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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1969, p. 2

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an --statesman, Bowmanville, May 28, 1909 0 é IL Provincial Court 'y HeId in Bowmanville '%udp & . .atten, Peter-j people are trying to do this' lng &0 polieeen nîîi od; 1*ugIu, preided ait te ses- by devious meanq, He uidi@ven thrftalened bis l $Olt of the Crirninal Divison that h. bas reaqons to thilkj Judg* Rattie advloed the, UProviMIul Court held in that: *"they wait until theac.c.ueud th#t for bis oit im qwmvlvle on Tuesday.lwànd in right, andi t*en when; jt would be wosluenh.~ C(JguwaiAtt~orney G.F. Bonny- ft blows towardx mv home £1<dor . ev»îlno hn,11:î tbUeactd ýr th prgft-itey pt pintandpoison Lia quite willins f"oMr t3n, and Mervyn Kelly was: in it so it will b. crle C »~i(l, Il"e %%.Ag od 11» Legal Aid Duty Counsel I across the village and do%%n ed for ono wwk (twai ~erge ,Gallinger, Çart-tthe chimney et My place," chi .'csnîuîAu *Igh t Township, was charg- He sald to the OPP offier '* ,u k*wlth pousnting a firearni at that because lie could M fotet Chainprnan, M.tovtsr& 'U'twl i"thr éruon. Crown Attor- help he had to have a gun tojahip. charÏod wilh aamà*uti s$W BonnMotle told the guard his residerice. 34 it 10! hi~son.ln-law by tiiig C<ërt ttt the~ aceused has flot &il he ba@ now. 11%e lire that ihim in the face wasa djtinir Well racently. He mid detroyed his lhome. Iao r9-1 cd for a woek, t~t man mnlua ago Mr. sulted in thse lons cf itis v-.'The soe-in-taw, TIbniadâ I.* "LIne hlid sustained a ingg ot 20 yeara. the elderly' crig~eeîîr..t~:tr vyfinancial lois as well man lied expia ined. andi no-1 ,îe, a obock wtuen he lost bis thing had been insured. arnd is tere audiated, hooeeand its contents Crown Attorney Bonnycas-!),ear old datighter ame livinlg ire. TisAsMme. uflhàWtdd ta tle suggeaUtd thât It niigbt b@ wIth hi, father-in-law. .d m$47,000. anxd 50 far wise to have him examinedi rn.eodsldta e- ~.U.torshavebeenun- by doctora to a»e if ho Is fit! c'<rdïîîg 10 the isepmill *9out for Mr. Gl- te stand trial. Judge Battenl agreement lie ha,% emiso lit r ownAtey n-utlJn rndec~ te fhre stai-ted. agreed. H.e djourned othe ae t.ovisit his datighteîr once a ind Judge Battmn that a psychiatrie examinationfo Mav bt hehisUer-ld ' stbile T HoIdéway, OPP, Mr. GaUinger. 1tukhmars h ie tIt h.o1usd uwerel conversa- Raymionid Edward Con nors. - tuewith Mr. Galllnger. wtio Bowmanvwl. fae vern1i of pointlng an air morral people were try- =ito"t several persons, and C s o î to 4 i'5t lm". two of threctening two men c st m report atuted that Mr. with an air pistai et different 0e «Aubverbelievea that these Urnes, ail on May l9th. He O f c at d to block Me chus- Attorney Bonnycatle toid the (FROM PAGE ONE) WMt peint, anid aise>have court that Constable Tracy Mr. Honey toid tbc i puttlaug poson gem down Davis after oomplaints were that he la much concerned and ehlmney. recelved by the local police will do everythlng possible tc -Gallinger toid the OPP went to arrest Mr. Connors. prevent the closing o! the Cus- ble thai these unknéown who told hum that he wented toms Office here. He mid that ho b. arrested for his own the Mînister o! Revenue bac protection as hbe thought the mentioned ta him in January S u v .yMa fia were trying ho kilim. that the posslbility o! ciosing Constable Davis testlfied 68 smaîl Customns Offices &cross eht Mr. Connors was diffi- Canada was being considered, *fl5 hot t understend as he spoke