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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1969, p. 14

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14 Th@ Canadian Utetoma, UwovmvMfe, May 21, 190 J Births In Memoriam Coming Events ' Coniing Events -Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale - Help Wanted Work WcmeWokate IÇILLSON-Don and Brenda ABERNETHY, Mrs. Pear-In Fireworks Display, Satur- Conasyupee danceI BAT traller, 15' long, 600 lb. ALUMINUM boat, motr w HR re ok hn'CSO okfrayfr1FN <nee Euls) are happy to an- loving memory of a dear wife, day, May 24 at Tyrone Park, Legion Hall, Saturday, May 31,1 capacity. 623-2905. 21-11 bicycles. 623-5968. 21-1* 263-8421, Acres Restaurant. work. Corn and gransry&Soe"r Dounce the arrivai of their mother and grandmother who Tyrone. Starts at dusk. If 9 - 12. Royal Ambassadars.2- hn 8-24 8 dauter Karla Leigh, 8 lbs. passed away May 23, 1967. rained out - May 3lst. 21-1 Bar. Prizes. $3.00 couple. WATER delivered. John Nes-1 GIRL'S bicycle, 28 x 1 % 21-1_ __P-hone____983-5284._____ 1-zG-My1,169 sa ecn-tbIgteoddy 21.2, bitt, 986-4254 Blackstock. 19-8 wheel, $20. 623-2063. 2- BABY-SITTER In my home or CUSTOM farming a esn wa General Hospital. A littie back Rummage and bake sale, WAEfrsleadDRAPR,1'wl. hoea bystrshm. deliveredf PERYr17' waack.MPhony atobabidestter'shome.RCarîsaablenrates.vPhoneal723-1308tfor Phon -ister for Kevin. 21-1 When we were aIl together, Mteso s rwi ak lwySords aeCail 0111f Pethick, 623-2313* lefore 12 noon, 987-4987. 21-1 Orono 983-5393 alter 6. 21-1 aIll field work, seedinctng OFR BICLYR But secret tears and îavtng and 3rd Guide Company, May etc., spansared by.Oshawa and .I Enae etthogs 23, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m., St. Paul's District Assn. for Retardedý 38-tf ONE sidewalk bicycle, twO BABY-SITTER, reliable, week- raking and baling. 1- wimntogthu rer ___2-Cdrnis bighlbaoi-RCRDpaeGoea '" bicycles, 26". 623-5427. days, except Saturday, 8 tO 5.1 ANDhaTeNE loSONf R w- by v i h usband, r. UitdChurch._21-1_____ Inhavebeaglot ofattime RandR HONE ORONO 983-56ec M.adMsArhrRw -ral isdb ubnEfedAnvrayMaco South and Wellington, tric, good condition, $25. Tele- -__ 21-1 Phone 623-7542 after 5. 21-1* want home-work o at 3t Mer. n r. Artur -Gh ciread rnd EnleldAneivrsay aOshawa, from May l9th ta phone 623-5524. 211 -1 FRGIDAýÀIRE Ëref-rilgeërator. 143MLmcaics hletirne job. Call aftr6pn _________ engaYemvert of, announteg de n ndgrnd ldrn. 25, 2:30 p.rn. Guest speaker, 24th. Bring your children SUEAKR-ric nwQueen St., Bowmanville. Ato s ________________%oe_______983- énagmnto ter ongr211 Rev. R. H. Wylie, Whitby. and have fun. 1 fSUEAE evie el2-*at hop, full time; scome ex- oeOon 8-91 2- TETIN AMR daughter Linda Mabel, ta Mr. Special music 1,y Barlershop- ___________1i and used parts. Graham's- _211 perienco essential. 623-2518. DUTCHMAN, 38 year r aeYu Ralph Arthur Pfoh, younger ALLIN-In lovlng memary of pers. Social hour aftorward.ln Garage, 418-263-2233. 43-,tf-JO-HN-SON outhoard, 18 h.p., 21-1 îookîng for a good obl C R L N E son of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel a dear mother and grandmoth- 21.1* Sunday, un lst POTATOES, No. 1 smaîî, ex-I near new, $300. 