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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1969, p. 7

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Ekersônali Phone .623-3303 Mr. and Mii. A. D. Jackson! and Mr. PhUlp's granddaughter, ret.urned recently from a Miss Anne Wery, graduated week's holiday at Lake Placid as a Medical Laboratory Tech- and Saranac Lake ln New!I nologit. 'York Stato. 1lIrs. E. V. Hoar ba% neturn- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDon- cd home from spendhng a 10wV aId, Brown Street, bave e- days wtth Mr. and Mr&. J. H. turned from holldaying wltb Farnell and famlly of Slircws- their daughter, Miss Kanlyn bun.y, Mass. Mr. and Mme. MceDonald, Montreal. Farneil returned to Bownian- Mr. and Mre. George White ville wlth Mrs. Hoar and will aTe attendlng tbe Business make ber home their head- Confenence of the Prudential quartons Ibis week, durlng, Insurance Company of Arn- wblch they wMl vieit other, enica at Miami, Florida. anea relatives as well as nila- Miss Joan McCready and tives at OrUUla, Peterborough; Mmes. John Benders, Edmonton,~ Toronto. Guùelph. and-lMton. Alberta, were weekend guests This Frlday Mr. -and Mrs. J..; of Mr. and Mre. Byron Van- VanNest wlll attend the con- atone, King Street West. vocation of the University of Please let us bave Informa- Western Ontario, London; tion for tbis column of youn wben their son Kingsley', wMf travels away fnom borne, or be awarded a law degree. of out-of-town guests vwsiting Kingsley, who je a graduate lni your borne. Jus I iaI 3-3303. Of Bowmanvllle 111gh Sehool blIs. Mler Wght, Edmonton, and took pre-law courses at1 Alla., te visitlng hem parents, McMasten University, %1111 be1 Mr. and LIre. Orville Osborne, wlth the law flrm cof Strie& and ber sister, Mr. and Mme.1 Strike for the sumnien. and -on1 Riarold Hammonci and family.! September let will be artlcled1 Mis A.E. ilettspet sv-with the flnm o! Kelly, Greer Mrs A.E. ilettspet sv-& Jermnyn, Barnieters, Oshawa.1 eral days lasI. week wltb Mr. _________ and Mmes. D. R. Billett at Port; Credit. and aiea visited rela-! tives in Toronto and Burling-,' T R N ton. Some students bave aiready A number of friencis andi( graduated. and for others that relatives gathered at the home1 happy event will soon take of Mn. and Mns. John Vaneyk1 place. We wouid appreciate Saturday evening, May l7th to prouci parents passing along ta bonor MIr. and Mrs. Walter us Information o! their attend- Vaneyk on tbeir 401h weddingt ance at their son's or daugh- annîvensary. They wemc mar- te' graduation. iried 40 yeans ago in Holland f Mr. and Mns. James Martin, and camne to western Ontario Summerfielci Court, entertain- on their boneymoon wbero ed on Saturday evenlng in hon- they liveci until coming ta this or of thein daughter Maureen's district ln 1947. One higbllght 21st birthday. Relatives and a! the cvcning was recelpt of frienis ivere Vresent from a Iovely floral arrangement Toronto, Belleville, Port Penny, sent by relatives from, Hol- Oshawa and Bowmanviie. land.t Mr. and Mre. A. M. Thornp- Mns. A. J. Hoan and Louise, son attendeci the graduation LIre. J. C. Cook attended a3 exercises aI Queen's Unlversity linon showem 'for bride-to-be on Frlday a! lasI. week when Miss Katherine Hoan at the thein daughter Sheila recelved1 home o!fLIrs. J. Higgirison, ber Bachelor of Education de- Bowmanville.c grec. Miss Th-ompson bas ac- Sonry