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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1969, p. 1

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Ontario Champions Honored at Pee Wee Banquet Horses A potential tragedy was narrowly averted Sunday afternoon when eight escap- ing horses tried- to cross the CPR ralroad tr es ti1e over Vanstone's Pond and f ell through between the ties. The horses, belonging to the Lorne Potter f amily, had been stabled' at the f ormer Beith f arm buildings on Wav- erley Road and recentl y Ira pped were transferred ta Bruce Mutton's f cirm on Concession St. East, because the Beith barns were being demol- ished. Someone cut the electric f ence and the horses headed f or their former home, gather- ing a crowd of enthusiastic human f ollowers as they pro- ceeded west on Concession, north on Liberty to the CPR on line and Bridge» over the bridge. Sev- ' ~~~lrrll a f.L UL JU. LL LA k a between the ties and it was some time bef are they were aible ta extricate themselves with human help. Fortunately, there were no trains coming or going at the time. Several of the horses suffered cuts, but none was seriously injured. ian an VOLUME 115 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1969 150 Per Copy NUMBER 20 The Town of Bowmanville through its representa- tive Councillor Keith Shackelton honored its Ontario Championship Pee Wee hockey team on Saturday with a banquet at St. Joseph's hall. The Frank's Variety team were presented with individual trophies by the town.__Those_takîng part were, f rom left to right, Master of Ceremonies John Fowler holding the team trophy, Capt. Boyd Knox, Councillor Shackelton andT guest speaker Brent Hughes, defenceman with the Los Angeles Kings and Bowmanville's only representa- tive in the NHL. He stressed the value of gaining an, education along, with improving their hockey skills. Fire Rate Up 2.5 Milis Darlington Budget Goes Over a Million Miiil Rate Now 117.5 Tax rates for the CUrrentl amount of the 1969 Munici- The Commercial rates for, year were set by Darlingtonipality of Darlington Budget the current year are: Educa-' Township Council at a meet- is $1.075,758.65 compared to tion 87.5; Municipal 47.3, and~ ing held in the Township the 1968 budget of $939,966.41. the special Fire Rate on Build Hall, Hampton. on Friday af-, The Residential rates are: m seseto 4.5 mills,I ternoon. Reeve Carl Down Education 78.7 mills, an in- an increase of 2.5 milîs over! presided, and all members o 0 eae f 8.1 milîs over 1968: 1968. the counicil were present at1Muicpa 38.8, a decrease of The total Residential Tax, the BudetBgw. he total .2 mills compared to last year, Rates are 117.5 milîs plus the, the__Budget_________Thetotal and the special Fire Rate on special Fire Rate on Building' Building Assessment 4.5 milis, Assesment; and the Commer-; OPENING GAME MONDAY an increase of 2.5 milis over' cial Tax Rates are 134.5 plus' Bowmanville's Intermediate 1968. ___ the special Fire Rate. "Electrons" basebail t e a sponsored by Locke's TV willi opýn. their season here against Part Hope on Monday tS c e su Dor a..Soper Creek Park on tmsn Avenue. Don't -misai this nijor holiday event. ____-Provides 257 'Bloc eee uston1A total of 274pesn t ReeveQuesionstended the Volunteer Blood Re otDonor cliinehllatWd *Uvêt.m ~nesday at the Lions Centre, Overtm e ReUor Bowmanvile. Mr. Harry Da- vey, Branch Blood Donor F or Police Dept. ichairman, reports that 257 were collecled. 54 new donors At the meeting of Town joied the regulars. The won- Council lest week Police Chief derful response, of the stu- Kitney submitted a report on dents at Bowmanville and police overtime during the Clarke Hiigth Schools is much first three months of 1969 as appreciated. The Branch Ex- hed been requested by coun- ecutive are most grateful to cil. This showed 422.75 hours Mr. L. Lucas and Mr. A. of overtime during January, Witherspoon for their co- February and March of this operation. year in comparison to 404.5 hours during the same periodi 20th donation pins were of 1968. awarded to W. H. Brown, J. The olie oertie drinDenHollander, T. Dustan, J. The oirs th r tidr ee oth f19 0t atinaad.oA theasthreuitsof 1m 6rtm Btldain s.W rinkLA. exemiteis risuonfr sort, nBrulanm, MrJ. BGlrik, L exntaff sho rilner sc mt rL. Heme, . Lmer, M.Clark nestatocrme, invesmtiL. HKooy, M. Lmacenz, MG. Iviaton in, protetin, asista-I TURN Oy P AGIEnTWO)G ance to other departments, ,- -_______ i disciplinary matters, com! plaints of noise on King Street!P s O fc and change in shifts. Po t O fc Reeve Annie Oke said tha t 1, u o she could flot see why over-r at al. "Thy should not gt, ovetie henthý,are call-!Victriam. Day