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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1969, p. 10

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---*Y- r~ s ~'-~ '~. *~.< J. - Photos of B.H.S. Fashion, Art and Gym Show West Durhami Scouters Club and other interested and wil- held tiieir monthîy meeting' ing hands wiil be held on the; In the Lions Centre, Bowman-; grounds on the Thursday ev- ville, on Tuesday evenîng,! ening, starting at 7:00 p.m. May 6th. Several items of in-i This Athletic Dey has always terest to Cub, Scout, Ventur- 1 proved worthwhile, with 147, ci- and Rover Leaders are dis- boys competing last year and cussed nt each meeting. These 98. of themn passing the re-, meetings are held monthly on qurements. the first Tuesday of the' Another big event for Cubs month and ail Scouters are is their Camporee to be heid Invited and urged te attend. in Newtonvîlle, June 20, 21 Tht ineood erb is ehland 22. Ail Scouters planning Underway, with most of the1 to Lake their boys te ti Packs havinig run of :lii'camp are asked te attend th cars and sincere irterest be- final meeting on Sunday,! Jng shOwn among the aensJune 8th at 2 î.m. on the1 awelas the Cubs.Eer. campsite. Other available in- year cars taking place for de- formation may also be obtain-i gigncaues geatamaemen,ýe byattending the next1 Slg casesgret aazeentScouters Club, June 3rd. as to wbat designs can be, There bas been a good turn- iade out of a simple blockr of Wood and a great deal of out of Scouters and a real in- patience,. terest being shown. Ther. s The Cub Athletic Day willi improvement by havîng ALL be held, weather permîtting,:Scouters attend. Make it a on Saturday, May 241h, at the1 point ta attend, you'll be mostl Maple Grave Soccer Field. Al welcome and sincerely glad1 Work night for ail Scouters that you did. - KENDAL (Intended for lasI week) ýand Mrs. Roy Veinot (at the Mr. and Mrs. Eddie cou-' SixthLine school).The grandi1 roux and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. parenlts of the babies were Ray Couroux, and Mr. and. aiso present. Rev. T. Snel- Mrs. Ray Moore of Torontor grave then went on with the spent the weekend at their ý service. Mrs. Judy Fonk sang cottage near Ox-Narrows at! a very apprapriate solo, M-O- Lake Kushog. The cold wea- 1 T-H-E-R. Just the junior class ther and rain would be ra-' went into the Sunday school tiher unpleasant. Mrs. Amy Cowie of0Book Our smeh is extended ton spent the week wt Mrs to Mr. and Mrs. John Norton' Mariatt and Mr. and Mrs On the Sixth Line on the as Allen Foster. lng of their son Thui-sda% atI! Mrs. Jack Cann visited Sun-r Pni'ncess Margaret Hospital in day evening with Mrs. Luxon1 Toronto. Patrick Vincent Nor- and Mrs. Wm. Mercer. ton was about ten years oid.ý The U.C.W. meeting wasi The funeral was from St-.1 held May 7th at the home ofr Joseph's Church in Bowm an-IMrs. R. Ellott, with Miss C. ville by Father Malane at'ý W. Stewart in charge. There 10 a.m. Saturday. Interment were ten present. The rol -was in Orono Cemetery. call was answered by naming! meeting of Kendal church 1 ane o heTnComn oadwas held Tuesday efv-I1 monts. Mrs. Elliott gave an ening when il was decided taor interesting accaunt of the life see if more folks could be got 1of a plow boy, Jàhn Muirl -, interested in our chur-i~ h becarne a famous natur- there would be less chance af aIist. As 'Sunday had been Il being closed and us havin g Bible Society Sunday, Mrs. te go te Newtanville or Orano Cathcart told of the great~ to ohurch. Homes are ta beý work done by theni. especial, 1visited in the near future. ly