I. *4~.. *4 ~ " - Mrg. Lawrence Farrow In the ~sigof ber father, Mr. Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Cnnox, Gardeni HIi, iast, Report fro mMiFs Nancv HaiIowfl. Wat- erloo, has retturred to spend F the szummer at home aller lier W o m e s I stit tes fir.;t year at university there. M.and Mrs. Harold Cas-, BO MA VLL W I j HAPTN YMr. lew ortHope, and Mr. and, BOWMNVILE W 1. AMPTN W. Mr. Liu, alIowell were Sun- 1 The re'gular meeting of thi- Th#- Ma 'v meeting of the dar.eving dner gest a Bovemanville Womt-ns Tn5sti- Hampton Wonien's lnstitute M.BinCses tute wRa, held in the Saliatinn was field Tueqday evening in Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier. or! Armý- Hall on Ma'v Rthth the Christian Edu ation Buiid- Toronto. were weekend visi-'"N. the nevw presîident.« Mrs. C. 1W. lng. wt h omnil tors at Mr. Lloyd HalIowell's. Downey in the chair. Meeting Women's Institute as Our Mrs. A. Dobson is attendingý operîed with 0 Canadia. the zuests. The npw siate Ofo! o- the ronference at Kingston this Institule Ode and the Mary cers took over for the 1969-70 week as delegate from thisM Stewart Colirect year. Mrs. Chant, our new charge. Thp ..e(retarv-tro-a.rurer rearl Preside nt, welcom ed the Bow- Mr. aîîd Mrs. Larry Sinclair,' the minutes of the last meet- manville ladies alter -which Newtonville, w ere Sunday Ing and also gave the tr.aý;- we ail sang the Institute Ode. guests with her parents, Mr. tire's epot. Aran'emntsfollowved by repeating ln uni-. and Mrs. Carl Todd. Were marie for articles to he son the Mary Stewart Collect Mcs. Llew Hallowell attend- &oid at the District Annual and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. ed the recent bazaar in Orono on May 14. The rnotice of mc,- Brvant reported on our bus and was a dinner guest with fion regarriîng the District trip l the McLaugh!in Plane- Mrs. Bill Reid. by-law in connection wit h tacium on May 21st, the bus A number of ladies from< the District givingR gifts to to leave Hampton at 1:30 p.m. hsdtrcatee hee- the4-HGils as isussd.Alter this the members ofthsdtrcattddth re Hampton Instituite retired to' cn en aei edl 'Plie president askedl as Bow- h hi omfrfwro- Mr. Delbert Hallowell, of: mianvilie w as the hostess nsada hi ews Toronto was at his home hece branch. for as many membersiche nteRi alec during last week. as osshieto ttedlady came in modelling a hat Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton' The iifxl meeting i5 to he she. had made from kitchen and Lois, Newtonville; Mr. and> à pirnir at Mrs. M. Wiseman',. utensils. There was quiCe a is- Mr-S. Bruce Donnelley and çottage. The Bcancb directncspla ~Of bats made uip from boys. Port Hope, were Suniday tre to look alter contests and almost any tîtensil you could afternoon visitors witb Mrs. L.: james. Il was voted to have think ot and lots of themn. Todd for Mother's Day. a Kopper Karnival in 1970l as Ms urwo h ot sual as Our annual money- group, then took the chair foc making prnject. h rgam. h ot I ,te roýame heMoto"I' HAYDON The roi] cail was niame a matters flot how long we live pioneer. Happy irthday was but how" was taken by Mrs. Sunday s(-hool and church' sung to Past President Mrs. Bryant. Bowmanville ladies service wiîî he withdrawn On NI. Wiseman, it being. ber supplied the music consisting' Sîîndcay on accounit of Sundayý birthdav. of vocal solos - "My Catbed- Sehool Anniversarv