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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1969, p. 15

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0~ ~ - ~ '~ 4~MJl V.~** ~ and Dale were Sunday guests rf aeur.Se Swlth Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns,1 aedn Sunday visitors with- Mr.! being go ki and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday mnuch yvou Co r i e S - .were Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hampton r Co ri e S .JacksonGuelph. edPte Mrs.FloencePeaceWil-abiingthe lowdale, Is spendlng a couple week-An Acftivitiesn wthM. ndtenne SU:ODSYand Dale were recent visitors i h rv by SERDSYwtth Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd aspiration. Broorne. saith - Doe Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Activity at C.S.S. ha.s ail but one, and te my fellow grads,! Mr. Ken Knox and Miss Nancy c ret a standstill, as the 1 wish a happy and pxomlsing! Knox were guests of Mr. andMMO sehool tex-m is fnally draw-, future. Mrs. Glen Kitchen, Woodstock. WEEIN lnget a close, and the vax-loua (Intended for last week) Snae eerto eko clubs organizations and ath-, nSnaa eerain1..We fI loti assciaionsareCampaigning was ln fui!. fathering ta honour Miss Amsin their ags an cauin swing test week when the,1 arg. Kitchen who recently Brh- .tqut Courtice Students' Council; graduated fx-om Queen's Uni-Dicage for nothr scool ear. pxesented the student body verslty wlth ber B.A. degx-ee. Mjroe The athletic side of Courtice with its candidates for next Mrs. Grant Down and child- Manor- oper finished its year off well withi year's S.C. positions. The ren of Sunderland were week- EMenrgoen seea lsad abadsehool was submltted ta the end guests wlth ber parent, itngh new record set at the COSSA; political propaganda of their; Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Vstn Track and 'Field Meet twO 'future officiais in, the vax-tous1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires ne-- weeks ego. A very speclal!fox-ms of wall-slzed signs and!cently vistted Mr. and Mrs. "Thanks" is extended te ail; posters, election buttons, Ray Bernis, Oshawa. those who represented Court-! streamers and p 1 a t f o r mi tee at the Meet, and for those' speeches and although It prov- who managed te bring home ed te ho a neck-and-neck race O IU R the wlnning ribbons, a hearty between the three presidential O IU R Ilote af "congratulations". nominees, Joan Rodgers fin- MRS. NORMAN LEACH The political side of Court- lshed the chosen winner after tce ended equally as success- the Frlday atternoon elections. 'The death o! 'Ms.Nora fu,with their vax-bus positions, Congratulations and best wlsh- Lechocu red ttrathve for Student Council executie st yu on adas aNurising Home, Bowmasxville,t itle wthcaabe ndcaer'your new Secxetary, Sherry~0 usaMy2,16, Could the third hand in the purse b. Mr. Benson's ? to-achieve students. I'm sure' Lynde; Treasurex-, Junior Ten- following an illness of ap-i they will ail do a fine job, and 1 nant end Vice-President Bren- proximateiy thx-ee years. She the enthusiasm they show ta-!da Terrill. î'm certain you'îî wa in hex- 82nd yeax- wards the plans which they ail do a fine job serving yourý Daughtar of the late John yeax- Is most certainly an A weekend with nature in- Edith Mary Vice was box-n at asset to the school. ýdeed proved to ha a we)comed Solina where 'she atte'ndedi Hampton.Home and Schooi