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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1969, p. 12

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................................................................................ j *.. .~. .L. *. -t.. the Victoria Day holiday lu aànlMr ar I~~~ra tI foI ar-(Intended for ls ek- Lti isJnte yn ] ers but thie heiv downpour edntofi D dington Counal ~stopped many a planned hike. e sokdb GDPt ev iayi.adrpr othe next However, the birds were here, which Sam Painrwssrck Ased eovr swse ibe presided during t hei counicil m'eeting. red starts. WiIson's warbler, by i ar Hditi ftrat haif of the meeting Of A Ile from Mr. and Mrs. yellow, yellow throat. myrtle Sam ts a patienin oot sapetn JX o b8r1ington Township Counicil S* Morton referring to dus? and magnolia to name a few. Generai lield in the 'IbwnshiP Hall,'contrnl was received andiNMore thrllling than these was ter. o! Os Ho eeSna r.Hln Wlhk X&mpton, on Friday,-May 16,'fidonamtnbyCucl the slght, of blue birds seen by i ateroOshawar nteZlu ogBrnhwsarcn ii id fleeve Carl Down W fleon a motond CoiB-Wiima Nichols on Friday and afamio ih h ozbfai itvoidably deta;e.Ai ter1e.Saturday of last week. Alohr e.fMrl. adMs onWlh r n r.Jh uhr Members of ouncii Council-,Th Marilyn Nichols was lnTontwrw Rr 'Carence Tink. Councillor 1d Suerntndn Toronto, recently with the Ger- Baker, andhe Councillor edentman Toont, wreweeendmuthelan anogilsweroSed, m~~ asauthorized tn make the îs rmtPr oe of Mr. and Mrs. H catv feno iioswt r n 4lan J. WerrY were present necessary reparsto h odHg Sho.V iî the Mrroir.Nomn uh ,On a motion by Councillor isurface over the miii gates at Goethe Institute. She spent forsea otgo. Mr ilk seconded by C u 'llrHampton Mill. Tnie was dl thîs past weekend there also.'RieTîm n r.Ja radadVlreadMs Baker accont~ oriAili cided on a motion by Coun- visiting. i nBnrf vrtein Bkr cutsfrArlcillor Werry, seconded by. ieheatt ewcte Bpt Deputy Rspe Gibs. Iceetkend.e passed for payment. They in- were home for the weekend. Church, Sunday.Ges ClUded: Balaries $5,034.08; we1_, Councillor Werry, seconded Paul Austin has completed an- je a e.E tare 19.574.73;gnal3. by Deputy Reeve Gibbs, mov- te ema nvriyad~ 097.42; road~s $3,62q.96; and ed that H. J. Gascoigne, Lim- Is free for the sumrmer........ of Baptlst ChurcBwa- FRODAPANE road pay liss 5,771.51. itd1b eqe tVo Investi-1 Church service was held at r nUr.Ml wte T TS A Coucilo Wrr gate the condition of the o! Weicome on Sunday morning Mtrdt eeand Ohi C ASIFED tha conci wil are~to he'andi give counicil an estimatel usual. Mrs. Harold Best hadl ternis set out of the Del th ofo re-roofing. Thisicharge of the junior as. m~ent of Lands andi Forests fo hntngin199 ear~ ~was carried Paul Hoskin andi Lance Paynel Mre undtning ht6 eheon A By-Law authriiing an'received the collection andi the, agreement with the Town oif Intermediate boys led ln thel tb'wnship's recommendationsi t s a la t e Bowmanville to finalize the closing prayer. It was deciti- wil b cosiere fr nxtannexation seulement wNas eti that for the annlversarv, measo. Ths wa secoded y gien thref, readings, passed,i Sundays, Sunday Schoo ld eciinclio Tik, nd arred signed, selîe and number- begin et 10 o'clock, beglnning On a motion by Councillor ýed 2416. next Sunday wlVh Weicome i Wer.seconderi bvCouni- . - anniversary. lor Baker, Clerk-Administra-I ________ tor W. E. Runti was author- W SL YVL EA sponsîble persons or zroups i-A nnuai rrorn On Saturday at Smart's Esso Service Centre, South Courtice; first Brian Tink, South Courtice, third for the conductof a dispiay (Intended for last