six Guides and Scouts were prE nted with their Religion and Life Embiems, during ie service at New- castle United Church. Those takin part were, fromn lef t to right, Deborah Shearer, (failef t) Tracy Emb- ley, Mary Grace Paterson, Ruth Paterson, Jennifer Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor - Bowm'anville to Toronto Gen.rwas Wade ShIelds. EFntering,1'he Canadiaii Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Suns J, 1969 i eral.their cars long with other West Congratulations to the fol- Durharn winners, and Oshawal tnded the Annual Cub Ath-,day afternoon, there were no! usworcnl tIinr n saao u- h o e A c p e letir Day and on passlng at Newcastle winners this ye.:, o n J se A c p least five events, have passed and only one car from ail Westi ýoteirneeded requirements toDurham which took a trophy.In o sA5o d P a obantheir Athletic Badg.AThe frst prize winner o! the' - . themn another year, attencded BowmanviJIe. was David Cha- I for points toNvard their .packitham, who came in third In F *receiving the shield. Those design In Oshawa. Congratu-' o o k in F a c required te compiete two other maY soon be seen in the win- Newcastle:- John Jose of Don Jlose, and grandson of Mr, requirements. Doing this at dow o! Toms and Sons. 6. Westmount Rd.. Guelph ' and Mrs. Harry Jose, Newcas.-, -.-their recent meeting the new- Messrs. Stuart Woods. Archie has been accepted as a par-tde he'is presentiy enrolled in est boys to obtain their badges Bernard and Bruce Tilison ticipant in the Jobs Abroi the mathemnatics and philoso. - are. Màarty Lowry, Mike Wai--recently enjoyed three days atiprograrn for the summer of' phy course at the University. ton, Ronald Couvier. Rod Dan- Buckhorn where they triedl 1969. o! Waterloo where he ha* cey and Stewart Tilison. Oth- their luck et fish«lng. Four nicel rsnpascl frJhco ledoeya.Jhni ers. who passed earlier but at- sized fish were bought (whoopsresbe n plnFcal] cer Jon-cmle rate of enal.JhnMI tended again. are Will and Tim'that should be brought) homne bewrigi rac n rdat !CnriP Nicholson, Ken De Jong, Art-1 ýder the auspices o! Interna- Secondary Schooi where ha hurMesengrWad Sheld..tional tdn Information! earned a scholarship to the hurMesenerWad Sieis. iService and tihe International tiniversity. -Jeff Lowry, Tom Couch. Dan- de PaSoitfoTrnngndClSlredob Sny Hopkins, David Rowley, USceylo rinn n ClSlaidJb f Ciavin Allun, Gordon Blaker G ture, (ISIS) and (ISTC). John AUl participants' in tihe Jobs Sand Harold Couvier. Thanks B is one o! the 1,500 &tu dents, A broad program hold saiaried -~for a job weli done. The high- Dake Sale who are accepted in the Jobs jobs living with Europeaftu '~est points made wene by Hil]- Abroad international work side by side while lerrnga crest Heights Cubs. 287, New-i by Margraret Brereton 1 corps every year. lot and making new friends. Scastie were In fourth place] Newcastle:_- Shades of Auit! The son o! Mr. and Mns. Some do farmn work in Swit- with 133. Milly! On Saturday, June 14,'- zerland or wait on tables la ~ Cngrtultios t thse oys net only are you going to be leaders wii] also ha seekingý resorts in England and rae from Newcastle who did Soi able te pick up nurousyour support by sellîng tic-! or even such jobs as p'ackag- IwellI n Wednesdiv eve....,.,s goodies which will tempt the kets on a pair of hand-ern-, ing ciaets naBlga .: West Durham District Pine- mes t. discerning palate, butbroidered pillow cases that factory. Swood Derby Races held nt the] o wili also have the oppor- have been generousiy donatedý Most jobs pay fs-om $3() Lios enteBomanile.tunity toe eijoy a restful mo- te the company by Mrs. Ale-l (with room and board) te ýRepresenting Newcaistle 'en t vracp !tao iaSecr $27.9 monthly. Tlhere are aiso iSpeed were "A" Pack.,flanny cof!ee adadlcosya-l eseiljb nao SHopkins, Jeff Lowry, Stewa t edadafeiiusya- syucan see, your sup- a wspecalos r n off ie -- ' Tlisonand Maly teart Ipoine plate o! sandwiches por o ti ambitious project' and isrosfrtoewt Til oron n al owry. "B" cmlt ihtsydset.wl be two-foid. Netot nlinecessary skills. ddc, Garden, Blaker, Robbie Nor have the children been wiii it get the 'Little Woman'ý Muno ad Sirly Hmilon.The wee