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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1969, p. 14

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The Canadian StAtemman, Eownianvifle, .une 25, 19R9 Birth Deaths 1 Comîng Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale ReclErIefrSaeRa Estate for Sale 'Real Estate frSl '-EROOME-_-Mr. and Mirs. Jack CHESHIRE--At Newcastle on' Dance in Tyrone Hall. Sat- 1967 SUZUKI, like new, 1,30n 15 ACRES standing hay. Dial '62 KARMANN Ghia. gond-- RETIREjMWNTHfM_ .1Bom neLnaMaynard) Surîday, June 22nd. 1969.1 urday, June 2R. Round and miles. Orono 983-5582. 26-1* 623-2847. 26-i condition, safety inspected.'ottO on Lake Scugog.50f.rot- G rg Ble n ,-,re happy to announce thel1 Annie Cheshire (formerly of, square dancing. Musir by le WATER dcli1vereëd. -Joh n Nes--1S TAN DING hay. Austin Wood, Cal> after 5 p.m., 623-5643. gflbaent arrival of their son Shawn1 Bethanyt. in her 83rd year, Nnrma'n and his MIidnite Ramh- hitt, 986-42594 Blackstock. 19-81623-2212. 26-1' 26_1 3 bedrooms. Ail hrwo ELO Kenneth on June 18, 1969, In! wife of the late Jack Cheshire. 1 ]Prs. 26-1' - 2 XosMmra optl id evc a edi h orsKryCuWATFR for sale and delivered, STANDING hay.-ëCou New- 1967 CHEV. ImPala convert- floors, fireplae.frihd in 2-30o Bos Meoral osita. ind1 ervce ashel i th Mrri Krb Chrch Salad And'ICal CuiPethick. 623-2313. tonville 786-2240. 2-1thle. red: located F,îiott Auto doublNeBgarage23-526 -zay. Proud grandpairents, Ksen, runeraII Chape>. sowmanvlle. tav~r'Sip îl. 38-tf Pats. Newtonvîlle. Terms cash. 1C) bonting and fishîn. skn mad Freda Maynard. 26-l* on Tuesdav afternoon. Inter- tatn i 5 o'clock until Al----- ____ N rgdiertie'tr Forward highest offer to Pub- BOWES & 'OCK\ $115.500.00 - $5.000 dwbl metFli eeey 61are qerved. Admission $175 750 BUSHELS harley. Tele- $703 or best offer. Telephone, lic Trustée, 145 Queen West, IMITED, REALTOII ance at 8'. CaîMaen ondnutrl BRYANT-Bob and Marlene' ad-5c 26-1' phone Lewis Clark, Newcastle 623-5525. 2.9-1 Toronto. 26-1 Rodd 985-7371r 9521 the safe arrivai of t.heir son. tered Into rest, ai the Ohawa R The Wood Family Picnic --- N-- - 26- girl bos icycle ,24" ia a ntd o u qNiewmes bon oyochire. frltt e td., elo. ltJ.t ag cek d Grant Robert. 7 lbs. il ozs., on, Général Hospital on Sunlday w»> be lieîd nt Waîtoa ~aPark, 'FRESH strawberries. B Ik-2" il iyl, 26- 1 * - lot o Bqirmntsne reschnieofReal s53et.00 ONpoet frtaemn Ju e 2 , 1 6 , a M m r a u e 2 . 19 9 a I R b r'N ew castle, Sunday . June 2.9. lots, R . 3, N ew castle, Phone , 623-5427. buil1d a wloorkshop or plant. ar a $ .00 D I"-'ospital, Bowinanville. Special Fowler. belovedi hushand 0of'Sots-3 'tck!upe 16' GRAIN auger with motor. tractor. Newtonville 786-2485. ancing. Priced from $22,770.00. into Lake Scugog. 