4à 2-married in Enfield United S Mr. and Mr s. Donald William Griffin, shown ii the above photo, chose Saturday afternoon, May 17 1969, at 3 o'clock for their wedding in Enfield United Çhurch. Formerly Miss Judith Florence Lee, the bridE is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer George Lee. Enfield, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Griffin, also of Enfield. Photo by Sneyc GRIFMI - LEE day afternoon, May 17, 1969 ,rhé mnarriage af Miss Judith at 3 o'c-lock. Standards of ?'lorenoe Lee, daughter of Mr. white and yellow shastas pret. and Mrg. lmer George Lem tily decorated tihe chuirci ~aMr lad Wiliam rif- and guest pews were marke< Z*p. so mr. and M!rs. Fred- With white satin bows. ' ;V;-. A'-~Griffin, al of En- Rev. J. Lougheed officiated, ffeld, was solemnlzed In En.-j and Mrs. David Lee played field United Church on Satur- 1he wedding mnusic, he solo. Ideal Father's Day Gift! . & AÀA r 4jedC9«ae GGwka/ The stocks thot never need Ironingi The smort, neat appearance is there to ' t stay, whether yau wear them for work, play or lounge around ail day. Just wash and dry-the dirt ond wrinkles corne out-the press STAYS IN. The proof is in the wearing. The proof is in ail the extras you get in Larry Carter Locked Crease Slacks-the go onywhere-dlo anything slacks that Nover Need Ironing. - Ail Colors - B~OYS' SIZES - 16 ta 18 MEN'S SIZES - 30 to 44 $7.95S- KENYS 3t TEMPERANCE ST. X. MEN'S WEAR BOWMANVILLE Ilm wu. Mnr. MW* Wana-l wett. Given ln marriage by her father, the bride wore a Ml length gown of irnported Alencon lace over a sheath of silk ligoda styled with a ruf- fie at thie neckline and on the sleeves. The redingote over- skirt extended into a gi-ace- fui, flowing Cathedral train and was enhanced at the waist back by a self bow and sash. An exquisite floral elus- ter of jewelled rome and pearl-studded lace held her tiered veil of uolloped silk illusion, and she caried a bridai bouquet of yellaw sweetheart roses, white car- nations and stephanotis. Mrs. Donald Lee was mat- ron of bonor and Uic brides- maids were Mrs. Donald Grif- fin and Miss Arlene Me- Keown. Miss Kimberly Lee was flower girl. Their foi-mal. length gowns of yeUoew crepe ligoda designed with a jewel. led neekllne, bell-dkiped siceves, and flowin.g train, were enhanced et tihe back by a self bow. They wore match- ing. scalloped bow beadpieces, a!nd their cascade bouquets were of mauve dalsy 'munis and yellow shastas. Mr. Allan Griffin was best man, and ushering were Mr. Donald Lee and Mi. Norman Lee. Followlng the ceremony a reception was held at the Lions Community C en tr e wbere guests were received by the bride's mother who wore a lilac silk and worsted fabrie matching coat and dresln Egyptian styling, banded in gold, a turban hat in the sanie shade, and cor- sage of pale pink sweetbeart roses. The groom's moth ci assisted ta receive and for the occasion wore a pink dress with matching pink hat, banc accessories and corsage of petal pink sweetheart roses. As the happy couple left on their wedding trip ta north- eastern Ontario, the bride was wearing a dress and jacket 1ensemble of sof t sbrimp, matching hair-bow, and whit glaves, with black patent ac *cessories and corsage of white *carnations with Zoriran sweet- heari roses. They are residing at 84() Dundas St. East, Apt 2, *Whitby. -OSBORNE - MASTERSON The mariage of Miss Linda May Masterson, daughter of Mi-. and Mis. Thomas Peter Masterson, and Mi. Alan Gay Osborne. son of Mi-. and Mis. Hariy Lonne Osbor-ne, ali af Bawmanvulle, was solemnÀzed in St. Joseph's Roman Catho- lic Churcb, Bownianville, on Frîday evening, May 2, 1969, at 8 o'clock. Rev. C. Hicksan oficiated for theceandlelight service and Mi. A. Collisan played the wedding music. Mr. James Fair was the soloist. Given in jariage by bei ýf father, thie bid ore a for- ;. mal length, empi-c-waisted h gawn of w(hite silk and rayon d accented by lace einbrolder-y on the bodice. A niatcblng chapel - lcngtb, lace - tiimmed jtrain highligbtcd fthc gown -aind ber sbaulder-length bouf- fant veil cf sllk illusion was held by a rosette