'1" Il I Meo candimu Sttunm, Ewmqnfe. May 28, leu i A. ~ 'r4 DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIEDi Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. BirthB In Memoriam Coming Events -Cards of Thanirs Articles for Sale 1 Artidles for Sale Livestock For Sal __HelpWateNois BARTLTT-Ted and Kay are ALLIN-In lovlng memory ôf 1 Barn Dance nt The Wheel. i I would Ilke to give special1 WEDDING gown, size 12-14. LADY'S bicycle, new, 3-speed, BLACK mare, 15-2, good man- QUALIFIED Iriterrdera- LC.MsnQC.awOie hpyto nnounce the blrth EdIth Marion AlUn who passed1 Saturday. May 31. Dance to thanks to Dr. Mikios and'nurs-I Phone 623-3095. 22-1i caliper brakes. Phone after 5, ners, %Vell broke to Saddle- or. with references eehn lsduni ui 4hecn of teir son Matite John, away May 26th, 1968. u. the -music of Willhie and The1 es on first floor for their kind - - .- 123-3832% 22-1 623-2186. 22-1 623-2973. 2-'Tedyeeig 0oCok 7f Ib. 7 ozs., on May 23. 1969, -Ever remembered by hus- Somerscales. 22-1 ness during my stay in Me- QUANTITY of feed barÏe-y. - 19-7' OuQhawa Generul Hospital. band Norman and family. Don A-ysey-npb care- morial Hospit,' Bowmanville. Phone_623-5079. 922-11 LIJMBER-Logs sawed to your FEW registered Jersey cows SHORT-ORDEIR co.sit - __ Prtoud.grandparents are Mr. and Frances, Reid and Timrny, dmtrcahS1aJn Mrs. Ethel Sellegi. 22-1OA- .requirements. Merrili Van and heifers. Telephone Ororn work. Voyageur Rsarn.63.50-6331 and m. arryBarlett T.ceI.22 * otope85-57 2-c S othank Dr. Sylves- tanvill 786-247.l 219832-5463T.D r h ePRAETorsmemîI . MMMrs. Donald Davey and Jirn and Dorothy, Usa and 8. Phone Rowe Travel Agency. ,ta, ae. New-!Camp, Blackstock 986-4346. 18-43 __ 22-2: Newcastle. 987-4231 2 22-1' __ - ter and nurses for their çiD-I DNETTE suite, coffee table, TENT trailer, sleeps six, with boars,, approved for govern- 1 help. Apply Curv] odDet aecsafrnme ________ COWLING-In memory of a Corne as you please dance, ness and friends for the manyivenetian blinds, bird cage,,boat racks, good condition, ment premnium. Caîl 263-2354.!Products North PlnOoo1fngtcaî eeie.~' r COCHRfANE - Roger and derhsbn n father who LeglonHal tudy May 31, cards received while in hos- Iarnp, numerous articles. 21 reasonable. Phone 623-3283. 22-1 cneln h 4hu e~io paMay _____on My231, 167:TNUT12.eRoylngmbablonde. ptTWO JmenSt.,rowHofente.Chry rina (nee Çould) are pions- Just a thought of sweet Bar. Pnizes. $3.00O couple. i Charles Hone. 22-1* 2e2e My2 n 3.2-'-1CETU ednboejTW mnfô-H ~to announce the arrivai of bremembMaanceandb0. rr21 bo eclen oniin n al wl anre;ýmsTreFr ~w 1 n s.J ff e r y T n d, ~ ,iu st m e m o r sa d a n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 1 - 2 I w o u d Ilk e to th a n k D r 1 C O L U M B IA a n d re d ra sp b e ry B O O K S - -Dnr hax colle g e tend ti nen t9,3e3m a-re5 4as1e7F.s. O n n i S a d p n ndJd yn b.js neadsetdvto atdneo h esnat !Sylvester, nurses of SuniaPcns hone 623-5123. 2- If interested Phone 623-2063, - -17. 22-1'1 Diana Motel. Orono 8-29 t6am 1 969oa.t o T aHs al, y Of cries who thInk f you. Solina Com m unity Hall, Sat-iFloor and X -ray Depart mnent BA Y ar age g od co - _ __ __ ___ __ __ __22-14 NEXT year have Polld 2- n d c o e 2.16,a Me oaiH pia.