7,,~ #~u-v~ -~ - -~' - r ~--~ $ ~ Clarke High S&hocq held their annual dance at Bowmanville Country Club on Friday evening when the honored guests were six students from Franklin, Penna., who were here on a Rotary Club arranged exchange visit. The above picture is of the students, their hosts and Principal and Mrs. E. G~. Witherspoon nt the extreme right and left of the photo. The others JAhi9&W£a411 1 ,Mrs. Bruce.Tillson. EAiIio 4Pennsylvania Students Gug mict4Wu Phone 987-4213 Frank Pascoe Wiljns the Comrnunity Balla Park was EIABT IL again the scene of the F'fre- was-ks Display. sponsored byý (Intended for lest week) the local Lions Club. Therej Mrs. Harvey Muldrew had year, the younger Va ths aideri broke her wi-ist. She is home A t G uide B ake S ale iy lighted sky as each rocket i owdaytsndinhsopl -Newcastle - Early Satur-' piste seilout and a worth- burst into a different calaiJ r;o as inMute has been eY atternoon, Girl Guides1 while effort on he part of ail and a different design. Everyi quite poorîy the pastfe raidle their wey ta hs Comn- those wh'o in anyway support- yeai-, sameone manages taei-e-1 days, but is a littie better unity Hall, laden daown with, ed the Girl Guides. cieebrbwvrsih She had ber sister Mrs. W., bXes and pakgswhen lighting firework5 butý i, akgscontain- ev- Muldrew an-d Mr. Muldrew,' tngcalrie whchwhe u Their next sale will bs.we have no report of ni aloednspi-ead alang Vh combined with a tea, on Sat- Jtbing seiious in oui-vi aeMr. and Mrs. Don Witbredl larg talestem t hs most urday, June 14th, with a; Vhi.s year. This is hs e Vlaoand girls, Oshawa, visiting larg tabes, emptd resonover hs weekend. powerful wili pawered, dietspeciel invitation ta ths dhild-Ithat aur Lions Club, witlh.theý n Stra ih r cosiu pol.ien who wil be served fi-e-hepadspotothloa anr Sogwstkn The ir plsend.h] mth shie. Be surs ta watch this hlpi aDsuproftelal O Strdy ngtM- , Thegirl andthei motersFire Dept., ake an active 1Sotenfo Strowng as take iindoubhtedly spé'nt endiess page and for posters for furi-and serious interest in spon- J Vo Vhs oitlswhef he sut-n haursin h kitcen pear- ther details neerer hs time, Jsaring he fi-eworks,. Withi ee rmls fbodad fpg fer this mammoth bake' On behaif of the leaders and tire crackers and rackets be-j ekesta esvr u le. proceeds of whîch are! hs Guides, they extend thicoming harder and hardler tae bandtam aglo u e eused ta iighten hs]- ex-, appi-sciation for hs aver- prca ith tV sanîd <t) h(li euaan.Hoeh penses when they ake their' whelming support, with spec-l e o einn oata l]mnb etradhm trip te Ottawa. j ial thanks ta hs Guide 'Mo- he sales of such items except1 again. For those in hs long lins-up' thers who pitched rlght in se0 t responsible. aduits, we have Sympathies are extended Vo %who went througwithes oor1 willingiy through hours ofifewer reports of seriaus ac- Mi-. and Mrs. W. Longyear in of the Lions Room promtplibaking end pi-esenting such' ciderits. We trust you andi hs sudden death of their *t pm.Vh coie asend, a tremendous veriety of good- your family enjoyed thse, en- cee, Mrs. F. Hoskin. lésas ta pies of ail varietif a. WiVh the sale ai baksd tie eedadVstrs nTusa h oe' layer cakes, cup cakes, caok- goods, hs ota] receip Vs of hs works dispiay also.I Instituts District Annual was ieý, squares, rolls and bread., draw and hs donations, $9fj50 Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Eilbecki held bei-p with mo.sV of hs And for hs latecomers, any-,;was raised. Keitb Bar-r, New- and family, Tai-on to, spent right branches i-spresented. cri arivig ater3:2 wasWcastî, plld Vh ini t hs weekend et tisi cottage, Mis. Clayton