and that there mbght be a pou. a ct:ofsCNS incoherently. Mr. Cannoraslsbility that Bowmanville' (FROMPAEO ) claimned thet tie Mafia <rom would be piaced on the list. attuu pios of six chties, but perticularly in "But ha assured me that tbe --eýttiude andopiion ofBownieuvilie, were followlng entire plan was only tentative, isdents, interviewersar-him In cars and hhreatening and that should there lie uny appontmnt, et t kill hlm. Ho told the local decision and Bowmanviile in- sievappence t.set ted police tiat the Mafia In Heam- clud taI would be bnform- Sône. ln orne cases inter- lttn and Toronto were pos- tere wavanceip Somendiun v~mhavie been held as late known teo the Minister of Net- 210 p.rn., li.others as early ~C ion ai Revenue, Mr. Cote, this à >8 an.. Mivuseum O pe vital information was not given ZReýXferrng to the -Internea- o me. tiOnal aspects of the study, an fi.en ,g 141 The ncws rom Mayor Hobbs tpterviewer . frorniPeterbor-Thurs<Jday 7 :30 t'Jtha t steps were being taken te uiW , remarked, "I ceni only close it came as a shock te hOpe My ccunterperts ln Eng- Tie openirig of Bewnian- bum, Mr. Honey saad. He said laId, U.S. and Czechoslovekie ville Museum for the 1969 that Mr. Cote was embarassed mr «erpelncing similar co- season will te place et and annoyeci that one of bis OPertion. It lu a plessure te 7:30 p.m. on Thursdey even- staff hed failed ho inform hlm InttrVieW lni Bowmnvdie." ing, May 2Mt. Museum Board in advancc. "Mr. Cote wes dec- Chairmen A. M. Thompson idediy aympathetic, and as- will welcome those attendtng, -sured me that the preparations G o a ad liii Worship Mayior Ivan ta close the Bowmanville Cus- Hobb:s:1il b. present and toma Office would be halted, ce eclare the Museum open for and further consideratior thmaison would lie given the matter,' TIiere are eight roomsa nd ,r oe ad two halls filbed witii fascinâet- 'No deciabon has been made jng displays. New attractions yet in any event. Tis would thi year Include a doctor's have te be donc by Order-in- Offce;leauredispbays of pot Council by the government. "If watue r it f the Minisher o! National Rev- try; niu rnwtiafWenufe decides that 1h slain- m odern items Im-m Bowman- eai ttanubro vine Foundry; Canadian glass; eaieta ubra wmanvilc chair .Ths are taelie closed, I arn decided- articles represent typi*cal in- 1 hlopeful that our Bowmen- prier te190.Ville one wiil not be lncàiuded The. pottery ,,xhibit hsj-xwlen ail relevant and valuable lofroin Mr. and Mr. R. inmato .5 YEAR TERM L.ambiert, a rare find, a crock Hýe of asis te recicd b witihth mark of a early ancef definite plan as to 1I YEAR V/4% Bownienville potter.y. how best te prepare a brie! YEAR 7~%Worid Wer I. and the 1920's1fr reasonable and factuel 2 E R7%era, are recalled ini other dis- poresat.on t h iitro 3YEAR 7%% plays, and a case o! Victorien Revenue. He said that ln Jan- 4 ~~~~silver evokes the age o! dle- ur 93we ewsa YE R ¾%gance.i dinlng. apposition M.P. the Diefenbak- MINIMUM $S00.06 In addition tiiere are the er Governmenh started ho close Victorien parler-, general store, the Part Hope Customis Office, CENTRAL ONTARIO doîl and toy room, early bed-that h. cven then was able ta TRUST & SAVINGS room., Victorien b e d r o o ni. prevail an the cabinet minis- CORPORATION quilt and iandwork room, ter !n question ho hold back USInSL. kitchen articles, hools, mnany uni abief was prepared, and 82323? und Indien ertifacts. Hope Customs Office Is stili ln eh»» et W Bowmanville Hirticultural existence. Osheme Society lias planhed fiowers