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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1969, p. 3

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Married in Trenton We Mr. and Mrs. John Richard Stacey, who are shown Adir IBirt in the above photo, were married in King St. United Dise ' Church, Trenton, on Saturday afternoon, April 12, 1969, mai ,et 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Janet Marie Mir( :licks of Bowmanville, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Ken-, Ernei -eth F. Hicks of Trenton, and the groom is the son of ,Vi ýMr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Stacey, Bowmanville. i __________Photo by Webb Photo Service!I STACEY - HICKS .father, the bride wore e for-i -Standards of yelîow 'mums'mal length, empire-waisted: -end white giadioli prettilv gown o! white satin withi deconeted King St. United panels of lace embroideredý Chut-ch, Trenton, when Misg;with seed pearîs. A matching.I Janet Marie Hicks of Bow- loor-length train highlightedi inanville, daughter o! Mr. and the gown, and ber shoulder- Mrs. Kennetih F. Hicks of length veil was caught to a, Trrenton, and Mn. John Rich-1 oronet of white satin roses.1 ard Stacey o! Bowmanville, Her bridai bouq.uet was ai son o! Mn. and Mrs. Hubert j. yellow roses and white car-i StaceY, Bowmanville, were! nations. united in marniage on Satur-i Mns. Richard Brown, asý day aftennoon, April 12, 1969,Ïmatron o! honor, wore a floor-l et 3 o'clock. length, empire-waisted em-: The of!iciating clergyman, erald green satin gown withl WaS Rev. W. E. McDowel,' chiffon overlay and chiffon end the wedding music was[ in ahn rm mth played by Mn. Wayne Vance. shoulder bows. The floweri Given in marriage by ber1girls, Misses Launie and Shel-l IBLACK'S Ladies' Wear Ltd. i TO MAKE THAT DAY PERFECT Corne In and see our exquisite collection of the newest and most elegant summer wedding gawns. We also have a wide selection of gowns for the bridesmaids, bride's mother and groom's inother . . . and accessories. FOR PRIVATE APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 725-1912 , BLA(K'S Ladies' Wear Ltd. 7SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Op«n Friday 'til 9 p.m. 'I ~~i lcUDD ly Stacey, rieces et the groom, were attired alike in floor- length, empire-waisted gowns of white embossed cotton ac- rented by emerlld green rib- bon trim at the waistline. Al the attendants carried nose- gays of yellow end white mumns Mr. Frank Stacey ni Bow- ,manville was best man, and the ushers were Mr. John Hicks and Mr. Ralph Tindale. The reception was held In King St. United Church Hall where the bride's mother re- ceived wearing a two-pece pink and beige suit with pink and beige accessories and corsage of white roses. The groomn's mother assisted to re- ceive and for the occasion chose a metaflie gold dress with gold accessories and corsage of aurai rosebuds. For the wedding trip to Florida. the bride donned a three-piece navy ensemble with white accessories, coin- plemented by a corsage of wliite roses. Mr. and Mns. Stacey are reiding in Bow- manville. Guests attended lrom Zwie- brucken, Germany, Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Parkhill, Tees- water, Brampton, Brooklij. Toronto, Lindsay, Orill4a and Trenton. ,Memorial Hospital ýWeekly Report leek of May 5-il Inclusi [missions rhs-5 maie, 3 femnale- scharges tion operations- nor operations iergency treatments Isiting hours 3-8 p.m. dla 7j Mrs. Aura B. Squair, who recently retired after fromn left to right 'seated are Miss Mary Young, former- in many years on the nursing staff of Memorial Hospital ly o! Bowmanville, now on the staff of the Hospital ,34 is pictured here at the large tea given in her honor for Sick Children, Toronto, Mrs. Squair, and Mrs. 131 eat the residence of Mrs. Sue Wight, 50 Parkway Nellie Foley. In the background left to right, Mrs. illy Crescent. More than 200 o! ber co-workers and friends Vera Prout, Mrs. Elizabeth Widdecombe, Mrs. Ruth at the hospital attended the event. Photographed above Bate, Miss Velma Gay and Mrs, Elsie Alldread. the Editor's Mail I 72 Scugog St., Honor Retiring Nurse Bowmenvlhle, Ont., May 11, 1969 -- Dean Sir: 1 wish to clarify my ob- jection to supporting the U.A.W. ln Honeywell, which I