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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1969, p. 8

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T -, -, -. ~ I ~ Trop~y Winners in tii. Ladies Major League Bowling dAELS NOT QUITE THE SAME Oshawa Green Gacis, ta tho beit et aur knowiedge, have eompiled what muat rank as the greatest accompllshment lii ttc hlstory et Canadian sport. Everyone lii this area inuit ccrtainiy b. aware that the Gaels were organized In 1963, and in that very flrst season they won ttc Mute Cup as national junior "A" lacrosse champions. The Green Gacîs eontinued to whn, amassing ne leas than six successive Canadian championstipa. In tact ttc Oshawa aggregation doesn't know what it'. like net te win the Mute ei.ip. ail sports dynasties muat -.-...~, te an end - ~ wd the question la - how long can Uic Gacis continue te......................~..4. .~ win? Oie of the Ingredients that tas tunned rnany a defeat .~. into victory has been ttc Green Gae4s superb condltioning. ~' ~*' '~'-~ They stant working on it long betore ttc season starta, and t.~. ~-... with their fait runntng game, the defending champions can go just as hard lii the late stages, when ttc other teama are rtanning eut of gas. Ability et course means a lot - but a player with ail ttc ability h the wonld isn't worth hi. saIt unlesa he tas that spinit and determination to go along with tt. This is a At the annual Ladies Major League bowling They are from left te righ cbmmodity the gneen-cîad cnew have always had and Iikely banquet held at Memorial Park clubhouse recently, League Pres. Dot Bond always Wl! - but this yean they face their stennest test. this team was presented wîth the wînning trophy Lewis, Betty Piper and St In the biggcst change since they were tonmcd, ttc Gacla I~se five players, uncludhng goalie Merv Marshall and Dwlght flavies, who played on ail six championship teams, and Joc Fuels Away to Big Star t ~rasnaj, those three to over-age. The talcnted, hustling Phil Olaytoî, a member et five Mute Cup wiîners will be pdaying ~r Huntsvile, whlle Frcddie Gneeîwood has quit. h addl- lJon - Terry Rowlaîd is a doubtful starter. r. M en's Sofîbali Loop Four of the new playens are h their Iast year et junior &»npetitloî, also a radical change from ttc usual pollcy. The Senior Men's Town fcw ended play. ters and issucd three fre. pas- Eut although more inexpenienced, ttc Gaels will have the Softball League got uîderway Newcomer Roi Smith, a real ses. biggest club ta thein history. Three et the newcomens go over last week with twin buis on power-hitter, smacked thnee mv GlU aid Reg White eacb ~0O pounds - Brent Muîroe, Genry Maya aid Ostawa Gen- Tucsday and Thunsday nights singes to lead the 10-uit at- gannered doubles in the iosing at ttc Memenial Park. Dcfend- tack, Tom Pearson rappiîg a cause, singles going te Ray crals' detenceman Bob Stewart. ing champion Stephen Fuels triple aid double aid Kim Moore, Rick Fowlen and Althougt he won't be available fuli time, coact aid j remained the oîly undefeated Rogers a double and single. "Chuck" Kilpatnick. ~eneral manager Jlm