beadpiece. She carrîed a white Prayer Baok crcstcd with an arrange- ment of red roses, white car- nations and stcplhanotig. Miss Tina Hughes, Bowman- ville was maid of honor and tbe bridesmaid was Mis. James Masterson, Taranto, sister-i-law af thc bride. They wes-e attircd ini floor- lesigth gowns of emirald green linen mi pricess style and tnimmcd with lace. Their headdîesses were of yellow swectbeart roses and they carried bouquets af ycllow 'munis and white carnations. Mr. Dan Marshal of Tor-t onto was best man and Mi. Don Masterson af Bowman- ville, brother of the bride, was tsher. The reception was held nt thc Paîkway Orescent home of thc bride's parents. Guests weîe rcceived by Uic bride's maother, wbo wore a two- piece, iose-colared suit with black acoessanies and corsage of white carnations. Bei oie leaving an a bni honeymoon, the bride donned a green and white dress with matching coat. Grecen acces- %ories and corsage of yellow r-oses complcmented bei- tra- velling ensemble. They are nesiding ai 252 King St. Fast and vlan ta Visit Ireland la Augit. The bride, who ettended Bowiajnville High Scbool, ig a clcîk-typist with L. & L. T'col Ltd., Bawmanville. An employe ai General Motos-s, Oshawa, the groom aise ah- tcnded Bowmanville Hîig h School and ia a member ai the Kinsmen Club. HAYDON Mr. Ted McLaughlin and Mr. Gardon Raicliffe, Fenelon Falls. weîc Fridcy supper guesis oi Mi. and Mrs. RSss Ashton and iamily. Mi. Delbert Martin, Wells- ville, N.Y. spent e week with bis mother Mrs. W. Martin, and sister and brotheri-law, Mr. and Mis. John Pottg anid family. Mr. and Mis Mita Pater- son, Maple Grave, callcd on ,Mr. and Mis. Roy Paterson JMr. and Mis. F. A. Osmond, Bowmanville, were Sunday dinner guests ai Mis. Os- *mond's moct h e r. Ms. A. *Thompson. Mms Annle Hathez-ly, Ty- roue, called on MIrs. Thomp- son on Manday. jMr. and Mis. ]!au Adamis, Oshawa, visited Uie J. Potte family and Mr. Delbert Mar- tin on Sunday. Mr. J. Pottg and Mr. Del- bent Martia visited Mr-. Gar- don Martnancd Mm'. George Ferguson, Oshawa., on Satur- day. Mrs, A. Thonipson called oni Mr. anud Mis. tiaurie Thomp- soc. BSw=mvie. con Frlay.j Exchange Vows in St. ioseph's Church, Mr. and Mrs, Alan Gay Osborne are shown in the above photo as they sign the register following their marriage in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville, on Friday evening, May 2, 1969, at 8 o'clock. Formerly Miss Linda May Masterson, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peter Masterson, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lorne Osborne, al of Bowmanville. McRobbie Photography Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pelletier, Orono, take pleasure in announcing the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter Lucille Marlene to Mr. Keith Montgomery Swarbrick, son of Mrs. C. Andrus, Toronto, and the late James Swarbrick. The marriage to take place Saturday, June 28 at St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Newcastle. The bride-to-be and groom are recent graduates of Trent University. Miss Debbie Paterson spent at 8 p.m. iii the Community the weekend with Debbie Van Centre. Mrs. V. Johnson, Dam. Burketon. Bowmanville, will talk on Watdh Caining Events for Antiques. particulars regarding our-Sun- Church service wiII be with- day SchSoo Anniversary ser- drawn on Sunday on account ice, June 2id. of Decoration Day service at Club 21 are holding their Hampton Cemnetery at 2:30 meeting Tuesday. June loth o'clock. RICKABYS LIMITED WOOL SALE Clearing Mary Maxim Yarns NORTHLAND WOOL - Reg. $1.19 CLEARING __ BOLERO ORLON - Reg. 95e CLEARING -------- ------- 89C 79C Mary Maxim PATTERN FOLDERS Reg. 25e ca. iO CLEARING c SUPER FINGERING 3 and 4 Ply Eeg. 65e.