623-.5148. îm 1 can turn myr n ifr 3prar Pfoh, Salmon Arm, B.C. The or, Edith Marion, who passed----- 2- w Ork, 15trngJul 2.Poor a thingam le 6p' W -o patr vla inarriage to take place at the away May 26, 1968. The Acres Restaurant Is now' AN ALL STAR COUNTRY coln o ed eao n 11 OYk, 15avr , fJuy2.o farm MINNE WYBENGe home of the bride's parents on Just a thought of sweopen seve days a week. Mon- T~1 Irish Cobler 2-87.2-10FOT alunilnumn ladder, 263-2137 between 6 and 7 p.m.1 Orono 983-5921. - 2- _____________1969. __21-1 remenîbrance, day thraugh Thursday. 9 a.m. MUSIC SHO PRIDE Seed Corn. Sutan and onîy used twîce, $40. 728-9050.12 1 -1 _ -- June28t. 199. 1-1 Just a memory sad and truc, ta 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday teaturing Atrazine. Feed corn, ail types. I1 ____ _ _2l-1* -- A. B A A RSO o9358 Frho ig Just a love and sweet9 a.m. toa u yl Gary DeLo-me Browvlew Farms, Newcastle.I RIDING mower, 24" eut 4 FEMALE, goneral housekee 20- 211 andthel9. 1- 987-4474. 18-5* h.p. motar. Phono 263-253à. Ig and patient care; shift Plumbing & HeFn ___ae fad h i- ok transportation required. Phono 623-717.i,.dLflVJLJN 0fones who think of you. -BowmanvilleMuseumO-pen- S~ BUYING or selling furniture -__ _ 1 623-3711. 21-1l135 Nelson St. Biwnnil Mr. and Mrs. Chris. J. Van -Lvnl oenee vig hrdyooig a 9. ~.~DLlr qîe or appliances, caîl Elmer,!WHITE, yellow, red, orange f X AV TN Uceiningen are pleased ta an- Dorothy, Jlm, Tracie Marlon Corne and see new displays - FLOYD LLOYD and the Hampton: business 263-2294, spike dahlias for sale. 29 EXPERIENCED gas station_____ 8 nouce he artcomng ar-and Lisa Jane. 21-1 doctar's office, pottery, iran, Town and Country AlilStars residence 263-2695. l- Scugog Street. 21-11operators, one full tirne and BVT AVLE ISnGaeTpSi n riage af their daughter Rit LDED glass, Victorlan silver. Admis- GORD GRILLS and the oodNW0t ev uy'VLW ed awc n e parn e. Phone OronFui DWlvere to Marten Stel, son af Mr. and mr -nfC 510 Orvng e-iAn. 5,clde O. 2- agr lha added attrac- tawer and antenna installed, Pride Seed Corn. J. A. Rose- .__21 AUTO B(D aHu AE EVC Mrs. R. Stel, R.R. 2, New- may- 58 rvaeD . k ~ T ( tion, TOM SAWYER MC.,$48,95. Antenna only, Install- vear, Blshop Seeds, 263-2095. WOMAN wanted for maklng Raoal ae castle. The marriage 'aiîU taiko (Dick) wha was killed In ac- MONSTER BINGOL .JS~~ CARL ELLIOTT, HAROLD ed, $17.00. Phono 623-2006. __ 21-l* beds and cleaning. Rainbowon 62-41 2356- OMNIL place Juno 2lst, 1969, 3 p.m., tian May 25, 1944 at Liri Val- THUESDAY NIGHT, 9 o'clock PILGRIM and WILLIE BIRK- - ooe n abn,9744, Phone__623._ athChita eomdley, Italy; burled at Casino Sponsored by the JIunior ETT. This ln a 21/2 hour show 8-tf INTERNATIONAL two - row Moctlel.ndCa21, 8-1__ Church, Bowmanville. 21-1 CentrMay by roth Chamber of Commerce at the USEDmp htrparts mtos or planter, also a six-footNecse.rfrblLJ VNOUCETREL _______erdb boh Smlciy ho n Mfa double disc. Phone 623-7088. O ar am WT~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry3 Adams ers and sisters. 