R. G. Lawhon, President o! 73221 o ershence the beauty of this the local Chember of Comn- HOUMS, bvely hoeuse. merce, Rager Canant, Secre- mon. te.rg. Mrs. M. Wiseman, curahor, tary-Treasurer of Honeywel 9 te &M and Bord members will show Controis. Limnited. Ken Mac- Vis.a te a visitera around thie Museum kenzie, local head of St. a" tet 4 on opeining niglit. After MaY Mary's Cement. ban Smith, .eswUMMUOCl". a de 29 the. Museum will b. open Brookdale-Kingsway Nursery, froni 2 ho 5, six days a week, Tomn Reider. a top officiai a! Mtembor Deposit closed on Moindays except Bowmanville Foundry, Royi biurànuee- Corporation wicn e holiday <alla on Mon- Woodward of Woodward's day. li open on aIl holu- Cartage and flelivery, Ivan days.Davey, Customs Broker, Don- ald Krain, heed o! Canadien Chiristmas Decorations, Lirnit- ed, Ab Darch, a dealer in msical Instruments, and Bill DELO ITTE, PLENDER, uke an official of Hollings- H ASKI NS & SEL L Ssper hd, lt u h vital necessity of the conhin- C atrd Aco nat uance of!the local Customs Office for their expert business., OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITES anid aiso ta expedie thie Im-1 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA sary products. FARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.I.A. Clerk-Controller Robert L. BURT . WAERS.C.A.Byron aiso spoke o! new ln- dustries that have definihely %iL~.%.~i ~decidcd to tart construction PHO.JNE 728 - 7li era including one which plans ___________________________________tu-b pnn.,de the work of 17 JOIN WITH US AT OUR Men's-Women's»Children's Wear * Drastkcally R.duced DE SUR§ TO SiE OUR FURNITURE SPECIALS MULDERS 3 KUNG St.. IL10-SON IVILLI (e t ig t 1' Athieles Prepare fortrip to COSSA' Meet On Friday rnorning, bright and carly, these ath Track and Field Day. Those participating from Clarkei letes and temechers from Bowmanviile 1-ligh and Cur- were picked up on the way. Details of their efforts tice Secoaidary Schont congregated et BIIS, prio.r to appear elsewhere, with several chosen to compete in leaving hy bus for Trenton to cornpete in the COSSA the Ail Ontario finals ah the CNE stadium.___ plantq uow located arrose Can- havinur of the studeîts Iliad' compete personally, Sunday. ada loto one operation ln become an aninoyance to tneý George Eaton will be driv- Bowmanville. The plans of the town's reaidents duigte ng a McLaren. While only a latter are to be annotinced ln lunch hourî. dirg he few notelhes above novice lev- Accident July he said, To aiH these new Mr. Rolph said that he be- elthie young member o! the Industries the BowmaRnvllle Ilevps the ban has accorn 'Toronto department store fam- Customs Office la a necessity, i plished the purpose t'or which t.ýpae hr n h ot- R u d U he pointed out. ,it, was imposed, hotih the at- rle paed thrdix ntesMt e- K un L A letter was ao reaci !rom' titude end behaviour pattern Can-Am and has been givlng Philip Thurston, age 20, C. L. Cooper on behaîf of J. o! eil secondary school sttî- atif! competition this season. Downsview, a patient in Me-! Anderson Smith, Newcastle, dents in the town had greatlyý Top Canadian driver lis form- morial Hospital, is recoveringý who is eway on business, which improved, he added. er Montrealer John Cannon, from multiple lacertions re-' gave reaisons wby the local: It was decided that in keep- who now lives ln California. ceived in a collision between' Customas Office la essentlal ta ilng with the board's generai Cannon wvon some fame as a bis car and a transport truck' that