week) Waverley Road South, Darlington Public S ihol held Donald Goyne, South Courtice and second Jay Terreli j F LIEl5~ of firpworks in specifieti l- The topit' for the May meittheir annualBiyl Roadeo and aeyIscto ofHa tn Constable Chalmers should have been i eninsing of the UCW was the pro- E jy d a uner direction of OPP Safety Offiçer Constable John this photo but, unfortunately, was detained at hom byCounillor Bank. moe andpi nited Churcof hes. Po Count ry Club 'Chalmers. Winners of awards are pictured above, because he had contracted the meais Over 50 stu-i B yore Esfraeo acyu that the Road Supemîntendent gramme convener was Mrs. H. [o ntyfom le! t right, third Janna Bray of West Courtice, dents took part in the roadeo e ou 11.5EsoHmdfe ntle o be Jauthorized to place dire'- Reeve and her gmoup had in- second Nancy Verbrughe_ ofSalem, f irst Wendy Hoy, 1__ _______ ass beumduse tion ilgnsAtt he intersection:1 vited members of the Anglican The Bowmanville High ol 6.8o h i49 O! the Scugog and Tauntonj; Church Vo corne and discuss thei School Sping Prom held on R * * * A letter re farm re-organýiza- .ny698 Rondes. This was carried. isubject. Bishop Henry MarshiFriday evening, May Pth at C W tM~ f M ion was tabled. A commîtteefoony$98.YupyntngOWl of Baltimore was present to he Bowmanville ConryCub-.y * -.y M asnme V ecr ifom- %l '-~ mot! Councillor Tink moved thatljead the discussion and answe R w wonderfullly successfui1 tion re the propoeibstp ohn ni >LuriSLLJIrIIIL" à tender for supplying a truck, questions. The programmewbe- e lvent. The girls in their Iovl adrpra oe bsti, ntigu submitted by .1-Mar Equip-lgan with the singlng of 'What fra veiggwn n her Joanne and Paul DeSmit, Changing Vers waq given' and Mrs. Bey. Javnes, Lake- adrpota next meeting. A ment havinR been rpecev Colour Is God's Skin" led byvoung escorte. had a delightful were home river the holiday1 by Miss Anne Ba;rrahil of! shore, were caliers.fulrpto!heecnDi-ame s after the hour set for closing, Mr. Marsh. ad"h ods** wi d fr*andndtVOvein oniMs DntierA i aConvention bdterahriAseilitwI Wxl nt e onidre, ad y hehed" snTh orthe evl n ing, was as great- eknd fro m d theoffend gi r .- on and Lois.were Pfle- jin Bowmanviiie, was given byimreasure yourhmccua w choefth wil nt e cnsdel an i î Y Seperd, un toth ýlv enjoyeti by the teachers who lwhere t.hey , are attending fresMment pmovidedbv guests wii be retumned inVothe bidl tun o he1fpy Wanderer. atened.sccil. Cw ts whoide im e . MrstsBrue w Mand 1ys h'2voted Vou supperoMrtheM. Samis. including Vhs Es1ofurnacesisofghtforyou.CAlclona- der. This was seconded by' Aftem an Introducorv talk,! ... t w Ih t ever- Mi s Brc Donnelly ad bo s tion was vtd t Communityl Councillor Wermy. and carried.1 severai questions were present Special credit is due to those. Mr s. J. Dubeau entered Me- one had a chance Vo mingie Port Hope. Hall, toward more cupboamds. Councillor Baker, seconded il and al joined ln the dis- 'responl for he arrange<mofa'Hspta, owanlleG.h hscrwdan iprv by Counrillor Tink, moved cussion. It was pointed. out ments for this memorableearlYý last week for surey hi cuitne etnil . Convenor Ms cu that the tenders be opened thte earl Methodisýt Spring Prom. They are allwhlle another local resitlent, Mr. and Mms. C. H ½te Newtonvllle Womns Insti luhpeetdthspor 1o gi e o of r anti this was carieti. Reeve: Church ln this country was Grade 12 students. The Proiml Don Thompson, was ln ho's-,ý lefV Fria evening Vo attend tute heiti their May meetin.