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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1969, p. 10

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- ~1'-- 10 The Cenadian Stateqman, Bgowmanviiie, MAY 14, 196q, roacl leading from PsrkwaY _____________ - - -Crescent ta Liberty Street". __________________________________________ Councilior Prout rnoved that I I Police Chie! Bernard R. Kit- ney investigate this matter1 Courcil otesand report ta tht next meet- Councillor Mur r ay Mc-î ley Cowan on behaif of! e- carThs-1 ecnedb Knight, seconded by Council-> marial Park Association. ried. lor Coombes, moved that' A communication from tht' Councillor Dykstra, second- cOuncil concur ta tht requestiCity of Brockvilie concerning ed by Councilior Coombes, O! Memorial Park Association hospital, medical. and surgi-,moved that council concur toi ta hold its annuel Tag Day!cal insurance fer penSiorlers tht request made in the let-I On Saturday, June 7th. This'was received and filed on a ter from tht Ontario Housîng was carnied. The association's' motion by Councilior Dyk- Corporation in connection Written request ta hold tht stre, seconded by Deputy:wt he1tro osn Tag Day on this date was' Reeve Rundît, Senior Citizens Survey byl gent ta counicil by- Mrs. Shir- A letter from Ross Clark plecing advertisements in tht ___ - *thanked couricil for the cal- local newspaper asking for, cium epplied to tht centre o! applicants regerding the 14 Should A ly tht road, which has helpedsenior citizen unit.s now b- Sho ld ppi the High Street situation. But ing constructed. This was, p.' ete pointed out that un-:cerried. Reeve Annie Oke. it55 tht sides o! tht road are, stated she has had people, Now or rop cleared of sand "we will have' calling bier nig'ht and day re-1 Insurance if the ditch is not tab ildýoain in, a work frei needed toA letter !romth Townshipl Applications should now be clear ewey rocks and waste o! Saltfieet regerding tht made by those wishing insur- * eft by the contractors," Mr. excessive cost o! education ence coverage for their spring Clark pointed out. ýdue to tht amalgamation o! crops. This insurance willi Cauncillor Maurice Prout, schaol boards was received offer protection f rom crop iseconde'd by C ou n iilo r. and filed on e motion by lasses due ta bad weather,'Coombes, moved thet Clerk-1 Councillor Dykstra, seconded insects and disease. Tht fol-, Controller Robert L. Byron ý y Depu ty Reeve E. J. Rundie. lowing are dates by whichijwrite tht contractor and ini-. Councillor Prout told coun- this iheurance must be ap- struct him ta have this work cil that people have asked plied for to receive protection cleaned up. Councillor Dyk-1 him why tht road on tht this ytar. Istra asked thet if tht due!lEast Beach which went alang Applications for s p r i n gý date for the compietian o! the' behind tht boat bouses was grain must be miade by May contractor's work at this la-,closed. Mayor Hobbs in!orm- l5th. If your grain is not cetion is past that the Clerk- ed Councillor Prout that this sown by this date an epplica-: Controller remind thte cOf oedwsntclsdbJh tion must stili he made andi tractor o! bis obligations un- tonandi was lon privte an adjustment cen be made! der tht agreement. The mov- property, also that it hâd later. The final date wbich!er and seconder agreed 10,heen closed sorne years ega grain can he seeded and have' include Councillor Dykstre 5, presumably by thte owners, caverage is May 25th. suggestion in their motion,! Councillor Prout, seconded Final date for application. end it was pessced. 'by Reeve Oke, moved that the for grain corn is tht seme as' A letter from H. W. Knapp,'Clerk-ContrIlle investigate the date for final seeding1j 2 Parkway Crescent, cOmn-1 tht status of the road and, which in Durham County is' plained tliat parking in theý repart ta, tht next meeting o! May 27th. streets around his home is a9oni.adthswscrid An application for soyheansi grawing problem. Ht re- A letter from J. L. Graham mnust be made by June 2th. quested "tihat parking bt pro- &Cmaysae:"na- If mre nforatin isnee- 1 hibited in front o! the houses l cordance with tht resoiutionj Pci contact Durham Federa - loceted et numbers 1, 2, 3 and î passed et tht meeting a! your tion o! Agriculture, R.R. 4,i 4, Perkway Crescent. as wtllU cotîncil on April 14th, on be- Bowmanvilie, phone 263-2325. as along tht small strip o! bal! a! tht Toranto-Dorninion' __o- Bank