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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1969, p. 2

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'Sculz.OPP, Investlgatedl theTo Students From M issouri on Exti I(Intended for at wk Ac id n There was a two car collWson i on the Taunton Road et Man- i RoDund-Up vers Road at 8:45 p.m. en Sun- Gera.ld David Lvingstone. Tanor. age 44, Markstay, Ont., *te 10. lait contrai of his mot- i ad Daniel V. Murdoch. age oecycie on No. 2 Highway at ý34 446 Brentwood, Oshawa. Caturtie on Saturday alternoon et 2:45 o'c.ock. The vehicle! Damage to Mr. Murdoch's BkiddL*d a.nd crashed. but the car émounted to 4a>proxim- rider fortunately Wds not ln.! 'tel 52,0w0 and thers was Jured. Damnage ta ti.e motor- about $1.500 damage te, the cycle wua bout 15.Cnst..:j Tonar car. Constable William able J. A. W. Schultz, oppHelmer, OPP, Investigated. ffrvet±gated. A car driven by George At 6:45 p.m. on Saturday Robert Sweeney, âge 58. RIch- there Was a collision between ,ionHl.adanhrdiv aCrdriven by Ma xwell Hig- en by Harold Roiand Phlips, gins, âge 26, Toronto, and a age 84. Scarborough, collided niotorcYcie ridden by Douglas at 6:25 p.m. on Sunday an Tihage 19, Collingwood. autyRaad Elght, ont mile Ilie accident happened on f orth of No. 2 Nighway. Bath CÔutY oadFou, oe riil;'cars sustained extensive dam- Ceuty ofeind Fouroe ue âge. Constable C. L. Kazk Damrt o th c raunountd.' PP was the nvestigatling, Damae t thecaramouiedofficer. tO aPProximnatelY $200 and there was about £859 damage, At 6:54 on Sunday John to, the niotorcycle. The rider, :Donald Knowler, R.. & Bow- 1 Mr. Tighe was taken bv the manv'ille, 108t contrai af bis1 Béwmn-ville Area Amnbulnce1 car on Concession Street East. Frteps 0yas d elwadRbkhLde nCnd to' Mémorial where he and It. went off the travelled aaUne Sae aeoraie td entur fhiLstoiC ean recelved treatment for minori pontiof the. r. K nole andUie ttshv rase tuettusO itreA ei Wurles n the ot-pat tionto t he P. nd oled aIand Canadian locations. TOP students are chosen by their schools injrie n h utptent taken by the Bowmanvilè and subrnt to extensive competition for the honor of being selected. On ardayenigt. q Area Ambulance ta Memoral.Whern they arrive Bt specific places, the odges in that area arrange On Scka ar dyven bng ai.'59 ýHospital where he received!to house and feed them. On Sundayevening, one g1rOUPof about .30 o'clck ca drien y Mry.1 treatment ln the out-Patient-___ _ A. Wendt, Scarbornugh. wentýdepartment for lacerations H n re rir to D pa t r nèar the Durham -Onai letar Line. A Passenger. David Mor- Damage to Mr. Knowler'silo re P - rian, ge neyea, rceiedcar amounted ta about $700. treatzn:nt for injuries at the Constable Les Ricard Investi- Daniage to the car amnountedj Two cars collided et Church ta about $900. Constable wîî- and Silver Streets on Monday liani Helmer, OPP, Investigati~at 1:15 p.m. The drivers in ed. ithis accident were Miss Ruth Ri.ckY Alan Ellils. age 22,1 Shackleton, R.R. 1. Bawman- ý-IRR 3, Bowmanville. îost con- iville, and Mrs. Verna Mac- frai Of bis car on 401 High- 1 Dougal, .77 Church Street. The wàY. West of the Hope-Clarkelcars were flot extensively -Linie on Sunday at 11:28 a.m.Idamaged. Constable Tracy 1»he vehicle left the travelled ____________________. 'Portion of the road. and dam.