EllioVV, Garden wax just tac laVe. The veriety ticket of hs beautitul two j eths lake. HlVspeiet rsdd wax ondrfulandveryVem tieed irthay ake ade Congratulations te Mr-. Per-1 Reports were given by hs wswidfuan eytm tee itdyck maeby vari usoaneo s.MissDr ptlng, and it seemed as if the, Mrs. Clifford Flintoft. The, cy Tamblyn wbo celebrated vr ver MsDr customei-s simplygtcidlky winner was Frank Pas- his birthdaàv on Sunday, R,0enHml pk nte4-- iwey. The sais was a oom-Icae. Misx Christina Selhy whoss club work. The provinciali birthday was on Tuesday. board member, Mrs. Ruseli Mi-. a'nd Mis. A. Flan k andJý orriison spoke ta us.A e famiiy visited with relatives i lcious salad luncheon wasi > ~1 ) n V s H m l, n d s r c s sived by h s ladies ta abo uit f( 'w a tlingthe Hamonid stictdur-J 70 members. In he aftes-naon. Il w a teMiss Mary Bowen. Lennox-' fe h sn ag acb, ville, Quebec, is home for ýbranch paraded dressed taei-e-1 the summer holiday and ix present a sang which hs'I cS' cia a u/ ker o,-aj staying witii ber niother, Mi-s, audience had teguess. Sev- 1 iSeeing Nellje Homne, Buttons, Newcastle-- Congratulations jPacks àai-e rminded thàt ey LIRERAL ASSOCIATION ajd Vh sl ae, Me oLestoeJ te Miss Lily Woo, wh i-!-, ai-e Voenéet aet he Cômmun.J NOW IN NEW QUAIITERS te af Sum mee o' MyRoar coived word Èecently that she'ity Hall On Saturday et 12, fSu; eg0 yHeart hid wmr a Pep9i Coaetrip tor mnon. Cars will be needed tai Northumberland - Durham1 Take Me Home Again Kath- two te Japan. Mis Wro< tells drivé these boys Vo and fi-ami Liberal Association Vice-Pre.,si leen, and others. Election of us that she will share this. Vthe Maple Gi-ove Soccer Field! dent Rager Kirkpatrick of 'Ifficei-s was held. The newl trip with her brother, Willie. whei-e Cubs will be comps-t-J Port Hope was In Ottawa last president is Mrs. Gordon' Little Audrey Silndlay un-,ing in the Athietie Day. Ex-j week for discussions wltb iRith, Idla. Several o th si- derwent minai- surgery soon tra hands oo will be nededj officiaIs of thé Liberal Fedlera-: changes were macle. Miss' ~ftr bingadmtte taSic bah o Vh da ofVhsevetsjtion of Canada. The Federa- i.Jane Muidrew gave ber wm- Childi-en's Hospi t alIwhei-e as welI as Thursday eveningj t ion a rsn Bamv nk tet pec t on aie will remain for a few days i wben a working partv îs ur-î wqa-s- nBn tet Thicksons had thrèe af he mas-e. Her mother Mrs. GladysJlged te came out fuhiv pe-, i esVVaa e i-esshai-ch and il oeae h ekn Suidey remairied in Toronto' pared te geV hs field ito sei-1s alte hv en Mr. and Mis. R. Averys-1, ncorporated In hs new quart- Oshawa, Mi-. and 1\Irz. B. Mr-' at t.be home of Mi-. and Mrs. 1 condition. Everyons wiilin'g Voe eis enabîîng he headquarters. nt s n os od S rn s J. Ojtorcj ta be nea r Au wark will be most welcome,'ta offer much gi-caVer assîst- jishadbyCl pig but bas since returned home On Satui-dav, boys ai-e Vo wear ance Vo RidiMg.iberal Assocl- accompanied by Mi-. and Mrs) ui uniforms, aking along a aVns.t idn ibrlAsoi uldrew an Sunday. Offord. We ail wish Audrey, jacket if it's cald and with a Mr. Kii.±patrick, wbo Is act-' COui- four local Teachers' i a speedY recoverv. t-shirt under their uniform i iPesdn ofVs ot- o liege students abtaiîîed jobs' A special Hockey Mother'scase it should turn bot, A umberland-Durham associationion hi-ing day. Thev are ta' meeting bas been called for. cold drink wiil be supplled by JIn the absence In France o be cangratulated, Missi E 7hursday of this week et 8 hs leaders, no moiney or, Piesdent James Clarkes, aiso ô PV ae o Prt Hope,~ pm. et the home of Mrs. Dor-.