7f.fot-$00dwn thanks to Dir. Austin. Dr. Georgina Cylona Mc-Carth\, s 30 ý11- Hot drinks supplied. i F'OUR-burner-electric sto*ve In! good condition. Newtonville 26-J Caîl Marie Bivsonette 5716-2421 ae i oe ovnecs Westgarth and nurses. 264-1 father of Karla-Ann Mas', son .12-2' good conditilon. reasonable.i 786-2485. ue 26-1 WNEJ-Lw oeo res. 623-5000. coeatelmodurnise.AsicjNecsl _____of Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Fo\wler' Newtonville 786-2207. 16-11 I GTF ier. ots wr al rn 8-30 -. ARLTON - err a dbrother of Floyd, Ait of Osha i MONSTER BINGO STUÜDEBAK-ER-Seërvi'ce. new $35; ideal for cottage. New- o26-1* Exclnt 4 broom frame _p0ivi tages. a M$7n od u aeet, ag o.wt * atie(nc eren ae ap % va, in bis 28th ycar. ReltediHRDYNGT 'le and used parts. Graharoslcastle 987-4088. 26-1Exeln4 dro Ia. Cte (onée teretarrihappyf1 he Arshao g wilt fune onraîl Cha ber fthmeJuirce Garage, 416-263-2233. 43tf 1NEW Holland haler. - LIVE poultry, nid feater1 homte on 2 acres In immaculate 8--no oo ýHme Ohaa.%vthfueai CamerofComece-ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- cniiofrplc nliving antim their son Jason (Jay Allatn. srvccn h hai lon Tile. Iz JUBHFF PAVILION FIBERGLASS boat, - 1,070 lb. land hayrake, 40 are? stand- y hne7r1.261rocton fireplv aced i iEstate Ltd..LRambrelsttn.Akntpic$690 6ibs. 14 oz.q., June 21. 1969,A' at evicue 24the 1 pe . ci.OH W -fcapacity, a nd trailer, uséed ore ing boy. Phone 728-Pon07700. 2-1 oomenvehaa ndety oaede 10acefrmoelok Oshawa Général Hospital. A dy,-un 2---l---CeO HAW -f ao lso 35 horse .Johnson 26-2* .twenOhw adBwan - çFraknk8 acesRe;al Tr-Le motion. Inlieu of flo%erts seaon; Phn 96431 aie vleRiceo usa d7, \Vaned vlle.tchoî buoot oormid-Y!. ranFneai.L1saie[balace pstur. 6 ooAnto1 babyroherfor 26.4* donations to the Cancer HSooSna-Sho A-Ilot hne96431 1' BOAT with controls ond ----- - ~ -JuIy possession. Cal ai TIFDbue n ag on I o ciet.y would be Pppreciated.S niversary, Annuial Tea, Tuesçi - * 6.1* trailer, 7¼ h.p. motor. Best GOOD home for kittenq, free. Bissonette 576-2421 or mes. M 1 day. July I. Buffet style tea -ELTR h96-1rieot$3.*0 DE .IONG-Jobn and Tante are 26-1 srrvedi by Community Cluh 1 USED washer parts, motors,1 offer. Blackstock 986-4298. Phone 62.3-2744. 2- 623-5000. lnvsten Poprt - - '~1 from 4:30 ucmilitaî are serv-, Simplicit.y, Thor and Mýoffat1 26-1 1KngS.WRomnll ap htrannourete beresHAMonTSNed. Atmiesion.aaducis $200,1appliances. nRtionally adver- TENT,1.1 x18, like new'; out- o rnled Approximat(Ijv.1 acres -2ilacre woSthlelWndwî11 hfiaddtigedeliAedoafTeuesa,,rHospita.yos board motoro7'aduhp. New-d linckf Street.,rWhitby.s;Dia> ExecutiveChHome 7uroomnhome, on Fn.d-d623-for on Friday. June 20. 