-Sadly mssed and ever re- urdy. May 31 st. Earl Brown«si for their kindness, also friends BA Y crig, go o- C aves.- Registered P o 11 e d ELDERLY- lady reqie ie Bowmnvile.A brthe an mebere bywif, Nia, nd rchstra Evryoe wl- ad rlatves or ift, crds itinieasoabl. Tlepone OX lans a N. . crne Henfors fr sle.aunhtsi comanin,È.gh cor--a 2-.x1 Bmuter for AR botddyand __be_______fe 623-5846.rchs22-ifverHighwlayia2d elatiesofrna Road.rds 6a-5â6.,2Concession2 an8,olClarke. Frmsmaonceciomforlrkbemahousefrtan 22-i Îamîly. 22-i corne. 22-1 1 and visits. - .Drive in. Phone Oshawa W est of 11,9. 2- o m n ii. P o e T r no E e ~ n ' ~ ikcOUHI- lhr n ee-HTO-In îcvîng memory Dance In Tyrone Hall, Sat- John VanLonden and Gerrit1 TREES, shrubs, evergreens __576_2139_____9HEREO-D-a-d 8-5041wmnvl. Ph IÇY ( Rec Wlhtare ap a fmteradgandmother. TSONurday, May 3lst, round and ___ 22-11 rhubanb. Phone 623-2161, Mns. 5623.2- 125 HRFR year - l announce te birth o their TreE.bal. _______ 22-i CquarMBanATIg.NMradio-recordTreWestern-1stockerATsteerdio-recoGIRLstornwsocken forrsgeneraIL o235561 aononce he lrthcf teirAmy . Htson whopased ~uar daning.Musc byLeoEdwin Bail and famlly thank player, mahogany cabinet, heifers. Pnivate sale, Satur- housewonk one dyawe. PO. E.AMN son, David Walter on Thurs- away May 28, 1967. j ora ad i Mdnt the staff of Memonial Hos- LARGE deluxe refnigerator, RAi WieAvrie day, May 22, 1969. Proud Just as you were, you will j Ramblers. 2-1ptl omnilwo~go condition. Best offer. iC Victor, $100. 623-542,3 day, June 7. George A. c- WieAvetsr10 / h ~ B. alays ~.Enjoy crulseon Thosand wl coanedfo tele LilSCiand 367 2*after 6 p.m. 22-1 Gowan 778-2213 Havelock. We Canadian Statesman . o granparets re Ms. B alays e. Ejoya crDaveidoT- hBono-s'n deleilcer. fo22he1't 190,anB62-356nv22lle. de22-1 19,JBomaTICEe Zoh.VrilnByadMn. Treasured In Our memcory. Islands mon, Gananoque. Short BaIl during hier illness. AisoUSi) riding -Iaw r, ACTR, ad ndBrown f tk tJEFETV > d Mrs. F. -nr jght, rdOwenawn-Lovin50glyh loadrmenmscreer 100 WESTERN 1 Year-old'REGISTERED N re an bl rghO erfLovly. benbre yl§top-over at Clayton. N., 1 thanked are those who extend- th p., good condition. Phone H~- ex.Ci fe mereford stcer seesanReitedNrs'Adrqu- Sàund. 22-1~~~~ 22~~11 SurdivJune 22nd. Phone dkn oes0 Ymp -h.'623-.1134.ifrsPn2ae2sleevenv'ed. full or parttm Rowe Travel Agency 885-25271.'22-4* ..334 2983-57 77 Onono. 2 Satuhýifrda. ere sa.oih ae irsn o,. SýTH-Charles and Grace Loy aLERIn iov ing m- 2-,1~t GIBSON, Southern Jungle"BOAT, 12 ft. aluminum, corn,- Gowan. 778-2213 Havelock Wei New',castle 987-4441.22jJUY&LV L mhn o nte aearviarHy fage hand Rc- 1ws express sincere fiat top guitan. Best offer. plete with lights. steering deliver. 20 3 PRENE am ahn ofthnk G d aon thersaf e erriv a ard H y a ng29 e96. w1 as- Kiw an s Club Bar - B - Q thanks to thé nurses of Surgi- 623-3998. 