Bishop was tappy wten Ross Joncs I team as they decisioned Ken's Other Real Estate hittens werc The nlgttcap was a wild- oventually announced that he would retuni to active duty. Men's Wear 6-3 and out-lasted Veni Grubin, Ai Guennsey and scoriîg affair that saw Ted £,nes was Uic O.L.A. scering leader last season, witt a record Walter Frank Real Estate winning pitcher Demis Sulli- Hoar's infield bouncer plate 12-il, van. ttc winnhng run as Steptcî's ~1 goals. Ttc Realtons wallopcd "Sully" chcckcd Kramps on won 12-il as tt~ curfew end- t. Captain Jim Hlggs, likely to b. named te ttc Ail-Amen!- Kramp's Funniture 10-2 on four safeties, ciaimcd 10 stnike- cd ~lay atten five complete ~n team for his play at Conneil Univcrsity, wiil be back Tuesday, aid then ttc Furni- eut victims aid waiked thrce innings. turc crew came back to dc- batters. John James, retunnung Bob Abbott came on in re- tnr hîs sixth scasen, etter returnees including Don Stinson, teat Kens 7-3 later h the te acti'on iii the senior circuit lief in the fourth, retired ttc carry Lloyd, Chante Manlewe, Chuck Li, John Cînyton, Peter wcck. took over ttc meuîd chones side on two pitches aid held Yipond, Bill Langiey, Bob Gouiding aid Lanry Stniglcy. hi the opening game, veteran from DIck Stata te stant the Franks sconelcss hi the fifth Attenxpting to fili the ail-star shees et Mcrv Manstail, hurler George Stepten took fit th aid was taggcd for seven te register the wiî. Larry Per- "B" grada ntgbt up whcne he ieft off in hits, four earncd and three un- ris started for ttc Fuelers, ai- ,O~e goal-tending chores wili ho starcd by Junior last seasan's piayoffs, spiîning eanned nuis. Stata finished up, lowing seven hits, wthic walk- .~$- Tom Christie aid Ai Ashtoî. Big thhngs are cxpected fnom a six-hitter, fanîing seven aid with ttc loss going te ttc ing five aid fanning oie Bob Black, fermer Oshawa Genera].s aid Petenborough Petes aliowing ttrce walks. "Chuck" starting pitchen. batter. Zackey player, and a lacrosse staîdout îast seasen ~itt Kîlpatnîck took ttc les. with James collected haIt et Uic Denni.s Sullivan went ail ttc Eramalea. relief telp from Bob Wihliams Funniture tits, swatting a way for ttc Realtor~, allew- iii ttc third. douhle aid single, witt Bob iîg eigtt safeties, six frce 0f interest te Bowmanvlilc fans I. Uic news that Murray Dan Ginardi was ttc big gui Hdllam aid Vince Vanstone passes, oie tht batten aid Çawker la rated an excellent chance te break tata ttc Ostawa for ttc Fuelers, ciaimhîg ttree pickiig up huit singles. cîahming ttree stnikeouts. ~he-up. Jhm Blshep tad thîs te say regardtng Cawken, "He singles h ttc nine-tit attack. hi Ttunsday'~ first game, Abbott was ttc eîly Fuels ,mpares wlUi the very best et any young mldget age players Lloyd Hamilton, Bih Bruît, Kramps wenc iii front 2-0, player witt more than anc Be b Abbott, Larny Pernis, when ttey put tagether five hit, contnibuttag a double aid ~e have ever tad trying ton a bcrth with ttc Gacîs - te Colin Cooke and Frank Mo- tits for four fittt iniing tallies single, while George Stepten 'wiU b. a good oie." hum stancd ttc otter sateties. te take a