p J - --1..-.-.. a Mrc. Gerald Kp.lly and girl-' Mri. Jim Rowan end DRnrty L~ M ~ F ~ '~ U U E' IMr. and Mi's. Jas. Walker, were Mr. and Mrs. Richard, ~ M U .M~ ~ ~ .,. M~Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Rowan, Donnie and Janet,i W A C K S a C K i' Kelly, Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mrs. Mabel Rowan. Miss An-i On Mýonday evening Mrc. these ladies, under the direc-. and Pins for the compietirn Mrs. Bert McMenems' and, nie Rowan. Enniskillen, Mr.! W"n. Hopps was hostess for i tion of Mr. Geo.LalfPotf i 4-F Homemaking Club fýmiîy, Oshawa, Mrs. R. and Mrs. Earle Bell, Ricky' babv shower for Mrs. Le>.. Perry, lunch and a social projects at Achievement Day Boundy, Port Perry. and Mr. and Shari Lee, Peterborough, Riizzell. Eighteen relatx'veF urne was enioycd. Due to the in Port Hope recently. and Mrs. Courtney Graham. 'Mrs. A. West, Oshawa, ând1 and- friends of 'Mrs. Russell rain, severai who had large The Anglican ladies catered Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Short, fri)m Scarb-vwough. Bowman- chairs and chesterfields done to the Caesarea Bowling Club Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Dennis'HamPton. ville, Nestieton and Black- did tiot bring them. banquet a week aigo Friday. and Debby, were Mrs. Edith,' Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahml slock sncnt a %-cry pleasant Sympathy is extended Mr. evening, and this Friday they. ý-Murphy, Tyrone; Mr. and'were Saturday evening visi-J evening. The guest of honorad r.JakRh nMr served the annual Mother*'Mrs. David Kyte and Karen,'Itors of Mrs. Lorne Griffin,ý a-the recipient Of marx' and Mrs. Stan Rahm on the Day supper. Mr n r.Hri ye ar n oiGrrard, Hay- articles for layette. Athoug.i deatJh of the farmer's brother- Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy was hoz" Mr. and Mrs. Lee Butcher o! don. taken completely by surprise in-law, Mr. Wm. King, in~ tess and Mrs, Jim McLaughii Tillsonburg: Mr. Floyd Kyte Sunday evening callers of, (she thought she Was gaing to Oshawq. of Burketon co-hostess for a and Miss Brenda Vesterstilt Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm were! Il Tupperware demonstration). 'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- bridaI shnwer for Miss, JudIý-0o Bellevilie; Miss Ls'nda'lMr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm,!1 Mrs. Russell made a vers' fit-,Snadtaiywr recent Lee of Enfield. recentiy. Sev- Kyte and Mr. Gordon Pyzer! Allison, Bill and Bonny, Ajax,ý ting expression of apprecia- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd eral from here attended the. o! Toronto: Mr. Bob Kyte and Mr. Andy Wilson, London. tion. Mrs. Walter Lawrence* Wright and family. trousseau tea for Miss Lee ati Miss Linda Mountjoy. Rev.! Mr. and Mrs. Ron CoxI assisted Mrs. Hopps in serv- Mr. Arthur Bailey returnecl the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Den-! Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.I ing a deliclous lunch, ýhome from Florida this week. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Enfjeld.' nis, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Clive Cox on Sunday. A large crowd attended the' Mrs. G. V. A. Scott, Belle- Saturday. Pasley, Crai and Glthy demonstration of upholstery. ville. is spending a few days' Mrs. Norman Dysart, Peter-' Sunday guests o! Mr. and, Sorr h lith ie Dwayne Glas and re-fini.