The Ca.nadiari Statesman, Bownianvfile, June 25, 1989 -1 AR IIGTHEIR BEST laneous shower ti Belleville ilirid. A druped overskirt cf the mulching lace coul, petal hatf RICHARDS WILCOX AR IIGaftended by fellow workers ofrdace was worn over a fuill- in the same shade o? blue, and s.PusUie hrh the X-ray Depaitment olerigth. lier of net anid wasSt alsUie ChrJ DAILY FORBellPville General Hospital. A cuught by cluîsters of white corae o pn anain.Bwmanville, enhanced hyr, CANNNG ilinen and china shower gven.1roses. Hec shoulder length veil The irroom's mother assisted to large baskets o? white 'mums, bv Mrs. Gordon Rowe. Mcse. feli from a tiara of pearîs arid ceceiîveanchsacoiblendgdoiwi cd ar- ;Glenn Rose, Mrs. Rcs% ,Rovdirhine.,tones, and hec bridai suit with wide-brimmed rose tions, _anid with guest. pewsý T T B land Mrs. Stanley Graham 'in bouquet was o? yeîîow roses h ut. rose gloves anid corsage cfmarked by white net rosettes, A uT K A C *I V EL~Y P R I*C E Bowmanville. -iOL n ht antos rose carnations. centred with red carnatiens,I Mis Maren Sllr The bride and groom horiey- was the setting for the mur-1 -A SO Uiovile ti aue.wa temooried iri the Haliburtori' nage on Satucday aftecnoon.: LUM - C RR ESDAWSON -GI D muid o? honr nard the brides- Highlanids anid for travelling May 31, 1969, ut 4 o'clock of, St. John's Anglican Church, mudwaîgyîowrelthe bride were a rîavv uand Miss Donna Mary Wiicox,' H ACH S P U S C ERR ES Bowmanville. erihanced with:Mrs. John Gould o? Bowmuri-iwhite dress, white accessocies daughter o? Mr. anid Mrs.' baskets o? white and yelîow ville and Miss Heather Edrievland corsage of ced carnations. Gordon Wilcox, and Mr. Bru'eý "mums and yellow gladioli w'usof Toronto. Their sleeveless They are cesidirig ut 230 Ces- Lloyd Richards, son of Mc. ' U Rthe settirig for the marriage fuli-length gowvris wene j burri St., Toronto. anid Mrs. Lloyd Richards, al' A L BX D P LA W UTS on Saturday aternoon, Mayichlffon ini sheath style accent-, A seccetarY, the bride ut- o? Bowmanville. 17, 1969 at two o'clock cf Miss red by bands o? duisy embroid- itended Onttario Street Publicý The officiutirîg clergyman CLEAR NG A REDU ED P ICESNelda Rozanne Gould, daugh-Ijryatthdwaist and high rieck- and Bowmuriville High Schools for the double ring ceremoriy1 CLE RI G T R DU ED PR CESte o Mr. soelGould, Con-ineTh gowris etrd full.iand Couctice Secondury School. aý Rev. Harold Turner anid' cession St., and Mr. Percyllength mutching chiffon capes, The groom, who recrîved his the wedding music was play-, Gould. Hunt St., Bowmanville,'anid their headdcesses wereieducation iri Erilarid, is un ed b- Mr. Ross Metcal? . The' and Mr. Brian Harold Dawsori, daisy gaclarids. The muid of1insurance underwriter. soloist wus Mcs. Sam Black. son cf Mr. and Mrs. Haroldîýhonon carried a cascade bou-î The bride was guest o? honrio Given in macriage by berl Dawson o? Manchester, Eng-!quet o? yellow 'mums and thejut several showers prier te ber, futher, the bride wore a for-1 H e mt nGr i n S1land. ;bridesmaids' cascade bouquets marri age. Miss Heuther Edney mual-length gowri o? white H am pton G ardens eryrnan ereofmauve mum:. of Toronto wa: hostess for a French lace with fitt:d bodice,' ;wa Re. homs Gace ad! r.Alan Wiiford o? Tocanteof miscellaneous shewer uttended slightly scooped n e ckl1i ne AT CORNER 0F TAUNTON AND SCUGOG ROADth edn muiwaplyws best mari and usherlng by the bride's ?ellow workers trimmed with minute seed Perfect location for an afternoon or evening drive Given in marriage hy ber Mr. Chris Harris, both o? Toc-'Miss Frari Parnell and Miss, sheeves. The vecy bouffantl OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK : from 9 &.m. MIt 10 p.m. yotingest brother, Mn. John onto. ýAn.grla Merzett. Tononto, en-,skirt of tierpd lace flowedý Edward Gould, the bride wore, The reception \vas held at tertairied with a dinnen party. into a zraceful circular train.' P O E 26 -2 9 a formai lengt.h gown o? white The Acres Restaurant where A miscellaneous shower was Her hillowv, short veil was Chantilly lace over taffeta with the bride's mother ceceived In'given by Mrs. John Gould,, heid bv a tiara he.adpiec'e(- in- L ilong steevea and scoop neck-ia powder blue crepe dresa withrBowrnanvllle. i et witai lace, seed pearis and;. Jeastern United States. te l_ Setting Was St. PauI's United Cburcb briedlngtrlp thea outhe RecentIy Married in St. John's Church P knit three-piee suit tI brown! and beige tories wtth beige and ~~~1 brown accessortes.Hetr- ~ i. ; ding ensemble was complq-- mentedt by an orchid corsage. MM,.. peler Rond, Apt. 110, Gait. ~ .A secretary at the Legal Aid ~/~*40~ --~the bride attended Rockway ~. ~ High School and Lougheed. Business College. The groom. - ~who attended Bowmanvllle! t .. ~ High School, Is a clerk withr Stelnberg's Miracle Mart, Gait,r ~, ~ ~ . ~ ~ and Is a member of the KIns- men Club tI Gaît. Out-of-town guests attendêd ---------- from Minden, St. George, Bow-k ,~#' '- ~ ~ anville, Oshawa, Sudburyt Englehart, Toronto, Hamilton, IKitchener and Gaît. 0t 4. MATTHEWS -RUDMAN Standard bouquets or whiter 'mums and gladioli entianced l . ~î: Newcastle United Church for J ...................................the marriage on Saturday af-ý ternoon, June 7, 1969, at 4:30 ~ ~ ~ *- ~ ~ o'clock of Miss Glenda Fav ~ .~~ Rudman, daughter of Mr. and ~~ ~ rMrs. Norman Edgar Rudman ~~ ~ William Matthews, son cf Mr. cf Nwcasle, nd r. Wlmer-Ir and Mrs. Orville Stanley SMatthews of Belleville.oi Rev. T. Smith and Rev. E. . C. Woodland officiated and Mr. Norman Willams played the .1wedding music. The soloistl 'i was Mr. Dennis Rowhotham. h The bride, who was given i marriage by her father,n 5wore a floor-length gown of fwhite nylon organza over Itaffeta featurlng an empire ~v ê - Iwaist., wrist-length sleevei. fand a high Alencon lace collar 1 which dipped to a deep-V In fback. A detachable circular chapel train feIl fromn the em- 4.i pire waist. Appliques of matching Alencon lace cluster- ed the bodice, sleeves and hem-t line, and were scattered overc the skirt and chapel train. The bride's three-tier. should- , er-length veil of bridalIillusionp was caught te a circular band c of matching Alencon lace j\~- Appliques. and she carried a . .. St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, was the sctting for the marriage dainty, slender cascade bou -- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on Saturday afternoon, May 31, 1969, at 4 o'clock of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lloyd 'queto two white orchids en - t]. - Richards shown in the above photo. Formerly Miss Donna Mary Wilcox, the circled by a garland of white bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wi]cox, and the groom is the s soeternroesad in- ' of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Richards, ail of Bowmanvi]le. McRobbie Photo ture carnai ons no Ble ville was maid of honor and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harold Dawson are shown in the above photo as they Mrs. Delton Schmitt o? Kitch- the bridesmaids were the sg the register following their marriage in St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- ý ener and the groom is the son! groom,,; sister, Miss Viobelle avleo audyatron a of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mart-!Matthews cf Bellleville, Missma ileo Strdy ftnon My17 1969 at 2 o'clock. The bride Is the il I Sr., Bowmariville. Sharon Wilson, Belleville; Miss former Miss Nelda Roxanne Gould, daughter of Mrs. Isohel Gould, Concession Rev. Howard Schmitt, brot.h- Joan Kimbaîl and Miss Glenda r St. and Mr. Percy Gould, Hunt St., Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr.1g er of the bride, officiated and, Johnson, both o? Newcastle. 