1969. Rýt urday-. June 2lst. 1969, Irene, ciren 12 and tnder, 75c .) IMarket, Hampton, 263-2241. !board moto786254 ate p.m.ew-m erick76 Street, arcen Hi»>horses Mémorial Hospital. Bowmon- aitn -ovr ieo 6-1 42t BOAT,6-545 33 hp.m2. FPIKEaU rnSocPTL .576-2421 - CountAry_ S a reso ln tthlreimlsnr~ho om ville. A sister for Angela and ,William Hamilton, 117 ElginL Come. hring your lawn RCO2IIOEDVtoer 1(Gmtoaerdhneen>ct26-22 Dorothy. Thanks t<m Dr. H. teein ber 69th vear, dear chair to the garden porty a n otr tAe-ins, 40, I0 cà'O ATl, k 3 ropes otor, Tlépon Tole 23-221thres berlamhm.Tn-dleonpvdrar.1 ce B.RnleadMaent. tff oher or Lloyd. depar ister of ý the home of Mr. and Mr,. nd. . ue,, 26s1 wa ing t(rso bothsDonneaiutift t'O'rn23 20kingtepricem.$214.900 -- -both of Bowmarc-il -le . Service Cotint,.v Store. Ncstlet.on ,,ta-lexcellcnt condition. O723-8131 [St., l3ownianville. 26-1 M LgicenceNo. 04-C- m John LF. Ae LIithD iegw Askng $3.0.0. iwth700don HA.ASS--Eiward ndc Eva \wos, held in the Morris F'uneral uray .une 28. 2-5 pm,' Bak-' TV Supply Limited,72-11.LcneN.04C6 EESA MIE *(née Yeo) are pleased toi an- Chapel. Bowmanville, on Mou- in19. prizes. afternoon tr.a. ,ARAIE cm oI aler REALTOR evcSttoI10arsaanlndngo> iiounice the birth of their day afiemnioont. tnterme'nt Bow- ý Sponsored by~ St. John's A.C. ONE-toni Chev, ~truck, no Parker Fa rm Scrvice, Highway Help vvafted 14 Frank St. - Bowmianv'ille Goodi central loain1 oaiool 790 Sdaughter Carol Ann. 6 lb:,. manville Cemet.ery. 26-1 W.. Blackstock. 2- licen(c.Ideal for combine grini 2, Newcastle. 987-4413. 25-2_ MATURE woman to babysIt' Phone 62.3-3111 Bowmanvilîe. Lot s10x7.--61 12%' ozs., Monday. June 16. t.uck, $125. Limited numbrBc o edvlpei \ ne. oh At, Meç- l'oodvIew Cnmmulnity Centre; of 45 gai. lined h arrels, good IUNDERWOOD adding m-b hme fR'edveawek aNO T1d F OMv Oflor r borough. Prour> grondiparents moriol Hospital, BowmnileMO SERBfo weed spray. $10 or 2 for; chine, Corona portable type-, Phoce 623-2962. 26-11 1 VILLE: 17 acres with barn., .0 are Mr. and Mrs. Cloenre on Fridav. June 20, 19693QG $15. Phone 986-4.331. 261*wtechthecleton PORTER, shift work. The I Al workahle land. Price Rowmanvillp tr RAO YnadM.adMrs. Hermin Ernest Hamm, Omonoex Monday I OE .w-po et- cop trac- ditiori. Phone 623-5074. 26-1* Voyageur Restaurant,. New-$300 em.Mi tre, 0x10 rs 7 ]aass Sr. 26-1 oge 89 vears. Rested at. the 7:45 P M i tor. one .et. one-ton chain 16 FOOT, deep plywood hoat,. rastLic, 9 8 7- 4 231. 26-I YON:3.9 acre frm wiîîb entl y billiardi. $3190, ers dGFNRLINUAr -- - - Barlow Funeral Home. Orono, RED AiNblock, one set puilley rope complete with 60 h.p. motor I MAN foc wowrigso omdhm.OIhad he trs5 igS.W omnii NORRIS-John and Sharon, Onît unwaows bldonr ime j 27rore hm. i eae. < n e G m b l t t a n o u c e h e ~ u n e 2 3 f m o Ron oO H A R NWlocA t r e s 8 .2 5 x 2 0 , 7 0 0 I57 61h a r o , R o l l i i i g î a n d , A s k i n g C e t r p a t o0 ,i A n. L t j6 - 2 5 (ne imlet Rnon f te oniv Jne23fomOrno, SH WAusedi; one 7 1, bp. twin West ,traiter. Apply Bill Kilpatrick.I1 Allin Cable Reels, 623-57. $750.TRsllinglan7. PriceCenai.l$60.000, arrivai of their son Gordon United' Church. Interment __ ___6t< Bend outhoard. 