and ourselves. we are very. pleased ta confirm aur' eppaintment as Fiscal Agent si ONTARIO'S FINEST i for tht Town of Bowmanvillel in accordence with tbe teri and conditions o! aur sub-1 Imission deted February 24.i 1969". It aisa assured courncil that, it and the Taîronto-Dominionj Bank, bath highiy value the. confidence placed in them byý the Corporation of tht Tawn o! Bawmanville, and promis-ý adi that council can b. sure ofi 110 W their bes efforts on bbehlfi of thet own. Teabove communication; SPONSORED BY was received and filed an ai motion by Councillor Dyk-, OSHAWA LIONS CLUB stra, seconded by Deputyl Oshawa (ivic Auditorium MAY 23 7:00 p.M. - 11:00 p.nî.lO:OO - 10:00 p.m. 40 DEALERS LICENSED LOUNGE - $1.00 Durham M.PP (ais for Tenders Alex Cerruthers, M.P.P.. Durham ànnounces the celling of tenders for the following prajects in tht town o! Part Hope: il Family Housing Units 1l Senior Citizen Units Due ta the fect that the Con trector ta whom these projects were asslgned did not honor bis contract, if bas beený necessary ta call for new ten-1 ders. Tenders wil close on, 'ýWednesday. May 28, 1969, andl it is boped that an eerly stant cen be made on bath projects.ý If you had, cold foot this winter, Dive uis ashout. We'1I make sure that next winter your furnace wili work like a charm. We'll give it a free summer check-up and we'II dlean and condition your entire heating system. Your furnace wiII start instantly on the first cold day in fali . . . your home will stay snug anid warm ail winter long . . . and you'JI neyer get cold feet again. the housewarming people A* La WEARN FUELS W. SKELDING ENNISKILLEN, ONT. NEWTONVILLE, ONT. 263-2291 788-2502 Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain Let's make French crepes this week! Sounds difficult, I knaw, but with a littie know-bow and a lot of determin- ation, the process le realiy quit. simple. Crepes are a delicate pancake that niakes a delicious dessert. They cen also be an attractive way to turn left-overs into a glamnorous main course. Crepes rolled around a filling o! vegetables, meat or lsh make a' ]ovely luncheon. As a dessert, there are extremely simple ways of pres *entation. The crepe can be spread with jeily or crusbed pineappie, roied up, and sprinkled with confectioners' sugar. Or serve themn un- rolled, ln piles of three with sweetened strawbernles between; then cut into wedges for individuel servings at the table.1 Whatever dish you make, the crepes can be made ln advence and reheated ln the aven when needed. There are two important steps in preparlng crepes. First, the batter must be mede et least two bours before it is to be used. This allows the flour to expand in the Iiquid and resuits in a iight, thin crepe. The second step of extreme Importance is the method used to fry the crepe batter. The batter must be poured Into the bot skillet with the left band, while you are grasping the skillet handie with the night hand. Imn- mediateiy and quickly the pan must be tilted in aIl directions to evenly coat the pan botton with a thin film. The resulting crepe is then oniy about 1/l6th o! an Inch thick. If you are making crepes for the first time, 1 suggest that you xnake a double batch of batter. The first few attempts might be iess than perfect, but after making three or four crepes the technique becomes easy and quick. If you make more crepes than you can use for ont meaa, wrap them in foul and freeze until needed. CREPE flATTER 1 cup Sifted Flour .1 cup Milk 2 tabiespoons Qil 3 Eggs 14 teaspoon Sait 1 teaspoon Sugar (use oniy lin dessert crepes) Using an electric beater, beat together the flour, milk, ail, sait and sugar (omit sugar if the crepes will be used as e main course). Add the eggs, beat thoroughiy so that tht batter la smootb. Caver and refrIgerate at least two hours. The hatter shouid be a very iight creamy mixture, just, thick enough ta coat a wooden spoon. Pour a few draps o! ail in a612 - 7" akiliet or crepe pan. Set aver a moderateiy high heat until tht pan is just beginning to smoke. Remove from bheat, pour ¼/ cup o! batter into middle o! the pan, using your ieft hand ta pour. Quickly tilt pan witlt night hand as descnibed above, Return pan ta heat and brown for 60 seconds. Turn crepe using spatula or your fingers. Brown again for 30 seconds. Slde crepe onito a plate. Continue until ail batter is used. Tht crepes may be kept warm in a covered disb in