lirm's business.1 policy, the principals of both slippery-track man after he on F'riday afternoon at 4:10 Councillor Murray McKnight schools would be permitted to clobbered the field at Laguna o'clock. He was taken to the' spoke o! the efficient service make their own decision in Seca last year to win the hospital by the Bowmanvilie, given by the local Customa Vths matter. Monterey «Grand Prix O! the Area Ambulance. Office, and ts value not only I -- Cao-Arn sertes ln a, con- to industries here but also toitlnuous downpour with a Merc kThedrverdo!Beuransport 3, local businessmen, and to citi- Laren. ,Trc, nt ard B iuraed3in zeDnksra D rham tuden 'rie fieldi la expected ta be Trno vsntiirdi domDnteham McLten-ulltthe accident, which occurred' stated that everyone ia aware, cars. The New Zeaiand driv- on1 No. 115 Highway, tbree that he c ofo the Cus- es ns L a er-designer la read4' and eger miles north o! the juniction o! toms Office here would be ex- - to seli cars o! his own make ti iha n o 5 tremeiy detrimental to the r L to his competîtors. Damage to the two vehicles entire municipality, andi heïrorMArts Coufl Last year Dennis Hulme, involved amounteci to about advocated that a committee be, 1967 world champion, won the 13.500. set up nt once to prepare a 1 The recentiy organized Osha- sertes In a McLaren with bis . There was a two car coi-: strong brief stating the reas-, wa and District Council for boss placing second. The year lision at 6:35 p.m. on Friday,ý ons. the Arts now bas a symbol - before the order was reversed. a short distance sauth o! Or-, Councillor Leslie Coombes, a logotype designed by Joanne bn the first Can-Am sertes ln ono. The driver of one car,, seconded by Councillor Dyk- Collocott. 19, daugbter a! Mr.* 1966, McLaren flnilshed third. Geralci Wright, age 36, R.R. 4.ý stra, then moved that the and Mrs. Harry Collocott z) The wise money ln Sunday's. Bowmanviile. was taken ta Mayor appoint a committee ta 116 King Street East, Bow- race will be again on the Mc- Memoriai Hospital by the prepare a brief containing ail manvilie, a first year Con,- Laren team with their orange- Bowmanvilie Area Ambul- the reasons why Town Council, munication Arts student at painted machines. ance. He waa admitted as a! and the industries are strongiy Durham Coliege o! Applied opposed ta the closing o! the Arts andi Technology, Oshawa. Bowmanviile Customs Office. A simple, straigbtforward This was carried. unanimously. design forma the stylized capi- vr Mayor Hobbs then appoint- tala O D C A, the Initiais o! ed the following committee: the Council. YMR Russell C. Honey, M.P., Rager Miss Collocott's d e si gn. Canant, R. A. Lawton, Ken which wiii appear blue on Mackenzie, Donald Krain, Ian white on the Council's mern- Smith, ram. Rehider, Ivan bersbip carda, stationery. news- Davey,' and hiniseif ta repre-. leters. brochures and pther sent counicil. The meeting of literature, was one of several A counicil was then adjourned. design projects undertaken by The first meeting of the Communication Arts students DRU SS special committee waa then ln their Graphic Arts course. held and Mayor Habbg was Others have Inciuded post- selecteci as its permanent ers for the Great Pine Ridige chairman.Drama Festival in Newcastle, chaiman.Ontario. and work for the new Robert MeLaughlin Gai- P ublic Mias Coilocott plaa encr eer In advertislng, with emph-r, q p «an sis on creative design work. B .. ,d upeaThis a1l she will Jeturn ta LIG TER aurhae to taat thonsArts. L GIWiA P (OMPG N) option offered ln Communica.