22-1* wheel, tarpau!ii, vindshiW ESTERN a-d-Onta-' :EX PFRIE NCanE. fa p l to n T R V L A E C 21,hei d 1ht 9, Clee awtMy29 96. ChIcken Dinner, Memonial cal Floor, Drs. Mikios and Mc- --; and110ontrols.and62.3.3970 ield iooic. I ~ od , o M y 2, 969 a - ver ne emb re an s d ; Park, June 8th, 4 to 6 p.m .! K enzie for their efficient serv- 2.5 H.P. J H S N m otor, * 2 1Iso k r. s l prvatelv everv D hei ~ ~ n x m n .:33 arn., weighlng In at 8 ibs. mlssed by wlfe Maud. 22-1' T I .1 SIe - Iai 1214 czs., a sster for Paul T____,ickets $2.00. available at1 ices, also ait who visited me'electric stant, contrais and bat- ONE 1963 40 h.p. electric start 1 Thurs:daN', (an. ,time bv ap- Ca. 134 King St. E.1 omn.~d eoe h olwn Édar. an tans o r.LAGLRColiiss Electnic. Cowan Motors iand zsent cards duning my stay tery.__Phone 623-5175. 22-1 Viking outboard motor 'and poiftment). Ivan Johnson, ville. Phione 62.3-i69 2- *n o si a d u sng saf. îo î g meo22fa-e1fah r - G. W . Graham. OUR NEW LY RENOVATED !Phone 983-5038 after 5. 22-I1 q39-6855, 1 ie ot f se d on t i a 9 a n v r a yP o rt H o p e n H ie h w a y 28. 2 e m p lo y mn en t . g o b n - M N D Y - [ E S A 2- 1 f eo n h s ,M y 2 n v r a y M O N S T E R B I N G O_ _ _ _ 2 2 - i B A S E M E N T D E DT . J O H N D E E R E s id e d e l v e r v j m i le s e a s t 1 -t f i t s a n d w o r k i n gc n d t o sT H I RA Yn dR D A Fothomng~ mair f s. I~"'rake, $50: Goodison threshiil-tf 1 Appîx' In persan a uvl :0AM :0PM FoMrroig 'Cosats. remembened In THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock We wouid like ta express ES NOW OPEN Imi norngcdton 2.1OSE !WTDI~ood Products SotPln edsdyAM-12Nn -Son Dýck. 22-1' * ie unO ur sincere thanks ta friends'Cone In and sec our weeklyiLeslie Taylor, Burketon. jni , oUOharertath Ont. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar 1Cabro omec n eaten fHgwybargain basement specials: 22-1*, 1 teor our hoHasesAtonSLS aytheeabyeeStra t e theorhongRAHM1In îovîng memony of JUBILEE PAVILION epoesfrthe I eyee eebruhHos uto AE ay r l O S HA WA 8-tf ing, gifts and flowers, on my NMENS DESERT BOOTS $5.99 50 QUART seaiers. en pAIRDY A 1 Seidv ed, for In-str ae-TE ROAIN2- rrwrriage cf their daughten a dean husband and, father. ______________ eieen rn h eat oe d ihsicludng 2 CotURact teiMAY.1 son.aplyoitin fitlgt H O /SI 'Kathenine Ethel, ta Mr. John Arthur Rahm, whc passed re'mentfro he D ME'S DtSSSHboxeus saucerse, so ncartopBCont atv ie Ben.aperlyme. 4Inn S. ,Stanley Harmieredest son of away May 27, 1968. WdemaeJl gh p nt aon and adie Krk. ND LOFES 6.9958.99carrier. Telephone Newtonville Phone263-2157 atrGro n ai i cpsues t. locro BW avlteen6..Eat, uBonnver.2-1CA K MTir. and Mrs. W. L. Harmen. His memnory is as dean today ,oredneby, he memberspcf St.. AND 786-2523.6299- The wedding wIli take place A i n the hour he passed awvay. Gorgb hmme'sAia hrch, at LLOYD86-523 2-1flT Eat, ir,-vil .69'TTTalymhs___b w ___LOYDE21S-2-- REAL ESTATE CRE iChu pc . I y a s U i e n a i y 2 f1 S l d S p e l b e d o relatives and ne ghbors for S O E S ow , w hite, pink . purple, and i _ _ _ _ P t estate agent for E o m n ll Church. 