211SHBLE AWA alON BOVVMAN VILLE appîjances, nationally adver- 2 1 -1* student, weekends and sum I wlsh ta announce the forth- MRDTlvn nul8t U V tised lino of burniture. Paddy's o ukralsae ne mer holidays. Contact FrankGA DI S comlng marriageofa their anlyMEDIH Olive-Inlvng Ana Meeting of the T W HALL Market, Hampton, 26-2241. water heator, onc bathroorn Stenger, Ennlskillen. 21-1 GA D N SR IEOiHAR reEtmi daughter, Joan Elizabeth, t omerory of a dear mother who Northumberland-Durham Tu-1 Cornmenelnt 7:30 p.m. - loi 42-tf slnk, one heavy duty boat- Caîl 623-732JOaIJ~~ Mr. Bruce Walter Therteil, son passed away May 21, 1965. berculosis and Health Associa- Admission - Aduits $1.25 RECONDITIONED TV towers trailer; ail Items suitable for GIRL or woman for general FE SIAE ATc ofM.adMs aodTe--Lovingly remembered - tion, Tuesday, May 27, 1969, Chldiren under 12, soc and rotors (trade-Ins), 40, 50o-a cottage. 623-2752. 21-i housework one day a week. FREE ESTIMi,'~ cfMr ndMr.Haol he-Narah. 21-1 In the Education Centre, Trin- Write Advertiser 10, c/o The PINE RIDGE LANDSIN 5inStE-Bo anil tell, ail of Bawmanville. The -Ity United Church, Cobourg at 21-1 and 60 foot structures; al In ]FOR-th-e--fir-st time - $10 re- Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box17t____________32t wedding ta take place Satur- îOLONI ovîng rnemory 8:00 p.rn. 184- excellent condition. Oshawa duction on ail Sealey mattress- 190, Bowrnanvllle, 21- daJn 8 99 t3ocPckoOLdarTN-In ___mot___-- Cars for Sale. TV Supply Llmited, 723-8131. es and continental beds. - - In the Bowmanville Pentecostal and gega ndmoherIs-Kirby Unted Church Anni- ___________ 50-tf, Murphy Furnîture, King WI REGISTERED Nurse a n d PETER LOUW A K U G S Church. esr l b held Sunday, '67 160 HONDA Scrambler, ex- CONTENTS from madel homo: Bowrnanville, 623-3781. _l*RgstrdNse'Asrqu- CONSTRUCTINOLURES-UR CE _______ bella, who passed away May May 25, 7:30 p.rn. Guest speak- cllent condition. Newtonvllle French Provincial chesterfield, RAWLEIGH Product!1e. ul rpaatnn.-pl Brick - Block-SonCEA D Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray,21198 er Rev. Dr. Mlnlelly, Oshawa. 786-2,528. an-1 South Haven Nursing Home.. LMIN EAR Oshawa, annaunce the forth- -Ever remembered by daugh- Speclal music by the Triple - _______-24iwith matching chair. dining nounices Mr. Robert Parkins,,i Newcastle 987-4441. 21-2 anmd Firoplace coming marriage of their eld- ter Lii and familles. 21-1l Tria af Kirby Centennial 1966 FORD Fairlane 500 sta- Iroomn suite, sterea and TV, Hampton, is District Repre- - Phono 623-275 HN APO erdagteMain ous, oSchool under direction af Mrs. tion wagon, V8, 3-speed auto- Icoffee and end tables. 7-pIece sentatIve. F'ree cholce af a REAL ESTATE CAREER Nash Rd., R.R. 3, Bcwavle 6~25 -Mr. da hur ainYouisea, t POOLTON-In laving memory' Merkley. _ 21-l* rnatic, power steering and dînette suite and many othor gift with every order placed Wanted - a full tirno male real' Mr.s Ason oA ru Yangmanof a dear brother, uncle and _ brakes, $1,650. 623-2230. Items. Ail like new. 728-3473. when he cails, or telephone estate agent for Bowrnanville ____ 9t alAdeu pai, Private Jack Pooltan, who Woodview CommunIty Centre 21-1* _ ____4-tf 263-2637. 