itrouc dr)aP Maxllsn Burrows and[ forgotten - they wili receive out o! the kitchen a good part! Munr an Shrle Hailtn. heywereintodued al-Milson InDesign,"A the same luscious plate of of the weekend. but it willl by those in the back row, District Scout Commissioner IPark, Tom Couch. Ronald1 sandwiches and desserts as aiso make 13 girls and their! Don Heard, District Guide Commissioner ýaShuldinn their parents with Freshie as leaders very happy becauseý Storks and Scout Bob Northrup. Thr presentationslnîd Couvier, "B" Py,:g. he3i-330a3 t ej were made by the Rev. Thomas H. Smith. lKen De Jonz and David Row-! There will even be a 'Touch most educational and cane- CL"3 0 lyNasle en"e wt 6and Take' table where many free visit te our nation's capi- lot - - Chs torepresent "A" and!useful, decorative and funny tai corne June. Woan ase ar ari B" sP ack s . At the end of thei items have been collected for Your respone te the Guides'i ls now homne foliowing a tot h finals i Oshawa. taking, AIL this is being prepared whelmîng and we do hope youj sloperation. Friends o! Lloydifirst in speed over 32 cas 'wsfo you by the 2nd Newcastle will offer them an even great- operation was successfui andIsecond place was Danny Hop- defraying expenises.for theirý Please watch this paperi that lie is doing so well. Mc. kins, takîng second In design planned trip ta taat and posters in store windows! Phono 97-4213 Aildread was transferred frnrniwas Tom Couch and fourthlJune. These girlsadthi for further detail.I p .. I A quarter of a million peop]e. -- ~~Bell Canada stockiswdl Scous, uid s, ubs n dBro n18s1ý venualy anewbuilding will be eecte lnNewcastle and hopefully this will begin ln 1969 and be ready for equip- Para ed t Chuch unda Morinqment in 1970. Property Is own- Newcastle:- At 10:15 s.m.ý and to ail who were visitingý Guides will ha on displaY,' eils Lumber on No. 2 High- Brownies, Cubs. Guides and!the Unitcd Church xith their and a film strip on China hiî aveast no theig. re Scouts wit.h their leaders, sons and daughiers in the1 be shown. Lunch with Chi- es made by the Bl nthr e cs- inade their way ioto the New- parade. Guidle Joan Cal] read nese cookies wiil be served, to home and business 'phones castie Community Bail Park the Ist Bible reading, taken, and anyone wishing to trylin 40 years. Now, however, where they were iined up inifrom Luke 10, verses 25 to 37. their iuck eating with chopý withI- materiai cost, cost of parade formation for their The second Bible reading wasl sticks will have an oppor-laean triemBl ennual Church Parade. This given by Scout Donald Tilli- t o o ftýds It must Increase costs of *year they rnarched to andai ilie t uit o o o.wge ad thritms Bl i tnde te srvie.6n{ came third. Ebenezer was second to 14.-*-~c' h h tln.fou5' o.. A-,"et e aseJk$_Tyrone and Hampton third. Each of ____________________ Parade - - Vgod working condition. Our son. F-," M pIreseni. equipment is up toI Carol B E m m standard as far as it goes, but the C a rian akfrae r Sleep ratulations te Murray heard glowing tributes froro gate costs. atukadtn o ae r Jeff Dson who graduatedithe boards and teaching staff, Mr. Kloepfer stated the; needed. Enquiries had been flag tonors and received hisl of the aforementioned area.I1 need of organzed fire protec made as to prices and more* carr. d~ree rom hampainj Mc.MNeil was presentedrtion in terms of the possibility dfnt nomto oi e .Lpon4ej Peterborough, on Frn- with two of the Fredeickýof saving lives, saving pro- vial ii1enarftr. g"He la a son of Mrs. Ern- Lansdown bird books, espec-'perty and saving perso>nalj Cal Porteous and Rev.] -estine Henderson and the late ially inscribed by Thomasý possessions. He also spoke onjKeith Adams' had enquired asý ,Rev. J. P. Henderson of Beth- Hutchinson from The Teach-IFine Insurance savings - re-Ito property available that, ,enY. Mr. Henderson will er's Institute, and Mrs. Mc-Iduced rates through The Fire1would be suitable for build-, teach next year at Kenner Neil received a beautiful bou-lUnderwriters Board, whenijng a fire hall. Thnee possible:i *'Collegiate in Peterborough. quet of red roses." Mr., Mc-!f ire protection is adequate.