Mr. .Roy. Maynard Is cepteci a teacbing position wlth i n Western Hospital, Toronto.1 the Scarborough Board afI Hope be'll soon be feeling Education. some better. Mn. and Mme. Fred H. Kooy. Jenny Payne, Haydon, wasi Arthur, Jean, Rosemary and a weekend guet _c f Elien1 Fred Jr., Elgin St., aîtended Vaneyk. the commencement erercises Mn. -and Mns. Robent Bow- of Calvin College, Grand Rap- den and Shawn epent the Ids, Micb., on Saturday aftem- weekend withà relatives ln noon, May 24tb, wben AU. and Montreal. Mis. Kooy's son. Henry, ne- Miss Jean Phllp spent theo celved a B.A. degree, majoring holiday weekend urlth ber sis-t In hblstory. Ho le a former ter Mme. W. A. Goodfellow,t Bowmanvillls 11gh Scbool stu- Brighton. dent. ,Mrs. Ted Bartlett. Cardlffju Mme. John Werry, Mr. Fred Philu, bMm. and LIrs. Roy Mc- Mullesi, Mr. and LIns. VertUl McLIullen, town. and Mme. Beatnice bi-llon, Peterborough, attended the graduation ex- encises cf Peterborough Civie Hospital last flday evenlng when T&s. Wery's daugbten, REHOBOtH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street bMinLbter: Rey. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D.,. KTh. Phone 023-7407 Worship Services 10:00 a.rn. 7:00 p.m. 11:15 ar. Sunday School Back to God Heur Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a&. «Everyons Welcome"l spent a wcek with bei, parent; Mr. and Mme. D. Davey. Mme. Albert PotÈter, Osh- awa; Mme. W. Miller wene Sunday guests of LIre. Poney McCoy. Mme. Joan Abramas and son Leslie, Miss Donotby A-i strong visited hem faeMii1y north of Kingston oven the lweeicend. ?&. and Mrg. H.LHll, Stuart and Joan, vlslted 1fr. and Mra. Bill Hall, Courtice. Connie Mary and Paul Rus- sell Ferguson, chldren of 1fr. and Mo'. M. R. Ferguson were baptlzed at their home Sun- dayý aflernoon by Rev. D. Nor- tlhey. Gdparents were Mr. and Mirs. C. Culte, Newcastle. Din- ner guesti «of tir. and Mrs st. PauI's United Church Organlst: Mr. E. metcai 9:5A.K.C.T'y A.C.L . 9.4r&.. - Sunlay mcbosi 11:00 amn. Public Worship 1infant care (urlnt. Service' a TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Williama M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, JUNE lit, 1969 11:00 a.m. "YOURS OBEDIENTLY" Rev. George K. IVard Sacrament of the Lord's Supper CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Interniediate and Senior 11:00 am. - Beginners THE SAL VATION ARMY (BOWMANVILLE CORPS) Captain and Mm. D. Peck. Corps Officers 85th Anniversary Services MAY 30 -31 -JUNE 1 MAJOR and MRS. D. McMILLAN (SPECIAL OUESTS) SCARBOROUGH CITADEL BAND (45 DEDICATED MUSICIANS) FRIDAY - 8:00 P.M. "The Daisy Coffe. House" for ail teens- featurlng the Oshawa S. A. Combe SATURDAY - 8:00 P.M. Musical programme presented by the Scarborough Citadel Band - Silver Collection. SUNDAY a01 .m. .-~ Corps Mareh of Wltàuss $11:00 &.m. - Heiness Meeting 7:00 pan. - jEvangelistic Meeting, A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE 'ARMY' Social Pige on Clu-b Holds. Racesq) Memnbers of the Bowmnan- vilc Racung Pigeoný Club flew thc *tbind ansd foutth races- o! the season for 014 Birds on Stda.M&iy' l7th and Sat- urday.. May 24th,- with these resuIts in, ýrrd% *per minute. 'fli>hid'racc on* Saturday, May: 17th, 'from- Ingorsoll, Ont., air lino distance 126 miles: Ist I. ý 1690.14, Zzid Rýn Luke 1632.94, 3rd 1hClaire Peigo. 