-! A.W. Schultz. OPP,j -:4 heIet igngoZicr. Legifl OnMnay at 1:67 p.m. p -VaIetne Davis. age 43, Pan-1 'tYPce was riding his motor-! a i i a cYle on 35 Highway et the' PRN AI NE ='1bId Concession of Manvers MOPAEN) -ýT6wnahip when it went out of Conway, a Pest p~dent af i kmtrol and crashed. Mr. Davis jrnc 17,swthat ailt he 'WU t.aken by the Bowman-'tickets an the car were aold. Ville Area Ambulance to Mcm- The Kiddies Costurne Par-1 ,,riel Hospital where he recciv- ade Was a tremendoueS uccms Î;Od emergencY treatment for a with more than 200 eidrmne fectUr'ed skull, and then he taking part, end there wua waff ransfcrred by th e same'great variety of fine costumes alubulance t th4 Toroninevery one of the categorie.. 'Geral Hospital. Constable, Th e parade started froni the High Sdiool grounds héadedzà t ' I I~ '~fi by the Bowmanvllle Legion -LCLw.e r4A0 Pipe Banid followed by the ThOldWord charaian- Recreation Department Seior rm f and îCadet Corps led by Captaini at teWth the «"3ItO-WUh" Barbara Hennint, e.nd then OUS 0of Vinyl 1 tcemare than 200 childrcn. Tht ote Aras along Queen jStreet )dowln Ontario Street, along Argyle Street, and then Duke Street ta Memorial PaZ ndthe ILegion Carnival. pKdies Parade Chairnian More y Elier was aasisted by Bud anning. 'The judges wee Mrs. Ede Colt and Mrs. Marg Jeffery. The priz. win- . ncs swere as3follows: Comnic: 1- The Street Cleaners, Peter Lavigne and Joey McGaven... 2. Generation Gap, Wendly Hock ley-Larsen and Debbie White. 3. Mail Order Bride, Rhonda Elljott and Madeliene Merkley. Original: 1. Rickshaw, Gar and Denlt Reid, . Lemna SadTrdyMofet.3. Cap- At the West Durham District Cub Camporete t CaMP Samac lastv tain HéOk, Randy Henning. there was a surprise highlight When presentetions were made to Mr. a Western: 1. Chuckwagonj D Grant Brock, Jack Qegema, Dlert Hendsbee and family Who have been very active in Wolf Cubà Ricky Whyte and Brian Jones.~ in Maple Grove. They are leaving this area for Halifax this summrer wi «KuN FOAM2 Indien Squaw, Denise Cliat- Hendsbee will continue to be employed by the Post Office Department. flioed hrni. 3. Indian, Gary Chape]. prise was in the form ai a cake, a plaque and a large serving platter, 1.mfMauve poame. DO anagosn former items pre.scnted by Maple Grove Cubs and the latter by the S O P rR Estan. 2. Blue and silver tin Commnittee. Taking part in the ceremonv were, kneeling, Fro- e atedBicyles 1. 1er 1Hen Vetffg a inonranThnt * * £ 'M L eg 1o nAuxlary'sjTheegion Auxiiiery's Hot door program geared ho Ohildren s Draw wasconven- Dogs and Ccffe. Booth wasý their age level. 95 King St. W. ed by Comirades Mary Gray convened by Comnrade Trixiei and Lis Spncer.'Ph.Wf- Brown, assîsted by Comrades.C1 ousae :0a*m Boinnileners were: 1. Dreeaed dOli Phyliss Noble, Nancy Calmer,' ta 12:00 nonn and 1:00 ilrM. with $5 bill, Mmr. George Bannie BýOisvert, Ethel Shack-ta4Q .m.Mondaij elton, and Mns. I. Derneter. * hrongh Friday of each w'k. TPhe auxiliarys Naov el1 ty 1ýooth and Fishpond wes cn- rades Hlen Little, Leah Hen-,C a m e NOTICE do, ni Cap itvche.abe _________________________President Hilda Humphrey, H esars ajreWsh and Mies Marjonie Bate. Mr Carnival Chairman Ranch FOPAEOE grdaewihons (ustomers of Central Ontario wadigt~wt h ag FO AEO: rdae ihhnr are very pleased with the and wili be shown at Ia îater tcchnicai Institute held o support given by the publiclmeetIng, Mr. Hooper neported.i16, 1969. et the complet 