'b ~<'~ '4 ~ - '. l'.Cànadian 5tatesmar. Enwmainvillè, May 14. 1960 Chairman of the Northumbe.!n uhmBac fEua ETEO ion, lm 1Reid ,1P,i- , R~a uin~ I I 1prov7 ionciard ember Jmes REd- (Itended for lat week) tbe Part Perry ladies showed ship and felowhip among the flF egmo am 4êpaty P roblem ponoad egisl au sRe d- ca.n *U~~WYU UuU ondand obet Eain ympathy of this communityicolored films on Crafts taught'dif erent church groups. Folk. mon an Roer Eain sextended to Mrs. Romeby the~ department. A deliciouz;aiiong the route, supplied re- Criminal Code Amiendments: Saunders and famiiy. Portluc waserdbytehtfrhigv od war an Norman Cafik. M.P. for On- Perry, on the sudden death aflInstjtute and appreciation was siices of "orange. W '101 B e D iffiecuit O ne to Soile h son Leonard. For a umnlvoIced by each visiting Inst1- Ms. H. Visser and Mr. PeebrugCarmno hebo yastefamily were tute. Swann favored with a duet- Ontaio L bera Ass ciaton'-lresdent of artwight Towr : Mr and Mrs. IsOldilRu"Tgedld RCross"rss" ithh Policy CmitladE -,i and Leonard received hi$ Ajawr audyatr r.R aio ttec -M inister Teils Liberal Meeting andierladionn h raeva ney v~ isitor with Mr. an' reen poinia eetin. Seda ornn hnM.Ms onhr.jx ee s ad a ttr-MrR.l daHopisn .A.,te ga. (Cntnud ra ai wek Ilhr and western Canada is! Mr. Marchand also touched Caain Frin Plc:LodTiel oa lIMarkham, were Sunday even-ISpringvîîîe. was the speaker "Mr. Marchiand ince his different ini many ways," he' on the prohlems of the north. Jean-Pierre Goyer. ParlIa- contrai of his car and w85ing dinner guests. o the day. He chose "The -graduationi trom university assete which is qtarting tremendous mentary Secretary t.o thie Sec- killed instantiy on Countf Mias dévoted himseiftot publie "We shouid ail learn every- economic growth. "Companies retary of State for External' Road 17 south of Caciarea.' bTer hae en dwiTre Gertos" a te empoyeý,Affairs; the Rev. Hugh Me- Sympathy is extended ta hi': strange men at your Iol theme for his message. The »sevice. From 1048 ta 1962 he thing we cî an but aur coi tend ta bring in emlo ees o5Pr oe ntdfaiy through the summer months. first king did right in the sight was Generai Secretary of the try: Canada is huge and com-:tram the south, and Ignore Keril0fPor HpeUntedfaii. Active Trade Unions Associa-! plex. and learning about it i, the Eskimo and Indian po' u Church and M. A. Hargraft. Eariy Friday evening the ey lbe the assessors arm- of the Lord - the second King latin. e mst avespe al ort Hoe. armbous onConesson ighed with tape lines and huge did right in the sight of the tien, and served as its Presi- r u nweg !lto.W uthv seilPr oe amhueo ocsin e cort bocks. Cartwright is Lord except he ornittefi rellg- dent tronn then until 1965. ail parts of this great countr measures ta take care of this, east of the old Caces ch ei! r~ That was the year he was o usi aubet and Indians and Eskimos, who %vwas completeiy destroyed by sesda ul auIn h tidKn î O elected to pofliumst. He was bl ot every are known to be good workers MA Lf,~jV i re. Thi is 1 presently owneWa~long with many other Ont- right in the sight of the Lord. Président of the Commission aIl rapld learners with invlu-by Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Bawleria municipalities. H1e was neither concerned with of iliigalim *idBiultr. Mr. Marchand referred tri able knowledge of thie north- Do't ort te and was occupied by Mr. andTeLwec acl a-rlgo o bu i epe ofli.nuter ofandmigr-.Canad asexpansion and eco-landmus btgien heget he . . Wre n aiy oiiy, Mrs. S. Brooks