services" Mcs. Roy Wehhec, conivenor rai" and *'Brahm's Luilaby"-atT'oeUieCbcan of Historical Resrarch, was by Mrs. Twist accompanied on EnniskilIen Sunday School I charge of the progcam. the piano hy Mrs. Sam But-'Anvray evcs Mrs. E. Perfect gave the' tery. Mrs. Park then gave two Crsin Faiy Sna notto. "Make use of time: it readings "The Old Ash Sifter" lrsin Fmy Sudy is God-given.i" She said time and "Home Cooking" by Edgac service \vas well attended.' lised to gond advantage wvas Guest. Those were followed by During the service Andrewý churrh, travel to see how two piano numbers byMr.igot son of Mc. and Mrs. other people live and ont to Bragg. We a]l enjoved these Way'ne Piggott, was baptized.: wiastp Ouîr time that God h as numbers and thank 'the Bow- The flo\vers placed in the given us but to uise t0 the manville Institute for their church on Sîînday wece in best of our ahilitv. Mrs. A. contrihution to our programn- nmemory of Miss Emma Werry Wood gave three oir four read- me. Mrs. Chant then introdue- xvho passed away Monday, ~ "av, Sucesio",ed our guest speaker and den-- May Sith. "The Fa;rme-r", "Spcing H-ouse- onstrator - Mrs. Bolenchuck Watch Coming Eveiîts for,... C1eaning." Mrs. O. Bragg o! Oshawa. Mcs. Bolenchuk is:Club 21 Bazaar, May 2lst. playpd a selection on the a teacher ln the art o! mak-' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Duc]- piano.ing hooked cugs. Hec displav 1ley, Burlington, were week- Mrs. Wehhec intrndîîced the of rues and demonstration of endvstc !M.adMs r-peaker, Mrs. S. Billett, who a cutting machine \vhich cuts Arthur Read. Ïpoke on the Colombo' planthe material just the right! Mr. aond Mcs. Gordon Tayý,-I nd the part that Canada thickoess was verY !a<cinating.' lor. Coleen and Susan, Bobbyl plays in it. The Colombo plan ýThe shading of the flowers in aod Gar y, Enfield, Mc. andi wras nriginated in Ceylon bxrthe rugs made the flowers 100k r Mrs. J. Abbott aond Steven. the Commonwealth. IR i, toQ etsi.Ms .Au uktn eeFriday even- give assistance, i n raising»tanked Mcs. Bolenchuck on jing cailers of Mcs. A, Thomp- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp their standards of edtication4behalf of ail the ladies present1son. in rnaterial and fiaclfo coming to our meeting., Mrs. L. Ojîffin, Blackstocl<, "Once upon. a tlime",.. ......oposed a toast to the w\or-iColuinibus,, Mrs. M. R. Sander- 'Ways. She told of how Canada We closed by' sioging 'ýThe'Mc. and Mcs. Alfred Garrard, Sounds like the beginning ofithy couple. Io the atterno>on son, Toronto, also un the ev-' is assisting in Agriculture and] Queen" aftec whicb the North' Barry and Lori Ano were a fairy storv, doesn't it? But' of the saine day, May 3rd,iening Mrs. R. Byecs, Bow-1 Fisheries, how teams have!Gopsre ck n c una upî,get fM. it is reallv a true aond happy 11969, also in the evenigace'mnvitie, Mcs. B. Wanna-, gon o er to hel, r. Di-. ce m, te an c okes Du in- a1 ]M . nd hac.L le ar ardy. Let's take a brie! trnp ception w as h ld at tue o me m aker, Seagrave, M s. D. Hig-ý Mond of Oshawa leading 00e Our social tîme Mrs. C. Downe\iM.adMs eleGa into the past (about 50 yeacs of Mc. arîd Mcs. Sharp wbere gins, Hampton, Mcs. D. B.i and a cousin of Mrs. Johns!'thanked Hampton on behaif o! ham. Mrs. Gordon Dudley, o o n eaeafwtig bu 5 ussarvdfo aTcno evn ee1 r in .onb ea o the mc e- the iBotamanvllle institute forc Bl inlon R , Mr. and Mrs'about