in helping the blind. Sheý ý ;A stag party was held lnas adtesoyo i Annie Saper who retired t *,Cjendal Orange Hall Saturdaymie. aIl night for Terry Cax. I am1Lc g of 86. D.Nrani >» sorry that I gat a mistaken1l McKeinzie, Toronto, is takin ,,g 0ouranniversary one ýJeao woil was being' June2. hreirvicescr1 Juned22.of who sta be holiu hedfo.days for famiy groups ati ýJ.. : Mrs. Jean Allen visâtedr Quin-Mo-Lac camp again Ibis , -With ber mother, Mrs. Irenesumr We will be takingi Merer îrdyalron part in the bazaar at OshawaI Mr. and Mrs. Art Low and ; Shopping Centre June 13, 3 *-Mr. and Mrs. E. Gould of Tr please gel some thingAIead *' bnto had a fine trip down ta for il. Alsa bring some thingsI 'Plorida recently and went for aur bales ta the nextW - through a great number of meeting - stockings, child- piaces on bath the east and ren's and adults' clotbing. "" » West sides, sucb as Tampa, Stamps and Canada Packens iý-end easIt t Daytona. 1 labels are eisa being col. Tht bowling teanis that ;lected.à ' aebeen bowling in New- Mr'. and Mrs. Hatcher Fos- "~'.~"-, caslle this past winter ended ter visited their daughten, jpwitb a fine banquet aI the Mrs. Bob Carruthens, Bob and . Spruce Villa, nean Oshawa. fan'ily an Sunday. Rendal bas bad two teams Mn. and Mrs. Roy Foster - bowling there in Newcastle,,and Miss Ann Foster visited .'"i"ýV il winter. Marion's parents at Sinicot We wre heaed o st ~and then went the next day : nany out ta church on Sun-t ic'swdiga dlay. Il was Motbe's Day and:ý cot.ik:ý ~Ive couples bad their babies Mrs. M. E. Foster is visit- ,baptized by Rev. T. Snelgnove. lng wth ber daugbter, Mns. ýýrhey wene: Glen Martin Fos- Geonge Russe, at Buffalo. à ' ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Sunday was quite a red het- ~~r tin Foster; Tammny Annette ten day fan the Martin Fos- ~~ Poster, daughter of Mr. and, LIS.L was their 251h wed- Mrs.' Richard Foster and ding annîvensany, Martin's granddaughter of Mr. andi birthday and the day thelr "~"~< 'Mrs. Martin Foster; Karen' son was baptized. Leslie Kennedy, daughttr of M4,r. and Mns. Ralph Kennedy; Tht Wardên of the Unitedi Darlene Elizabeth Mel-ce rr Caunties, Mr. Roy Fosten of' daughter of Mn. and Mrs. iKeodal, was hononcd aI a ban-! DavidMercn; Drien Ma2quel held in tht Odd Fellos' mie VeinaI, daughter of Mnr. Hall aI Orono., The banquet1 ' m jim~r 'r;"" __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ _ w s attended by sanie two; .............. hundred friends and felow JOHN F. members of tht district areai governimenîs. Mr. H. E. Wal-, key was chainman for the l ~ ~ " evening. Mn. Russell Honey, M.EU, and M. A Carruth-fn é ContactrsLwer. Pasent Matr. oKe- ably asssted former fie sad Wha paYintomeiAhg aM.nnddrs Frd olnydMr. BooingofPon Hpe kind, where the persan involv.-of Long Sault. On Satunrday Vanderbel t is home f rom Ton- ~ ~m __ed feels very hurt. There hasZeening Mn. and Mrs. Fred onto Western Hospitai.i E~ M M ~ ~ D". ~ ~"'ff~ o be harmony among the tam-f HoIroyd and Lynelle attended1 Mn. and Mrs. Gien Smlthý - ~ ftg U. M~ ID il y as a whole for it ta tunc-la danice and suppen party aI and family, Mn. andMr.Sa G UF G- l 4 ion pnaperly. And if God'tht home of Mn. and Mns. John iGy yulk and Miss Sharon: wene the unseen guest at yourManisetté, Beau Valley, Osh-iWoodand, Bowmanville, spent' evening meal, when the fani-lawa, ta behp celebrate tht 111h Sunday at Mns. Smith's par- ily is usually together, il would wedding annivensany of Mn.: ents, Mn. and Mrs. George 1 FOR YOURbe like the healthy bialogicai an d Mrs. Bill Holroyd, Bow- r Yeo's cottage aI Betty