- ~........- . '-- -~ - s ~ -............ .. - -............... 1 . The Canudian Stutesinan, Bowmanvllle, :Une 23, 1i89 13 FThe Orono News I Mr. and Mii. St.anley Sharpe 1nîght guest.s of Mr. and Mns. Mr. Ernest J. Hamm. âge. of Ida vlslted Mr. %m. S. Len Pea:-s and farnily onn80, husband of Mrs. Florence} Moffat on Sunday. ý Thursday of last week. uhoHampsedwy Mr. Jarms L. Johnson Sr.; Mrs. Mary Mercer Luxon. Huon am, paaaed 99a returned borne Mondav from; âge 83, of Kendal, wldow o! nf riaJn Oh 99 vlstln Mr an Mn \Trno the late Eber W. Luxon and the Memnorl Hospit.al, Bow- Johnson and family and Mr. sister of Mr. Roy Mercer and manvIlle, after a lengthy 111- and Mra. James Johnson andi Mr. Harry Mercer, bath of ness. Funeral was from the family ut Peterbarough. Oon ase away on Sun- Orano United Church on Mon-, Miss Barbara Mitchell tg day mornlng ut the Memral 1 day afternoon. Interment lni spendingtiawewth er Hospital, Bowmanville. Fun- I Orona Cemetery. echool hum Miss Linda Mor- ea wso Tuesday after-, Re Tuesday, July ]st--Mr.i rison of Bowmanville at their noon from the Barlow Funeral Don Tennunt will b. coilect-; cottage nt Young's Point. Home. Interment in Oronc lng the garbage a% usual. The Mrs. Herb Murray, Mrç., Cemetfery. Pas1. Office and Bank wili bath ThortonWilsn ad Mr G r. and Mrg. W. rwin. be closed, but open au usual Etwell have been patiente lni1 Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Canper1 on Monday, June 30th and. 11 the Memorial Hospital, Bow- spent Sunday visittng ln Mark-! understand, &orne of the stores manville. hum. the same. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton i attended the annual Musical B ReIalgve y r.Ted'H A Y U O i~ Jackson ut Port Perry on HYO Monday. Their grandson David Runday Schooi Anniversary church will be cloged. Gray was one of the pupils OnSndy Jn:2n. h Mr. Tom Neal, Oshawa,' taklng part. On SteddMr. andeMru. J.tPett Congratulationg to Mr. and annuaI Sunday School Anni- anitd fMir. and Mrs, . Martin Mrs. Lamne Bowins% on thelr! veraary service was held ln and aS yada.Mat 25th Wedding Anniversary. !the church shed in thie even- O audy Mrs. N. Lois Kennedy and!, mg. The front wall was nice- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dud-1 Mrs. T. Jean Lewis attended' l]y decorated with fiags and: leY, Burlington, apent thej the 79th annual convention of, streamers and lovely baï ketswekn wih erpet, the Rebekah Aasembly af On-!0f flawers on the platform. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rend.i tarin held recently ln Toronto. Althougih the weather was Sunday supper guesta with1 Mrg. E. Couvier, Mr-. Emil flot the best, the shed was Mr. and Mrs. Rend were Mr. Schmid with Mr. and Mrs. very nearly filled ta capacity. and Mrs. Clayton Rend, Rab- Orville Chailice were ln Ham- The organist was Mr. Me, hie and Steven, Bowmanvillè,ý Ilton for three dayg last week IMcCoy.Te eio lee Club Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton,, attending the annual Horticul- of Bowmanvi sng to Toronto, Mr. and Ms an turnl Convention.i thems, 'Lear Land of Home igotan nY. Mis.i Louise Cowan of Toron- and -Beulah Land." Guest Mr. and Mrs. James