......................... . ..- t.... I -*.......... The. Cânadian Stafesman, Bowinanvllle, June 25, 1969 Banking Services Described By Bank of Montreal Manager In Rotary Classification TaIk "A]hoghCanada's chart-i'community in which it has a fuinction3 the bank makeg eredbankitng system Is nation- branch. For instance, It sim-! vital contribution t.o the pro wlde, serving 12,000.000 de-: plifies business transactions,- gress and generai welfareo positors through over 6,000! between mnembers of the cen-,î the cemmunity. offices from coast to coast,! munity and the rest of Canada'; "Not only dees it make loca the local branch of a chartered through c h e q u e facilities.' depositors' savings availabl bank là an Integral part of the ite finance the business of th commnunity it services". Don-' community, but If greatel aid R. "Bud" Allen. manager ameunts are needed, its branct of the Bank cf Montreal here isystem automatically brings tI gaid ln his classification talk1 the communhty surplus rnonei et the Bowmanville Rotary . . orn other parts cf Canada. Club luncheon meeting at the; "This service cf your ban] Flying Dutchman on Thurs- flnancing and Individuals, bus Mry. Ale odte lbta ness and industry benefit Mr. llentoldthe lub ha'many people. Manufacturinj a bank branchs lnterest.s lie! concerns must make paymnen In tie welfare of that cern- frmtra o tfrmn rnunty s muh a do he n-'facturing, as weli as for wage terests of the local Chamber and upkeep, long before the of Commerce. "But local as receive the money frorn t1i the bank Is, Its funictions In sales of their products. the cemmunity are Immenseiy broad. and ln respondlng to ai "Loans from a bank help ti rqetfor a biftl n manufacturer te carry on dur reqe tpost be talk tonng this Interval. cnabling hbu touhentheposiblhl ts, 0 h&te prevîde continued employ touch n e bgihs, ement at the factory. and assisi explaned.Inghirn te make prompt pay Don Murray, whe Introduc- ment te suppliers for raw ma. ed hlm said that Mr. Allen. teniais and services. was born ln St. Thomas, Ont. "N o less than the large cor. He referred to Mr. Allens poration, the small business. service in both the Canadian, 'man whose services are st Arrny and the RCAF during, Donald R. Allen vital te the cornmunity, woulé World War II, and te bis career ih ave to curtail bis operations ln the Bank of Montreal in Bank cheques speed up bus- it it were not -for the assîsi. which he bas served in branch- mness and lessen the risk ef losS ance provided by boans frorr es througheut Ontario. by rnaking the bandling et his local branch. "Canada's banking systern' large sums of cash unneces- "And the farmer. too, aftei dates back some 150 years te, sari he has bought his seed fertilbz the tirne when the Bank et Bank's Functions ýer and equiprnert, has wageý Mentreal was first establlshed, "A bank's basic func tiens ite pay between seed tirne anè in 1817, and now includes the, are: 1. Safekeeping local de- harvest. He would find It diffi. Bank cf Canada and eight pesitors' savings and business cuit, If net impossible. tc chartered banks," Mr. Allen' funds; 2. Putting these de- carry on without bank credil told his fellow Rotarians. posits te work in the form ef until the rneney frorn bis cropc "A bank perforrns many im- lbans to business concerns and! is received. portant services for everv individuals. In these two! "A bank e7t.en nlay% ar _______________________________________________Important part In federal, pro. vincial and municipal affairs ~UAD ? ee.by buying debentureý AA which permit the cest ef capital S i ~ K ~ ~Y, expenditures te be spread If you're joining the ever-growing navy heading over many years. for the water this year,. reflect on these safety "Aise substantial credit 1I extended te rnany cities and suggestions for boaters : munîcîpalîties for current and * non-swimmers and children should wear capital requirements pending lifejcketsthe collection of taxes and the lifejcketsissuance et debentures. * chart a course to avoid dangerous waters ý "Occasionaiîy a man -ftnd, and swimming areas hirnseif confronted witb an * if the boat overturns, stay with