ed for complaints of noise on"'1 1 King Street,"~ she stated. May-! or Ivan Hobbs explained to her. Post Office hours for Vic- that if the police who investi-j toria Day, Monday, l9tb gated these complaints were May, will be as follows: on duty thev would not rec- Wlcket Service- Nil-, Letter elve overtime. Carrier Delivery- Nil; Rural Councillor Robert Dykstra Routes - Nil. urged that the Chief of Police Street Letter Box Collec- be instiructed to stibmit al tion - 5:00 deteiled report on police o'ver-i Mail Despatcbed as usual: time every three months to'ý Closing Time for West Mail council. This was agreed upon,j 6:00 p.m. Closing Time for and Police Chief Kitney wtlll East Mail - 7:00 p.m. 4Hydro Social Club Honors Two Retirung Members of Staff A Suspect Arson In Barn Fire Police suspect arson lnaa tire wbleh destroyed a barn .arly Frlday morning, owa- -y"ed by Robert Stevens, ot .R.R. N4o. 6. Bowmanville. Tt was located on the Cemetesry Road. Damage -was estimated at $2.000 te tenaas the barn was eoep- exet for sornse ay. It ii#&artia nsured. I le suspect arson be- e the blaze began ln "the hayloft m-hire there was a. electric power. No ai- .fflb bave boeu mule, Dan Dudley, the Area 0f- f ice Supervisor, and Douglas ___________________________ Bruder, Line Crew Foremnan, were the guests of honor ati an exceedingly enjoyable d-i- Ilija Cukaleski, age 20, 287 King Street, Toronto, ner dance given by the On- îost his life as the resuit of a two car collision at 9:05 tario Hydro Ares Social Club et the Legioei Hall on a re- p.m. on Saturday evening that happened in the west- cent evening. Mr. Dudley is bound lane of 401 Highway at Courtice Road. A Bow- to retire on July Ist ater 22 mnanville Area Ambulance rushed thé seriously injured years service witli Ontario man to the Oshawa ýGepieral Hospital where'he was Hydro. and Mr. Bruder re- tired on April 3th after 40 given preliminary treatment and then sent to the years with Ontario Hydro. Toronto General Hospital where hie died on Sunday. The committee in charge of Mr. Cukaleski was the driver of a 1969' Mustan arrangemnents 'for the success- which was almost completely demolished. It is picture%é ful and enjoyable event were above on its roof with its wheels in. the air.. Damage Robert Poste, Mrs. Marie to the vehicle amounted to approximately $3,500. ,Haick. Bill Waller, and War- A pasegrith uaskcrLbm D - 'ren Townsley. The witty andsegri h uaek aLbmrDm caalI.. o h vein si, age 19. Toronto, aIso received severe injuries in was Mr. Poste.. the accident. Taken by the Bowmanville Area Ambu- cTURN TOe PAG% trWoe lance to Meniorial lospital ha received eraergency Older Players vm i melp 1\105u A number- of players of the Bowmanville Interme- diate Basebali Club wîll be assisting the Recreation De- partment Minor Basebaîl League at Lord Elgin Park, Mlemorial Park and Vincent Massey School Grounds this coming Saturday mornlng, May l7th, during Recrea- tion League games, starting at 9:00 a.m. The following players wIll be at the following parks: Lord Elgin - Archie Cros- sey, Terry Black, Clint Fer- guson <Manager). Memorial Park - LarrY Piper. Gary Akey, Ray Crombie. Vincent Massey - Ralph Kennedy, Don McMurter, Steve Burns. Clinî. -c )d Unît s Glass Firm riewcastie Toronto:- An Aiberta-bas-ithat reduces solar heat ab- ed firm will expand into On- sorption and miscellaneous tario by buIlding a branch aluminum and household pro- plant at Newcastle, for the ducts. manufacture of sealed insulat- T r a d e and Development ing glass units, as the resuit Minister Stanley J. Randal of an interest-free forgivable si h opn ilepo loan of $122,946 from the On-sa25theworkes ntiall and ad tario Devel'opment Corpara- 2a furer 4 s itlnfive tion.a ute45jb ihnfv Customn Glass 1etd. will years. build a 35,400 square foot The interest.-free loan, plant and instail new equip- granted under the provmnce's ment at a cost of more than Equalization of Industrial Op- $615,000. Besides manufactur- portunity Pnogram, will not îng sealed glass units, the have to be repaid providing company will make a new the firm meets certain condi- type of metal-coated glassItions over a six-year period. Stressing Prevention During Hospital Week When the Memorial Hospital1 observes National Hospital1 Week, that started Monday,i May 12, the emphasis will bei on preventIon and the extent1 cf.