Bay on:l FOR YOUR ~cell and thrive. Sunday was1manuville and Mrs. B. Maris-r Sturgeon Lake.Pesothm (1 D M CD A IL ERev. . Cresswell perfonmedl Sunday.cahiers at Mns. Doris: during the week were Mn. and CO R N SIP RftII'I 1 I LLII whcn he baptized Todd Wave.Suar amnband famnily, En- Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Prescott,! son of Mn. and Mrs. Philli- !niskillen; Mn. and Mns. Bihl 1Rager and Anita, Maple Grove;i Availabi. in 45-gallon drums Balson; Kelly Dean, son oflHolnoyd and family, Bowman-jand Mn. and Mrs. Wilbett Mn. and Mns. Joe Balson and ville; and Mn. Frank Holroyd1Smith, Oshawa and Mn. Lewr: Malne Heathen, daugbter 'ofland Chenyl. Bowmanvilie; andRahme, Richmond Hlli. Mn. and Mns. Albert Maschke.!Mn. and Mrs. Lionel Hickey' Sunday visitons with Mn.ý CALL VOUR GULF AGENT - DISTRI BUTOR Mn. Cnosswell In place of the!and famuly, Hampton. land Mrs. Harold Patter wentý chlrnsstory, had the con-! Weekend guests of Mn. andiMn. and Mns. Fred Elliatte, gregation sing the children'slMrs. James Smale were Mr.'Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Haroldi * ~ hvmn 587 "Birds are singing, and Mrs. Reg Clapp, Montreal.!Potter. were Satunday cvening i V E R i ~ i: IJ E L ~ 26443, AMPON Woode are ringing, With Thy Callers through the week were;:visiors witb Mn. and Mr,%. childnen join the chorus Mer-ITononto; Mn. and Mns. James! Saturday evening visitons _____________________________________________________________ ilv, e$eenily. gladiy praiseiSmale Sr. were Sunday supperlwith Mn. and Mns. Hugh 'Thee. 'Çlad Hosannas, Gladiguests of Mr. and Mrs. JqjneniCoutts were Mn. and Mrs. ave, 10 The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanilile, MaY 21, 19890 Scouters Pre pare For Bus y. Pro gram AU the hot water you need-up to 500 gallons a day-is yours for just 9 0 a day, with natural gas 1 (500 gallons is more than the average family needs.) Add to this a free service line iâto your home, 24 hour servicing and the Iow monthly rentai charge for the Gulfstream water heater, and Yýou ve got the hottest hot water bargain around! Compare. Then get into klots and lots of hot 5water. Ad" For only 9 a day. ýam away. (But w u'lwnt it 10 staY!) PHONE 72&-7363 d ask about the Gulfstream natu 1 aI a -x"j SPECIAL OFFER Free rentai for!2 monthi! We'Il payf or the Gulfstream. water heater, you pay only 90 a day flat rate for fuel. After 2 months, if you don't waot il, we'Il take the tGuifstrei know yoi Coutts and taxily. Oshawa. Sunday callers et the Coutts I I. home were Mr. and Mrs. ilI Lands cand Forests Bell and famiiy, Prince AI-, bert; Mr. and Mrs. Phillp1 Jeyes and family, Oshawa, andý W eekly Report Mr. and Mrs. Dave Coutts and i fmil, shaa.WHAT'S HAPPENING i warmth unless prohibted under Sunday celliers at the Donl Forest Fire Prevention Aet1 a Restricted Fire Zone. Adcocks were Miss Gloria Brooks, Mr. Ray Adco kan On April st, 1969, a new, By regulations, camp fires Steven Adcock. Mrs. Adcock Forest- Fire Prevention Act mtbae okurlitnealsi tatee reports the races at Mosp ort came Into effect whicb allows barr o abr inera sou fre were mnost unfavorabie due to greater freedom of fol-est trav-ia area of at least three feet the eater ut oficaisareel during periods of iow haz- fln width Immediateiy outside hoping for better conditions forladadinrae esrcin the edge of the fire cieared to next week's races. durn!ihhaadpros bare rock or minerai soil and The sympthy of t The Act states "No person cerd0 lmmbemtra The ympthy f te coi-j shail smoke whiie waiking or;'cerdo lmal aeil munity Is also extended to Mr.i working ln the forest