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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1969, p. 12

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12 rhe eanadfan Statesnun, Eowmanvifle, June 4, 1989! Tuesday evening ta the aud!-1 Northumberland & Durham Church, Cobourg. fii~r i c e ap r Northumberlnd & Durham bert Rnd family, omryc * mmm.. BowmanvIlle. have taken u b!N nc Heaih Unt Ke ort esidence here ln the hou - It's lmNatcy Krain ea h U i Re o tpreviously occupied byZ. - 1' MLs umr-tm for the great kitthi and Mrs. Don Owles and uscape! Turn your apron over ta the barbecue kin Eeport for April, 1969 Audiometeryi daughter. CommunIcable Diseame i Screening tests were con-; The annual U.C.W. supper Yeu. the mnan of the bouse who ardinarily wouldnt1 Of 65 diseases reported dur-:i ducted in Bowman3vill@, Bright-. last Wednesday bnought an seen in the kitchen, suddenly becames Canada's forem< ig the month, 30 were Ger- On and Cobourg. and in Clar-ke. unusually large crowd fram outdaor culinary expert, or so we ]et him think. Sa he mlienimeaules. 18 chickenpox, Darllngton, Murray, Hope and far and nean. favored bv the aealwrcpsfrbreun htsol e o and the balance were mumps. Hamilton Townships. , first really warm weather of are and'ew rec ofsf or thearbcight sauldge y ocarlet lever, salmonella and: A total of 832 tests were 1 the season, with gratifying hsadssmre f atergtsat red meaules. made. 22 audiogramns were! resuits to the local ladies wha Shish-kabobs make such deliciaus dinners, ad il Six rabid anit',als were re made, indicating that %here1 were kent busy serving from xeseskwretaesodi mnytrs.T ' portéd by laboratory findings:,,wýere five new delectzz, 14 de- 5 p.m until alter 7:30. Comn- pniesee esaesl nmn trs h five foxes and one bovine. fects still present, and 4 re- meats on the mneal. beard at are various ways of martnating beef for steak-kahal: 'flese were in Clarke, Cavan,' tests normal. Two returas the door, were mast enthusi- One of the quickest Is ta, maiate the sirloin beef cubi Darllngton, Brigton and Ham- i were received fi-rn . tamily astie' in three tablespoons of yaur best Itallan salad 'dressin Ulton TownshIp. physicians, and ane was con-' Mn* and Mns. Stanley Nich- At Tuerulsi isulted only. ais of Port Carling were visi- Mushrooms are traditionally included 'on kabobs. bi Atthree clinics held duii1 On AprIl l6th, the audiology, tors wltb Mr. and Mrs. S.J, they are costly and can be excluded for economy. Thic the month. at Bawmanvrne.! technician spent t.he day at the Lancaster the past week. steaks and roasts that are ta be used fan barbecui $'ort Hope and Cobourg, 991 Ontario School for the Deaf; An entertairiment was Stag- sbould be at raom temperature. But thin steaks, sé Persons had a chest x-rav. 'at Belleville, as part of ber con- ed at aur local school, Thurs udra Inhadgon benctey av be There were no new cases of tinuing training programme.1 day evcning. to help defray ex ud-a nh adgon ef oc hyhv e tuberculosis reported. A total Envlronmental Sanitation 'penses of the annual bus trip. frozen are mare flavorful If cooked befane the.) ha% of 382 persons were on the and Fond Control j Plas's, musical numbers and thawed. And tell yaur busband ta be sure ail the famE case register at the end of the Investigations in respect to even a square dance an two have died down before he starts ta caok. The coals sboul inonth. housing usually Increase dur-i were perfonmed by the pupils' lo s-ryidaigtndlwreatrdrk - ImmunizatiOn ing the Spring mnonths. when 1ta the enjayment of the good- lo s-ryi algtadga e fc ak -Twenty-oae o f fi ce a n doccupants are changing resi- sizcd audience. The part we play in preparing a barbecue dinrie achool clinlcs were held, at, ence. planning on