263-2233. 127.6 Liberty North. 26-11 26-1 $3.0. em.50xI7.Pie _È__ - - 26-i il __ _ - - I ---1BOWMANVILLE: Lovelv 1 Reasonabie down pyet oCutyLvn LelyToa,1 b. nOooCreev 616 OTS or cottages on Hav Boy,' GIRL 17, kitchen assistant, i ~ bkh ihI utc d.Suh e> WeuseyThoasJ 12ue. 19,Oono1e69.r a 61 oraI> boys and girls. ages -ÂteLkRc aeadceru.wligwme Thurd HospiJutal, 169Bao-5- 4,thrnwllbeaVoa-- .room bmck ungalow w Méoil1itteLkRc aeaàceruwligwre Write' c.Ne,.tastle om tahr aae ag - emrOl PEitl -omn AMéoilHs inBbeSho gi tte--ytrsLosnyatacher> garage. Finishedw mec bric 26-1 l Bowmianville, on Mondias', Christian Reformer> Cburch on167 Rint St. W.. Bowmanville from $1.500. Phone Murphy, 26-11~ Askîn 250bnao.Hlyodkice otc nTi ac June 231rd. 1969, Luther Francis scugog Street. The school wili Fumniture 623-3781. 26-1*. HA$R7,500., must baex- KENDA ý1-TARDRESERmustbe e-li coniseeniencee so THORNTT Lonar andHooper, Tymone. In lus 86th] stamt July 7th through Jul\ m ne D~~ TEN' railersleps -6, slde- perienicer> A p p I y Gmeig's re IL.8or ser.Ms esI> sig PHo NETTGib- LéoartoRn. yeam, helover> htsband of Adta lî7îh frm9 a.m. - 1 nonFULL VINE 0F ,out beds, storage rempart-[ Hairstyling, Bowmanviile, dialpar' wîth large pond. Gond $ 2 4,3 00.g$,S are happy to announce thé Morte\-, dEorfte f o nomto rard al ments, wlmed for Inside cook- 623-29321. 25-tf stream througb Iength of prop- Newcastle TrilxI1Are Mohn hi duhe h rlev Ergelev, Sask., and 1 62,3-5667 or 623-5360. 26-2 AO TN ngmattreqses new tires ond. erty. Very scenic. Asking. --brho herduhe Sa-LmaMrs. Arthur Richamdism, gRIG OO S MAL.E - Urgently - grass mow-I120>wtb3,0don Olrier type buildingi od Bakiokoe.~1 top on Lynn. 8 Ibs. 3 ozs., on June 13-tf spare, $300. Orono 983-52211e wek$1n ewasle0M0tcodiio. riedaton,00hme0hro ecelet on Il.1 1969. 26-1 Tymone, brother of Mrs. Lillie, SUNNYSIDE PARK - - --a fte r 5 p..n. 26-i suppely oIn mewcte. Cusat 47 ACRE FARM: facing 401 $26io.500 - erm.Ipsiiiis Canor, Bowmanville. Service sSTER onBINGO. allxeculin$6,50B-UTrme wos held in the Morris MONSTRBN OI Eeulr ýU camper top for- thati time.M.ONai62-31 ihwyRo]nwthtmm.r3Ace VYEO-MurroY And Arlene are,-Frnea1. p -1- haîf-ton truck now, idéal for 3ýevenings 987-4821. 96-1' 7 oomed borne. Barn. Asking 17 Acres - Boav li -~~1asdtaanonc teariv-Chopel, Bowmanville on Wed- Th.dvNoh 'ffîce Furniture'C.o.! e x.