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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1969, p. 3

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u tes and some cardsc fhanks Including eue from Pc Perry Hospital ln appreciatio for the WI donation te th Tuck Shop. The treasurer gav ber report. 1Delegates appointed to Dii Irict Annual in Bowmanvill :fa 14 - Msds. Stanford Vai Camp, Charles Smith, Ken neth Samelîs and Marwoo McKee. Severai others hopei to attend. Several itemso THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS COUNCIL .. . . . . . ... . JOHN Â. ORR, .CI.A. Tihe Public Aceountants Cowi- eil for the. Province of Ontario announees the eleetion cf the. foi- lowing officers and members: President, Mr. J. A. Orr, F.C.A., Toronto, Vice-Pi-eident, Mr. J. W. Glendinning, F.C.A., Tarante, Secetary, Mr. S. R. Brnmtan, F.C.A., Sudbury, Tre.aurer, Mr. T. A. M. Hutchison, F.C.A., Toronto, Paat Prcmidcnt, Mr. C. S. Maaay, A.P.A., Aucaster, Mers- ber cf the Executive, Mr. W. A. Stanley, A. P' A Toronto. Mesrs. A. J. Black, F.C.A., Pont Arthur, W. J. Blakeiy, C.A., Kingston, W. P. Fazackcnley, A.P.A., Windsor, C. F. Gavilier, F.C.A., Owen Sound, D. L. Gordon, F.C.A., Toronto, W. A. Simonton, F.C.A., Toronto, H. M. Strors, F.C.A., Toronio F J. Wcloh, C.A., London and Ë. iN. H. Wright, F.C.A., Toronto. Ahl persan@ who practise as public aceountania in Ontario Muat be lirensed unden The Publie Accountancy Act and must ob- serve thec Cocf Professional Ethies laid down byr Coundil. Auv Information regarding these mat- ters and the Penalties for non- observance cf thc Act and reguis- tiens msy be obiaincd frors Mr. C. Doughty, Registrar, The Public Accoinianis Couincil for the pro- vince cf Ontario, 45 Cha rles Street Eat, 3rd Floor, Toronto 5, Ontario. RICK) LIMI For those 'who send the very best havi just the rn, CARD to accompai gift for any occasic cGRADUATIC. *BIRTHDAY BRIDAL WEDD] * ANNI* Your selection in cur distinctive giJ at no extra charge ;Present Display at Library I l~~~zed Ini 1906. The Proutte have l dl benactive in WI work. Ruth A t a d F r it r ls e was secretary-treaaurer for 10 Repo ts fom 4 M. years and her sister, the late i ep rt f om!Marie Prautt, R.N., wssc Women'sInstitteshe4District Annual la Mayj W omens Insitute l'at Salvation Armny Citadel. jEach Institute is te give $4.00 GARDEN HILL !business were deait with. Mrs. in goods to be sold to help in! WOMEN'8 INSTITUTE 'C. Smith reported on the Hos- xess pitai Auxillary meeting. exMse rn Topon The regular monthiy meet-iMsM ce nrdcd a uao hmsn h Ing of the Garden Hill WI was Ms .MKeitrdcdwsCrtrfor 22 years, gave held at the home cf Mar IMrs. 0 Croxaîl who pt o n a detailed account of ber work Clayton Elliott, on Thursday jinteresting Amway demýonstra- over the years. The bock, evening, May lst. There wereijtion. During her Bingo game wbicb she compiled, contains 12 memlers present. prizes were won by Mrs. C. autbentic data on the history Smith, Mrs. R. Larmer and of Cartwright Township dat- The meeting opened by sing- MsJ. A. Johnston. Lunch ing back to 1816. She dlsplayed Ing the Ode, and repeating the was sevd by the executive. the bock and commented Mary Stewart collect. briefiy on eacb item, telling The theme of the meeting1 from where she received the was Agriculture. Miss E. Car- MAPLE GROVE Wl many pictures and informa- ruthers read a poemn entitied'ito.Sepi