are ln John Huband. Oshaw er u enn nOdFlosHlinterest te several in this area p'ruu al disuse and some are onlv ruins. Ms nc e Onono. at which Mr. Walkey i h nnucmn ta Ms Jackie HammonW. M*07OROLA acteri ln the capacity of chair- The Shnine lmep, son i C., Mrs. L. C. Snowen m a n M.J mGilmen. was awarded Featured invisit thene were aiso weîîBbSoweM' Jh rt Localicoahng sSubstance:e Loa olee4dnt oethe trophy for the most val potgaped î n;cha nd. for the holida3' season ar aleplye i te yk A h.. f . *Ther i a Mrs. Barbara BokaSiik ie Colo TVMarilyn MacDonad and Bob'Sa iiin j ..x:.:.~.~.Ia eo u h.rch onth spot Chesley, Mn. and Ms al. I and Mn. and Mns. Jim Panken .'M..1 girls had a vision 0fMay h rockmain, Owen Sud f - Heather Best freim Waterloo. and famlly of OshaWa, were A vivid description of Pru- Mot>her of God, in the 1920's. atdn the e dding o UO jour Flowers ln the church Sun- Sundav evening ve da onn wr nmmoyM.a gai was given at the final A huge candie lighted proces- efre' ic.Ms as ~ndreav uiueh da mrnngwee nmeor M. ndM s II sWad ndt peenain fih owa-sion of the devout wendlng Brockman, Oshawavstdfn ehaigmhtn of the late Mrs. Dudley Jones~s um naio fte omn ville Rotary Club's Travel and their way to the shnine at night. the fonmer's brotherM.adwt h h yt hikho whng et H oital las n ul Mrs. Hanry Stewart and AvnueSneshl eetywas shown. Mrs. Gary Petitte andag-roipalesyltlevtha da. oloin hesrvcee~~rcyofKngtn petMo-~ ~-~'--'1- l - n the Town Hall auditorium. Bull fighting is popular In tens on Sunday. ddicmothmmesa ta.he Ne wging Fun erveal meiay with Mn. and Mns. George, A graphie colored motion pic- Portugal, but It Is quite diffen-; Mrs. CharÉ l WieO-îpedupeangoteijms th ebgig uea on Stapleton. The littie fellow 'n the above photo, with the tune, and a splendid commen- ent fromn the bull fighting 0f awa, was a Saturda vitoifamdiue AnnTrTo oronto, yeveThunsdayad Mse helGiler ,arlMn eyandd bgrs.le PhilnEbyGilmecntbitaEb ti natan Sia, -Spaat orheree btaorshen'sr roMerd MM Interment took place here ln and farj.> spent the spnkîngeys nd miei Ln hotry Yl onthrran Hagel1are pnt loges e kmaltado1 rs edan nsR. Steeveens.e wil amkviwy weeenon riaycelebrated his second birthdav. He is the son of Mr. oeleuen ndtaeear fotaoedtki heFdR.tees H O O r O at kc th ir cgtrgecenCh m occo ub nt o lnth un e fa c on tn y'f o n b i g kll d o o e o s, W s o , S e t Fn d y o ± ipit n < a l - i Lakeviw Ceneteryon Fniay attheincottag at Cemongbull and they are protectedî Mrs. Wm. Davidsin e~eigpn afternoon. Frlends and rela- A Pee Wee balteam has and Mns. William Ebv ngrando of Mn. and Mns. acobned on thunefacontryng two' illhrornkage) boysok deaier now ! Mrivs cV.Bour te re of;dben boysanined as ngegualoceal1 William Eby Sr. and ýMn and Mrs. Clifford* Shred, ail and its frîendîy people. themselves as the Portuguese! and Saturday with hnsse, forV orgrewsdonby ndmesj of Bowmanville. International Service Dlrec-lbulîs have thein horns paddedýMn. and Mrs. Len Gomr patcudrteleadership,______________________________ton Chairman Stewart ca-before going Into the ring. phy and daugliters,wilhe TheSio ofCoaliexpects to be living at lirh v Bruce MacDonald and Don audience. He also intnoduced bull rings for the audiences ness. ~W8MOIIbdWt home, here. n the near future.