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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1969, p. 16

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T.Camiman tatesma, Beowanfflhe. May 29, 19 Former Football Pla yer Celebrates First 1'nom.% Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto, 'Ifttended the serv.ce there on Saturday, May' 24th. end again ,t the famîîy plot ini Bownianville Cemettry at, 1:30 that afternoon. Rev. Mr. J. R. Wayling of St.: James Bond United Church, Dedicted o HepingDeafAvenue Rd., Toronto, and bis W. L Braleytogehertook thesericein orotowith T-els Rotary of His W ork Mr. Brailey officiating for the .The Rev. R.L. Rumbal town Festival's Mu s ic al, wonderful how, which will alerr nTrnowrt â>D. a United Church minis- "1Johnny Belinda" wilI bp benefit the deaf, are available nePhew Edward Van Nest andi r, who is5 the pastor of the s srdb h vneiat Frederick's Pharmacy here, friendi, William Chantier,! r' igeliml Church for thje sosreoythrvnha by telephone to Dr. Rum- AJex Smith, John A. Barr, eaffl' Tornto, gave an inspir- Church for the Deaf, Tor- I jP's Toronto office, 922- Hrl .Ltl adD.Ei fig address at the Bowman- onto. This opening night fund 5360o.on r ryd . Ltl n r m i]e Rotary Club's luncheon raismng project will help> lin- Jack Lander mQved a voteel Sy >teeting at the Flying Dutch- ance the fanm home and of thanks to Dr. Rumbali for For intermaent In Bowman- #ian Motor Inn on Thursday sohool whîoh Dr. Rumbail his interestmng and witty ad ville epeerhe pallEd ar Va dii valuable work for the deaf.1 operates at Milton, and a dress. President Bill Thlçs- Nuit, Edgar and Fred Wright, fIhntroducing the guest speak- summer camp for the deaf burger aiso expressedi his per- n'uss eeVa Nst Çr.Garnet Rickard. a past run by the Ontario Mission sonal appreciation tii the Ge, ~. n oe B ereayi Nst peident, stated that Dr for the Deaf at Parry Sound. guest speaker, and presented~ Gaes.e ra and Stuart ]uxnball had received hisj Mavor Moore's mu si cai a gift to Dr. Rumbail. W Sonorary Degree of Doctor Of adaptation of the Elmer Har- The birthdays of Tom Reli- Zivinity fnom the UniversitY ris play "Johnny Blna e n raue ar LZ B T IL qfToronto in Convocation was premiered at the Char- Cooke were celebrated by L AB H I E ail con May 7th this year in lottetown Festival to a five their fellow Rotarians. r. . hrhsrie eehr ~ogition of his great work minutes standing Ovation. During April Dr. Rumballl and i serbicet Gare HeII erthe deaf. Sets, costumes, and acting are addressed the Mens Canadian nx udy Dr. Rumbali has been work- ail outstanding. Alan Lund is Club here and the Bowman- he tudansfrmTaces ~gwitb the deaf since 1956 the director and Diane Ny- ville Lions Club. He was also College have been writlng ftrhe had been a profes- land stars, assisted by a the guest speaker at the Bow- exams thîs week. Miss Joan 1oa football player with splendid cast. Tickets for this manville Kiwanis Club on Tre gt ecnrtltd the Ottawa Roughriders and opening performance of a May 12th. Sh ~ ew 15 'tavbu co gratulatd. ie Toronto Argonauts for si x The treu planting bas wound ears. He was ordaiiied iniD ~ JC : .s: up for another season. 57. and has dedicated bis row uuies and G uides .. The Muldrew bouseInt1 Neta the assistance of theR village bas been soldtoa a deaf. Dr. RunjbalI, who is the M t er H o d 11,- couple trom Oshawa. anymnse f the deaf unira . W... Mr. and Mrs. Robt. West-! 9f7Winnipegnd with Thickso7s.cThev eongregations between Mon-O dbus, Bowmanville, spent the! %eladWindsor, Mn. Rick- 'O ld F . . ..Bzou moved their big furnIture and *rDad h n o-avledit a zt, qasandstared It on audy Thy ird aid Th 2n Bo man lhi daity ant, s uars a d .will be staying w th Mr. and The guest speaker told the'Bownie and Guide Mothers cookies to the guests. The ~. ' Mrs. Thtckson after this week! âoain httegeneraijed hi third old-fashioned head table a enhanced with ~.. 