s r 'w,¶Irr .,.# -w ~'0fl. 8 TboeCmnadian stategMon, Eowmanffle, .tme 4. lm6 4. T7~ McLa'ren Cars Corne First an.nd Second in CanmRc Cameras Focus en Bruce McLaren prior to start of race AiÎling Flippers Beset Locke's Electron Hurlers As They Drop Two Games * by 31M Clarke The Locke T.V. Electrons enomtered a "Lost Week- end", dropping deoluloins to Litti Britain and Orillia, last flday evening and Sat- urday afternIaan. Despite a lean llneup of enly Il players, thie Inter- znediates put up a game strug- gle before bowing 8-6 to Lit- îlc Britain. Their Saturday liosts, Orillia Majors, proved equally hostile, dlivering a '7-3 licking. The Electrons were outhilt 18-12 in the pair ,~ ~L~c4~cks, as their pitching staff 'Iere beset by ailing Ilippers. In their Friday evening 2natch, Bowmnanvile recover- ied frorn a 6-2 score to tic the gamne In the top of thie elghth. Little Britain cashed in on two eostly errors in the bat- tom cof the inning as they pulld out the victory. Terry Carleton, despite a stout re- Xief Job, from the slxtih on (two runs and three hits), cleserved a more rewarding late. Ralph Kennedy leit the Can&da. aet Remort Botel SPECIAL FAMILY WEEK RATES Budget Economy Weeks from $6995 * 7 a ighta, 7 breakfasts, 1 dinners 0 Activittes Include: bance- back idint. golf, water- skli .sailii, tennis. 0 Ride Mt. Tremblant'u chslrlitt. *Authcntic French - Cana- dits village setting. *Gourmet dinners WRITE FOR FREE BROCHURE 1 Mt. Tremblant Lodge Mt. Tremblant, P.Q. môund in the sixth, trallng 6.1, with arm nilseries. The Little Britain gang collected five hits and six free passes duning Kennedy's stint on the hill. Despite the aiing wing, the workhorse of Bownianville's pitchàng crew claimed nine strkeouts. Three free passes set the stage for a two run single by pitcher Ted Hallett, as Little Britain took a 2-0 first inning lead. Bowmanville tied it up in the top of the fourth, courtesy of two infield errors. The winners bounced back in front 3-1, adding a lone run in the last of the fourth after two were out. After leadoff batter, Pat O'ReiUly walked, catoher McMillan pumped a double to left. Steve Burns aînd Kennedy had singles, while Archie Crossey's sacri- fice fly shaved the home club's lead ta 3-2, as Bowman- ville added a single run ini the top of thie fifth. Ken- nedy's final frame of mound duty saw Little Britan picki up three tales, to move in front 6-2. Bowmanville scrambled to within twa runs, chasing the home club's seoond hurler, Qaborne, in the seventh. They received back ta back, twa aut doubles by Terry Black and Archie Crossey as they scored twice. 'Me Ekectrons added another pair of runs- in the top of the eighth, ta tic the game 6-6. They. accomplished this without benefit af a base- hit. Two walks, a missed third strikeout, and some er- ratie fielding, teamned with alert baserunning, did thie job. Carleton," who had turned in a solid relief Job ince he took over in the sixth, ran ita grief in the last of the eighth. An infield error, bunt single and wild pitch set up the winncr's two ruas. A pop up ta pitcher Carleton was tossed wildly past third base and tihat was the game. Black led off Bowrnanville's ninth with a double, his second of the game, but was leit strand- ed. Around thc Bases:- Worklng commitments leit the Electrons roster at a mere Il men, but they gave it a KPSME~N' 50c Admissioni THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO- in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE FRIDAY, JUNE 6 $8,100 IN PRIZES Including Two Big Snowballs $1 ,2 K $700 Ifn the in [* ,j luthe SNOWBALL HI-LO SNOWBALL if wn la53 n& -If won lna I Drand New HOLIDAY MUSTANG Fastback (or $2,000 lu Cash) M<157Fie m dValvable Door Frises 8 jdlGaies 13 egular fe $19M aëb Gamme Plus 4 MtIg EuhBird (Shan e mWealth gamnes) si 7:30 Busesat heUiDoor 100% effort. "Archie" Cros- sey drave in t}bree runs for the Bowmanville club, with aý sacrifice fly and a twa base bit. Along with "Biackie" ho was their top clouter. Grant Wright, Steve Burns and Kennedy cailected thie other Bowmanville hits.. Gord Mc- Millan and Ted Hailett bath liad a pair of bits for the winners. Bill Preston, who tossed the last two and one third innlngs, was especially inipressive, alliawing juat one hit for two runs. He blew third strikes past six of a pas- sible seven Bowmanville hit- tenu. The short outfield fences beckoned the swatters in the 7-3 Orillia cantest and the winners answered the cal with a pair. Bowmanville's Ray Orombie teed off in the fifth inning, wth two men on board, as the Electrons mo- mentanîly tied the game 3-3. Orillia, who banged out 10 bits ta thie visitons' six, took a 3-0 lead i the first on twa homers and a single sandwich- cd in between. George Jones worked the first twa innings for Bow- manville, with Gary Akey completing the niound duties. Orillia nicked Jones for three runs and three hits, whice rapping Akey for their ne- mainrng four runs and seven safeties. Berger, Hunter and Cockburn combined to check Bowmjanville on their half dozen base knocks. After Crombie tied it with his three run borner in the top of thie fifth, Onillia recovered the lead in the last of the inn-ing. Aiter two were out, three straight bits accounted for a single run. The hometown "Majors" wrapped it up, add- ing three runs on two hits and two Bowmanvifle errors, in the sixth. Larry Piper was the lone Bowmanville player ta pick up a pair of bits, while Crombie's homerun and three R.B.I.'s was thie only extra base blow. Guy Parks, Akey and Steve Burns ail had singles to complete Bowman- ville's offensive outp'ît. Little Bitain will be the opposition this Saturday af- tern-oon at 2 p.m.. white the Electrons will travel to Port Hope on Sunday for another 2 p.m. tilt. On Wedncsday, June Ilh, the Bowmanville club wfll mneet the classy Lea- side squad in a 7:45 p.m. ai- fair. Despite their recent losses, the Bowmanville gang are optimistic approaching the uPeoming games. Hitting is stili their number anc stumbling block, but improve- Ment in this area is Incvi- table as the year unfolds. Ray Crambie and Guy Parks have been the Electrons' top swatters ta thiis stage in the season. If somne af thc re- maining players get in the groove and thc pitching staff's arms cease ta ache, then the Electrons will certainly be a respectable bail club, regard- less of wbo their opposition May be. DARLINCTONI SOCCER NEWSI Bruce McLaren, a young New Zealander who builds and races his own cars, Sunday won the 200-mile apener af the rtch Canadian-American Chal- lenge Cup senicu for big-bore sports cars. His team-mate and fellow countryman Dents Hulme fln- isbed ninc-tenths af a second behind hlm to make It one-two for the orange cars of Team McLaren. The 32-ycar-old McLaren picked up more than $10,000 of the $60.000 prize and acces- sory moncy as weh as the La- batt's Blue Trophy. He also picked up 20 points ln the 11-ý race Can-Am sertes whcre $1,000,000 Is at stake. The New Zealanders' show- Ing Indicates they wtll again Ldomunate the Can-Am as they have for the last twa years. Hulnie won the sertes last year when it was a six-race affair; McLaren won it in 1967. John Surtees of England, winncr af the first Can-Arn serles lni 1966 and the only driver ta bold world cham- pionshipu tli bath matorcycles and Formula I cars in Grand Prix racing, was third lnaa McLaren. John Cordts af Port.Credit. Ont., driving a McLaren, far out-dated by the new machines the New Zealanclers were drtv- Ing, placed faurtb and was top Canadian finisher. Average was 105.901 McLaren