................................--. 12 1%0 Canadien Statema, EowmanvMfe, :ume 25, 190, Sends His Sincere Regrets .Unable to Attend Festival 913 North Beverly Drive, Bevcnly Hill, Cailionia. ýMj Juns 21, 1969 Judge R. B. Baxter, -Chairmian of the Board, 'The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts Vear Judge Baxter: Your letter of May 24th was forwarded Vo me ln Germany and re-malled Vo California by surface mail where I found it on my return home yestenday. I apologize for the delay in > nwrigI Notbing would give me greater pleasure than Vo accept your invitation Vo attend the openlng of thie Festival of the Arts, at Newcastle on July 3lst and represent my family on that occasion. 1 greatly re- gret that I cannot accept the Invitation as I must b. ln Cailfornia at that time. I arn most Interested Vo hear of the Festival and Its suc- cessful season last yean. It would be of much satisfaction Vo my father Vo know that bis native town was promot- ing worthwhile theatre and that the Commuunlty Hall was the borne of the Festival which has bnought mucb renown to Newcastle. My father spent the finat twenty years of bis life in Newcastle and tbe memories of those days were very dear Vo hlm. I repeat my regret that I cannot be wlth you on July 31st and I wish you the great- est success for the occasion. Yours stncerely, Maymond Massey,_ with Mr. Marvin Nesbîtt and neth Samells' cottage at View- Mr. Ted Lennard. Mr. and lake on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon Gilison and Mn. President Mrs. Arnold Wil- Nesbitt enjoyed Monday ev- liams opened the meeting ening dinner with the Faulk- with a poem. "A Litt.le Talk ners in bonon of Mrs. Faulk- with Jesus" and hyma 345 ner's birthday. "O for a Faith that will not Mn. and Mrs. Doug. Fallis, Shnink" was sung. Glenn, Lawrence and Carl, The Devotional period was Bowmanville, enjoyed Sun- conducted by -Mns. Johns with day afternoon and evening Mns. Sleep reading the scrip- dinner with her parents, Mr. ture passage, Matthew 5: 1-14, and Mrs. Clarke Williams. the theme being "Purity of Mn. and Mrs. Richard me- Heart". When oun heants are Kenzie (nee Janice Sadler>, pure, when oun bumnan rela- who have neturned from thein ionships are right, wben we boneymoon in the Haliburton love what we ought to love, Highlands, are now resîdingijthen we see God. This was in thein Toronto borne.j closed with prayer. Mn. E. H. Sheffield, Los, The Study topic was taken Angeles, CalifQrnîa, who liv- by Mns. R. W. Jackson. She ed in Cartwright Township gave a venY interesting talk for many yeans, is nenewin.g on Dr. Robent McClure, the acquaintances bene, and spent 23rd Modenaton of the United îý Friday and Saturday with Chunch of Canada. 'Mis 68 Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer. year old medîcal missionany Groc. is the finst layman lever Vo be Mrs. rc Short, Toronto, elected moderator. He be- spent the weekend with Mn. lieves it is better to do the and Mns. Lorne McKee. On wrong tbing than nothing. IV Sunday Mn. and Mms. McKee was the United Chunch's first:L visited bis mothen, Mns. Jim Modenaton, the Very Rev.! McKee at Mrs. Adams' Rest George Pidgeon, then minis- Home, Port Penry. er at Bloor St., who recruit- Mns. Ivan Proutt, Miss Ruth cd McClure for China 45 Pnoutt, Mns. Oram Moore, years ago to, replace another Nestîcton, and Mrs. John Bu- mission doctor wbo bad been chan, Lindsay, attended a slain by bandits. Since thenS shower, Friday evening, in be bas doctoned housands of1 honor of Miss Grace Waltens, village Ohinese, spent four. at the home of Mrs. Cama- years with Arab refugees, bell, Bey Ridges, witih Mrs. anid headed Ratlam Christian Wilson assisting. Miss Wal- Hospital in India for 14 yeans. ers, fiancee of Mn. Don He is a living example of thet Proutt, speint the weekend at kind of faith that is attrac-c the home of bis mother, Mrs. ive Vol many young people.f Ivan Proutt. His main theme is the des- Mn. and Mns. Norman Sam- perate need of the developingC elîs were Wednesday evening Wlorld and how littie Canada visitors with Mn. and Mrs. is doing Vo help. He says we George