221, the Rectory Grounds fron, 3 ta î is 9tomala plants; washing mna-I FREE ta gond home., Clle area. ExperiencedmagrtoNOTICE ________ TABB-In ioving memory cf -221 gfts. cars and vsis, Rs R4ing St. W.Bowmanvîfle! chine and sash. 29 ScugogS. lc n ht.Ci lr-hî o lsetaavrî ~TEMTE FSr n a dear mother MryEvelyn, 7pm 2spetaf 0fsrialore ad. ___ 0-tfrBomavie 2-ISto.blck a986-4867. Cl 22lr- ing ta psexpadcissos, fTEPANN C M.and Mrs. Ralph J. Cole, who died April 1Mary45;spei ai ofth iank toourses -- a-d BocNKRUPT867BEAGLE Mtembr fmotRelEsae1<.cO ow a vil. ls t a no nel oh r are 1M 8 19 6,en Decoration Day will be ob- Mc e ie ad D. S ar u- t eIo m a mngie mwa to ann u c o h r C r e a , 1 6 ,served in H am pton North M n my sa y n rM e a l Ho- P O W E 1JV V Ltt Stock: Livin g E A L E hound . e -t i t -m onths, M m b r C on ta t L o d.96 , c 6> ~ otc mig m nige Of and fathe, Thomas, May 28, Cemetery. 2:30 p.m., Sunday, jng tOxA7InT1mria Ho-oon, and dining oon le, mae, for cost of advertise- Lee, C Vitcet rsdn, H n Mer Wauter DGenaMVeieen, If we had ail the wcnld 62i-7107i M3s. LA\VN enetpieces, ViFR1., r dalter Don aldVrie, I eha &l968. ldtoJune 8. Rev. A. Cnesswellwi Ms.Ada Carsan. 22-1* Yend.i tJables. caffee tables, ent. 62-707 1 W .ele1 Keith Ltd.. Reaitor, 8 gi-I H ATR0 napi n of Mn. and Mrs. Peter Ver- gv be the speaker and Bowman- ____ Brlggs & Stratton and chesterfieid a n d matching Road. 22-1 ton Av'e., Toronto12 hnntInyTeCoprtoq rysen, Cobourg. Te marriage w' < ,i Aj ville Salvation Army Bond , chair. Store condition. Call 487-3333.2- h anll fCak o lutC paeStudy un edvieltyz and more, l wiil assist with music. 22-2 The famiiy of the late Ern- Power Products Engines 783. -t ars for __Sale ril ae lceSaudaJueTo hean thein voice, see thein ______ est Adamson wlsh to express Aise Electnie 28343.2-tMAor___ 8, 1969 at 4:30 o'clock nt St. smîîe thein appreciation and thanks l-- ALL-- NOW1-65 IN IBLL F85 four-fylw 52psedte2r a'sUnited Church. 22-1 And greet themn at the doar. Woodview Commnflty Centre to redannigosof.ALNWI STOCK i FOR Fath's a, el ineLDorsednMi oBLL condition. EDC(O FiBu.ai_____d__a pret M N T B N Onieands a tn e fhorsthef vinyl .cvered, fron, $79.50;j Phone 623-3826. 22- *Mr. ad Mrs Pred B ut s andween dc deangraest fNTRlGO Oonoan budatons or heWe Service What We Seiliswivei rockers. $49.50; oc-, -- f Mm.andMr. Fed ai- I g an ted ourgrvesfloaltniuts. onaios t Jcasionai chairs. $24.50. Murphy 1'5 PNTIAC foun-doorsnj àridge cf Deep River. Ontario, And icave behlnd tokens of Nx oda h ntroHak onaiiSC N C th O tal H an F u daio ,1 Furniture, King St. W ., Phone 1 one owner, radio, god conaFT R O %nnounce the forthcorning love 7:45 P.M. cards and many acts of kn-6338.22-1* dition. Stacey, 26 Onchard SHFSUE erriage cf their deughter To the best parents God RDBANnes.s. Special thanks to the iw 623-3781. FTS92VSR TH-NAR1MNIIA ýil Patricia. ta Robent Lock- ever made,.EDBA NRev. B. Long, Dr. McKenZie. KngS. . omaviforAME tpsfr ruk, 96 PNIAtw-oo .BAR hrInapont Bn Ccd Hamilton, son cf Mn. -Sedly nilssed by son Murrey O SH A WA Mrs. E. Graham and Ornoa jtauinr.wle on yidr utmtc od ,Ënd Mrs. Arthur Hamilton cf and daughter-in-Iaw Margaret 6-t-f U.C.W. Poe6333 2-2 shaw ,,The wedding wlli and grendsons Kenneth adSeAasn and1amly ____________ so r a 255. I j n oonditco.in e orenoonl ~eepaeSaturdey. Juiy Igth, David. 