- CLEARING - 49c NYLON 3 Ply Reg. 45e - CLEARING -_ 35C ALL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES O. P.P. REPORT From May 20th ta 26th, 1969, the Newcastle Detachment af the Ontario Provincial Police lnvestlgated 15 traffic acci- dents, iesultlng ln four per- sans belng hIjurcd and two persans kllled. The Detach- ment alsaivestlgated 55 gen- eral occurrences, such as break, enter and theft. trafflc complaints, mlssing persans, and maliciaus damage. The cruisers tîavelled 8.074 miles, covcnlng ail major highways, county and townships road ln the dctachment aiea. Dîiving Tlp of the Week Becauso It la the stait ai busIer ies. It la Imperative that al af us concentrate on the safcty factor, A blgh per- centage oi accidents are catis- ed by carclessness. The driv- ei whe iacks consideration ion others using the hlghways, by foilowlag to close behlnd the vehicie ahead, improper pass- Ing, nat using directional sig- nais, or speedlng, ai-c a fcw bad drivlng habits that can cause death ari- njui-y ta hlm- self ar others using the high- ways. "Sc take care - Don't1 make the beglnnlng oi sum-j mer the End"'. TYRONE Mms. Ethel McRoberts, Osh- awa, smeit a wcck wihh Mis. Roy Maynaîd and Mr&. W. minler. Glad ta repaît Roy Maynard *has iniprovcd in a week. Any- Lone wanting ta drap Roy a card or letter send ta, Western Hospital, Toronto, Room 740. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chami- berlain, Mn. Ralph Maynaid, Mrs. D. Gibson, Oshaw'a, Mis. Editlh Walker, Eownianvillc, visitcd an Sunday with Mis. Roy Maynard and Mis, W. Mi. Mr. andi Mis. Jack Hatherly, Newtonville, visited bis mo- ther, Mis. Annie Hathcîly. Mis. Annie Hatheily visited Mis. Ethel Bryan, Buiketon. Mrs. N. Swaîd, Montical, is spcnding a wcck with ber son and daugbtei-in-law, Mi. and Mis. Robert Bowden and Shawn. Mis. Frank Geneicaux, Rab- bic, Dcbbie and Bai-bara, Manilla, Mis. Roy Taylor and family, Toronto, were Sunday visitais ai Mn. and Mis. T. C. Dodd. Mis. R. Scott, Bownsanviile, is rpendiag a few days witb Mis. P. McCoy and ailier fîlends. Mn. and Mis. Laine Phare wcnc dinner guests ai ber daughter, Mi. and Mis. Don- ald Allman and son Dicw, Oshbawa. Mr. and Mis. Norman Ccx, Stoufiville, weîe Sunday cail- crs ai ber mother, Mis. P. McCoy. Mr. and Mis. Henry Stain- ton, Miss Lynne Siaintan ai- tended the Graduation ai Mr. Rick Gay ai St. Lawrence University. Canton, N.Y., aver thc weekend. Mi. and Mis. A. J. Hoar cttendcd the Hoar-Moiris wedding at St. James United Cbuich. Tlingion, an Satun- day. Mis. Thonmas Gibbs, Golden Plough Ladlgc. Cobourg, spent a couple ai days visiting ber son Mi. cnd Mrs. J. Gibbs, and daugliter Mr. and Mis. T. Janezyn, and familles, Mr. and Mis. Mac Haamilton cnd family. of Bownmanville, werc guests of Mr. and Mis. A. J.. Hoar. Ms-s. John Rumdle enjoycd a trip to Ottawa, Monday and Tucsday last week ta sec the tulips, accompanied by Mis. Gforge Armour, Miss Bertha Arinour aofIlepton, and is. Mam Cana, Bowmanville. On the way home they vislted Uiper Canada Village, and al- so visited Mis. Cann's daugh- ter and husband at Belleville. Mrs. Donald Ïvavey accom-f panied Mr. and Mis. Ted Bart- lett and baby M.tthew ta thefr new home et Cardiff an Monday. Mr. and Mis. Peter Oprica and childien, Georgetown, mpent the weekesid with her sister, Mr. and Mis. H. Van Dorp and ctildren. Rory Gibbs, Joe and Nancy Hrnls attended the Stratford festival with M. J. Habbs Draina Club an Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Walter Park visited Mr. and Mis. George Wills, Canningt6n, on Sunday. Friday evening there weîe 15 V2 tables of Progressive Eucbîe. Prizes as follaws: Mr. Dave Gatchell, Miss Elva Or- cbard, Mr. Vivian Carl, Mi. The Canadien Statesnm. EowmanvMle. Jume 4. 190 Mr. and Mis. Gary Pettit and daughters spent Uic weck- end at Prcsqu'ilc Park. Maple Grove Sunday School Anniversary will be heid on Sunday, June 15th. Rev. Ro- bert Runibail, Toronto, will be guest speaker et bath ser- vices. F u rt her particulars later. Mi. and Mns. W. H. Brown and son David were Sunday supper guesta with MIr.end Mis. Morley Flintoif. Bow- manville. Mr. and Mis. Ted Foicy and Mis. Pearl Hockin were Sat- urday evening callers on his mother, Mrs. E. W. Folcy, Bowmanville. MARITMES and CAPE BRETON Island with Trentway Tours JULY l9th - AUGUST 2 Also SEPT. 13 - 27 Priced froni as Iaw as $220 per person and includes transportation, accommnoda- tion and aIl sightseetng tours. For Further Inormtion