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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1969, p. 1

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- -~-~~' '7; 'v 16 Pages kilis .', y';' "r;.. Heavy f og and torrential rains on Sunday afternoon -' . may have been responsible for the death of a 22-year-old «Vietnam war veteran Keith r , Alexander Millar and his 20- ~year-old fiancee P a t ri cia SCosgrove who was to have graduated in Home Econom- v k' ics f rom Guelph University S5this Friday. Both were killed E' ,~when the four-seater Piper Tri-Pacer plane in which they were flying, plunged into a field about 100 yards south of the St. Mary's Cernent First word of the tragedy came from Mrs. Garnet Sym- - ons who lives nearby and heard the crash. After check- ing, she phoned the Provin- M cial Police and they were soon on the scene. iBowman- ville Area Ambulance was also called but when it was obvious that there were no -1survivors, the nearest coroner gâO' Cernent plant smoke stack behind wrcckcd plane Dr. Jack Wright of Millbrook ____partiaily hidden byheavy fog. was informed. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) BOMNILE NTRO WDEDhîtY 1 96 er mO rn BOWMNVILE, NTAIO, EDNSDAY1MA421,196 MTmmniL Fia ncee Vietnam Vetera n Firemen and spectators pull plane part--so vctims' bodies can be remoyed by police and. funeral directoe Carson Elliott. Interviewers Start Tomorrow B owmanlville Selected for Unique. Behaivioral Survey Electrons Rained Out ~n, Monday, What was bo have been the big holiday opening double header hardball game here on Monday. fail-- .4 to m aterialize because of the heavy rains on Sun- day that left Rotary Park ln no condition for baseball. The. potponed g9me will ho played against PortfHope here tonlght at 6:15, wea- ther permitting. After tonight LQcke's TV Electrons will take to the road for nlght games ln Littie Dritain on Friday and Leaside on Saturday before returning to their home diamond on Suuday ai 2 p.m. when the opposition willI b. Orillia. Expo Caps that were ao have been drawn at the opener wilI now be won at a later date. Bowmanvile has been sel- tre of York University will be ected to participate in a com- conducting this survcy for D . J o g o parative study of community Professor Robert Agger, Direc- on a w ord i e a s ow a raveheExperimental CRn- D r .J . T o o g o o manville will represent Can- earch on Behavioral Systems W I d rs ada in this study. At present at the University o! Oregon the participating communities who will soon be joinîng the include one in England, one Ini !aculty at McMaster Univer-e Anutual -Meet-jifs Czechoslovakia and two in The Survey Research Cen- Yugosiavia litre was inauguratcd a year ago At the Annual Meeting of The Survey Research Cen-I (TURN TO PAGE TWO> the Northumberland - Durham Tubercuiosis & Hcalth Asso- ciation, to be held on May I ntresi ng Dis lay27th in the Education Centre Inteestig Dipluyof Trînity United Church, Cobourg, the speaker is to be E ' re Dr. John H. Toogood, Associ- Of f rt ana rurniure aePofsu f eiie University of Western Ontario. Dra ws Much Comment Dr ogo' speciai Inter- About 100 people assem- which was served on card cspecially the allergie forms of bled in the Bowmanvile Pub- tables set up ail around the these and he also is involved lic Library Auditorium atiroom. Mrs. Van Ncst gave a with clinical and research in 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May brie! address of welcome. the Dcpt. of Medicine at the I2th, for an cvening o! work After supper thc tables University. and pleasure as a prelimin- wcre clcared then they were His topic ot "Smoking & ary to the opening of the week used when the members and Rcspiratory Disease" is of par- long Art Display there. guests got busy, each doing a tîcular intcrest at the present The three classes taught by monoprint. Mrs. M. Thick- trne when so much discussion Mrs. Jesse Van Nest in art son showed exampies of such is focused on cigarette smok- and furruture re-fînishing had finished prints, and gave dir-ling and its relation to chest Iinvited guests to a supperi (TURN TO PAGE TWO> diseases. Pedestrian Kilied on Highway 401 Saturday Night At 9:55 p.m. Saturday, Allen Charles Hoskin, 36, 'I5rmcrly of Fort William and more recently of Toronto, vmkilled, on the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway, just aLof the Waverley Road bridge and a companion Jack, o! Toronto, sustained injuries to both -legs. 4e<rently, both men were pedestrians, trying to cross irom the westbound lane to the eastbound when they uwcr struck by a vehicle driven by Douglas Leslie o! Dim MUI&Lus the -collision the car austained a broken windshjeld and considerable damage to the car's hood. Bowmanville Area Ambulance brought the injured man to Memorial Hospital and later transferred him to Toronto General Hospital. It is understood the man who was killed was a brother of Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn, Orono. OPP Constable Tom Bovce investigated and Coroner Dr. Jack Wright of Millbrook pronounced Hoskin dead at the scene. §BITS iMW DPIECES CHANGE - It was announced this week that Miss§ Kathy Teertstra has purchased the Goodbrand Fab- rics business