this marvelous story o! as far' eat as -M ontreal and]'iieces aond tour granddaugh-ý besman n behal! o! ilthe fom-theivitin ojintemfo Ctn Rewaliie aoc]'1the lives of two wonderfulwest as St. Thomas and sev-,ters. The guest book was in' be irsatved Mrs. BetfrteeelgStpeen, Btsofan Mrl. werepeople. eî'aî frnm U.S.A. Reccii.'gcharýge of Katuhy, Linda, Janet, her nfomatie tlk. uppr gustso! M. ad In the "littie red scbool with t'he bride aocd groom of! and Gordon Sharp (grand-'r the o es ho bac]n takeh- ho eL ofs MrWayn Piggott .a t h ouse" at Enniskillen among 50 years were their daughiter c'ildien>. couse Focs n Fnis- TARV ILLomEf c o; cs . edthe pupils were two cbildcen Mis. Gregg, the bride's sisteî' The pool table in the re-1 es," gave a dress parade. The on Moher's Day. Master Rob-ia cut ittie îass oamed GertieMc.DB.Kyaddah-cetin omwstrsom- <-ometatr as cs H r.andMr. A Vn Dun hi Rad elbraedbisl0hýaoc] a sby lad inamed Adatn.lter-s-ii-law,-Mesdaies Boss'ed iito a gîft table to display; Couch. Mrs. Bragg piayed tbeen Ohaa.day.unav Cupid shot bis fatal arî'ow ini- and Ivanu Sharp. the many, maoy gifts and 250~ 'baikgj'îtind music for the ge, s thaa, pae nvc.an Mr . R "hop-to their hearts and placedý A proifuîsion of flowers eii-cards and the Provincial Gov-1 ~arde. Mis C.~. hisguet. wih br prens, c. un and Wayne, Carleton , to "love seeds". Casual hanced th1ba -xo! theement lqefo ue RaveevaandeMostHanoldheo-ch !Place. wece weekend visito's' Cofeene I uephwhchweerecntaknd r.Sd gu&el t !termohr r.Aie'finshp ipndit eu lovely home. Tue d.iiiiîing room ak etî ogaua-1 ave a repor on the Oofccrs'1 Mn. oc] Mrs. Si Hallowellie admiration so that after:tbet' ic kil nc-tosac eecm were re- ( heba]ateneda pesdejMc GndnHaloel', out Tbnmpson. Saturday caliers elementacy scbool days were ibî'oidercd liuuen cioth (40tb1c-,ived fo n ot hr, Thé, meeting closed with iFo res t. a riboponsw'r lM.over aond that delightful ageý'wedc]ing annivcrsarv gift) Yorkton, Sask., Prime Minis-ý God Save the Qîîeen. Lunchý Mrs. R. Lowerv\ and Mî'.' o] r.E.R bnpo ac'was i'cached called "teen-age' was centrcd \witl hte' trad - lter Hon. P. E. Trudeau, Gov.- e'a sevedb~'thecrop nSweetman. Toronto, vilted 1 - i Bwmnile whcii dates were made to at- tional tiercd weddciîîg arîini- Geii. Hon. R. Michener, R.C. R. Patfield soc-j MrsA.Dsn.etc]]t rM. and Mrs. R. D. Thomp-; tend football gamnes and all l vîsr aewihwa onev, M.P., A. Cruhr, ______________ Sympathy seten on h mpton ek, Mr,adother local events. culinaty product o! Mrs. f M.P.P., and Hon. R. Stanfield.; Tbopso, Lskad, c. nc] When Worid War 1 was ýSbacp's 1,itcbcn w'îtb beauiti-'!Among the many lovely giftsl Mrs. Phil Shaw and Dianne.j over it was known that, be-; fui xvhite aoc] gold decona-j were the ones from their own' Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Donny'v s ies te ictory o! the Allies,' tionls as the artistie finish bv rchildren, 50 yellow rosebuds Thopso ao] abe Toont.!there was also a victocy by a' Mrs. Wm. Lake o! Newcastle.'10 a lovely floral arrange- Mr. L. F. Thompsor aond son tai] hanc]some youth who bac] Flanking the cake wet met The refceshments were; TeryToonoMr. . b- xooec aoc] won bis beautiful basvss'vtbylo. oe lanned by thednerom bott aasesc]tlSteven. Bui'ketonner,'m- Mc. ac]dMste. . A. son.made ac on May 3cd, 19191 buc]s and golden candies. 