pca rb Women'a Chores and Mrs. El-: The first meeting of the to.Sepi pca rb liot gve paer n Cangs'Maple Grove WI for the 1969- utc te The Canadian States- lio70seave awaspheloninhtheeC.1 man for their coverage cf ln the Rural Community. A 7 esnwsh nteCE coneetFod i te MnuWa hall on May l2th at eight p.m. Women's Institute work and contnt Fod n th Men assaid one issue had been devot- enjoyed by ail. Mrs. Howard Cryderman, cd entirly to the work of the Plans were discussed for ouri president, was in charge cf the W.j. (Hats off te the States- contribution te the program ati following business: man!) the District Annual and it wasi Mrs. G. Jeffrey reported for Mrs. Adelbert Beacock was left te Mrs. S. B. Gray an d the Good Neighbors Commit- the genial auctieneer for the Mrs. A. Seymour-Taylor toitee. It was decidcd te again sl fpatec r.Top provide, a number. be a sponsor for our Korean so ale of plantsdc Mrs. TRomW- The meeting closed by re- child. The schooi prizes for Jackson assisted witb the peating the Institute Grace. A grade Six in the two Maple plants. Selling was brisk and dainty lunch was served by Grove schools wili again be cmeiinwt prto the hostess and a social heur given. The June meeting wl friendly rivalry and soon the %vas enjoyed by ail. be a visit te the Henry Heuse sales were completed. IMuscum ln Oshawa on June Luc asevdb th th. The ladies are asked te uc a evdb h BLACKSTOCK be at the cburch at seven executive and Mrs. Bruce WOMEN'S INSTITUTE p..Heaslip expressed the appre- TheWemn'sInsitue wic Mrs. S. Jeffrey, convenor for ciation te Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Te in ten'Tenship e HliAg utrewsihcag fThompson. Mrs. Beacock, Mrs.1 Many favorable comments have been heard by 'Wednesday evening, May 7th,lthe following program: !Jackson and the lunch cern- ýisitors te the display that was held in the base- opened with the president and1 The Roll Caîl - Wear a cor-1 mittee. Mrs. Wilson also ex- -ment of the library on Temperance St. The art andi secretary in their places by thelsage made from flowers, eae1pese her thanks te Mrs. furniture refinishing classes held this winter under signg of the Ode and repeat- or vegetables showed a widelThomPSOfl and Mrs. Beacock isrco r.JseVnNs aearne hi In h CUc.variety of materials used in and all who assisted. intutrMs es aNs aearne hi Theseretrvren te mn-th corsages. The Mtte - AI The June meeting will beproducts in a most attractive manner. This rihot. 01 thing cf beauty Is a joy for 1iMs rdDys ________________________________________ )rt ever, its îoveîîness increases.'- daughter Miss Heather Griffi, oit will neyer pass Into. neth-I ok R ve1er ots nSturday af- ie ingness, was commented on by W. 1. PENNY SALE Boo ___ie terneon te a miscellaneous ve Mrs. E. Foley. She said that YuIle Legs - Kathy Nichols,ý shower for a bride-to-be Miss beauty is a quality cf nature, Grace Manders, Ruth Rahm,!I ~ Faye Giles, Bethany, a num- is people, etc. We, who live in the Marion Manders; Cherry Cake ]ber cf relatives and friends le country, have much beauty -. Marion Zealand; Paper "T h e A rm s o f K attended. Faye received many an close ta us, such as sunrise, Flowers - Charlene Hall, Ani !1W w 5W5Wbeautiful gifts. A very dainty ýn- sunset, birds nesting in trees, Todd, H. Waldowiz, Mrs. Pan- , lunch was served by the two od beauty cf trees in Octaber, etc. da. Barry Zealand, Marioni