çhing of furniturewith Mrs. J. A. Johnston. barough, and Miss Betty Mc- Mrs. Laryv Mackie and boYs:' donebv he îas ths wnte. Cngrtultios t JaiceArthur, Toronto, spent the Mrs. Lloyd Passant. Mr. Alan!tinghslgboebti ini the Recreation Centre Fri-;Crawford. Heather Dorreli weekend: Ardis McArthur' Passant. Mr. and Mrs. Robt., day nig'ht. After ail had view-' and Elaine Meteaif who re- spent a couple of days during Lvrence and famnily, ail of Mr. and Mrs. Perey West- ed the fine work done by ceived Honour Certificates the week with Mrs. j. A. Mc-' Oshawa. Suskeandnesa, Couic e and __________________________________- Arthur and Miss I. Dempsey *. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Sedg- Lisna Jae, CoshawandMr and Mrs. om Walb,oaroitoe' wick. Shirley and Ly'nda, Nor- J'and Mrs. R. B. Glaspeli were d r C CK'H TTMINE PO IS- OLNE were Sunday guests o! r o, Mr.eraSnday g. ustyS . rs an tGspof Mrand y OCKSHUT MIN EAPOLI -MO nd Mrs Heffon, Toonto.00d. r. eraSndayMrs. urs unaygossffM'a & and Mrs. Richard Wall and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Byers and Mr1n r. an a~ nome îour veut Duys" New & Used Tractor Program " FINANCE INTEREST-FREE TILI, FALL " REBATE FOR CASH DIFFERENCE BUYERS " ALSO APPLIES TO ANY NEW TILLAGE OR SEEDING EQUJPMENT SOLD WITH A TRACTOR " LIMITED TIME ONLY NAME YOUR DEAL TODAY at y'our local Cockshutt Minneapolis-Moline Dealer pGREENAWAY'S .. ... ..GARAGE HAMPTON - ONT. a*nà-Ü"",,ia*rod Whel-an family, Mr. Dan Mac- M-. and rs. Harod Wheel-of Mr. andnd-- er. Bowmanville, were Suin-, Gss Mrs-<Donald, Maple Grave, r day guests of the Ernest Cei isnad ai ý fand Mrs. John Webb, Bow- SwaSunday were Mr. and Mrs. manville, Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mwis.ycnhBo ,'o Peter Vanderheufl, Julia and aild Woodcock and Robyn, Mr. Mis Hycinh Bthe To-'Boý'd. Pori Penny. Mrs L. onto, is spending a few days, and Mrs. Jim Bishop and xvthRe'.an Ms.RoerlBradley,. Bowmanville. and boys, Miss Lynda Davey, 0sh- wt e.and nis. rilMr. and Mrs. M. Vanderheul awva, Miss Norma Davey. Tor Vn ey ine srics.W and Dianne. onto, Mr. and Mr. Ray Davev.%ý heldi in botb eburches Sun To I the above four items al and Miton., Mrs. Bernice 011 - day morniog. Io the United. ha"d attended the Baptismal ver and Brvan were Sundav / Rex-. Romeril preachrd from services in the United Cbuirch iguests of Mr. and Mrs. Don- the text "Feed My Lamb,- - prior tn the home gathenings. 'aid Davey. The choir sang the anthem Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snow%-ý Mr. David Bî'ent bas enjoy-ý 'A Pra.ven of Thank fulnoss. den, Courtice. spent Sunda,, cd the past week holidayingi his Mothers Day". The fol-' with the Ralph Larmers. :at Virginia Beach with 'five lnwing received the Sacra- Mr. Gerald Ass'elstine. 0f-. chums from Brock Universityý, ment of infant Baptiým: taw'a. and Mn. and Mrs. Les Mr. and Mrs. Merton Mavini Karen Dawn. datîghten of Mr. Ass;ç1stine, Waterloo, were and boys, Oshawa, xisited her' and Mrs. Daxvid Kvte: Jeffery-y weekçend guests, and Mrs. V. moiher, Mrs. Edna Wood.J James. son of Mr'. and Mrs. Chaplin, Oshawa, wvas Sundav .Iim Byens: i3oyd, Pater, son guest of Mn. and Mrs. Vernon, Mr. and Mns. Jim Park.