and Mr. Does this appiy In present day Departmcntster f Immi- elaent'mupans fr furter fthey, ppor-meeting on 'Phursday evening Ms ane n aml hBrîan Robb (Venturer Leader)gen era tion s? tho Mnite o te x-namie growth, and the gov- tunitiJes due ta them," he Il moro)inth . ai.recently had obtained epo- gtin md n Mnoweadrgeierre l p afr prbler m lyWemstaI ndr tan otSm . Mrs. MntLeanwimet.ihEr.Bwl p attended the presentation of: Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm sang pnow is te rlt e r of I Re ,tc. W , fotind l hc wa msth p abiem i s b twen show p icturs on Cia Ee as no insurance on te c nieee ' Scout Awards for the "I Shal Not Pass This W ay soltios, e iten taFrech pealn Queeceshnewe andCourticenlaiear lentutteymna akln Region at King City Again" ith Miss Bannie Mal- iowailsteo ni Deveof men-lt. s u eitn oFenh sekn ubcr eeradCutc aisa save the dawnstairs furnlîh- on Saturday evening. Mr. and colm accompanying. ma rcan d ha servpmed i tdMrs. Stanley Malcolm arrived At the conclusion of the M.Mrhn a evdsalve some Af the most im- and the rest of Canada. Some nv'td ings. The hause had just rec- 'home tram Florida and were service lunch was served and on" a multitude of missions portant problems. It is aI-'people say 'there have been Rev. D. H{arris based hies entlv been renovated and iiCw also present when Glenn rec-: a social tirne was enjoyed. counllsfor anaa. Nxt ays difficult ta have th"ý six years of the Commission sermon on Sunday an Chris-.ýoois and new furnace were evdhsaad.(ogaua weekhe s t recivean on-ideal solution and one accep- an Bilingualism and Bicultur-l'tians in the home. comparedinstalled. orary Dactoinre ot Lawn tram table toalal Canladians. alisin and we rtill do flot know lit with the times of todal Beverl Lisa, two monthis tions, Glenn') the University of New Bruns- "The gaverfiment ie work- what Quebec wants' The choir rendered the al!- old datighter of Mr. and Mrs. tins accompanied M r. andO o C u l wick. and then will be hon- ing hard with a soun con- "North America lis a con- îîiem "Praise God ye srrvant:e Kennîeth Hudson, isi a bonnie.Mrs. Lawrenée Malcolm ta the rno C u l ored with an Industrial Rela- science ta move ini the right tinient with 200,000,000 English of the Lord". The fallowAinlg blue-eed ittie lady and will;Warden' Banquet at Orono on,~ler tions Award fram the Uni- direction ta make Canada a speaking people, and a minor- chldren werîe baptized: Rab- give great pleasure ta her newlFriday evening whe-n Warden Cee r te 1 versity o Montreal, and a'better country: Ail these ef- ity of French speaking onles. ert Gary Jcfferv. son of Mr.'oarenlt,. and to her little RyFl adhsfml Social Sciences Degree tram, forts are being made by i who want ta keep their own land Mrs. Garv Jeffery; Ken- brothers. Lavai University, 1 anhappyv tellipent men led by P . t'ans. eren tae ton se hathr.ad s righnnth soriofh M.Huds on i a nd wemponstd wih h iri.yCareTon ole W d 1 ttn introduce this man Who s Minister TrudeauWPrism s-lagîîaerantraeitioneal u-th admr.es Wrih. soiof MHudo d ilnmplye w eith honrdbilakpon.ole e dn sering hi conty wtilstongniralv ad whoeleis sax hprpare other ethnic ,Lee-Ann Sy'via Hurie. atl- the Oshawa Police. M.and Mr.