1tft 1c«Isite Convention onr Wednesday. that was beid in f The Orono News Inj, mnile Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor!week In the Leskard Church. 1.i n ail eeget and hilrenof caroroghl rs.B. one ofNewon.of Mr. and Mmi. Roy -McGilIý m d c ilâ e n o S c rb or u g h M rs B. o n e 0f e w t n -j n d a tte n d e d E n n isk ille n . n - were dinner guests of Mr. and ville visited Mr. and Mrs.. niversary service on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Taylor on Monday.iCarman Cornish. Cheryl and! Monday afternomr vigMtors Mrs. John Leishman cfiJohn over the holiday week- wtiM.ad M.Gog Oshiawa spent a few days last'end. Kiox e Mr. and Mrs. og week w1th her sister Mre. M.: The Public School Teachers .Grant Farrow, Bowmanville. il. Tamblyn. i of Newcastle and Clarke Town- Miss Marilyn Knox was a Mns. John Eddyvean spent :ship Seýhool Area held thetrlweekend visitor with Miss Monday ev ning with Mr, and'May meeting on Tuesday af-' Linda Averv. Enniskillen. Mrs. A. W. Prescott of Hamp-j ternoon May 2th at Kendal Recent visitors with Mr. ton, School.î and Mrs. Randy Fraser have Mr. and Mrs. Royal lshil.I1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson; been Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Mr. and Mr,;. Ken McQuaid: spent from Monday to Wed- Clarke, Mitchell's Corners.j and son Danny of Oshawa nesday of last week with Mr.,Mr. and Mrs. Don Thicke andl were Saturday evening guests and Mrs. Kenneth Syer at son Keith of London. Of Mr. And Mrs. Brian Ishil. Cavan. also xvere dinner guests' Miss3 Cathprine Baker was Mrs. Estella Archer and son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hogg and a weekend visitoT with MiSSI Mr. George Archer of Toronto farnily at Mllbrook. Marie Smales, Oshawa. sPènt Monday with Mrs. Cath- On Sunday, May 25th the' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ba-ý erine Seal. regular service cf worship et ker, Uxbridge, were Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sears of' Orono United Church will be guests with Mr. and Mns. Tom Toront4o spent the weekend'taken by the Rev, W. C. Smith.; Baker and family. -with her parents Mr. and Mrs.: M.A.. B.D., B.Paed., of North- Mr .an d Mrs. Larry Spires, Lawrence Harris an~d sons. :mInster United Church In Rbr adJh,0r n Mns. M. J. Tamblyn was a: Oshawa. Mrs. Buned JohnyMr.endh dinner guest on Sunday 0fl Maria Kordas, Elaine Schmid, iMweekuenatHaoyLake.tth Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton:Marilyn Tamblyn, Fred Bunt- i _______ and family et Havdon after ing, Donnie McKenzie and B.' attending the Stindav School Pelletier of Clarke H i gh A'nniversary at Enniskillen. School returned home on Sun- Mr. Ken Blewett recently ne- day from an exchange visit toA n a Se so ttxrned from a 10-day trip ta, a high school at Franklin, Trinidad with other students Penn., erranged through the~ fBak h pe 0f Brock University, St. Cath- kindness of the RotaryuClub of arines. Bowmanville. : Mr andMrs Caros Tmb-The 93rd annual session of: IY.n and Mrn. Gordon Power re- the Grand Black Chapter of' cently visited Mr. and Mrs. V llIAEaseern Ontario was held in Gordoni Kramp et Kitchener. UaJJIUzA the Orange Hall, Peterborough, Miss Ann Woodyard of on Wednesday and Thursday, London spent the weekend of Ncxt Sunday, May 2.5, willi April 16 and 17. R. W. Sir Kt. the llth of May with ber be Eldad Sunday Schooi An-J HarryA. Stinson, Grand Mast- father Mr. Ted Woodyard and niversary with services bcing er, Smiths Fells, presided. ber brother Fdward. lheld in the Solina Commun-ý A highlight of the sessioni Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pea rs of! ity Haie at 2 o'clock in the af- j was the exemplifyIng of a de-i Oilla spent over Mondavlternoon