2The Cantadian Statesman. Rowmanville, May 21, 198 Re-elect Tom Rehder President Town PC's Tom Rehder was re-elected!members of the associatho Prosident of the BowmanvIlle headed by Mrs. George Ste Progressive Conservative Asso-,phen. dlation at the annual dinnerj During t.he election o! f o mtn g eto the organization cers for the coming yea ht1d at Memorlal Park Club' President Rehder turned th Eouae on Wednesday evening, gavel over to Art Code, a for bU 7th. Alex Carruthers, mer vlee-president, who pre 3Pfor Durham County. and sided during this part of th Carnet B. Rickard, a former meeting. federa1 candidate for the rid- Offilcers elected for 1969-'1 &«g were apecial guests. were: President Tom Rehdei Piefr to the business session first Vice-President Georg a ddlcious buffet; dinner was Stephen, second Vlce-Presiden enjoyed. ThIs fine meal was 1 Keth Shackelton, who is prepredby agrop o womn mmberof own Counci propredby agrop o!womn .hird Vice-Preuident Gary Cole Ob fourth Vice-President Anni U nique Saunders. fifth Vice-Presiden Sinoq ue Elsie Wilson, Secre.ary-Treau urer Edith Cole, anid Assistan As urvey Secretary - Treasurer Grac Taylor. (PftOM PAGE ONE) Following the election o th conduct varlaus types of officers President Rehder res cil surveys for academnie umed the chair. He called ci antd non-profit organizations Durham County's MPP, Mr requfring information about Carruthers, who gave an in vazausaspctso!socal ifeinin the Ontario Legisiature anc Canada. Although the Centre's tegvrmn' ln o work began in the province offtue gerinent' plansf Onaiit s led ex also an lnteresting perioÉ pandied t facilities te the when Mr. Carruthers provid. provInces of Manitoba ade additîonal nomainî 1British Columbia.&njdifomto The survey beginning this anser to questions from th( week in 'Bowmanville wil Oant B. Rîckard, a formei study vartous aspects of comn- snunity life. The design of the federal candidate in this rid. ruvyis the samne one used ing for the Progressive Cor. :fo th oter ommnites ar-servative Party, who has helè forpain ine thecomntiver office as Warden of the United qtudy. It calls for a social sur- aon urhamf Nrthibean vey to be conducted among àand DerhRaeve ofd salngta random sample of 400 house- onship, alsofgaveabrieg holds in the community. The bTwnsp, iegv re Interview schedule contai ns btisiring address. 4questions concerning attitudes After the meeting a social tôward participation in com-lhour was enjoyed. munlty activities in a wide ~variety o! areas : service org- ,pizations, aduit education, A rt cornUnity political activities -and other voluntary associa- Mponh. Display Ini accordance with the stand- ards at the Survey Research <PROM PAG ONE) *retre, ail the survey data are et~n st rcdr.I ~etconfidential, and no teresting etfects were achiev- sames of any Individuals are ed as each person oil painted veter disclosed In any connec- a piece of glass then drev 'ion with the survey. There over thte wet colors. The !inal will be 15 to 20 trained womense a hnec rse Interviewers. each of whoma st fwasrwen acpr esher wMIlcarry Identification, a shieeto! Dart paperthver he 5 YEAR TERM 1 YEAR 71/% 2 VEAR 7% 3 YEAR 7% 4 VEAR 73/% BMNMUM $500.00 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 823.23z7 la Simca. st., 728-3221 Mon. to.Thurm !F 9 te 3130 1 Trit. ate S or mvzq. g sert. a ted Sswmuitfe Cloges Wedneadoey Membea' Deposit lusursuice Corporation tainet a monoprnit. Mns. - Van NesI oullined plans for a new art gnoup in Bowmnanvile and thie area -open bath te, men and women. Il wiil have active ast assoc- iate members. Monthl>' meet- ings will be heît with lectur- es andth le showing o! art films. Taiks on art apprecia- tian wil alsa be given, and there wil be temonstralion of diffseent media for art. Il was suggeslet that be- tween meetings same of tlb inembers couit meel inform- amli>'and paint lagetahen. A peniadîn newsletter would be sent eut te members, il waE said. "Thoce Interestet ijois- ing this art group are asked te please contact