-. Lawrence ser in hî c unry id sron m raî a d ntele i-gratî is ith different languag- grhter of M r. and M . Doî Mis J nv u et. or t , W hitehead, O akville and M r. A most enjoyable evening vikar, integrity. and honor," uallY. lie is different fi'or1n esthe Ukraiians, . Geî'man-'1 Hurrie* Julie Margaret M(," j'siîed aver the weekend wIth d Mrs. Marwood McKee, pri Mr. Haney stated. hfi; public image. He works and maniv others. Why flot let Lean.'Sharon Elizabeth Me- Miss Helen Parker. Blcstc. visited ricl 26th,' 96.pent or.SatdAil Mr. Marchand said that hard daily tram eight arn. to thier langua2es be L'ised Of-..Lean, daughters of Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick,;with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alex w a t s o n entertainred whiat is particularly notice- Il 1)m- fîil vtoo. That wauld be a iHealp able about Canada, is that ail Mr. Marchand stated that Tower of Babnl and con-a Mrs. R. McLean. Lindsay, were mid-week avilr- iseasllp. r o a around seventy-five friends Canadians know about il in- ecanomie and employmienî fusion. Mi'. and Mis. Hon Bennett, night guestq of Mr'. and Mrsl' This p a eekoranso bas and relatives at a dinner tellectully, butnotMi'.ypandlMrsin thaineeePirkardl, 'GeorgeetBowerro. 'cabe M. anving. dayitaPiandrtramrgeaBwtvs.npthe in ddh FellowswsHHll. t e l l c t u l l y b u n o m a y p - a b e m s i n h e h r e o x g i n l. ' T h s e t h n c g o u p (' i n eN e t le t o n - t h e F r e d T h o m a s O r o n o . T h e o c c a s io n w a s t h e know what Canada really i$. Maritime Provinces and New- to Canada knowing that à Part Hape, Mr. and Mis. Gai .<StindaY calleî-s with Mr. Eh W "W@ ail know aur home town, foundland are urgent. He hadtwo lanixtags.Englih Pickard, Mr. adMs e .Mi' eMandnd Mrs. Budasemihomejr ea fce l r.0hwdiganvray city or country district. But mentioned that the averageiand Frenc.h. They klnew It Pickard, Bowmanville, Mr. 1irtuie and Donna, Bowman-'adMs asn haw manl here know the yearly incarne in Newfouind- would be- necessary ta learn, and Mrs. H. G. Freernan were ville: Miss Brenda Vrtue'lthe Chas. Fuidge familv 1n The hall was tastetully dec- Maritimes wfll' Ontarioansd land iS $900h, and iNewto !,;p oieof these two, jusýtiFrlday evenhlg suppe etnurse-in-training, K in gs~tonl'theiDavomHudNohnefamly bthn oehd wtabyelowas ce nd Quebre know little of eary. Brunswick is $1,000, in con- as î2 Caniadian who moves ta wthM". and is. Wayîîeand friend from Kingston; Mr.ltheir residence in South Nes- - traillt with Ontario where il Denmark ta live would he Pickard on the occasion of~ and Mrs. Don Mairs and Mr. l'o and Mr. and Mrs. . - with a three-tier wedding is S:3.00 a head. Drepat-ed for the need ta learn Mr. and Mî-s. Denis Pîckard's and Mrs. Knapp fram BowSîe shw r a cake iced in white and goldý "Tt-i-, situation iînust Uc Danish. 35th wedding anniveî'sar~' v Ig lle.Nomn ael corre-ted. It is good that you "French spoaln Canad- T.hey were presented with 'a, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephl n oM.NnnSmls crystal candelabra with gold have a booming economy in ians have been hiere for cent- ovIl coffee table and aensan were recent visitors famhos.candies. Gold mumns and can- ;Ontain. bt we ust dai ures. hev ad ther EngwithbaMr.ulaflraMrarangeear.keth M. an MrServicel SodlesSeaIse decoratede theed tere- alon th . bth e i miulis or ea u n. Thev adt eil er g P.h b auifMlr aanarr anmen t. Os - W illiam s, M r. and M rs. Doug. (Pre byteran) m aining banquet tables. the aM aithmes, adffi cul i j es sp k in pt i o ts wer e n aw ,M . and M r . TAn i iff , h-Fallis and boys, Bowm anville, In the Presbyteran Chuch As the people gathered.