-----------------------------'. - .....t- ........- r 'Durham M.P.P. Introduces Senior Cff izens Week Bill A BUn ta create Senior Citi-! contributions whlch aider men inating the week to be observ- zens Week was introduced iniand women from every WaWked as Senior Citizens Day. the Ontario Legislature last ofai lue have mnade ta thisi week by Alex Carruthers, province. It is hoped, Mr. Carruthers M.P.P., Durham. The Bill caîls for the observ- stated, that special program- The purpose of the Bih,Mr ance of the week commencingimes and projects by and for Carruthers stated, was to p;ro- with the third Sunday ln June: the- aged will be carried out Vide an opportunity ta, honor af each year as Senior Citizens!in communIties throughout and recognize the invaluable week, and the Saturday culm- Ontarlo. New Bd. of Educationi Scores Firs; Liaison Cor The new County Board af Education scored a first ln its Liaison Communication and Consultation Seminar held for Educatianists at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Baw- nanville, recently. This Is the first County Board af Educa- tion, since the InceptIons of the new County Boards of, Education, ta have sponsaredi and held such a canference ln, the Eastern Ontario Region 9. The purpose af the Seminar was to establish effective liaison a nd communication among the related educationa] autharities that provide serv- tce ta the County Board of Education The Seminar was a full-day Seminar which included the fallawing particlpating repre- sentatives - McArthur College of Education, Queen's Uni- verslty, Kingston, Ontario; Peterborough Teachers' Col- lege, Peterbarough, Ontario; the Department of Education Officiais, Region 9, Kingston, Ontario; the Educational Ad- ministrative Staff, Northum- berland and Durham County Board ai Education. The planning of the pro- gram was under tbg direction and chairmanship afMr. D. W. Pattersan, Superiitendent af Planning and greetings were brought ta the attending par- ticipants by Mr. Jaff Rolph, Chairman af the Board af OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Proudly Presents ""THE TORONTO SYMPHONY"fâ with assistant conductor KAZUYOSH I AKIYAMA conductor Tokyo Symphony Return Engagement of Outstanding World Music Thurs., May 15 8:00 p.rn. plan now to enjay this evening of superb Imusie by one of the World'a Flnest Orchestras! Reserved Tickets Students and Children under 18 years - $1.00 Tickets On Sale Auditorium Box Office Bolahood's Sportshaven Blshop's Sporting Goods The Dise Shop Bowmalvilllc jury & Love!! Travel Agency Ajax Centre Smoke Shop COMLE W. will excavate, gradt your personal driv Guaranteed workm personnel with the1 PHONE 6, FOR FREE E. 6TEPHEI 138 Wharf Rd. t With mif erence Education and Mr. W. Frank Thom, Director af the Board of Education. Hono rRetiring Commissioner 0f Girl Guides Mrs. H. T. Coak, ai Bay Ridges, recently completed her six year term ai office as Area Commissioner ai Cen-j tral Area Girl Guides. Mrs. Cook is succeeded by Mrs. D. The Individual delegates In-1J. Pickering af Port Hope. cluded: Mr. Vernon Ready, Mrs. Pickering's flrst act as Dean ai MeArthur College cf Central Area Commissioner Education; Mr. William S. Per- was that af presenting the uniak, Assistant ta Dean, Mc- Medal ai Menit ta the retiring Arthur Callege ai Educatian; Commissioner. Mrs. Cook, for Mr. Peter Hennessy, Supervis- her canscientious and untir- or ai Practice Teaching, Mc- ing devotion and service ta Arthur Callege of Education; the Brownies, Guides, Rang- Mr. Fred Johnston, Professar ers, Cadets, Guiders and Instructional Media. McArthur members af Central Area's Callege ai Educatian; Mr. very large Guide iamily. Frank Clifford, Principal of Peterborough Teachers' Col- lege; Mr. Neil Emery, Dean ofSOLN Men, Peterborough Teachers' S LN Callege; Mr. Peter Torrance, Assistant Regianal Director, "Famlly Sunday" was ah- Department af Educatian, served ln Eldad United Church Kingston; Mr. Bill Anglin, when five chil.dren were pre- Pragram Consultant, Mathe- sented for baptism. They matics, Department of Educa- were Jack Douglas George and tion; Mr. Joe DiProfia. Pro- Tammy Anne, son and daugh- gram Consultant, English, De- ter af Mr. and Mrs. Douglas partment ai Education; Mrs. Lynde; Monica Anne,: daugh- Fran Hallam, Pragram Con- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farth- sultant, Primary Educatian, Ing; John Burney, son of Mr. Department af Education; Mr. and Mrs.. Larry Spires; Lisa Harry Jacobs, Program Con- Marie, daughter of Mr. and sultant, History-Social Studies,' Mrs. Keith Cryderman. Mrs. Department af Education; Mr. Bruce Tink presented each Glen MacLeod, SuDerintendent with a Bible and Mr. Murray aif Instruction, Northumber- Vice opsented the baptismal land and Durham County eertificateF. Misses Sherri, Board ai Educatian: Mr. Dave Janç- and Robin Lynde sang a Patterson, Superintendent of Iovelv hymn, "B ea utifu i Planning, Northumberland and Hands". Durham County Board of Edu- Everyane should remember cation; Mr. Bob Moorcroft, Area the