Contact JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL 919 King St. E., Bowmanvlle 1, 1 623-3182 » IZrU1 Cleaners C/hucUe Your Garments will b... . -J MOTH PROOFED *ODOUR PROOFED *MILDEW PROOFED and antiscptically dry-cleaned by our experts te inhibit the formation of perspiration odours and mildew. This treatment Iasts until the next dry-cleaning. BOWIMANVILLE KIWANIS CHICKEN BAR-B-Qj MEMORIAL PARK - JUNE 8th, 4 to 6 p.ni. Tickets available et Colliss Electric, Cowan Motors BOWMANVI LLE CLEANERS Esvert Watson, Mi-. Otto Mad- sen, Mr. Lionel Byam. 50-50 draw won by Mis. Arthur Richards. MAPLE GROVE Sympathy of this commuai- ty is extended to Mrs. Mel Holmes and Mr-. Mark Conray in tihe passing of their father. Don't forget Institute meet- ing on Monday evening, June 9th, at 8 p.m. i C. E. Hall. Meeting ini charge of Mrs. G. Besse; roil call, My grand- motheî's hobby; Mitto, Of al things yau weaî, your expres- sion is the most important and its costs yau nothing;, Topic: A visit ta Henry House Museum, Oshawa, Historical Research. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney spent the weekend in Belle- ville visiting relatives; weîe aIse guests at the Bradshaw- Orm wedding, the groom be- ing a nephew. Mis. E. Stephenson, Mrs. M. Goodmurphy, Mis. Ron Brooks and Mi. and Mrs. Ken Brooks attended the teachers' confer- ence at Five Oaks ovci- the weekend. Mi-. and Mrs. Howard Cry- derman, Mr. Jiini Cryderman, Mis. H. R. Foley, Mr. and Mis. Dave Cryderman, Richmond Hil, were guests at the Twist- Soles wedding in Kingston on Saturday, May 31st. Mrs. Maud Fowleî, Whitby, is spending a few days with Mrm. Roy Van Camp, Base Line. Mr. and Mrs. K. Mayberry and family were weekend guests with her niother, Mrs. Peter Newton. Mr-. Don Brooks and party have returned home from their iishing trip up to Dog Lake, with a good quota of fieh. Congratulations ta M is s Susan Mayberry, Bowman- ville R.R. 6, on obtaining ber Registered Nurses Assistant diploma, Toronto. She bas ac- cepted a position at the Hos- pital for Sick Childi-en in Toronto. Mis. Chai-lie White, Osh- awa, spent a few days last week visiting with ber bro- ther and wife, Mi-. and Mis,. Fred R. Stevens. nec many friends cf Mi. Gardon F]intoff will be pleas- cd ta know be la improving nicely. Hope it wan't be to lonJg before be can îeturn home. Mrs. Allan Snowden, Mi. Sain Snowden and twa sons, Oshawa, spent Uic weekend with the f armer's son-in-law, Mr-. John Aitchison and dhild- ren, Holyrood. Dos't forget the Stewards meeting on Thursday even- mng, June 12th at 8 p.m. in Uic cburch hall. Mr. and Mi-s. Don Brown, London, came down ta spend the weekend with their par- ents, iý. and Mrs. Bradley and Mi. and Mis. W. H. Brown. Whilc heie Mrs. Brown Jr. took sick ai-d was takesi ta Oshawa Hospital wilhcre sbe was operated on for appendicitis. She Is doing tiicely. Mr. cnd Mrs. Budd Dave, London, were Saturday call- ers on Mx. and Mrs. St. Pierre, also called ta sec Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mi-. and Mis. Sain Castle. Peterborough, w er e Sunday callers on Mis. L. C. Snowden, Mr. Bob Snowden and Mr. John Pritchard.- ADMISSION - m $1.50 per person p.9p Spcal!y Iw FOR JUNE ONLYE Just the topping for fruits or desserts. No I strawberry shortcake is complet. wlithout whip cream. I REAM haI pt.3c SAVE Se EGG PRICES LSLIDING DOWN4 t*diuj aNOW ONLY LARGEM ORDER FROM YOUR DRIVER TODAY!1 RIen ~1 3 JUNE il 12 m13 WEDNESDAY, JUNE llth: OPEN - 7 p.m. OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONIES 8 p.m. PREVIEW AND SOCIAL EVENING THURSDAY, JUNE l2th:- HOBBY DAY Show Open from 10 a.m. ta 10 p.m. Admission: Aduits à0c Children 250 FRIDAY, JUNE l3th: SALE 0F HOBBY ITEMS 2 p.m. to, 5 p.m. TO CLOSE THIS GREAT EVENT... DANCE Featuring Gizz Watt and His Hitchikers Modern and Old Tyme Starts 9 p.m. dict 0ai"& PHONE 623-5444 il qqr IV e--*Qy-lqv àw - CLAN lER "W. Specialize In Shirt Launderng" Great Pine Ridge ANNUAL SPRING SHOW Lions Community Centre BEECH AVE., BOWMANVILLE WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY 184 KING ST. W. ADMISSION 623-5520 6.9.5