it unexpected problern such a. *if yur agti a boat in changing 'heavy hospital buis, and bere weou'r, end orught terwiunutoo we can render a very weaterhea fo sheterwitoutuseful service. Branches reg- delay ularly provide personal boan te business and professional For boat insurance protection, men and executives, aise tc callwage earners. Many studentý BARNS SM BACKhave been and are being assIsi- JAMES B R E A LC ed ln financing their cellege Newcastle, Ontario Bowmanvllle. Ontario educations. Phone: 987-4768 Phone., 623-2465 Character, Capacity and Credil PHIL DOST BILL TOMLINSON "Now we corne te the question ef what determineç R.R. 2, 33 Glbb Street, whether a loan can be obtain- NeeateOnalo987aOtai ed from a bank. The answer P~on: 8-4797 Phone: 728-6616 Is the applicant's abillty, real j IVAN THOMPSON or potential, te psy It back. "The applicn s considered R.R. 2,ln the light of the three C's! Phneaeto O98ar4987narnely, character. capacit: Phon: Backtock986498 and credit. In numereus cases, Sponsored by the Durham Federation ef Agriculture these boans are made witbout the benefit of security, the ln- CIAG INSU ANCEterest rate is moderate, and CIÂGEATSINSURANCE 'they can be repald ln cas' ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH TeBake onra f ers a ferm ef consumer-fin- 'c * ~~/4 L~i'~Ôi)>4,A... h 1e You don't acve to be old to apply for your- old ageaà curity pension. Just65 Starting in January, 1970, the Old Age Security pension is payable one year earlier ... at age 65. If you are 65 or wiU be 65 before January, 1970, you should apply now. You wiIl then receive your first pay- ument in January. If you will be 65 in 1970, you should apply six rnonths before y aur 65th birthday. An application formn for your Old Age Security pension is avalablç at your local Post Office, or you can write to the Regional Director of Old Age Secunîty in yrur Provincial capital. Along with your app1kcatioa form vyou will receive a pamphlet giving you full information about the Old Age Security Pension program. Guonteed incoma supplement As soon as your Old Age Security pension is approved, we'Il send you information about the Guaranteed Incomne Supplement and an appli- cation form. You may be entitled to a supplement which, together with your Old Age Sccurity pension, wil guarantec you a monthly inconie of at leat $109.20. ISSUED SY TM MMIRtMU CW NATIONAL MH TlAND WILMRE THI MOtI JOHN MUN9ft OMTER Bowmanville Hospital Graluate. Nurses HoId Reunion a of le 'h y k, is- 1 g nt U-i es ey àe r- y- .-.----..---------- S- Recently, the dwindling number of nurses who and Mrs. Betty Brough; middle row, Mrs. Lillian e0 teck their training and graduated from Bowmanville Emmerson, Mrs. Lois Lycett, Toronto, Mrs. Emmaiý Id Hespital's School cf Nursing before it was closed, held Widdicornbe, Hampton, Mrs. Hester Boe, Miss Velmaý t-. their annual reunion here. Their programn for the day Gay, Mrs. Marion Edgerton, Newtonville; back row,i in included an escorted tour of the new Professional Mrs. Ruth Perrin, Newcastle, Mrs. Marion Young,iý Building and a luncheon in St. John's Great Hall. Scarborough, Mrs. Derothy McDonald, Miss Mary, r Attending were, front row, 1-r (where ne residence is Young, Toronto, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkins, Mrs. MiIdred' es indicated, they are from Bowmanville), Mrs. Elsie Ail- Foley, Mrs. Anne Cole, Haney, B.C., Mrs. Ruby Trull, 1 id dread, Mrs. Jessie Wilcox of Cobourg, Mrs. Evýelyn Mrs. Aura Squair, Mrs. Marne Durnas, Brighton andc 'Aider, Miss Ruth Hanceck, Toronto, Mrs. Mae He'tz, Mrs. Laura Buttery. to Fairview,_Penn., Mrs. Bessie Stephenson. Newcastle ance borrowing, previding f a-', ~ j~ * * Yeo (equal): Lisa Samuel,i in cilities te consolidate ail credit- !District LG irl Gu ides David R. Shortt. buying under a single, lite In- GRD1IITER ,s sured boan, with a sngle: ~ ~ ~ I j. a., ai Harmony ~ ~~~Re e v menhllpyren. '%ÇJU uIU Honours - Fenwick P. Laird' al "This systern 15 known as id 'he ankof ontral amly. Pass - Arlenp M. Munro. dFihn an e P ontreal h Fmil1yiso Fmnnc Pan' wic ofesîerernfo fly in Lindsay 'Honours - CIriJ.Kuipers Ig