commanding 6-0 singled aid wound up wtth Murray played on many local ail-star clubs, whflc ~ A big four run third inîing bulge aid weît on te past a ttnee REIs. tather George was ttc bantam coach and motter Mary was that saw Kens almost get out 7-3 decision. Penris aid Fraîk Matun ot it witt a double play, made Hdilam tad a triple aid eact rapped a double, with quite active Iii Uic Littie N.H.L. hockey mottcn's association, ttc differeice. double aid James aid Stata Colin Cooke, Dan Girardi and Whei Uic family lived iii Bowmanville. Guy Parks, Demis McFect- each a double aid single ta do Russ Hately addiîg singles. * T-wo et lait yean's cîtnies - Mimico aid Taroîto Mar!- ens, Kilpatnick aid William. most of ttc damage aid For ttc losens Roi Smitt ~oros have jouned farces under manager Mortey Kelis aid ganiened singles hi ttc losing Krarnps salved reute-gehig les- ceitinued tii carly season cause, witt Rick Fowler con- er Bob William. for 10 base slugging terohes, sma.tiîg a ~oact Clanke Puiterd, witt ttc out-apoken Kelîs tavhng gene tntbutlng a triple and Reg knacks. Singles by "Butct" triple aid single, wtile Bob oî record as statung that ttc îewly formcd Lakestare Maple Whitc a two-baggcr. Cele, Eanl Dobec, "Mec" Riet- Manjernison aise deuted a Leafs wtil win ttc Mute Cup. hi Tuesday's nigttcap, ards aid Bih Ritchie complet- triple aid single te drive iii Wheî wc asked Bistep about this, te said, "If ttc Gacis Franks broke Up a close 8-2 cd Kramps total. ttrec runs. baIl game by sconing ttrec Stata tosscd a five titter, Kim Rogers' two-bagger cerne aleng detensivcîy, I tttak we can stop their great times h ttc flftt aid four tanîed six aid didm't give up pîated ttrec nuis witt Garth çiffence." more in ttc sixtt ta post ttc a walk te even tis record. Linten aid Veni Grubin cal- Dr. John Phillipa la ttc assistant general manager, wtilc 1-2 victory, before ttc cur- William, struck eut four bat- lectung singles. aur aid buddy Haraid Hudson is team manager and Frank Wtîbur, a tard worker if there ever was oie will be personnel director. Ski prof essional John Nichais 1. ttc Junior "B" ttc Ostawa Juvenhles. Recreation Reviews t t t t t PEE WEE flAivnAry. . r.~i. UELEBBITIES The third annual Sports Celebrities dinner Is coming uî on Monday, May 26th at Oshawa Civic Auditorium. Honorec guest will be Boston Bruins' Eddie Westfall, a native o: Oshawa Fuil later. MATCH THE MOWER WITH THE PDWER FREEI FREE MOWER WITH PURCHAS~ 0F A NEW INTERNATIONAL* CUB CADET t. Don't miss the Ng MOWER FREE for-ail . , stop lit now. pick out tii. Cub Cadet or Cadet 60 Iawn and gardon tractor you want f rom six mod.Is . . . md get a ppfarmanc.-matchsd International Aotay Mower absolutaly FREEI J'Mar Equip..n: C.. PRONE EU4U Ut WINO UT. E. 8ow1uiwv1u~ LEAGUE > Thursday, May 22-2 Sena. ¶ tors vs. 4 Orioles. Saturday. May 24th-4 Qd. oies vs. 3 Tigers. Tuesday, May 27th-2 Sena- tors vs. I Redsox. Thursday, May 29th-i Red- sox vs. 4 Orioles. Saturday, May 3lst-3 Tig- ers vs. 2 Senators. Tuesday, June 3rd-4 On- oleq vs. 2 Senators. Thursday, June 5th-3 Tig- ens vs. i Redsox. Saturday. June 7th-2 Sena- tors vs. i Redsox. Tuesday. June lOth-4 Ont- oIes vs. 3 Tigers. Thunsday, June iZth-3 Tig- crs vs. 2 Senators. Satunday, Juno l4th-.