111 g .oI1 andChairn MajerCan da-, The succesaful igoftourna- tht fits w-year cou Trust & Sa' L ororat Ch Chrai arn an dd j lCo- L .ovieban.ti"gien 23 KING T. W., B W M ANVILL Conway, K d i ment hld by h ai.o C. was Li ar Ats g en t Assistant Bud Fanning. thel a nother golftC. a C. onaneidstR..1Nec Boothi Chairmen, and thC' was seconded by Harold Mc- hem accepted a position SUM AAI HO RSBowmanvilie Ladies Auxiliaryj Gee, and carried. Don Mac- Durham College afiAA SUM M ER HOURSta the Royal Canadien LegionlGregor wax appaint.ed Chair- Arts and Technology ie are ail ta be commended," he mai af the Committee In iwa. Effctie JIy -SthweeenMuad. charge ai arrangements forl-j- EffetiveJuly4-5t wooend"We are also grateful ta thli event to be held on Sep-. the Individuel businessme and ontnuin toSep. 3Oh, 969Presidetit Ralph Bowers andj tember 24th. On a motion by Mr. M/ and ontiuin to ept.30t, 199 te Tyrane Community Cen-i A letten was received from seconded by Jack Bryso tre for ther help in uendingi Van Belle Gardens utahing that was declded that regulari MONDAY - TH URSDAY -.9 an 1-30 p.rn. wrkpatistoa *t un inthis iirrn has plantera ta rent ing oaithie Board of Direi prearig. he oots.We re o bautfythe dovintown be cancelled for July going ho lend our booths foc ares. The Secretary-'Preaaur. Augucsi», e.AI necessa. FRIDAY . . . . 9ar. 7:00 p.m. the Tyrone Cnimunity Cen-, Cc, Mr. Peggy Frank. wax In- specil!rtng could bec tre Carrival in the village an structed to repîr that thé C. durtng th' pernod. The rej SATURDAY . s - CLOSED Wednesiay evening. JuIy 23,"- oft C agi-ea that thie would meeting C , thie C. ai C. Di Carnival Clirainn R on chbbeau tiiy the streets, but tlig ors ij edo u *tated. rentlns ci plantera la up to Sep 4r loth. ppl"- -qq9 GU IAN DRU S3 RES 1IkIMI k 'I f1101)W1 lAIDES 0f lijiiliEr i. AUSTIN MINI MARK Il 2. A MINX STOL[E 3. O0F FOUR $25.00 CASH PRIZES Pl#$ IRISE NIAI PIMES 4. ON[ R.C.A i2" PORTAIL[ TELEVISION 5.ONE 0F 15 "KINDNESS 20"HAIR SETTER r 6.ONE 0F TEN VIENNES[ SERVING SPOON SETS SEE COWTEST DETMILS IN YOUR B4IARDI AN STORE Hg, 2 KING STREET EAST ir of TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE REXALL DRUGS 613-336.1 REXAL DRUG lended Tour Bileted Here Overnight l' MraM roi. amernst Receives BA. 1Enniskillen. held a family get- togethier an Sundey ln .hanor ofaitiicir parents, Mc. and Mns J. Johinston who are Ieaving for Ireland an July 10th. Best wishes irom the cammunity go out ho Mn. and Ms-s. Johnston for a aie and enjoyable trip toanad from Ireland. Bon voyage. Mn. Frank. Peterson and Bent, Ohw visIted Mn. and Mna. Rye GIbson on Saturday aiternoon. Mr. and Mn,. Bob GIbson visited their uncle and ,aunt. Mn. and Mca. Rye Gib- son onSunday aiternoon. PONTYPOOL Sevenal from bore attended Milibrook Pair on Saturday. Heded by the Havelock Pipe Band the parade ut 1 p.m. was very colonful. Besides Borne -~. , 4-hors. teams about 50) people ~ (Young and aId) on horse- back were Weili eceived by bystanders. Mr. and Mn,. Robent Read fromn the Stte of Miggouri rrived here and wrc provided with' Niagara Fall, vsited frend,-' lunch et the Centennial Hall on Queen.Street. before bcing taken hene the pest weekend. Tree growens have put up al George Weldon Marlow to their overnight billets. They are shown shortly after arriving. valajît fight ta seve thein trees The trips are of two-we»eks duration. This one included eaweek in, from bcing badly demaged by ýs"ai Mrs. Edith Mitchell, rec. New Ynrk, a visit to Monireal,' Ottawa, Peterborough and, afterj acpîes ec hyhie leaving here, NiagatR A I'î . 