1~ hi ___________________ jNational Anthemn and th.@ Institute Grace. lunch ,a1 - '~~~'P~~LY .- ~~~_er7ed. hy Mr,,. Earl McQuatdetn a o rtc n td C u c and Mrs. Ross Neals and mem- Stig W sC utc ntd C uc bers of their group. Musical Recttal W edden g'sThe music pupiTh, of Mrq.r Jeanne McMahon presented aý recital on Monday 1hight ln St. Paul's Parfsh Hall. In the- first group of Junior *pupils. playing solos werel Janet Darroch, Joan VanBeek,ý Tracy Bongard, Danny Mc-. Quid. Ted Spearing, Cheryl' Preston. Dawn White. Lori- JtODENBURGH -CITTTING and Miss Barbara Brown. The anne Mulltkan, Sandra Staples, 'bride's co-workers at the.Osh- Susan Ryley, Jimmy VanHal-! The marriage of Miss Jo- awa Police Department honor- terni. fuets were by Lorianne anne Laurel Cutting, daughter ed her with a dinner and'Mulligan and Sandra Staples. of Mr. and Mrs. Vctor Cuttng rsntt, pry Danny McQuald and Ted: (if R.R. 3. Bowmanville. and A miscellaneous s h o %w e r. Spearing. Mr. Johannes (Hans) Arieian was held at Courtice United In group two were Karen Rodenburgh, son of Mr. and Church, attended by ncigh-. Youngman playing "V al1se! Mrs. Peter Rodenburgh of bours and friends of 4he Mignonne"; Heather McGilli Oshawa, was solemnized inl bride's community. Mr., and "Lambs ln the Meadow";~ Courtice United Church on Mrs. R. W, Cawker_ Whitbv, Sylvia McCabe "'Under the Saturday afternoon, May 24, sitd y ter agtrApple Tree" and "Clothesâne 15)69 at 2:30 o'clock. Arrange- Beth. held a dinner and pre- Waltz", Heather Elson "Petite rnents of yellow snapdragons sentation for the bride and Valse" and "Old French and mauve 'munis formed anl groom. Following the wedding fiance": Patti Preston "Thel attractive setting for the cere- rehearsal, the bridai party 'Banj' o Picker" and "The Farm-, rhony. was cntertained at the e er in the Dell", Dale McQuaid, Rev. fi. Arscott officiated or the groom's parents,.oe"h l aok" il assisted by Rev. J. Van Har- _________ Palmer, "Indian Chleftain's rhelen. Mr. H. Glasbergen, I fance"; Anita VanHaltern, I uncle of the groom, played, WmT1?T"L'azy fiays": Judy Kerr, 1 thie wedding music and the 'BET1lANY "Song of the Bell" and "Aile-, doloist was Mrs. D, Arscott. -gretto ln G": Sharon Palmer, :The bride. who was given' Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Me- "Waltz of the Silver Skates"; in marriage by her father. Mahon have returned from a Loi,,;fiarroGh "Pretty Pink 1Wore a formai iength gown trip to Washington, D.C. Slippers". Duets in this sec- of white nylon organza in Mrs. Gervin Mulligan is a tion were by Karen Young- princess style with matching patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- man and Heather McGil, "Boy train adorned with Venise tai, Peterborough. Scoute March"; Diale McQuald lace. Her chapel-iength tulle; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mannock and Bily Palmer "Parade of Veil wa caghtto crwn ad fmil, Trono, erethe Dwa rfq": Sharon Palmer ilwscghtoarwnad fmyTono we and Lois Darruch "Laughing I uf Venise lace, and she car- weekend guests with Mr. and ae. ried her grandmother's white Mrs. Robert Gilmour. Watr". he er aln Bible crested with a spray of Mn. and. Mrs. Frank White Ryley piaying "Dance of the white daisy 'mums. have gone on a trip to Europe, Marionettes" and "The Merrv- SMrs. Larry MeLean was, and wiIl visit