................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... le The Canadian Statasman, Eowmmitl.e Jun@ 25, I Recent Photos of the New St. Mary's Cernent Plant Most of the people in this area have seen only the crusher. The centre photo is the X-ray analyzing equip- irnposing exterior of the St. Mary's Cernent plant but ment located in one office of the administration build- recently The Statesman photographer was included ing and the bottom picture shows the main contrai in a tour of the entire operation and was able ta came centre, appearing quite similar ta those seen recently Up with these and éther pictures that show some of in cannection with the U.S. astronautb' trip to the the intricate contrais as well as the extent of the quai-- moon. It is obviaus from these 'pictures that the rying that has aiready taken place. The top picture modern day production of cernent is a far more com- shows one of the huge trucks that carrdes the lime- plicated operation than citizens generally realize. atone fi-rn the bottom of the qua-iy ta the prima-y foi-e be a convening o! peace- makers, according ta Savelli, 40,0 0 Wl neses Forn because delegates o! evcry UAl selves the indispensable quali- A Il Over the vvoria, trp r ,y of Christian love," he said.. SaVelli noted that session s oftegathei-ing will incl udej Bible talks, discussions and For eac onEarh A sem lydramatizatians designcd îo1 Washington columnist Carl, Benjamin Savelli ot R.R. 6, reaîit.y. ested pensons attending to T. Rowan i-cently wrotc:1 Bowmanvile. pi-esiding min- "As if to underline our- "continue to pursue peace." t1We cling ta thc dncam that' ister of the Bowmanville Con- confidenre in the gible's pro- Th assmbly opens Sunday,! we an ave'pece n ci-t. g-egtio etJc~vahs Wt- isea! eac oneanh fn t -July 6, with such discourses we cn hae 'paceon erth.i grgaton o JeYova's Wt- mse o peceaose"Thefr Ghoas"Thewoo o!w Pfacec good will toward men.' But! fesses, wlll lcad the locali ighteousîy inclined, the pubi rmFradNr nd"c realistic loak at human be-1 delegates ta the assexnbiy,j lic lecture that wil climiax' uitYusî havor n al prtso! ic hlc wil b hed Jly -13oui asem1ly as n ttIe. 1Kep acn ore" wit coancld w'vodr inalsrts queth o! a Bufflo'. War e mdJl -ourt flcappmol asng 1... e tlk eghay"s latn is titl whethme the estiî ny hope for Stmoradlum. housrand Ye ea fa. "tiue tpLivedey aeabistily. mankid."1 According to Mr. Savell, Savdlil expained, "Uea..dTheconventio.n is anceo Human beh aviorn otwith- more than 40,000 wmerso napeace will coee zy bylseiet o international fas-l standing, there i3u no quesloni from ail over tRic werld aretAi.tâh-ntervention et <od's sile en edb eo about a hope for mnidi expected to attend. ki.gm. The Bible q 1yývs, txbes esg hld by Je and peace on earth amnong1 'Tne convention therne ta Mèks thIa prese - Mr- in twenty-five principal .cltes .xeo' n toi elds n!d. t pPp7J Saveli **Dp as the, time i ,tbl'I'around the w1old. exfldo o te onfdnce.1 si " To Je*oklu Wtuet..- ventOn.The mout. Vettive ______ the u .08 t.s will soon bmoseute pmw pme ncnrbto a m o ubn J st n Bulgta Ne York4 rth, j, ee angels oôt Ë» v ev.peacétally in GICT CASH TODAY un Earthl" International As- h«evu the o e Jes-gh . wayoe triIstian love otODAPINE glpgy n ufW, ew ork 1birh.is et empty «Mewhile supportin* the inti;- l O T>AI&NC .nUd am iea tnesses will belIt la fl obng and, W ete of that KIngdom." A 1 ýs»m4 «deleata., AU6. baia l Mm cmug-mfu TH3OU L U ~ UD ~ ~ ~ D M M ulg.moi. ed by ?& $. A. fte devotio nl. M W . d e & * m w u uw m mm IHtheaý wh Mrs. . Glimner of her favorite pan s of N ETN VL EJa= te piano, was enjoye. critr, h 3h hpe Mr. and Un.. h.yd Harris ton and. Bob Henderson wth and August.1 servp lunch, and Mrs. M. Gart- used were, I love ta, tell the vsited relatives in Montreal General Motors ln Oshawa and Convenor Mrs. Ferguson ln-shore conducted a jumbled story of Jesus and His love laist weekend whlle their tam- John Martel ln Toronto. 