personal boans for practically GAEIRU MNT 1 id evn ighoe au ts $5000,ore Twenty-four Girl Guides! Inmediate Past Central Area 'First Class Honours - Susan F.' g cases, witb repayrnent sched-' tram Centrai Area recemved Commmssioner. In the back- Vice; Cathenine E. Mackintosh; le uled over penieds up to fîve their Goid Cord Certificates at greund, the sounids et bîrds Catherine A. Porter. years. Such boans will be auto- the Annual Presentation cere- and a running brook lent Honours - Lonie M. Darling, s rnatically lite lnsured. monv, held this year in Lind- authenticity te the scene. Dennis L. Francis, Diane L.' n MnyMor Srvies say. on Sunday, June 8th. Music was provided by the Embley. Pass - Karen L. Yel- ri "Tee r any more aic s Guides the gr .oup wene sixlFenelon Falls Secendary High lowlees, Elizabeth Knowlton. e in wfhicb a bankGser es th ann ram Durham Division:1 Scbool Band, a choir cempes- GRD IRU MET ,y comrnunity wbich are net se adelolnaTn de adRnesfo First Class Honeurs- Timothy! reailyappren, lcîuinghenant. Orono; Cheryl Fulton, Lindsay and Fenelon Falls, and Bae.Hnus-Braa -z-reail aparntIncudng heVickey Reynolds. Bowrnanville; a choir et Guides from Mill-iBae.Hnor abr .s following: Banking bymal Kathleen Lovekin and Mary brook. Greetings were breught Berek, Jennifer E. Munro al buying and selling etfereign Paterson, Newcastle. by Mrs. D. J. Pickering, Port ( equal). oe exchange, collections, supply- The girls were entertained Hope, Central Area Commis-' s Ing money orders and drafts, at a dinner In their honor at sioner, and His Wership John X'.TITTTT' ttelegrapblng rnoney. satekeep- St. Paul's Anglican Panish Hall, Eakins, Mayor et the Town ef WELELLVILLL ee lng et bonds. valuable docu- at which time each Gold Cord Lindsay. Ltmentsng e aety depsir toxe Guide received an engraved n ler address, Mrs. H. F. SudJneltnivr I enuing o ad s eîîngseritioessilver spoon. Crosby, Ontario Provincial udyJne1taivr 5e supying adletersecritian, The Certificate Presentation Commhssioner, pointed eut tel sary services were beld i itslf as eldin he vemngthe tha th man cal Wesleyville United Cburch es uplyig ettrsof reit ndIt-el wa hld n he veingý hegirls hthemical1 with Dr. R. M. Freeman of itravellens' cheques, credit in- at the Lindsay Acaderny lenge was net In earnlng aTrnoa us iitrad ýr formation, letteers et IntroducTetr.Th insyortonto orabu n iin p e serviestonducte bynth il tien, arranging financial ft.acili'Tete h idayLti odCrd u nlvn ptoithsevc odtdbyh! tics or opening credits at; an - Theatre Group arranged a' t afterwards. rlar istrRvI.Mn' ýd plce athomeor aboad neveI an d beautitul setting for Victoria Division, under the' oegult armnste raiRev..Mn- s, previding around - the - dlockIti eyseilecse.Telaesi tterDvso but at least 20 minutes be-i v depsiteies.: stage iras transformed into a Cemmissioner Mrs. A. L. "Many mtorercatad.i camp scene, with live trees, a- Lloyd and bier Deputy. Mrs. fore tbe time ef service theý t, " n viduis ind tseanves wih tentÉ, and a rustic bridge, ever Donald Leach of Lindsay, were pews were filled, t hen the - lrgearnunt etcas onhan which the girls crossed, te respensible for the arrange-ushrptcharinteis. i- artcarounsatuaysn anci receive their Certificates frem meiits fer this very mernorable in open spaces at the front y' by uising the depository theirMrHTCok ayRde een cash is sately guarded over the 1- weekend. The charge for these 1 ï- services is trom three te fi'e 'I A M.V U & ~ M ~ U -cents per day. depending on: M aUMnve Ir ',DLI i l.AM the type required. i Drive-in Service "During recent years, some' Manvers Township Councîl te purchase line equipment and et the banks gave instituted.held their June meeting in thelaniange for a lot and building .. ~ .