with their niecei Go-Round"; Dale Youngman. n'iatron of honor and the and nephew. Mr. and Mrs.! "Cub Scouts on Parade" and ý bridesmaids were Miss Con-ý Kenneth Torrance in Oslo, "OId French Song": Heleni nie Rodenburgh, sister of the Norway and with other fri- VanBeerk, "Waltz Reverie" groom, Miss Beth Cawken and ends in England, Ireland and and "Bourree in G"; Paula Mrs. James Cuttîng. They, Scotland. Barnes "Chimies": Pamnela wore identical formatlength,! Gerald Bristow, Mrs. Mii- ýBarnes "The Waltzing Bird": semi-fitted gowns of lilac' dred Bristow and Mrs. Rhoda Kimberlv N e ais "Princes chiffon over taffeta with Johnston visited with Mr. and'Charming" and "Allegretto In clergy collar trimmed with a' Mrs. Ale]. Ogryzek in Kings- F': Dawn McCabe "The Cell- fine lace ruffle, as were the ton during the weekend. ist" and "Cedar Brook Waltz" : cuffsof the fuii-length sleeves.' Miss Annie Kerr is a pa- Ruth Palmer "Oriole's Lulla- The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Johannes (Hans) Ariejan Rodenburgh, shown A panel felu frn the back or tient in Pnincess Margaret by"; Sharon Staffles "Robin's i in the above photo, was solernnized on Saturday afternoon, MVay 24, 1969, at the neckline to the hemiine! Hospital, Toronto. ulay" and "Tartan telle"'..-0 'loki urceU tdChr.Tebietshef mrMssJa e and was outlined with the1 Guests this week with MriTinmv Mitchell "Of f t 23o oc nCutieUi1 Cuc1Te rd sth omrMisJan gamne lace, Their picture hats and Mrs. Frank Martîchenko'C arnp" Marianne Clifford, Laurel Cutting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cutting of R.R. 3, Bowman- wene of liiac mohair with' are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. !"Spain" and "Rondo"; Mary, ville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rodenburgh, Oshawa. open crowns, accented by a' Nicholas Martichenko of Son-:Stevens "Spinning Song" and"iPoob AtrSui large riet bow at the back ofiningdale, Sask., and his bro-' "Rigaudon". Paule and Pam- Photo _____________ _____Studio____ the crown. They carried shal-1 then, Rev. Alex Martichenko, (,ia Bannes, played "Ice Skiter's fnnllsrcueadi low baskets filled with yei-' missionary in Ethiopia, who Reverie" as a duet. fot"ionn V ari anner totsuitthre antln f low daîsy 'mums and adornled has been'home on furiough.j In the Senior group Sonia Fo t c m n a ra e bts farm embt tes andork i %Îth mauve ribbons. BETHANY W. J. iVizino played 'The Sombrero isfr ebr n ok The best man was Mr. Peter' The members of Bethany fiance"; Penny Carder "The best p... fo sibherefor accmib h bestpossble or Otano farm- IRodenhurgh a n d ushening Women's Institute were en-Iý Forest Brook"; Jiii Wood es eei avr on Ivere Mn. Larry MeLean. Mn. tertained at the home of Mi-q. "Concert Waltz":; Marilyn es.Hboanr er f neres te.d James Gttting and Mn. Joe Addison Scott for their meet-i Youngman "fiance of the armerà gatheredo n Trs- Van fier Heyden. Iing on Monday night. ýDwarfs": Alex McCabe "Her- . a vnn tMloi Following the cenemony a! A skit "Hais of the Future", bert March". Betty Ann Mon- .