Pater-, ta has returned home afterispeaker, the Rev. Milton San- son, New Brunswick, spent a* spending last week wlth herdc'r,,r, Toronto, spoke a few few days with Mr. and Mrs.1 cousin Mrs. Howard Lintan. ;words to the boys and ginl.xiRoy Paterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Car- He toid bow he had preached Mr. snd Mrs. E. R. Thomp-1 mar and Mr. snd Mrs. Len on this circuit several y'ears son, Bowmanville v i si te d Perar tte he ndDininr1ugo and how he always en- Mrs. A. Thompsan on Wed-' HardareSho an Dinerjoyed coming to Haydon an- nesday. Mr. R. M. Thomp-ý held at. the Tam O'Shanter niversary supper and the son. Leskard, Mr. and Mrt.' Golf Club, Agincourt, on Sun- i good food he bad. Mr. San-' Lloyd Siemon, Susan and day. June l5th. dersan said he had prepared Fred, and Mrs. Toms, Ennis-: Mrq. Harvey Morgan, Mrs.h Wnm. E. Armstrong, Mr. Ken-! his sermon thinking it was, killen. Rev. and Mrs. David neth Neal, Mr. end Mrs. H"- the last service we would be Northey,TrnweeS- pe.r Dean and Mr. and Mrs.having at Haydon church.ý day visitors at Mr%. A.' Harad Dan wre rn othýA nd bp told how the large Thompsan's. relatives from Orono who1 churches were being closed, Mr. nud Mrx. Tam Patt.ç attended the funeral of thPlin Toronto, tao. iwere Sunday supppr guesta lste Mrs. Myrtie Edgertonn On July lst a self serve; a! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Morgan Pattersan o! Bawman- s'uffe't supper will be senved'and family. ville ln Oshawa last Saturdayl by the commur'.y Clujb 21. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gar-1 niorninig. Mnsî Chunch servi-.c will be heid, rard and Mrs. L. Giffin were Vr. and Ms Chas. Chantier on Stinday at .1 p.m. This will.ý Sunday supper guests af Mr. of Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs.ibe the last chunch service !n'sud Mrs. A. Garard, Barry1 Gea. lan o!Orillia were over-leur churoh, as the Haydon:and Lori Ann. _____ ___ -Mr. aud Mrs. Wayne Black- -burn. Newcastle, were te.a guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. TALENT 'Blackbur on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mi. Elford sudl Im.Lawrence Tabb, Port. d Perry, Mr. and Mrs. F. Black-~ hbum. Salem, were callers utj Hel W aVV mted the Blackburn homne on Sun- p iday. 1b.L.her appendix removed on. For ille t Niht P ogra iSatunday in the Oshawa H-os-1 pital. Mn. Wayne Piggott caughtý In Orono a big muskelunge weighing, 5 1 bs., neasuring 31"*, on Set-1 urday nt Pigeon Lake. WEDNESDAY, JULY 9th, 1969 Mr. Lawrence Tabb, Mr.ý and Mna. M. Eltord, Poriti Thos Ineretedareaskd t cotac eiher Penny, <'alled on Mrx. Cro- f Tho inerete ar ased o ontct ithr man on Sunday. Lawrence A. Jakeman or S. Mather, 983-5851 or 983-5442, as said he was going by plane ta soonas ossile.Florida on Monday where he bOn a poosuse.intends te live. ARRANGEMENTS WILL BRE MADE FOR AUDITIONS Sponsored by Orono Chamber of Commerce Get Cash Today For OId Appliances tbroutb S TA TE SMANP C LASSI 1F 1 9D Phone 623-3303 Mil THE CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY wsles to announcetlia, TWO PUBLIC noFIE LD DAYS will be heîd at the ENNISKILLEN CONSERVATION ARIA on the weekend