* a 4~-~ ' ~"~¶ '. t j ta n You Figure What This Picture Shows? ;FARMERS Iý I>,Supporters of the proposed General Farm Organization in Ontario were unsuccessful in their bid ta obtain 60% of the f arm vote yesterday. The Durham County vote f ollowed the provincial pat- tern very closely, just over 42% voting ta adopt the new GFO. This has been one of the bitter- est political batties in some time with f eelings running high, and TURN sometimes violent, between GFO supporters, mainly f rom the Fed- eration of Agriculture, and oppon- ents, most of them members of the Farrners' Union. In Durham County, 692 voted for GFO and 901 were opposed, with 20 ballots spoiled. Total vote was 1614. Results of the 12 polis were (Yes - No), Hampton 134-75, Black- brnaibtan t4ea~n Pleasant 37-88, Bethany 38-79, Pan- typool 25-78, Millbrook 46-108, Eliz- abethville 31-56, Welcome 29-119, Newtonville 28-59, Orono 89-69, Agr. Office 117-42, Advance Poli 3-1. As the balance of the ballot was- conditional upon the GFO receiving the 60% required, the results now have little signif i. cance, but will be reported more VOLUME 115 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2.5, 1969 --y P r oD N-J BE Courtice Corner Store 'Closed Again .. By Fire Probably not, unless you happen to be an employee of the St. Mary's Cernent ompany or have visited the plant southwest of Bowmanville. This was taken recently while members of the Aggregate Producers Association of Ontario were touring the cernent plant. It shows a truckload of quarried lirnestone heing dumped into the prirnary cérusher, where it is literally ground ' into smaller pieces. At top left are some of the men on the tour., More photos of the plant on page16 Os hawa Girl Wins Car Record Breaking 'Crowds Police lInvestigu te Report of Dynamite At Marydate Park West Durham District Cubs order of the OPP. spent the weekend at Camp Marydale Park, a beautiful Samac, near Oshawa, lnstead rural campsite near Newton- of at Marydale Park, Hope ville ln Hope Township, Is Township, because of Informa- owned by' Carl Smith. His tion received regarding dyna- wife Informed the Statesman mite on the premises there. tha, the Cobourg OPP had an Cobourg Detachment of the expert corne from Peter- OPP was called in on the mat- borough to do away with the ter and found a quantity of dynamite. "He said It was dynamite and dynamite caps harmless st.uff, only stump ln the bugh. Constable R. dynamite", she contended. Bouchier. OPP, Cobourg, who wàs ln charge of the Investiga- tion, also confiscated a Thomp- TWO SOFTBALL GAMES son sub-machine gun. and* five Two Boys Softbal] games other guns, which he discov- will be heid at Memorial Park ered ln a trailer occupied by on Friday evening, June 27th.1 Jack Henderson. an employee Honeywell will play the! of Marydale Park. All the Rockets at 6:30 p.m.. andi dynamite was-disposed of by Conets play Jets ai 8:00 p.m.. Blackwater Man Wins $1,500. Draw d The recently re-opened Corner Store at Courtice has its doors shut again following a f ire last Wednes- lay evening that did several thousand dollars damage o the interior. Bowmanville firemen had sorne nroh- The owmavill Legcu lms Iocating the seat of Brandi monthly Building PAIR WINNERS . They were on duty uni Pund Draw was held June _____________ Col rfu K ddis P ra e 2stwhen Ticket C3216, Residents of Dur-ham County held by John'parr of Black. were to the fore atMillbrook water, Ont.. *+a the wlnner Fair last weekend. Amnong the M u uný Te atur L egin C arniva Iof the$,500.00 (gliaranteed wlnners ln the heavy horse: su sp Fe aý.t'r'.e" Legion Ca r- i valfor June Draw>'. Cliff classes were Russell Cochrane, w l eO e Shr il netted $135.00 for sIl.- Burketon; Garnet Cochrane, igtewlnidng ticket. Myrtie Station; Bah ln Record breaking crowds at- The $100.00 second prise and Gordyn Brent, Bowman-I in Ii 'a" Medd emo i oCral iak n rda won by Wlbur Stacey ville and WUlgn Vivan.