Mrs. Van Nest or Mns. M. Stace>'. A number o! people bave al- reat>' joined. ast it is plan- nedto thave il statet in the ali," it was announcet. Mrs. R. Rackham, Picker- ing, tolithIe gathening o! the art group tiaI bat been suc- cessfully organizet in liat Iown, and how the members bad secure thli se o! an oIc school for a worksiop. Tt door prize. an especiai- ly effective abstract. painting by ftic Tuesda>' Night Class. was won b>' Mrs. Bert Syer. Tic paintings were lien plaoed on tispia>' anti beau- tiful>' refinishet furniture was aiea exhibitet. This crea- tive exhibition was greatly admiret b>' the guests. Tht modem- attractive painl. ings were hung in liens arount the four walls. In tie centre o! tie roani beautiful refinished furniture was an-ý Listal a new Essofuae,-now, pay nothing until October lst Buyyour new Esso furnace now and you can ,getabonus$114. 95 Esso Humidifier instalîed for only $69.88 or the $1 24.95 Esso Dehumidifier , for only $89.88You pay nothing down, nothing until Octoberlstconvenient montly payments thereaffer. Aspeclal ist wil rneasure your home, calculate whlch one of the 28 EssofumacesIs rightforyou. Cali today. Esso gives you a comfort bonus too! A Humidifier or Dehumidi1fier, both at savings e HAREYPARTNURI: PNONEfl3-506 -OROX0 "Y.ir Esso Hom.e OMSpecia.ist" eg rangeti, alorig w1th excellent¶ nounceti Millar dead at the -paintings donc by - cilidren C rf,~~i sceno but when pahioe, fire- fram the Saturday clamses G raduates men and funeral director Car- held ut the Lions Centre. The son Elllatt, using chainu, pull- instructor was Mr*. Bieen cd the wreckage apart to tako Van Noat. Gresat intierest was bis body out, they discovered taken in the entirm display as the second dead occupant. was ahown by thie record at- Although the accident oc- tendance. ourred shortly atter five p.m., While ail the work present- it. wps aimost tark befere o.dwas excitmng, a few paint- bath victims were removet- ing& done by art students infb hepae the wmnter classes may be OPP Constable Ken Ruttan mentionet as eutstandtng. la the Investigating officer. ar showing creative a b iiity. Department o! Transport offi- he "Heat Wave" la a triking cis arc also conducting their e-» black and orange painting o!f- awn investigation. It hanot r- aIih rstfr yMs yet been announced wbether heVern Johnson. It is a tnip or not thore wiil be an Inquest. 70antd drbble' painting aven a ., sant texture u nd e rc o at." geMrs. Johnson bas aise -paunt- ." . Fi. ntcd the Bowmanviile CNR &ta- Re ' w o Eks at tien effectively, calling it i"The Passage <>f lime." She le as showed a painting on- D isplay ntitled "Couneel"î o! a mother ant bn ler family In tonles e! (FROM PAGE ONE) [0- brown. Paddy Welsh with his guitar nt "From the Fieldis" lu an ex- and Glen Virtue with bis ce cellent oil painting cd bran- violin playet a wide selection ches laen with wilt apples af popular music, and soon bat of by Mrs. Van Nest and il was the huge mass o! listeners tee- ýs selectet by the E.C.O.A.A. for tapping, keeping tume, and In n their annual show last sprlng. a 3oyous moot. r. Mns. Van Nes i sea showed a As sean as darkness felI the' n- beautiful painting o! mlk- display o!fltreworks began. ts weed,' a mosit attractive pant- Mr j This exhibition et vivid color- td ing o!flaowers in color ever Ms en e ty fui pyrotechnics was even r colon, and she aise tiluplayed taughter o! Mn. and Mns. more successful than the dbh- aa lovely muted seascape clone Clifond Purty, gratuatet fnam en enjayable ones which bat )d with a controllet palette. Ail St. Joseph's School o! Nuns- been pnesented by the local J. bier pictunes were moat com ing, Peterborough. Graduation Rotanians bore In previaus in petently paintet. exercises were helt at St. yas le Mrs. Helen Balson, Hamp- Peten's Auditorium on Fritay, yTeans, ewels oces ton, bat a painting that show. May 16, 1969. ____ 1spinning cîncles off fine shoot- r et the historic Hampton Mill ing beama o! ligbt, Roman - ver>' well. A most attractive!I ' L l canciles