«l Lanmbert. tenraoM.Hgr n and n addition to the contests Mrs. Wayne Picke n II Ueals(i-' Bnain'-TS lie r 86tl, dlirManv fnied te undav Shl agaSetclsaeprvddrntejhubn anda n ui ýn ot B en.ia m O n S t u n d a y , M a y l O t h, s h e R e u l a r m o n t h l m e e ti n g ofth e la tte r 's w ife , M a r y w h o 'ý b e tw e e n m e n a n d b e a s ts , th e e M rs . P a u l M e C u llo u he r i h cu c k y el e . ui w Nil we ill bye celeetig th er etnileUCW.wshaccompanies lher lhusband on ýare the parades and pageantry. co-hostesses on Satura v~oisadsimnAVoto lierhinthd ehlieve n i W inteSda colhll on1 a 0 f his world-Wlde jour- The Portuguese people aiei ening for a shower eda anieihor oî n ogrt- Wednesday, May 30 at 8 p.m.' Mrs. Geo. Moiton, Mi. and1 Oakville spe,t the weekend'neys and is ln charge of the fine looking with dank hairj Mrs. Pickand's for MisSnh NoBoDniafeýn adiho s at ti tîme gatPresident Mrs. >J. Caswellj Mrs. Rb.Mro ndduàfAnl 7hwt n W.sudeup entfrterand eyes, x'osy complexions. Jaîne wsTrno rd omntads>pstoyfr m ~~~1L UbL Quite a few from this anea op&'ned with the hymn "1Myý1gliter Marilyn in Thorn- 1 S Moffat. film.!s. , qipen and fine posture. TheyarbeoMnWmHopBw-Pprtii Akrtta4 Kult P it endal, StrdayevenngSalbyte Lord's P rayen. onaua n.aend n . M. oMlHo e e The map of Portugal show- mild manner, friendly. and manville. ed it bytas oadrectangularM. cnountHoraey hospitable, Mn. Hagar said. Mn ad Mr.Lwee Mntso rvosmeig visited Mn. and Mns. _____________es ofSpin Ms. Chanlie Waters W!1 iue fpeiu etnArthur A. MantIn who were Wan othesotwstoSpn, -______ __________ r. ndMr. rue atrsi w"ere- read and adopted as well'celebrating their 25th Wed- Hoe ad JlTntoo bt .ep its eoahicl A BER NET Hv Y lMn.adMrBue aesas cards of thanks and Treas- ding Annivensany. Suildyan JIlI oronof ones g grations, Hoe PAIT &WA1~PP ; and chldren of Toronto speniti urer's report given. Plans were tMiocutuea(Htopeeole 01Tonsrneb;n PRS 63541 teween wthM.Ry made for the coming Anni- i M.adMs . 1 r ntnl nie Miss Heathen Best and Mn. Weon d e nuhthsps. versarv Service, May 25, when Tedeo outHl eeMn. Hagar said that Pontu-'David Gerow, students of 5.5 TG T I WKeadNGnm hthSpTt.r. . .R.hadon0fWht jSudy uet 0 M. n gI sabutte of hmnfrdh BOWMAN VILLE weekcnd about the "Walk For Mbv wL. FbeRih ar. o Mrs. glMnsbou.te Jimad Middleton. rehoe orth Milion"_n_____________wil___tepeaer_____ ____mMidleon of Indiana, and it lias a popu- surnmer holidays. SLacse gedtlok M.ana Mr. L o rdlotion, of 9,000,000. He ne-! Mn. and Mrs. Charles Raby after ondenîng the envelopes Coates and son Kenny of minded his listeners that forIvislted relatives ln Belleville and Mrs. F. Gilmer the adver- Sunderland w e re Sunday centuries the Portuguese havellast Sunday. tising. Ushens were iiamed guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. been a sea-going upeople. and I Mrs. Norman Gerow and and two ladies appointed to B. 1-bar. that many famous voyagesi David spent last weekend with selI tickets at the door. Light Miss Darlene West of Ton- made by sailons fromn Portugal relatives in Picton and Welllng- pli ~~~refresliments xill be served nnospttteweedwt esulted in a number of lm-'ton. 1 fe h evc.01î lien parents Mn. and Mrs. portant discovenles of distant Sunday, Aril 20th, services frein 2 to 4 p.m., theneayeiWeste lands. w %ere held at Mornish United anoblhen Craft Ciass.'eWs. 