-4 Ont- oies vs. I Redsox. Tuesday. June l7th-1 Red- sox vs. 3 Tigens. Thursday, June l9th-2 Sen- ators vs. 4 Orioles. Please Note: Ail games at Vincent Massey Sehool Groundo. Saturday games, 9 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday evenlng games at 6:30. ATOM MERlES Memorlal Park Sattirday garnes 9 a.m., even- lng games - 6:30. Satunday, May 24-2 Expos vs. 4 Mets D-1, i Cardinal. vs. 3 Braves D-2. Monday, May 26-4 Mets. vs. 3 Braves 1)-i. Tuesday. May 27-2 Expos vs. i Cardinal. D-1. Saturday, May 81-1 Card- inal, vs. 4 Mets D-1, 3 Braves vs. I Expos 1)2. Saturday, Juns 7th-4 Mets vs. 2 Expos 1)-i. 3 Braves vs. 4 Cardjjtals D-2. Motiday, June Otli-1 Card- mals vu. 2 Expos 1)-!, Tues- day, Jutis 10-3 Braves vs. 4 Mets D-1. Baturday, June 14-2 Expos vs, 3 Braves 1)-I. 4 Met. vs. I Cardiriais D-2. SsturdéyJwi. 31-2 Expos vs. 4 Mcfm D.1, I Cardinals vs, 8 Braves 1>2. Atea, Tourna - Co~c1i Lorno Cascag- nette; *~ul scI~uatt.. Stsvq Bob Rogers, Mike Buttonshaw, Darreli Goudey, Dan Jennings, Tim Buttonshaw, Ross Reld. Cardinals - Coach Larry Dewell; Jody Ross, Larry Hearl, Ivan Cunningham, Don Jeffreys, Jay Scott Beatty, Barry Beers, Robert Read, Joe Nowlan, Rene St. Louis Belle- feuille. Alan Brunt. Mets - Jim Beers, Chuck Bablch, Dale Cary, Gary Lane, Darrin Stewart, Jim Murphy, Jeff Lunney, JefI Donoghue, Perry Johnson. Braves-Reed Meachin, Greg Brunt, Paul Fice, 1) e a n Holmes, Kevin Gibson, Steve Read, Rick Stacey, Mark Charland, Canieron Gardon, Marcel Charland. GIRLS' SOFTBALL LEAGUE PEE WEE SERIES Wednesday, May 2 1-Queens vs. Pabs Cab. Thursday, May 22-Pabs Cab vs. Ramblers. ~t1~ Lodqe~ Canada's fineut Resait Hotel SPECIAL FAMILY WEEK RATES Budget Economy Wnks f rom $69.95 * * 7 nlght., 7 broaklaats, 7 <linners * AeUvltIe, Include: herse- baok Hdlng, golf, wator- skilsg, uaIlIng, tennis. * III. ut. Tremblant', ehalrUtt. * AUUIéUIIC French - Cana- 'i dia. village settlng. * Geurmet Ihiners WUiTR FOR t 11$. frambla~t, F4, Menday, May 26-Sturrocks vs. Quecîs. Tuesday, May 27-Jcffreys vs. Phillies. Wedîesday, May 23-Qucens vs. Jcffreys. Thursday, May 29-Phillies vs. Ramblers. Monday. June 2md-Pabs Cab vs. Sturrecks. Tuesday, June 3nd-Ptillies vs. Qucens. Wednesday, Jume 4th-Jef- frevs vs. Pabs Cab. Thursday, June Stt-Stun- rocks vs. Ramblers. Moîday, June 9tt-Queeîs vs. Ramblers. Tuesday. June lO-Phillies vs. Pabs Cab. Wednesday. Jume li-Stur- rocks vs. Jctfreys. Thunsday. June 12-Pabs Cab vs. Qucens. Monday. June i6-Jeftneys vs. Ramblers. Tuesday, June 17-Sturrocks vs. Phihlies. Wedncsday, June l8-PtlI- lies v*. Jéftreys. Thursday, June 19-Quecns vs. Stunrocks. Manday. June 23-Raniblers va. Paba Cab. Tuèsday, June 24-Sturrocks vs. Paba Cab. Wednesday, June 25-Ramb- 1cr. vs. Ptillies. Thursday, Juno 26 - Jet- fneys vs. Qucens. Monday, June 30-Ramblers vs. Sturreeka. Tuesday, July 2nd-Pabs Cab vs. Jeffreya. Wednesday, July Srd - ~ueeis va. Phillies. Ail Rames at Central Scilool 3nounds at 6:30 p.m. Eliris' Softball Loagno Teaus Jeftreys~Joye Rosa, Pattie .