Johns. On Sunday are not doing neanly enough Mn. and Mns. Johns joined the for the poon nations of the family, Mr. and Mns. Wm. world and says the Canadiean Johns and Mn. and Mns. Ish public should be more gen- Bailey, Mankham, for a pic- erous. Hymn 252 "In Christ nic at Cartwright Community there is no East or West"S Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred closed this part of Vhe meet-a Stuckey, Frankfond, w le n e ing.r Monday and Tuesday visitons The roll cail, "An Interest- with ber sister and brother- ing place I visited" was well in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Johns. answered and provcd veryb Mis. Richard Davison spent intercsting. Thursday and Friday with The business peniod follow- t ber mothen, Mrs. Charles Gist, ed with minutes and tbank-, Peterborough. you cards read and treasure's. Sunday Services report given.a In the Presbyterian Churoh Mrs. Sleep, as auctionee, 2 Sunday morning Revenend very quickly disposed of theh Fred Swann chose the "Par- articles on the "buy table",b able of the Sower" as the and the meeting closed with tiheme for bis message. Mrs. the Mizpali benediction. t R. Davison presided at the A delicious lunch was serv-p organ. cd by the unit in charge and:p There was no service in the an enjoyable social hour l United Chureh bere. Several spent. Mrs. Emerson moved2 attended service at Cadmus a vote of thanks Vol Mrs.c or Blackstock. Many also at- Samelis and ail wbo belpedf tended Decoration service at Vo rnake such a pleasant af-I thie Union Cemetery when enoon. Revcnend Clarence Fenguson was the speaker. Othens at- Real "Wise Owls" wear pro- l tended thie Bon Voyagce ea at tective glasses at play as wellt Blackstock in honor of Rev- as at work says The CanadianI erend Philip Romenil and National Institute for the1 Mns. Romeril. Blind. Whatever their age,t United Church Women sports enthusiasts need safetyt Nestîcton U.C.W. held theirglasses to provide a shield June meeting at Mis. Ken- against eye Injury.0 i I I I c t I c I i *1 pi Ma'rs. George Donnerai was hostess for a comnnittee mecet- ing o nake final arrange- xncnts 1or the Anglican Gar- den Party at the Donnerais en June 28 (sec advertise- ment in last week's local papers). T h o s e attending werc Mrs. Lorenzo McArthur, Mns. Harny McLaughlin, Mis. Charles Smith and Mns. Roy Conden. A special featune of thc meeting was the scnving of afternoon tea, by thc bos- tcss, on the lawn, whene al could enjoy tie beautiful flower gardens. (These are Nestletasi's. pnide and joy). Mn. and Mis. Wm. Abbott, David and John, Toronto, wene Saturday visitons with Mn. and Mis. Donnerai. Recent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Gilîson were Mn. and Mrs. Jim Watts, Bon- nie, Brenda and Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rodman, Mn. *and Mns. George Aveny, Mn. and Mis. Wm. Wickett, Mns. *Thos. Tenneil, Mns. Wm. Mortimer, aIl of Little Bni- tain, Miss Katherine Gordon, Miss Margaret Gordon, Oak- Wood, Mis. M. Tennell, Miss Sharon Mortimer, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. George Faulkner, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Bert Bowens and John Robent, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Bowens, Iani and Todd, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine and family Sand Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and family, Nestle- ton, enjoyed Sunday evening dinner at the home cf Mn. and Mis. George Bowers in hoor of Mn. Bowers' birth- day. Mi. and Mis. Ralph Sadien ettended the Spring Fair at Maxviile on Thursday when Mr. Sadien was the judge of ~ Light Homse" classes. They wene overniglit guests witb Mn. and Mis. Ian Scott and Charles, Corbyvîlle. Th e ir grandson, Charles, returned Î home wlth ttiem on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Mor-on, Oshawa, and Mn. Roy Fergu- son, Blackstock, were Sunday collers with the Sadiens andý SMr. and Mis. Ian Scott, Con- byville, were Monday visitons. Mr. and Mis. George Faulk- ner, Oshawa, visted Friday JOHN F General Insurance ALL CLASSES 0F PERSONAL and COMMERCIAL LINES Contact: JOHN McMILLAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 14 FRANK STREET, BOWMANVILLE A By-Law, No. 2319 was of the autornatic protection ai given thnee neadings anid pass- the cnossing of the CPR and cd subject Vo the approval of the noad between Lots 18 and the Department of Transport. 