completed the 90 laps ln anc haur, 51 minutes, 27.3 seconds with an average upeed ai 105.901 miles an baur. He was also clocked at anc minute 19.5 seconds during his 44th lap ai the 2.5 mile track, shavlng 1.2 seconds off the lap record Hulme set bere ln 1967. His average speed for the lap was 111.25 m.p.b. At times Hulme was clockcd tbrough thie speed trap on the back straight at 180 miles an fourth game by sbutting out Zion 3-0. Aiter being held scorelcss ln the first haîf. the Troj an5 exploded for three qutck goals ln the second hall to gain the -vlctory John Hamilton, Jim Youngman ar~d Jtm Rtckard each scored single goals for Tyrone wtth Alvin Johnson ptcklng up bis first shut-out of the season. Ted Wanders was awarded a penalty shat after being trip- ped oni clear break-away, but ho mtssed the goal aiter get- ttng the rebound on the Initial shot. On Saturday, May 31, Bow- manville pulled the biggcst sur- prise s0 fan this season as thcy held Tyrone ta a 0-0 tic. Goalie Bill Van Dyk turned ln a tremendous game ta keep the Trojans off the score sheet. Alvin Johnson ptcked up his second straight shut-out as ho also tunned ln a strong game. In Caurtice, ZMon squeaked by Courtice by a 1-0 caunt. Don Barager patted the lone goal af the game wtth Joe Hir- cock picking up bis second shut-out ai the scasan. Daug Harrison and later Jtm Mc- Intyre also played well ln the Courtice goal. On Mondey, June 2, bath the Bowmanvtlle at Salem geme and the Courtice at Solina game were cancclled because ai the nain. The Courtice at Saline game wIll be playcd an June 16. The Bowmanville'at Salem game bas not been ne- scheduled as yet. Leadlng Seorers Goals Steve Reynolds, Hampton -6 Bob Treviss, Hampton - 5 Larry Allin, Hampton - 4 Don Barager, Zion --- _4 Grahami Dallas, Hampton -3 Ted Wenders, Tynone - 3 Jini Yaungmnan, Tyrans -3. Le4dint Gc L Gama b7 John Hamilton Rlck Ruadie, On Wedncsday, May 28, Saline 4 Salina stretcbed their unbet- Alvin Johnson, on streak ta four as they Tyrano 5 edged Hampton 2-1. HÀmp- Joe Hircock, ton's Steve Reynolds gave ZMon - 5 Hampton a 1 -0 lead- as ho sean- John Rogers, cd on a penalty shot but Ron Hampton .2 and Larry Broome eacb sean- Bar-ry Stoch, cd unanswenod goals ta give Hampton .3 tic win ta SaUina. il laZion, Tyrmnewon theirHanwtoa Totia. à BsGIS, 2 4 7 baur, but bis team boss was fauter gatng through the 14 corners ai Mospont's twlsting, dtpptng road track. The iirst bh ai ofthe race, watched by an announccd 44,200 fans, was a thrtlling affaIr wtth Surtees and Cali- fornians Lother Motuchen- bacher and Dan Gurney ln Me- Lanens pressing the New Zealanders. McLaren and Sur- tees swappcd the lead several times until Gurncy moved up. leaving Surtees ta hold off Hulme and Motschenbacher. By the balfway mark Motsch- cabacher had rettrcd with clutch trouble. Gurncy went Into the pîts an the 49th lap with a brokea suspension and Suntees began ta faîl beck. For the rcst of the race Hulme and McLaren tnadod top position a couple of times before McLaren toak the checkered flag. Cordts surpntsed the experts with bis performance i an underpowerod car, avertektng Californian Chuck Pansons near the end ai the race. Pan- sans ftnished fiith, 23.5 sec- onds behind Cordts and was appancntly ibId back by nain tires be had put on wbenaa few sprinkles ennlved just bo- fore the stant. Two ather Canadiens were llsted as finishers. Jacques RECREATION REVIEWS Girls Softbali Ia the Bowmanville Recrea- tion Depentracat Girls Soit- bail League last week at Cen- tral School grounds, Jeffreys Superette deieeted Kiwenis Queens 10 ta 5 ad 9 ta 6 aven Uic Phillies. The tI1iwanis Queens came back ta defeat Sturrock's Fuel 5 ta 1 and the Phillies nosed out the Raniblers 2Ô ta 19 lni a bigh sconing geme. Ini the Jeffrey -KiwanlIs