* MIEL HlIida y Memril ar o FidalN w hr sl r ealer o Newtonvllle wlth ticket Tyrone. Arnong the saddle evening. There were niany C1367. Mr. Staeey received 'horse winners were Guy Luke, Information has Just been atrindsvrbd ihadfa fonr- a ü " theHes or$10.00 seller'. award ais. Oshawa, who won the Palo- received that the district aud time.r nivaChad or ae *..e Becouse H ' frtht, ticket. mino Special; Christine Brent, Museum, located on Silver Bih Roach CarncivC-Chairmnan - Bowmanville; Lorne Hoskin, St. in Bowmanville, has Bil oss W anhdwee. iic-hargeII 1rm rà.4 Blackstock and Ray Cochrane, made upeclal arrangements Rof arrngh em e in J tcmFrmtervet. ut .. H~ eur. BUsu eurketon. In the light horse to, bc open throughout the ofaragmntfr h vUt rono B sn s classes Ethel Goble, Tyrone, holiday weekend to give His Worshýp, Mayor Ivanl An officiaI announcement was among the wlnners.- holdayers an opportunlty Hobbs drew the winning tic- appears in this issue. to the flam c H2 h Times. (TURN TO PAGE TWO' 1969 Oldsmobile Four Door!has been appointed the Chrys- Sedain. The lucky winner was'ler Dodge dealer for this area. Jake and George Reid ofl Mns. Brenda Hayes, 643 Som-'His firmn wiil be known as Whitby have purchased Lunn Fairey, 60 Parkway Crescent,jcd at 219 King St. East, Bow- JueItto ossino h ITS el)L0 1 was the seller of the winningýmanviIIe. local business. NO MORE WASHEE - Unti] recently. one of the ticket. It was the mOst suIc-ý Actually, the dealership is aý Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reid anid restaurants in town had a good, reliable dish-washer ccssful car draw to date. Car.family project. Mrs. James, the family of three sons and one Di-aw Chairman Ed.mund Ma- former Kathleen Cooke of daughter, have moved to Orono who did his job without any fuss or mus He was jer and Co-Chairman Maurice Markham, is in charge of the r .to apartments over the store. also a confirmed horse player and last week his ship TURN To PAGE TWO) office. Son Larry is sales man-- Mr. and Mrs. George Reid, the came in, he won over $8,000 at the track. What did - -ager and son-in-law Rae Coak- former a son-in-daw of Mr. anfd he do ? Not very much, just what any of us have welil, married to daughter ., Mrs. J. Reid will move to demdoh odtebs hth ol owt Teresa, and a descendent of thei apartments above the store in demdoh odtebs hth ol owt Po t O fieearly settiers of Markhm, is August. that dish washing job. Wonder how you say that in manaer f te SellSericeThe new owners are enploy- Chinese ? Incidentally, the boss who thought he was Services on Station, on the property. One ed by General Motors but will ontehvteeV igofsn toerheik other daughter Lorraine, hasý operate the store with the as- gontohvtheengofsnttoertesn just completed Grade 12 and',~ sistance of Perey M. Lunn for sO there'd be clean dishes in the morning. Do iin D ynext year hopes to become aj the time being. t t t î- t Do iin D ystewardesswith Air Canada. Both familles are active with HELP' - The Great Pine Ridge Festival of the PoiL~~ Ofiehorefr o o m earkh amehere heelodamsalso atiebndsrme nd r PotOfc or o o from T he eamil aehere hee SydJrsalatiobn Army nd re Arts in Newcastle Is getting underway nicely, minlon Day. July lst, will laîso had a Chrysier dealership He's an avid hockey fan whol Percy Lunn reports that he but they as usual have encountered problems be as follows: Wicket Ser- Ithat was sold to a partner. Mr. started ln the Hardware busi- and require assistance. There are many costumes vice Nil: Letter Carrier lJames has actually been in theý coached Markham Seniors toiness in Orono in 1920 with A. to be made for the several productions and they Service Nil, Rural Routes Icar business for about 26 years!three Metro titles and also'Henry. In 1932 Perc and Hop Ni. most of that peniod in Toronto, spoflsored a Pee Wee team. purchased the business from are experiencing a grim shortage of capable Street Letter Box Cojece- with the past six years ln Other spare time activities in- the Adolph Henry Estate and people who- can sew. If you can lend a hand, ti5:00 p.m. 'Markham. But, he's a farmer clude golf and boating. 'have operated the local hard- please let tbem know any morning at the Corn- lat heart 'and doesn't like the They plan t b '*Ild homes ware store up to this time. mnt albten1 ..adfrit h Despatch of Mails as us- icongestion of city life; that's here as soon as possible and Perc remarks that he has seen mnt albten1 r.adfrit h mal: West 6:00 p.m., East why he moved here wherelbecome an integral part of this a lot of changes in Orono dur- evening hours. 