community fireworks dis- Superintendent, Western Area, play at the sehool grounds an Northumberland and Durham Monday evening. County Board ai Education; Her many friends wiil be Mr. Wally Reid, Area Su- plcased ta know that Mrs. perintendent, Central Area, Frank_ GlbertIis home again Northumberland and Durhamiaiter being ln Memorial lias- County Board af Education; pital. Bowmanville, for the Mr. Harry Knapper, Area lazt eight weeks. Superintendent, Eastern Area, Ms R. Fraser had the mis- Northumberland and Durhm fortun-e ta fall on Thursday County Board af Education, morning and was ln the bas- Mr. Frank Thom, Directar of vital for a couple ai days, and Education, N o r t h umberland J,; now recuperating at home. and Durham Caunty Board af We ail wish ber a speedy re- Education; Mr. Jaif Ralph, cavcry. Chairman cf the Northumber- On Saturday 'Mr. and Mrs. land and Durham County Harold Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Board ai Education. Everett Cryderman, accom- panled by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce The entire day consisted of Montgomery af Hampton, en- a discussion dialogue among jaycd a bus trip ta Niagara ta the delegates al ai wham have see the blassoms. a part ta play in the establish- Mr. and Mvrs. Paul Farbhing, ment and Initiation and Imple- Erie and Monica, were Sun- mentatian ai sound educatianal day supper- guests wth -Mr. practices and the development and Mrs. Ted Chant, Hampton. ai progranis ta suit the needs Mn. Elgin Taylor Is attend- ai the pupils In the schools lng îhe Bpi' of Quinte Con- within tihe Counties ai North- ferec nKigtn umbelan andDuram.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dlngman A wlde caverage Of topics and family, Kedron, were were discussed. Included were luncheon guests with Mr. and discussions aimed at proposed Mrs. Douzllas Lynde and develapment ai realistic educa- family, fallowing the baptis- tianal objectives far the mal servire an Sunday. Northumberland and Durhamn Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryd- County Board ai Education; ernian were Itincheon guests discussion on present pre- wth Mr. and Mrs. Keith service educatian for teachers Cryderman on Sunday, follow- wlthin the Teachers' College mcÉ the chnistenIng af Lisa. and the Callege ai Educationi Mothpn's Da'irsitai-s with and trends for the future: the Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- raIe of the Teachers' College, man were Mrs. Sami Carr, Mr. the College ai Education and and Mrs. Helmer Freitag and the Department ai Education family, Mr. and Mrs. John Prognam Consultants in - in- TLeier and family, Mr. and Mrs. service education for the George Bittner and familv. teachers% at present and In the Mns. Thomas Flett, Coluni- future, and the use hy tlhe bus, was a Sunday guest with Northumberland and Durham Mr. and Mrs. Doug Flett and County Board ai Education af iamily. the resource and service func- Mrs. Katie Langmaid and tions af the personnel Oif Mrs. Charles LAngmaid vIsited Teachers' College, College Of an Tuesday aiternoon wth Educatian and Department af Mrs. Tom Norton and Mrs. Education. Eversan Norton at Markham. The SemInar brought ta- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston gether an educational teani and famuly, Bowmanville: Mii. wha can make a contribution Katie Langmnaid were Moth- te the youngsters ai this coni- er's Day guests with Mr. and munity. Mrs. Charles Langmald and As a result af this Innovat- famlly. Ive seminar much food for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor thaught was developed amang and familv were Mother's Day the personnel Involved. Many guLests with her parents. Mr. ideas were developed which Pnd Mrs. A. F. Abernethy, will be ai benefit ta the stu- Manilla. dents within the Caunty ai Recent visitors with Mr. Northumberland and Durhami. and Mrs. Randy Fraser were Definite assistance was prom- Mr. and Mrs. John Mennell, ised on a cantinuing basis ta Dan Mihîs: Mr. and Mrs. George the County Board ai Educa- IEwefl, England, accampanied tion. - v thetr dauehter Mr.Tnd Ms. on Friday Mrs. Catte, Bay Ridaes, was a visitai-. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellirott. S Peterborough, were Sunday <\~4~cuests ai Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horkaday. Mother's Day giuests with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley HuIsl ........were Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and family and Mr. A. Hilis. Tvrone. On 'Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr. Brian Knox nwmmv W El--dàU.C.W. met linttasj Sunday oSedol om onenMom- day, May 5 with Enfield U.C. ray Vice, President, welcomedo n the Enfleld ladies. Lrseg i K.nox told ai the need for help at the Men's Hostel, at 74 King Ge s St. West, Oshawa. Food, bed-G u s s F ding and men's clothing. shoes, etc., would be appreciated. The Bownianvil.le Ladies Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees re- ýAuxiliary ta the Royal Cana- rted 471llbs. of clathlng had Idian Legion entertained the- 9n shlpped recently. J nine ather Legians in the Mrs. Owen af Enfield U.C. Zone, Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, W. gave a humorous reading, 11a Ridges, Brooklin, Port which was much enjayed. Prry, Sunderland, Claremont Mrs. H. Yellawlees conduct. and Uxbrldge last week in-the ed the worship period an the Legion Hall here. Acting Presi- theme "Thou Shat'. 