22-1 Bowrnanville Museum wiil-l c.'rî an eas $. lae al esa ffer qon22-1 C'ONTTTephone 969 In the Community -open Thursday evening, May SLJLL. GRAIN 324-2050, Monday te Saturday. ____-- - Cabr, nteTonhpo t-h h t Deep River. 22.1 W OODLEY --In oving me- 29 t 7:30. New displays of i The fam y of the late M rs o ua1y l B s aieisI22 ---t'"m l ow anvlle or a vr ire (t Oa o o h _____mory cf a dean wife and math- doctar's office, iran, pottery,"sEditoph Leach nwish ta canveFovRen M .a d M s alB r e Jn. Gad, hpa6.d awa pglsnsi ver.Ays t en Ma2 , their hertfelt thanks ta rela-; O ats ICORN Growers, attention! 1ON'E bedroan, apartment, Weli- Spices. Flavainz, Co m t s, c lu up rtn or p oin sh maw a, rs . Eoan i Bun ieth e une 2, 1 56 pe ix d s a e ki a tives, friends and neighbors lSeeding held up! G oing t a hle lington St., suitab e for elde n y etc s- tart your . p o i a l h s a p i a i n sha a i sh ta na nef the B auifl e m o rtes or@elosd Mondays. Schol clas- for floral tibutes, cards of Garrv - Kelsey - Rodneyilate! Need a eai Early Ma- or oung wavrking couple ns wihfro r t mngm a niag er c fB a hba r a one r fus ' il th l on g es P o n d g n o s b yM . p i tm nto r s y p a It h a n d i n d n e Rsse il rS t r m o T a yt u r . ng C i n ? Cil B r u ce41 1-n ojer uP h o nes e a d 2 6 3 - 8 4 5 0 . 2 2nt . lý s y p a h y a nk 1 dP r o d e s s e ls-.tr mW rit e ICo n " d ayru e fon e M ay5 . 1 9 69Pr d ut s Wit ne o r GronWlia ay rs .Lunney.n22- o o Ms hlsadsaf tl aesvea uhl XELENT Spa" A LI smond, son cf Mr. and Mrs. They neyer wear eut, they ____________ ____office building, omnil; Dp.D10 _ _ _ _ To ne er g flost the est oUR S sta ha e Nrs C jsi n Home 75e.tB a80,y8.5h-jay %ea rm t ErIv reas nable rent$80 per m on t 140 5 Richelleu S.s A eeta j lr .O m n ,B t o d e e e otfr ter kn ae o R v y rd C r s -1 Cali Ge. Van Dyke 623-7437.! M n e l7 , ,T E C R O A I N 0 ewfoundiend. The wedding And cen nover b. given COME fn hirkid aetaRe.ed Corn -M nra 20'_ Il tae place Satui-day. June C L E O R Cressweii for is consoling ,8 1969, et 2 pm. I the Sel- Tosme yau mey be fongotten, Personaily Escarted FunaîHm fo fation Army Citadel, Oshawa. T tesapr och at ual om rnthe iyrWTSTNGHO SE quVi,ý-2-et Or--pat eninAVE 22- Bttauwicd you andlde The Leach Famy. CERESMO1RE APPLIANCES services supplied. Funished nO e Mrnd___C_.______ or enrywllawys CLAR TMPD 2- A---Son unfurnished. Telephone la mur lclBranchOfc igsn. whtalest. 61-88 8t Mmngt. nt m. . Leerte.Yonmean-ii lwy CL andAPEE - --J .VLBonus Discount FvÈ623 m go u - il888.r8-tf fse- »Ounce the forthcoming mer- -Ton deariy loved to ever be YELLOWSTONE PARK Articl63-15epussIE-oor gSadleon oueor a GirNoT cE eage cf their deughter forgotten. ....---- hn 2-10Cost plsN1%THE MATTER 0F Seetwigsiah cn met en ul6-27WATER deiiveted. John Nes- BOWMANVILLE, ONT. seilfrtehbeta iue cuaey mison, to Bradley J. Younth. -The Famiiy. 22-10 uy6-2 bitt, 986-4254 Blackstack. 19-8 -t n fMrpneciaMxe1 -i or 0 ingtEbabytr app igurokeeaccuraneyde ai130 1 LANN C unt cf Mn . ad . Mexie NEW ENGLAND and WATER fa sale and deliveed.