ý of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van- Asselstine and familv. eterborough, were weekend: v isitors o! Mr. and Mrs. W..j derheul; Eugene Thomas, son1 Mn. ad Mrs. Art. Ruston.Park. Other dinner guests on' of Mr. and Mrs. Larny Mac'- ýandi boys. Port Credif. and i Sunday wene Mr. and Mns.[ 7 kie. Mn. and rsq. Harry Smiith. Dbotg Park, Oshawa Mr. ad V In St. John's, Rev. R. S. Toronto, visited Mrs.' R. Ford M.F .B a, M.andi Mansfield of Port Perr.v as Stindqay. Mrs. R. . Bers. an and d guest speaker. Fie ýreach-d Mad Mrs Jim SR.i Tyoe Prk Bardand ai d F on heAsenio ad o-and Miss Helen Sw.aio, Tor'- iwbidng dntd t ther's Day. nw bidn oae O Mr.an Ms.G rd ronta, visitcd Mrý Harold tbcm.r Stroog. Mr. and Mrs. Bob S1i vrth veed Mr. and Mi's. R. Bowens ' Strong and Jenenne, and i- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vanaîîd boys were Sunday supper i and Mns. Jerry Ferguison r Cmpaniail istde g t, o! Mr. and Mrs. George,~ Oshawa werne Sunday guesiarents, Mr. and Mrs. Rny Bowers, Nestheton. J of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Birr: Morrow, Hiltnn, on Stunda. ' Mr. arnd Mrs, D. Phasev and childî'en. Bowmanvillv. Mr. .Iinî Van Campa andn famnily, Castleton, Mr.1 Mr. Larry Hoskin, Hamil- MiSs M-ingaret Ann Dirstein.,and Mrs. Rl. Pbilp and fam-! ton, -,pont the weekend with Listowrl, called on the Van ily,, OshjawA, visited their ma- bis parents. Mr. and Mrs ' Camno relatives Safurday and ther. Mrs. Edina PIhilp, on: Fra.nk Hoskin. d.. Sunday. Rev. P. Romneril is attend- Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam-> The Explorer,- enjoyed aj ing Canference in Kingston cIlsq and famîly, Bowmoville,hike to Rogs Mc-Roberts' bush: :N thiq week. :and Miss Anna Samelîs, Or- afterward tbey were tneated Mr. Rud Heaslip. Toronto_ ono, socot Stinday witb Mn. f o os abugr n .. visited the Harry Van Camps' and Mrs. Kenneth Sameils. icbocolate milk, courtesy ofý and Wallace Malows l'e- Mi'. and Mrs. Bill Wannon, Mrs. R. McRoberts cently. Orono. were SuindàY guests of. Mr. Cari Clark and nr. Mr. and Mî's. Harry' Van' Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mc,-,Eugene Kx'amer %pentth Camp were dinner guests of iKee.wekntwher.ad n the Glen Van Camps and, KnBak ap'By supper gucsts of Mr. and Mr-,. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright. KnBak apsBy Aitbr anCapPot eryEleanoran aiM. and Mrs. Eugene Kramer and Mrs. Lloyd Wih n a-f mi .Ms oaRiehardsoni on Sunday.rgh ndfm Mn Riiàd Mrs. Sandy Daw-'iiy attended service at Ballv_ and son. Por't Coîborne. spenti sonarespedig afewè,[vsdLif Snda mrnig wenthe weekend with Mrs. C,: sonar spndng fw dys dtffSunavmorin wbn'Clark and family. Sunday~ witb Mn. Arthur Bailey en-!î Anthony Lavei'n Clark was route from Flonicla to Pointe' baptizcd. Following this qer-:%iSitol's were Mr. and Mrs. au ari. gest o!vice tbe Walter Wrigbts ~eî Stan Summerville and Donna, Weeen Mn ad.tertained Mr. and Mrs. La-' Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Van Weeknd gest of r. ad,'Dusen, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Tam Horton and famiily' vern Clark ani Tony (An- Ms lieCx were M Mr s e o-toy.M. and Mrs. Llon Mr. and Mrs. D. Millen, ris, Benny and Bant. and Mn Clark of Baliyduff, Mn. MurDb n ln iie i Peter Buys of St.Wlims ryClr.Oshawa, and the, Sundayguets ! M an Lloy'd Wrigbits. mothen, Mrs. Maud Mîllerj Sunaygust o M.