19, Concession One, as well as It deatls wlth the Darlington- the annual maintenance figure East Whitby Boundany Road of $635. by setting the speed limit Councillor Tink, seconded by there at 35 miles per hour. Councillon Baker, moved that Councîllon Bruce Tink, sec- the contract for the construc- onded by Councillon Thomas tion of a Halls West culvert Baker, moved that the offer located on Lot 15 between of D. Selby Grant dated Manch Concessions six and 7, and the 28th, 1969, Vo re-roof the Town- Farewell Bridge located. in ship Office Building be accept- Lot 32 between Concessions ed as tendened, and thîs was thnee and four, being contract carnied. 69-689, be awarded Vo the At the first part of this coun- Ganaraska Bridge Company, cil meeting on Friday, JunePont Hope, as per unit pnices 6th, with Reeve Down presid-Itendered. and subject Vo the ing and ail membens present, approval cf the Ontario De- tbc payrnent cf noad accountsipartment cf Highways. for May amounting to $24,-j 296.08 as approved by the Road Committec was authorized. This was moved by Dcputy-, SOLINA Reeve Riçhard Gibbs, second- ed by Councillor Allan J. Wer- Mn. and Mrs. Doug FleVt, ry. I Miss Linda Flett. Miss Pearl Councillor Tink moved that Leach, Miss Marie Flett, Mn. the Township's auditor, the Donld KelletV, Miss Lois Ash- fm cf Deiloitte, Plender, and V on, Mn. Murray FlctV attend- Baker, Haskins & Selîs, becd the Youngman - Wray authorized Vo apply Vo the Dc-1wedding In Klngsview United partment cf Municipal Affains Church, Oshawa. for permission Vo use the testl Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis audit system in Darlingtonlwere suppen guests wltb Mn. Township. This was secondcd and Mrs. Ross Kossatz, Shelley by Councillor Baker and car- land Kevin, Don Milîs, necently. ried. Recent callers witb Mn. On a motion by Deputy- Katie Langmaid wene Mrs. Ida Reeve Gibbs, seconded by MarleV and Mns. Allan Foster, Councillor Baker, the four ten- Kendal: Mrs. Samn Brooks and dens for Bridge Construction Mrs. Kyle Squair, Bowman- wenc opened. They wene as ville; Mns. Jim Hogarth, Hamp- follows: Larsen-Grills Con- Von, and Mrs. Richardson of struction, Port Hope, $33,964; Arizona and Mn. and Mrs. vIel-Ron Construction. WhitbY, Lloyd Preston, Kolleen and $35,355; Marston Construction, Janet, Bowmanville. Port Hope, $34,662; and Gan- On Tuesday, Mn. and Mrs. araska Bridge Company, Port Ralph Davis had as their sup- Hope, $29,196. per guests, Mn. and Mns. N. Councillor Werry. seconded Grills, Cannington. by Deputy-Reeve Gibbs, mcv- Mn. and Mis. Keith Rowe ed that the tenders receivcd and family, Bowmanviile, visit- for bridge construction be nef- cd witb Mn. and Mrs. George erred ta the Road Supeninten- Knox and famlly on Sunday. dent and Uic Consultant for a There are still a few seats report, This was carried. on the bus going Vo Niagara A motion by Councillon Wen- Falls on Tuesday, July 8. Any- ry, scconded by Deputy-Reeve onc wlshing Vo go may Phone Gibbs, was passed that the Mis. Huggins at 263-2377. townahips insunance covenage Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryder- be continued as et present man and Larry were gucats et with the followlng additions. thc Youngman-Wray wedding 1. Councillor accident to be In- la Kingsview Cburch, Oshawa, creased ta $100 per weck fromn reccntly. Miss Ellen Cryden- $wO per weck. 2. Automobile man was a bridesmaid for bier labIlity ta includc $M.000 PaY- cousin. On Wednesday, Mn. Meênt for a fatal accident and Cryderman audMlien asulsted $35 per week for injury pay- with an~ aftennoon and even- ment. 3. Air receiver and pne- In~ tea' t the home of the mmr boller in thc Townsbip bUIds Pa rente, Mn. and Mi'. Garage to be covered. 