21-2* area. Experienced manager ta ,Arthur Youngman. P ________I__FRANK__BI -h edn ll Tyr laeon.died of wounds In Italy, May RCVKTERBN O 93FRDGlxe 0 ON rwrs tetin U NWYRNOAE help ou plus extra adverti F A KBIN __ 0t Saturday, June 14, 1969 at 26. 1944. L Lh±L± 93 ODGlxe50con; rowig ers, atteonton.OU EWY EOVTE ng ta expand commissions.TrnhnDO LED tible, 352emator, rebuiî Seding hel112p!oGolngrtaube Member af most Real Estate Teci .4 o'clock In Kingsview Unlted ve rmeneed by hasd Next Monday trmssone nlate! Need a real Early Ma- BASEMENT D P .un1rCotctLoyi. ETI A Church, Oshawa. 21.-1 sister LII, neeGldad7:45 P.M. evrasmssan, new rearCorn? BoadBruContact LloydNGINSTALLATIOB nephew Jack. 21-1 oeesdcrmo wheels, wide TuryglorEn aîl Bruce263NO274PE Lee, F.R.I., Vice President. H.SETCANULES 1 REDBARN aval tires, royal blue metal KTaylor, Enniskill181en 263-2741.:BOWM MarRED BARNakepaint, steotaeplayer, I stiii have several bushels oaiJCorne in and 500 our weeklyto Keit t..Treantor,181.EPhin-e.R 6N O WANVLE EEALCNRATR arnges SMALE-In loving memory af 0 s R A W 'A 75,ke8serea tapeStewart's Ery agin basment tonAv orona 1. Pono8O-SNDAYCALS 6d2REO7AI0N -On SatKur A ND ay 7th 199 h padsed aayMay27W-_lfr____d.__air_ khorns, Lucas log lil 580 5-a Lry aganspcal20-8-53. _ ~LAKBUN -ANERSON wa bathe a husand, 27,ld.6-tf I ae aller. 623-7411 ghts, Hybrid-Corns. 20-21 MEN'S DESERT BOOTS $5.992063-01DU MES Ela nie Curh y1966. U.C.W. Anniversary Service, 987-4342 nlght. 21-i1 PR S ME' RS HE Start ImmediatelyFO GE6379 ev. Bell, Linda Joyce, daugh- God saw the road was getting NwovleUle hrh o rdcsi omnil AENNEIVL ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ander- rough Sunday, May 25 at 10 a.m" LivestockFo Sale 67 King St. W., Bowrnanvllle AND LOAFERS $6.99_$g.99 Serve consumners wlth Rawleigb HAWRVESTIN 2332 'hon, Kemptvillo, ta Ernest And the huis toô hard ta Speaker, Mrs. L. Richardson, Prdcsi omni r. ýrxIen, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. climb, Whltby. Special music. Annual LACOMBE pelmadcm Phone 623-3421 LLOYD ELLIS Manvers Township. Experi- HAYLAGE - CR OMNIL ,Blackburn, Bowmanville. So He closed your weary eye- Salad Supper, Wednesday. May peca oremîum antetd FULam O ence unnecessary. Write W.TT TJ. 4TTTF 7- 2-* lids 28, begins at 5 p.m. Adults amderabe oars. RobinsteonL IE FSHOES V. . AWLEIGH1 ____ - ~~And whispered, Poace be $1.50, chîîdren 75c. 21-1adprbd NI obnoSPORTING GOODSI oKn t oravîe R W EG Courtice Rd. - Phono7894GE EA 'kAON- EWY-O Fi-Thne SUNYID PRK Hampton 263-2142. 21-1 4 igS.W omnil Dept. D-140-406 - PLAN NOW -day, May 16, 1969 at 6:30 -Always remernbered, wile, MONSTER BINGO wHCeeks d, White Rock, four- __ - 4005 Richelieu St. 2- ýpclc I Tmth Etn eElenan fmly 2-* eesol,$40 a hundred, any Execuline MontreaLANTS .morfal Church, Toronto, by Thursdav Nirrht quantity. H. W. Stapietan Mnt- BOX2PLANTS . Wilson & MEVNCLSRIE -thelock indTimaty E Atn M-'SEENS-n i gmeoNewtonvllle_786-2244. 20-2*Office Furniture Co. Ageraturn, Alyssurn, Asters,, ____21-.