2blic is largely unaware of 1 bazaar at St. Andrew's Church a beautiful potted 'mum be- .L. n..l heihiack011finsh as nu fhmany special problems of on Saturday, May 10. Mns. tween two elegant candles in ~ *". on the north road here on Fnl-! Iedeaf, and of the wvork Mary Lou. Townsley accom- silver holders. Pouring tea i - ~dy Bteeded to find solutions, and panied on the piano those fromn two lovely silver tea Mrs. H. Thickson spent àasistance required to enable present in singing 0 Canada. services were honored guestMna nTrno Iliem ta carry on normal1 Mrs. Mary Groetelaars, con- Mr.c. Vivian Meachun and the Mr. H. Quantrill has been at! *orking lives. venor of the bazaar. Introduc- president of the Brownle and -------ounty Council, Cobourg, ailI He explained that as pastor' ed Mrs. Vîvian Meachin, the Guide Mothens' group, Mrs week. of the Evangelical Church of1 District Commissioner. Mrs. Mary Groetelaars. Little Tracy Lynne Miller, shown Wearing a pretty party dress in the above MrS. M. Quantrill and Rav, Üie Deaf with 17 congrega-' Meachih opened the bazaar by The handcrafl couînter Wt photo, celebrated her f irst birthday on May 20, 1969. She is the daughter of Mr M.aMs . QuantrllîOsaa,.rewt tions that while he preaches praîsing the mothers group for its lnteresting display of adMsMr.ehMle n hrpodgadprnsaeM and Mrs.Gordon Sunday. th these 17 charges in sg1 hir support In putting an the items caught the eye of eveny-an r.K nehMlradhrpou gacirntaeM.adMs Ç dnSnay Ianguage and also uses thisi bazaar. She then proceeded one. The mothers assistîng E. Simpson of Orono and Mrs. Hazel Miller of Newcastle. Congratulations are extend-! niethod for spiritual counsel,I by cutting the wide 3'ellow on 'the handcraft xvene Mns. PhteyAtrSui d ta Mr. Robt. Westheuser,! that be bas many other ne- satin ribbon held by two dolîs, Rita Sloos, Mrs. Mary VanPht yA orSui who won the scoren award in1 sponsibilities in aiding thei anc outfitted in a Bnownie Heuvelen and Mrs. Helen heGneral Matons Body Plant: deaf.. uniform and nc in a Guide Hammond. Guo s~HceyLae.H wspr- He canducts classes for pan- unIfonm. The rummage counter, aven- NI1 I ' V c ~ 1scnted with the tnnphy on Fri- ents and social workers, and The home baking counter,' flowlng with buys, was 'S p e cta to rs donated bv J nitInOhawF.It ad i often u sed by Toronto which was well supplied with handled by Mns. Joan Reid,. oatdb . H it n courts, social agencies, and pies, cakes, tarts and cookies Mns. Kay Buttery, Mrs. Viola J e rê I C. E. Henry. the Federal Department Of was capably handled by Mns. Hilîs and Mrs. Sharon Buttery., Northr, giHopef1I(a Fild ay, ay 0. here Immigration as an interpreter. Mary Lotu Townsluy (Brown At cach counte w e ne E'in d u strîa iUR A rwi ild D ba, ba a l Te and Dr. Rumball operates a sch'ool Owl), Mrs., Betty Bahl (Snowy Bnawnies ta help with running fy ish pond. Evryonae slel-n =azd a farmi for the deaf. bath Owl), Mrs. Bannie Staîker and errands. ch orn. Eeyn sw Ini the Milton area, wbicb he Mrs. Florence Mantle. A big thank you gaes ta The great numbers of wlth the work Increasing In t.hem. cme èxplaned b a s fortunately The tea room this year was Jackman's Flawers, Carnation people who lnspected the In- difficulty, standard af achieve-, There were a number of ex- Our Institute meeting willi bee of patclhi pta num- vr aal aae yte dustriai Arts Display at Bow- ment, and quality"MnNed letcfueabsthtouduinhevung June 4th. un ratia]epvey apalymaagd y heFlower Shap, Carnation Res- mî il ih coîo e-ham explaed MHra.s cied elhentcofe aling an oud -b nteeei mrous dca! children. and the Guides under the direction af taurant, Hoopun's, Bilî's Glas avleHg colo hsm lInd eas ie nac iigraom, n work Is continuing success- their leaders, Captain Mrs. and Mimrons and Dominion nesday and Thursday evenng,, t imst nealistir quotatian: among them was a partlcularly ful1y. DnaHad iueatMs tr o hi oain.As May 14, 15, wene tremendous- "Instruction begins In the smart