~a Motto. "Conservation i n Down arriveti anti presideti episcopal andi bishops vlsitecj Chairman was Jerry Porter 'ia r odyt e e-the Postmasters' Convention at Vhthe omneof Mrs. S. J an- of thel US tool A Hurrîldinfier or for the rest o! he meeting. the area reguiarlv. One mim- Those in charge o! diecorations a u!eig ocsioàKngtnovrVswein. atrls etnsayatr e a ufrn ocsin as life, but It wants leisure i On R motion hv Deputy ber. wondering If the new, were Rachelle Hunt, Beverley the resuit o! a bicycle aci gtnoe h ekn. cst atWdedyafer -Reeve Gibbs. seconde<i bx' church woulti leave room for;Anderson, Maumeen Wood, dent. M1an rlaod ronnon iesaatniac o 7enb Ms . tpltn andi famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Bihladie President Mrs. A. The Topic, "Agriculture", I U IIU I I b h Councilior Wemy it was de-'the tiversity sure to be fouintiDebbie Sol and Ron Shacl- Tuesday evening saw anoth- Wade anti family were at hs Watie openeti ln the regularlwas discusseti by Mrs. G. Mc- cided hat Vh tend rs me- afllO g 50 m ny peole, w s ton. The m mbers ! Vhs Re em all ga e at hs srhces h- horelraceialeBeie-ill. Sat i way theh hs Ode Mary Stew- ullouu, with reatings y a t s v u n g s ceiveti for supply of a fi ve, assu red great diverlt existed; fresh ment Committee wpre: tween parents andi teena gers. u rdtiav. lart Collect andi Lord's Prayerj Mrs. G. Stapieton and Miss B ton truck be eferreti to he, already both ln the Uniteti Sheila Hooper. Leanne H-arris;with "Vhe olti ones emergingl M tiM H Seat'In the absence of Vhs Secre-iMliii gan descrîbing new types Road Supeîntendent for an-, Chumch and ln the Anglican lanti Cathy Blaker. The con-'as victors! an rcs itoi ! îe ar.N- Treasurer Mrs. M. Samis of Rrairi anti floux' whith have" - Church. Those present besitie:venor in charge o! favors d anti Temnaeetani - TonwracwekdV îsctorof s -, acteti in that, capacity, reai- een developeti through the IOI .regular member weme: Mrs.iSpot Dance Prizes was Chris ployees o!-Bell Canada enter-Mm anti Mrs. G. Stapieton. ei ng. iaca eom n edntb r.A ai ____________Mash. Mrs. N. Hodgson and Samels. i etng iac urprtadso-n y r.A Wd i Mrs. Sandr GoeigofiPortHownpeed te;usnbesat With Mrs. W. C. Robb for! corespondence. Including notes entitieti "No wonder the farm ___________il__________ ____ *oe Mrs. Sad.Gondo!Port oe ritc deoain n atei ailso etonvi he Vsweekenti were Mrs. Art'o! thanks for ths work o! Vhe! ers are geting rich'*,foilowe -and Mrs. R. Scuithorpe, Port spring theme provideti a and districVto an enjoyabie1Boýnnett Ann and Derek 0fiSuoshine Com mittes. . The ilby the moll caîl, "Name a prob-1 1.1~ II Bitain. Vhbuies- charming setting for he Prom "Telephone Night" ln hs' Port Credit. Presitient expresseti apprecia l em o! Vhs farmer on a small 1 Durng he usiessperloti anti alhof the tables amotidSuntiay School hall, iasT ues- A presentation for bride..! ion to Vhs groups for remem- ifarm". A sing-song. wit cnut by ths Presitient lhs tdance fonor was centreti day. 1eiect Miss Doris Martin was bering her parents at hs time Mms. F. Gilmer at, he piano _______________________________ Mrs. T. Wilson, a letter was with roses in porcelaîn -vases, Manager J. W. Lowry lntrlo- helti at he home o! Mrs. Garn-, a! their wedding annivemar.