a slow oven, or they may be made several haurs in advance and rebeated when needed. Makes 7-8 crepes. CHICKEN CREPES WITIf MUSRROOM SAUCE 3 tabiespoons Butter or Margarine 3 teblespoonis AlI-Purpose Flour %/ teaspoon Sait V A oups Chicken broth i cup cooked Chieken, eut Into 1,2" cubes 1/ cup sllced Mushrooms 2 te aspoons Butter or Margarine 3 tablespoons iight Creamn 6 crepes THE FILLING: Meit 3 tablespoons butter in saucepan. Blend in flour and sait. Add chicken broth aIl et once; cook, stirring continuousiy, until mixture thiekens and bouls. Cook 2 minutes more. Reserve balof this sauce for tht mush- roomn sauce; to the remaining bal! add the cubed chicktn and stir well. Heat through. THE MUSHROOM SAUCE: Cook mushrooms in two teaspoons butter or margarine until tender. Add the reserved sauce, Stir in cream. Heat through. TO ASSEMBLE: Stuff tht warm crepes with the chicken filling. Roil up and place on warm serving platter. Pour mushroom sauce over top and serve at once. DESSERT CREPES Here are two of tht hundreds Of Variations: 1. Tae fresh strawberries or raspberries. Clean and put into a bowl with a sprinkling o! sugar and kirsch or cognac for one hour. Use. this as.fiiing,-rIl - c -es e1spinl NE WTON VILLE We bave been In!ormed that Mrs. C. Farrow and Mrs. 0. two more local teenagers tank Edgerton attended the tee In part In the "Weik for Millions" Bowmanviile lest Tuesday from Oshawa, a week ega, a!ternoon et the borne a! Mrs. namely, John Campbell who H. Wight ln honor o! Mre. A. eerned $60 and Karen Biekle B. Squair. who earned $75. Mr~. andiMis. C. M. Jones Mr-. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster were et Paisley, Friday even- were among those attendinclrilng, attendîng a dinner and tht Masonie service et St.! presentation ln honor of Mr. Jlohn's Anglican Churcih, lestiDu mlln once Sundy eenin. ýwith the Automatie, In Toron- Mr. Arnold Wade wes et an ta. On their way home, Set- iOBA. meeting In Guelph a' urday. they visited Mn. and week ega Sunday. Mrs. Harry ban.e t Owen Proceeds fnorn the rum magei Sound, where snow covered tht sale heid et aur local schoi ground. lest Monday amnount-ý ed ta approximateiy $168.00.' Quît. at number of local Pupils and teachers wouid like people itteided the Homne ta express their epprecietion Show, Friday and Saturday to ail who contnibuted ln any nigbts ln Port Hope. wa,,%. "rs. C. Brown was the' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade et- boiden o! the lucky ticket ln tenrled the Traiiways Sefety the draw, enttling ber ta a Banquet and entertainment et dinner et the Flying Dutch- the Carousel. Inn, Oshawa, man. Tht bell game staged Saturday evening. between pupils and parents Mrs. S. Lancaster and Mr&. praved quite excitihig ln spîte F. Gilmer were among the of a ratber cbllly evening and audience et the final produc- the final score wes a victory tion o! the play "You Can't for the latter, 32-12. When Take Il With You" In Cobourg we inquired tht reasan for the Town Hall, Seturday xüight. big difference ln the score, Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Hender- we were Informed by ane o! son, Bowmanvlle, were Set- the pupils, "Oh, the aid anes urday evening visitons with kept changing off!" Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson. Mr. Jim Nesbitt and Dixie Recent visitons witih Mr. and arnived ber., Wednesday, fram Mrs. George Stapietan wcre Lakeiand, Flonida, ta spendi Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith, the summer with bis sister,' Alison and Kinsten of Kings- Miss Allie Nesbitt. ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Don A surprise binthday party Linton and Ronnie of Raglan. wes heid et the home o! Mr. The Holy Rites o! Baptism and Mrs. Don Vinkie on Tues-' were administered by Rev. T. day evening ln honor o! Bannie J. Snelgrave, Sunday moin- Gilmen and Pet MacDonald. Ing, to tht iollowlng children: Othens present Inciuded Mr. Vieki Jeanne, deughter of Mn. and Mrs. Bill Clark and and Mns. William KImbail: Mich'ael. Bethany; Bill and Jacqueline Gail, daughter of Mary Fae Gilmer of Lindsay Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stapleton; and Ryan de Vrleà. _ -. Madehine Marie, of IMr. and Mrs. Glen Stapietont *and Richard David, son of r *and Mns. Richard Shaw. our oo ev young soioist, Vicky Harris., __ R ve jJesus" and the choir's offeringl was the aid favorite, "Tell"'lB 1uba ore u a e- i t r