4. .Fire Jackson Wray, whene the protecticn eM theTownahip gueula wsrsabis toe he of the members of L.O.L. 2384, and a number of men from Oshawa, Tyrone, Loyal Orange Lodges and fromý those in the surrounding district. The parade formed at Centenniai Hall, Queen Street, then marched along Queen Street, up Division Street to Church Street, and along Church Street to St. Paul's United Church where they attended the Il o'clock service. Afterwards, the parade reformed and marched down Silver Street to King Street, along King Street to Division Street, down Division Street to Queen Street and then back to the Centennial Hall via Queen Street. lovely display of weddlng and Fraser home In Soline for the shower gifts. coming week. On Sturay bout70 em-Mrs. Lorne Kellett attended On Sturay bout70 em-the T.O.P.S. Convention on bers of the Durham Club Of Friday in the Royal York Toronto enjoyed a bus trip Hotel In Toronto. around this area and rounded M.adMs retHca out the day with d.inner at the dyaevtn Mr. and Mrs.EretHka Solina Communlty Hall, serv- Fa r iiigM.adMs ed by members of the Women's Frank Wright, Owen Sound, Instîtute. Mr. annd Mrs. Bruce Tink Mr. and Mrs. Randy Fraser attended Hampton Anniver- attended a famly reception In sary service and were guests Toronto on Sunday for Randy's of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewefl brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and family on Sunday. and Mrs. Colin Fraser, Brae- Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser at- mar, Scotland. The two broth- tended the funeral of Mr. ers hadn't seen each othen fro Andy Hankness In Whtby, ne- 18 years. Mn. and Mrs. Colin cently. Fraser returned with them The Young People's Class of and will be visiting at the Eldad Sunday School enjoyed The Orange Order's Church Parade here on Sun-1 day was impressive, and it was watched by many spectators along the route. Gary Cole was the Parade Marshal. It was headed by the Color Party composed of Ray Gibbs and Bob Hayes. Then the Sailor Cadets led by Captain Barbara Henning, expertly high stepped along. Band Major Baden Pingle was at the head of the Bowmanville Fife and Drum Band. Next in order of march came the ladies of L.O.B.A. 1291, and others f rom Oshawa and Tyrone L.O.B.A. Lodges, ail were dressed in white. Then there was an excellent turnout jDarlington CouncilI Recently, Darlington Town- Office and Community Centre ship CounilI completed the be increased from $65,250, wo adjourned session held the $75,000 and on the garage from previous Friday, and passed $36,000 to $45,00.E three By-Laws. Reeve Carl on a motion by Councillor1 Down presided and ail mem- Tink, scconded by Councillor bers of council were present. Baker, council decided that the By-Law 2417 was given Northumberland - Durham three readings and passed, sub- Health Unit be asked to i.n- ject to the approval of the vestigate a complaint present Municipal Board. This makes by Harold Potter. a minor amendment to the Deputy-Reeve Gibbs, second-c Zoning By-Law to allow a ed by Councillor Werry, mov-1 house to be built in the green- ed that council accept the1 beit area.- maintenance costs of protec-1 By-Law No. 2418 was given tion at the crossing of the CNR the necessary readings and and the Service Road, south of passed subject to the Munci- Highway 401 in Lot 30, Broken pal Board's approval. It furth- Front Concession. This wa's er amends By-Law 2111, the carried. Zoning By-Law by correcting On a motion by Councillor clerical errors in preparation Baker, seconded by Councillor for a consolidation of this By- Tink, council accepted the esti- Law. mate of $12.125 for provision, w q It's- good as fc The head restraints in 1969 automobiles are designed to reduce injuries due to reerend collisions. Restraints sbould holp minimize some of the unpleasant effects of these all-too-common crashes, but their causes can be deait withonlyby drivers. There are a number of thingsyou can do 10help prevent rear-end collisions Here are some of th em. Don't let yourself be crowded by the driver behind. f someone follows you t00 closely for safey, encourage hlm 10 pass - by pjfling off the road if necessary. Signal your Wntioris - to make a.tum,, change