housing' Mrs. G. Stapleton 8rcam-, can be a smalanc. A large, crisp salad aada cold relis which there were 100 primai-v; construction, have penmittcd panied Mns. Alec Martin ofjtaar odfucmpiesfrchcal etn rnailpox vaccinations and 177~ waste to accumulate. or their Newcastle, ta a bridai shower r odnu opiet o hroldmaa re-vaccinations. T hi1 n tee n pivate sewenage and/on waten at the home of Mrs. Joyce after the fun, little dlean-up is nequired. But just ta re childi-en campleted the initial supplies have failed. Duing' Biagham. We ton, nStna asr h aiya u nipnaiiytyedn l erles oi Quint vaccine, 12 the manth seven campîmînts afternoon. Ia honon of Miss meal with a touch of geatus. This recipe for homemad èormpleted the sertes af Quad, ! have been investigated. and, Doris Martin. 40 had reIafoi-cing QuarI vac- 230 Inspections made relative Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster Strawberry Shontcakc has beca la aur family for genera cine and 183 bad reinfoncing ta the above mentioned phases and Mrs. John Chard, New- tions, and it is deliciaus, attractive and easy. too. Thi Triad: 20 children received of bausing. castle. attended the. marniage shortcake can be made ia the mornnng, wnapped in foi. mneasles vaccine (Edmanston: Public Health Inspector Gi n Riverdale Pnesbyterian and rut Into desired servings at dinnen tume. strain). F. Culhane atteaded a course Church of Miss Jeanette Tozen Nurulng i on "Rerent Development inî and Mr. Ronald Sproule on Fnl- SIHKBB The month of April lis par-' Foad Tcchnalagy" at Univers-, day morning. Later on ln the SIHRBB ticularly busy for the nursing; ity af Guelph froni April 21-25. day they attendcd the gradua- 2 lb. Boneless Lamb, rut into 1 ý,- 2" cubes staff wha are working la iThis was an In-Service Train - tian of Mrs. Ronald Sproule, as Bcnsrpctl schools for reason of Immuniz- lIng Course sponsoned by The Registered Nurses' Assistant. Bcnsnpctt atian and heaf testing pro-'IOntanria Bnanch. Canadian- Local ladies attending t,îsp Small whole onions grammes. The nurses spent linstitte of Public Health In- Eastern Star Spring Tea and'I Green pepper wcdgcs 100 hours more this montb oni spectors. in ca-operation witth Bazaar in Port Hopc's Masonic Tomato quantens this particular aspect of the; the Local Health Services Temple. Saturday afternoon,16skwr wonk. Jncluded In school! Bnanch, Ontaria Depantment of included Mesdames B. Joncs. 1 kwr wvork ton. are some hours spent: Health. C. Brown, M. Joncs, F. Hend- Marinade 3i cup Hot Water on pre-schoal registrations. GeerlRears erson and A. Wade. Y4¾ cup Hanev ýrIhs year. registrations will la-! Dr. Charlotte M. Horner, Guests at the Brignall 'Ai, up Soy Sauce élude mare cbildnen as more Medical Officer of Health 2nri Stcey wcding in ewca0tl kindergarten classes will be, Miss E. Flaxman, Supenvisor' United Church. Satîîrday after-2taisoaSld01 available. Cleriral staff as Public Health Nursing. con-! noon, from this village. wene 2 tabiespons Leman Juice wvell as nursing staff particl- ducted classes as part af the Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Stacev 3 Claves Garlic, crushed pate la thts annual "sprnagý training of students ln the.and family", Ms .Fro. Combine all ingredients iisted uinder marin-7 round-up'. 