The fabulous story-cf Ger-187.They aise invented the Krupps used this slave labox.Iladies. ed The beauty of youth, waiting, Zealand, Charlie Hall, Barbara many's Krupp family, span flrst antialr craft gun in 1871 - te be]p produce their munitions Mr. and Mrs. Perc James, of ready for action, is eue of our Bilger, Ann Bilger, Debbie nlng hundreds cf years, haslthis was te shoot down obser- and armaments, despite pro-~ Agincourt were Tbursday din- - best subjects of beauty. Bilger; Cushieus - Theresa been set dowu In superb nar- vatien balloons. tests from people like General ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S Mrs. S. Jeffery read a hum- Langstaff, Susan Waddington; rative style, well punctuated They were manufacturers of Jodl, who said it vicdated the A. Sharp. orous article on how te wreck Cauned Tomatoes - Mary with scholarly research in a submarines for 40 years, start- Geneva Conference. General Mr. aud Mrs. Earl Masters, an Institute. Mrs. W. Laird Joues, Kathy Mercer, Marion new book which has alreadyliug with the U-1, which men- Keitel was hanged at Byren- Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt, town, showed slides entitled Iu Quiet Waldozerch. Reg Elliett, Mrs. won wide critical acclaim. aced Allied shipping and shlps. berg for supporting such policy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love- Places. Most of these slides Lowery, Judy Fouk, Roy Sleep, hIs t "The Arms cf Krupp" 'Krupps' mammoth weapons Manchester recalîs. ridge. Tyrone, were Sunday were on Horticulture, a branch Dorothy Good; Cup and Sau- (Little, Brown aud Ce.) by pulverized Verdun and shelled Hitler rewarded the Krupps evening callers of Mr. and of Agriculture aud were taken cer - V. Thertell, Lau Anu William Manchester, renown- Paris from a range of 81 miles for their loyal support by Mrs. A. Sharp. locaily. Mrs. N. Lea gave a Bilger; Salad Server - S- ed author of "The Death of a during the First World War., granting thern special tax ex- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, humorous reading eutitied How Waddington; Hsndkerchlef -lPresident", dealing with the Their resourcefulness in the emptions which continued ta Mrs. Hsrry Gregg, Mr. Fran- te bake a cake. Gloria Nîchols; Wall Plaque -~ assassination of President John face of severe restrictions is1 be binding in postwar West cis Werry were Friday supper The meeting closed with the Anne Cooper, Gall Millson, Kennedy. elequently illustrated b y Man- Germany. get n r n r.Hr singing of O Canada sud the Shirley Foster; Plants - Mrs. Mnhse eerhdtecetrwoepan ndti As an illustration cf thelraid Skne, omavl, renceatter ofsthecCollect histeybengaxJean J inîson, GarnetneKrupps'aabilît uneisn ofthe rep inchargye aa, MJ. Jllst ar Cas.Krupp book, a bandsome vol- how they armed surreptitîously Krpp' a lta tsurvive ad-1 were Sunday supper guests unisn. he rou inchage ealad, rs.J. tar, of 976 pages witb 62 pic- while the Versailles Treaty versity, they survlved a Nur- wîth Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. served lunch of sandwiches, Roach, Allen Farrow, Mrs. tures, for seven years before wss in force. By the end of eberg conviction te become' __________ relîshes, tea sud cofiee during Turansky, Donna Hale, D. Bai- wiigI ehspoue 96teKup a efce h dynamo eidErp' the social heur. ley, Mary Winn, Mrs. Todd, wingt.H baprdceda12 h rup a ef cdîbe Marehid uop. Edith Wslton, Diane Langstaff, tremendous and exciting work the Panzers, which overran CMmnhestrkcnut ne r- WrcSTt'VITTTT 'about a family which bas re- France; lu 1940, their cannon Maceeronuedit- v.