1troduced the speaker of the od otet «tumyDi-an uMs. K. Omustxnn pi-c- lly stayed at Westport wlth Mr. and Mrs Phil Gilmer afternoon, Mr. Alan Martin of ner". tesut. "TreyDa adJs Kcals usone - h their grandparents. Mr. and. and famillywere at Chemnong Port Credit, well known' to The 14 grandmothers and sented the offering for dedica. Mrs. A. Gmeern. over the weekend. most of those present, as hie one grandfather present were tia<i by Mrs. Muir. The bless. Mr. and Mrs. Harry LanendMsWmWek of grew up ln this district. He each presented wlth a pen byv ing of books May equal the Owen Sound were overnlghtl Mr. an8 r.W .Weso taught schoolfo 10 years be- the hostcss as well as glfts to blessing of music. Mrs. Muir Torontos spentMthendweekenC for vlstos lt M. ndMm Tohront wl tt he ad i-s C ' Pbc oming Inspecter of the speaker and sololst. Mis,, reviewed in an interesting H. ~~hr Lae amylstwe. aalan Monda M rnlngH.Puli Schools from which Isabeîl Allin received a prize and personal way several H. Lneeary lst eek Lan. lavn Modaymoringposition he retired about thr-e I for the nearest blrthday anci books. We should be thankful Mns. V. Bourgerle returned for their cottage at Qi-illa. yaé g.Ms .Kyta o h uk o n hthls hym te her home ln the village last Visitors with Mrs. R. Far. er g.Ms W a htfrte uk o n1ha ep.Tc a Monday. er granddaughter row were Mr. and Mrs. C Mis talk was informai and cup. change oui- outlck and make styirig wth her through the Farrow and daughtei- of Mont- humorous. recalling the gond' it easier to live one day at a week. real.1 old days when success wasn't itre ,sol etaku Mr. Reid Wood attendd the With Mr. and Mrs. jm measured ln dollars and cet, ~ime. We shtouafnld be hnkfu Odd Fellows Grand Lodgc at Adams were dinner guests but rather by the sense of hav~- 1 ~PJL~Ri frustrIatoa aMr.iwr the Royal York Motel. Toi-on- Mr ndvi.R acMvui-ch n I o a good, hns day's' The Afternoon Unit of ! lf ~ laatnttf to, on> Wednesday evenlng. and sons. Bramalea. and cal-_wui-k, well. A person's atti-11soef etYadbksf Gien and Don Martell enter- ci-s Mr. and Mi-s. Fred Han-j tude towai-d life determined EU.c.W. m en te fC hr ian:spoke 0f oti opna'n doso! talned a gi-oup of their schoal cock, Willowdale. the kind o! life he or she Edctmeete fi-ter dast a o ful enaydofr fi-ends at a barbecue at their iM. and Ms. C. m. jonms woud lve. and losng wth, June meeting with 21 piesent. wa9y to amangul aya home, last Thursday atternoon. wlth Mi-s Bea Jones were din- the thought. "The mot linTh leader Miss A. Hoît used liedbvinStqetlvyadlvib . I On Thui-sday evenîng Mrs.1ner gzuests, Sunday wth Mi- portant thîng today, ln my' a message fromn a book bvvated aoeeveryda ryelvig C. R. Farrow attended a show- and Ms. L. Savery of Osha_ opinion, Is ta enjoy life as it Viola Whitney Pi-att fr thel She cae wt pa ci- for brde-elect Miss Lin da wa. cornes, and not waste tme opening. June, the mnth of pem Call In Toronto. Mr. and Ms. Doug Wagg woiyng about what May colo, o! fragrance, the ronth Mrs. Cal Down with pic. Mrs. H. Ti-m spent several and famlly werc dinner gusts hapDen". of music by the biids. Imag-'turs and commentary shar. days ln Oshawa last week wth M. and Mrs. Sd Brown, The reading, "Lttle Thngs" mne a world without toweis.1d a trip tie had enjoyed tri wth hem daughter Mrs. Bih ,and girls. Sunday. was given by Mrs. Ferguson In oui- seaich for beauty we Hawaii. cenes of flowers- Coulson and famlly. M. and Mrs. F. J. Gilmer and oui- oldest member Mrs. find God who creted the watei, trees, buildings, vn a M. B. F. Ellott has return-i were recent visitors ln Oshawa T. Sowdn, rectd perfectly' a world and ail it