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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1969, p. 6

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t.- -~ ~ ~ SFOR man ier Mm, . TamlynDR, C. F. CATTRAN, D.S. LNI'4fLI Mns. H. Lane, Mrs. S. Tennant, 75 King St-. E. Bowmanvilie! '~~ f~LIIV ~ . Rfl.M(IT ~ Mrs. R. Bickle. Mn.. R. Bry- i Office Hours:Svna faryngade ~ ~son, Mrs. Gannet- Ricard, Mns. I 9 arn. t-o 6 p.m. daily acquit-ted t-emselves very weil 80-OZ. lKelth Conneil, Mn.. J. Rteed, Closed Sat-urday and Snday1iln t-be "March for Millions"ý Mn.. R. Pocock. Mxi. J. Hoop-I Phone 623-5459 IMiss Kathy Balint compieted UA~ ~er. Mrs. S. Bruce. Mr%. Jan DR. STANLEY GERTZ t-be 30 miles with Lee Wtsener. T W O FO O N E anack, Mn.. Jim Olinski. Mn.. 67 King St. E.. Bawmanvtlle Lynn Baliski and Lillian Lay-1 Offer Good Until May l5th, 1969 Pt- Lunn, Mrs. B. Gaudey, Office Hours: endier making en excellentý Mr.Margaret- Tink, Mns. ý.1 9 a.m. t-o 8 eftctrt. RETILONY ODE FOMSirnmons. Mns. J. Ingraham, Manday through Thursday Mn.. Keith Davey entertain- RETAL O LY ORER ROMMn.. Larny flewelI. Mns. E.1 9 o.m. t-o 4 p.m. Friday ed hen Sunday Schaol t-o atrip VOUR MILKMAN TODAY 1 Thompson, Tom McGulrk, Mns. Closed Saturday and Sunday to the woods and a wtener M. McGuink, Miss K. McGuirlc, Phone 623-7662 roast. Wersretergtt ii uniisMiss D. Bothwell. Miss Bey- Ivan Gniffin accompanied a W. sevotherihtto imt uanitesely Tennant. Miss Rhonda bus load ai classat-es t-o New Tennant, Mn.. Jack Leddy, Insu rance York. M.Pat Leddy, Mrs. Dave DONALD A. MeGREGOE o!fn.Sathe ems sa uet ROT RY NDAY, M ýPAY Reynolds and Mrs. W. Luton. Lite. Auto, Home M.Sur ei a us MODYM Y19aIsurance tage at Echo Lake.atedda Mem ria 1-os i l 'King St-W., BnanVII farnily gathertng at Mr. Stan (~ I~IgMn.. Fred Griffin wlth hen IIX fLWeekly Report 0 p f o m e f r y mot-iir. Mn.. R. McLaughlin For the_______of________-_of___ esarea, ealled on Mrs. * Fr te wék f ArilKEM A. > ILLE£TT . O. ierb MeLaughlin, Oshawa. 28 - May 4 inclusive: Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. H. Owen and Adission-- ------ 76 143 King St E. - Bowrnanville famfly spent t-be weekend wit-h lirthe, 2 naie, 2 female 4 Office Hours: By *ppointment friends ln Sursit., Dlschuves _ 73 Tel, bone 623-3252 La.t- week we orift-ted Mr. 13 AVMUMInr, oemtSs 7 9am. .m. ta- m.the list- of frends who attend- Em OenYement - 14 WMo nd Sa. Thr..- 12 edNor.n t-na ' nefrm ,rs Take in 'Carnival., ~Trent Campus 12-"-",At ocat o To be Used for Other groups planning meet- Co teen es andi Drug Addict-ion ona lt-Ion, wit-h about 130 delegat-es 5' The Canadlan Statesmn. EowmanvMle, May 7. 1969 C lru o n k t Youngsters of Ail Ages Don Colorfui -Costumes For Fine Skating Carnival (Contlnued from last week) IJong, Mary Lou Bryson, Lau- Senior Ladies Championship. rhe Pretty Flowers pleaseti ise Purdy, Jil Wilatts, Janise "Sounds of the Times" was thé. crowds witb their well Lunin, Peggy Mahoney, Cathy the theme of the second haif . " .,'i A&ri~d routine. They werei Lane, Angela Rose Luxton of the Carnivai. Thi-s opened. ......:. .. A yBlanchard, Jodi Larmer,lAndrea Ward and Allilsoflaiter the intermission with ai C sy l n an Ca o Cate Tam blyn. IM edieval Court of the 1700's. ÎM ~:~ Ajea Blair, Jl HoknBugs were beautiful in this'The weil trained skaters in e ý C yOlinski, Sandra Zaka- park scene too. Ail seven fi this scene were pictu.resque In ~ ro..,. Kelly James, Sandra Mc- thern were in green and silver. 