--d Peterborouigb, on Sunday. Tyrone United Cbunch wasi fi lied Sunday marning for! ALLTYRONE Christian Family Service and' ALL the Sacra ment o! Baptism. ZANADIAN If the Sigma-C boys nilsed 'Cbildnen baptized were as~ anyone on thein paper drive: follows: Todd Lionel Bowen, _________last Saturday, please cal]: son of Mn. and Mrs. Ralph "' ..... 263-2664. 'Bower, Tynoyne, Kyle Allaîi ~~AE ~ mGîîest speaker at Tyronie:Bishop, infant son of Mn. andfZ ISunday Sehool Ainoiversanv' Mrs,. Jim Bis'bop. Oshaw~a: ~I I V A t services is Rev. Robent Bail Bnian Scott Glaspeil, infant' U D W À R E ýo! Unionville. See Coming son of Mr. and Mrs. Grandý Events.; Glaspell, Tyrone; Reginald' 1ower Saves You Money j The bouquet or rose' in theiKeitb Walter Am-ns, son o! vestibule o! Tyrone church j-,Mn. and Mrs. Eanle Amos. ilin loving memorv of Mis Oshawa; Scott Douglas Cole,~ ReaDugan, by Rev. Chris'50o adMn. JmsDgn Othený Cole. Bawmanville: Daniel' fhowers were in îoving mein-:Richard Rowan, Infant son of~t RSory o! Miss Emma Werry, ýMn. and Mrs. Jim Rowan, Ty- Toronto, who passed axvay a'e 1raeteSndaH i ast week. Intermrent was ;n vc. daughter of Mn. and MrF.ý Bethesda Cemeteny. SympahMalolîm Harvex', Bowman I i s extended tb the relatives. v'ille R.R. 1: Godiparents were ':Miss Sharon Huggins, Soîina, I Congratulations fIo Mn1s. and Mn. Don Beî'nnitt. Tor-~ Minnie E. McHolnî o! Port orto: Catherine Grace Cook. ECTRIC - r ~Hope who relebrated ber 93rd dult, ! n n n ýRWITH brha a 4 John Cook, Hampton. MLIGHTS Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Hos' ýMn. and Mrs. Fanle Amosj ANO attended the funcral o! the and saon, Mns. Bob Northey. 3ND late Miss Emma Wenny. Ton- Mrs. Lonne Green, Mrs. Char- )TARY onto. les Mennill, Oshawa, wenel 4WER Mrs. F. A. Wery , Bowman- Itlu'oheon gests Sunday of ville was Suniday guest o! IMr.I Rex'. and Mrs. D. Nontbey and and Mns. A. J. Hoar and'Miss Barba Bilmer. !am il y. Euchrc panty was enioyed' "' Suriday guesis o! Mn. andi last Fniday everiing wlenil Mrs. Stan Hall wene Mrq, there were 1.1 tables. Pnizesi Arthur Rabrn, Bowmanville. wene as follows, Mns. Arthun!ý Miss Sharon Huggins. Saunta, Richards, Mrs. Eva Young, 32# »WE Mn. Don Beî'rnitt, Toronto, Miss Elva Orobard, Mrs. Ha-' MOWCHER Mrs. W. King, Mr. and Mrs;. 7vl Dre\v, Mr. BiIlIMle 'TAHMNTRoss McCann, Oshawa, Mrs. Mrts. David Getchell. r00 y il10. 97 H. Hall and Joan, Mi'. and'draw was won by Mr. Walteni Mns. M. Harvey and baby. Park. Lunch was served. VAILABLE A presentation for 'Mrs.' On) Mother's Day thene were W BLOWER Edoa Shaw o! Oshawa (bride-.l eight infant baptisms In Tv I W BLADE ta-be) was held Fnidav even-: rorie United Cburch. Baptiz J B' ROLLER . mg at the home o! ber sisteri cd were: Reginald Amos, son OR and CHAINS Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Vi 'u.o! Mn. and Mrs. Earl Amos o! Approximatehy 40 fiends and OsbawAR; Todd Lionel Bowers, relativ'es attended frnm Ham-!'son O! Mn. and Mrs. Ralph iton. Stoney Creek, Burling-1 'Aoelrs o! Tynone; Kyle Blsb- ton. Toronto, Don Milîs, Osb- op son o! Mn. and r. l wonLaLIRS ro -A oymnvl.Bisbop ofOshawa- ct ae .- t-- FREE PARKING Ail Merchandise la Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until C1oring, Saturday, May 17, '69, ln Bowmanviile WE RÉSERVE THE RIGHT TO UIMIT QUANTITIBS Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii- 9 p.m. DOMINION STORES LIMITED King St. and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, bt) 1 T wartib