~.L.aI.a NSLTNJoyoe Hobden, Mary Wade, iwinsv cuteex NOENSNSTTUT r.Grdnr r. ae i mained mysterieus te mauy actually shelled England. vislusencuresex WybeMa, rs. . Strk, ust despite their prominent role Manchester is ai bis best amined thousands cf letters (lnteuded for last week) Thereulr eetngofNe- arto,Dorothy. Stark; Doil on the world stage. when he tells how the Krupp and studied the l3,454-page Days were brightened lasi Th rgla mein o es Hroo, ooty tr oi-armed the forces cf the Kaiser transcripi of Alfred Krupp'swek ittharvicflcs tieon ome's nsttut ws ls -Mar BradbutMr. Mnchste prves quaend financed Hitler's "Terrer Nuremberg trial. The docu- ocf bob-o-links sud orioles, the hl tthe home of the presi- Dobson, Mrs. Irene Martinell; worthy cf such au ambitious lcinin13.m taonsIprsveth dent Mrs. Ceeil Wilson ou PillOw Cases - Mrs. Frew, undertaking. The Krupps corne research scholariy. thnefmales , gh oreildnce Wednesday, May 7th. Mrs. E. Tyrrell, Mrs. Egrie, alive under bis searching, One cf the more grusesome There has long been a need yeilow warblers sud myrtie Mrs. Wilson chaired the Carol Lycett, Mrs. Sweetland, analytical pen.ý Everythiug parts cf the book'is Manches- for such a book on the Krupps. wrlr r eetc meeting and extended a wel- Mary Hale; Umbrella - Dor- about thern was superlative. ter's account cf how the Krupps Manchester has Met the chal- wrlr r eeto corne te ail. Foliawing the othy Turansky; Salt sud Pep- Krupp cannons won the Fran- ruled 138 privately owned lenge admirably as a hla- The quantities cf raln, even epening Ode and Mary Stew- pers - Mabeli Ellioti; Dust co-Prussian war at Sedan Iu concentration camps. The torian. %orne hall or sîcet ou Suuday, art Colleet, the secretary-treas- Part-- Jasiet ý,Yugmre-Fre--. . . __-----l hamperiug spring field work urer, Mns. Richard Davison, place Matches - Linda Lang- an ~*~sd holding back growtb. c rend the'minutes sud thank- staff; Dollar Bis - RoyE I I Grass la doing niceiy though you notes. A letter was read Phillips, Rounie Martineli, Alf- N S KM1 L L E Nsud Rae Tufford bas begun from Mr. Wright, a member red Jakeman; Glad. Bulbs - - grass cutting at the cemetery. of our sister Institute lu Eug- Mrs. Todd, Mre. Baptie; Ash (Iutended for last week) Itou, Graham's Garage, Hay- Katy Langmaid, Solina Ladies were quitiug most cf land. Included was a picture Tray - E. Szententvaui, Fred 1Ge a ar, last week ai the home cf Mrg. cf ber aud lber husbaud wben Nichols, Annie Planke; Cord Motber's Day was abserved don, GlnReDiyno- Mrs. Elwyu Dickey T. Wilson snd ih was net fin- bie was pncsented witb a medal - Mary Wade; Dish - Leona wlth a most delightful sud in- manville, Rickaby's, Bowman- aud Velmna, Bowmanville; Mr- ished until Frlday moruing. from the Queen for 25 years Wilson, Mrs. Langstaff; Nylons spiriug message froni Rev. J. 