1540.24, 5th D., Woo]nier 1527.07, Bth L. Richiards 1479.93, 7th M. Dniss~4S8I7, th -PI. WôàI- nrie & Son., 1398237, Mth ànI [Luke-1380.83, 101h Ted Brown 1339.70,'111h T.,BrIdger 1298- .49, 12#1 Dmn Stainton 1274.8M, IM1 Roy, Forester 119.7.75. . 'Tié, fbùum4i race en Satur- fay My ~*¶xfroi iChalh; ~ 'mi lin di~ a2mdg rýih1és: 1s'sl Ban uké" 1572.14, m2d' Tred Browns 1584.70, 3rd L..~ NeIh.arde 51 ,4h I, Piper. 1l5l7,57,' Stli 'Ron Luke 1490.17, 6Ih. P. Woolner & Son 1-492.00, 7th D). NWoner 1488- .27, Sth -Don Stamnton 1467.73, 9th Turcotte &ý Blakey 1453- .67, 10th Claro Perigoe 1410.07, 111h M.' Carmhai 1346.83, 121h Rloy ýFomneten 1179.00, lSth Jack Bridger 1185.35. STÂRK VILLE I J Mâr. Murray Curtis. Toronto. wus a recent guest wlth bis aunt, Mr. Orme Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Rôb- Insori; Doris an«- Gordon were Sunday dinner guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Wesley- ville. ' - 1 Miss Lyndla Westheuser, Victoria, B.C., Is spending a few days at home, havlng flown to attend the gradua- tion exorcises at Ryerson at whlch her niother, Mrs. E. C. Westheuser graduated as librarlan wlth honors.,Mrs. Westheuser Is flow at the new Durham College. Oshawa. Mr. George Moore, Castie- ton, bas been spendhnJr a few Stark.Jm Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Mrs. Sid HaIlowell attîended a presentation and tea for Miss Doris Martin at* the.home of Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Bow- manville. Saturday aftennoon. .Mrs. Ross Todd wvas hostcss for Shiloh 'U.C.W. meeting at ber home, Wednesday evenlng laift w,ý,ek, with the Presldent Mrs. Carl'Todd lni charge. Sunday guests .wlth Mrm. Stone were her'granddaughter Mrs. B. 'McLelland, Fenelon Fals and also Mr. and Mrs. Chantie Hoit, Toronto. Mus Beulah Hallowell, of Toronto was the holiday guest at Mr. Sld. Hallowefl'i. M1iss- Mildred-Fafle, Peter- borough, have been spendîng afew days with her son Mr. Len* pans. Mr. and Mns. Harold Besti and sons, Wesley-le were Sunday evening nrguests Mr. and Mrs.. E. C-' West-! heuser entertalned aIl the members of thein family x cept Constable, Hugh woI holidaying ln England, after the baptismal service at Shîloh at whlch their granddaughter Mathle Blrribauer was pretent- éd by ber parents, Mr. 'and Mn.. J. BIrrlbauer, Toronto. Xfev. T. J.. Snelgrov. was i chamg. 'fti. ervlce. .and, LeIn FaDa and 19.'w wevedinnér with MIr. and Mns. Feslast week. -r and Mrn. lew Milo-j wg1l.were Saturday evenlig tîtnher :guesta at1fr. Austin & Susan Maybermy daugbter of Mr. and Mis. K. .. ..4*..4 Mayberry.. R.R. 6, Bowvran- ville, graduated May I 6tbi fromn Toronto Registened Nurs- accepted a position at the Hos-1 Ms alc yr pltaa for Sick Chilciren, in!daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toronto. IMurray Byers, Blackstock, graduated from Guelphi Uni-. SVersity wIth a Bachelor House-. Ilajs Strikw~erda hold Science degree at the' Tîree graduates from Bov-' -Graduates convocation held on Friday, nianv'itle were among more May 23rd. Miss Byers je pres-ithan 1,200 ta receie diplinas îentiy on the Faculty for the1 from President F. C. Jorgenson *~. .~. ~ Summner Sernester, and xiii aI the Spring Convocation at attend Aithouse College of Ryersoni Polytechnical Insti- Education, University of W'est itute in Toronto. eru Ontania, London. They were: G. Carole Green- ham, R.R. 6. Bowrnanvilie,, NurseUrome Economies. Douglas H.! ~iraauaie 110 Elgin St., and Hansý A.Strkwerda, 116 Queen St., Meebanical Technology. .In the 20 years since its in- ed approximately 9,500 stu-; dents, many o! whom hold i--- portant positions in the arts. and in professiolnal, business .:~%:;. 