'etlRtrainCniiaeMr. and Mns. C. Farrow and i The number of nurslng cane jcourse. Glen. ln ade rmn a ade chu into ue. et sandi vIsits ln the home continue tn Cl_________R Faro's Inceae.Som o te ofiesafter the reception and supper,1 wnap a strip of bacon arouad each piece. Gripase are busier wltb this program ln the Centenrnial Boom at the skewer with Piece of suet ta make the meats slde than others. There were 282 1ITTONLLTTTTr'al Icuce;"Ïr vIsits to give rare of this klnd., and Mr:-. Carl Farrow and of8do easily'. Thread meat. onilons and green - -- i Miss Darothy Ellîatt attend- Brure of Downsview, Mr. Jini peppen an skewers in an alteraating pattera. cd the graduation exercises at Cale of Graiton. Mr. and Mns.i Cook .1 - 4" frani coals for 15 minutes on each N EEDALIFT? Ms rnkS ýof Bow-,Bowmanville. thf!etheofhthe :ew minutesesto shower at ber home. ncceatly. and family were at their A'9FVRT 1KB S ia bonar of bridc-elect miss Chemnoag cottage for the wcek-DA'FVO TE ABR J'l1Frances Starey. end whcre Mn. Roy' Smith and 2 lb. Sirloin, tnimned and cut lnto 11," cubes Miss Ida Sharpe, acconi- Mn. F. Gilmer spent Saturday i Ipanied by ber cousins Mr. Ew- with themn. Salwoeoi art Sharpe and daughter, of, Mn. and Mrs. B3. F. ElllottiSalwaeoin hIToronto, spent several dayg at were feted at a family gath-ý 6 skewers R ENT 1i1ber bouse bei-e. the past week. ýecing, Suaday afteraaon. at'6Craoqatr A ~~~~Mrs. C. Farrow, Mns. Jacki the home af Mn. and Mrs.I6 ma qrtr Eliaott and Mrs. J.- Imlach Robent Elliott, the occasion of Marinade:- V2 cup Salad Oil N'Wwere amang those attending their 40th Wedding Anai- V4 cup Vinegar thbe TB Cliriic banquet last versary. uchpeOno C RMiss Pat Varma spent the ¾ cîip ch altOno past weekend la Toranto with 2ztaponSi FROM . .. CANADIAN ROCKIES fricnds. 2 teaspoons Warrestershire Sauce iTwo accidents occurred here Cambine ail Iagnedient.s listcd under marin- and WEST COAST Thursdav evening, withia a ade. Mix well. Mainate beef cubes ion three au V M Uwith Trentway Tours 'radius of a couple af mi les, hus kwrsroncbs uho n FO D' JULY 13 - AUG. 2 eFortnet Iyno nc was oýnians in an alterriatiag pattera. Grill 6-8 minutes FORDPrired fram as low as $312.5 seriously lnjured, cither time. on one side. Tura, add tamata wedge ta end of ils iite st. W., Of.h.wg per persan, includes trans- Another aid land-mark has skewen and grill five minutes langer. 576-1800n accomniad a t i o n ~ disappeared, with the renov.. 576-1800, and aIl, FoIt,.se, ailtours, ai ftetlpoebnh yMRNTDHMUGR maones y 0-eW.ekly - lMntf, FrFute nfrain the Bell Ca. It wasn't lanAIAE HMUGR ell onobI. -U.s.a. er urtCo nftrigordmatdeinonabt2 lb. Graund Churk ______________ s.ta Its abuse by hoodlums. but ' esonSi JURY & LOVELL will be nissed by traveilers Peppen TRAVFLgoing thnougb. Mr. hale atrs n Hamburger buns, warmed, an taasted on grill REYAUA 63382-wlhrs. fCahe, Mc.r% arimaded:1/2 tableocsVunga 19 King st. E.. Bowmanville ýTaront.a speat the weekendMaide cpKthu Bruce, while Sunday.. visi tons 4 teaspoans Worcstenshîi-e sauce wer Mr. . Gb Mn. M- ¼1/4cup Waten Abe Hofstede and daughter, f .Bawmanvilie: Mr. and Mrs.~ 1 teaspoon Sait anBruce Waters and diaughters' Four ta five boucs before grilliag, prepare 1 and Mr. Chanlie Waters. marinade. Combine ingredients listed for maria- Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Joncs dinRsaisueaadhatnIlblng L e . '~accompanied Mn. and Mrs.! d aasaîsuea n etutlbii or ~Bruce Leuty ai Pont Hope. te i Remove irom heat. Lightly mix gnouad chuck or& lflii Llndsav. on SundaY, whene ail I ith sait and pepper and shape intn six thick, 'werc dinner guests with Mr-. large patties. Marinate them la a shallow pan fandmul. Bbiet ad witb the sauce. Refrigerate. Mr. Alan Martin Mi Port At serviag time, remave meat. fram sauce Credit was an overaight, visi- and grill, basting witb leftover marinade. Sýrves Àr1toc with Mr. and Mn.-G. sxjg--oul. av fQune- Cnfê,ence i apoanful 0f rmashed str.awberries._ Star 1k .the -top We Specialize ~wil eh aBleilleA'. ai the sbortbread on them. Caver wîth a spoon- 22 through Aug, 24. A Stanley fui' ai halved stnawbcrries, and topth wol demnonstration is ta be beld creation wlth a swirl ai whipped rream. (Some here this mantb, and a ciait pi-cicr plain creani pauned aven the top). in Vaie4 4 m. An Invitation fromý Serves six. Newcastîe Couples Club t.o j ~~.Z'- ~ with theni la a tour af theT.