outlined ln my letten last week. 1 arn not opposed to col- lective bergaining, and te having ail employets pay for the benefits they recelve. Nor arn I opposed te sup- porting the U.A.W. as the collective bargainJng agent ln HoneywellIif this were al that. I would be supporting. However, only about one- third o! the dues collected are used for local representa- tion. the rest gots into the total onganization. Herein lies my main objection. In the event thet thee union gains a closed shop I will be forced te support it or quit my job. Let uq close- ly examine the decisions I must make: 1. Support stnike action or quit; 2. Support Inflation or quit; 3. Support violence or quit; 4. Support the New Demo- eratic Party or quit; 5. Support the destruction o! the individuel or quit. These are tht policies of the U.A.W. with which I cannot agree. I arn especially disturbed by the act that the U.A.W. uses a portion o! every mem- ber's dues te assist a political perty. What rlght hes the union, or you, nty fellow em- ployees, te threaten me with the loss et my job If I do nb give nominal and fin- anclal support te the N.D.P.? If It Is net Illegal to force a person to support a political party, It should be. What are the alternatives? First, tht U.A.W. could reorganize Itseit se that the employees have the option of joning the local group which speaks and votes on only local Issues, or ef join- Ing the total organization. Dues would be scaled ac- cordingly. If thls Is not accepted, the employees themselves could onganize an Inter-plant association which would deal with local conditions and wages. Youns truly. W. M. Prime. St. PauI's CGIT Holds Social St. Peui's C.G.I.T. closed 11, meetings for the summer with a oilevening for tht girls' rnothr and guests, Rev. and Mrs. Turner and Rcv. and IMrs. Somenville. Mrs. Gee. Graham welcorned [the guests and opened the 'meeting with the C.G.I.T. Hymnaend Purpose, followed by a slng song. Mrs. Graham et tht piano. Vocal duets by Susenne Graham and Mns, Graham, "Brighten the Corn- er" and "Church ln tht WiId- Wood ". Skit by two girls. "Samuel's Proposai" by Kathy Nesbitt and Leila Cowle. Musical number. Susanne Graham, Donna Holmes, mer- r ecas; Launie Crough, tam- bourine; Joan Graham. bancs: Jili Colvilie, bongo drums and Mrs. Graham on piane, "When The Saints Corne Marching In" and "We've Got the Whole Wenld ln His Hads". Read- ing by FeIt.h Thiessen. A group o! six girls sang "Auna Lee" with Kathy Nes- bitt on piano. Piano sole by Jlloan Samells. Skit by four girls, Bonnie Woodward, Chris Joncs, Donna Reader, Ana Cut.hbertson "Ahi la a Famlly". At this time Faith Thiessea and Suzane Bryson present- ed Mns. Chanles Piper and Mrs. Lelend Millson with a sml gi!t for their wonk given ten C.G.I.T. the lest three years. Though taken by surprise bath leaders thankcd the girls Igreclously. We &Il sang "How Great Thou Art" te close our pro- gramme. cIter whlch a social half hour wasspent wlth tht IservIng e trefresbments. ee guelsi nd girls frrmed a cfrdle and «aM Tape and Eene- For O ut standing Service A beautifully arranged tee' from the Nursing Staff of Me- be %vell merited. was given on May 5th in honor morlal Hospital aften many The honored guest. Mrs. o! Mns. Aura B. Squair by yeans o! outstending service!Squair. who looked radiant in Mrs. Sue Wight and Mrs. Is felt with keen regret flot 1 a becoming pink ensemble with Barbara Hindmnan. the hospi- only by all ber co-wÀorkers, a corsage o! gardenias. and the tal's afternoon and evening but also by hundreds of people co-hostesses. Mrs. Wight and supervisons, et Mns. Wight's In the town and district who Mrs. Hindman received the nesidence, 50 Parkway Cnes- have given ber their affection- more than 200 gLiests who cent. Mrs. -Squar's retirement 1 ate co nfidence knowing it te. came to the enjoyable party Celebrate Diamond Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Kilpatrick IOne o! Canade's oldest andithe couple in the celebration.1 The Master o! Ceremonies most decorated war veterans Mns. Kilpetrick wore a gown for the occasion was the eld- and his bride of 65 years, Mn. o! pink silk trimmed with est grnidson. William A. Kil- and Mrs. Arthur C. Kilpatrick white with red and white flow- patnick, assisted by bis brother of 25 Jane