caffue table wlth black On Tues da y, June 3rd, Thelma Phayre. The centre- a special thank yau ta Mn. Me-lY impressed with the high warkshop, education ends wlth wrought iron frame and a top at the Royal Alexandra The- pleces on the tables were float- Quarnie fan the use of his calibre of ail the articlesllife". of plate glass. A uniquely ttre ini Toronto the ing candles. The Guides serv- window. shawn, the fine warkmanship, Among the mast lnteresting 'attractive step table was made Performance of the Charlotte- ed tea and mille along with Down the centre of the roamn excellent designs, originality. products on exhibition was a a! mahogany outlined with -and the attention which had beautifuhly pnaportioned telu-ibiackwrought iron and with been given toaial details with vision set designed as a long wrought Iran legs. the resuilt that each product cabinet madu Of rmahogany Attnactively designed table was meticulously finished. with the large pictune tube tao and floor lamps. thceu-tier "The work on dlsplay repre- the luft and the speaken on flowen stands in different sizes sents a small portion a! the the rlght side. It was in per- and cluverly designed book- HO pnoducts by students In the1 fect wanking ordur with dlean- cases werc also displayud. HudwaMIndustrial Arts Course for the 1 cut pictune and the saund haît Many people were panticularly acadiemir year 1968-69. The espuclally good tanu. Intenested in the aiginally de- course doyens wank designed Anothen handsome articleisigned and useful magazine fan Gtades 9. 10. il and 12, ehih was as practical as itIracks made o! gllded stuc]. wlth the Grade 12 students1was gaod looking, was a five There was also a. splendid designing mast of the projects ee 1tl mahogany gun Case arraY o! candlustlcks and (R E E IP Rthey make", C. Needham, the with g-lass dioors and with racks candelabra made of steel In the lange gatherlng. Inside the three and a bal! feet the original steel silvuny colon, " K ES "The subjects covered are iwoidecase Another uxample others gilded and same paint- _______________ woadwonking. Inc]uding waod- o!faprduct that would also ed In an attractive colon. A U'adaata of üMemy gefaI1 .3S7~ turning, mechanical drafting, have been sure to wln plaudits fascinating candlebrumn was la t1bs A& WIfl ls u prîog choesN basic metalwork, machine In a professianal exhibition grbaduatud in height and made OaW byb»ig te POM quimen'. hop sheet-metal work. arc was a stuea music player. Itta hold a suries o! goad sizud ~g ~g vl g tt ropr quumwi' V' . <,~<and oxy-actylene weding, had two four foot high ec- tapers. In addition there were ' ~~~~~~~~ theory and practic u o ! m a- tangula n speakers u ph olt r d fn s t1y , w o e o l chines. In brown leathenette with the and a varlety of mutaI work "About 150 students take In- record turntablc bue t w e e n andequipment. *Ail «'ý dustrial Arts and some stu- % ~pose,4_V dents have made as many asV 2.97 tean,,Odou legs, -.14 projects ta date In Grade9.Y u g Md l r s n 2.97 easy spreading, 77-7 îOthenstudents bave conugcodesrre en formula fo aws trated thein uffonts and skillsC a ni a of F h i n '6 gardlet, flower estc by making langer projects with o n v lo a h o 6 a wider appeal in usefulness. 1.99.. I ok oeivovste The stage of the boys gym- Vandergaast, Linda Stevens, tool and machine manipula- nasium on Wednesday even- Kanen Davis, Lynne Plpen, jrequirements of the syllabus. a tali and gala Maypole with1 son, Anne Kent, Susan Burg- 1"The aim o! the Industrial numeraus wide streamers in ess, Norma Bail, Bannie Mon- Arts Course Is ta lay a basic many colons, and two large rison. Mary Tomiinsan, Anne G RASS SEED Avoulable OnIy, foundatian In ail aneas of tents wene part o! the effect- Morris, Luanne Kavergne, wwl tHome H r uetor«. Grade 9 and then work Ip- JIve background. This Is where Susan BaIl, Alice Chittick, ~-~-~-----.BEAUTI-LAWN at wands in the succeeding grades'th e Bowmanviile High School Marilyn Tnim, Pat Tennant, * ______ I Car f nivQ ahin 169wanLnd Mnso , Ch nylBr C O C K SH na Osborne, silver tray; Mrs. Thesu young moduls who daughten o! the late John and Marlien1e Jrvis oven mita; prov2d their sewing ability Julia Van Nest o! Sauina, 1 rs Btt Jnaksqar mr-wee ianePu, ar Tm-Bawmanville, and after Mn. Y U N i non: Mrs. Pat Stocker, pur- linson, Nola Raby. , Cathy Van Nest's death, o! Toronto. 