lunes, or stapsijdderily. Signal an intend- ed stop by pumnping your brake pedal Io flash the brakolights.. ir as it goes..... stopping distance. At night, or in rmin or fog, allow for reduced visibility or decreased traction. Limited-access highways have made higher speeds common. As a resuit drivers need to be espeeWaly wary-of slow- moving or stopped vehicles. Stay aiert - be particularly attentive near controlled intersections where vehicles ahead may be slowing, tuming, and stopping.Watch for slower-.movirg merging traffic. Use acceleration and deceleration lanes to change your own speed when entering or leaving a highspeed highway. Prevent secondary collisions at an accident scene by getting off the roadway quickly if you decide to stop. Lnt crW te driver arieao - leave at lent on. car length for each 10 miles of Be a defensive driver - constantfy waltch sp.ee& And remember that hgh speeds the trafî c amond you and plan for anw "oe pooÈwea'Jue conditions demand extr foreseeable emergency. Orange Order Parades to St. PauI's Church a pienle on gunday et Emily Park, Omemee. About 28 sat down Vo a bountiful lunch. Later sorne of the hardier young folk enjoyed their first swini of the season, while oth- ens decided Vo wait until wanmer weather. Mr. -and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Nel and Herb attended the Jackson - Woodward weddlng ln Kedron United Church on Saturday afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Kellett accompanied b their aunt, Mns. Silven, visited cousins ln Belleville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Brooklin, were * recent callens on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and family. Miss Nancy Knox left on Saturday for Camp Quin-Mo- Lac on Moira Lake, near Madoc, for a week's vacation. Most members of Eldad Church know that ln lthe last two weeks an r.ew organ was, being tried out. This Sunday another electric organ - a Conn organ - will be on trial and it is hoped that there will be a veny good attendance at this service iýs the officals would appreciate your commenta and opinions on this organ. A birtbday party lni honor 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM *BROKEN FRAMES REPAIRED OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAIT * OCULIST'S PRESCRIPTIONS ALSO FILLED AT SAME LOW PRICES *BIFOCALS, IF REOUIRED ... KRYPTOK. ULMTE OR FI.ATTOP PRESCRIPTION SIINGLASSES AT SAME 1GW PRICI 17 BOND ST. EAST 2nd Floor PHONE: 728-1261 Mondar 9 &.m. - 9 p.nL Tuesday, Thursday, Frlday 9 arn. - 5 p.rn Saturday 9 a.rn.-12 Noon Closed Wednesday - - -.-.-.-.-.... M Pittsburg ILIMITED TM I BRING IN THIS COUPON * FOR ON PURCHASE 0OF ANY I GAL. Pittsburgh, Paint MINTERIOR:0 GAL. T ISatinliide (Latex) Low Lustre Enamel$35 i40 *Willhide.....$1125 $3.60 ih Paints EXTERIOR: GAL. PITTSBURGH "Sunproof " OIL BASE ........ LATEX........... $1170 $3J~ $1170 $3.7 PITTSBURGH $13.1$. "Wonder White .0$. * Satinhide (Oit)Vi ltbus ran *Low Lustre Enamel $14.20 $4.20' a 2n222ns 'Oshawa Wood Produc NWCOURTICE SHOWROOM HOURS NeM - Tués. - Wed. - 8 ar. - 6 Prn Friday -S8 am. - 6 p.m. Tbursday - a m8 9 p.rn. Saturday - 8 amn. - à p.n -M ->-M- M- M- M- M ALILC 'ýALONT-THE NAMIE TO BWILD OW"L R_ I I o1 s' I I il "j of Mrs. LI. Cryderman wau held on Sunday when thelr family gathered et their horIo to extend their best wlses 1 the cornlng year and enjoy a famlly get-together. A buffet supper was the bighllght of thhis happy occasion. Mn. and Mrs. Richard How- croft, London, were weekend guests with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires. Scholarshi p Winner Mr. R. S. Metcalf has ne- ceived word from thie Secre- tary of the Peterborough Ki- wan.is Music Festival that hi, pupil Miss Carol Wight, R.R. 4, Bowmanviile. daughter ot Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Wight. had won a $20 scholarship and a tnophy. This was awarded by the local branch of the Peterborough Ontario Reg- Istered Music Teachens As- sociation. To be eligible for this award the participant's teacher had Vo be a registered member. NESTLETON 1 1 lqwý ý mm m ýw m ý --- - - -- 'Iti