-L of Pizza 1 Nuclear Plant nt Pickcrng on1 od Jue at 7 p.m. was read.1 e c rs H l A donation was voted each of_ a the girls going to summer , naL SlRiPRISED iM ayM ee'ting at, New icesed our - 2 Non util1 :0 acamp. Treasurer Mrs D. NewLicnse Hurs- 1 Non nti 1:0 am. Viakle gave the financial ne- IF VIA>' 50com# >OU î ___ __-- part, after which Unit Leaderl E*WàR XW6K n a Sc DINING ROOM OPEN 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mcs. A. Wade presendeooa.assted rsthOe7.1AIONTh aymetn 0a1h W *], W Paedcn and Mrs. J. Man. Clarke-Newcastle teachers ws TI AUDYMA 4htlThis part of the meig CIhcld la Kendal School May 20.i Corne and enjoy Supper Dancing fromn 8 p.m. closed with the hyma. "Sweet INSRersm tswesevd featuring THE QUARTETTE with Bob Hill Hour ai Prayer- and guest. Business iacluded question% speaker Rex. T. H. Smitb aiof regardiag the publie c srool. Newcastle was Intnadured, Tnack and Field meet for stîi-. Questionnaires were ad AIOf dents 9 ta 14 years,'ta be held àfta each two ladie.s, ta be June 7 aad aur Tablaid Sports aaswered as fully as possible, Day, June In. it was ls aiter the sbawiag af a taped m roved and carricd that Our? 'Interview hv Patrick Watson, monthly meetings sbould con-' on conditionF In China, shown H A~ tinue next yean as they oS by the young son a e HRVEY vddpra-dtusflI-~ Smith. These wenresponsibe ( .E for an iaterestîng dwsussion R N !mettiods and aids. Oi-oaq Phone 4;23-3373 period. followlag which lunch '~ R N 3-26schoi vaiuntepned for tht Liberty Street, South ut Highway 401 was serv'ed bv the group and Septemben meeting. b, the, usual social half hour ESSO NOME REAT SERVICF The renaihder af the meet-b brought the evening ta a close. lns was oriented to dIsplayý, 71and dernanstrations et varlous f day a.tternoon. ney dedî tTT' f dawyisdenly 0oý audia-visual and duplicating up fromn the schoolf the j Y L E T N 1e wy " sd alds. by their respective corn- music provlded by pax the! Perry Hospital. pany representatives. The dis- Bowmanville Legion 1 p e' Several from this locality A number of teenagers from parences. tape recorders. over:! the service and s on party held last Saturday night: teenage dance edI Janet.lV head projectors. an opaque Proverbs 4th. verse 2 eep. for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie John- ville Community Hall on Sat. projector, dry 'copiers and thy heart with ai ence son and daughter. of Cadmus, urday evening wth the Lind#, stencil copiers. for out of it are th of. who have disposed of their. say *group "The Krewd" pro' life. Miss Peggv os sang farro and are moving to Bow-! iding the music. a solo. The boys t0li the marvile. The best wishes of' A few from this ocality en*. ]KENDAL collection. After th 4rviceltheir many friends go with joyed watching the Labatt' theY paraded don the, the Johnsons In their new Bue Trophy Race at Mosport: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lwes school again, home. the first of a seres of il Can. Svýmo2thyý is extended to the Arn races to be held this Yea' of Peterborough visited Mr. Next Sunday the >stern wifë ad family of Mr, Ivan Found our first race, very al and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Sat-! Star ladies under the fietion Paut of Nestieton Who pass-, teresting. urday evening.i of M rs. H een Courrt w ill_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Recent tvisitors with Miss parade In for their lhurch' Catherine Stewart were Mr1 Service at 2 p.m. r., third and Mrs. Dan Keane of Toron- Sunday the Masonic>oc ta, Mrs. G. E. Lotthouse and wIli hold ther AnnuaParae A *Aý Mrs, H. Scott of Wýýhitby, andriin Kendal. / L'4.M I M r, - an d M