&V1e obl qimn 'drew Lawsan. Nancy Claire, ai aur dear parents, Esther 7:45 1 -- I Crain, eoiHETN PC 1uheofM.adMsH.Stevens, May 25, 1945, and NEXT year have Polled 1 Rentai - Lease - Purchase I Batylr, Carios, PCes 1 adGsIntlaios Fr and IndutilMahnr llaughter of M. and Mrs. H.RED BARN Calves. Reglstered P o il e d' PlansDutMierMrlodPnssI ,Dulas Newby af Toronto, to Enoch Stevens, Jan. 11, 1929; O H W Herefords for sale. Durham " O7' 20 Varioties of Petunias wS;cocs Plumbing Re]ar RIE ICE -Thomas Gibert Mason, son oaI als au t29ree9brotHerbSer- 6tf arsHonAssWn A Car e ECASTEn- OTRIOPhlox, Portuclaca, Saivia, -"" 17 Liberty St, N., Bocnnil od n ntle >Ir. and Mrs. Lawrence Mason wo.AuW2,es1 Hret __6 t ama oncession 8, Clarkeinla, abbg m of Bowmanville. 21-1 Feb. 20, 1952, and Howard, Oshawýa and Di1strict Associ- o-1-. 12 EWATL -O tARI Sapdflran,Zinea Cabbage, gPoe63 Westay12-tf1966.i1laternRferCabbageeEgg I drPhone0623-7591 263-8818ld 'NESBITT - KELLY-Mr. and -Lavingly remembered by the Monthly Meeting wl ho held Herefard stocker steers and neBeUI swig acine wat Tlatùeis. ep and r nerdsing Cascerinn 'Mrs. James Kelly are happy ta fally. 21-1* on Monday, May 26th at Glen- heifers. Private sale Overy automatic ig Zachng T ter aronv and A DE SREwAL EST ATEeSPTC A KIILO eannounce the marriage of their hoirne Training Centre, 39 Saturday. George A. Mc- $72,0 (g Zggr or- OIL BURNEREN ý RE L SAT SPICT '-laughter Donna Marie, ta A Lasting Tribute Wellington St. E., Oshawa. For Gowan, 778-2213 Havelock.We'Vv epiialy$0orsssd aane o Il'-"'L rhrls ary esit. onoffurther Information cail Osha- deliver.20- payments ai $8.00 per mont aple GoeP M I .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nesbitt Fer Permanence and Dlgnlty wa, Andy Van LIth, 725-7267; 100 Salesan ntroand9 Servicefnc 23200-NoSudy aesM . .Trc 623-2966. 291-1t Jd'sw Bttn :BwmnileGrr ooestackers, sold privately evory stitches, herns, and bancy en- 2- 7-41BR O PIS FRAEISALTO tChuTch, Toronto. 21-1* Mount Lawn 62-2966.h 21A1Thursday, (anytime by ap- broidery work, etc. Guaran- 21-1576-2Ph NETii 86252 FRACSCLAE EladSndyS-oo nn-palntment>. Ivan Johnson, teed. Your aid machine ac- ANonePACE HEATERS - Deaths Mvemorial Park versary Services will be held South Monaghan, Bailleboro cetdaronpamn. H L O DS O JS&C C SCmii Coileet 7tiBckoc .'fLE - t ernril Hs-BrozeMemrils nSunday, May 25 at 2 and 939-6855, 15 miles narth af Write Advertiser 999, c/o The- O D &MUI Ltd. bia oLEYat Miall o s- BozeM m:i3i 0 p.m. In the Solina Comn- Port Hope an Hlghway 28, 2 Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box RECOR ui; dia, BoMa vile, 6a n Tes- Fer courteous advlee, please munity Hall. Our guest speak-i miles east. îî-tl 190, Bowrnanvllle. 20-2 SPAYIA da, ay2Oh 169 Enet Vîsît the Park Office or wlll ho Rev. A. Cresswell.j _ - -SPLE Realtor- Oshawa SPAiAN IG9652 8t W. Foley, In bis 92nd year, be- OnUMPnayESvenngarnay2- Hoso IGIN--- Ga__ kbved husband of Ida Wilkins, 72-63tOnlel iay ers wlll pro-6,HORSES WANTED ORONO TRAILER 28 DIVISION STREET 21-11Ram - ouss-Grgs t. _ _ .deâr father cf Hilda (Mrs.72-63tePnl Iyrwi p- 623-7491 ami INSTALLIN Bert Colwell) and Ted. Rest- 46-tf sent a 3-act play "A Pair af Conslgn your horses ta the Sales & Rental Boys and GirlsGE RA CAENRSPTCBD ügath MorsFnrlCountry Kids", starting ati Peterborough Harae Auction 1I RCA ALBUM SPECIALS Repaira L YE ECVTN Chgat el.oMavforrisFueral Cards of Thnk 8:15 p.m. _ 20-21 SAT1JRDAY, MAY 31 TRU'CK CAMPER -- - $11951I Reg. e5.29 - Now $2.99 loin Phone 623-38Sad ndGae t he . o wmiay anv2iilba c v _ __ __In-__ __ -Sunday School Anniversary1 Contact Steve Liptay TENT TRAIL ER s 32.5, POP and C & W 1-f as A N A D M N R tee n Frdayat 2o'cock.In-Mn. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk Service at Elizabethville Unit- omnul hn 8-94 i tra1takTPS TH AEM N ___ __- term ntonlhle Crnt e- wou d ihank ailrthered Church on Sunday. June 22,. Phone 263-2157 after 6 p.m. Poe 3Reg. $7.95 - Now $6.95 Vour Own Permanent Route N tcsfrsldlvrd hn Uied r Doatons t InTri lvlndis ad ndsflowr teat 11 a.rn. Mr. Mel Smith 21-2 CHARLES STAPLETON ALL 45 RPM*S -Our regular Iand bat. No Collections -- - - - Uned Ch wuch W ampe in i oey tts arsadocainOhwawl the guest ______________1r .F.MKni ilb nimrywul o preitd. they received on the focasion___Oshawa__________ I ayne onstrctio 21 a tei Frieh edln A-speaker. Refreshments willR.R. 2, Oronopre- 5 To deliver Catalogues, on holiday May 24taJn ,NVTNIL niesrMay 17. Special ice.src olwn h Ov lne 19-4 One Vsed Newspapers, etc. bath dates Inclusive., 2- 8621 LEAHEdth-t nrth ve rsary, ic In vlow af the closing of A RELIABLE couple or single - FENDER REVERB AMP. -__ LeACsnHomeit-A Statavlenthans a ur bamlly who ar- Vour nirh e ol emotYu oney In the bank o n Ât. Kusig om, owanilo.ranged this enjoyable evenîng.arcuhwwud omt persan (wlth no children) ta O /E One Used BASE AMPFlin- .'ucma on Tesdy, ay 0, 169,______happy tn have you came andioccupy house In the country 2 t1 he lst and l6th ef every Edith Vice af Taunton, In ber ý would Ilke ta express my a perîod af appraximately - - -I month Ind year, wlfe of the late sincere thanks ta relatives, Pleasant Bay Camp, R.R. 3, three months, June 15 ta Sent. A NM W R You musi have your prns e ma Lac, ea mthr ffriends andl neiLlhbnrs, Re- Cansecon, Ont. Children (8- 15 whîîe ownor is away. For Bricgs & Stratton and coEnsentER IC C earl, Mrs D. Flett (Doris) beka1i Lodge, Mapie Lq 4yas - July 12 ta Augustldetails ploase Phono Hampton Power Producis Engrines 50cADEoOEnrtsentvursric:PulHmna2Hu end Mrs. A. Yaungman (Jean). Club for flawers, cards, gifts 2. $23 weekly. Teens (Aug- 263-2378, evenings. 21 -1 I 0AlARoN Electnie...AtI r- ervce:Pau ~etig tth NrhcttIand visits durlng my stay In ust 23 - September 1), $30 foer.wih TEPPR A Peter Hoskin, GusMKigt1L ure Srvc 1lhiott Funeral Home. Funeral hospîtal, also thaiks in doëtors the ten days. Private Beach. Dectd or Crippled - ALL'NOW IN STOCK OSCILLHTEN SPRINKLE and Bruce Winnn ETC AK N service 2:30 o'clock Thursday and nurses for thior kîndness Supervised Prograrn. Interde- ISrie a W el OCLAIN PIKE URHCABRAN SPIN WHEEL BALACN TLEBD - PHN ternoon. Interment Hamp- and rare. nmntaa. Wi e ie- Farm'Stock OWe Service9MILhaSTEET AdI PIA1 gnCemetery. 21-11 Mrs. Gladys Piper. 21.-1* tar: Rev. AI King, 23 Seneca nîy$3,9 791I1LPTREE A SECIATY I HAMPON-23-228f.