1andMs arl1aso fMncetgEgad W d i gdeMrs. Elearior Singlehurst play-. I They 4\ere similarilv attired In ____ ___arldDawonofManhete,- - -nd ed the weddirig music. Mr.1Isieeveless A-uine -gowns of, Richard Brubacher, cousin of i mauve georgette over apple-j the bride,w was g ven i tri dacron highlighted by a stand- E c ange Vow s in New castle United Chuirch The bride, wshe wsloit gee adIauenlede L C marriage by ber father, wore up cuffle o? matching mauve a formai, empire-waisted gown georgette which dipped to a of? white ligoda styled with a de co nbc.Alwr Bateau neckline. three-quarter large, matchirig mauve georg- length sleeves and A-line skirt. ette hair-bows and their bou- MARTIN- SCHMITT Hespeler, when MissBet Laepliusennedwtr quets were o? mauve sweet- Baskets o? pink and white Susann Schmitt and Mr. Wil-'rseed pearîs, highlighted the peas adpmoswt v li nd he hapl tainwasstrands, accented with apple- 'mums. candelubra and un ar-Ilhum Douglas Martin Jr. were gown grdenhe chapel train wa Su-'edged with lace scallops and genrboisraes rangement o? white 'mumsl united in murriage onfl acce!nted by a bow. Her full-f Dr. John Bradley o? Mont- with candles, prettfly decorat-Iday, June 7. 1969. The bride ac cd annr Mnnoit Chrch I s te augtero? r. ndlength cathedral vieil, with silk real was best mari and usher- ed Wanner Mennonit Church, 1 _ s the aughter of Mr. an cord edgirig, was caught to a ig were Mr. William Miller, headpiece o? silk ocganza flow- Kingston; Mr. Dennis Rud- ________________________________________ ers centred- with crystals. A, mari, brother of the bride, purple-throuted occhid anid!INewcastle; Mr. Robbie Mat- stephanotis formed f acd thews. brother o? the groom, brial ouqet. bercasadeBelleville and Mr. Del Rd I "yubuqetlRd nommisMrs. Rulph Sharitz, sister of mari, brother of the bride, the bride, was matrori of hon- Nwate or and the bridesmaids were The reception was held ut Miss Marlerie Witmec, Mrs. the Bowmanville Country We are pleased to announce the Kefineth Willsie anid Miss Club where the bride's moth- A. ellasVicky Mason, niece of the er received wearing a dress appoiritment of JamesA l s bridegroom. They were attir- anid cout cf pink slk shantung, an authorized Sub.Agent ed tI full-length gowns of. matching hat and shoes, white'- berry-pink chiffon with em- accessories anid corsage cf pire bcd, scooped neckline. deep plnk and white Pu?? James A. Bellf cap sleeves, straight skirt. and Sweetheart roses. She was floatlng chiffon panel dcapedi assisted tI recelving by the.:-........ 6 Concession Street West from the buck neckline to floor groom's mother who wore a Bo maviielength. Matching rosebuds green crepe dress with match- wece sprinkled i their coif- irig shoes. yellow accessories Telephone 623-5746 feurs, and their cascade bou- land corsage of yellow Garnet .- quets were o? pirik roses and roses. Mc. ellis log tme esientwhite carnations. As the couple left on their cf Bwmavile ad hs etenive - M. Dnal Materen as weddirig trip, the bride was of Bwmavile ad ha exensve best mari, and usheririg were wearing a flowered A-line experience i the banking industry. Mr. Ralph ShantZ, Mc. Keith dress o? navy bNue on white Ne is available for consultation on Welsh and Mr. John Geddes. rwhlpped cream with navy ac- The reception was held icesso.qrie. A0slndrcosg Just wosh ond dry-the dirt and wrinkles corne out-the press STAYS IN. The proof is in the weariog. The proof is in li the extras you get in Lorry Carter Locked Crease Siocks-the go anywhere-do anything siocks that Never Need Ironing. - Ail Colors- BOYS' SIZES - 16 to 18$6 9 m W % MEN'S SIZES - 30 to 44. Get Larry Carter Locked Creuse Slacks K EN'S 35 TEMPERANCE ST. N. tiny crystals, and she carried: or ut two partie- prior r.o ner a cascade bouquet of red, marriage. A mlscellaneous sweetheart roses and stepha-, shower was held at Memorial notis.. Park Club House by Miss Miss Doreen Richards, sis- Penny Jeffery and Mrs. John ter of the groom, was maid De Gooyer. Mrs. Elton Brock