and ather arnazîng t- large stili life ail o! peoniesi'airobi. Bu nd sights. Amang the latest 1969 td was tone by Mi-s. Jessie Sle- afferings fnom leating mon- td mon, Enniskillen. Site alsoi facturens o! fireworks were td exhibitet twa collages, one some that seemet tazzlingly a baset on an cît fashionet unique, and the tniet ant true ýn alarm dock, illustrating time. aIt favorites were not neglect. f Mrs. Rita Tilloock bat et cither. The Rotarians bat paintet sanie dramatie col-- engaget professionals froni the 1lages with frames speciali>' manufacturers te set off the mate te enbance these paint- firewonks and ta ensure tbe« ing. Her semi-abstract o! safet>' a! spectators. flowers on broken glass was most effective. There was aiso a striking collage o! flowers < and weeds on a heavy simulaI-s i l e et driftwotd base surrount- et b>' a wite navy fran- %, Mrs. Gladys Couch sh rved S u e t an attractive bare white tree (FROM PAGE ONEI -set against a tank background the Principal o! Countice di an antique frame. A deli- Secontary Shosoeo cale flower garden o! quiet tie value o u e oEf chrgam washicsonbMr. changes. He satt that last year d agrt hcsn the Bowmanville Rotanians r aIn "Remembrance", Mns. MainStace>', using mainly tom iece o! he Satesanbetween Franklin Hlgh Scbool stutents ant a gnoup from !dcreated a collage sbawing anfBwavîe Hg Sto. ad fashet woabin n IThis was sucb a market suc- ýa wtrpthrcnan e cess that il was decitet ta > cut" frohe bran icscof guteLast week, a native a! Bow- libis yean between Clarket t-et aoaRbaden aintglet manvilie, Charles Lewis Bickile, Higi Schol ant Franklin, tn aborlacs t esemblne a Parkway Cnes.,left by plane Penn. High School, he sait. i , r inacrlic teresmbl afor Nairobi where for lhe next "We are lntebted te two o! 1semi-abstract seacape. six months bie will bie an En- u atpeiens r ,B -d "Deer Island" is a channi- gineering Consultant with the oundlpadpresitsDr.ksonB n and imaginative built uP Norîbern Electric Company' fan tniving theCakeyug panigby Mns. June Ste- wio are installing a new tele-Clreyug phenson, who aisa showet an phone system and office at En- people ta Buffalo where they ail, "Nartiern Woods". tebbe, Uganda. Mn. Bickle is met Rotarians from Franklin, Le r.An Hayeeba ant for brnnging our visitonsî A, ponlrayed boat houses at Charles Bickle, Concession St. >Bowmanville beach in beau- E. He is maniedt thte former etifuI colon aven colon. Hem Helen Clark and they have Scollage o! 11111e white bints two chîlîdren, Chanlene 4 ant perchet on a bush with ret David 2. He bas been employ- jd berries was eye catching. She et witi the Engineering Dept. naisa showed twa distinctive of the Bell Telephone o! Can-ý A lantscapes in cils. ada at Osbawa for the past A baunting tni!twoot paint- 13 yeans and will returnbene -ing was sbown by Ms-s. Carol on Dec. 151h aflen completion SReynolds, wha also displayet o! the project, Including tbe ,an appealing cil o! buildings training o! native belp te take on a bill. Mrs. Will Nesbitt's cane a! the maintenance a! the............-~.i e now scene wau ver>' dean, system. .restful, and weill antiet. iMrs. Edna Lucyk showet a holster>'. Sic aise antiquet s .a bowl o! lovely morning glor- spinning-wheel. Mrs. Anse 's les as well as an intuitive Hamris h-at put muci wank mountain and river scene. into nefinishing a lovely ait Miss France% Hoar's wank gateleg table, ant sie aIse la original and ber home refinisbet a hope cbest. 