ý treak s sould be sent, met with Northumberland- M1s5 B. Walker te Bowman-î otUhy Whftney. Ail menibers' On Monday even'ing, toi- Diur'bam Member of Parlue- ville, Mr-. Alan Trew tol as-t urged to attend. 'lowing a full day a! ieci-a- ment Russell C. Honey while, Brighton, and Miss J. Trew te! A Cuýi of l ot Newcastlekes,belng lghted __ cele-, 1 I Ottawa. JOi-on'o. 1 Mrs. O. Mercer visited ber- mnothsi- Mis. C . Beatty, and! ber brother Mr-. BOY beatty,! Toronto, this week, Mrs. D. Hai-ner helda Cames Par-ty ini Millbrook o; :7h ursday. SALEM DISCOUNT BA RN (Intended for ls ek A special Famuily Day ser- j' NEWCASTLE vice was held on Sunday when hs sacrement af baptism wasi - held. The childien presented" $1.00 SALE for beptism were Michael, Chai-les, son of Mi-. and Mi-x.î BEDCH SEFED...................$195 Jim Coombes; Ket-ri Lynn,. C H ES E RFI L D . .... .... ....$1 9 ~5daughter of M . and M s. Ken' M ATCHIN CHAIR$ 1,0 0ter of5,M . and Mrs. Davidl Harmer, Dawn Leanne, daugh-j MATTRESS - $65.0, BOX SPR ING ... $100 Ver ofi.1 Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Locke, 3-PCE. TABLE SET:12 Stop Tables, 1 Coffe. Table Mr-. and Mrs. Don McGregas- A LL FO .......................................... 19 95 and Patti, Mr. and Mrs. Ran: ~II7 Loche, Mi-. and Ms-s. Mui-rayi RED WOOD PICNIC TABLES from $2395 Locke, re dand r us Bars-y1 - ~Mr. and Mm-. John Des-ch te PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4715 day. bpimlsriea u- Mr. and Mrs. Chai-les White,' ITyro ne; Mr-. and Ms-s. Gai-don W teand Debbie. Mr, andi SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, CANADA'S FINEST RED BRAND SHORT RIB ROAST NO FAT ADDE CROSS RIB ROAST MOFAT ADDED b B LADE STEAK EXCELLEN FOR BRAISING GROUND CHUCK RS MW 1 Frozn, mported LAMB CHOPSCNTRELM1 LB 6 9, LAMB CHOPS RIB LON L949< SX Brand, Slic.d BEEF BOLOGNA t49<1 MarY Mil.., Vacuum Piec VVIEIIK>2- Mapi. Leaf, Buik ~POLISH SAUSAGE Kefogg's Cereal SPECIAL %"K"# Facelle Royale, 3 PIy 1reeze Dried Coffee TASTER'S CHOICE Crispy Numbers or Crispy Critiers POST CEREALS3 Parchment Wropped KISMET MARGARINE 41 Californie, Swo.t, Juicy, NO. i Grade VALENCIA ORANGES oeil. bag y Maple Le.f Pt"-.Pot*k u69<o SAUSAGE MEAT L849< Frozen,, SidaPoa-k SPARE RIBS tE79,e super-Rght Brand, Cane"oda Gad«A", Evhei.o"atd, Froza CAPONS 5 TO 7POUNDS 59 .COKE HA 6az KG59<e Super-Right Quelity, Skinless, E~I~y Sfleed, No Bits or plces Tomate or Vegetable Reg. Price2 I-oz pkg 5 3< HEINZ SOUP 81 Reg. Prce 2 boxes 43c - SAVE 19c A & P CHOICE - Reg. Price 2 Tins 43c 5SAVE9& ES 514 "Z1v.15 TOILET TISSUE «la".Parker tô-«4o O j.0 BREAD tuEDw1w earveI Brand, SliSed Fre 15<tsanWHIgT BReAD ALL PuCES SHOWN IN TIS AD GUARANTEEEb THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 241h, 1969 r' 2 tins 3 1< SAVIE 3,5c 1O-fi-oz tins 89. Reg. Price 35c - SAVE & Reg. PrSIo c f2<- SWRE21t California, Firm, Fresh, No. 1 Grade LETTUCE HEADS e.25< JANE PARwR PEACHR PIE ic 24azteaF219e -i ic elff 4.4 le iests at Cla rke School Dance t I làdCflmýed e . Twn , N EoW T N hIL L ETh. Canadien Statesman, EowManvlfl., May 21,lu mer, on Sunday. Mrs. W. C. R.obb of West-idents. Mr-. AI. Graham, novi Walkey, home from Queen's, lIves contain the powr e good Mrs. Bob Davies end farnily,! mount. accomPanied by her ý living ini Toronto, is a patient UnhMrandtr. orJodhWnmua wach.r Mrs Davies'Si-., were weekend daughter, -s A. Bonnett of!I in Sunnybrook Hiospital. e omniî eeSnaAmmelgtesl ilgo visitai-swith Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Pr Ceit, arrived here the1f what weweeSudaý eer w. Ltet sol not toro betragOhe emesoffra at flatw e o A number of local people visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. .