rs. D on T an slev , M r a d rs Tr rn G r. Michael and Janette of Osha- 'butt were guests of he~itr Wa. Mrs. Daroth:v Reid herUI4IVERSALI To date we have re eived 'husband at Orono for 'l'r Ilttle information regarding When the ' camne o they Kedlhisoyfr h okwer srsed tcdc ranvi HO M ES Thiswil bethe entnni1 fthern their 4flth Wedciz n bath the Methodist and Pres. niversarv. Present vý-e Mr.' byterian Churches In Kendal and Mrs. JTack GarbX, and' which were both built In 187(l.' their famiiv7: Carol aï Gord -A If N-ou have any Interesting Teachout and famlyf Wp-A family historY or hist.orirai1 ton. Ken and June iulkner events will vau write or Phone of Thistietown .Lena âd Tam rLI Miss Catherine Stewart? Tele- Faulkner of Weztan. AIr_ and C N R L O T R O H M Phne93-18.Mr.Les Reid, Mr. lrtReid LRRLOTROHM Miss Ann Foster spent a nd Mrs. Eillen Refl;;Il of couple of days last week at;Orono: Mrs, Ava 'Iarbricki B ID R t. U . IV SO Montreal when Grade 13 took and Keith Swarbrickùf Ken-, their trip there. They went dal: the ret were froi Toron- U . ER Lt eS B D V IO bv train. 1 to - Mr.'and Mrs. F Malos'. The t.mperature- last Tue,,- T1illian and ( stn (Grbitt.B ' m n i l Francine andRl flanNlson and day morning went into rs1.Srk Saunders Ave., o m n il ing and Imany of the tohacco and Mr. ýAnd rs..StarkW growers had ta replant. Somne nda flii s An wîStak e x- Kendal folks alsoawdh t.a cx hae xuch plkYand dî tend aur best wishq ta Mr., STARTING AT $23,45 3.00 M. and Mrs. Eddie Carux and Mr. Truman Giutt. and LYnn visited S uinriav 1o 2 9 s. t o e w t a fternoon with Mr., and Mrs. FoCaÙ8 s. i.hoe it RaY Couraux at Hanmpton.LO GS UT*HtW er ydoi ain K endal Pee W ees (last ye r L P I . AI* H t W t r H d o i e t n Tykes) won their gamre when IVMr. and Ms ~ Aln * 2 Bathronms Ornacae ow hre Y a and daughter. Mesjs. Fred. * 5 Major Appliances 1very large one-sided score. The and BohbY Clifford,i Oshaw&a,*Fee tadn Fu itr Saturda v antam ga mne W as werereeinSaandppgr Fguests 0 i alled off byx Orona as they!Mr. and Mrs. John ýa ker. * Landscaped Lot coulé!flot field enough pla vers. M.adMs 1 .Co Th UiedCurcahr WOfý Mr.e an fd M ed a. J.ONY'$.13CokW Oshawa Shopping Centre. Wel O Smith, Bowmariville, were N Y $ 13 , 0 D W !w o l d ap p reciate d o n ation s Su n a ev n n g es sC o e ' h m ar t e 8 a m . a 5 fro rn the ladies o f the congre- , lSun a d ni g ies w l t a - u e 11 s g atio n o f ak in g , qew in g . C luth 50 lde s . John B er.. d a l o naah o u h F id . i p m knitting. home made jarns and tehm fMs on1ap, -.diyMna hog rdypm ellies. candyv and ther useful icesdav\ evening, Jujne In.: articles. Thee ay be eft ith! with Mrs. J. Baker and Mrs. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunr3-- Stewart, or the Vice-President ors. r n IItA U tis .H Presiet, Mi sstelie. K. Gablan rýG a er cnr]r youir church by giving gen- IlRuth 1spent the 7,eekendi with PE R O A Jr erausly. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker and È 1111 Our church ws weil filledi M. and Mrs. C. Peacock, REALTOR again Sunday. We were pleas-Bacrfi 52 King St. W. Bowmanville AL N ecd to welcome the Guides;, theý Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker efC Brwnies. the Scouts and thel and Pamiela. Oshawa, spent Phone 623-2453' Cuhs and their leadiers t, the werkend with Ann and__________________________ Kendal United Church. Swn- (Gnrrv Baker- ,.... ......I FREE PARKING Al Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, June 7, '69, in Bowmanvill WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT.QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri Nights'til 9 p.m. DOMINON STORES LMIME King Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2.. U*t) Al

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