'x and industriai fields in Canada., the United States and oven-, ~ V'~ Graduate W. Bmyan Tamblyn son of Mr. and Mme. Ivison Z.; Tamblyn, Orono, Ont., grad-1 uated -with honors frorn Ryer- son Polytecbnlcal Institute,1 Toronto, in survey technollogy aI the Convocation Exercises Bnyan bas accepted a position1 with the engineering firm of! Marsalal, Machlij, Monagban, Margaret Elleen Pickard Lîci., Toronto. He le aI the; daughter o! Mr. and LIns Hown Gaît Bnancb. ard Pickard, Bowmanv ile, ha graduated May 16th from S 'Joseph's Hospital School of O .PP. RPORTNursing, Peterbor ough, Ont. Newcastle retires. one imajor occunieliceý The O.P.P.Necsl De-1jwas a 'plane crash in which .. tachment had a vemy busy dayl twa people were kllled. in Court, having 36 Traffie Act Dmlving Tip of The Week cases, 18 Criminal cases, 4 1 Dri%,ers. Wben you see a Auto Criminal and Iwo cbarg- i ehild riding a hike on the es under the Liquor Contrai street, don't blow somir horn, Act on the Court Docket.i uniess it's absoluteiy necessamv., Tuesday, May 131h, 1969. A sudden blast o! a car born Anne Marie Werry From Monday. May 12th,;ean cause a young cyclist f.ý'graduated as a Medical Lab- 1969, to Monday, May l9th,1 pamic. and lie or ,,le Imay .or-ator.y Technologist ai t he. 1969, the Newcastle Detach-iswerve righit. iito your car V graduation exercises of Peter- ment o! the Ontario Provincia path. Rernemnber. mhen kids boroughi Civic Hospital hield Police Investigated 19 traffici are around on bîkes - slow as.Friday, May 23rd. Miss actidents, resultlng In thn'ee down - and dan't scare tbem Werry is the daughter o!fLIrs. persans being Injured and one with your. hamu. Souid i John Werry, King St. East, persn, apedstnin, bingonly xvblen necessary. and the and the laIe Dr. Werry. killeci. The detachment also1 make It a couple o! warning __________ investigated 76 genenal occur-! beeps - not a blast. OBITUARY BOWMANVILLE MUSEUM 1969 OPENING THURSDAY, MAY 29th at 7:30 pail. ON VIEW. . . ANTIQUE CARS Opening Night Only New This Year: DOCTOR'S OFFICE POTTERY - IRON VICTORIAN SILVER CANADIAN GLASS Aise . .WO-RLDWAR 1 GENERAL STORE 1920's PERIOD BOOMS ADMISSION Adultq 25e Chîidren 10c EMMA MAUD IVERRY Enmma Maud Weiry enter cd into rest at the Village Nui-s- ing Home, 344 Spadina Rd.. Toronto, on Monday, May 5th. '1969. Site was in fier' 971} year. The vounger daughIero thle laIe Aruiie Hoar an( Peter Wemry, she was bon near Kendalinu Clarke To-wn ship on October -11, 1872 an( moved ta a fari nenar Tyron( aI an early age. Site receivec her elemnentary educationa Enydon sobool. Upon gradua. lion from Deaconess Trainjný School ini Toronto, slie wa deacone--ss t Dun--riA-.. Met-h odrst Church (now' Park-da! United Ghurcby When ber mother's heaitl *was faiiing site retumneci t the village of Tyrone to lix' with liemr parents. During tIi period ýie vwas active in thr Epwortls League and taughi o r id 'ni n., d. e .A ý ORIENTAL LIME Cologne, Sugg. list 2.75 2e33 NORFORMS Box of 12 15 ARRID Extra Dry Deodorant Sugg. list 1.98133 -1 (IIDITV BABY POWDER 2 Sugg. list 99ce 1c 9 OFF !INSECT REPELLENT i.1 OFF 5~ ounce acrosol -.