- 53:Y . -$40.000, Terms.Ida loton fr om beomhmexlen ~ I fthirdugtm ude Besda oafternooo. înterment 'IRna migadfsigtmps.o ARM help wanted, steady or, Mnhle b.2ý- z. tM-Btesda itry 61174 Plans i our 27" for $319.95. this week part time, single or married, NEAR NEWCASTL.E: 12 ercivnturo. Cre mp:hos 2m eutflyte vi Mih1e8ls ~nsa e eeey 26-17:4 I Lese -Purhas fo cagonpotetio. Oder. Acres with lîî' trert nN.2Hgha o lhpodo mpry : morial Hospital. Bowmanvillle ' RED BARN i -475 riv LittleI d cao eiply otbmon$36,000.00.e5 srem ý on Monday. June 16. 1969.q LXO.MryEhl1tM-[ oATeleph-.e 987o,.t-4a7mn-15Cdr n mpe uh. Pond.'3000 iCmeca fo enie_ enyad moN. alrospti B AtwMaie- S HA WA 6t ih.'Jnike. 2 'i - 5hbp. Big savings [Accommodation avoilable. Give' Storeand . 4 aportments5 Acre sitrfrJnieWnyadmra optl omnilýNEWCASTLE - ONTARIO if yo u nr>-oa- sa lamy expecter> and reférences. Grave> deposit. Open o'5 ce __________ aryLuxoo, Kenrial, Ont.,'ï Canadian Statesman, P.O. t0x! TYRONE: 4 hedroom com erlntion of Higayiî Str-7 ptmts go wife- of the late Eber Luxon,' Cards of Thacnksr,- IS Shorts $1.49 adRentais, Jonetville. Caî(Mo- , Bowmaovilie.__ 26-2 pletely renovated bungalo on and ',5 Has s MalSoc innepoety Forthcoming daLADIES' and(__-i _ __-- ___ -__ýday oStudy Téphnal% Mr. 19;ladies' shifts. $2.19; toatda.Tepne__ $198;e ogv sei mnsdni akts$.8 70.9-324-20,50. 26-1 wRITTrEN applicationýs will be' Main St. Oti heater>. 4-pce. pitnes planted, e.obc M . 'deaand other of IVi ena (Mrs. I wans olDr.iktogispeiandens enm ces_ $298. - eeived bhv the Bowoanville ba th. Price $15.900. $000 a ens, nile Mnd.thedlaerViolaom-s--Fred-tbnkis t lforDm Mîios and lsi meo's V-neck T-shirts$1si SRA BERES Pubie UtîltiesCommission 100ACRE Aprîmnt ous - hap7'. Mr. nd rs.Thoas C White), alged 83 years. Rester> es onfrt'lo frtei0id girls' pont dresses 7-14, $1.98, 0mnt.audot.ndd'es nounice the fortbcoming mar- i Orono. Service was beir> Tues- moial Hospital, Bowmanville. suits, drapery ends ,s5ceacîu, I i* ' ppîîantms tt x o 4.0.Trs a or or moae01ZndCmec rnage of their d a u g b t e r da, June 24 at 2 p.m. inte-' Mrs. Ethel Fellegi. 26-if: dre&s and skimt material by the! îAmpieneeuato startx- CSAA:Cab r mHig'uwav 115. onItmnts igSt at.Akr DorthyJen, o Lrr Raph'èn Orno efter. 2-1piece. Upbolstery materîals B O X P L A N T S P1 fmom Bom3nville. 25,brickj.3-,-' ft>0 %Domothy Jn, ta r anp m en mooCeeer. 26 I wisb to extend my slncere land many more bargains. W'e stili have a variety of r ville Public Utilities Commis.I yeam-old brick bungalow wlthý Wcelsh, sn of SMm. Tnd Mrs.' - -- ani%-' thanks to ail, for their vîsîts Pontypool Discount HbedroomBobrick, q Ternis w esli ieelb f aem.TeWOTN metJmsand cards, also spécial tbanks 264Discount House.crrid b wedigwlltaeplace In At Memorial Hospital, Bow-lto nurses and staff on second -2- o lnsso.2-~atce>grgLre lot 1ocrdI es lhrem iAtrgp. ý-EIdPaver>tediveway. carrier> by Locate, lin Kendal Hilîs. IED. A./MacGrrgoag-. M7-t26y 4"Ia nie hrb nJl'nunilon Mondas'. June floor and Dr. Huhbard during OUR NEWLY RENOVATED I 3 for $1OO.0R0A SANT- uTE CAREER .614m rtgage3.00 MonIthly -'Nice bush on propery eyJ a et--6333 .