~ 'Drive-In' services whereby a Townsh ip Hall on Tue',day,'te bouse the tire equipment for customer can drive right up June 10th with all mernbers.tbe Betbany area station. te the teller's cage and trans- present and the Reeve Wilson! A severance te sell land I j act business while remaining Heaslip presiding. tbegaedoLrnCui seated In bis car. Such serv-ý The following cemmunîca-Ite seil the Service Station and ices are confined mamnly te tiens were received and read: ;dwellîng on No. 35 higbway depositing funds or cashing Aplctonfrln svrn in Lot 11, Conc. 12. cheques. The first 'Drive-In' ces tram George Timms, Allan1 A severance is bo be granted wicket operated by a chant- Beer, Larry Lyte and LornEte Allan Beer te divide al ened bank was epened In enelCurtin;* Dept. et Highways re lands nontb et 7A highway in et the Bank et Montreal'slapprovaî et regular 1969 Red Lot 16, Concession 7, into two brTnhs Iba enouersd950 appropriation in the amount parcels et minimum 10 acres "Ths las eensuprseedof $89.000.00; M. J. Cunning- eacb; previded a dwelling ef by the 'Curb-Teller', the first'.ham, Q.C., re McGill Estate; 1500 sq. ft. with double garage et which In Canada .was In- Dept. of Municipal Affairs re be built on each pancel te quai- augurated at the Bank 0f Manetta & Chapman 10 acre ify for an "Estate Lot Hoid- Montreal's main office In Lon- severance; request for seven- îng". don, Ont.. several years age. ance et 100 acres In Lot 1,1 A severance was granted te Tei thevcu r where rnoerîsts Concession 3; Dept. et High-!Larry Lyte te seli et a lot 200 canth cvrse withe tlrbs,ways payment et Interim road tt. frontage by 400 ft. deptb. shor wae tleponeandde-grant for 1969 iii the amnuntý Three sever'ances are te bel scorbe s ees n elde-or e $17,750.00; M. J. Cunning- gnanted te Lamne Strong In Lot scrivey his eesit orneuelorham re Pontypool Fine Hall 3, Concession 5 te seil off lots toey he teler, an r wheqpro-fine In 1965; Nortbumberland'fer the extension et Lotus Vil- cessed. tbe relative depesit & Durham Hlealth Unit montb- lage, provided the houses ta book or cash is retunned te the ly report; Dept. et Highways be built have a minimum fleorI 'custemer bv the same means. ne Manvers purchase e ojanea et 1200 sq. ft. each. Lots The teller is seated In a glass-,acres at the soutbern jonction te be 150 ft. by 600 ft. mini- led ln cage and lias a lear lot 7A and 35 Ilighways; Com-fImum view ef the street, and soIsmunitv Memonial Hespitali A severance is te be grant" able tei warn the motenîst of Port Penny ne an indigent pat-ito Clarence Neals, Farmen. any suspicieus charactens In lent; Assessment by-1awv ef theihis son, 100 tt. by 150 ft. mn- the event et a lange payroll United Counties ton 1970. Mati I1um size lot. being picked up vers assessmnt for County Auplications are te be plac- "ln 1958 anethen 'fist, iii purposed ini 1970 taxes $2,297,- ed in several locations in the' the ankng iel wa inug-692.00, Sandwoed Estates Ltd. Township te second a canetak-N urated by the Bank of Mont- nre Pump bouse for public watrer for The Township Hall, as real's St. Lambert, Quehec,îsystem and several accounits. ýthe present caretaker bias in- F brancb with the introduction' Reeve Wilson Heaslip and dicated bis Intention te retire. LAELA etf Canada's first 'Walk-up'iDeputy-Reeve Harvey Malcelmi The 1968 tax roll was ac- NO, PPF wicket. This wicket enables1were appointed as a cornmit-icepted as returned. The totalonal and custerners te handle *rnostitee te act with the Betbany 1968 roll ameunted te $199,- ,banking operatiens Witbout, go- Area Fine Fighters'_Association 441.45; the basic shelter grant Ing inside the bank. It isa - _ -' fo Manvens township for 1968 special boen te mothers with itime te worthwhile pro.iects, .amounted te $24.659.82. Alter IMIDAN 50-W young cbildrcn In baby car- i ncluding hospitals, universi- taking inte consideration dis- niages.i ties and a multitude ef chant.- cOunts and penalties, $151.- Erpa e "Last. but fan from least. Is able institutions. 