Street, Bowman- ers and the groom was in a Joseph. They pnesented the ville, were honored on Fniday dank blue suit with boutonn- couple with many gifts includ- evening, Apnil l8th et the Cen- iere. They were essisted by the ing matching tri-light lamps. tennial Hall on Queen Street members of the !arnily In The head table was graced !,i Bowmanville. The occasion neceiving the many guests end :with many flowers and e three wes their 65th Wedding Anni- made a happy pictune as they'tier wedding cake. Flowers vencery and more than 100 were showened with congratu -ý,eprcie mteTw relatives and fniends joined lations and best wlshes. ýo! Bowmanville with congratu- lations, fromn the Mayor, Ivani Hobbs and Council. TÈelegnams lcame from Her Majesty the *Queen and Prince Philip, si !Prime Minister Pierre Elliott1 il ~Trudeau, Premier John Rob-i 0) ~ants, Leader o! the Opposition1 Robert Stanfiedd, Russel Hon- i ey. M.P., Alex Carruthers, M.P.P.. Mayor Hobbs andt 1 ~Warden Roy Foster o! thei 7 Utnited Counties o!, Northum-i berland and Duîrham personally 1 R ICKBY "Shrought greetings to the hon-I, L IM IT Eost ofplefive generations 1 LIM ITE Do! the family were present in-.C cludîng their two daughters, Garland, Mrs. T. Corby. Sylvia, f'I)1Mns. W. Longhottom, Oshawa, 31-"J Ik)nli I and two surviving sons, Wil- ~~(L.,I(III.,Lq liamn Sr. and Harry Kilpat- rick, the youngest son. both o! Bowmanville, two other s ons, Joseph and Arthur are ">' .~-/ed1tffi <erea ced. t wenty-six grand- 1 J '14' f ngchildren, 47 ra-anhid ren and six great, great grand- 9 children. Out-of-town guests .- . let Rickaby's help you were from Orono, Oshawa, with Bay Ridges, Toronto and Col- * YOURMr. and M,\rs. Kilpatnic< YO RINVITATIONS have been residents of Bow- * CHOICEmanville for the past 45 yeans 0HIC F CHINA AND and he is a retired employet CRYSTAL of Goodyear Rubber Comnpany *GIFTS FOR ATTENDANTS Royal Canadian Legion, Bow- manville Branch 178. *and take advantage ofMn. Kilpatrick is a veteran of of the Boer Wan, Wonld War our BRIDE'S REGISTRY 1 and World War Il. He holds SERVICE which is designed the French Cr-oix de Guerre, Mons Star and Bar and other to help your friends. and decorations for velor including relatives choose just the right three medals from the South Afnican War awarded by Queen eift fr youVictoria. The couple wene entert.ained by the family musiciens. Danc- ing and games were enjoyed by the family who were happy and pnoud to be wlth themn on tliis memorable milestone. to give Mrs. Squair their besti wishes for many yeans of happiness iln ber retirement. Friends who lnscribed their names ln the guest book ln- cluded Mrs. Ethel Hamlyn, a member of the first Graduat- ing Class of Bowmanville Hos- pital Sehool of Nursing ln 1918, and Miss Mary Young of the staff o! the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, who gradu- ated with Mns. Squair ln th-e Class o! 1923. Members of every Graduat- lng Class of the Hospital School of Nunsing wrote their names ln the guest book, as did nursing colleagues of Mrs. Squair who had worked wlth her at various times, members o! every department o! the ho-spital, scores of former patients and many personal friends. Mrs. Hindmnan was ln charge of the handsomely embossed white leather guest book that had as an inscription on its cover ln golden letters: "Aura B. Squair. May 6th. 1969" Each guest was given an artistic replica of a daffodil bearlng her own name. which was pinned to her a!ternoon dress. The spaclous livingroomi, dinlngroom and recreation room wene enhanced effective- lY with spning flowers. In the diningroom the perfectly appointed serving table had an exquisite and taîl circular pyramid shaped centrepiece formned o! yellow roses and shasta daises, which had been erranged by Mrs. Doreen Olinski. The table was light- ed by tail Yellow tapera ln silven candlesticks. Those who presided over the silver tee and coffee services were Miss Velma Gay, Mrs. Elizabeth Widdecombe, Mrs. Vera Prou t, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkins, Mrs. Frances Muir and Mrs. Laura Butteny, As- sistlng ln serving were Mrs. Gertrude Davey, Mrs. Marion Burgess, Mrs. Bey. Jennings, Mrs. Marilyn Rowe, Mrs. Louise Bell, Mrs. Betty Down- lng, and Mrs. Anne Bnine. L Th Canadian