ý the Ma iti es an s e'~î ort er in th C nfe eîati u wa, Mi. a d rs. To n - and M r. and M rs. Arnold W il- Sunday m rning, Rev. Fred M rs. Everett Brow n played ~~ ~ probienis in other parts of the of Ca~nada, 102 xears ago. They 1dli, Drummondville, Qu., iams andfml, eteon'mnchs"uan iht".ftus ntepao.Ms c u r" Re adn th wet an ta ke th r OWi M. a d Mi s h l l u a d were Sunday evening dinner as the tpic for his splendid Brown also led in a lively we av o pomse ha ohe lnve. intitan uinsschos ha..wî-We'da veig g'tsaddress. The Bible is the best sing sang of familiar numbers. countrîes will continue te bnuv eriis dbsnse.W visitors o! Mrs. I.. C. n - ridav and Saturdav visitors text-baak on human rights -, later in the evennig. auir wheat forever. W, have must, learn te live together, den and Mn. Bob Sodn with Mr. and Mrs. Ceci] Wil- the gî-eatest. example a! love Ms et n asn to) rehabilitate the people and wsith tolrr-snce, respecting and Mrs. Jake Laird xva, also a ,,on were Mr. Donald Lamb, and care for people was Jesus granddaughter of the happy change the nature o! the uinderstanding each athers visiter and showed the sliîds Rcsrlload Wlim ale h's iie!.M.Sanculatne h us N long ha it beIL UIn" the Maritimes and New- "Enlih ill alwavs be the 'sUe W"'l show on Monda borao; Mn. and Ms MiI<e Boy- 'spoke of the Walkathon for book, sm .yuhda faundland there is littîe in- predoniinant language of Cana- evening atI nstitute. r'hvn and family, Toronto:1the needy on Saturday. Thene Guests tram a distance were da. ButFrnh Cadas M.ad rsAn'e Sctr. Norman Lyons, Lori anidiwas a grand spirit of comnade- Mrs. Watson' brother, M. giceyu ada dustry and no prospects. want ta feel aI home in Otta- Goderielh. Mr. Frank Lei.Ane Uxbridee, il .He-rman- close, ans?Thr sn loa cpil wa the capital a! their countr'y, shawr Wdnda a- Rodn-an and Karer, (bIttle .. there. n Toronto and Mon- Canp.da. Thev are fi'urtrated ternrinMay t 'sîos"il ntin orYear aid Wilson,- Quie ft. wen ouscean treal companies want ta usewhnte fii that civil their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rda h pet we bccident or pass the scene of ofthematsfrtdevecopmn servants and their famlear G. Fi'eeman. with his grandpanent tohi o!ohrprsotecunr sent ta Quebec for same Mr. and Mrs. W. lutrrie, with tUhe seenlg returnedi orle, yol tell your friends ".We must establish an i n thaganaknweg Oshawa, were Suuday visitorl oeo audy istm ll' about it later. Usually youIli strument ta break the vios of French, and It k surprising with their son Mr. and Mns. Saturdav was a veny happy *dd how you had a "close circie o! underdevelopment in how quiukly tbey become Jack Hur-rie, and attendcd the day for ýa t ibcia Sleep, dauil k,: ont" ]est week. You might certain negions as it breeds fluent. There will neyer be christening of their great-'ter of Mr, and Mrs. Douglas. .ftd thinking, "It could have pavert ' . We must arrange ta anv anestion of aIl Canadians granddaugtr Lee-Ann SYl- Sleep, who entertained seven bring ip their youngsters in a: learubng French. via. littie fiiends 1n honor o! her, diferet amashere withaut "We must ]eItUe rpst of the' Mr. H. G. Fr'emaul is aI See.nti lr bida.Gisswr Complete insurance covcrage breaking t h le fundamenlal wonldse bow civilized people Ceonference this week at King- Debbip McLaiighlin, Laurel fi vital ... cail us taday for' famly unit. We have started'witil two languages can live' stan. Mrs. Freeman and Mrs.!Vinie, Cannie Shenherd, Karen aur work in Prince.- Edwand tegether In Canada, and waî'k L. C. Snowdcn arc visiting H{oward, Karen Post, Leanne ~S~ S O(~ifld.'Island. then we w ill tackle tgethier fan the bette nm ent of w ith the latter's daiighter, Fis hier and Annie D rrll ... *.