9stuty quite striking. A flow- Mrs. Kelly Biggs bas mate er design in beautifully con- an attractive silverware chest. trolled palette colon was done froni the top an-d base a! an b>' Mrs. Gladys. Finn-e>', Ma- old floor model phonograph epie Grave. She also siawed cabinet. The entire dispia>' a landscape o! serone chamm. was most creative andtmi- Attractive wank was tane pressive. A Sharon Henry siowet an op- pealing, shimmering I an t- 1969 CHRYSLER 300 sqcape in icolornaveoloýn. w-onhntp ne Jessica Mimigon, Donna Vir. He and Miss Cosgrove, whoil FORD CORNER SPECIAL tue, Jane Morris, Pameda recenti>' obtaiset a position on Har-ris, Launie Bethune, Bar- lie tietar>' staff o! a Farti bans M cG tic>, Evangeline Erie Hospital, bat flown to 1967 FORD RANCH Merkley, Stephen Dryden, Ottawa (ber home) for a wed-I h ietfllsz tto Dale Bar-dlt, Howard Mul- ding and were returning ta' Tefna ousz tto balant mdCaely He'-Buffalo when the accident ne- Ford built lie bout in wagO telln ,adroy . curret. Reports inticate that eat off lie floor. Al equiPi Muiongnans.ws bw Miss Cosgnove was tue back' transmission, magie two we inc tieexcelty wa ies-- nat work Sunda>' nigit anti more. But You must be fasi intuhe excellefniswyhefMrs-Ithis ma>' bave been one nea- Matry Talorebafniankable sson why the>' nlsket fiying ini FORD CORNER PRICE- MaryTayor hd rmarkblethe inclement weather. i succes.q In domng aver n l aItNoneofo!tle resitents o! the! two door radia cabinet hit an- ares wiene Ibe>' crashet bave' tique grcen. Shc b.d antiquedj reponlet seeîng lie plane In s vase to match the cupbcard, the air, but several beant Il ast asa antiquet a lamnP: fiying ovenbeat In tbe dense' mutde. in gol.d fmI. Mrs. fog. Millar ma>' bave been tmy-- Janne Siemon bat strlpped. ing ta, locale Oshawa airpont P4e clown two smal chairs ready but[ a spokesmas Ihene sait for oane-soa tng, and alome- the>' bat sot been in ratio finished a picture frime and contact with bum. Wbile it Isý irrtioi-. oni>' speculallon, the pilot maYi Mvi. Olga Blomùe, had rie- wehl bave thought that theo9t.11 ffviàhed a swcet littie table Mary's plant was the airport' mand. put Penuisylvala Dutch and veered away aIteao sharp1 dssgns at each end& An end an an gle when suddenly con-j table was shown by Mi'm. Jean fronled by the 250' smoke, LUxton. Mrs. Anne. Saumderx st.ack ahead of bum. lid trippe down a lovely The plane'u pk1opelier antýý dPin chair, rebUl1t It, then engine were complotai>' bur- dgiven 1t à black tinish, ledbIn the softimut and sev-,« Mv.Glat>' Couch has erai tractbais bat o be usedt donc a mli Vlctoran chair dta Montd*y uftei-noon te extri- ini antique ivoty which in et- cate the= 1 haUVe with irad é« ylgUP- Cteo Wfh rtpo ehere.. Te drivers on the re- aven oui- report cards, -end thia iNo. 35 Righway ut the Third -turn journey on Sunday will somnetimes makos the schedule IConcession of Clarke Tow~ be President Thiesburger andi difficuit. She spoke o! the dif- AP cdet Jship. The drivers invoil -Don Marris, a past president. forent courses, academic. com- Accden were Keith Mertori Salisbury, 1Mr. Speers also, expréissed mercdai and vocational given at, age 45, -Burlington, and Wil. dent andi Mr*. Thiesbûrger for courses that are a special pre-! jun - " Newcastle. Damage ta the twa She enjoyably arranged recep- paration for college. At 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, acars was about $500. Constable tian they had given at the John T. Jones, Franklin, was caY'îe ba c rihoG. L. Kozak, OPP. investi. Bomavilo Conty Club introduced by hîs hast Rod age 18, Newtonville, strucka gated. 1on the previous evening for Johnston, Newcastle. Mr. Jones pedestrian. Samuel Palmer, ageý At 1:25 a.m. Sunday at the visiting situdents, and told the Rotarians that Cana- 15, R.R. 2, Newcastle, who ls!Waverly Road and King Street their Clarke High School dian hospitality is marvelous. now a patient ln the Toronto: two cars driven by local men hasts. lOn behaîf of us ahl I want ta General Hospital. Debbie Milicollided. The driversa'vere Ininediato Past President thank your President Thies- es, age 17, Newcastle, received'Elwood Shackleton, age 53.,-.8 Witherspoon, who is Principal burger for the wonderful rec- minor Injuries in the accident. ýHigh Street, and Rodney C. ef Clarke High School, toldEtIon lest night, and the en- She was a passenger in the, Langlais, 79 Prospect Street. the. Franklin students how payable tirne we ail bat. You Krishko car. Shie was taken to Damage ta bath vehicles am.