of JULY as & 6, 1969 In a picnic type atmosphere watch FIRE FIGHTING DEMONSTRATIONS a nd DOG RETRIE VER TRIALS se. a BEE KEEPING DISPLAY, and build your own BIRDHOUSE. Let your children (to 15 years) bring a poie and take part in a FISHING DERBY on Sunday. Refreshments will be available on the site TO OSHAW -ADMISSION FREE ENNISKILLEN NJIKLEI CONSERVATION AREA * 1 <. GUIDE CON. No. 1 ý< ?ntrance 1BOARD e CON. No. 6 SOLDIA r TAUNTON ROAD Z MHAMPTON T o 35& 110 Il Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain The rlaing prie. of bftf malkés muny of un consider becomtng reluctant vegetariana! Well, we don't have ta resoi-t ta giving up meut altogether, but It will b. a challenge ta plan deliciaus meuls witbout frequently Jnciuding expent- ulve steaks end roazta. Our Imaginations will be thoraughly exercised as we experiment wlth new recipes using fowl, fish, lamb and the lesu expenaive cuti of beef. The dinner plan given below centres around hamburger, but the tasty biend of Italian seasoningu makes it a very festive meal. It may seem ridiculous ta Include a recipe for preparing freuh green beans, but houaewlves in Canada and the United States' are notornus for their overcaaked, mushy, ta.steless vegetabies. By the time tome women get fresh green beans to tihe table they taste Just like the canned vaniety. This wîll neyer happen when you follow the instructions here. The most Important nuls In cooking any green vegetable is: DO NOT OVERCOOK! The gecond important atep il the wuy the vegetables are bianched. Neyer put fresh vegetubles In a pan of cold water and then bring the water ta a bol1. The salted water muqt be boiling rspidly before the vegetablee are udded. Use a large kettie - the langer the better, for you wunt the water te return to a full bail an quickiy as passible ulter the beans have been added. Sa when the water Is boiling, drap In the beans and coak abaut 8-10 minutes. When they are just tender enaugh te est, drain themn and immediately rinse in very cold water. This anrests the cooking proresaq. This cun ho done well befare the dinner heur and the beans refrigerRted. At serv- Ing time you need nnly heat by swirling them arauind In a buttered pan for two or three minutes. The beanu will be bright green with a fresh, full fiavor - a deiightfui addition ta any meal. ITALIAN HAMBURGER BAKE 2 lb. Grotund Beef 2 Eggs, aiightly beaten '.rcup fine Breud Crumba V4 cnp flnoly chopped Green Pepper V4 cup finely chopped Onions 1i&asl! Clave Ganlic, minced 1 tablespoon drled Basil 1 teaspaon dried Oregano 1 teâspoon Sait t' teaspoon fre.shly graund Black Pepper Butter or Margarine 1 cup Tomata Sauce Grated Parmesan Che*sp PreheAt aven te 350". Combine all Ingredientu In a large mixing bowl, except the tomato sauce and cheeqe. Use your banda ta blend well. Transfer ta an ovpnpronf casserole or baking dîsh. Shape Iuta a large hamburger patty about 1'/ ta 2 Inches thick. Dat wlth butter or margarinp. Bake ane heur ut 350'. Tho.n pour tomate satice aver top and sçprinkle generously with Parmesan cheese. Bake anotheL 30 minutes. Serves 6. ITALIAN POTATO BALLS 2 cupm mashed Potatnes V4 cup grated Parmesan Cheese 2 tabiesponu