game, the big bitter. for Jef- freys wene Susan Dustan, Petti Lyle, Joye Rauss, Cana- line Steel, Carol Shane. Patti Lyle bit a borner for the win- ners. Kiwaînis standout were Ja- nie Marshall, Dcnry Ana Hub- bard, Robin Martin and Le- anne Milner. The Jeffrey-Pbillies game saw Susan Dustan, Janete Wray, Joye Ross. Patti Lyle, Susan Timline, Canal Shane, Shirley Sellers lead thie way for Jeffreys. For the Phillies it was Shel- ly Leddy Donna Hayacu, Wendy Mountjoy, Sharon Pi- per, Sherry Mornison and Carflyn Grant. There were tftwee bomeruns ln this game, Joye Ross and Patti Lyle anc each for the winners, wbilc Donna Haynes ai the lasers ucored the cther borner. Ia the Kiwanis-Sturrack gamne tbe stars fon Kiwaniu weTe Derry-Ann Hubbard, Wendy Marshall, Irene Mc- Fanlane,, Bey Taylor, Erna Nicks and Janie Marshall. For Sturrocks, Rose Sheeban, Sbdlly Fry 4ad Dale Stone- burg. The Phillile-Rambler garne saw Sbelly Leddy, Terce Payne, Donna Haynes, Cindy Mornîson, Sherry Monnison, Banb Gibson, Sharon Piper. Jane Paterson and Carilyn Grant. For thc Raniblers, Connie Residoi, Marilyn Han- vey, Robin Martin, Cindy Cowle, Linda Taylor, Karen Co>nnell and Janice Wray were the big hittens. Home-ruas: Phillies, Donne Hayacu (3), Teres Payne (2); Ramblers, CindyCOowle (2)~, Bannie Rendeli <1). Robin Marntin (1). Stadin asm of May 29th Teamu Won Loat Pts.1 Jeffreys - 4 0 81 Kiwaals- 3 1 6 Phillies 2 2 4 pab3. 1- 2 2 Sturrocks - 1i 2 2 Bamblers - 0O 4 O sCouture of Montreal complet- L d 73 laps ln a McLaren and was placed slxth. George Eaton of the Toronto depart- ment store family, who had flot been able to qualify Satur- day because of mechanica] problemrs, got through 72 laps and was llstcd ninth. Eaton obviously was having isuspension problems with the -new McLaren that he was just 1able to prepare before the race. On the llth lap. the 23-year- aiod Eaton spun campletely around on corner 10 but was able to get back ln action with- !,.ut losing a lap. 166 KING ST. E. Whitby Cornes From Behind Beat Knapp's Wbitby came up with tbree runs Ia each ai the faurtb and fiftb Innings ta overcome an eerly 3-0 decict and deicat H. W. Knepp Tawing 7-5, ln a a Durham Ladies' Softbail Leegue encouniter, hast Mon- day nigbt la BawmanvIhlo. Pat Jewell tossed a 10-bitter, fanned five and walked six tao earn the decision, wbtle laser Betty Thertell went the 'dst- ance, givlng up 15 safeties, stniking out seven and Issuing three bases on bails. Bowmanvllle scorcd twIce ln the opcning framne on three walks and singles by Rase Mary Pennes and Karen Burg- eus. Thenteil and Patti Cal- mer singled ta, praduce aaoth- er run ln the second, but Knapp's wenc beld scoreles DEAL WITH YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALERS PONTAC * C£ TD until the final farne whcn a late rally pushed two runs acrosu. The first three betters ln the lest inning bit safely as Calmer and Debbic Coty ecbdaubled and Pennis swetted ber third single af the night, but Jeweli bore dawn ta, end the rally. Thertell had two bits, with Lee Skinner's single complet- Ing the lasers' total. IG. Cale led thie wInnens wlth a double and two singles. Ketby Polcock and S. Borchulc each callectlng tbree singles. PHONE 623-3396 England's John Surtees wraps up as he enters car Famous racer Sterling Moss drives pace car THE ME.N TO SEE.. for new PONTIAC - BUICK « BEAUMONT « ACADIAN GMC TRUCKS SALES STAFF, lef t to right: Stewart Preston, Sales Manager; Roger Swan, Tom Cowan, President; Ray Lathangue. Absent when photo taken, Weldon Brown. and.. We Are Prepaired TO SERVICE WHAT WE SELLI SERVICE PERSONNEL, left to rtght: Graydon Brown, Tom Westlake, Hugh Murphy, Don Plain, Service- Manager; Hermann Haass, Neil Metcalf, Shop Foreman; Bert Perfect, Douglas Ashton, Howard Anyan. m il