1been spraying bth from air i University on May 30th. -. -- -1 and gnound.1 He bas pneviously taught cousin and aly Mrani Some pcuning ha& sterted ýsehoal in Oshawa et Woodcrest, Ma. BeramJoynsMn. an ut wt and cool weather wiîî T. R. McEwen and Lake Vista M us u mdelay operations cosdrby schools and hes naw been O peonnsawwreSn chaqed the 300-acre îanm eat Whihby Senior Public School O pen day visitons with the Johnsons fa the village firom Mn. Leroy itO teach the new concept ln jMr. and Mns. J.C. oa Hinkie of Arizona. This wgeducation. Rom rAri[ oNF i were Sunday guests o, theiformely the Ken Moses farn e reandi ie J d Smiths. During the week Mn.j Ourý Ladies' Saftbaîî teamnt tGerge eharinoe d to utc the flan.y Ifltetresting ýand Mn,. Roy Boudreau and stan e the season selwt ecigth hlrno h dît td Spel wihlehn the hyean n op te dislas amlîy, ai Newmanket; Mrs. victories ln home and home Canadian Armed Forces. The hours are froin 2 ta % Johnston Kidd, Mn. and Mns. gaeswth MlIbrook an Mon-, ach atternoon. neudin g Ted Kidd, G odwood; M . nd d y aid hu sda v evenIngs. 1 e r e la m rid ta. the Saturday, Sunday. Mnday, IMs. Lloyd Harmer, Salem, De a iadwether the games~i former Judy Sils ai Oshawa Tuesday, and the balance were visitors with the Smiths for uthe stenor boys n Wednes- and they have two sns and a of the w eek. M n and M rs. John G u de- day and T h ur iw r u e . Ht r c i e is c e If au avnotvi~tedmeester and family, Miss Mary' poncd. However an Sunday mentany and secondary school th M ue m hiq ea, auîî Boonstra. Brad ord, wert Sun- th y o k tw games fnm e u ai n i o m n ll thed Musaum thwhle an Vne youaiMn'ed ns wCavan. Ntxt week will set schools and his teachen's train- expeyklene: Pet Wtt, stnrting theljing et-Peterborough Teacher%' mont Interestfng exeinc.1schedule on June 30th and the College. Laten he plans ta at- B e sure t oa m . th e d actor's M r. and M n,. W . V eneyk Mt g t t rigjl s . t n n v r i y o o o t o office, &Il iithed out with spent Saturday evening with (dBtsan uly Ist. tsMend iest i ooto *Mimnt sd y te r. and Mrs. Paul Vanden- Oer isM.d medical profesion in thîs bnink, Whitby. Gny area,many rearu mgo. There ý Congratulattons ta Mn. er are mans- other features of Cornish on w inning severa I early deys that are quit, pnizes on his Hereford cattli j C' IPLE DE enqe t Mfilbrook Fair, Satunday DE TE Erii'ER Mr.erndn. G. Baker wr HASKINS & SELLS LONG1SAULT y evening gucats of the; .Sympathy af the cam-, Chartered Accountants Mr. nd Mns. Keith Gable munîty As extended ta Mrs. and boys, Courtice; Mr. and uh Hpeanîmîyn OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITtES Mrs Jhn akr ad oys tht ioss ai e loving husband OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA were Sunday supper guests of and fether. Many attended thelir parents, M. and Mrs. G.Ithe funerai Wednesday after-' PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.I.A. Baker.i noon. BURT R, WATERS, C.A. Miss Mary Irvine, Ayn, Scot- !Mr. and Mns. Doug Oke anid land, arrlved Saturday to i mly, Bawmanville, wce; S pend same bolaswt er 1 Sunday evening guets of Mr PHONE 728 - 7527 K-- RY LOVELL DOWMANVILLE

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