*. day evening at Maiconia t reception was held at thelwas an amusing highligtht of ton "Moonlight Waltz"; Carol .ha r rc alro Geongian Moton Hotel. Thei the program. Modellbng hats 1Clifford "Cannivai of Venice"; Solina and Mn. Don Cayley of 1bride's mothen neceived in a, made of household utensilsI Mary Hogel "Shadow flanc- Lnsy ae xii h toat and dress ensemble of were Mrs. William Phbliips. I ers": Jeîînifer McGiII "Cradle Lundsaymeaofe G.FOth Variegated blue and white Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Mrs. Song" P h ylis Youngman and to plan bts Implementation brocade with corsage of deep' Glenn Preston, Mrs. Ross Neais, "Presto (Pescettb" n 11 township. Mn. fluncan SMns. Eanl Weatheniit. Mrs. Vocal solos were sung by inFoiwa'nmd onsp Yellow carnations. She was1Harold Thompson and Mrs.' Marlené Smith "I Believe";, s - lrma-n hoed poesentan assisted in neceiving by the Earl McQuade, wth Mrs. T. Heather Green, "Oven The wbllbmng t assb s thefra-d groo 's oth r w h oh se R. enn ngs as com m entato . R a .nbow ". F aye H ogel "lC lbm b t o f s c n o g n z t o Yeilow maize coat and dress 1 hegnou p sang "Side by Side". 1 Everv Mountain"; Vaneta Mc- were Mess. Geanorig io of crep peau d soiejwThis sam e group gave a panel'!Gil'The Heathen on the Hill".Nes corsage of orange and yeiiow discussion on uren Eens,1 ccrdonseecios ,r Gary McMulien, Jim Gosîin,J carnations. with Mrg. Jennin-s as leader. iven bv Cathenine Beer and, Norman Wilson, Mn. and Mrs. A5 the couple left on their Fo. embrsoftheBeh-. . pBee. Duncan Fowler, Howard Mal-1, wtedding trip to the New En- a ny Goup 4-H Girls CIihý Loianne Mulligan. a pupil S tapie. RandMrisonLawrnc te *dStts th brd wawene presented with gifts bv' of The Muin Dancing, School ~'w av acls 9!~*i~arn a matching coat andJ President Mns. Addison Scott entertained with tap dance Har' Sver al popeis ha ctess of Venetian pink p rki ecognition of r ec e n tnumnbers. hnsI hsae bat, and white accessories. A; achievement: Miss N o r m a The final selection was ch anged hnsi hsae corsage of mauve carnations! Smith, who had neceived herldtiet "Blue Dianube" bir Missi r ecently' on are In proress: Mn. Éomplemented her travelling' provincial honors for complet- Phvliis Youngman and ber ' and Mrq. Art McMahons of ensemble. Mn. and MTs. Ro- jing 12 units; Miss Mary Auin teacher. Mrs, McMahon. _ LackusndM. and Mr. GWiVl denbungh wili be residing in' Martichenko. M i s s Wendy JBlck ad Mr andMrs.Wil_ Oshawa. 1 Preston, Miss Betty Atm Mon- The bride attended Cour-. ton, who had each been ,,rnoi.l Hopitalgnandson Howard and Terry tîce Public Schools and gradu- 1 awanded County honons for 1 Â II' Malcolm. ated from Countice Secondary1 compietbng six units. Mrs. Échool. She is employed as a! Scott also expnessed thanks to elerk-typist with the Oshawa 1 the club leader Mrs. Glenn Week of May 19-25 Inclusive T E O Police Department. A .pro-! Preston for all hen efforts. The Admissions . grammer anaiyst with the T.1 Clubh Girls' work and record Bîýths-3 maIe, 4 female 7 Mr. and Mrs. Allan D. Brooking, Bowmanville, (Intended for last week) Eaton Co. Ltd., Toronto, theibooks were dispiaycd. ficags. 7ws oanunetefrhoigmrig fteir Mr. and Mrs. Gordon GuI- groom attended McLaughlin' Mrs. Carl Portelous gave a Dishre....-7, i tano c hefth mng araeofh* Colgit ad O...I n eor f h OfcesCofr Major operations --------- duhtr Margaret Constance, to Mr. David Michael son. Little Bitain. movcd lasLï Gsaw. nc he ha a.tned at' inropraios - 31 week into their recently pur-p O sa a rties hnored he ul had eesed her Emergency treatments ' 1291 Puk, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Puk, Bowman- chased home in the village. l~nie pior o br maniae thnksfor he nîvîegeoi'Vsting hours 3-8 p.m. dably ville. The marriage will take place at 3:00 p.m., June Mn.'and's bladMi Mns LaryMcLanentnti attendlng as Bethany delegate. 