-- 2 T EN U Y B. Annis, 88 Queen St., back'tyPit. ~outh R R 6 B A- L Lsts griutnCPETODCal îiftetickC63-31. SECTACTRSDICO NT STREdoo t ktcen 2O1R TiDlIanexelenUNT rSTORE ad ainvil1e. The wedding wiIiD al CTHREE-n, 2323 id o om apartment.ideasl'frsm an ecellnterse oTE ATR0 1 ke place Saturday, June 28, For Permanence ani Dignlty A gs 6384tf, THFermaIl Cauh -wlth 71Iea fr Orl'fWh I 69, in St. FraKing St. E. forO couple,,Anouchi9d-16n-or petsain gradwallyoracouple-gnadchapplinationts, iTheradupolytassu 69 n t racscfAsss uuu:SEED grain, tneated, Rodney Rotary Mawer . 3 69,j 7f Khe Tt. Enship et Cearkeslfor omnan Catholie Church, Kings- Mount Lawn CALIFORNIA oats with haf barey. 623-2744.IMC«'25Disl-$406338 please; avalable June st.dienlrposllte .d _____ 22n1arioH.22-"B275" Diesel 864-27623-5381Phhane Bthanv 57 r 3, even- lnereaslng ber value n uapoa il etitdAe n. ntalo.22-'. M em oial Park S p e b r6 -2 STUDEBAKER Senvîce, ne Alli5Chalmers D14 22-i ings, please. or write Mrs. - cere. - ylw 11 asd te lt Deaths Bronze Memorials For Information Phoneo and used parts. ..GrehamsWlthleaer-14---___________ .- . - Fi ~REENLEY - At Memonlal ifaspitel, Bowmenvlle, on l aturday, May 24, 1969. John armvey Greeniey, aged 58 ars, belcved husband cf Wedirie Kncwltan, dean father ufGarry. Harvey. Noreen, Jyce, Rodney, Mark and Shýelley. Service was held inl- 3e Morris Funenel Chepel. *cwmanville, an Tuesdey et So'clock. Interftient Bow- ,i anville Cemnetery. 22-1 Flowers .iFLOWERS eY JACKMAN FOR ALL OCCASIONS SPhone 623-3365 &2King St. E., BowmanvIlle - 15-tf SFLOWERS BY SVAN BELLE E 13.2 wy. - Bowmanvile i 623-5757 3)AMLY DELIVERY TO.- OSHAWA -BOWMANVILLE ÎbRONO-NEWCASTLE Fm .ad Mmi. Herbent M. hlck. Mllbnookc. Ont.. wlii ho S oflie on Sundey, June lat, 1@69, froni 1 ta 6 p.m.. on the --o1n cf their Sth Weddlng 1niversary. 22-1 IB.and Mmi. Ceril Adams. 5 4. Oshawa, wlIl ho pleas- >~ receive relatives and a~&s at Courttce United Mt.h May 31st 'from 2 - 41 't I-9 Pa.on the occasion ai4r SOUs Weddlng Anni-j t it" only. For courteous advice, please visit the Park Office 723-2633 j 46-tf Coming Events iAnyone wlshlng ta go te Yorkdaie Plaza or dcwntawn Tornto. Monday. June 2, Phone 885-2527 Port Hope. ______ ____22-i Anyone wishlng. ta go te Upper, Canada Village and Cornwall, Sundey, June 29th, Phono 885-2527 Pont Hope. 22-3 COLMER -TOURS Pormonaliy Escortei DOON- PIONEER VILLAGE ami FARMERS MARKET KITCHENER June 7th For Inform tion Phone 623-3265 or 623-3093 COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 22-2 JAMBOREE Sunday, June lst featnringr Gary DeLorme and the Country Squires Reeording, Radio and TV Stars Floyd Lloyd and the Town and Country Ail Stars' Gord Grills and the b.od Rangers Cari mli.tt on tile Le. Saninermale, on irumo Tommy St. Denua, ateef gultar Wii I Drkett, vocal ani le string guitar Tom Sawyer. m.C, and voa Gary GUI,. stee gultar, ani many others at the BOWJMANVILLE TOWN HALL Admissien - Adeit. S1.35 Chili,., unir 12, 5h BR0W &TARTS AT lm i'L' loi 623-3265 or 623-30931bng,46-6-23 43-tf PRIDE Seed Corn. Sutan and COLMER Atrazine. Feed crn, ail types. Browview Farms, Newcastle. TRAVEL SERVICEI 987-4474.185 1SiBUYING or seliing funniture J on applances. r al Elmen, SUNNYSmDE PARIK Hampton: business 263-2294, MONSTER BINGO iNE 4 il-evyd tf Thursday Night toerand antenna instalieti, $48-95. Ant n îony, Instali- 7:45 ed, $1700. Phone 623-2006. RED BARN' _e - 8-tf OS~H A W A ]ED washen parts, motors, 6-fSimplicîty, Thon and Moffat __________________appliances, nationaiiy adven- tised i me af furnitune. Paddy's Pleasant Bey Camp, R.R. .1 Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Cousecon, Ont. Chiidnen (8. 