-ý l l ANo FEE-A-INTPack of 164c SCOTTIES FE-MITSugg. list 55ce--4 FACIAL TISSUJES BAND-AI Brand Plastie Strips c 2/43e 3Ro5 9c 5evalue for 49e -- 7 GREAT SAVINGS AND BIG VALUES ON DRUG NEEDS -PLUS THE SAME PERSONAL PRESCRIPTION SERVICE TAMPAX ugg. list 1.97 -1.66 CHICK Stainless Steel BLADES9 c SCHICK 0's, Sugg. list 1.45 SILIKINSHAMPOO 39cDETTOL SILVIKRIN ~Sugg. list 5 -9 sugg.:] VITALIS HAIR TONIC 71C 7C 57C, 93c value for 83c RIGHT GUARD GILLETTE 9 Sugg. list 1.3999 Facelle Royale MENS'S ugg . 0 FACIAL TISSUE 2/73eJRISO AQUA SEAL BABY 3 99c PHILLIPS 'l>ugg. MIILK of MAGNESIA 87e -73C NOXZEMA Sure Tan Fast Tan Tube, Sugg. 1.25 99c, Tube, Sugg. 1.60 1.29 Lotion, Sugg. 2.99 -12.49 CEPACOL Muuotthwash & Gargie 99CI Sugg. lEt 1.40 CONFIDETS sugg 'Iiit 55C 47cl johnson's FOOT SOAP Sugg. liât 58 ig PRESCRIPTIONS - .D.A. KEMEDIES ALEX McGjREGOR DRUGS 5 àKING ST. W. -pnI)*NE f~67 t 1 t lyertnao wec 1 lV. aad MMI. I~~~ - Mde, fr mM -.C. m ûe ;a.-son Hary :and Iféiend. I Byarl' on luis 744h blrthdAày, M&Y' 21L A blrthday party war h.ld Sundai nbis honor at Ids home when theo follow- hng were Ipreset: 1fr. .and Mms J. Murdoch and faily, Bow- mmile; Mr. aid -Un. DQUg Pa~,Oshawa; f. and Mre. V. .Park, Mr., an&Mn. Gnon- vi. eya. and children, Mr.! and MnRalph .BÔvmere and' boys, Mr. -and Mni. DIug mil- ler. and .fanlly. Mrs. -M. Gasln accompan- led *her daughter and -son-h- 1mw, Mr. and Mns. George -Al.- dread to Mo*trexl. lut *Satur- day. afterspend$jig liv. ionths ,with theni..Zatuiday evenlng a fai'ily gatherni - was held hi onor of Minss Phillis Gas- kmf who . jiàt- graduated from, Monreal -General Hospita. Those pqýesent - were . Mr. anid M%. Ron Gaskin .mnd daugh- ter'PIhyllIs,>1Mr. BillStewart, Mme. W#Jtoe- Stewart, Mn. and Mra. G. Alldread' and'Mme.. M.~ Gaskhn.' : Mre. Gaskun, and hon daugh-t ten Mme. W. Stewart, spent a lew days sith Mr. and Mns. J. Vol at St. Lambert, Quebec, before- going ho ber daughters z home at Ejackville, N.B. j Mr. and Mmer. Clem Rabm,1 Bill and Bonny, Ajax, witb Mn. and Mrs. W. R ahm. à Pnizes won at "the Eucbret party went to bfns. Bruce Carl, Mr.. John Laventy,, Mrs.' D. Gatcheli, Mme. ÈBan Prescott Ifrs. Marine Brock, Mr. Lance Phare. The 50-30 draw was won by Mn. David Park. A large crowd gathered >at the park Saturday evening ta sec tbe splendid display of flreworks put on àby the Park Board. The CGIT hold thelr mother and daughter banquet &long wlth leaders last. week a the Rotunida 'Restaurant, Oshawa. Aftenwards. they ail enjoyed The Incredib1eJourney at tbe theatre. Syinpatby ile xtended to Mnr. and Mrs.'Arthun Youn.g- man and famiily-on .tho pass- 1ngý of -her motiier, LIMrs. Edith Leach. Fiowers were in. the ýchurceh Sunday rnornlng ini loving niemony from the fam- fly. ym PICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 31 BAYER ASPIRIN Sugg.u 5 list 63ci MACLEANS Toothpaste 1.59 value for 1.43 99 HAN KARATE HAI KARATE 14 After Shave,. Sugg. list 1.75 HAI -KARATE 21 Cologne, Sugg. list 2.50 ORIENTAL LIME 16 After Shave, Sugg. list 2.00 - cool-Ray poLAnO1D SW4GLASSES Mýen'glI 1101OFF or *~OUntil Ladies May 3 lx TCapsules or Pastilles 808 Sugg. iis3,89eO 4.50 a ea. I jln the Sunday School of Ty-: The Canadian Stateanan, Bowmnanville. May 28, 1989 Receives LLB Graduales tronc Church. Aller the dah ~,~LJiiIgII~lf lier father in 1922. she liv- ray (Irene). Mrm. Harold Hoa ed in Ottawa with ber brother,, rsi» Ahtnr a a uae Fred, before returning to:Hre) IToibn to. (Alma), and one nephew, Gor-' SIAs a Travellers' Aid at Un- don Werry. ion and West Toronto Station Te ura srvews .she extended the hand of he oneMa 7sertvTuera Christian concern to thei weay ad îneî trveîerand Porter Yorke Chapel and1 ~. A thetim of er was conducted by Rev. Miltoni retremntSanderson, vho bail vislted ..........fromn this work. Miss Werryi Mis Werry many times dur- xv~as prrsented with an illu- igbrffen er fcn minated address which con-;finement in bier room at tbe tains the following passage.nusn boe.D igte .