*. . . *~ . 'New Brunswick, Nova Scotid, aur country and its develop-, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pritchard TU -ilsacopne Mr ">' *. .:' Newfoundland, and the rest mient. We Canadians mustand Iwo sons Peter and Paul,lSleep ta the Bowmanville Zoo of ,jhe land that has regionai understand one another, andiaI Manaîick. ýand had1 a jollv time feeding difficullies. woi'k tagether ta achieve ur Mr. and Mrs. 'Carias Crv- tUe animaIs. Aften returnini LUSCIOUS RED CALIFORNIA "Wîth mvl capable Parlia- Ideals. We must discuss oui' derman and daughter. Suanita Triciasq home they plive mentary Secretar 'y vour Ruse-:plans, and problenis. and when Guelph, Mr'. and Mrs. Dave' games. Traditional bhinthdiav u oe x oe SI'IJAET fl ~ eil C. Horev, ita assist. me a ratianal solution ta a diffi- CrydermanRomn 111,ck diecea cnlud wewill try ta coi-i-ct the ne- cuIt" is praposed we must aIl spent Mohers Day wîth their a very pleasafaternoan for Smoteness o! the Maritimes'geltagether and help achieve parents, Mr. and-Mis. H. Cry- th(e Iittle folk. froni tUe markets, and see I dernian, and brothers and Fourteen Nestieton Women's, that when students finish "Thbsis Iswýhat the Liberalssitr niutldesweguî ! PRODUCE their edueat 'ey will Uc stand for, and in power the Several relatives of Mn. 1Hoocle'da1e (Port Penry Won- 0OF USA GENERAL INSURANCE able to find suitable empîoy- Liberal Gaverroment takes John. Twist attended th ,en's Iosttute Other- visitons QUART BOX ment in their home districts. tesdhig t eot, ,and socwnStudye îil wcr aies from Mvrtlp sndi 24 Kins St. E. BowmanIl Regianal disparities must U, makes- a unite otte see gi v Mrs. Rayvmondj Twisý t Grenhaiik Wameo' Institutes. Office Residen e fught. and righted. This is that ail people bui Canada live, al he' ir h m n W lo d ac r u n s ne o S2-Sl623-5493'telieaiwy for aur de- tagedtthe Inapp lusiMnM.r-North -Osha\wa, foi. Miss San-1 itemilon the programmle a&nd &JUC GI - al a! Canada. Third Vice-President Johns- r oebrd-ob.VALENIuA fORANGES Ç ton, Graflan, on behaîf o!fh _V5I ~ ~ 81 i liuge crowd pi'esenîs, maved a BuUAsi s MActOry esPROUClE o SOU!N AINICA CANADA FANICY GRADE ,zAA vote o! tlianks ta thUc Ministei' -DAPV AIIHFA0 for his bnillian address. Altn c c o ii nf a n c y P K A M P "' FR,2E4 M si 1 AeS ve H 001 PreFident Kirkpatrick also ex-ý _ L A NSèE6 NO F OT FIACND AC 50 pressed bis personal a ppreia- THONIAS -J. MeCOWAN- Rfl I0 UIO F OTI ESACNAAFACY4 n il r~kaaa. wfik Mn. ÇVlarhanà wasasr- 353Tempeance-maree C L A K I~~~~L H IG H rarî~tnn ndcM rbm peal h o en elph n 6:t2à3B nrffr., FEM and tat Prme Siis<'e- Mr-ndaym.Mna6 lPt dilk- «I.' deau and bis cabinet are doing lCîosed Satundlay and Stînday Vie odyMa t s ~xullpî wnk i anîta Office Phone - 623-5790 Vinria Day, the school wili "an wmopreci a nttion alRe'. PUone Newî'asî;le 98742 l Uc losed for classes aIl day. __ ,ý-nic my apreciaion fo ail, 61 IntUe evening on thr srhnol-1I M IL K 'IrM..-Russell Honev, DR. C. F. CATTRAN, DDA4 run teRoayFreok A R G A 1 E ~~~~Ottawa whbch k cont.nibuting. Office Houns: 1Gae1D tdnqtae COLOURED 3La. M Uth wPa1 b cbng o! Cand,"' 9 ar. ta R p.m. dailv to T rntn ta visil th# Ton-r.OF) P O Mn. Rbckard st.ated. Closed Saturdav and Sunday i ont, tok anetExhage)E j e a n P i e r e o y e , P r u s -P b o e 6 3.. 