-0F I 9 A are htthe contests be yeor Adrtls n ad12s"a 1* ~ r25 f kept on an individual couiity Other Communication Arts basis in accordanoe with ai options ln second year Include 2 8 tradition which started in. Public Relations andi Grapbie CARS 1930.~~ .. . .iCommunications. FURROL 4u- Mr. Morrîson tald tne board that anotlber arca o! concern was in regard to, tbe fact that ail public speaking relicarsais lied to be held out of sdihool liaurs. Ail sorts o! thier corn- petitions are held in school heaurs, so the association won- dera wby public speaking is Big0 Doy (FROM PAGE ONE) the exception, he declared. Cup series. richest ln the worid J. M. R.olph toid Mr. Mor- of motorsport. rison that the new board is New Zealanders D e n i s encouragmng the use of schOols Hulme and Bruce McLaren, in tihe evenings. A rentai plan who have domlnatedi the last, has been set up. but he ex- two years of the Can-Am, wil piained that the board would ¶Ie in there again for a slce be responsible for the costs of the $1.000.000 in prizes and invoived in the public speak-,accessory money. ing program. Sunday's series-opener tg a D. W. Patterson. Superin- 200-mile race around the 2.5 tendent of Planning, reported mile Mosport road track with that it was recommended as $60.000 at stake. a result of two surveys that The Il-race serles, which a summer school in either of winds up in Texas ln Novem- the board's two counties ber, tg for big-bore sports cars, shouid flot be held this year. fastest and most powerful ln When the number o! stu- the sport. dents who are likely to at- The rules require that the tend established s u m m e r Group VI[i machines have two schools in Oshiawa and Peter- seats and full sports-car bodies borough was estimateci. the with enciosed wheels. total numbeir of possible stu- But they're flot the kind o!l erits "'o might attend a sum- car you would use to take your mer ochool in the United girl to a drive-in movie. Counties became quite amail, The Interior Is bare mnetal he explained. with moulded bucket seats. "The scattering of the diq- The fuel-Injected. aluminum- tributic>n among grade levels alloy motors look like the ones and subjects wouid tend to In a famlly sedan but they indicate that the classes would put out more than 800 horse- b. extremnely ornait. and, power, There Ino muffler ta would flot b. eco.nomîcai to deaden their shrlek et high support," he added. revs. akSpno The problem of transport-Lak onr ing kindergarten pupils to They are also expensive. different elementary schools Ludwig Heimnrath of Toronto, in Cobourg has been solved. one-Uime Canadian champion, The oardannoncedthatanlI staying out of the Can-Am ageeen oard none h a for lack o! a rich sponsor. faileene a ben eaed t "I would need ut least forailkiderartenclasestO$12,500 for a motor alone and be held at Grace Chiristian Re- the total Investment would be formed Church. It Was stated $250,000," said Heimrath, who that G. A. MacLeod inspected now'runs a garage. the facillties tibere and had But plentY o! well-hieeled tound thern tx> be satietatory. people will b. ln the race. U nde r the. arranguement ]former racing great Roger made wlth the. church on a Penske 01 Media, Pa., now a out bast th board wiUl pay car dealer, ts entertng a Lola for oaretaklng, heatlng, and driven by Mark Donohue, who electricity at a total not ta placed second In the 1966 six- exceed $1,WO a year. race Can Am series. The Principale of the. two Texas oil-man Jlm Hall, firsi. Cobourg mner Sïh i lnMOtOr racing