- pleased hie was to see thernittde us feel at home and Memorial Hospital by the Bow-1 ounted ta about $900. Constable arrive on Wednesday. "Ve happy ta be here. We fint avleAe muacadýonCoso netgtd aregla tohae yu wth sCandias ae essstif tanafter receiving treatment was' There was a two car col. and feel fortunate. thet you Americans are. We think releused on Sunday ta returnî,ision on Waverly Road at the are our guestla,"ie sait. He Clarke High School's program ttalber home ta recuperate. ýBase Line at 7:25 p.m. an Sun. remarked On te high calibre is fabulous as weill as being a! he tudn't set foniwell organized. The Rotary Nine other accidents were day. The drivers invalved frahelin, ant sai ethfoeClul doing good by bring- investigatet by the officers o! were Christiaan Kapteyn, age Frnh a nd wold etunt hed ing young people from two the Newcastle Detachmnent of!42, Hanilton, and David . U.S. thyfind etumemo heo countries together to, exchange the Ontario Provincial Police'Butier, Toronto. There was their stay in this ae.H ideas, and discuss problems. o udyatMna. aotSO aaessant thencalld on ea lare This will give us samething Two cars collided at two bv the two cars. Constable Les Hi hnchoo soutent pClre t tawork on in the future," Mr. o' dock,_Tuesday afternoon, an!Ricard investigated. 1 ta introduce their house guest.Joetcar. Glen Witherspoon, Bowman- Ellen Millian, Orono, intro- ville, introducet his guest, HORSE BKLLL)II' G 1duced Jacquelin Brown, who Lyn Sturdevant, who happlly thanked. the Rotarians "for toit the club of athletics at, making this wonderful trip1 Franklin High. The main em- possible." She added that ghelpai iso fotlwth wa lokngforward. o h three- teams, Varsity, Junior Clarke High School Prom On Higb and J.C., he sait. "The Friday and ta attending a Championship was won by Tooeonto theatre on Saturday. Varsity this year. Basketbali Miss Brown spoke of stu- ts also very popular and aur [dent demonstrations in U.S. basketball teamn came second in Colleges and deplored the fact this year's state wide tour na- that many had turned into ment," Mr. Sturdevant statet. violent riaIs. Sometimes thelHe also spoke of track and youthful participants in afi1eid training, and the wrest- protest have a worthwhiileIling program. at Franklin1 idea, but throug-h- misunder-! High. standings an ail sides, emno-ý Ray Baker, intraduced by tians spark and useful youtth- his hast, Peter Smith, New- fui aims are then lost as the casî;le, spoke ta the club about by radicals take over, she ex-the Industries in Franklin. piainet. iThese include the Chicago Beverley Tennant, Orono,.United Tool Caompany, which introtuet hler guest, Deborah 1manlufactures air compressons, Murtock, wbo tld the club dnil]s and engines, the Jay that Franklin, Penn. is a town 'Manufacturing C amp a ny, with a population of between1which makes coal mining 10,000 and 12,000. Service;lmachinery, and the Porter- clubs represented there are Warner Steel Mill. Thene la Rotary, Kiwanis, ant theýaIso, a plastic manufacturing Moose. She mentionted the- industry, a paper pnacessing Mr. and Mrs. George Canfield are pleased ta High School's activities, ns1company, and a number Of announce the purchase of "LINTHAN" a 6-year-old active press club, and' thecafl5tructiatn finms, he said. pure-bred Arabian Stallion. "Linthan" wili be standing publication of its year book. Keith Jackson movet a vote for service at LIBERTY STABLES, R.R. 5, Bowman- "The Student Cauncil pro-aof thanks to the Franklin stu-1 moted an. exchange student dents, and sait il was inteet' ville. Phone 263-2303 for further information. W* fromn Brazil to attend aur pleasant ta have such fine weicome visitors. Higb Schooi this year and young people, who speak weill----- spend 10 months in Franklin for the U.S. We have gainetd living as part of the famuly by having these boys and girls o! one o! the students. The come ta Bowmanville, Mr.: than $2o00 wais praset byrlPrsitn ttTesbrgralo DELO ITTE, PLENDER, moane$2for0, is praemor!Jacksdnstt e rgralo th tdn on.lthrough a expressed bis personal appre- HASKIN S Radi Maatho," issMur- ciation ta the