and 7:30 In the even- gree by Weir Royal Blacki night wlth Mr. and Mrs. Le'n ifg. , Preceptory No. 261. Peter-; Pèars and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ye1-~ borougli. Mrq. H. Cain and sons Jim lowlees attended a family ga - The officers for 1969 are,, and Don and Peggy Luxtonitherîng at the home of Mr.1 Imfd. Past Grand Master, H. A. &pent the holiday weekend' and Mrs. Alfred Allun, Bow-î Stinson, Sriths Falls: Grandi with Mrs. Oscar Luxton. manville, and ail enjoyed W Master, Gordon Barr, Good-, Unit 6 of Lcskard United lIovely buffet supper. ýerharn; Deputy Grand Master, Church Women held their Mayý Ten ladies from Solina at- Mel Frost, Ottawa; Associate meeting~ on Wednesday of last tended the WestDurham Dis- Depp. Grand Master, L. P- Shaw, Cornwall; Grand Chap-, ain, Don Jamieson, Harrow- smIth; Grand Registrar, W. A. Chambers, Manotick; Dep., Grand Registrar, John Eadlp,' 1Ottawa: Grand Treasurer. R, E. Langley, Peterborough, Dep.i Grand Treasurer. Leigh Reeds, O wN :,ç OF DuGu PReaboro; Grand Lecturers,' John Tippins, Ottawa, and W. James Breen, Kingston; Grand Township of Carke Cen F, . unn, Oaw Gad CansoF.rs, cOttaaGadi No dog shall run at large witbin the Township 1 Standard Bearers, B. Hollinger,'ý of CIqrke. The owncr of any-dog running et large ;Foxboro and J. A. Powers,j ai an.y urne within the built-uv hamiets of Leskard, East Havelock; Grand Marsh-' Kendal, Kirby, Newtonvillîe and the Police Village ýa. K. Leacnck, Smiths Fais;j of Orono shall be guilty of a breach of this By-Law. 1 Grand Punsuivants. F. Alex-' The owner of any dog running et large between ander. Osgoode, and J. Chat- the ist day of April and the 3lst day of October In ten, Poxhoro: Grand Auditons, each year In' the rural areas shal be guilty of a A. Swerdfeger, Morewood and breach of this By-Law. ,R. Waugh. Millhrook, Grand Stray doge mey be deltvered to the Township Cmite:GSmsrMo- Dog Pound ai Mr. Brian Caswell's, Lot 10, Concession tain; V. Thoms, Mountain; J. 3, wbere they will be kept for at leat 72 hours. Carnahan, Ottawa; E. King. Doge mey be redeemed by: Ottawa; Frank Graham. Coe ý :Hill: T. Searle, Domville; Wmn. Producingr proof of ownership MrlNpne Payig te Pond eesThe 1970 session wlll be held' Obtalning a licence if not already In the City of Brockvllle. In possession of samle Authority for tisi notice le By-Law No. 1580 (lET CASH TODAY passed 5 March 1968 and No. 1633 passed 6 May 1969. FOR OLD APPLIANCES H. DeWITH, THROUGH 19TATE SMAN ýn Acting Clerk. C LASSIFIEDS ______________________________________________Phone 623-3303 HOME HARDWARE STORES TRY HARDER TO SERVE ,~oe IBEAUTI TONE No iQuality Point SOLD ONLY BY ~ LATX WALPA. ~Stores BcTR RmJaLIS FOR Liis MUNEY LATEX WALL PAINT QUARTS GALLONS HIGH.GLOSS ENAMEL ........... ................... $2.88 SEMI.GLOSS ENAMEL ......... ..-,... ... $2.66 EXTERIOR GLOSS HOUSE PAINT...... $2.66 $ 7.88 $ 9.88 $ 8.88 INTERIOR.EXTERIOR PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL .... . .... . $266 $ 8.88 CHECK THE FACTS - Any cen which bears the Beauti Tone label ls guaranteed te surpass the goverument specificetiens for No. 1 paint, and lu eold only nt Your Home Hardware Stores. EXTERIOR, 10W-LUSTRE QUARTS GALLONS LATEX 14OUSE PAINT ........ -.......... ....$2.66 ARCTIC SUPER WHITE ENAMEL ............$3.48 1 $12.48 WALL PRIMERS INTERIOR. AND EXTERIOR....... ........ $2.66 $ 8.88 McGregor Hairdwamre, .LIMITED ý95 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-2542 I BOWMANVI ILE Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain Turkey, were on apecIal lait week in mrany super- markets. Se are you wondering what to do wlth the baîf-esten turkey carcas sitti.ng In the refrigerator ? Of course, one of the greatest recipies for left-over turkey was given In lait week's columin. Just use one cup of turkey Instead o! cbicken for duileious turkey-filled crepes with mushroom sauce, Fnesh broccoli han been leatured in local markets et 29-39 cents per bunch. Se 1.t's combine the left-over turkey with it. The resulting dish, Turkey Divan, in extraordinanily good. Add a crisp, green salad and a light dessert for a quick nutritiaus dinner and alter you have used most of the ment from the. carcan, don't throw it out. It wiIl make a tasty loup, perfect for lunches, or for flret courses ai dinner. Or if you own a blender, try the faster method of making turkey goup given below. BLENDER TURKEY SOtYP 2 cups cooked lefiover Turkey (eut mIat email pieces) 1%½ cups Chicken Broth 1/12 pint light creamn Sait and Pepper to taste Put the turkey meat In the blender. Add i , cups chicken on turkey broth. Run ai hlgh sçpec'I until smooth (30-60 seconde ). Add cream. Run biender another 30 seconds. Heat in double boiler. Serves 4-6. TURKEY DIVAN 3 tabiespoons Butter 3 tablespoons Fleur 1 cup Milk % cup Cream Salt and freshly ground pepper to teste 1 large bunch Broccoli, cleaned and trimmed Sllced cooked turkey, enough for 6 servingg 1/ cup gnated Canadien ebeese Pre-heat oven te 3756 Cook broccolli In large kettie with 1" bollIng saited Water. Cover and boil for 10-15 minutes or until just tender. Drain and put In bottom aof large ovenproof casserole. While broccoli le boil- ing, prepane sauce. Meit the butter In a saucepan. Add the foeur and stir with wire whisk or fonk until biended. Meanwhile bring the milk and cream te the boiling point. Pour ail et once Into thie flour I mixture, stirring vigorously with the. whisk until sauce le thick and smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Pour haif of this sauce over the cooked broccoli. Arrange Turkey slices aven broccolil Pour remaining sauce over ment. Sprinkle with Canadien cheese. Bake hIaven about 20 minutes et 375" or until food le hot and cheese In bubbly. Serves 6. TLTRKEY SOUP WITH NOODLES 1 Turkey carcass, inciuding turkey wings 11/2 quart water 1 sliced large Onion 2 Celery staiks, cut into 2"1 pleces 4 Carrots, cleaned, cut it 2" pieces 2 Bey Ieaves 1 teaspoon Sait 1/ teaspoon freshiy Ground Black Pepper 6 oz. Cooked very tim Noodse (optional) 2 large lettuce leaves 1Break the carcase apant go it wiii lit Into a large kettle. Add weter and resi o! Ingredients except noodles. Simmer covered, for 11/2 te 2 houre. Add noodies lest five minutes. Let cool with two large lettuce leaves pleced on top o! the soup. The. lettuce absorbs the grease fnom the soup. Remove lettuce and throw it eway as seon as it bas served its purpose. Remove bones from soup, returning any turkey mneat te the kettie. Store in containerh with tight fItting Ild In refnigeraton until needed. Pour out amount you need et servîng timne and heat in saucepen. TYR NE Mr. and Mrn Doug Park, TYRO-E 10sawa, spent Monday with ;his parents, Mt. and Mn .W.j The Pastoral relations com- Park. mittee o! Salem, Tynone and 1Mn. and Mn .Relph'Bowensj Enniskillen met wîth Settie- e nd boys were Saturday even ment Committee of Bey ofiing visitons o! Mr. and Mris Quinte Conference et King-, Arnold Williams, Nestleton, ston lest week and selected' and Sunday evenlng v~isîtors our new minister, Rev. R. C. o! Mns. R. Kichko, Bowmnan- 'H-opkins of Springville. His ville. 