~yle, Canal Stane, Mary )avey, Kelly Joyner, Susan Justan, Jean Perfect, Jannett ~,Tray. Glenda Buttery, Susai E'inillne, Caroline Steel, Diane rown, Shirley Sellera. Sturrock Fuels-JnIje Pear- ~n, DaIs Stoneburg. Lunda Vlxltebead, Rose Sheetan, )ebble Staunton. Doua Bur- on, Chnistine Westover. Stelly ry, Kathy Spencer, Annetté 14 Lnifra. airôn N0~Is. Vsima Derry-Ann Hubx~ard, Irene Mc. Farlane, Diana Johnson, Jan. *tt HI!!,. Bey Taylor, Wendy Marahail. LORD ELGIN BASEDALL ATOM MERlES Saturday games, 9 a.m.; ev- enlng games, 6:30. Saturday, May 24-.--! Giants vo. 3 Pirates; 2 Dodgers vs. 4 Astros. Tuesday, May 27-4 Astros vs. 3 Pirates; 2 Dodgers vs. i Giants. Saturday, May 31-1 Glants vs 4 Astros; 3 Pirates vs. 2 Dodgers. Saturday, June 7th-4 Astros vs 2 Dodgers; 3 Pirates vs. i Glants. Tuesday, June 10-i Giants vs 2 Dodgers; 3 Pirates vs. 4 Astros. Saturday, June 14-2 Dodg- ers vs. 3 Pirates; 4 Astros vs. i ~ Giants. - * ~ Saturday, June 21-i Giants vs 3 Pirates; 2 Dedgcrs vs. 4 Astres. : *~ Lord Elgin Atoîn Tcams ~ ~ Gianta - Coach, Jim Schultz, ~ Tenry Mornisen. Fraîk Leact, .-'~....Brent Badoun, Sicbold Osinga, Edward Visser, Ronald Vis~cr, Kevin Sctultz, Dwavne Sctuîtz David Jaceb, Geraîd Monnison, -. Jerry Lcddy, Bahby Bickell. Dodgen, - Ceach, Vie Auger. Mark Shackelton, S te v ci t, Kelly Biggs, Doreen Park, Duni, Darren Stewart, David Capt. Dot Brooks, Mabel Lavergne, James Patter, Fred- ella Brown. enick Rypstra, Lea Lootsma, Ken Auger, Ian Muîday, Bilan Gratam, Russe!! Greentam, Dlckcy. Jeffrcy Visser. Pab's Cab - Curt Vanstone; Pirates - Coact, Terry Black, Jayne Manstail, Margot Mc- George James. Patnick Reyn- Tavist, Kim Burgess, Cindy alds, Peter Burrows, Davld Masters, Je - Aine Dilling, Gateteli, Jettroy Patter, Manty Ctcrly Marchait, Judy Pat- Preston, Kevin Ward, Danryl erson, Cterrtc Vaistene, Dore- Jane., Eddy Sallows, Wayne tty Hagg, Donna Hilditet, Ponter, Donald Farrow, Mict- Aine Auger, Dale Piper. aci Rcyîalds. Phillies - Bob Smith. Don- Astres - Coach. Ted Dadson. na Haynes, Barbara Gibsen, Demie Prout, Philip Visser, Teresa Payne, Cathy Pappin, Altent Visser. Murray Visser, Starron Piper. Canilyn Grant, Roi Kiîg, Clifford Sloos, Paul Cynthia Mernison, Jeane Pat- Hedgson, Richard Krakcnberg, ersen, Roscmary Fice, Stcliy Revu Woolley, James Martyn, Leddy, Lorraine Martin. Vin- Ronald Burges.. Rarnb1~rs - Brian Martyn. Karen Connelly, Bonnie Ren- deil, Diana Harness, Chris Jones, Cindy Thompson, Fier- ene Visser, Grace Vandergast, Debbie West, Marilyn Harvey, Janice Wray, Christine Sellick, Linda Taylor, Cindy Cowle. Queens - Kiwanls. Susie Marshall, Nancy Jackman, Lee- Ann Mimer, Wendy Harvey, Robin Martin, Nancy Hubbard, Get Cash Today For Old Appliances through STATES M A N OLASSIFIEDS Phono 623-3308 138 Wharf Rd. I~I. ______________________ S - l'h. Camadian Stato~an~ Eowmmwlfl., Mmy 11, IN ~ s ~uri' ~ BSPORTopucsI table - Brent Hughes, Los Angeles Kings' defenceman. M COMPLETE SERVICE We will excavate, grade and lay asphait la your personal drivcway or patio, Guaranteed workmanship by skilled personnel with the latest equlpment. PHONE 623-5410 FOR