gour of Whitbv, ening gues't was Mr. Frank No doubt the students areand well enjoyed trip by the school. On February 15, 1911. wil meet on Wed, June il, Sunday visîtors with Mr.'Holroyd, Bowmanville. ln eagex- anticipation of the sevex-al boys accompanied by she maxried Mr. Nýorman M.' at 8 p.m., with the guestand Mrs. Paul Versluxs were- Mr. and Mx-s. Fred Holroyd. sumrmer holldays. however, the Mr. Voisin and Mr. Vickex-)ý Leach who predeceased ber. speaker being Dr. Waldemar: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hobbs and and Lynette, Mx-. and Mrs. trauma o! June exams Is yet who camped for two days in': Following ber marriage Mrs,: Kutzner of Oshawa, who will family, Malton, to help cale- John Morrisette, Gina and to corne, and unfortunately, Algonquin Park. T'he hourS;Leach Iived at Solina for four be speaking on the topic of brate Master Paul Versluis1 June Mar-ie, Beau Valley,: lt's always business before, spent "*flshing. frying and fun-: years. She had resided in Sex Education in the schoois. Junior's 5th birthday. isaa pn texekn pleasure. So for those un- !ninq it up' by the guYs \vasýTaunton for over 50 years.iHome and School, or P.T.A. On Sunday, May 21st, the ýat Omemnee. lucky people who wex-e unable i also available to, the gals. May! A housewife, hex- interests as it is penhaps better known.' church service was conducted' Hampton Doubles Club wilI te escape writlng their flnals.î 3!, when the Gymn Club head- centred around her home and is a volunteer organizationby Mr. Steve Antyni and Mx.,meet on Saturday, June 7th, "«Doonis Day" Is Fridlay, June: ed out for its weekend ln the family, and han favorite'devoted to the welfare of oui' Bruce Hurst. Mr. Artym tookatLvreadEihCe l3th. Best ci luck to every-1i lds._____________ hobby was that of makîng!children. It. was fouinded back the seriptures and his sermon! mens' cottage at Williams quilts and hooked nugs. She, in 1894 and gots its present was "God is Love." The las-!i Point on Lake Scugog. Supperi * Awas a member of Mion United name in 1927. The P.T.A. son was based on the readingl5t 7:30 p.m. in fox-m of pot-i S O I.iN A Church and a former member which functions through a1fo t on hpe 5,11uck' Those not knowing thel of Solina Women's Institute. program. o! study, action and ,verses 5 to 17. Mr-. A-yilction meet at 6 p.m. ait heý Sincere sympathv of the1 Mrs. Don Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Leach is survived by ,fellowshilp 10 help meet the also took the ehildren's story' rhurch, others may go at theiri Sauina com-munity te Mn. and Mrs. R. S. Nichois, Port Cari- thx-ee daughtex-s, Pearl, Mrs.; needs of their individual corn- while Mx-. Bruce Hurst gave iown convenience. iCOw Mrs. Burney Hooey, Mr-. andiing. !D. F'itt (Doris), both o! So-!munities, needs you the par-' tha ordex- o! service. This cor- Any teenagers in the com-~ Mrs. Lax-xy Spires and reIa<ý Antilversary guests with Mr.i lina, and Mrs. A. Youngmanents. so please corne on out respondent missed this ser-,miînity wishing ta ha ini Sun-; We ha tivs ! x-.Chrîe Sot wo; ndMr, Ja nodenwee'(Jean) o! Tyrone. AIs" sur- and help support thîs volun- vice bu a be oi olday Schoi Anniversary ser- "Mod passed away ln Memox-l Hos- Mn. and Mns. Tom Pieàsance.1viving ax-e seven grandchild-'teer orgcanization. I capably done it was. I vice on June 22 (evening ser-1 p3~i pital. Bowmanvilie on Wed- Susan and Steven. Tyrone;ix-an, Murr-ay. Marie and Linda TaGiemeigcm <> Th shw ligCub ie laecnatBucel i nesday. Mns. Jack Davies!Mrs. Irene Honner, Toronto;!Flatt, Alla , James, Roy and order May 29t.h at 6:30 p.m.