of honor, the bridesmaids and Mrs. Arnold Sleep were were Miss Penny Jeffery and'hostesses for a milscellaneous Mrs. John De Gooyer, a.ndshower at the latter's homne. the junior bridesmaid w8S A presentation party was ýMss Barbara Barreil. &Il Of held for the bride and groom Bewmanville. They were Ri- ut Salemn church on June 2li tired alike in street-iength, by Salem Community whýp princess style gowns of ruby thev were presented wth a red velvet. The gown skirt floor-style pole lamp and a was accented by a deep, iront- lovely mirror. pleat inset with white French - lace. They wore ring-band headdresses of matchirig ma- terial trimmed with whiteTakres Course French lace, white gloves and shoes. and tiny-pearl nckI n u a c laces and earrings, the giftofI n u a c the bride. They carried cas- cade bouquets of white car Jack Terpgtra. an Excelsiot nations sprinkled with a few'Life Insurance agent i Oah- red¶ carnations. 'awa, is back homne doing "field Mr. Donald Richards of1work' as part Of an insurance Bowmanville. brother ef theimarketing course he is taklng groom, was best mani and the fat Purdue University in West ushers were Mr. James Mc- Lafayette, Indiana. Mr. Terp- Phail of Dunsford, couin stra returris to the university'i the bride, and Mr. John DelLife Insurance Marketing In- Gooyer of Bowmanville. stitute Sept. 29 for anothef Following the ceremo'ny a fovr-week course continuing receptiün was held in the the just-completed series Centennial Temple, Queen St.,Iwhich began April 28. with A dance âfterwqrd. The' bride's mother recelvecI in an1 GET CASH TODAT Rqua, silk worsted roat andFRODAPTNE dress with white arcessoripsiFRODAPINE and corsage of white çweet-' THROUGH heart roses. She was assisted in receiving by the groom'sq STATESMAN mother who wore Ra Nue ]ace Phone 6Z3-3303 dress, white accessories and corsage Of pink sweetheart. A0one e roses. fl uc Ne The couple honeymooned flS sane iEastern and Northern parts Beailfg Sbt of Ontario and for travelling Shi' he the bride wore an A-line iksPie dress of white puffpd creoe, featuring a standup collar' ErddheingItieemm-, trimmed with tiny teardrop' bemrrbois and repabdamgsdme. crystals. a coat of? matchîng Abnwe serl 2 u i rnaterial with small bow clos- ;Afoti d unqemaheain stttaes lng atL the waist front. Hot with ue abii= t hink lubsta- pink Rccessorles and corsage of rii w painte, oaiy.Irevin hin dleep pink sweetheart roses and dpinomfotr ikiimte a complemented her ensemble, anhdliI@ cf he i njreï- . Mr. and Mrs. Richards are Ifamp is hse. fth nj residlng at.1i5 Liberty Street, e North, the former residence of TUInCUa lfter case- Whie gentky the bride's grandparents. j1raieving pain, aetual reductiffl and Mrs. Milton Wllcox, which î ehrinkage) took place. they have purchased. 1 Mont important of aI-1ta A hairdiresser, employed nt 1 wurgo thorongh thet thIiuig Vincent's Fine Hair Styling, ment waa xnaintained ou oiu Oshawa, the bride attended of many months. Bruno's School of Hair Design, This was a .c@nished with a Toron to. The groom is a, mw h hig sritan commercial graduate o 3w_ which nikly hel bwlies =j~m manvill e High School and tI, ewfr an'etimuldate. grcwth ofiW grocery manager at Don Milli-tine gan's I.G.A. Store, Oshawa. Guests attended from Wood Now . stock, Newmarket. Keswick,:en adfom m Tororto, Cobou.rg, Oshawa and PreStisfnHatin oritata moms Bowmanville. efls aifctoIo w of The bride was guest of hon- i tfR1f MT4POFII with our Your Garments wiII be UNFNR * MOTH PROOFED *ODOURI PROOFED TOMI MILDEW PROOFED and antiseptically dry-cleaned by. our experts to inhibit the formatios of perspiration odours and mildew. This treatment Iasts until the neil dry-cleaning. THE CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AREA AT ENNISKILLEN OFFICIAL OPENING FRIDAY, JULY 4th BOWMANVI LLE, c LEANER '«We Specialize In Shirt Launderlng Up nt:I MIEN 'S/ W EAÀR BOWNANILLEC ý - 'e 1 . ý z - x - 4 -