on King St. West. It is understood that the former owner Mrs. Robert Kerr soid the business because of iii health. t~ t t i. t PARASITES - It's peculiar how some folks won't contribute anytbing to a good cause but will be the first to take advantage of whatever services are availabie. On Monday night, Bow- manville Rotary Club went to considerable effort and expense to. preseut its annual display of fireworks at the high school . .. and there was an excellent crowd- who paid to get in. There was aise a large crowd who leaned against the fence from the outside and aise lined Martin Road where thcy could watch the saine show for free. Somne may bave purchased tickets but most were free-loaders. t t t t MOSPORT - More than 5,000 wet but dedicated fans braved the watery eiements at Mosport for the races on Saturday and Sunday. From reports, At could be compared to a motor boat race with rooster tails of water spraying up from car tires. Toronto driver Bil Brack in a Formula A Lotus GTX was the winner of the first of the nine race series spon- sored by Gulf Canada Limited. Next big one wil be the Can-Am race on June Ist. t - t t t STRIKE OVER - Air Canada wilil be back in operation this week after the crippling four week strike that cut off ail their operations and inconvenienced many would-be traveliers. tt t t t FIREWORKS - No serious accidents have heen reported foiiowing the annual setting off o!f fire- works to mark "the Queen's birthday" on May l9th. Town police kept a close eye on those reckless young- sters who brought their own firecrackers to the around with abandon. One policeman had a pocket- fui that he confiscated. WASH - This Saturday nt the Sheil station, King St. East, Bowmanviile High School Girls Athletic Society will be in action te taise funds with a car wash. Get your car beautified by BHS beauties and heip their cause too. t t t t LACROSSE - This Saturday at 2:00 p.m. any boys from seven to 16 years of age who are interested in learning the fine points of playing lacrosse are requested to be at Lord Elgin School where instruc- tor Cliff Fillmore will provide assistance. tt t t t TYRONE - The Village of Tyrone will have its own fireworks display tbis Saturday, May 24tb the traditional day for ceiebrating, at the town park. Thoéiusuvads Enjoy Fire works ÀDispluiy The Bowmanville Rotary Club's annual Fireworks Dis- play ln the High School grounds on Monday, the holi- day cvening nearest to Vic- toria Day proved to be more brilant than ever. A mary- clous show was prqvided for the crowds of thousands of people from the town and area. Speciai Events Chairman, Bob Stevens, past president. VISIT CEMENT PLANT A larme group of engin- ers and cernent plant tech- nologists fItem Canada, the United States and other couutries vislted the St. Marr's Cernent plant here lest week, while attending thefr &au lconventiou la Termulu Six AmerîcnSt udents. Here on an Exchange Visif Speak at Rotary Luncheon Six young Amerjcans frorn AI Witherspoon, Secretary Franklin High School, Frank- Hub Hooper, Attendance Co- ATTEND CONVENTION lin, Pennsylvania. were the Bob Dykstra, James Because of the. probabilitr guests of honor at the Bow- Speers, Ch a ir ma n of the of instaliing a municipal manvilie Rotary Club's lunch- Yout.h Service Commttee, filtration systcm here ln eon meeting at the Flying and Don Murray, hairman the near future, the Mana- Dutchman Motor, Inn on of the Easter Se m Crnittee. ger and members of Bow. Thumday. These young people The birthdays of Mr. Dyk- manville's' Publie Utilties rnarrived here last Wednesday stra and Dr. A. W. Hiarris Commilssion aceompanici by and werc taking part in a Ro- were celebrated by their fel- their wIvcu attendcd, ses- tary Student Exchange Pro- iow Rotarians. Dr. Kcith Sic- sions of the Americau gram while six students from mon led the rousing singlsong, Waterworkg Con v e n t1 o n Clarke High School were and the piano acoompaninient (Cana dian Section> ln Van- visiting I F r tln Pe nn a s pa d by M . Io p r c uv r at w ck M ny ger, Immediate ast Prsdn TR O A ET O prfiainfed Filrk e D a m a g e B a m n o n C u B i d n and his Co-Chairman Jack BrY.Son, were ln charge o! ar- rangements for the event. They were assisted by Comxnunlty Service Director Chairman Kelth Jackson, a past Presi- dent, and other menibers 'o! te Special Events Commlttee. Special Events co-Chafrman Bryson was ln charge of the Re!reshment Booth and he was assisted by 12 other members of the club. Two past presi- A fire believed to, have ita*#ed froS dents, Don Morris and Dr. G. ot the Badminton Club, King St. IXast 0;on. Edwin Mann were ln chaige of firemen some anxious moments bo.I tickets, and Everett King wa the Entertainment Chhnn from the building when they arrived anct The program Innduded sev- west corner near the6 èay. troue Lh. er eral numbers by two talented1 it was some ie before tht h.aj I young girls, Nancy an rn1fire had crept upwards fromthe ~ev Rietmuiler, Who each gave an expert and original solo per roof. No estimate of damae hoI bmask formiance o! Baton TwirIIng. ite otwil bave tobp'repaizmd "d t.0w' >TRNT PAGE TWO>. Iutnr VOLUME 115 Crash 16 Pages rRrR 91 1

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