î adit nua1Fy nDnc'IHurst 263-2255, or Doug,, Coor, (Jean), Winnipeg; Dr. and[Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow- Betty Youngman; and a sis- Tefa a asd u ry on Saturday at St. Mary'sî Dewell 263-2562. Mrs. Gordon Scott and daugh- iden, Brookln: Mn. Isaac Hardy, ter-, Mrq. R. C. Theobald 0! cx and the Queen was sung, Parish ini Oshawa. Mr-. andý Mrs. Audrey Holroyd and' ter and Mr-. Norman Scott, 'and Stanley, Solina., Pambrun, Sask. foliowad by a discussion onMrs. Steve Artyni took as1 Miss Lynette Holrayd attend-i Brantford, and Mn. Bob Scot, i On Sunday. Mn. and Mrs.' Among the mnany loveIY summar camp. We then walk- their guests Mx-. and Mrs: ed a showe'r an Tuesday ev -___ Grand Prainle, Alberta, al'Lorne Keliett vlsited mith Mr-.ý floral tributes, evidenca of: ed up to the park whare we ' Har-old Balson, Mn. and Mrs.l ening at the home o! Miss;l were here fox- the funex-al. and Mns. Bob Eaklns, Part1 the asteani in which the de- played bail. Upon returnhîîg' Harold Wilkins and Mr. andi Borinie Ox-miston. Bowman-1 We are vax-y sax-ny ta hear Hope. 'oea'sed was held, wara thosa;to thse church we closed with!Mrs. Joe Jackson. Mr. Stevae ville, for- Miss Donna Manie tht rs Caxena ic l a Mr. and Mns. Paul Faxthng1froni the Beehive Rebekahtap.s at 8:30. Atn lydwt h itr aew'bo will become the atient in Oshawa General:Erlc and Monica, spent theIde, Sln oe' nt- ns aa-eCeasadflute band for the Boy Scout' bride o! a former Hampton SALE E leosptal. She is progressing, weekend et thaix- cottage onittZo n oin eg-Ms .L.Bacadwr'panade held on Saturday in re-sident, Mr. Walter Veîrley- iI f avounably and we ail wlsh bar Buckborn Lake. ' dv1ie us 17h ecate a spedy reôver !bois. an Hamton Ceamer.'Wenesda dinnr gusent son o!as M. sn, sndofMr.san Peterete a~r pedrcvey' Mnand Mrs. Ross Kossatz,, bons. and Hampton Craamery. enesaen isip 2 L Mr. Harry Dimbleby under- Shelley and Kevin. Don Mlik Te ueri sevce w1;Ms.HMorPn. oonoatnd Ms acvisitnabwith Vnîcsbn, o aJud 2th.or went suxgery ln Oshawa Gen- wr aeedgusswibM.held tram thbe Noxthcutt El-' Mrs. Lorne Annis, who was M- n r.Jc cab thsbe adtefu exai Hosptal last Tuesday andi and Mrs. Ralph Davis. i iott Funeral Home, Bowman- a patient in Oshawa Generaliwere Mr. and Mrs. Art New- most difficuit thîngs to doi we hope he wili soon be home' Mr. Alian Fraser, Toronto,j ville, on Thunsday, May 22nd, Hospital. is home and mnucb'ýman, Agincount, Mn. and Mrs. graefully are te confer a; agan.and Mr-. Glenn Frasar, Bria nd was conducted by Rev.I imprnved. Miss Elaina Annis,iEarl Newman. a! Vancouver,! favour, te receive a favoux-. Barrie,1 -B.C. te offer an apology adt c Mrs. N. C. Wtten la very spent the weekend with their 1 A. E. Cnessweil. Interment i Toronto, and Miss Charlottei.ant c slck ln Oshawa Genex-al Hos- parents, Mr-. and Mx-s. Randyrwas ln Hampton Cemnetery. iAnnis, Oshawa, spent the, udydna usswt':eta pig n ehaps pital. She undenwent surgeryý Fraser and Bob. P allb e ar er were four, weekend home with thaîn par-1M and r.RnlCem softeouhe ot iict an Thursday evenlng and Is at. Mx-. and Mrs. Charles Tayior,i grandsons. Murray Fiett. Ai- ents, Mr. a'nd Mns. Lorne An-ian muly wene Mr. and Mrs. prasent ln the Intensive cane. Oxono, were Sunday guests 1 ian, James and Roy Young- j nis.i Edgar Wright and Betty, En- depatment and progressing wltb Mx-. and Mx-s. Evexetti man: a cousin, Mr. Russail Sympaf.hy goes oÙt to Mx-. Enn rlen atr ari qut aoual.iCrdra.Vice, and a neighbox-, Mn. Ralph Ballard in the losq o!f ikle, Mse an! qulte faorby1Cyemn Muller, Oshawa, Mr. Harold Rpr.ent. guests with Mn. and; Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Broome Ernest Hockaday. Kil- Spx-y, RachesterMr..Y. - Evey c"fletho o aked.Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant Evtr CD~,o.i ~10 akecottage at Oak Hill Lake. i MAR Miss Dale Bannes, who re I Ex EL'<z£ ceived a nasty cut in ber foot xequiring 34 stitcheqq ta close' It whiie practising for fieldj day, is fine and wîll ho ne- turning ta school soo'n This is one of the bazarda oft surn- le ss mer when ail the children would be wise te warn thaîr - u, m M ehildx-an o! the possible dan-1 gens aside froni infection' C Miss Ginger Baisoin Tor- han l* ye rls 1alaonto, spent the weekend with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mx-s. Lional Hickey and tamn conp ra l e uipe .ily were Mr. and Mrs. tat Lamb and girls, nikle. r#o ar ye upped.Miss Kelly Hickev enter- tained about 15 young ladiesl on Satux-day on the occasioni a -LN c ott were Mr. end Mx-s. Her- 1 EXCLI bort Pnescott, Roger, Ex-m and Anita, Maple Gnove. Sat-U urday visitox-. were Mr. and!M k Mrs. Jacob Kesiex-, Amy a.nd' Jacob Jr., Bolton. i 116BI M. and Mrs. Fred Holrayd' VAL- Cawere Friday afternoosi visi'- Now more aeally does cost Iess. tr _M. n r.Ao Brookisan, Oshawa. Nojrfftall y o xe opy oet et moe.How corne? Because this year we'veeu the price Spendirng a few days visit- y, o exectto py mre o moe. ut g witb hex- parents Mr. and: White Exterlor by So you'd naturally expect Canada'a favouriLe on the 300-h p motor, the Turbo Hydra-matic trans- Mx-a. Roy Metcal!, Hampton i car, Impala, to eost more t-han a '68 Impala wîth mission and the power dises, and we've made wax-e Mx-. and Mra. Bruce Ste- Sherwin-Williamns the same equipment. Well.. the prive spiral stops head restraints standard eqwipment. So you save phensc"'ý' Detroit, Michigan.;i right here. a bundie. Cailers last waak wîth Mx-.1 SEE NEW AI Like an example? Take aur Impala Custom And on top of ail this, Imnales a better car and Mrs. Roy Meteaif were! Cope quppdwih 00hpTrb-ir V, ths er.Bynw ouaoudMr. and Mrs. Arthur Bannes Coue, qwped itha 30- p urb-Fie V, tie ea. B no yo shuldbegetting the mes- Mrs. Fred Wright and Mrs.i pjwer front dise brakes, Turbo Hydra-matic trans- sage. More car, leus money. Woods. Base Lina, Bowman- mission, head restraints, whitewala and wheel cov- And your Chevrolet dealer will bè happy tW ville. Saturdey callerg were -E hw ers. And we'll take $120.50* off lust year's ýprice. prove it. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Metcaif. - Douglas, David and Canalyn , 'B ased on manu facturer's suguee maximum retil wex-e Sunday suppex- guestaj* COURTICE li prices, ineluding federai sales and excise tax and w alestohelrN.wadsti e LI ssw~eddeaer 1iLy ad hzrtius ~Mn. Morley Hastings, Tor- NEW COUR SEEYOU LCALAMRIZD CVIOLE DALEt nta. was a weekend viaitox- Mn - Tues. - Wed. - 8 a.n. - E SUEYOU LOAL UTIORIED HEVOLE DELEMwith Mn. and Mns. Gilbert Thursday - 8 a.rn. - 9 p.m. Aordcock visitimg her and - ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED her guest Ms. Ivy Holoyd, Toronto, wex-e Mr. and Ms COURTICE- PHONE 728-6206 BOWMAN VILLE - PHONE 623.2556 Jim Eakins. Gregory and Ro- U N - _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ __ToronttoToonto tSat dwda ev- the neceiving of ai The Canadian Statssmîan, BowrnanvilC, June 4, 1969 15 ota ytiu ail who - tegreat fevour of Bannes, S. Armistrong, C. Bad- ând to tll me how PVINTYIJIIIL lc n .LFie ee enjoy reading the lc n .LFxe news. his crres-othan couples jolned them blna asAs predicted aur rnen's' dancè after wlth Kaye Adams xtedshergeuinIsoftbali teamn are starting ta and bis orchestra suppiying anks. So until next. fla" much better bai. Tbey j good musi. Durlng the even- emotion Or nesoiu-I haid the smart Cavan team tta lng M-s. Lyman thanked ail acted out speedilyl a tie bas-e on Wednesday even- J thase who bad asslsted in malt- ewe-. The tume iagýng. On Sunday nigbt wlth ing it a succes. Jecision and action, Dale Stinson pltehlng good hall At ieast thnee local eltizens ae o! many a noble, and the remainde- o! the teani 'are in Civie Hospital, Mrs. Lily Net evas-yone that' ln good fox-m tbey defaated the, Richardson. Mns. Aivîn Olan eth. Bye nowx! same team. Kaep ber up, boys. and Mr. Leonard Porter. We Anve-sary Services warelsîncex-eiv hope tbey wll sôOn KIAL HOSPITAL liaid at the United Cburcb i ho back bonis agaîn. here, Sunday. Betbany Chu-eh______ KLY REPORT Choix-s asslsted in bath serv- Mle ai:We lte gay 29-June 1i mcl. Icees. MlC ai:We lte nS -- - - 70, About 30 mamrbers and theli or household ar-tices rildew. 'atlns -~--85,in the Orange Hall, Saturdav mixtuire o! lemnon jule and ratons----------- 6:evenlng. Il was, sponsox-eci by sait, then spread in the sun for ratlons --- 37 a Pontypo!-Bthany bowling nature's bleaching. Complet@ rtreatments --- 159' teani. Five tnophles were the tx-eatment wlth a thorough iours 3-8 p.m. daliy awandad ta C. Neals, R. rinsa and dx-ylng. TIS WEEK ,I MPLETE WITII FRAMES , LENSES AND CASE ive glasses and frames in all styles, from the 1Square" to the traditional combination ini i and gold-filled. Choose your Irame i your ail at one low price. 65 STYLES SHAPES A COUORS TO CHOSE FI IJNDING SATURDAY, JUNE 7 7 BOND ST. EAST 2nd Floor Oshawa HOURS: Monday 9 a.m.- 9 Tues., Thurs., Fr1. 9 a.m. - 5 p.M. Saturday Till 12 Non Closed AIl Day Wed. Phone 728-1261 s lu M.ny PIIUdhI Chie.oeCm* a md 1904 We 511l ali PSI, Oculists Optomietrists Preseripti at smre iow prices.. sirotaLs, IF RISUINS ReYPTO9, ULMU OR FLAT-TC I ~ - - - -- ~ 0 0es0 * BASKETWEAVE * HIGH RANCHER * VERTICAL LOUVRE 'ROM lo Io 0p -0,4i *HIGHBOY TOPPER * BAR 3 * PICKETT " ESQUIRE * PATIO PAL'AL rUS FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES 1 P.V.C. ANELS 26" x 96" RANSLUCENT REEN ONLY per Panal ANELS 9 1 ý O- OJ J. USIVE PAINT GAL. --$3099 Attractive Trellises and Arbours to Cherm Your Garden' See oux- wide range of attractive, well-built decor pieces for your gardening season. FAN - ............. $ 1.95I *TRELLIS .............S 3.15 *No. 86 TRELLIS ....... $ 2.50 *ARBOUR -............$23.28 GRZEY ý OLI Wil SE or nA erg CI F à e VA 1 u > iri:N 24" x 24" SLABSM $136 ea. GREEN$1.76 ea.M VMPIC STAINI il not crack, Peel or blister! sain1 M-TRANSPARENT SOLID COLOURS ~ WI0 CASH 'N CARRY $2,e53 $7*33 ,LLONT CATALOGUE FOR BUILDING NEEDS Wood Products UTED SHOPPING CENTRE RTICEC SHOWROOM HOURS 6 P.rn. Frlday - 8 arn, - 6 p.m. Saturday - 8 &.m. - 5 p.rn.j - - --- LL THE NAME TO BWW DON III -I -B' Il I 'J - --46M 1-

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