%);"A personai responsibility for sérvice Rev. Sanderson spoke the elfre o oters as:of ber abiiity to communicate everupper ist aig a u r- with people of otber genera- tbouhts diplairi a ym-tions than bier own. a quaiity patby botb of beart and mmid 1wbichfwpol emt and it vou1d be difficuit ta h fw peosty np seemtoi estiatethenumer f lvesbute to 111e of service to ber vou have toucbed with Yourichurcb and bier feliow mnan far reaching influence for b utdbrfre atr Stephen Charles lWright Un.lie utdberwformr ad higbl graduated îtb bonors in goDuringr. taide war hohad ars BusinessiAdmiistrationeats he:praised lber work iu the Carl- BustessConvoc station fDram organized a Friendship Clubiton, Street United Cburch I College beld on Saturday, May'a e cuc, alonSre Friendship Club. Rev. San- 24tb. an isemplyed itbUnit.ed, for those %vith flextl derson also cornmertedl on her David]BresterDavidG. Hckin the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. He is of kin away at war. Usrngi undaunted spirit that iifted Davi Brwstr DtihG. oon of Mr and Mrs,î the pen naine Ramona Rutih, 1 those wbo visited bier and ber the SOfl ~~~Miss Werry wrote articles forlgrttd tatoe'voe- of the Board of Examiners of has just graduated from the Cbaries Wright, St. Georgeý thgoot api n rati tunbrder and osewrve e feryK MheRsl wlConduvtocrref nt vesty bedgrof Sskthewvanciehe rntopproeat-mmee iradsre irHnyKo tbei Royll Conservator fnt vit hedgrof LSaskatc Street. ig taretain Alan during the last years of lber' recelved a B.A. degree, major. piano examinations for tbe est son of Capt.- and Mrs. W.i 'Gardens. Several of lber devo- life. ing ln bistory, aI. the Com. Royal Conservatory ini Bow- J. Hocktn of Oakvile, bie is j % tion ais bave been pubiied1 aierr eeAId ecretEecsso avi nianvifle on June 9th - lOth. the grandson of Mrs. H. R. Rv romrdî T~~UprRo.ICegmnEe, rancisof Mlih A member of the staff atiPearce, the late Mr. H. R. Four brothers, Henry, Fred I Har aTn ier eat-new, o auraMa 4h.fe ,Alma College, St. Thomas, for Pearce and the late Mr. and Milton and Terniyson, and one Pa-Tunr.B1dWrrthe son of Mr. and Mm . red il ,years. Mr. Brewster is nawIMrs. W. J. Hockin, Newcastle. sseMnta rdcae Ross, Ronald and Ray Asbton.jy Elgin St., and a former the Director of Music. His Mn. Hockin was born ini Boxv- sse, Mntt.peee1 1o Mis Wery.Surviving are! tret a nte familv studerit at Bowmanville High activities also include pianolmanville in 1946 and was edu-, . three nieces, Mrs. Walter Mur-' plot at Bethesda Cemetery. 1 eol teaching and examining acrossicated in Camp Borden andIl-- Canada for the Royal Conserv- Kingston Public Scbools. and' atory o! Musiec ICentrai Higli School, Regina. uIn 1967 be neceived bis B.A. from the University of Sas- raduate atcbewan. At present he Is G rad ate articling with the firrn o! King and McKenna, Barristers. Oak- ______________________ ille, Ont. b, 1. 1 IL in

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