7:00 p.m. there's room and fresh air. communîty's activities. _ing this peiod.1 t t t t t Durham County Club of Toronto Holds, Tour of Area On Saturday, members of the 71 year aid Durham1 af ter they arrived at the beautiful home of the incom-~ Lounty Club of Toronto took their annual jaunt to ing presidenit Miss Aleen Aked, north of Tyrone. More à=hmtCmt Ab&Tu saol beaotxdgta1z of their trip wiiIb.c cStained in a later artcle. the fire and extinguishing ~il early Thursday marning, I I HOLIDAY - In case you weren't aware of it, Can- ada's birthday is on Tuesday, July lst. This is a national holiday, celebrated from coast to coast with festivities of various kinds, during Centennial year. This year it's a new deai that probab]y will result in switching the holiday to the Monday before July lst, the same as was done with the 24th of May. General Motors is working Tuesday and hôlidaying Monday as are quite a few other plants. Some are taking bath days. Quite a few merchants here will close on Tuesday and Wednesday and. stay open Monday, while The Canadian Statesnan will stay open' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and will close the foliowing Friday, July 4th. You don't have ta be nutty to get everything straight, but it helps. TREES - Remember when Port Hopers used to cali their town "The Prettiest towni in Canada" ? We could never quit. understand why because we didn't think the eastern town with its relier ceaster main street was amy prettier than Bow- manvilie. Anyway, somebody hais corne up with a new naine "The Christmas Tree Town". Whether it wîiI stick or not remains to be seen, but ait least they' are trying. t t t t i NEAR MISS - One two-year-old boy on Queen St. had a narrow escape from serious injury or death recently. He was ini father's car and started to play with the gear shif t and the emnergency brake. The car began to move down the driveway toward the steep creek bank. Somehow, it came to rest against a tree on the edge of the bank, without doing much damage. That' clou enough 1 with three of their number receiving minor. injurie&' It is understood an investigation is being conducted into the cause of the f ire that left the interior with considerable smioke and water damage. It is understood the building, over 100 years old, is ovVed by Saim Plan. for .Sic[.w-aik Sale- Chamber Hears Report on Efforts by Commite e t Keep Customs Office Open At the *luncheon meeting of the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Directors held at the Bowmaniviile C o u n t r y Club ]ast week President R. G. Lawton, who presided, re- ported on a meeting of the special committee appointed by Town Council to prepare a brief asking the federal gov- ernment to keep the Customs Office open here. Oshawa Bride 'Wins Legion Car Draw composed of His Worship May-g or Ivain Hobbs, who is the carman; Presidlent Lawton1 and representatives from every1 industry liq town. Ail were present at the meeting with Russell C. Honey, M.P., fori Northumberland - D u r h a mJ which was held in the Town Hall on Friday, Mr. Lawton said. tHe told the C. of C. direc- dlscussedi with Mr. Honey, whe will also review the final brieS befora it Is submitted ta the govern ment. Arthur Hooper, Chairmag of the Retail Merchants Comau mittee, reported that a meet. ing of this commIttee was held on May 29th with 26 merch- ants present. A sidewalk sale Is being arganized for July 24th, 25th and 26th. A film on I An attractive Oshawa bride-et lesai than a yaMmr1$111 Hayes, 21, was the winner of the Legion's Oldaolifle daonWdy night. Mos Worship Mayor; Ivan Hobbs drew the winning ticket. ?4r&.Ha and lier husband were elatecld when they received the news iat«,Fridày.. %Orl'frthing 1 ever wonl," she sai., They took delivery on Satur4ay lmiorning whezi this photo w.*,,token, froin lei#; to right, Maurice ConWay, co-chafrman cf the car draw with ýUd' ?Majer, Mms Hayes and Mr. Hayes. Bbc wotksa atG?~4 Bob Fairey, Bow=Anville,> -old the 1l t/f 1- DOWN i 1i~~', [y, I 1 1 150 Per Copy Itc j GIOFIDOID" NUMER 28 w a la a - - -