or wood- Smoking Ed Barry on the passing of" land during the fire season". The Act provides for the bis father last week.ViaFctfoVctoer control of smoking. Mrs. Stella Baison was ai and Forest Users Section 27- "No person shall luncheon guest for Mother'si smoke whiie walking or work- Day with her daughter, Mr.i Severai significant provisions Ing ln the forest or woodiand are Incorporated under this during the fire season". and Mrs. Keith Billett and Act to proteet Ontario's for-' This practice Ils foliowed by family, Bowmanville. and laterý ests from fire and, at the sanie woodd workers and experienc- bin g th1a rvdedt ee-te aiiow greater freedom P ed l dstraveilers. aCreless boroHa with her son Mr. and~ of forest travel. "Smokers" are responsible for Mr.Hrvey Baison and Betty, One important revision af-moefr ta fon an Oshawa, and Mrs. Killen ofý fects the Forest Travel Permit oher cas.Theydestrony Osaafor supper. Systeni, whereby Forest Trav-! valuabie forests beionging to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink el Permits are now required the people of Ontario. and Mr. and Mrs. William only during very higb firel For further information re- Axford are spending a two danger periods when travel garding the Forest Fires Pre. week vacation ln Engla nd and! must be controlied for safety.! vention Act. contact your Chereyplaniote Show whe Restricted Zone nearest Lands and Foresta the e l w r S o hl The Act provides for theý Office. Another couple also MiiIg odcaeanae etit' R.W eis ilgs England from the visge a nsero ansad oetsRi uc intn1968 aefw Mr. villageE Nor rn ieddeireZneandreaaRestrict- D W. L tewis igs Mrs.edort s o Fid ns terv1968 Offaterw la ter o repotmrs ad e- e Tre zone ilbel- hnConservahutos n Ofi ingmuc btte aferhavn! posed only when the fire! parts of the Lindsay District. spent a few weeks in OshawaI danger rating is such that it1 These hunters averaged better GenralHosita. Rcen cai-is unsafe for people to travell than one bird each and spent Ger l at theSal e ne were or set camp fires n the forest. 2,338 hours hunting. Mr. andte SMr hom. R. As soon as the danger period Some f the best hunting Br.dgn rth. W R oung, is over. the restricted zones! was found in the controlled Satrda cales wth r.Wli be iifted. huntintg areas of Darlington. and a Mrs aRy etcalf er.! When a Restricted Fire Zone and Presqu'île P r o v i n c 1 a 1 aMis usnRoypp a M ren imposed, the forest userParks. Both provided better CMiss Tornto. adM.Jh will flot be allowed ta start an than average success ta the Sunday caToronat teo.y open fire, but wiil be free o uter, At Dariington Pro- nd hme cer. nd Mhere 1use a portable stove or char- vincial Park 207 hunter> Roy Falls and famiy Strepts-,i coal for cooking or obtainirig checked had taken 240 birdsý and r. nd Ms. aat'th. for an average of 1.16 bird',' ville, adM.adMs Bob When a Restrleted Travel~ per man. Presqu'île was evPin Wilasand famly, Bowman-~ Zone is Imposed, travel n the better. The 14 hunters check - Sunay uppr gest wihforest, may be permltted oniylied there had 235 waterfowl Sundy sppe guets ithunder authority of a Forestifo naeaeof17 id Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson i Travel Permit Issued by a foran.aeaeof17 id were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bal - fores , of ficer. As tùsual hunter success wa,, son and Tara, Oshawa; Mr.: Davd Biso. Kngson ndCamp Fires highest at the beginning of the Miss Ginger Balson and Miss Campfires are permitted ln season and deciined through- Marion Stinson, Toronto. a fire district for the purpose