#26 at 3 p.m. 26_l1; 23rd, 1969, Ernest Wootton of my stay In Memnorial Hospital. i ATDAfI iera ayet 120,PTT s-sceoic. $7.900.00. Tri .Kwl -635 ,M ýNewtnvile, n hi 87t yea, B SEME T DET. EKER GARDENS, estate agent for Bowmanville' 10k price $29.500.i Mr ndMs.Ry erNew.ovllinbs 7j emjEthel Bell. 26-1' NTDPTarei_________mnaer___ 0 cr L Mm adMr. a HernaIhusband 0f the late Ada Webb. iIS NOW OENWholesale ond Retail a xemecr onae o OSHAWA:10AcrrLo Rd._____ - 6-I M R.R. 2, Blackstock, Ont., ws:rerfte fMsJBr ~OE help you plus, extra advertîs- .PrkR. c Sceniic lot nearvilg lr .to announce the fortbcoming'(oa) eCovrneRetd Inc hnk oths i h and see our wee.kly MalIrv ng ,to expand commissions. mo,2soe oe i emarriage of their daughtem i t the Nrthu îî llitt Fun-!iSaîem omotrh cn branbsmetselî:IMember of most Real Estato eater>. 3pc. at, o esr. Ha$7,50pnd0.dI00c Theodora, ta Mm, Sikke Home FI service - I Telephone 62-2300 IBoards. Contact Lloyd G. Lee, j mriai zoner>. Price $18,000.'wos 700 ens ..Wenao rdy uvtemalunratrihuter> towards the lvely 1 MEN'S DSR OT 59 26-1 l F. R. I., Vice - President, H. Ternis. 32 AcresT4 W ybeng19 .a 7o F ir>a , J l heo w' a s la f tr 2ion clo. I ne - g ft e e ei e > a t a ur ES B O S 5 99-K eith L tr., R ealtor, 181 Eg- N E W C A ST LE : 4 bedrooni W ooded land> on p v r or>. L . L~.A L. A fouth ~.d~I ~U'ft r~ivafemoon Itement day:,, evening. MEN'S DRESS SHOES ilno bath Christian R efonr m er>i Lakevlew Cemetery. 26-1 G n n STEREO ilntnAve.. Toronto 12. Tele- 1 i2 storevbhorne on Cburchliust north0ft of Bo- 23253 ChRev. Van dnver Oaiiting.and Joyce Blackburn. I AND LOAFERS $6.99-$8.99 T P PL Y S [phone 487-3333. 26-4 Street on- large lot. Oil beat-Imanv-ille. Ontly $22.0,0 ________26-1TAPI er>, S3-pce. bath, Price $16,900. 10Ace-KnalHI 26-1- lwr ___ oîr ïjctak2~* LLOYD ELLIS 3lodels «q40 and 980 I C NS M R rmItmm pn.1 roi 7689 Mr. and Mrs, F u V' E t S ild Mez and Anlr> 1S déal for Home, Car, Boat, etc. inBomn'leanes NEAR LINDSAY: 18.9 acres'home, corner propert.Go>oîtvL~n Frdeik inB ncll, 0'nursRng staff on surgical floor FreerckKigBoMemol nrigsaffHonspial Bomn-1r KnSt .low ville Also gond selection of Township n e e dl Medicines, of land with beautiful stream.: stock farm, $38.000-Tens : ls t anonc te otho BY eAC nMA ial ositaIlmyfrindsan>1 20-tnfStNW. B3 hedmoom brick bun-enmeti wlht noretefrhom-BY 1A K AN- 0t -Track STEREO TAPES pie.FaoigComtcs,'ý Asking $40,000. Terms. Horse Far) oo n1 ce.80 rn~ tting marriage of their daugh- i____ls lim ied ad etc. Start vour Profitable! TAUNTON ROAD: LI' 9 Ster Dayle Margaret, to Michael FOR ALL OCCASIONS neizhbors for gfts andr>cordsl ~ %TTT~ Western and Popular business with famous v 5'hmomr>bnglw ~Bcautiful location o ih g npvr or.Akn 1 duingmy say n hopitl. RwIeghýrornd bugalw wth gar-,wa'.