*endeti hs program, af ter General Insurance reati !om ths littie girl in' lent by the Carnation Flower duceti those responsihie for the! et Rickard, Newcast.le. anti Inrsaet ee Ahchlnhad h sa ALL LASSS 0F Hong Kong, It was tiecirledti o o.Dnigwa noeiV'various services, expîaîning local ladiies attentiîng in-l Cnvnossoeci met a l wbich lunch an Vhs usuaiR ' serve a cup o! ea foilowîng he popular music' o! Dilck, their functions. anti each maneti Mrs G. Stapleton, Mms.H Mrs. C. Ferguson's. home t ocilhî-orws no d HR VE1 COMERCINAL anES the annlvemsary. There was a Valeau's Orchestra. '.pln Vhsnew programs anti a Mrs. C. Bmown heldti he PiONE 9-2 COMRILLNStoiti a littie o! he work which Stewart. Mms. S. Lancaster,', ' n itEe983-n206 gooti epres ntaVi n o! em- I Theme were numb r o! as be n acc mplis eti. ms. C Farr w, Mr. C'eeply s Vo se nten Mapi Grov luck cup nti a precntdon , ,* * * * , Contact: bers presentantial enjoyed Spot Dances anti the fortunate ýwhat ts planneti for he future. lBrown, Mrs. F. ersnaino l ibsbe copihd n r.C arw Branch accepting their Invi- jthe'hostess was expresseti byjYour E1 o snat~ eiis JOHN M MILLANtation t visit them in October. Vh Presitent. -.JH eILN further discussion durtng'serv- winnems ail receiveti attractive1 The audience was ln\,vi t V Mr. anti Mms. Jirnm Aims i i 923-3111 or 623-3950 iig <of refreshments.prizes which had been donateti iAsk any questions tiesireti, or;i weîre weekend guestsof Mr.~' lsebt a ~mi.i NW 14 FRANK STREET, The Reeve household ha5'for hs event by local mirh register any compiaints me art Mrs. Alec Brodie of Paken- bf, 0mrI BOWMAN'VILLE milet o their sumrmer home ants. There was a delliclous, service - wbil severai titi. Anha which seems_ oofficially usher buffet supper. ___illustratedtitallk entiticti "The! im - A miscelianeous bridaI show;ý- ~ er ln honor o! Miss Frar'ces - Stacey was heiti Suntiay after noon et hs home o! Mrs. Ray41 iGibbs, Bomrmanville South. Mrs. ,Ilm Casweii drove a Iload of Boy Scout Cubs Vo hs Maple Grove Cub Athietie MeeV. Saturtiay. where ber son. Paul, was successiuli n wlnning three ftrsts ln Vhe events, anti aitogether obtain- leithe highest points for the uta feno ii iig M.anti Mrs. Clinton Bromrn Itors with Mr. anti Mrs. Clive AT OS A W A WO D PR DUCTSCox anti augh ers, north of AT OSHA A WOOD ROD CTSli:Suntiay e" callers wlIth Mr, anti Mrs. C, Brown were ; Mr. anti Mrs. Hilton Avery, 1GALLON FREE WITHN Start M« '41- Vhs venig Anlverarv eri iin hse.Junior Choir. the names iiem ltcoebtweyu UMUUULU ~n~Lw-mE~w U~TEfl ~ elr' Sorans - Vicki Harris, * ~ i r L U UL J U JLDV KED I1L ILK ~ jDariene EllioVV, Michelene Han- STEP LADDRS ASEBARDMEATRS ris, Tina Marie Searle, Loi Sturdy - Six Foot Ideal for Cottages- Miles. Ralph Searle. Ricky HriCindy, Brown: altos- <~InC'OA UKimn Harris. Dehble àDn aid. Cindy Elliott, Carol Henti- $20,J0 1 Staffleton. bwight S e a r l e,S M D E I V E R D C S H ' C A R Y - D o u e H enderso n . ~DELIVRD CS'NCRYDLVERED CASH 'N CARRY With Mm. ant i-Mr. C.*R. Farrow anti Glen on Sunday . were Miss Linda CaIl. New- S E E E W L L O N C A A L O U E F R B IL DI G N E D Scastie; D arlene Bow en o! Cambmay anti hem fiend Susan Baker o! Vaientia. Dinner guests Sunday, with Mr. anti Mms. F. Gilmer weme Mr. anti Mrs. Alfredi Redknan. Oshawa, anti Mr. anti Mrs. S. Wilh Mr. and r, . COURTICE SHOPPING CEMTR Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. UM28-1611817Cecil Carveth ofNewcastle, NEW COUILTICE SHOWROOM H3OUEs Hope, Mr. Wilbe.rt Butit, Dais, Tue&. - Wed. - 9 s&M. - Pan. Vriday - 8a&.m. 6 pin. Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Reli, of Tliurud y - Sa &m . - 9 pan. Saturdl7 Say . M. .-Orono. S ey u o o uh rz d O d o ied a e . Mrs. L. Richardison was a' 'Ssyorlcl u rzd lso>l elr A Ldinner guest with Mr. ant Mis. A. Watié. whiie Mr..ant Un. lHarry Wade ie N1ew- ROY NICHOLS MOTORS IIE!~ ma a caftie, wtt Mr. Melville Hold- ýà%» T«Tî N M TO*ýê ONaVýfy c MnFlon MafltbaCOURTICE - PHONE 72U-6206 W E~~ ! I~~ p P ' ~we r. 8ippS2' g u a a nmd M r. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ", . Ill-T--l-4M4ýýli

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