FREE ESTIMATES CTEDUrLI FUELS & JIErULII PAVING Bowmanville You just won't find cars that'll give you more sheer, ego-pampering luxury-car for car, dollar for dollar-than The Challengers! Try to match Pontlac's standard luxuries like fuIl-glass aide windows and Upper- love! ventilation. Do something for your give those humdrums the old heave-ho. The WldeTraCkerS from PofltJac£XC(LL; See your local outhorizccl Pontiac dealer COWAN PONTIAC-BUICK I j 16 KIng Sf. E. Phono 6234396 er heatm~. ego - get a fui! measure cf Iuxury. And a very challenging break away deal, And J ~2.~ I j ,~ 1* y SPORTOPICS COURSE CLOSED This Saturday, the flrst et several tournaments plann.d, Wl» b. held at Bowmanvllle Country Club, when the Seniot Golfers wlll swing lite action, starthng early in the morning with breakfast. The course wlll b. closed te ail other player,, including green tees players, until 3:00 p.m. Atter that, everything w!!! return te normal. 'I. i* i* *1* 1' SPORTS CELEBRITIES DINNER The firsi ever sports celebnîties dunner lii Oehawa was a tremendous success - the second time around It was evon - better, and there's no reason why the third annual Oshawa Sports Celebnities Dinner shouldn~t be tue best yet. The affair gets underway this Monday at the Civie * Auditorium, with the reception at 5:30 and dunner atarthng at 7:30. Tickets are $15.00 each, and chairman Terry ~eliy, the well-known Oshawa lawyer, advises that they may b. ebtalned fnom any member of the Green Gacis lacrosse club. However, Gacîs' presldent Bob Taylor was telllng 'as that they are looking for a record crowd, with at leait 1200 in attendance. The tickets are going veny fait, se any cf oui re~ders who are planning on attendlng, should act qulckly. Some nlnety bead table guests are expected, tncludlng a guy named Frank Canlesimo. Just who is Frank Canlesinio? Exactiiy the question we asked. He is the athletic director at Fordham University, and a top after dinner speaker, featurlng plenty of humor. Carlesimo has been featured ai the Washington and New York Touchdown clubs and rnaxiy athletic banquets throughout the United States. * The Celebrities Dinner will honor the Green Gacli, six time Canadian Junior A Lacrosse champions, Oshawa's own Eddie Westfall, a standout performer with Boston Bruina, and the golden jet, Bobby HuU. Bowmanville ivili have a representative at the head By Fnn~ Mohua 623-1234, CAN-AM RACE AT MOSPORT Another huge oeowd la antlclpated ta ski la tho firit major event ai Mosport. when the Csn-Am Challenge race Wl!! b. held on Sunday, June lst. The wtnner Wl!! recelve the Laiatt's Trophy, wlth *60,000 la pnize meney te ho dlvld- cd arnong the top finushers. Berne et tho early entrants include the 1967 and 1968 UnItcd States road racing champion, Mark Donohue, and 1966 winner Chuck Pansons. ' On. et Canada', fincat auto racing exporta, John Cannon, lite ex-Montrealer, wlll b. driving a new MeLaren. Also expected te sec action are morne et the world's premier. race drivers, such as Bruce McLaren, Demis Hulme, John Surtees and Jim Hall. i. i. t 1' j'

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