( ne appreciatian ta friends. Personally Eucorted LVL -ero pn-1'4-U jAliIs-Chaimers D14iL ü ,ôn iï POWE 623-757 ndian Lselaives.ClRko-l\WESTERN TOUR mont ln quiet building. Alil iladr$45NOTICE and aetru the esid ad CaainLgo.Cako-services supplied. Furnished c hartint h osga PHNE23-5757 -Gardon & Ca., Goneral Matons Ineludes or unfurnished. Telephono 9 x 12 -B27Br1nDiNeel- $1450 RE:owe.adoleinluie PhnOVU West ef nowmanvmle Employees. Jolce Sweanor Co. CALGARY STAMPEDE 623-5888. 18-ti Assoried Colouro od S" ---------- 77.5 Height of Hedges mannën as fer Municipa ae. 04 * uea ragmns and the North Shore Club for and - -,- USED TRACTORS Sold New Frnmosc aey i Poison Ivy Infectsi al, o sBl e * Hopial Arrangements cards of sympaty and floral YELLOWSTONE PARK wanted to Rient $2,9 INTEREST FREE untl Frieigh e of belge shah b e Chiren, andi Ragwedl -*Repia Arageet tibutes. MA29oMeniarial Hou- v, 99hiethntofhree (Z) l b0noIargely respansible fowi- WedigArageens ItlStaff, lut Floar. Dr. July 6 -27 T;-WO te tbree bedTr om e HALL RUNNERS, 89e run. fiNo. DREAM6 HOUSEhn hre à)fet e ~For Speclal OcSions Cwort. Rev. Gracie and North- N'EW ENGLAND and lni Bowmnanville area by June Contents f mdel hom:Jh a distance e! twonty-flve feet,spread hay fevetC muffenn.IiCes.fotoislcino ~~~cutt Elliatt Funeral Home. 15. 623-2339. 21-i1 a mc rne ' 4 -rowfo tetcrea h Itrsue ulcHatwewl adfotju ln owners are reqte:stetm stream-oronrjourhlotnte.estorof.Peal 48a wa. De uflver te: Mrs. Nellie (Ernfe) Jones CAPE COD G OD workabe farn land Chesterfield, Lamp, Cofe. C rn P anter -._ _ _ $ 1u mone cse,9hs5eq i o ines taemeles t h h s uly srl d N A Nsaa ewcastlle, rfl.and Famlily. 2 -i August 9 - 16 with or without buildings. and End Tables, Dining-room Internaional @ 071. I me as"ing e e d lanit ai stry hm v ot a eatw *0t N w ataPhone 728-7218. 40-tf Suites, Dnettes and oter, bl@k assembly -. . .---$65 oniend n i n en s e e qud at-d whrevats a n d. eus no te 127-If MReOrepwcastleanaALyFe 9NIAMJ'M A R d te reduce thc height e1 their that Dandellon and GE lerd a k w y C e c t - Personcd Mr. and Mms.Cocu Adams, September 6 -2 Vgrtr, erc os atce. NO edzes te, or below the maxi- are net conidered te h ix u.prso _________________Ra. 4, .Oshawa, wifl be plus-. e June 2M1. Newcastle 987-4855. I mu.u I * OONm of0 3 feot.iosed uerL tm t L ,) s ts-(lubre eov eltvs an 1i E L M E R SEquipm ent IL lt lsintended to enfonce the the Weed Aet._ w ew Pa eu.* e= in hie ___ai_________Unted_62=65orL.623r393St.= SroorBowmue avntle pi S)w t postpuld Made et tCo rom U i 2 6 3 32 5 o -3 3 93 T R E sr4m h ue at-1B .Provisions e! BY-Law 1370 Anenymous compliait aac n e n els plai -~ sveope ltbCh~r, My 3lt fom 2- 4ed by June i or 15. No more 253 Blor St. E.o. regulating sncb matter, ln Lhe gardlng weeds cannot o~Trea ny1 Sb. zMpMPIes 35. and 7 - 9 p.rn. on the occasion COL1I4ER than 2 or 3 muiles from Bw-no. . iteremt of publie safety. eepted. 81.00. SMail (edof etth*1 th Weddlng Ani-m'ae"aville; muet have al con- ..shct1w'c? 1134 Klii St. E., Dowm anvle R~ . ea TiuEotR. oie 2388 -Netubb« o- C.vesur. But ulsiesouly. MAVEL. SERVICE vmone. Phone Newcastle -47, fle12-89mi R. L. BYRON,i.RTENGODBES »,i81 C"588 1-U bêWm l*1 1 t hn 63fl ow lr. S muo. - ". ,... - -t . I -, DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIEDI Tuesday, 4:30

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