yaung visitors' A K N E L dock pointed out. for their excellent and Interest-1 Suzanne Bunting, Orono. in- ing talks. Other guests at the Chartered Accountants troducet bier guest Katby Fac- luncheon meeting were Art ini. wbo toit the club that Hooper, Bawmanville; Bill OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIER coming ta Canada and attend- Minett and George Ireiandl i ng Clarke High School for a bath of Oshawa, and Ronald' OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA few tays was a marvelaus ex- J. Curry, Haliburton. PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.l.A. perience for lier. Tbe Clarke students wha, BURT R. WATERS, C.A. "Franklin Hîgb Scbooi is a went ta Franklin were Marilyni Consolidatet School witb 1,500 Tamblyn, Bob Pelletier, Fred' pupils frorn Grades seven ta Bunting, Don McKenzie, Elaîne' PHONE 728 - 7527 12. Itlai ail run by computer, Scbmid and Maria Kortas. _____________________________ ÀL AKAL A LTION TIME e. S TRADE TIME e SERIES 3',700 miles. Owned by Oshawa tocton and lucl. Purchaset brant new bore ln Oshawa sfenable o! course. Ricil>' appoinlet vinyl power equipjpet ast automatic lon console. is is a beauliful luxur>' automobile ant not aitd nsw ever $5,500. O 7 tA 2-DOOR HARDTOP Ln we must admit Ibis is a gond looking ,000 miles asdthe original awnen would be regamting the special cars Ibis car bau bat. e oversizet wite walls everything ha. tht wait as>' longer andthen be sorny la fint stisse came aur way ver>' seitom. L -- ----$4697 R LANDAU rning a reail>' fine automobile. Onethat will -farmance, ans liat neeku a! qualil>' ast Ill propel you in a supreme state of luxur>' se Ibis dreani came true, trop aven here ta for a temonstration in Ibis iow muleage price $7,950. WAGON wagon os lie roadtIota>'. Evenybot>' knows ýos. Wby Ibis beauty is se citas you coult ipot o! course witb V-8 engint, autamnatie 'a>' lailgate taor n mrosi- astmuci, much s.Lic. X23490.$2 9 M a DONALD FORDl: I ON£ LOCATION 815 KING ST. WEST THE CORNER Corner King W. and Thornin Rd. OSHAWA* AR EA'S ONLY FORD DEALER 576-1800 675100 1965 MUSTANG SPORTS HARDTOP The best ai round sports car travelling the bigiways toa>. Ast you know iow scarce tiese treams are. Natunaîl>' mu ail equipped wi V-8 engine, 4-speet transmission, custain ratio, white walls, etc. Lic. L9071.-$1 9 FORD CORNER PRIcE ------ - ---------- $1 9 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DOOR SEDAN Now we bale about some of lie goot cars liaI anc Iradcd bore et tiffement limes but we must admit Ibis Pontiac sedas bas bat extra special cane. The original owner wau ver>' sorry ta ueo il go but wanted la step up bo a Fort protuet. This car Iu going in make some happy persan a fine famil>' automobile. JusI lie 6 c>'). engins ast standard transmission but everytbing's brant new. Lic. L23984. $ 9 FORD CORNER SPECIAL $9- 1961 T-BIRD Thunder froni lie bint. Talk real sice te tatty about this anc and who knows you could be lie hock>' awner. Not a nicen '61 bird mn this part o! lie cousnry. AIl equippet o! course ast soit new aven $7,000. Lic. 619684. FORD CORNER PRICE -------------- --------- 1 9 1965 CHEVELLE STATION WAGON Wby these wagons are as scarce as the ait fashion foot warmers. This beaut>' lu sparting lie popular 283 V-8 engine, automnatic transmission, power steenîng, custorn ratio and just freshl>' paintet. Original owner's sanie will be given ta trul>' interestet, parties. Lic. X22260.$1 9 FORD CORNER PRICE---------$ 5 7 1967 FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP Finest ail araunt automobile on lie market to-day. One owner sinca new ast we believe you just can't go wrong with a Fort. Nice inteniar, V-8 engine, automatic. power steering ast brakeî, finel>' tunet ratio, etc. Lic. 816934. FORD CORNER PRICE -- -----------. $2297 OVER 50 MUSTANGS IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES Convenient On - the - Spot FORD MOTOR CREDIT FINANCING oecot ALWAYS ÀA "SCOTTY" ON DUTY 9 1 *n 01.1pmeNM4. 1 *% HOME COMFORTI MIM" lý - ---. .-*Umm"