1641.44 was collected river and Erpa e our public relations program Banks for Everyone jabove the basic shelter grant. In avery cornmunîty. Seme-' "At one tinie tew but the ýA balance of $23.321,79 remains IMIDAN canbi tbmng wbich is penhaps more: well-to-do patronized a bank.iunpaid on the 1968 taxas. read ,Ily and usetully descnib- but todav In Canada, as Indeed . Mn. Kaspar Zacher of Tot- pears and plui ed as 'buman relations'. Onlv fer many years past, the banks ten, Sim, Hubiciki & Asioc.onpahs as we keep the buman elernen t;ane fer everyene te use asicalled on tbe Council re the o ece befere our ,minds can we work1 the number et depositers !proposed new garage te an- suits when usi rnest eftectivcly In the long iclearly shows. and It is the irange a suitable design. Il wil fyuwn term of public relations. We!baiîken's job te show peopleibe situated at the jurnction etofouwn endeavor Sat ail times te rend -' how extensivelv tlîey can use 17A and 35 highwaym. Funthpr1 and back of the church and u sddened and dhocked la-A evein m.ved the communionI Monday wheri John Groe- table and seated worshippers' eveld rece vd or o there. The overflow sat in the den death of his father i't Sunday School Room and ajiHoUland. John left that day to loud speaker was securedI fly home. and hastliy set up in time for' The regular June meeting most of the service. Dr. Free- of the UCW was dianged last man spoke of the passing of! Wednesday, June M.h to a t.fii church community. the' work bee at the churoh, only wider fellowship to corne with a d.iort devotional and busi- ine teAt. tUur IIVcU diUour'nessession oeing neld. Task" and the need for clari-j Visitors with the Clarence fying tihe purpose of that tel- N~ tmi o h ek lowship. The cheir's anthems end were Miss Grace Ander were: "The Heavens are Tell-1 oMs oesadM.Gn S ing"- F. L. Haydn and "How'5~ isRgr n n e Lovely are thy dwelliIlangiaIcfToone F. Liddle and Barbara Din~nerý Many from thc iakeshore U.sang "He Smiled On Me" -,rd wetePckin la G. O'ara. Monday afternoon, June 9th, 'with the bus sponsened by The choir was conducted by'Mois Wo n' Iristitute. the Rev. Ian Munroe in the AIl were much Impressed absence ot John Groeneveld. with what they saw and are One et the flower arrange- able te visualize the shape of ments was in rnemony of thc things te corne here, in the late Mr. Carlton Payne and hydre developmnent. VIX o~~thers were gathered from - --- local gardens and arranged by Leonard Oughtned and those N E A U I downstairs by Berniece Best. N E A IT The rnajerity of tihose present rernained te share light re- freshments and an opportun- ity te visit with each other. Friends were present tram - Zien, Morrish. Weicome, Port Hope. Newtonviile, Bowrnan- ville and Toronto. As well as REN Rev. I. Munro and Dr. Free. t&~ man, the peeple et the chargeA were dellghted te have with them anether former Minis- N ENV ter, Rev.A. W. Harding andCA There were well ever 200' PRiOM -.- - people present for this last service. ameng them childre whosefamiles woohi e ný a D N w sefmlewrhppdnthis congregation for 4, 5, 6' M c N L and even 7 generations, the' first of whicth lie in the cerne- F RD tery here. Difficuit as it max' ssKngS.W, 1hw be, the teaching et the churchl 05Km 1 .,0hw prepares its people te accept! 576-1800 the challenge et a neceSSary1 Mustangs, rGalexie, Pafrofli. change with the game dedica- sily - Wo.hly - MenthlY. tien thev had in the past. This IUxasonabla Ratas. cïhurah 'building was erected - in 1860 and the congregation ETA.A formed in the 1840s and p.oss- ibly betore. , Everyone in the district was I. I '1-i I NSECTIC I DE-ACAR ICI DE -a o m u * CODLING MOTH b HD4ANDED LEAF ROLLER PI.UM CURCUUIO APPLE MAGOOT APPLE APHID TARNISHED PLANT BUG *YE-SPOTTED SUD MOTH S SAN JOSE SCALI IPEACH TWIG SORER OlIENTAL FRUIT MC IPEAI PSYLLA LE AOTH %RUST MITE fm m g i'P controls them ail and suppresses d mite and two-spotted. mite as well. be used right up to harvest on apples, ims . .. up to one day before harvest ...with safety and dependable re- ;ed according to recommendations. a broad specýrum insecticide-acari- Iy socks it to 'em, be su;e to include N'P lin your calendar this year. à*,k br details. mical Company of Canada, Ltd., .Station "B", Montreal, Quebec. Read the label, heed the label and 110W WITH STAUFFUR CUEMICN.S I I I I / rrlbuted by :HEMICALS LIMITED Iton, Ontario i4 ST 1 I N Il ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON _ Preniium Quality *GASOLINE *DIESEL *MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available. CAIL COLLECT f V I 668-3341 UAVII.-- FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Il t, 'j