42-tf 14s years> - Juiy 12 ta August ust 23 - Soptember 1), $liq)for the ten days. Pnivate Beach. Supervised Progran,. Intende-ý nomninationai. Write. Dîner- ter; Rev. AI King, 23 Senecaý Rd. Trenton, or Pono R. W. Goheen, Newcastle 987-4457. 20-31 ROWE TOURS ESCORTED CANADIAN ROCKIES WESTERN UINITED STATES and CALGARY STAMPEDE lune 29 - JUly 19 - 22 Da.vs EASTERN CANADA. GASPE ami NEWFOUNDLAND Juiy 28 - Aug. 17 - 21 Day. ATLANTIC CITY ami WASHINGTON TOUR Au&. 2 - 10 '- 9 Day. NIOOSONEE TOUR via Peler Bear Express Jly 15 - 18 - 4 Days MEXICAN TOUR Sept. 12 - Oct. 2nd - 21 Days Inclniing Acapulco, Mexico City, Taxce, Cuernavaca, Shrne et Guadalupe Pyramlds Travel Airconditionsi Washroom Motorcoach For Information te abovo tours Phone or write ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY 39A Rieeinagove Ave. P5-ort Hope 885-2527 22-2l 1 RECONDITIONED TV towen and rotons (trade-ins), 40.0 and 60 foot structures; alin excellent condition. Oshawa' TV Suppiy Limited, 723-8131. t 50-tf RAWLEIGH -Products an- naunces Mr. Robent Pankins, HanîpLon, Is District Repre- .entative, F'ree choice of a gift with overy ordor placed when ho rails, an telephone 263-2637. __ 12 D &R SPORTS 67 King St. W., Bowmanville Phone 623-3421 FITLL LINE 0F SPORTING GOODS ______ 13-tf Off ice Furniture Co. Rentai - Lease - Purchase Plains, Telephone 987-4715 NEWCASTLE - ONT»ARIO 12-tf ORONOTRAILER- Sales & Rentai TRUCK CAMPER $1195 TENT TRAILER -- $325, Phone 983-5974 CHARLES STAPLETONj R.R. 2, Orono Massey-Ferguson Case "730" Diesel 1700 hrs. - --------- $4995 Walver et Finance Charges on New Balers, Combines, New aidUsei Trucks John Deere 4-row Cern Planter - - S 995i International Truck 6 cyl. block assembly -- 6 Eqimet E ER'S Nem 1IProfessicnal Building jSTAFF 253 Bloor St. E. Mantee P mvi PHYSIOTHERAPISI Co. Very Reasanable R.ent . Small b ng h t depmrtment Oshawa Cail W. FRANK J needs active, eutgelag femalie 134 King st. E., Bwavll 2-473 Bowaville crat. hoshpist. C oArt en7- Phon o 623-5689 7 8- 4 3 aw a viie nt h sitea p . C M odaes, 3gea- 212-1 2- 623-3393 heur wveek - 5 days. Refer- t Toronto 923-9174 j1urs equred. 21 For appoiatment apply: Wanted--R--jMemorial Hospital GF.wonabl farn end Bowmanville rmMRS. 0'VF.AIL, D. with on without buildings 6333 Phone728-218.40-tf Tel. 6333 TWO n tree bednoom hm,- 37-41 KING ST, E. OW AN IE BowmanvIIIe anea. by ,iuîy i14- Wanted BOWMNVILE1Gond neferences. Telephone- -- Oshawa 723-0079. 22-i1, SWARMS cf honey bees. Cli SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF 1WANTEDH 1ouqe -tarent. 