1 mittee aoc] provîded by En-' Mrs Alx isean Sady a quiet, pcetby wedding cere-: Pouring at th(- tea table, niskilleo L.C.W. Ogni S-rmony took place at the home c]ýurniog teatron wec One grandson,Micae Hpaoc] Carol, Miss Vit'ii of Mr-. aoc] Mrs. Chalmers Mrs. R. W. Doaîî (nierCnrp,:(ircgg was cinable to attn mond ric] c. D.Maste'son Bomavîle Tac Omoc]Sandeî'sonin bEniiiskillen wben, Shar.p), Montrral, Mis.C. bis raarent' lovely pacîy, and issMasersBowan-their eider daugbter, Ger-ý Woods (îîee Lilliari Sharp), due to universlty duties. Eveni bachelors! vaoc].Miss LMans, oan-, trude Emma Sanderson be-' il.MsssLn o] adrrsbawa,' Mrs. W. Saider.son'IthP weathenman contcibutec] Thompson, Carleton Place. came the wife of Adam Hayl to the success or this pleasant Sharp, youngest sort o! Mc.! eent hy pcoviding a deligbt-ý wece Mothers Day visitons aoc Mrs. Aoc]rew Sharp. ail1 fullv bright and suony da with Mcs. A. Thompson. îfEosiln h lsiî Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,' bride %vas attended by bier,1 Ronald anc] Ray, Mr. and onDursiamr <itti> Ev aoc ýMcs. Ross Ashton a dGrant. tl-ie groom ws upotcib: uha em e !eg,,da-with M.and Mcs;. Ivan ~ t>.'IRefercîng in the cost tb thei D a'day M. T'a two \'ears later. Daugb-!r txpayers, the member noted,' fl Cmno. ______ter Irene in young %wonan-1 UU .your the proper operation. o! an' REME BERFIL FO marnied an Amercan:1 Ombudsman office In Ontario, 'REWiscoRiFILM FO' HOdIDsYruck the I omces Scrossetheoprovinc M«' Harcy Gregp o! Milwaukee.;r wouldf requice a network o! -. -- r'.'.d sruk he B ni iith îhundreds o! assistants to, familv in No'.. 1961 wbeni the' ca r ryout the work oac]. Mlate ar Gregg succumbed Pitn u hta]re o a f t hear r t a . S nP0n m eo f g ou t ta t s a ar e n R**oss chose as bis wife the e legitimate, are time consumning, El* nfatl e a sDrthaîSkinerSo'n' o stimrMo! cats fot 1 fTyrone aoc] son Ivan mac- took as an example the opera-' ore is Iootlaine oc otyM.Ccctes riec the former Miss Mariet a e tion o! the Ombudsman's office'ý A New RH of Flm FR11hton efryHKocacoford d eale amanun- 'Nhie Flm lft or dvelping anddonSharp, Lidvad anroe sabutr.5m 0 acull arnts ed DoanacldGreg. Doad n'irciedi n embear ft gý,Mrand ahtec-nand Mr-. AIIJSjnot ee lierrnt otsed, as1 &__ nn h rpmiestdoJneeottyeas pi cabl Of the m whn 3ofie un of happilY married life witb hr*~ trv of New Zealand. The aver- q, .good bealtb bas been reihd uàffi t> 'nmage member in the Ontario, PRSRPIN H R AYb y Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp;" silegisilature, he added. handled 'manner. The famil4es of th, #B R ETH per od o! two weeks. Î17King Si. E.62-54t.mnvl Sharps en'tertained their par- Th e real safeguai'd, Mr. Bowanîlets anc] immediate relatives! PAINT & WALLPAPER iCarcuthers said. in conclusion IFTHEY DON7 TURN OUT - YOU DON'T. PAY OUT 1 to a delicious roast beef din-; PHONE 623-5431 'ii a fair nîinded civil service. Sner in the S. S. ronm ai En-i 55 KING ST. W. cnscientinus legisiators anda FREE FILM VERY TIMER. Sariderson wu MC. and'___________sidwe have in Ontario, LReg. 69e 4 d SPECIAL ........4 3,yds. fr$10 "t'e ' LftIMPNrfTr, CRIMPILEIIL Special $6.97yd. Fabulously easy-care polye.ster fahrieq at a fantastical, iow price ! Make dresses, sportswear, and more.,. They Il be machine washable, drip-drv. and you won't have to Une them. Jacquards, blisters, herringhones and crêpe. designs avallable ln a variety of summer shades. 60/62" wide. A l, L À. 6,a ftI& ' IÀ'~