'ville, A & P Bowmanvile, and Mrs. Clareuce Staluton, OnWdeayvnigMs of loyal service. Many cf the - Marg Wadc, Beverley Cass- Loughced. The theme was Alvin Boyd (Western Tire), Beverley. Brenda and Brian, damesT.WedlsdnanevHniPgyMe- members met Mrs. Wright lasi welJ, M. Hendersan; Bock and God's message te Mary, the Bowmauvilie, Stcdman's, Bow- wcre Motbcr's Day guests ai sTtisnsdH an yean wheu she was entertain- Crayons - Lynu Ceuroux; miother cf Jesus when hie said mauville. Mr. sud Mrs. Milton Stainton's. borenedof m tinLloyd tKegg ed t Ms.Wilous hme Th Dsb loha Ms. rodbet"Thou bas found favor witb Mr. sud Mrs. K. Worden, Mr. Jin' Van Camp sud Welceme, for the purpose cf uew bock for the Cursior ar- Neisha Neal, Dorotby Mercer; God." Our minister aaid "every Oshawa, were Sunday guests frlcnd. Listowei, werc visitorsdscsigwt ohe UC ived (total cost $16.80). Doua- Vases - Annie Jonca9s; Kuit- cbild la a miracle sud holy ai Mr. sud Mrs. 0. C . Ash- wîîb Mr. F. W. Werry. grcupsin wth twnsbp th tien te Red Cross was ackuew- ted Spider - Linda Downs, thing sud a parent looks with teii's. rusith tonipte ledged. Ten dollars donation Miss 1. Mercer; Meus Socks - awe ai a new babe." The We are pieased to report Mr. sud Mrs. Clarence Avery changes wbîch will be requin- was voted for the Tuck Shop Glen Thertel, Roy Sleep, Lav- glorY that shone. ou the mn. Mrs. H. Stainton came home wr iioswt n and ed with re-alignmeut. Mrs. C. lu Port Perny Hospital. It was cru Boyd; Sand Pails - San- ger babe in Bethlehemn shines frornibospîtal on Friday sud Mrs. Augus King, Little Minuifie cf Hamilton Town- decided te have a booth at the dra Dennis; Place Mats - Fred ou babes ail over the world. spent Mother's Day witb bier Britain. ship, past Western Regional Pine Ridge Cuberee ou June Nîchols, Mrs. W. Mercer. Mrs Mary did as she was teld sud famiiy lu Bowmanvilie. Mr. sud Mrs. ROY McGiil, presideut, waa present te assist l4th. Sqenteutvaue; Cups - Neisha accepted direction sud if we Mr. sud Mrs. Floyd Pethick Mr. sud Mrs. Kelih McGiil and iu the discussion. Mrs.Kelg The roil calil "Wheu I joiued Neal; Bowls - Maureen Wiî-hdpoe iece u ed u Bill, Scarborough, were boys were Sunday dinuer ts the present holder cf that the Women's Institute"l was kens-, Plastic Glasses - Karen cd Ih today wc would avoid Mother'a Day guests with bis guest. of Mr. sud Mrs. J. office. quite intcresting and Informa- Coatham; Tes Towels - Mabel present day turbulence. Mary is parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Kinsman. Many reflatlveg sud former tive - the number cf years Elhliot, Mae Garbett, Dot Mer- is channel of God's saving Pethick. Mr. sud Mrs. Ailin Cole sud neighbors attended Uic funeral membersblp rauged fromn 55 cen; Glasses - Mrs. Feddema; channel cf God's saving mes- Mr. sud Mrs. Ross Rowlands, baby Scott, Bowmanville. were of Mra. Gladys Brooking in years te one year. Those with Eggs - Mrs. Lowery- plastic senger wbo with ail mothers Scarborough; Miss Clara Page, recent visitera witb Mr. and Port Hope on Friday afiernoon. 55 years service have weather- Boat - Mrs. Pandolph; Table brîng life sud uew light ta Toronto; Mrs. Howard Brad- Mrs. E. A. Werry. Mrs. Bmookiug bad taken sud- ed the Une, are still very Cloth - Dcrothy Bailey, Lena the wonld. ley, Mapile Grave; Mr. sud Mr. sud Mrs. Ted Werry sud deuly 111 ai the borne cflber *Mrs. Ross Page. Solîna, were family spent Mte' a o.M.AlnBokuPr active sud young ai heant. Garrod; Horseradlsh sud Jam The Messengers occupidth e kend auyso.M. lanBooiPr There was a pleasant inter- - Mrs. C. Fonk; Mnrican Via- front pews with their leader,'vserndandi Moihcr's Day wîth Mna. A. Perigoe, Caes- Britain, the previeus Monday lude in the day's routine wheu lets - Susan Waddington, (before their