ýl7 - Wolnik, son of Mr. and Mms .1 1uig ystyt>hspti.C.AOUNTYI Products. Write 'age, on large lot. Ail moder-n jTi just north o yte 300 ens B. Wolnik, R.R. 1, Bowman-i Phone 623-3365 Claudine Barr. 26-1 BR A!Thisoim '~ ovnecs.Akn 2590 ag executive typefa bs o'îiie ville. The weddng will take 1 162 King St E., Bow'manvlle We lb s - > 401 RAVILEIGH , hm n aoi x emn hm r place Saturdoy. August 9th,I 'ht express our sin- r 1742 BROCK ST. SOUTH41 Dept. D-140-501 COURTICE AREA: 5 acre cellent condition .$9,0.. Lagm 199nt35..Int.foep' celle thaoks to friends and' ~6889 85 King St. W. Bowmanvili 400.5 Richelieu St. building lot, partly woo>er> Terms. qit ra 2'x18 o. 1 9 6 9 n a t 3 . m i n St. J, o e p ' l' e g b s o h e S l n o - W h i t b y $25.000 P o n e T e rm1 3 RomanCathlicnCurcb BowurI Pofet23-314aMemrea ()f17 wivihhpond, Asking $8,300. Tyrone His Smanvlllle. 26-11 FL"V ERS BY munitv for the supper, giftFi CALL COLLECT 9 _ 6-2 Monreal207,P*Q Ternis, 71)'Acre of high roîn eae ai And their gond wishes to us in 1 We offer you the I"INESTr 26-1 Marrage VANBELL the évent of nur recent nO APT nCnd tte B XPA T -B ROOKLIN: 7 room home with terrific view, srai~ Lvl cmo rc MarigeV N ELEmR- ARET I andaa te O PAN Swithl 4 beddooms and 3-pre.liginaýting on propeit' nybnao nTetRvr w niage. LOWEST PRICES anywhere. FEM'ALE bath. Also extra lot. Price, $26.000) - Terms. ars 0'0 ie rnae WMtON - STEPHENSâON-1 No. 2 H y omnil rc n ona Richards. One Phone cal> wili hring oitr C LE A RA NC E $15,000>. Ternis, .or ec.Akn 1.0 ~Mr an Ms. . .2S3p-n-26-57 Représentative to your home CAFETERIA i 123 Acr-es - Kenda us on .son. RHR. 1, Omono, wish to 62-77W iht xrs u with no obligation. Again tve 3 for $1.00 10 ACRE LOTS: AIl suitable: Jist north of No.2Hg- ooe era Zannounce the marriage of nef lh oepes ore boad CASHIER for 1,200 sq ft. homes. Pricer>ý wav. Gond view. sprig ih *,their daughter Leslie Anne to jqtki Tiq% sincere thanks to friends and syouuchait s yorstje-Hybrir> double and single $5,500 and up.podits8 omfaehue 4ilsotho40Hg- -Bia Douglas Wlo, o f ~neighbours for their batfu _Pettinijas, Rocket Snapdragrons, atTm RN:3 cefnwt n ao.Cre a ihwv lreTwsi,4 ate. 623-7148 atter 3 p.m . :perweek. 987-4621. 26-1' Ailis-Chalmens WC $ 5251 sale any time by appointment.[eaue v eieetgtp opdleldwl. arvnwbrn odarcl 26-1'-- Massey-Harris Pony George A. McGowan 778-2213 are more Important than ALasting Tribute PASTURE for ent, water, 10 - Wanted -o Rent wiih mower1 S 675jHavelock. We r>eIivemr. 