'duaties wili commence JUly Monday afternoon ceilens of 6th. Rev. and Mns. David Non- Mn. and Mns. Ralph Bow crs th ey have accepted the cal were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Park for Bethany and Pontypool andi girls, Bowmenviile. churches. Mn. and Mns Ronald Rahm, heid et the home o! Mrs.!vrSudy îitso!M Henry Stainton, with 16 ladies and Mrs. W. Rahm at theini present. President Mns. Paul 'cottage and Mn. andi Mrs C. Vaneyk opened the meeting W. Rahm, Burnt River. with a poem, "The Magic of Welcome te Mn. and Mns a Fnienti." Roll eall, minutes! Robent A. Bowden anti son, and conrespondence wene read.lShewn, who have moved Ifnt Moved by Mrs. R. Lambert,"Mrs, Annie Hathenly's apant-I seconded by Mrs. R. Glaspeli,:ment, that we give $5.00 to ail youih Mn. and Mns. Robent Bow., ,, oups. movcd by Mrs. W. den andi Shawn attende i e Park, secondeti by Mrs. G. .5t wedding anniversarv of! Alldread, that we pay aurihon gnandpanents Mn. anti Mns. 'share to the Observer sub-!Fermin Pigeon, Oshawa. i scriptions. HYmn "Whet a, Sundayvisitons of Mn. andý :Friend We Have In Jesus" was Mrs. Ralph HuIs and famil'. sung. Devational was taken by wr n n r.Wse Mrs. D. Narthey and Mrs. D. His, Carol, Anne, Jane and k iMiller, seiptune Rex'. 21 15Howenti, Solina; Mn. and Mrs I verses followed by prayer.lGordyn His, Hannon, MrA] Mns. Northey played a record His andi Bey. Robt. Bell i o! e recarding o! Dr. Murray Tulipe and apple biossomse I% 'Banks who ie e Professer o! decorateti the chunch on ae- Psychiatny, who spoke on:venv reiny SundaY for the;s "'What to do uintil yeur PsY.-annual Tyrone Sunday Schonol, chiatrist Camnes" cioseti theiAnn iversary services.1 meeting and a social hal! houri Bey. Robent Bail o! Centrai' with lunch was enioye-d. June;Uniteti Church, Unionvilie j ýmeeting to be helti et the home' spoke to the children in ut o! Mns. R. B. Giaspeil. efternoon about "0l' Snompyi Friday evening the Euchre 'and the devotion that a dogil panty was well attendeti wîth.has towards ite master." This 16 and a haîf tables. Prizes areidevotion is aiment worship, as follows: Mrs. Fred, Cem-iwhîch can bo our feelings to ceron. Mrs. Anne Manne, Mn. ward Gati aur Master. Stan Mans, Mn. Narmaný The Kindengarten chuldreni 'Birkett, Mn. Richard Mannqisang Je"usLaves Me, The! Mn. William Stevens. The 50iLord's My Shepherd. ThiI i.0 draw was won by Mn:.,Prlmnary and Junior classes! Robert Cameran. ýsang Christ In MY Rock and!1 Mr Mn. d Mn-. Lamne Phare 'Gati Loves a Cheerfui Gîver, sçpent the hoqiday with Mr. untier the direction o! Mn.. Jim anti Mns. Percy Phullipe, Essex.lWoodlev with Mns. Gardyn Welcome te Mr. and Mme.'Brent p.laying the. ergan. Ralph Burgess o! Caurtice' The Interrnediate, Senior who have rnoved intoMn. and classes pianned the evening Mrx. T. C. Dodd'i aoartment.. service untier the direction a! iMn. and Mrq. C. W. Rehm,iMn. David Johnsten with Mns. Burrit River; Mr. and Mn., H. Murphy at the ergan. Pauli Ceci! Rahm, Bunketan, calledlVaneyk Jr. assiqted Rev. Non- ion hls brother andi wife, Mr. they and Bey, BaIl ait the nul- anti Mrs. Walter Rahm lest pit. Thene was a solo by Paul wtek. Vaneyk Jr., a duet by Debbie Randv., Robble, Debhie and Miller andi Mangie Skinner Barbera Anderson, Manfla.',and Beth -Knowlton, Nancy spenit the holiday weekeid Hiîl andi Sharon Hall sang as with their grendpenents, Mi'., trio. Rev. Ball': message andi Mrs. T. C. Dodd. about Peanuta and Parables. Mn. anti Mrx. Herny Hather-iwas appreciated by everyone. Iv. Proi KSrmn. Te'---ta viit- 'Paiul Tr,.%)nef Dawn Vanpvk ed hi' rnother, Mrs. Annie entertaineti thfir class a!ter; Hatheriy. ithe &«rvice at ther hoeme. eA1I. i i K I ilu0Il]IAUiDI STCKU NOW s [ * i : £NO & 2 foi King St. and Siimpson Ave. (IIighway No. 2, but) FREE PARKING O_ __ Ail Merchandis, In Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, May 24, '69, ini Bowmanvill. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO7 LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fr&. Nights ýtiI 9 p.m. DOMINON STORES LIMITE!) ès m 1 ................ » . Il. $2.48 $ 8.88 King St. and Si