'rose sllk tapered edged tunie~W Afthur, Patti Larmer, Julie black and orange, yeilow andiwith wlde slashed aleeves. of % Lehi Laurel McQuarrie She- black, or other similar eye-Irase and yellow. They wCre Ic>James and Melante MWard. catchin g color combinations,ý Caroline Steel, Deborah Dew- he Plower Sellers, attr4c- 'and each had two long anten-1ell, Sandra Bruce, Patricia . ttvlY costumed in orange nae extending high abovelBeatty, Julie Ann Vivian, ~ . skft.white bodices and green their head. The Bugs werel Wendy Harvey and Cynthia ah~ws, isoworehigt srawRobin Luxton, Michelle Leddy,,IThompaon. h4âs encircled with orangejCaroî Ann Trolley, Karri Lux-1 The Court Jesters, Bradley itbbons. These poised skatersiton, Joanne Fîce, Diane BrowniHockin, John Castie. Douglas wI4e redaMoffat, KathyadKlyGud Brooks, Mark Tennant, Andrew Jamnes, Mary Wilton, Bannie The Skippers were flot anIylýMuIder, and Randy AlIdread, Ldu Carlson, Auiee Hendsbee, good skaters but were also were i success. They D$pe Harnes Debbie Honess, adept at jumping rape as they skated awith humorous zest, Shela Marchant. Lee Anne skated through their tce rau- and they were garbed In the H kin and Sandra Bryson. tine. They wore fetching frocks typical rich but mnotley attireý hesix young Butterflies of white and red. The seven ai the camie entertainers of.. .....'.. w0re deiightfuil i pale yellow Skippers were Tracy Guy, the Middle Ages. fth their wide wings in van-TmyPetnJleWgt A stately Minuet was danc- gated shades oi effective colors Deborah Rashatte, Kimbenly ed on the !ce by regaliy cas- beàrîng traditional butterfly Bicide, Tracy Badour, Mich- tumed couples. The Minuet dErigns made of sequins,. The elle Auger, Diane Jahnston, Ladies were Shawn Leddy, Butterfiies were Ileather An- Lynn Tennant and Carol Poe- Susan Davey, Barbara Mc- yati, Lynette Tink, Jonna In ock. 'Guirk, Evangeline Merkiey, gréham, Christine Milliard, The Bail Players skated Jane Cattran, Sandra Wallace, Sharon Michelson and Pauilneltheir number withaut a mis- Tesse Brown' and Lynda Bur- Mooper. Itake. They wore chic red and gess. The Minuet Gentlemen Birds in bright plumage were white pieated skirts and white were Jane Noble, Catherine colorful ta watch as they dart- tops. The 10 Bal Players were Wallace, Sandra Sweetman, ed on theirkate about the Sandra Bruce, Cathy Jefferys, Barbara Castle, Jo-Ann Mars- flarge expanse a0ic siuitîn Jdy rirshierr yndn uihMcesn ad fliht.The chamn il eeCx itn Burns, Tobi Myles and Barbara Crapper. tr 4nsfa rd in irlcs ai Hooper, Cynthia Vivian, Barb- The next presentatian was feathered creatures oi the air ara Bryson, Janet Luxtan andiquite a contrast ta the fore- wearing tight ftting headdres- Derry Hubbard. going. It wax The Wiid Wild . ses with beaks extending irom The Hoala Hoapens wene West ai the 1800's. The authen- their foreheads, and costumes super! Their becoming cost- tically garbed Indian Braves, ,~..