4 67.9 7i fume candie; Marie Baker, Land, Connie Monisan, Tracy Florence was pnedeceased Cochhbutt is pleased toai white pillawcases; Mn. Munn, Devnies, Cathy Spry, Linda by Iaunie M., Ethel L., Greta quaiified addition to he fast 4 yc.. D I ~crystal cnuam and sugan tnay; Ritchie. Wendy Bridges, Shel- M. (Mrs. Laverne Hof!), Fred- CYL 2f3 H. P-. l Mns. Joan Reid, cup and sauc- ley Hobbs, Karen Davis, Chenyl enîck J., Herbent A., and in beno erhhhs BRIGGSun Doris Monroe, pr. goid Brown, Kathy Moses, Mar- Manch 1968 by the eldest of!ofdependabl assistance ini ANDI bath tawels; Mrs. L. Finn, garet Stephenson. Alice Chit- the family, Luella (Mns. Non-Foneorsdmah STATNMountie cake plate; Donna tick. Sylvia McDonald, Nancy man E. Wright o! Enniskil- m.esor... for expert se STRATON $ 2 ,7 7Fairey, baby kimona; Vurna Cawie, Debbie Stevens, Anne len). MADE IN CANADA McQuade, pink po odle; Marie Devnies, Lana -Polley, Dubbie Sriigi isVnNs' . ea ocl nyu Laverngu, dusent flowur soap Vanstonu, Suzanne L u c a s s Survivin sMiss V6ran ocl n'u H m Hardware Stores and perfume set; Mrs. Huy- Elayne Lipski. Sharon McCul- waist e, Ta nia t.o! 6ptBroad- COCK8HUTT FARhD -~- -Nomom dens, coolun chest; Donna lough, Diane Cowle, Debby wyAeTrno p.63 I m u. j*j~~~~L' Huard, imitation floral center- Brewster, Joyce Allen, Janicu e o!tuleLsieM ____ry Harder to SUeIi piece: Theima Phayre, jar of Ellott, Churyl Williams. Shel- Keith, in wbose borne, tihen on raffut and. six mugs; Mrs. ley Bothwell, Susan Brown, Ombole Pankway, Miss Van Abbott, crib quilt; He un Hunt, Cindy Craig, Susan Burgess, Nest ived for many ycars . stuffed dog; Eva King, home- Brenda Cowan, Mangie Steph- following some yeans o! cane made dandy; Mrs. Leddy, pr. uns. Judy Hogg, Linda Ten- at the Hamilton Sanitarium. o! turquoise towels; Joanne nant, Jackie Pitman, Susan Miss Van Nest bore -her M cG r gor H ar w are Manlehànd-painted pictune; Burgess. Linda and Patti Mor-' many frailties and frustra- PHO E 23-54 ad 63~262 jp0ues ; Ken HUIs. cnocheted Stapleton, Ka t hy Burgess, plaininglY, which was bonne 95 ING ST.W. OWM N VLL Falry;prizes. atrdy, Donna, Caroline Howard. Jaffire Mac-, !ientïýand relatives W-ha naid ont. Lillian Gretn.1 Wohnlck. Peggy KnechL. Jean the Morley Bedford Funeral Harnhurg and trini Cheeseburger-------- --------------- Toasted Western ----------- Baked lH am» --------------------------- Club House, 3 Decker Chopped Egg ---------------------- -- -- Grilled Cheese ------------ -----__ Hot Corned Beef-on-Rye OR INN After 9.:00 p.m. until. Midnight Onion Soup and Cheese Croutons .40 SANDWICHES .55 .65 .65 .80 1.45 W e Specialize in a Variety of Pizza! New Licensed Hours - 12 Noon until 1:00 a.m. DINING ROOM OPEN 5 p.rn. to 9 p.rn. THIS SATURDAY, MAY 24th Corne and enjoy Supper Dancing frorn 8 pan. featuring THE QUARTETTE with Bob Hill Phone 623,-3373 Liberty Street, South nt Highway 401 IUT'. »ME kLT tario. PARKER FARM SERVICE PHONE 987-4413 43 Hwy., No. 2 lue6th, 1969 - FIELD DEMONSTRATION - FILM PRESENTATION AWS - REFRESHMENTS nd Bring the Entire Family VCOCKSHUrr DEALER announce this new dcalership appointment-a highly et-growing Cockshutt organization in Canada. andards set for aillCockshuttdealers,' you are nowassured a choosing the best farm cq'uiprnent for your operatjon. Ûnes and implements . ..for fast supply of parts and service on aIl mkes of equipment at reasnable prices new Cockshut dealer soon. M1 EQUIPMENT 0F CANADA LIMITED Brantford, Ontario. - NEWCASTLE Hot Beef or'Turkey

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