bl-rnonthly meet- rs. . eI sdMrs. E. Mn. sud MrsageR. Howesud fie ufinngPotsHeheavy tk. Miss Ruth Proutt was asked Mabel Elliott, Pearl Clarke, iug in the Sunday school roorn) A .MGl n rs .M.adMs . oeadatrsfern ev toe te corne forward. Iu well Mrs. Turansky; Cake Plate - te hear their story about the)A Werry were among a num- jail were Sunday visitera Mrs. Broeking had Speut the à chosen ords Mr. Wilsn ex- Ms. Egre; Tart - Don eberccfthcousins iwebergavesushnsrs. gav.aPienson,. Dsh-ermos Oscf o berolifer lue i bishsares. choen ond Mr. Wlso cx Mr. Enes Tais Do De- cp tat ndeS had whichblbouse warmlug party te Miss awa. pnessed appreciation te Ruth nia, Betty Brenuan two; Lip- was baud made by bis mother Wln er h a ae n u r.M olr u nStra feno for bersddiatn d or k D ioerstick; Holder -Lrnda D Lngs ud cei d dery b l . up ouse keeping lu a new family sud Mrs. Lycus were pnîvate funeral was held for theyers udMr. Dvionstaf;Fude LruaDenî, The beautîful flowems ai the apanimeut lu Whitby. She is visitons witb Mr. sud Mrs. Mns. Carol Hoskin aiteuded by preseuted hem witb a life memn- Edua Dobson; Books - John sitar were placed by the fam- going back te nursing. They Raiph Lyens, Oangeville. the bereaved families sud close bersbip pin sud certificate. Zealand; Pictures - Miss 1- illes cf the late Mrs. Wm. prcsentcd lber with s loveiy Mr. sud Mrs. Ralph Xiinîue neighbors. Miss Pmouti thsnked the lad- Mercer, Mary Richotte; Cakes Moore lu her merory; aise by table iamp sud somte other sud girls, Mn.J.A Wey, necth fe rmaug les for their kinduessansd sald - Mrs. Balrstow, David the relatives of the laie Miss litile kitchen gadgets. Mrs. Roy were Sunday guesis.f . s er vic Oes wastheid hem oniSn- he ohrwsacatrBon o odr r.Em er.Temînister Werry, Montreal, attended this Mrs. Harvey McGiU.. day moruing sud for that es- member when the Nestieton Tuausky; Socks - Pearl exteuded the syrnpathy cf the party for Miss Werry sud waa Mr. sud Mms. Leonard Stain- ýson flowera were placed in the - -Clanke, Mrs. Hales; Bread - cougregation to Mrs. R. Grif- a Satumday evening supper tan attcuded the chmstenlng of cbumcb lu mnemory of Mn. sud Wima Valeka, Doms MacDou- fin in the bass of hiem mother. guesi cf Mn. sud Mrs. E. their grnddaughter uitile Lîsa Mna. Simnon Barowcieugh sud aid, Vi Thentell, DomothY The chcir's anthero, was "A1 Werry, visited with bier 95- Crydenman at Eldad Suuday baby EienKavu.Tem takLetter Hoider - Olga Prayer for Mothers." . year-oid uncie, Mr. J. A. mrnring church service sud were beautiful fiowers there, Brough, Rag Douas - Billie The UCW wili welcorne used Werry and Mns. Bartindale sud had dinner with bier parents, tee, in memory of Mrs. Hoskin Dennis, Jini Tsbb, Annie clothiug for their sunual bale, ail spent au heur with Mn. F. Mn. sud Mrs. Keith Cryder- sud Mrs. Brooking. The choir's Planke, Pearl Clarke; Place Our CGIT hadt s busy week W. Werry. mnsdgadaet m u ntheni was "Savior of the Mas-Joy Brown, Mrs. W. (1) guesi cf Tyrone CGIT ou Mr. sud Mrs. Roy McGill Mrs. Evereti Cryderman. Lawly" sud Mn. Muuroe's Fam- Mercer; Tcwcl sud Face Cloth Tuesday te view Sorne inter- weme callersataiMn. sud Mrs. Mrs. H. McGil sund Mrs. E. lly Day message emphasized - Alice Cobbledick; Tmay - estlng coiored alides taken in Chanlie Langmal'sas d Mrs A. Werny atteuded a miscel- the love due te mothers snd- Marion Foster, Bernice Milii- Hong Kong by Miss Gibson cf1 - laucous shower for Miss Came- ga.u; Table Omusment - DavelBowmauviîîe.