ý t.he hospital's involvement1 in this relatively new field of1 medical care. To mark the week, the hos- pital dstrlbuted restaurant place mats throughout the dis- trict, through the graclous efforts of the Hospital Wo- men's Auxiliary. The patient's tray covers for the week also bear the -thene lof- thiKsYear's- National Hospital Week - that of "Prevention - The Key to Tomorrow's Hea1th"'. (TURN TO PAGE TWVO) treatment for undetermined head injuries there, and was then transferred in the same ambulance to the Toronto General Hospital. The driver ot the second car involved in the acci- dent was John Somerscales, age 21, 14 Centre Street. He and his passenger, Miss Mary Jane Billett, age 19, King Street East, escaped with minor injuries. They aise were taken by the Bowmanviile Area Ambulance to Memorial Hospital where Mr. Somerscales received treatment in the eut-paient departnient for abrasions to.his hip. Miss Billett was admitted to have a slight injury to her shoulder treated, bg then was able te return to her home later in the day. Damnage to Mr. Somerseales' car, a 19%8 Plymnouth, was about $2,000. Constable Gerry Kozak, OPP, in- vestigated the accident, Truck Damaged by Fire Early Saturday Bowmanville firemen were called to a small truck f ire at 1:.50 a.Tn Saturday _Uoarning on Maple Grove Road, south of Morton's Imp1enients, 4.. ppr e#4b a short circuit in the wiring started a fire in Eric Olrnstead's kr~1 ~?à spread to the van at the rear. Before it could be extinguished, 'several hurudred dollars damage had resulted. Mr. Olmstead lives at 44 Eastlawn ini Oshawa. -. John Twist Speaks at Anniversary Should Star f fo Bear Crosses Insfead ofiJusfShinîng Them Says Preacher af Sf. PauI's John Twist, B.A., B.D., son Queen's Theological College, of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Twijst, Kingston, to be guest preach- Salem, returned home laist er at St. Paul's United Church week after graduation at Sunday Schoal Anniversary §BITS >Mo PIECESt BIGGEST - The recent Boy Scout Paper Drive in Bowmanville produced a record return of 45,400 Sounds of paper that netted their camping fund 180. Needless to say they are most appreciative of the co-operation from town citizens. The next drive will be on June l4th. t t f t4 OMISSION - Last week's Statesman included an item about a new ready-zmix cernent firm starting up here. It neglected .to mention that the real estate transaction had been'cornpleted by Lloyd Atc hison of Ricard Real Estate. 4 t jt t t1 SPORTS - On Monday, the Village of Bethany will hold its annual Sports Day, with a great parade starting at 12 noon, to be followed by bail games. They are using their influence to persuade the weatherman that a bit more warinth and less ramn would be timely. Also, don't forget that Bowman- ville Rotary Club will be staging its big fireworks display at the High School Grounds here the same evening. t. .t . t INDUSTRY - Durham's MPP Alex Carruthers came through with an announcement this week that will be happy news for Newcastle residents. A forgivable loan has been approved for a new factory in the village. Details are publisbed elsewhere. This is the second new industry to make Newcastle its future home in recent months. i. it i. t i. LICENCES - Anglers in the province have been buying so many licences that some of the outiets have run out of supplies. In Bowmanville, it is understood that Bryson's Smoke Shop, McGregor's Hardware and McNulty's Sports & Cycle have them available. t. j t t t SWEEP - Over the weekend pranksters had themuselves a time on thre. arca golf courses. They stole the flagis and pins froinBrini Peb- hieston. and Grandvlew, drlvlng their car over the courses, et thipmne tinie. F.rtumtely, they had enough euergy th; walk from thé tairwaYsý te, the 1ofltion on the. greens where the i.. ls w.ré in pIam 4othrwiu, their tr.ooj h ~Ioua. nemre la U&e f m.0 *y t $0 t sal ~n asusU14a, ft"t itte ~le.TIke9l ht g#W te1 # upy Ser vices on Sunday'morning& May 1lth. He spoke twice during this special service, first, to the children on the theme "What is the Church for Children?" when he told them that the church is not only a building of brick and stone, but what (TURN TO PAGE TWO> LUMBER DERAILED On Saturday, a CNR flatcar loaded with lumber started to roll backwards down the in- cline on lie Goodyear siding. It struck a derail block and one set of wheels left the. track, with the lumber teeter- Ing at an acute angle. A crane was brought in Tuesday and lifted the car back onto the rails' Grad uates Miss Sheila Slater, daughtr of Mr. and Mxi. W. J. Slate of R.R. 1, Orono, la a 1969 graduate of the Animal Health Technlcians Courue at Ridgetown College of Agx'i- cultural Technology, Ridge- town, Ontario. She wifl re- ceive her diploma at the Gra- duiation Exeises on May 14, vben the spaker will 'b. lioI%. wn. AStewart. Ontario of Ost tlrmlpture axr4 Deputy boi*r win l it the dpoMua oBuild in Toronto Man Dies, Following 2-Car Collision

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