Mother -l'Il Be There". e u amA Hit r Mrs. V. Bourgerie with her. daughter, Mrs. E. Lakin of Oshawa, ettended the service: bher.. after which she return-ý f 4 e t r e operation et General Hospital.'fui vdepatsnie n * Mr. nd Mr. Jim Adams The colorful background of,This was the scene of Jesus'flvaoddpria lw were Sunday dinnerJerusaiemn is reviewed in alast ministry, and it was here thir 1et lo l lyt wereSundy dinerguests:new book, -Jerusalem: A His-ithat he was crucified. This Isjother religions than their own. wibM.and l tMst. n d;tory of 40 Centuries" (Random the city also held by the Mos-i The book is especially timely and amil etMaltn. House) by Teddy Kol1ek andi1ems, who believe that. fromýbecause of the tense situation With Mr. and Mrs. C. H.!Moshe Peariman. ýhere, Mohammed ascended to which exists today In the Holy Lane were Mr. and Mrs. Ted' This handsome volume isheaven. Land. Lane and son, Mr. and Mrs. profusedy iliustrated with black f There are 64 plates in ful Charles Gray and, girls of'ýand white and colored photo- color and 150 black and white: jOHN F. Orono, and Barry Lane. graphs, also, with bath ancient illustra tions. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris engravings and maps and mag-~ rKîe a oghe Mrs. Bayd Harris and famniiy holy places taken especially!and many of the documents, iE M Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Don- ýfor this book. *sdi hsbo r rm neiiy, DennIs and Darreil o!i This book successfully Cap- ihis collectio. osePDria Port Hope, with Mr. and Mrs. turets the drama and fiavor of i a wrîter, soldier, dipiomat 1 DoWSletoMr.and fMrs. . Brwntiesatlefrom the early'and government officiai. H& Ge ra Isuac WithMr.andMrs C.Bron tmes tothepresent - includ- now devotes his time to writ-! eea nuac were their famiiy, Mr. and 1 ed Is tht story of the re-uni- îng at home. ALL CLASSES OF Mrs.'rueman Henderson and fication o! the city in th e Six- Hslts okwsT&1ROA n famlY, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Day war of June 1967.His ats bok asTtP SOA am Henderson and Carol, Mr. and Teddy Koilek, one of the Capture and Triai of Adolph COMMERCIAL LINES Mrs. Jim Gilmer and famiiy, authors, had the distinction Of Eichman. He serves as speciali Contact : Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- becoming tht first myor _1assistant to the defence minis- JOHN MeMILLAN mond Trim, Mr. and Mrs. Ross the re-united Jerusalem,. !ter, Generai Moshe Dayan. 623-3111 or 623-3950 Brown. Marty and Sheily, Mr. Jeruisalemn has a recorded There is a need for such Aq1 14 FRANK STREE.T, and Mrs. Bill Wade and boys. history o! some 4,000 years. It updated book on every librarv' BOWMANVTILLE With Mrs. C. Burley were bas been more familiar to morelsheif. The authors have caré- Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen. people for a longer period than --_________ Gary and Grace Ann of Peter- any other place on earth. Here! barough: Mr. and Mrs. Keith is the site of the mystlc hili-' IBuriey and family of Cobour-, city founded in the third mil-ý Rnd Mr. Harold Buriey, alsoleniumn BC. 'of Cobourg. H lere Is the city of Solomon's Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stacey. temnple, where the prophets! i Evelyn and Donald visited berlIsaiah and .ieremiah influencedý relatives at Wellman's Corners the moral and religinus atti-10 / on Sunday. tudes of haif the human race.; Witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Gli- 1 [mer, Sunday afternoon were ham United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gil-ý Rev. T. J. Snelgrove 1% at- mer, Steven and David of Is-i tending Conference In Kings- lington, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gil- ton this week, as Is Lay Re- mer, Karen, Jeffry and Lynn presentative, Mrs. E. Dob.son. a! Port Hope. Wlth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. George Stapie. Kimbali on Sunday were Mr. -urne dT u tC riiae ton with Mr. and Mrs, Laurie and Mrs. Don Bnight, Oshawai Stapieton and Beverly attend- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kimbail and'i ed the morning service ln Vickl..NO EA AD W T Ohalmer's U n1 t e d Church, Mr. Grant Wade is home *Kingston, Sunday, w h e r e this week on hoiidays from Tracy Victoria Stewart, in- Welland, where be Is accaunt- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ant in the Royal Bank. Harry Stewart, was baptized. U.C.W. wiii meet next