'Ilie coast of Portugal is at- Chunch i wth Rev. Ian Munno Next meeting will be Ma-y Mns. Cecil Robinsonî, Mn. tractive wlth beautiful sandy ln charge. Baptismal, Con- 21 xw'len a film on China wÎlî and Mns. Wm. Robinson at- beaches, and good harbons. firmnation a nd Communioný be shown with Rev. T. H. tended the 5Ith Wedding An- Shipping is still of value toiservices were held. Bonnie I CKABY'S ~~~~~~Smithi of Newcastle as corn- niversarv of Mr. and ougeanteifs-', R T CAY Snentator. A report was heaî'd Adami Sharp held at their lng fleets provide a livelihoodi Mrs. Elmer Green, was baptiz- frmteplatform ('ommittee. homne in Enniskillen on Sat- for many. The fishlng fleets,edBneCao.Ts c- hav ben rceie 1ura tnon although the fishermen are! firmed werane CasweU,. L M TDfrom Newcastle and Orono, Congratulations teoMr. Ar- Mostenterprising, are run iniBônnie Green and-Jine Marv- Spe6aly Impoted fo oei the "Greater Europe in the Orono Hockey Mothe,-' ' - I for centuries. The big a Bible. Mns. Harold Osborn 1 Speciily Iporte (romMission", on behaîf of Mn. andi.50 -o Draw, having the win- ,>1 gj wooden boats do not use and Mrs. Milton Brimacomb, England for Mother's Day Mrs. Roy' Bickle. As the Socialî ning goal of thnee minutes 1t7'tJ ' wharves, but are launched Monnlsh Elders, assisted Rev. Fucton omitceI sor and three seconds for the fron heso lipsed out Munro wlth the communio DESIGNEDone member, Mrs. D. ViikleIStanley Cup playoff on Sun- SPRAYCO.XL'J'.JNE into the water by manpowen,ý service. ATTRACTIVELY DSGE agreed te fill the vacancy. The j day -.. and all hands are expert oars- Mns. Arthur Germond, Osha- buffet luncheon te be served' 'men tasse.wsetteptwek it . ' / LXt q BONE CHINA on May 20 wlll require each M.adMs m.Pasi The fishing catch, particul- Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley.i memben to suppîy at îeast tw'o anîd son Billy of Seagnave . eaue do7elî cookies on smaîî tarts, visited Mn, and Mrs. Jini ._.a svmet -yet -stimulating arly that of sardines, is essen- Mn. Wllfned Sunday was ad- ' Middlton on und'ay fter- f~çai b4nd ~ ~tial to the well being of large nitted last Tuesday morning ta.eAporaeyGf npe Iujm1Çj for the 1.50 expected. Mdltno uda fe- foa ed"o h on numbers of wonkers, also flsh the Pont Hope and Districtl pp spring flower" brouglit ,a IMns. Robent McHolm of ather and their by-products are Hopta.wee ei en s à~mong the country's leading treaied for pneumonia. vanied response, aften whlch Port Hope is visiting Mn. and exports. The rapid unloadingý Mrs. Carmen Irwin spent S U E Sthe collection was taken. ,'Mns. Cecil Jones and famiiy. ofthec hln te was ic fSat Mn. nTons. a.Mni-I { o e ' fe el Unit Leader Mrs. R. Farrow Mn. and Mns. Grant Moffat, 0 the ctch o the nturno turdM.ay n Trot.hs ee $1.29 v~~~~~onduct.ed the worship periodlFrank, Robent and Donald o, 3o.$.0As enwr h nutiu1e n r.Atu emn 1.29 assisted by Mrs. G. MClI~i efforts of men, womnen and r visited with Mn. and Mns. John lougli, Mrs. . Elliott and M 'W Indies, Australia, New chlldtnen, handllng, cleanlng, Meneilîey and famlly, Belle- Boxed and attractively gift wrapped L. Peck. A duet "Count Your Zealand and Japan wene shown îpF 'nE <" S fs crattng and loading ville, last Wednesday. À Blessings" was sung by Mrs. by Mn. Bill Morley with comn- I IE DELICK S~the shto send huge quanti- Mn. and Mns. Leo Tittering- at no extra charge. -D. Vinkle and Mrs. M. Jones, mentary by Miss J. Perrin. PECITO isaa etercmecaýo n o pn ensa after which Mns. Farrow clos- These brouglit out several visi - PESRITINtiawtoi i o mmerc itn andsonspneWdesa ed with prayer and the final tors whom we were pleased to PHARMACY Beautiful scenes of vineyards! A sale of houseliold effects hynin "Blest Be The Tie That welcome. Appreciation was * were pictuned. Wine makers and garden. tools was held Sat- Binds". expnessed tea ah and the îîsuaîl 67 King Street. East and their employees wene also unday aftennoon at the farm A senies of interestingj cup of tea and liglit lunchi Bowmanville r hown and the Intpenesting home of Mrn ad M-s obn 1 M ý ÀLIIK ML a

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