contains. vocano. Some very intei-sting d to, Port Hope and Disti-ct wth Rev. and Mrs. R. C. poem he had flst repeted Mrs. W. McKnight reported oud formations and sunsets at the ae of si years,"Ned thre hundrd and tirty twcreson r.Dw lsd Hospital. Whitc, and Mr-. and Mi-s. Arth- at1eaeo i cr,"e h-ehnrdadti-yto eeson r.Dw lsd Woik has begun on the new un Rdknap. and Sandy". dollars collctd fr cancer' with local pictures taken dur. home adjolning that of Mrs. Mr- and Mrs. Avnold Wade The Roll Caîl "Name a schoel tund. Mrs. W Hecnry invited ing past Ycai-s. W. M.lllgan, belonglng to Mr. attended service ln Newcastle teacher who stood out ifi my the members to a picnic at Mns. Ormiston thanked Mrs. Rabbins. Anglican Church, on Sunday memory and why", was an- their cottage on August 12th, Down and Mrs. Muir and the Kirk Entwistle entei-talned mornîng. 1 swered by the 23 members and at noon. meeting closed with thc Miz.ý about 20 of is school friends. June 29th Is oui- own îast six vsitors ln attendance. A Mrs. Alex Muir then gave pah Benediction. Satunday afternoon at the church service until August. ý MhI.ndis. FredOs ndera Newist lenca te hsergsnfo Mh.-nedCirsns. dhwa. MNewcstlenca te Fergusson r D O E snan Cato rown comanid Caro vile JWomee ntio tote, ,las HELD O E Msn and Ca rownacomanidCaro thle Junemee ti 0f Newt Stapleton were also among the Wcdnesday afternoon.SM < . codat the cli-cus. President Mi-s. A. Wade wel- SECOND SMH W EEK ! Mrs Wmn, Skelding and comed evcryone and opcned daughter Betty were among with the Ode, Mary Stewart the guests at the Johnston - Collect and Loi-d's Prayei-, ln Wright weddlng, ln Brooklin unison. Sccretary - Treasurer United Church. Saturday atter- Mrs. T. Hendei-son gave theRi h r 1 ln noon. report, of prcvlous meeting, Mrs. Masluk entei-tained financlal standing and coi-ies-Bu t n 1E s w o Grades 7 and 8 nt a barbecue pondence. at her home on Sunday after- It was declded ta take ad- M r r faon. vantage of the first apen date. Mi-. and Mrs. Chai-lie Caine October lst. ta visit the and famlly movcd from this Christie Plant. wlth the con- village. Saturday mornlng. We venors and executive acting tn " h r a l sD r " I OO understand thei- new place o! the capaclty o! a cammittee ta esidence will be ln Oshawa. mak. neccssary plans for thc D3AILY FROM 6:30 - SAT. FROM 12:30 Mi-. and Mi-s. Mai-iy Stewart trip. 1,. ENTERM1:0 D TAIMN and Tracy of Kingston spent In the future, each group SUNAYFRO 130A U LT the weekend with Mi-. and must be responsible for pay-, Mrs. George Stapleton and ail Ing for the use of the Sunday r N attcnded the Martin famtly School hall, except in the case plcnic ln an O-hawa park. of the annual meeting, or a Sunday aftei-noon. special ane lnvolvlng otheri Mi- and Mrs. Frank Reader branches. of Oshawa wei-e supper guests, A letter i-e the Golden Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Plough Lodge was tabled. C. Farrow. New programs typed by Mrs. OH WAP NE7513 Glad to hear sevex-al of oui- A. Wade were dlsti-ibuted and O H W H N '513 eider students have been suc- a motion pDassed ta pay for her NEXT ATTRACTION : Watt Disney's Peter Pan" cesstul n sccurlng jobs for the time and trouble. There ai-c summer months, Gary Staple- no meetings schduled for Jl JHERES IMAKE 1969 CHLYROLIT IMPALA Sport Coups ,,C TM 88o op v949ocJmfl àHERfCHCO" ~FULCHO AL MODJEL COLOURS eTRIM SOPTIONS OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET 199CMtLT.AAR S CouHEVELLE m CHEVY 1 19 ni &396Spr cu 1*9CHVOLTCAAO 8CopCAMARO NOW ON STOCK .0 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FULL VALUE FOR YOUR TRADE-IN WHEN YOU DEAL WITH YOUR AUTHORUZED GM DEALER We need lote model, dcean, used cars for our lots. Corne in todoy 1 I623m2556 Two Locations 728-620'6 a uTHE BEST DEAL EVER ! ~ -M - I ----J F OF4 1