14, 1969, in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. 1liard, Whitby. were recent din- ed with a miscellaneousý Mrs. Hector Morton. District E ne ranutToson anMn. and s Rhower in her home. She was flirector, DistrtedAnnuathe Et PONTYPOOL G-ngt witb n and M a assisted by Miss Susanne Ga;y iura eonY Enth atT LVY EK TO N Mn.CalsTaî.Tnno ~;ing held the pnevious wcek at OrIt'eiaeSlbl wene Saturday dinner and sup- 49 KI G STR ET ~. Mns. Earl Wtbeio- eiIs and carpentry work. He' rnrougn rnis arca, t.urned out intnoducing the necessany lcg- lianis and the Arnold Williansi 49KNT TRE W ducted a contest on in lo njoyed rapping as a toi be a anc day hike and a isiatton Is that the Pnovincial famlly were Monday v nn BOW ANVLL hobby. He was buried ati1 lsit-in" as the 11," of nain fiepartment of Agriculture dinner guests with Mn. and Jnames. which was w'on by, Mrs. Fhl 'mtr nMna, bc a neeobul utrcbea es 500Ms ogFhi n aiy Ross Car 'alli 26th. 'oni dumped n th a lis areaoniun- msntres of fanmles (bu0 s . owm anvi ad Fo Ilowing- the sin gin g- of the Good pnices prevalhed on' day. lnundated ents and sleep- bands, wives and chlldnen over JMn. and Mns. George Bow- i Saturdax' when a lange crowd lng bags. necessitatlng a 21 engaged ln agriculture).' eng enjoyed Saturday to Mon-' END F EA ON3Ùded the uctjflf at the change of plans. The addition Volunteens are being sought ln day wdth the Cbapman famuly r E D F EA ON om o Ms. ety arerto aur dmiie nf 0Boy rnany areas to cruat ,at NrhBy here* Scouts was rather a novelty, titions to gaLber the necessary, Mn. and Mrs. Richard fiavI-ý Several froni bere attended we must admit. and since Lhcy names. For those like myseif'son accompanicd Mn. and Mrs. C LE R A C E A Lthe dinl sponsored by Cao-lIwerc aIl house-broken we who believe that neither of the Carl ElIiott, David and Kini. Qf ryStaonSauIly.Âw ochetrsOf ar o or esIdence to a wblI ever neceive the full sup- visitcd Friday La Monday wbtb j OfAil 'U LIIT Nr e yS ock * ncluding oun Faye Adams and junior barnacks. Velly Inter- pont of the farmers of Ontario, thein son and daughter-bn-l bis gnoup kcpt things moving csting! ..If not scneamingîy one new Genenal Farm Ong- Mn. and Mrs. Douglas 'favi- S V2 5 50smartly. At a joint executîve furnnv! anization seenis to be the only son and Scott Richard. Frlends OFF KtJULAR PRICESE barbecue ,he ast fJune. 25 years marnbed on May 2Oth. organizatbon bas the autbority licence. Owing to Incement SThis area was representedAil wlsh Elleen and Howard or ailit to set pnices for weather the sched-uled fllght * EV RGRE NS * ROSE at the flrst Orange Church i the best on thls happy Oc- f a r rn pnoducts. Marketing for bis visitons had! to be can-; Parade hehd ln the area Sun-1 casion. Boards do provide a bangain- celîed.! P ED LI mu uf YD Etday morning at Kendal. Head-1 Over the past number of Ing power greater than we Guests with Mn. and Mrs.j * Pipe Band a hanrge number of' anizations have vied with but are iimited to wbat the' Preston, Lindsay, on Tuesday;i *FLOW ERING SHRUBIS *L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. members each, other ln proviîn service market will bear. tbed bn as 1 Mn. and Mns. Wm. Palmer. E a ttended. to their members wltb thie we are witb the Influence of, Richmond Hill, on Saturday Cah & Carry OnIy - While They Last The only one to benefit by' end resuit frequently belng a United States on. our fanm and on Suniday and for thel J hese cold nights wfll, be the duplication of servJees and prices. weekend, Rev. Harny Atkinson fuel man. Grass. perennials1 briefs to government whIch To suggest that tarif fs be and Mrs. Atkinson, Mns. Rlch - Broo dale -Kingsway Ltd. j and dandelons seern to core1 somnetimes diffred so much In set up betweçn us and the U.S. ard Atkinson and ions Christo- LBr kd Ibut vegetable gardens and 1 content If not intent that they or. other counties with whorn pher and David, al of Toron- 401 HWY. AT EXLIT 75 potted plants are Éither stop-J were ln justaposltion. Natur- we trade ln large quantities to; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chap- BOWMANVILLE - ONTARIO ped or badly cooled oY. ally. governments who always Is of course pure folderol. Let man, granddaughter fiarlene. JlSorry to learn that Mrs. Alvin appear to be somnewhat re- us get one new General Panm Balhyduff: Mn. Ish Bailey., IOlan las tUli ln hospital. luctant to pay rnuch more than Organizatioa formel on a solld Ajax, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Î 3ohns and famlly', Markham. Il%@e Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. JMr. and Mrs. Harry Hall. Lindsay. were Monday callers' Iwith the Bruce Heaslps. ( .J , i"Ramn! Rain Go Away!" N..e Ileb ate 'Goldenf Farmers are becoming discour- aged with soggy fields and with delayed seedlng. Be op-1 timbstic and keep your chmns Jup! Sorry tn report Mrn. Stan MoNeillie is a patient in the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. John Buchan, Carolyn and Douglas. Lind- say, v.isted Sunday wbth ber» PutSunday Seçvhees In the Preshyterian Cburch Sunday morning Rcv. Fred Swann delivered a splendid sermon. The Bible readlng was fnorn Romans 12, verse à: Know thyself, there are good and bad qualities - ask, "Who arn I? What is my pin-pose?" Must use our different talents to the best of' our ability. Mrs. H. Visser sang "Have Thine Own Way, Lord", with Mrs. Charles Briggs at the organ. Owlng' to Blackstock An ni- versary tbere was no service ln the United Church here. The "bake sale" sponored by Court Lady Sriowbird at the home of Mns. John Donyle was weil patronized and was a decbded success. Mrs. Malcolmn Emerson, Mns. Richard fiavison, Mrs. George Bowers, Mrs. Walter Welts and Mns. Bruce Hêaslip at- tendcd the District Annual at Bowmanville, May l4th. Mrs. Arnold Wiliamns spent the day with friends. LONG SAULT Mrs. Mabel Lemmon, Mark-i dale. and Mr. and Mns. Nelson Williams, Port Penny, and Mx. visitons of Mr. and Mnrs. Rye '""""~~' Gibson. On Saturday evening Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Foster and Mrs. Ryc Gibson visited with M. and Ms. Glen Pugs- 1M. and Mrs. Carman Fos-1 of ceremines, assisted by Mr. ley and farily, Coborne. ter, 321 Centre St. N.. Whitby,1 Jack Foster, read the many wrc guests of their family tegfams and messages re.