Out- . ios Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lapham 01 f cooking or oa t a i n i n g G.Sos and girls were Saturda y even-:Atn itrc oetr ;lng visitors with Mr. Lapham's ý ly In the Township Hal parents to attend a house- Hampton. Reeve Cari Down -arming party at Norwood. presided aI the meeting andi 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kiien ail members of council were Nienhuis and Brian were Sun- present. day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. On a motion by Councillor Henry Klien Nienhuis, Osh- télarence Tlnk, seconded by awa and Sunday supper guests Deputv Reeve Gibbs, council of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chamber- decided that current taxes in lain, Oshawa. 1969 will be coliected aI the Sundav visitors with the Bank of Montreal ln Bowman- LioelHikes er M. ndville. A proposai ta coliect 14 Mrs.e Bi Hol rd r.and dtaxes at the Treasurer's Office BoM an iIl andgirls, iwa& discussed but because of Miss Saliy Payne, North the extra staff that would be YorkRegona Schol f Nrs-required and the costly equip- ing was at home for themethtwudbendd weekend with her parents, Mr. council agreed that current___ and Mrs. Fred Payne. taxes be continued ta be col- Sunday cailers with Mr. and lected at the Bowmanville Mrs. Jack MeNabb and fam- Branch of the Bank of Mont- Illy, were Mr. and Mrs. Blîl:real. McReelis, Oshawa., Depiity Reeve Gibbs moved Miss Kathy Buckler, Osh- that council agree te sel ta Spring planting will soon begin. awa, spent iast weekend with the Departm ent of Public But eeyu select your seeds her grandiparents, Mr. and Works for the purpose -of a anpltssopiad e u Mrs. Melbourne Prime. Other Post Office building a property anpatssopiadseau weekend giiests were Mr. on Temperance Street ln complete line of Ariens tillers. WalIton Prime, Wesley and Hampton kno wn as Lots 59 They take the toil out of tilling. Miss Llsbeth Terkildsen, Brin. and 60. and that the Reçve ETRS Suda aler er adClerk-Admlnistrator are CHECK THESE FATRS ( Sunav ailrs ereMr.andhereby authorized ta execute j/ Power reverse Mrs. Randali Prime, Lindsay. the offer ta seli this property Intn-eeNtins clutch Church service during May, to the department for $5.00 June and July will be at 11:15 such offer to be ln the fornm V3,4,-5 and 6 H.P. angines 0fal h haenygiî attached, which shall ton Tilling depth control bar ofha il morta m en command , part of this resolution. j/ ilup tb 9" deep hat trty teascre andths ouncillor Werry seconded j/ Optional tiliing widths frn Whattruty reaurein hisDep uty Reeve Gibbs' motion on 11 o31 world can countervail a friend? sale of Ibis property ta the 1"t 6 Bye now, sec you next week. Department of Public Works V/ Exclusive Ariens for a Post Office building, and balanced doitg the motion was carrled. D ar)ng Il By-Law No. 2415 ta regulate Tiiese are a few of the reasons D arfin t and icense second hand deal- why Ariens Jet and Rocket tillers eers, etc., was given three are the leader in their field. readings, passed, .signed and iSo ntladdsoe h Sou ncuil eld Councillor Tink moved that Arens is a cut above the rest Road accounts for Aprl the second monthly meeting of amounting ta $9,401.47 as ap- DarlingtonTonhp M i- G AM S proved by the Road Commit- ripai Couoacl l n June, July. tee were passed for payment August and September shall GARAG on a motion by Deputy Reeve be heid aI 7:30 p.m. on the Richard Gibbs. seconded by third Frlday of each month. Phone 263-2233 Councilor Alan J. Werry at This was seconded by Coun- RlR.-1,10b -----n- il e

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