to urne the in a jo>it letter requested utômatic tranomission, is en- fJiat the tour ysèr.ban on &itu- tnig îWO 0f hie lamoua Qiap- duge leaving tuse . wo eraU.One wHilb. drIven by John 8urt0on, 1904 World =ChOl# d'nM t" " wub oemPton driver and winner b.Ited. ' afet0f théIse 90Cen-Arn sertao. Bo- at s.bsnwa utbth effertamuseOf Injuries auffered lait ai isetisa bcaw Useb..suré Hall Probably wlll notin b- U I IIm' Twe s ex. AOLL-Oq IUGG. LMS? LX VALiUO OFoi1.88 MUNIRAI 0OR LIS M42/881 umnai; I'FT A SHIF PAPIR PAyc3 /884 OZ. R88 LIST 1.2I88 SC& 21T88, FACE CITS CRPTES BANH SLP STAMONSRY' DIODORANT MG L$t.9884 'YM.-W WUOAL COTTON lmh 88, FACE CL S "CORN ASTE 5I88, UaT2 /8 8t VACUUM I>TYLI 88 GO[LIATH~ MaNG F8$, >THRUHIj C sT5BARS 3/881 I 38t~. JURY & 2 KING STREET EAST Corner of TIMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE patIçnt and received treat- 1 on thie eaxt boulder of th@ Ynený for minor injuies, He road. The rider sustaine%,. had recovered sufficientiy toilminor abrasiong to his legd. return to bis home on Sunday and there wax only minor aften'ioon for recuperation. 1 damage to his motorcycle. The, driver of the other car Constable Richard Kouhi in. involved, Donal 1 May, R.R. 1,I vestigated thec accident. Orono, was not injured. Dam-, Pamela Brown, age 12, sut. age to the two cars amnounted! fered head injuries and a to &bout $2,000. fracture of her left arm when she was struck by a car driv- A car driven by Richard en by Mrs. J. E. Farrell, Tren. Lindsay, Toronto, went out of; oo 0 iha tLb control on 401 Hîghway at1et Street on Saturday at Liberty Street at 8:30 a.m. ofi 7:08 p.m. She wvas taken liv Saturday. The car rolled over: Bowmanville Area Ambulance and across the median. He! to Memnorial Hospital for was taken to Memnoriai Hos-, emergency treatment a n di pital by the Bowmanvilleth.en transferred by the samne Area Ambulance. ambulance to the Hospital for Donald William Q]atsen, Sick Children, Toronto. ageý 21, 35 Gibb Street, Osh-ý The accident wax investi. awa, lost control of thermotor- gated by Constable T. Boyce. cycle he was riding on K'inglOPP. The young girl wax a Street near the CPR bridge& pedestrian. The car thnt et 10:45 p.m. on Thursday.j struck her sustained only The irehicle which waTs west-iminor damage. Pamela is a. bound akidded across into the: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wel- eastbound lane, and landedidon &orwn, 19 WaverleY Rd. BUY ~Mo7rj "MOORTON E"Y PAINTS Made by Benjamin Moore ... and get the Best Quality available for your paint dollar! Gal. Qt. HOUSE PAINT - Oil White and Colors -- ------- - $7.45 HOUSE PAINT - Latex White and Colors --$7.95 EXTERIOR PRIMER ....... $7.45 PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL.. $7.90 INTERIOR LATEX FLAT White and Colors- $7.05 INTERIOR SATIN FINISH ENAMEL White and Colors INTERIOR/EXTERIOR GLOSS White and Colors .- - ALKYD FLAT W hite and Colors ---------------- ENAMEL UNDERBODY... INTERIOR LATEX PRIMER SEALER .......... $2.35 $2.50 $2.35 $2.45 $2.25 $8.50 $2.55 ENAMEL $8.50 $2.55 $7.05 $7.60 $2.25 $2.40 $6.90 $2.20 ..Exterior Oil Base White Ideal for Fences, Cab*n, 2 Cottages, Etc. - -q Gi ABERNETHY'S PAINTS & WALLPAPERS PHONE 623-5431 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE mmwrBAY 26 nr. saiuusar, MAY 31 11 il 0 Wl RESERU 11M RUM R UM a 0 ~. - ~ h.. - - /21 Mi'. ftan~ re. iOm~. ~ ~' s q.toi, 't, * ~ ,. 4 e- -r' -i. 'J ~ 'Si 1 Ti 1 LOVELL 613m3361 REXALL DRUGS 4ý 'j 5, 1 .,.. .. r

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