26-1 bookkeeplnK.Borw ro IN THE TOWN 0F PORT HOPE and ideally situatedi om1Y U :Fo Prmaene ad ignty15 bear>. Telephone OshawaUFUNSHCaseboo N.10Ssloele 5Z5 1-00-WEST-ERN -andOn)tarlo$50 te $10,000 or more wlth merdiai property witb street frontage on No. 2 Highyad 'Fr emanenceja28-149. 26I 'buNU Is or aparîme.RuralN.T10.O. . alrstockers, soIr> pivately every up to 1 er e ea.îostreets. Perfect location for a large apartmentbidnN M I GROUND floor aportment, two area preferrer>, three adultS. 40 fi. Trough Elevator, Thrdy anytime byO oiaebn r Ieaal roleso n ye i on an bedroonis, eated; Newcastle. Orono 981-502 26-2e electrie motor, P.T.O.. $ 350 pontentaghvan Johnson o tpe Menoia Prk-P-ne62-345 -26- - * HOT-SE, 3 bedmoonis, Bowman- Walver of Finance Chartes on 939-6855, 15 miles north of Manager: 2112 MILES NORTH OF NFWTONVILI,1 - and Es A Bronze Memorials r TWO-bedroom aparîment in ville amea. Write Advertiser New Balers, Combines, Port Hope on Highway 28, 2 Ja e Sl k mile, 50 Acres with goor> bouse and barns. Spring pn 0* U Hamptn, couple with one 17, c/oTh Canadian States- New andi Used Tractons miles east. il-tf J msSakctl rh For courteous adice, plean cbild welcome; avallable Julv man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- 1 -- King St. East the property. Beautiful view. Gondcoloroseam, ~, viit the Park Office lst. Coi>_263-8866. 26-1 ville. 26-T' Authorizeti Dealer for -PetsP.OBo17Warunrpesretbue and stables. 723-2633 I ~dn ero anIp.iaatetfrayugInternational Harvester Farm .0 -x17 - -udrprsue ohu 46-l Iflor aarrentm lageyar laoupeeb yardl ior ucuoupleîerbandTreka PAR St5thnaor pppesBOWANVLLachNARnerr inin t Wlcoe 73-270 i and gond> size garden area. Al' lst in thceBowmanvlilîe or Kelvinator Appliances seven weeks old. 263-2050. ' Phone: 623-3326 or Cobourg 372-2225. conveniences. Available Julyl Orono district. Larry Welsh, Phlilps TV & Stereo 26-1 ___ls~ ~233 - 26-11263-2784. 26-1' A EITRDme blkS aABOARDB W ES & C CKS LTD eCF TNT pny gedigHOUSE ta rent, 5 rooms, gar- TWO bedroom boôuse or-aport- "T DMN Pomeranian. 5 months nid. $. ..wtth hle and rope, viclnity age. near Central School, $110. ment for August 1. Ynung E NewcastleC87-4088. 26- 'W> Burketon. Contact Morris Write Advertiser 19, c/o The worçing' couple. Teiephone 134 King St. E., Bewmaniville BLACK and white Springer C OM P A N Y 9AReNlt, OrsUG, .Weston. 36U-2387. 263-2269.'Canadian Statesnian, P.O. Box William Robulack betweer Phone 623-5689 .ISpaniel, 7 months. best. on 0F CANADA LIMITED ARIGS.WCOO GOT 6 330 tward,26-3I 10 Bowmanville 2-18 aln. $ ,. 23-2501. 28-.,3-1 ifear= Phono 623-3083. 36-1 28-1______________ DEADLINE S FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 .1 't-t '4 1 r' t-J i t, t-t i-t ~1 s. i M t., I Il 1 1

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