- plus sorne en ln Wry biet-e Thmower. Miss I. Mencer, Mrs. joyable entalrinment and daugbterrcf Dr sud Mns. Geo. &A Y SLambier; Bubble Bath - Mrs. delicieus lunch. (2) Regularý NOW IN STOCK !WerOhwatebon -Dobsou; Humbugs Leila meeting au Saiurday te final-cf Mmx. Wsawa, Se orne r~~U J> ~ Clarke-, Ses Sheils -Debbie ize business frorniconcert sud1 o e th s u Ms aniePl [TDYoungman; Taffy Dale Ma n plansfrist sdQeu s PL ve t os .arkd farilyMaricusl Henderson; Dish - Dl a. palantand mips arttaarvsid n.d m ,Mr. Art ol-SECA Seare enough ta ders. Gloria Nichois, Mrs. The group wishes ta Say a visie lard a ndgam. AtPl ;t . . . we Laugstaff, Popsicle Maker z special thank yau te the don FScOOT sI Mn d rgAham, Wmr AnBroomama; Slippems -ors frthe lucky drsws at .andfmiywre Mothn errDy F % ,ght HALLMARK Barbara Bilger, Pst Carnuth- their concert who were locally jF 0 rad fner gu est iMm. esd Mns ers; Caunister - John Fonk; '- Wearn's dGarage, SlemoM.nan ars ny juat right Drifiwood -, Pansy Patton; Store. Werry Tran. Ashtonj n.sudMr. ohnBele ion: Doli - GloriaTodd; Stockings Transport, Aven Rep. Mrs. MC'Ersande Kedron Bele, - Dorotby Stark, Miror - Wm. HoWeils alse tb FuIlerr's DA S hiip ay aer aiMn. r )NPauline Waddington; Boys, Brush Rep. Mrs. Bryant, Hamp- ' DALS 'sudayKae Oao . ' Shirt - Shirley Copping; -! FLAT and RAISED aud Mrs. R. GnIffii's., REG. $49,95 Childs Toy - Debbie Richotte; Donna Haie; Baby Blanket- HEELS Liad Rby r e Su Knday SHOWER Clothespin Bag - Fred Nich- Edith CLuhn; cIG C LO R TA s aeRobgus e SuhnW: s SHWls; Deck Pants - RonnieMr Leta Samis; Girl Guide C LU E TA Sspgu ets of Mns tineil, David Brown; Apron C Fookles - Fred Nichol;VR Iea orth omn m sd.m. ratWcr.C NGMrs. B. Hoy. H. Mercer, Suit su Pati s S loi elfrtewra r.adMs rn e Hazel Farrel. Dora MacDon-;Todd; AneCopr oninually on hersdfmiy eeSuayvit The Canadian Statearnan. Bowinanville, May 21, ion9 their great responsibility ta the family. Mrs. Wm. Barrowclough and Ceunie cf Peterborough are spending Monday with the Harold Barrowclough's while Wm. is conducting a group cf students to Niagara Falls. Many from this district at- tended the Home Show in Port Hope on Friday and Saturday. In preparation for thec km- dergarten classes to begin next fall, a meeting was beld at North Hope scbooi last Wed- nesday evcning. May 7th. Those attcnding fromn here were Mesdames L. Parnell, C. Harrison and H. Tobin. Mr. Carlton Payne, Port Hope, father cf Murray and Howard Payne, is in Port Hope hospital. OBITUARY The death of George Bar- Donoghue741-; men-Morley tholomew (Joe) Dilllng, aged Etcher 886. 87 years, occurred at Mem- High Single: Ist Scheduls:- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, Iadies--Audrey Osmiond 348g, on Thursday, May 1, 1969, men-Pat Yeo 368. 2nd Schedî following a lengtby lUness. ule: ladies-Hilda Brock 333t. A lifelong resident, the de. men-Elton Brock 386. ceased was born in Bowman- Higb pins went to Cap ville and reoeived bis educa- Gord Wiicox, Jane Smith ELak tion ini town schools. He is Welsbh, Gayle Piper, Iïrn1e7 survived by bis wife, the Dickens, Gail Millson. former Louise Jane RoIson. The new executive for the Mr. Dilling was a painter 1969-70 season are the followw and paperhanger. which trade ing: President Larry Piper, he commenced when about 17 Vice-President Jack Davis, years of age. He