1The dent Hilda Humphrey on behalf hymn Lord of AUl Being ai the local auxiliary niembers 7%raned Afar, was sung and extended a cordial welcome ta "Our Lord's Summary of the the honored guests froni al Law" was read responsiveîy. parts ai the Zone. Comnrade The devotianal closed with the Susie Graham was the Enter-' hymn "Love Divine, AUl Lave tainnient Convenor. Excelllng". A hearty singsang was en- Mms. Francis Johnston pre- joyed with Comrade Grahami sented the film "New China, at the piano. Then three yaung Part I". A lively discussion girls,- Cindy Adams, Cindy followed on points ai interest Forsey and Linda Whiteman and similarities and difierences expertly played several selec- to aur way afI lle. itians with their tambourines. adies Enl 'om Zonei iMrs. Peck, wlie ai Captain D. Peck ai the Salvation Army, played their piano accompani- ment. The large audience was especially delighted with the program presented by Rass Metcalf, an exceedingly talent- 1 d singer and musician. His fine voice was heard ta ad- vantage in a number af Scot- tish and Irish sangs. Doug Dewell capably accompanied Mr. Metcalf an the piano. Sev- eral excellent harmonica nuni- bers were played by Mr. Met- cali, and in addition bis witty patter and clever jokes also evoked much applause from the audience. Humorous readings given by Comrade Millie Bates, Coi-ý 0 7e vaian 5tatesnan, Born !ertainWeIf are Costs Beranches Over $16,135 rade Leah Hendron and Cam- Total welfare costs for April rade Jean Burton were decid- amounted ta $16,135.26, but edly successiul. A comie skit as expected recaveries from periormed by Conirade Gra- provincial and federal sub- ham and Comrade Barney Bois- sidies and chargebacks vert made a great hit. amaunt ta $13,889, the actual cost ta the tawn will be $3,- Comrade Ada Butler was !W~246.26. This was shawn in the charge ai the Special Draw.1IrePart submitted by Weliare There were 21 attractive priz-ý Administratar R. J. Welsh ta es, and there were winners Town Cauncil on Monday froni ail the visiting auxiliar- evening. ies, and sanie lucky members There were 202 weliare re- ai the local auxllary. cipients during April, 16 less Secretary Florence Knight than during the previaus and Treasurer Audrey Bate, month. In Aprul seven new two past presidents, were the applications were iiled, four convenars in charge ai arrange- were accepted, emplaynient ments for the deliciaus salad waS procured for 10, and 12 supper, which was served aiter cases were discontinued. the entertainnient. Then a Welfare recipients 1 as t social hour was enjoyed. Imonth i*nçluded 29 heads ai nanvife, My 14, 109 fanities with 74 dependents, 12 deserted or separated cases with 20 dependents, 12 single persans, one iaster child, 37 patients in nursing homes, and 17 people wha reoelved O.A.S. and O.A.A. supple. mentary nid, Expenditures for A pr Il -,. were: direct welfare $7,912.70; nursing homes $7,261.26, spe. cial assistance $601,26, non- subsidized accounts $20, and supplementary aid $340. Building Inspector R. Heth- erington's report for April showed that the total cast ai construction durlng the month was $36,175. There were 10> building permits and seven plumbing permits issued. During the nionth 20 build- ing inspections and ane trench inspection were made. Building Inspecter Hether- ington completed 17 Investi. gations, and there were 31 inquirles. __________ Rogular Tire. Up to double the mileago at nowhoro near double the price. Both of these tires went 20,027 miles under the same test conditions. The Polyglas tire bas plenty of tread while the Cher tire is almost bald. Proof that Goodyear's new Polyglas Custom Wide Tread can give you up to double the mileage of a regular tire. The Polyglas tire bas a polyester cordl body plus fiberglass cord belts. Together they hold the tread firm and flat on the road to combat squirm, the main cause of excessive tire wear. ood Only Goodyear bas Polyglas, the tire that gives you ail that extra mileage plus a smooth rid e. You can get Goodyear's new Polyglas tire i the Customn Wide Tread for the new generation of performance cars and the Power Cushion to fit inost standard cars. See your Goodyear Store, Dealer or Service Station for the Polyglas tire. It could double your mileage too. Go Goodyear . . yoW&l go furth.. g as.1 etm»-0M 4p àffuG«-àqÇ!WMlhT4omi j 4 '11 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................I. .....................................................................................................a. Adults $3.00 - $2.501 Polyglas* Custom Wide Trend. saur Poli .-, . . -. -, . -. - - 1 - 1; -. - ý 1 . . 1 1., . -, . 1 . . "-*.4 -Mot-- qs-