Statesman. owmanvile. May 14, 1969" s. John Wayne Winter, the Adams; Painela Joy, daughter former Miss Margaret Jane of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Black- Hicks, on their marriage oniCarol Dianne. daughter of Mn. Saturday aternoon, May loth, and Mrs. John Blumbergs; et Orono United Church. John Paul. son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thornton Wilson ne- Donald Henry; Collin McFar- turned home from Ottawa lest land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- week. colm F. McKenzie. and Chrisi Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey tine Winona. daughten of Mr. and Jil of Toronto vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Norm Stacey, and Mrs. Horace Best and Ron Mrn and Mrs. J. M. Thomp, on Sundey. son of Omemee spent Wednes. Mrs. Fred Brimacombe is a day o! last week with Mrs. Rtient in Memonll Hospital, Catherine Seal.. ~owmanville. Kend Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. J. Mr. Marvin 0ene Fagan and son Michael of Seult Ste. Marie visited his IMarkham were weekend visit- cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Onville oso! r adMr.F. Chatterton, Carol and David,COp. lest week. Miss Sharon Johnston spent Mrs. Chas. Wood had al ber ýthe weekend with her chum, family et home with her on Miss Donna Chaflice. Sunday; aise Mr, and Mrs.1 R. J. Galbraith of Toronto. 1 GET CASH TODAY Mrs. Harvey Malcolm and' FOR OLD APPLIANCES Mona o! Yelventon were nec-i THROUGH cnt visitons o! Mns. Frank STATESMAN Glasbenger, Sr., Division St. CL AS S IF IE D Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferrier of Bolton spent the weekend Phuone 623-3303 with Mr. and Mrs. Onville! Challice and family. Rev. Basil E. Long is attend-N WINSO K ing the Bay of Quinte Con- N WI TOK ference of, the United Church of Canada as It meets this L ve those MeekEn eK nst d on, Oa njo. 85,i Me nnstAdon na. L 85,1 husband of Mrs. Sadie Toyne. Sc oUE' Adamson, passed away at his1 residence, Cobbledick Street,ý FOOT Orono, on Sunday, May 1lth. Funeral was from the 1M'or-, EXERCISE ris Funeral Chapel on Wed-1 nesday afternoon. Interment, Bowmanvile Cemetery. 1 SANDALS Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Jacks and FLTadR IE son Tom of Markham visited FLTadR IE her mother, Mrs. Catherine HEELS Seal on Sunday. COLOURED STRAPS Mr. Chas. Cooper is a pat- ient In Memorial Hospital, Ideal for the woman Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen contirtually on ber Rosemary and John David oÏ feet: Beauty Salon, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Stores, Etc. Albert Munneke and Kenneth, spent Sunday afternoon with i Mand mtly. OvleChlie Lloyd Ellis n. fandMs. OvleCac A Service of Baptism was S e held on Sunday by Rev. Basil h e E. Long during the regular 49 KING STREET W. service o! wonship at Onono1 United Church for the folow BOWMANVILLE ing six children: Steven Doug- las, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken 0- C leaners %C/tucile MOTH PROOFING ODOUR PROOFING MILDEW PROOFING Yes, everything that is drycleaned ini our plant - gets the full treatment ai no extra cost to you! BOWMANVILLE ROTARY FIREWORKS DISPLAT Monday, May l9th -High School Grounds fl~BO WMAN VI LLE CLEAN ERS \~ J W U~84 KING ST. W 623-5520 CLIAMER "W. Specialize In Shirt Laundering» r opowSPECIAL THIS WEEK 1 F A LLS -. $34 A95 (Ail Human H-air) wI1G s REG. $49.95 -A- ------- -- $ 4 9 (AlHurnan Hair) WE ALSO CLEAN - STYLE - SET WIGS PHONE . FALLS - HAIR PIECES 623-2932 FOR APPOINTMENT GRElG'S HAIRSTYLING 33 KING ST. W.A m- ORONO NEWS Mrs. Douglas Williams from British Columbia bas been vlsîting ber parents, Mn, and Mns. Clifford Wlnter on Cobb Hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young o! Bridgenorth ceiled on ber sisten, Mrs. Chas. Wood on, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hutton, Mn. and Mrs, John Shetler are on a train trip to tht Westý Coast. Mns. Keith Taylor and daughtens Bonnie and Nancy o! Brampton, spent Saturdey with ber mothen, Mrs. Mer- shall Chatterton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken and son Tom o! Millbnook were Sunday dinner guests of Mn, and Mrs. Orville Challice and famiiy. Congratulations to Mr. andI

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