~ sites were namned and costs of' -Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ring- Neil wiil now be a director He answered questions fron, same would be iisted at an" -folm, Mrs. Dorothy Mark and of the Dept. of Education with tefor ocrig oteal1 ae ,Mr. Roy Jarvis have left for the new County Board. Born etc.1 Harvey Malcolm, deput3y- .-hoiidays in Vancouver, B.C. in Janetvile, he taught in the Frank Severs, Fine Cie! eeve o! Manvers townsip, -and Aaska. Manvers township schools 0fr fromn Miilbrook, explainedi stated that with the present. Ross Jordan has returned Janetviiie, -Pontypool a n dThe Mutual Aid System as it f ire brigades at Pontypool -'home fromn Salt Lake City. Betheny, before going to Mil- i exists at the present time and! and Ja-netville and the pro-ý '~Eer mihIsaton. I from which Bethany andi posed one at Betihany, Man-ý .ner CicSitsalpten-, Two senior softball games Manvers Township wouldývers township wouid have. CiieHsptlheebo- here on Sunday. Bethany Won! benefit. three good units and with,'I Ralph Rowan bas returned tihe first one against Orneree~ Laverne Wright o! Janet-i Mutual from Miiibrook and" ptlwith the score 7-5 and lost vil ulndtewr oeOm e, oIhae xcli home from a Toronto hospia.tescn n oBiibrvleotindtewr oe mme oi aeecl1 An excerpt fromn The Acton tescn n oBiibr, In that village when they es-, lènt protection.f Eree Press wiii be of interest score 6-2. talse their own Fire Bri-!Il Bethany makes the re-'i -to local readers: "More than Fire Meeting ýgade two years ago. They had quired contribution, the Pon--r 'l25 teachers and former, Thene was a good attend- i purchased a pumper with typool and Janetville Fin&:s 'Board members honored W. ance at a meeting heid initankwhich had a water carry- Departments agree to havin9r- Leonard McNeil, Area Super-' Bethany on Wednesday to ing capacity of 1000 gai. and1 Manvers Council taking avec"ý *Jntendent for the Acton, Mil-ý discuss better fire protection1 built a new lire hall to house, the costs o!flire protection.l À.on and Nassagaweya Schoolsf for the area. James Kloepfpr' their equipment. for the entire township. ~ À'ât a testimonial dinner in, chaired the meeting and re-! lJerek Worthington report-ý Quite a number volunteer- ,,Milton lest week. Organized1 ported on the findings o! the i ed that he and Ross Neals had ed to become a member of ýby the Teachers Institute of vanlous committees which hadj inspected the portable pump-'the Bethany Fire Brigade un-' Lhe Inspectorate, the banquetibeen set up eariier teo investi- er pnesently owned by thpeldec the chairm.anship of BobJ Depend on A&P for the TASTIEST MEATS IN - TOWN!. CANADA'S FINIST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BIEF ROUND STEAK ROASI O N ELUT RUMP ROAST BONELESS DTO U SIRLOIN POINT ROAST BONELESS lb ROUND STEAK FULL SLICE PORTERHOUSE STEAK OR ROAST WING STEAK OR ROAST SIRLOIN STEAK TOP ROUND STEAK OR ROAST ROUND STEAK MINCED PORTERHOUSE ROAST 3WAtY (UT FROZEN, ýIDE PORK SPARE RIBS CANADA GRADE "A", EVISCERATED, FROZEN CHICKENS ROASTING .5 TO 6 LIS SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY. SLICED PORK LIVER MEATY PORK HOCKS SXBRAND, SLICED BEEF BOLOGNA. .19 9 b991 tb1.39 L179> L492 LB 3 5> Jane Parker APPLE PIE by'SAUERKRAUT Focelle Royale Reg. Price 53c - SAVE 4c PAPER TOWELS PKG OFIROLLS 4 9 CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, LARGE, LUSCIOUS, NO. 1 GRADE CHERRIES w lSy b 59> CAROLINA, TENDER, STRINGLESS, NO. 1 GRADE GREEN BEANS â29Y LIBBY'lS BEANS SPAGHETTI PEACHES Dsep Brown, with Porlc Reg. Prie 2 tint 4&co-SAVE 14o Libby'& - SAVE 14o Austral, Fancy Quality, Halvas or Sliced - SAVE 15. Kismast Parcbmant Wrap MARGARINE 1-lb pkgl 15 5 4-f-oz tins 9 9 514-fi-oz tins 9W1 I 28-fI-oz tin.s 7W1 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THNIS AD GUARANTEEDTHRoUGH SATUROAY, JUNE 7th.. 1969 *~r ç*' Emblems I we cure Mary Miles SMOKED 2-LB ¶f WIENERS 1KG 7>. SX Brand, Assai-ted COLD CUTS LB 879e Maple Leaf, Smoksed, Bliceci, Rindiema, Vacuum Pack SIDE $9 BACONL% 9 Burns, Tray Packc, Pure PORK u6LO SAUSAGE Reg. Price 55c - SAVE l bc FULL 8-INCH. 24-OZ SIZE 4 5Y Reg. Price 2 tins 59c - SAVE 10c 3 28-FL-OZ TINS 79> mamw
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