« at a reception heid at 'Thun- ceived by the couple te com.!, derbird Golf and Countrylmemorate he occasion. Among HAYDON Club on Satunday, May 3rd, Vbes, were greetings frotb in honor of thein fiftieth Prime Minister Pierre Elliotit. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams, weddbng annivensany. Trudeau, Premier John Ro.', Oshawa, werc Sunday visitons Mn. and Mns. Foster were harts, E dw a rd Broadben,14 of Mn. and Mrs. J. Potts andi marricd Mar. 9, 1919 in West M.P., Clifford Pilkey, M.P.P.. rfamuly alid Mrs. W. Martin. Huntingdon. Ontario, bv theland William Newman, M.P.P.. I ' Mn. and Mis. Larry Carie, Rev. George C. R. McQuade, They also reeeived messag4 ýKcnny and fianny. Newcastle, Who now re.sWes in Whitby from relatives in Arizona, weré Sunday visitons of Mr. and was an honored guest at Califonnia and friends il, and Mrs.,-Wayne Piggott and the reception. Plorida. Andrew. 'Mr~v~. and Mrs. Foster arel Guests were present frons. Mrs. Rk bJivins. Bowmnan-; aetso.w snRusi'Whîtby, Tononto, Cobourg, ville, was' Sunday supper adJc.BeWiby n i guest of - and Mrs. . daughters, Dorothy (Mrs. Jack Cameron.Meshen), Theima (Mrs. Jack Recent visitons of Mns. A. Westlake), Lois (Mrs. Steve Thompson were her grand-NignJen Mr.L e dughter and ber husband, Penfound), ail of Whitby, - Mn. and Mrs. E. Doucette and 'Barbara (Mrs. Donald Coch- 623-3303 son Michael, Oshawa. rane), Onono, and Judith Mn. and Mrs. W. Bennett, (Mrq. Len Hunt) of Toronto. 0 Bowmanville. wcrc Saturday Tbey also have 24 grand- 'visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Dfiàrn C am eron's. ' c i d e .- w The head table was centrer] Mrs. Gobie and Margie, Ty for the occasion by a beauti- 41U rone, Miss Milison, Toronto, fui t'hnec-tiened wcdding cake, wene recent vistors et Mns. A. flanked on each side by gold Thompson's. bakets and vases containing Mn. and Mrs. Oharlie Bniggs, god roses.- Toronto, Mrs. L. Mountjoy, Mr. Russell Fosten, master1 Nestîcton, werre supper guests i of Mn. an-d Mrs. C. Ganrard on Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Cecii Wood, f fff Oshawa, wcre Saturday' sup-1 on>jihI' per guests of Mn. and Mrs. C. C lea'-,À,ners P-.n-i Garrard. Mrs. Archip McNeil and ~ " Your Garnients wilI b. . Lori, Orono, visited Mr. and wE Mrs. fi. Cameron on Sunday. JW . 4 . * MOTH PROOFED Linde Sharp. Enniskillen, .J*OD RPR FE spent Saturday witb ber* D U PRO E grandparentc, Mr. and Mrs. * MILDEW PROOFED Lloyd Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slernon, Susan and Fred attended En- and antiseptically dry-clcaned by our experts tIIs( field Anniversary service on inhibit the formation of perspiration odours Sunday and were tea guests of and mildew. Mrs. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton This treatn-ent lasts until the next dry-cleaning. attended Enficld Annlversany, service on Sunday. h M S U O EN F R Mrs. A. Thompson' spent hi BOWMANVILLE M SU PN O SEASO* ý weckend with Mn. and Mrs. E.! THURSDAY, MAY 29th Thonipson and Cynthia, Bow-' mnanville. Club 21 bad a very succcss-' the Community Centre on ý ~BOWMANVILLE Tucsday cvening.S 1 Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash ton L AE Anniversary service on Sun-, l«T 84 KING ST. W. 623-5520 d a y . L N S, 1Miss Carol Blackburn a'"We Specialize In Shirt Laundering ý Sunday supper gucst of Miss ; fL flNE onnie Wiliams. Oshawa. M2, . 199-à 1 JE -- 1 I 't 1 May 28. loge - S.