416-52 22-2 or more rooms, rural Bow-' Dead or Crippled manville. Orona area. Threep aduits. Phono 983-5022 Orono. Fr tc 22-J1' a tc ,YONGcople- eq-tr'-oue!PICKED UP PROMPTLY O ut do o r F Urni t Ur e" - M-rgwi Fur lcountry. or apartmont on Tlpoi Colleet 263-2721 PLUS PATIO AT REAR OF STORE ne children. references. Cal L iecNo2--6__ Over 500 sq. f t. set up in Sumîner Furaiture - Business Wanted to Buy UMBRELLAS.............................. $29.95 Up O prtnty gIT9-ý cy. Oi SPARE TIME INCOME GRE tracter, cuitivatar. Refillinq! and coilecting mone Newcastle .987-4406. 22-1 LOUNGES ...................................$29.95 Up frorn NEW TYPE high-qualiltY LIVE -pouitry. aid -- feat he r coln-aperated dispensons in tIcks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- youn erea. No eln.'T any. Phone 7 r 13. 22-i Tables - Covers Swings - Redwood - Toyyumuthvecr 'refenences. $600 ta $2.900 cash. USED single portable milking Sevn t twlveheus wekl machine. Welcome 753-2253 Settees and Chairs Chaisettes- Rockers can net excellent maonthiyin- ofr L6. 22-2n8 ornt corne. More full time. Forale6.2- persona] Interview wnr i te ONE on more acres of tend, VISIT OUR THREE FLOORS 0F FINE FURNITURE Camepean Distrlbutinag Limlted J ail cash; pnivete panty. Write 1302 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Advertiser 992. c/o The Cen- 12-1 Ontario., Includir 'phono num - 1 edien Stateurnan. P.O. Box ber., 22-I* 190, Bowmanvlle. . 10-4' Outdoor - Indoor at utjside upstair verandh cothes uines; speciai for the F L O O R baby: new heavy duty steve, close ta Goodyear. Appiy B. COVERINj Annis. bark doar to kitchen, Brand New - Assarted Colans' 88 Quee n St..,- -- -22-1* : 6 x 9$17.95 W. FRANK j SPECIAL... REAL ESTATE 1 9 x 12 UNDERPAD - $10.00 LMTD BANKRIIPT STOCK FOR Realtor DINING ROOM AND LIVING ROOM OFFICE SPACE 1 MING STREET E. Bowmanvill e PHYSIQTHERAPY ASSISTANT Expenience mot neeessary. Mus ho cheerful and la excellent hcalth, active and flexible. Grade 12 education preferred, but mlllingness aid abillty to leara ln the most Importt factor. Femnale only. 37 N APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARO MUNICIPAL BOAR D hereby appoints mon- Ilay, the l6th day of lune, ý1969, et the hour ef hait past tea o'clock in the forenoon, ti (local time) at the Council it Cham bers, la the Township cf m.iClarke.,((et Orono> fer the 1,hearing cf ail parties Interest- ,ed la suppertlng gr opposing It. this application. i DATED et Toronto this l2th day cf May, 1969. M. FRASER, 8 E A L Acting Secretary rj 22-1 The wlnnen of The Drivers' Association Draw for Baby Beet was Mn. Dean Shane, jR.R. No. 6, BawmanvIiie. 22-1 HYGIENIC Supplies-(Rubber gonds) mailed postpaid -n plain seaicd envelope with pnice list. Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1 or) Mail Ordpr Dept. T-28 Nnv.-Ruhber Co.. go 1.amlton. Ont 1-52 __Fînancial PERSONALY FINANCING Althouigh our people are specialluts, you'il enjey deal- fini with Seaboard Finanre hecause we helleve thet people arçb more Important than bock keeping. Borrow tram $50 te $10,000 or more wlta up te 10 years to repay. Monigago boans are mise avail- able. Manager: James Slack 1 Klngr St. East P. O. Box 177 DOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Phone: 623-3326 SEA B OAR COMPANY OF ÇANADA LIMTED, ,22-1. ý -A MMUaud , --, ýý - - - - - - 1 "le 4 $2049 1 l' 1 J'MAR