melted Butter Salt snd Pepper ta taste Fleurn 1 Egg heu ten 2 cups fine Breadcrumnbs (approximately) Olive Oil Combine the potatoes, cheese, butter and sait and pepper : ta taxte. Shape Into balla &bout the Mize ai golf bRal. Dust the balls with flour and then dip Into beaten egg. Coat wlth fIne brenderimbi. PFry ln, akillet with about ½ l nch olive ail, turn and brown an ail aide-;. Serves 6. PERFECT GREEN PEANS 2 - 3 poundit fresh Green Beans 2 teaspoona Sait 2 tablespoans Hot Butter 2 teuspoons Lemon Juice 3 tablespons minced Parsley <optional) Sait and Pepppr to tuste !iii an 9 - 10 quart kettie (thé langer the. better) with water. Add ait and bring to a rapid bail. Drap In the bp.ans and bning the. water back ta boil as quickly as possible. Bail, .incovered, about ten minutes. Test the beans by eating ,ne and if bean ls tender, but stili retainq A crunchy qualftv it la doue. Neyer ovencaak thie beans ut this point! Drain the beuns aud rinse wlth celd tap watPr. Thiîs tops the enoking procesu in the beuns and resulits lu a bright green calan. Thig part of the recipe may be donc early i.n the day and the. beans refrlgerated. APPLE TORTE 2 Eggs, separated 1 cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Vunilla ¾i cup sifted Cake rlo>ur 1 teaspoon Buking Powdei- % teaspoon Sait l½,, cups flnely rut Apples ¾, cup Nut Mente Whipped Cresmn Preheat aven to 3W5. Bpaut he egg whItes, gradumully addlng r up sugar, until stiff. [n anather bowl beat egg yalks, adclng 14, cup sugar ta theni. Beait weil uintil yalks look leon caiored. Blond in teaspoan vanillua. Fold yolk mixture Into egg whites very gently. Sift tagether cake flour, baking powder and sait, then fold iuta egg mixture gently until weil mixed. Foid ln upples sud nut meats. Buke in ungreas- ed 9" x 9" pan ut 3750 for 35-40 minutes. Serve warnm or coid wlth whipped cream. Gymkana- HeId by Ganaraska Riders 'ie irst gymkana wvas heid; WRESTLING) June lst at Bill Legget.te's in ist John Lines riditig Whisky; Garden Hili with the resultsU2d Bill Leggette riding Toby; as follows: 3rd Paul Panry riding Rocket. 1. JUMPING - 9. LADIES BARREL RACE last Bill Legget.tp iding Tnby;uîst Guil Woodward riding Tâter 2nd Leslie Beuson riding Bon-IBreeze: 2nd Sharon Chatten- nie; 3rd Paul Parry ridlng ton riding Kayhawk Bannie; Rock et. Ird Pat McMurtry ridlng Shan-ý *2. OPEN POLE BENDING laon. lat Jack Woodward riding Pen-11O. LADIES SPECIAL oka's Bay Lad; 2nd John Linesi (POLE BENDING) riding Whisky; 3rd John De-!lat Manie Leggette ridiug Tnhy;ý ,Witt rlding Punkland Sioux. ý2nd Peg Parry riding Danny. -1 PICK-UP RACE - Il. CHILDREN'S CLASSES lst Jack Woodward rlding Tot- ' BARREL RACE - er Breeze; 2nd Sharon Chattcn-l. John Lines Jr. nîdlng Whis-ý 'ton riding Rebel; 3rd Danuy 'ky; 2. Joey Leggette riding. O'Connor ridlng KuyhawkiToby; 3. Mark Leggette riding, Bannie. :, Toby.i 4. WESTERN PLEASURE - '12. CHILDREN'S FIGURE 8 Ist Jack Woodward riding: RACE- Penoka's Bay Lad; 2ud John i. John Lines Jr. niding Whls- ILines riding Whisky; 3rd Dan-ýky; 2. Joey Leggette ridiug. ny Chatterton iding Rai. Toby; 3. Mark Leggette riding; 5., FLAG RACE - Toby. 1 lst Jack Woodward rlding! 