~ that included wings and tais, urnes were also red and white, who iskated well were Kevin The Birds were Lee Anne and while they skated thnough Tink, Paul Cax, Brian Sargin- W"iats Shannon LongLsey interesting patterns with ease, sn oehPraiJmJn TamynJh rut nie t shein atonishing Cmafak and Tim Lunn. The dash- taeNancy Lynn, Angela De mand ai the huge ratating ing Côwbays were Bradley hoola-hoops that drew rounds Hockin. Mike Reynolds, Mich- of a plause. The Hoola Hoap- ael Buttonshaw, Pat Reynolds, ers were Lonie DeBoo, Karen Darrel Goudey and Jim Brown. Conneli, Marie Brooks, Patti TePaerCide ee ~ CrionCaal nn Redappealing in their aId timeT1 Lynda Morris, Susan Goudey costumesashe cmltd and Donna Honess.aste optd The -hre Dummr Bystheir compiicated select-ion. thre Dummr BysTaking part in this number Kevin Tink, Brian Sarginson wr enirHgBni and JonJanakwere c owdLu Carison, Barbara Crapper, 6UAD AAISTTH pleasers too. The Band was Caroline Steel, Jeannie Han- muc enoye aio, nd hoderbrinks, Ja-Ann Marsden, bandsmen were militanistic as Sherry Vanstane and Karen they marched and counter Sarginson. marched on skates, wearing WHAT IFSe, hit an Tue TeRaigTet 0F HOMEOWNINO pased af Paul Cox. Andrew ing Flappens were MarilynS O L IN A Mulden, McalBtosaTnMary aeCry Mark Tennant, Joseph Per- Sweetman, Canai Carlson, Deb- On Saturday Mrs. WslyToronto. You've probably asked your- Lrault, Bradley Hockin, Darrel bie Parkin, Karen Conneil, Werry and her daughter, Mrs. Sevenal Sauina comnmunitý fGoudey, Timathy Lunn, Doug- Brenda Maffat, Sheily Leddy Monty Emmerson of Belleville familles attended the Musica' self these questions: What if las Brooks and John Castie. and Marilyn Harvey. They were co-hostesses for a bridai Night lieid in Bowmanvil] someone falîs on my Property The Minstrel Maids were at- danced a peppy Chaniston an shower in honor of Miss Town Hall on Soturdoy ever. and sues me ... What if my 'tractive in red and white dot- the !c- i Carolyn Werry of Oshawa. The ing. The chair niembers froir home is burglarized ... What ted dresses adonned with large The glamorous Bar Maids In guests were relatives af the Hobbs Schooi took part In t-h red bows, pantalets, and small gittering abbreviated castum- bnide-eleet, who is ta, be mar- pragram, with sangs that- theý U4a.Jire leaves me with just a Iblack toi hats with red and es ai st-iking calons were ried in Juiy. had donc In the recent Festi foundation fuIl af smoldening Iblack'feat-lers, and they skat- popular with aIl the vlewers Mn. -andcl'Mrs. Bill Devitt-and- val in Pet-erborough. . aslies? The answer to these led well in unison. Taking part and skated expertîy. Mn. and Mrs. Wally McComb, Quit-e a few Sauina coni In this portion were Christ-y Sbawn Leddy then superbiy Taranto, visit-ed with Mn. and munit-y yaung people took part anl many mare WHAT IF Carlson, Joan Tink, Lesley penformeci her sala. Her num- Mn.. Ernest Hockaday an Sot-- In the "Miles for Millions" petils of homeowning is a King, Karen Guy, Trula In- ber in perfect time to thle urday evening. walk on Sotunday and al Hemecowner's package