Wed- At this samne service there nesday evening, May 21 In the S ER I T US iwas a presentation tn John Sunday School bail at 8 p.m. Patterson, son of Rev. and With Mr. and Mrs. S. Rowe:! S Mrs. W. W. Patterson, form- Sunday visitors included Mrs. j erly af Newcastle, who has Neil O'Conneii and chiidren, been assistant pastor there for Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Fred 372BayshutToeoetoa4-749 AlsoearrandOriffla two years, and who wlll be Rowe and famfly. Port Hope:ý ordained Into the ministry Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rowe and 1 May 15, ln Kingston's Syden-, famiiy, Newcastle. I_________________ TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON AUDITORS'y AND REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended December 31, 1968. Tht Reeve, Councillars and Ratepayers ot the Township o! Darlington : We have audited the books and accounts o! your municipality for the year ended December 31, 1968 and have pnepared the atteched financiel statements in accondance witb regulations prescribed hy tht Depert- nment o! Municipal Affairs. Due ta tht nature of the r-evenues o! tht Community Hails and Parks Boards, we were unable ta verify revenues beyond those recorded in the accounts. AUDITORS OPINION We heneby report that in o ur opinion: 1. Tht financial transactions which have came under our notice have heen within tht powers of the' nnunicipality. 2. Tht audit bas been conducteri in accordance with tht instructions o! tht Department of Municipal Aff airs. 3. Tht financiel stetemenis present. fairly the financial position o! tht municipehity as at December 31, 1968 and the results o! its operations for tht year ended on that date. DELOITTE. PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS, Auditors. March 21. 1969. License No. 3493. Date o! Filing : April 18, 1969. CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET as ai December 31, 1968 ASSETIS Future recoveries frrn levies or rates School boards ---------------- $1,368,224 O ther------------ ------- Non-recurrlng expenses ta h. levieri in future years- Fixed assets --------- - -------------- LIABILITIES Nrt long terni liabilities General municipal activities.......$ 112,3fln School boards-- ----- --- ---- -1.368,224 1,480,534 104,500) Equity in fixed assets - 383,066 $1 ,863,600 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET as et Decemben 31, 1968 ASSETS Cash - -- --- Accounts recelvabîte Othen goveroments Canada O n ta r io - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - Local boards and other funds Fire aea Sehool boards- Street Iight erea Taxes neceivabie. after deductiog allowence fan uncoliectable taxes -. -- .-.---- -- Property acquired for taxes, after deducting ellowance for loss on sale- Other assets - Prepald expense.s -- :1' 70,313 12Ï9,7 89 1,003 3,742 327 5,072 189,568 5,459 15,683 LIABILITIES Bank overdra!t -------- Temporerv bans- Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Other govermcents M unicipalities -- - -- --- Other liabilities Tex liability. suspenzie Dt!trred revenue.----- Resenves Working capital Surplui; (deficiU - --$ 54,025 100,00() -- 14,076 927 169,028 1.461 18.148 $ 345,571 STATEMENT 0F REVENUE AND EXPENDITLJRE for the year ended December 31, 1968 REVENUE Taxation R ealty - ------ - --- ----- ----- Business ------------ Speciai charges----------------- --- Contributions from other governments% Payments ln lieu o! taxes Subsidies - ------- ------- Municiplities - --- --- Other revenue- - - ---------- Total revenue ~ ---- - $833,243 - 17,622- 2,355 853220 - 973 - 389,305 - 1,009 391,287 - 71,735 - 8bi1,242 EXPENDITURE General government - Protection to pensons and pnopcrty- --- Public w orks --------- ----- -- - ----- Senitation and waste removel --------- Conservation o! health - ------- - - ---- Social and !amilly services -- ------- Recreation and community services -.- Community planning and development Financial expenses - ----- Other- ..- County - shere o! expenditure .......- Education - local contributions --- - . Total expenditure -- -- Excess (deficiency) o! revenue avec expenditure for tht year --... 1--- Surplus (deficit) et tht beginning o! the year--. - - Surplus (deficit) et tht end of the yeer- 29,650 381,993 3.147 12,630 45,031 10,332 13,835 28,585 241 142,329 602,240 i i U MAY 22 RESTAURANT ADMISSION A-'-, zoom m

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