was self- Secretary Hazel Donoghue, employed, except for a few Treasurer Hilda Brock, Direc- years prior to his retiremerit, tor Harold Moore. about 10 years ago, when he was employed by Mr. J. Flett. AIUBouUcCiNew Also for many years, in ear- lier years, be operated the Ilealin Substance, West Beach store and dance e hall during the sumrmer kilw j«spfli months, selling the business just after World War II. The ________________ deoeased had resided at 38 Queen St. for many years. Surviving, besides his wife, A renowned r'eamrch insUttute ba are one son, Rance of Bow- found a unique healinlq sabota=i manville, four grandchiîdren,1 with the ability to shrmnkhos and six great-grandchildren. .'thoids painlessly. It relieves âh The funeral service was &Bd discomfort in minut OM held' on Saturdiay, May 3rd, UpeauP heaimg Of thiiiJoe4 from the Morris FuneTal inilfid tissue. Chapel, Bowmanville, and Ini case after case, whle se* was conducted by Rev. G. K. »m!ng pain, actual redùctwa Ward of Trinity U nit e d ohfinkage) took ploe. Churcb. Intermelnt was In Most important of f-I Bowmanville Cemetery. wue > thorought.hattbuo" Palîbearers were Messrs. U wss maintaied &wr arm, o Wallace Dilling, Bernard Dii- ci many months. ling, George Dilling, Andrew This was acM w Diliing, Jack Aflin and Lorne Do 0- Ailin. iýq 'o ,1 Among the many lovely oiS% sinao rit floral tokens, mute evidence tùi of the esteem in which the Nw7oDniofem deceased was held, were those anoBodynifSedi from the Material Conucij&kZri"d Department cf General Mo- ao s st ùto OrYom- tors; and the Bowmanvllle Lions Club. CHANGE 0F OWNERSHIPI Mixed League The annual banquet of ther mixcd League was hcid onx Saturday, May lOtb at the Memorial Park Clubbouse. The Park ladies served a delicicus roast beef dinner. About 80 bowlers attended. Presentations were made to thc fôllowing: Champs., Capt, Vince Prout, Maurice Rich- ards, Gerry Dickens, Gaylà, Piper. Harold Moore, Kày Blanchard. Runners-up - Capt. Larry Piper. Ruth Mitchell, Les Smale, Joan Brunt, Lloyd Stainton. Marie Yco. High Averages: lst Schedule, ladies--Shirley Davis 213; mer&. -Larry Piper 265. 2nd Sched. uic: ladies--Onie Etcher 228,0 men-AI Osborne 237. High Triple: lst Schedule, ladies-Mary Ann Richards 745; men-Dick Perfect 9U0. MRS. 2. KERR 0F Goo dbrandFabrics announces a change of ownership . . . and takes this opportunity of thanking her many customers for their loyal patronage oveir the past eleven years. Your continued goodwlll will be appreciated by the new owner, MISS KATHY TEERTSTRA Iry Cleaners CLhuciUe ~ MOTH PROOFING jp ODOUR PROOFING MILDEW PROOFING Y'es, everything that la drycleaned in our plant. gets the full treatment at no extra cost to you 1 Plan to see "'Johnny Belinda" Royal Alex, Toronto, June 3 to 15 Ail Proceeds Opening Night ini aid of Deaf Tickets avallable at Frederick's Pharniacy BOWMANVI LLE 'FiCLEANERS CLEANER "We Speriaize In Shirt laundering» ýLTHIS WEEKI1 ~~ $3 4-95 (Ail Human Hair) (Ail Human Hair) $24.9- LEAN - STYLE - SET - FALLS - flAIR PIECES 623-2932 FOR APPOINTMENT "G's HAIRSTYLING -M MIG ST. W. l 1 84 KING ST. W. -'4 -qR@mmý shows some of the paintings in the background with four of the students admiring one in particular. They are, from lef t to right, the Rev. Glenn C. Taylor, his wife Mary, Mrs. W. D. Thickson and Mrs. Austin Stephens. 623-5520

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