13. PONY EXPRESS RACE - ýPenoka'aç Bay Lad; 2nd John 1l. John Lines and Ken Laý Linea riding Whisky; 3rd Paul"Salle riding Whisky und Thon.1 Parry riding Racket. ý2. Danny Chatterton sud Dan-' 6. MEN'S SPECIAL ny O'Connor riding Rebel and (SACK ROPING) - Kayhawk Bannie. lat Jack Woodward riding Pen- 3. Bill Leggette and Marie oka's Bay Lad: 2nd Bill Lcg-jLeggette rldlng Toby and Ibn gette riding Ibn Canna; 3rd:Canna. Join LUnes riding Whisky. 1 Well, thodie are the wlnners. 7. POTATO RACE - ýNow came on out and supportl luât Bill Leigette ridig Toby;I1 ur next show June 22 ut 1:00! 2nd Ken LaSaile ridlng Thon.1p.m. aet Bill Leggettie's. For ln-! 3rd Danny Chatterton .iding!farmu tion contact Gall Wood-ý Rebel. iwand, 621-517 oranPut Mcmur-1 8. MERN'5 MYSTERY EVENT itry, 263-8884. W.' welcome alÉ 1 (BARS3 BACIC new ridtea, Englah or Westerc.1 Primo PEPPERONI ..99C1 Shapa4 Famous - 4 - 2-arn. Pkgs, CORNED BEEF .......... Srve a Çhop«y Slad French COLE SLAW 16-0rn. Container 99C 49c POTATO SALAD .... ......65c 24-arn. Container ]Rlttners Tasqty 8-ox. Chubs Liver SAUSAGE - Fine Liver SAUSAGE - Coars,. Sinioin - TRane and Wing ST E AK S $1.I9b Deluxe Golden Bird - Only et Daminion Tu reys5 to 10 lb. Grade "A"e Eviscerated 49c ,Maple Leal - New - Ideal for Barbecue SWINGERS 1-lb. Pkg. 79c Maple Leaf - Package of Big S" WIENERS Maple Leaf MiId Cured Rindîs Breakfast Bacon Maple Leaf BOLOGNA Maple Leaf COOKED HAM 12-oz. Pkg. 49C 1-lb. Pkg. 8 9C1 16-az. Pkg. 65C 6-oz. Pkg. 69 C OnIy at Dominio Pure Pork Sausage1lb. Pg Map'le Leaf - Ideal for Patties Sa usage Meat 69C 1-1b.pkg.c 1-b.Pk#5 91b, Fresh Produce Features Produce af U.S. No. 1 Grade Sugar Sweet Cantaîoupesumba Size 27's 3l 9 8( Australian Fancy Grade Size 126'.ç PACKHAM PEARS 7for69, Coltute 100 - 17-os. Bottie ORAL ANTISEPTIC Lotion 5.2 - Jar 6 os. Scrt.- oer-os.Cem10-s a SAVE 60e 99C Tube 3.3 RAVE 300 $1.49 3-os. Spray SAVE 32e DEODORANT 73c Decorator - Sime 18"x19 THRO CUSHION SAVE 50e Dominion 's Own Bakery. Richmello - 24-oz. CRUSTY BREAD Richmelio - 16-os. ANGEL CAKE Richmello - Pkg. ai 12 YEAST DONUTS SAVE 4e 25c SAVE 10e 49c SAVE se 44c Richmello - 24-oz. SAVE 100 Cherry or Bîueberry Pies 49c Ontario Grown Garden Fresh RADISHES GREEN ONIONS 3forL'I Florida No. 1 Grade GREEN PEPPER s 2for25 Augtral Fancy HRalves or Siiced - 28-os. Tin SAVE 5@ PEACHES 39c Austral Fancy Hialves - 14-os. Tin SAVE 104 BARTLETT PEARS 3for89C White Swan One Pl.v - 2 Roil Pkg. SAVE 2e BATHROOM TISSUE 29c Essex (ooked - I 'ý-ib. Tin SAVE 30e CANNED HAM $1,o69 SAVE 20a 59C BAVE 10o 69c SAV'E 10e 99C SAVE 22o 3for89c Cuiverbouse Choie - 19-os. Tin SAVE 9e Cream Style Corn 4for89C Beaver - 16-os. Pkg. SAVE 10e BARBECUE PEANUTS 49c FREE PARKING Ail Merchandise In Guuranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturdav, June 28, '69, in Bnwmanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights i 9 p.m. DOMNION STOIRES, LIMITED King St and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, East) *0~ ~ W f fr ~ -~'%~ Domino BReau - 1-1b. Pkg. CO0F FE E Domino Instant - 6-os. Jar COFFEE Domino - 16-oz. Tin MIXED NUTS Bieks 6 Vurieties - 12-os. Jar RELISHES TO $HOP M COHRDENCEI m gli IMCRDIa 39c iý J ro