policy. grahom, Varity Sylvester, music included mnany Intricate Sunday evening visitons with walked many miles, some cangie oucoplt.Doriene Pinien, Darlene Sim- st-eps, leaps, spins and twirls. Mr. andi Mrs. John Knax were campleting the whole 30 mile NVýcangiv yu cmplte mons and Lar ni jy Lulu and Her Girls dressed Mrs. Hugh Gannan jaunt. The young people and dtl" Craig Tennant as the Chief In the 1920%~ mode skated ta and daughters. Oshawa. their sponsors are ta be con- of Police expertly skated a the music ai those yeans with- Miss Faye Myles. Oshawa, gratulateci for their support dashing solo. His outstanding out mIssing a beat. They were was a necent vIsIton andi Miss af a very wart-hy cause. performance was foalowed by Barbara McGuink, Tesse Marge Kitchen, Woodstock, is Recent visitons with Mrs. *the four Policemen. Jimmy 1Brown, Barbara Wallace, spending several days vîsit-îng Katie Langmaid were Mr. gBrawn, Michael Reynolds, Canciy Myles, Barbara Castle, ot t-be Knox home. Francis Wenry, Enniskillen; STIUART R, Randy Alîdreaci and Pot Rey- Jane Cattran, Evangeline Mn.. Ella Taylor, Scar- Mr. Lawrence Squain, Salem; fortnids, wdew a big heand Merkley, Barbona McGuirk, bonaugh, was a weekend visi- Mn. and Mrs. Charles Jthns Joeahn thin h l xcue ot.J-Ann Mansden, Cathenine ton with Mn. andi Mrs. Stanley andi Mn. andi Mrs. Lloyd Pres- ahignight o h vn Wallace, Susan Davey and Milison andi family. tan, Kolleen and Janet, Bow- * Ahihlihtait-b eenng Shawn Leddy. Mrs. N. C. Wotten and manville. and Mn.. R. C. èÏENFRAL ISVbyNCguwsthe stareJudy Wolo iams, An exciting 'exhibition solo faily had as their dinner Fraser, Sauina. Cdi Ls s adWies o ie yTolrCasogue sts an Sunday Miss Vera Mn. andi Mn..Charles Long- 24 Kint St. E. flowmanville Junior Canad anLdesCarn- SgvebYTlrCant, Gibbons, Mns. Ruth Taylor, maid and fomily visIt-ed Mr. pion 1968, Western Ont-aria who is well known as an Jh ae n Office Residence Senior Ladies Champion l9C7- expert- skater. His breathtaking B sns and Mrs. Jh ae n 62-4368, Pre-Gold Ladies Fnee Style, leaps, triple jumps, and ex- Busne s 1ic ry family af Coibonne on Sunday. Lake 81P-5l3 ew York, 1966,lceeinglyd Nd ropid spins os weîî nrs. Katie Langjmaid wasa ad Fourth in the Canadian s at-ber spectaculan skating A c c 0 u n iciain c y Sunday dinner guest with Mr. -ýý ýdxsplayx gave the crowds a _______!__ i and Mrs. Lloyd Preston and STEAKS SIRLOIN $ lb WING PORTERNOUSE BAKERYTET ICA OVEN FRESN APPLE PIEs PARAMOUNT SOCKEYE SALMON ICA NOMOGENIZED BUTTER PEANUT StINNY MORN iLB. S MARGARINE 9 ICA CHOICE FRUIT COCKTAIL FAMILY SIZE T I TEA THÉT DARES FREUE 091(o INSTANT COFFU TASTERS CHOICE LANCLA SPAGHETTI RAYCtMCRN &ET ry CSOCKER CAKE MIXES UD! SCOT ASSORTI COtouRS TOILET TISSUE MICLE ROYALE WHITE OS COLouSIS FACIAL TISSUE OF60 7 401. $9 JARS9 2 La 39s iloz8 2 2hos63, ru FRO2E' FO65 Ho TURREY, il CL. TINS 1 mmOUPIES 4 EAaOL - PKOS W FOOD PRICES AND BONUS BOOSTER ITEMS EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 8, 9, 10 WE SESERVE THE SMONT TO0LUNIT QUANTITIES t. Bowmanvielle IGA Foodliner 10 WMAN VILLE 1I b- .2 SIZE.7 24 01.- FREEZER- -el , 'i i 1

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