ýwa e«w e sntfr ietCg the r ebamo filpato ls ee oattended the Horse Races at'E. Walkey. get how to share. The phil. tho s. iy were Sunday visit- spend a couple monthsaet hert Orono Friday night.Asi Remember our U.C.W. An-! osophy of the sweet pea la the, o&;cottage. Mrs. Boninett return- !oe splcked the more it Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black- ed home on Wednesday. Mi-. and Ms Lloyd Asi niversarv ex Sunday, May1gvs Su-n apeita tburn, Kathy, Bill and Jim, Don Attending the. Women's, In- mfPr o~ eeSti-al2th t1 r. Special speak- call and flowers. Piuck the Mils Mr an Mrs Wlburstitte istict onvntin levening visitors with Mi-. andý1 er will be Mz-s. L. F. Richard-, rose but leave the thorns. This Blackburn and Nei, * Haydon; lBowmnanville last Wednesday1 r. .Giier i o bt3 n jno hitax wmnso o Mi-.andMi-. GraidShakle wee Mr. A Wae. rs. . M. ad Ms. S J.Lanas-choir trom oui- local sm(Ol lRelax with a walk through the i tn ndRhMandn ad Mrs.i edersors s . d.Mr. Sams, tr. anfd Mthe. . Annives will assist the regular choir garden, find i-est and hope. Lto an RuhMran r.Bob Blackburn, Oshawa; MissIMiss B. Milligan, Mrs. M. Service at Enridskilleri, Sun-_ in providing the musi.A-GdI nagre o-to Lesiyn Chamberlai, Mr. andi Jones and Mrs . C.Bron. day, anid were suppet- guests ulspe n ensa, ho seek hlm. Mrs. Sniowdon MsJon Kinghorn, Eiaine,l Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shai-pe o! Mi-. and Mi-s. E. A. Werry~ May 28, commencing at 5 p.ni.' c]osed he 1ai it1 rae Brent and David were Sunday and famnily have moved from 1 The tool shed at the top of and dediated the offering pi-e. suprgusso M- ndM-.the village to their new homej the hill, in Lakeview Cerne- db r.Cr on 'Farewell Blackburn. south of the base line, while ey a etoe n ieE E E E etdb r.Cr on Mrs. Sarah Soles, Miss San-Mi-. and Mrs. Don Owles and Saturday aiternoon. Pieeot Hustiers Bible llassa ounded dra Soles, Mi-. John TwIstý daughter have moved into the! paper, the wrappers of fire-1 With' 15 members present.nTontabu50ersa. Kingston, were weekend guests lb ouse formnerly accupied by, rak r uggetd the Oh-ý Mrs. Eher Snowden an d Mrs. 50 c f Mr. Geo. Metcaif, their of Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and h hre.viouscause. Fortunately the' ei on rvdd h sij ece.He teit if a person Mi-. and ~Mrs. . Bourgerie under-1 two iawn maowers were i-e- fn rga o h feno could hustie In spr thy Oshawa. A aiyniond Twist, Mrs. r in Oshawa Gen-i moved before they were dam- Unit of the U.C.W. couid also hustie for God. The. hei e M-.an MsRa> ral Hospital, early lest week i ged. - ulgtemeî i5group visited Fiorida du-in mond Twit', on Stur ay1and her frinds here wish hei-j Mr. and Mrs. Phil Glmei-ý Snowden red a Poe m h gî- nuary and M rs. Found ial w.n ws' nSaudymbgn night In honor of Sandra and !a speedY recovery. i and femily were at Chemcng; ning, "Do you beogrjLt a sermon given by a member of John on their approaching Mr. F. Gilmer attended thef over the weeksnd. content ta be oi, the 1kt". and i hs class, Unpayable Debte., mariage. TwisteMrs of the late Horace 1Mrs. C. Walkey visited ber ending "Be an active member". Many pay promnptly. mail JonTit r.Sarah ý OsbOrn, et the Ross uerlsister Ms Vera Holdaway atj Those who miss the meetings hns n elte w oh Soles, Miss Sandra Soies, Mr-.' Chapel, otHpF-dyPr ti, i-eetî. jalways lose somethIng worth- ing Va anyone. Edward Jen. and Mrs. Ernest Twist and 1afternoon, at which he was aý Mr. a.nd Mrs. Arnold Wadpl while Hymn 574, "h girnewthhesum for- smaii. Murray were Sunday dinner lbei-er. ýand Grant visited Mi-. andý0f Vhs spring, howsweet" anèi pox and Dr. Gardon Richards gusts of Mi-. and Mrs. Otto! Mr-. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey: Mr.. J. Westeott and femnilyla passage from St. Mar-k'srwhosechdeat.hwastdue ta hi Bi-agg, Shaws, alter the annî-1setawk recently with' et Udnsy on Sunday.goplpedth deooa.i-sichfraitonndX versry srviet aiSt. Paul's nei- parents, Mrii. and Mm. i With Mvr. an-d Mvrs. Jack i Mrs. Sndns toplc ,0siRay wr w arsmnin United Church on Sundy! Wm. Stapleton. returning' Eliott on Sundav were M iprl. n adn. S rn e o w o e o e~ uh w h e n M r. Jo h n T w ist w as h o m e t a P o rt M cN ico l le t a d M s r y S u e f T - -'co res as f o w e rs b eg in P dr L a e t w a a so p k n 'i ~~~gusst speaker. Friday. no iom hn t e 'ari- s of. Many lack the faith to let Mi-. and Mrs. David Her-, Mrs. Ken Ware of Toronto Mr-. and Mrs. Bihll n nhyug Vrligwt nwlt o ave ogver. What do w mer, and Anne Louise, Mi- end'spent a few days Iast week' daughters, Port Hope, were i A time of re.ioicing and en- ra ha e ose by od? Toa Ms tnHreClarksan; 1 with her mother, Mrs. Lena1 Sunday visitai-s with Mr. and I chantment ta seven or seventy.prahhsgpe ntiwy Ms-. and Mrs. John Weinshei- 0vens. Mrs. C. H. Lene.i Happiness becomes boundîess, POPular A simple theology, mer, Hampton; Mi-. John Har- Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Hender-ý MIS. H. Ti-esise of Oshawa asrwehIdenathepang ofe artbird LoeGod Loe e Ighbor. fo mer and Miss Kathy Hoar son were Friday evening visi- lisvisiting ber dau-ghterMi-, or childire et pay. Th ati lthout God tsuhris nt.l were Sunday dinner guests of toi-s with Mi-. and Mrs. AIt JL. Peck and famiiy. jhc emd da hlRmme eu hIt Mr. nd rs.Lloy HamerPerin. rs.H. rim s wth hebound with snaw and tee now1 The leader Miss A. HaIt had from left to right, front row, Lyn Sturdevant, Jacque- and cth aterrte baptsmal Oernigt guess wit Mi-) aihey.mettCsngetn tha li rwDboa udcKah aii and servic e te on Sndav.aOndMsilfre eee n i-e- W.Baek. ' stetnthsbeen only sleeping. Remind-1Ithought an Stewardship. God lin Brwn, Deorah urdock Kath Facin, Ray ervic on Suday, an ilfed Paing, us-ejgain. ifngTueaEastof 'thoanede i meoaielimghtland andImmus Baker and John T. Jones, ail af Franklin; back row,l Mi-. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh, cent, weM re . and Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Hender-Ipromise, "Up tram Vhs graveijgive iV back, a trust ta hold Glen Witherspoon, Beverley Tennant, Suzanne Bunt- Mi-. Larry Welsh, Miss Jean Ray Maki from Port Arthurlson and Carol, with M. andl He arase". Christ took painsi'sacred. Treasurer reported a Bakpr attended church service and Mrs. Gordon Hennessey Mrs. Bey. Henderson endVasur fcnnun lietol0f$64.heJeme- ing, Peter Smith and Rod Johnson, ail of Clarke IHigh. atobr nSna hno inpg. Weedvs-EanBwavle d ove asesmrceof csprlng adbut l ng wiIl be In charge of Mis. Onehas, Ele Miiso, as bset.Patricia Lynne Welsh was tors witb the Paedenq wsre'i ta Ottawa Monday, ta, see the ever new. Man was created! Keith Ormistan and Mrs. Alex chrlstened. They wsrs dinnei-j Miss Cynthia Thomson andý tulip di.spiay. in a garden and ans can always Muir. The meeting closed w1th guests alter the service with Miss Elizabeth Jester, bath ofl Miss Sandra Thompso<n ofJ be neer Gad In a garden. As the hymn "Blest be the tie that her parents, Mi-. and Mrs. Ron Toronto. I Kingston was e recent calleri the flower lies dormant In the binds" and prayer by Mrs. p 1Weish. - __elsh One of aur former resi-1 with ber riend, Miss Joan Ibuib until cultivated s0 aur' Snowden. ______ 3U, ilA b yr PKG FI-Ir" 1 1