4 5 9 - A r o u n d t h e s a m e d a te , th e r es D E L IV E R Y ~~~~~~~~~mentanv Seci'etarv tn tUe Han- DR. SALYGRZ iwl eaRdCosAsml DoraIblEe YMitchell Sharp, Secre- 7KngS ., wanil for the school wit pec o n M a lhghy fth MP Monday throrîgh Thursday 'TUe L.O.S.S.A. Track andi M o n fr Nathumhenland and Dur- 9 arn. ta 4 pin Fniday Field Meet was heid an Tues-, hanand gave lis assurance, Ciosed Saturday and Sunday' day. May' 13hbtneut li c u d v n ep1r Phone 623-7662 arc ual as yet know n. Pa- SE REGULAR ELIVERY TUES.,lAYt20 o e fasssta cewaid o-ticipants who qualified wiII ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ _ t Uc o! ssitan e t I s r n ego on to CO S.S .A , ai a later ROTARY FIREWORKS DISPLAY hSenaton Arthur Roebuck,--- _.da. wh'Use eneî'gy, vitaity. and DONALD A. IcGREGOR Sioce the school ypar is MONDAY, MAY 19th campreîiensbve grarp of po- Lite, Auto, Home gnawing old, nominations for litical mattons, belle hlit ad-' Insurance tie srhool are naw being se- vancedî age, spoke a! the pro- I52 Kljîg St. W., Bowmanville cepted for membpi', o! the gress being made in Bowman-1 phon 623-5962 1969-71> Stridents' Council Ex- ville. Part Hope, Cohourg, and 1- eutive. This wîil c faiIow- 9J~~2fl/tctQ the surrounding aregs, and he OptoJy d bya campaign for enco m a vil In the atternoan during the' ptens May 22nd. I Annail meeting et the North- 1143 King St E. - Bowmanvllle Don'îtafrget the Fashioni umberlind - Durham Liberal i OffIce Hours: By appointaient Show on May 141h, tollowedj wav O ÀR à y Association alter th. eleetion! Tel, hans 623-3252 by the "Festival cf the Arto" etof ftiearu,.Policy wnkîhape' mon. - 'ues. - Thurs. - Frb May 1.51h, including gymnas-i SoIVmANVna.,5 with panel dWsuatns %vQr#* 9 m.m, ta a p.m. tics dispiy. B.H.S. bnd, folk' _____________________________________ tatured. They werc as f6l- Woti. andi Sat. - 9 - 12 dancing and sin ging, art and 9_lews. Edutuion. JoliRolpl', Tjuraday aven s- InaUstrial art displayu, iJim Fergusomand Mms. Fer-' Mms. George Col@ et Port guson, Mn. and Mrs. David Hope spoke a few words of Fergusan of Rochester: Mr. congratulations and g o o t!4 and Mrs. Archie Watson and, wishes to the couple andi a Larr". Mn. Jim Jarvis and Drummond painting wax pre- Miss: Betty Ann Watson of sented ta them on behaîfi~ Waterdown, Ont. . friends Dyresent. 1A delidous dinner was ser-ý Mr. Watson offered wordu x'ed Ur" Heathen Social Club of thanks. and a toast ta, the bride and Many cards and gifts wer. :groomn of fifty yeans was ably'rf>ceived previous to thé dIn. 1proposel by Re%,. B. Long. non party. Thei r son Archie repliod, Laler in the evening games thanking aIl for corning ta theof cards wore played and ail party and also thanking the onjayed renewing acquaint- ladies w'ho served the appe.- ances with tormer nÉ4ghbors tizing dinner. ____ d fniendq. .-Ocno Times. 1UNI VERSAL] -AT- CENTRAL ONTARIO NOME BUILDERS Ltd., SUB-DI VISION Saunders Ave., Bowmanville STARTUNG A&T $23#4533.00 For a 1289 sq. (t. home with : *Hot Water Hydronic Heating *2 Batbrooms *5 Major Appliances *Free Standing Furniture *Landscaped Lot ONLY $5,,138.00 DOWN Ignore detour sign and follow Liberty Street north te Saunders Avenue. Camne and see these homes anytimne 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. dai!v Mondav through Friday . . . 1 p. m. to 5 p.m. Satunday and Sunday PETER KOWAL Jr, li 52 Ring St. W. Bowmanvîlle CA Phone 623-2453 for the BgI. SU! TASLERITE CANADA GRADE A HICKEN-IN-A.BASKET ALERITZ WIENERS i PRINONU OVIN ROASTING (i 1.1LI, Avc >RNED BEEF BRISKET LtiG. BRUITS, WINÇI, LACKS Etc, t39e S550 S990 MI ROYAL GOLO) ICE CREAM CL 79$ F000 PuICES AND BONUS BOOSTER FUATURES EFFECTIVE MAY 14, 15, ,17 GA Foodliner IVILLE r' ~' I I -'t 't