Iruh- o ftnneLs nt ýThe CanadinSaemn omnvle ue2,16 roomis fromn which, men would Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Presents Cheque for $3,000 truh o ft _____ tashoot. The pupils o tho school then went Into th:! Phn 6 333 3tihrough th@ tunnel and te tho I ~ ~ the cannon burp. Tho guide Mr%.0. Hbbar. Kig SUan R Luxon b ther chld.told us we would have te lstenS Io W 1 ~~carefully for the llttle pop.lvleRc ICast, spent a few days with ren an Saturday evening at thebupBrp TatwsnvvleRangPeoCubfwIlhP WonradSo U r. and M rs. W . M orrison, Flying D utchm an M otor Inn.o0fl1 o n pou nd poherT w der aa and iý n a f o m e s b r , 2 6 9 6 6 Drano. the occasion of their wedding th onte y used ton pdrand Il ae oBwavilfhrn audy Jn lh Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hnatluk ýanUnversary. Those attending1 of powder andwthalhtwsahrdac with thaidsrclwqfaw r1 o~ pad onPalCoksilo pe ton, Mr. and M RsNomnl there must be an extra huge encounterin des ete eirOl 5 ie i io the weekend with ber parents' Luxton M. ndhn. Nomn Burp! ! Then we went ta sec conditions wîhrsle naTebrsrnit ana Mr. and Mrs. Don Boe, LibertyE utn r.Jh utn the ancient guns and knives. slow race.alnthcurerstngn St. North. Mr. and Mýrs. Gary Lane, Mr. Aie htsm !temn Floigaete eut f eldsse.Ol w id Mien Hazel Jennings, who Glen Luon, BowFl nvlNoreh put on a show for us. Thon yards permnue lsBrw maehe nteam da a han been living in Hamiltan,!n, Miss Coe' Flntn, Tor we gat an the bus, &te and 1Bras.. 1109.32dLRcad îhbrqarvn asatr lx again residing with herlOooMisBtyuxoTr went on. 1093.33. 3r2 o titn~wrs.ltL ihrs906 cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bad-iatoa, n ofMr hawa. Mr. W Next we arrived at Fort Fred- 061.40. 4th .Wonr15.0 adsprmnt;2dI ie ger, Scugag Street. !John Luxton, Town, and Mr. rick Museum where we wvere 5th Clare Prge14.7 t 7.6 r rw rs 4.3 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brockand Mrs. G. Sartorotto of Ot- vory oxcited. We notlced a Earl Luke1452.7hTcot4hD.Wlnr658;th. !Oshawa and Mrs. Normantw ee nbet:atn.O six-foot ditch that surrounded and B4akey14.5 t o ue531;6hP ole Gimblett of Columbus were arriving for the dinner, the the wholo museum. When we Luke -1021.2 t .Ppr1-!n o 3.9 t o u~ Sunday dinner guosts witb Mr. surprised couple were prosont- entered the museuro, wo wore1 and Mn.. A. J. Clarke, Lambs ed with a corsage' and bouton- very surprised at tho ancient InternationlHcecala Lane. niej-e. Later in the evening weapons and toals used by tho Fame. Mrs. Norman Taylor bas re- they received personal gifts poer.Ms fteacet Tep turned from an enjoyableiand a purso of monoy. Mr. and things are woll over one are vorygretlta th weekend with ber son and ýMrs. Luxton bave eight chlld- hundred years aid. There are Hockey HaloEaea ig daughter-in-law, Mr. and and 15 grandchlldren. many queer things we saw, tan was cpni o st ii Ernie Taylor, at their cottage! like bathtubs that nady It was veritestgan e on Christie Lake. would dream o! taking a bath onjoyed 1veymh. t Mr. Hoard Pckardsince In. We aiso saw some o! the sbowod u aypcue MnOoadPckr ucBUITUAflI blggest army shelîs that you old hockeypaesadsae his recent dlscharge frorn Sun - have ever seen. The guns that as weli ssm uiom nyroKHsia, oot. L<~ ROBERT FOWLER we saw were very ald and Thero wer ae o lyr convaloscig at the ome o! .~were shlpped ovor from other who had wntoheta bis brother and sist.e-in-law. The death occunned Juno 22.,onre tJh isem tl pa'oky.Toewr Mr. and Mrs. R. James Pickard., 1969. at the Oshawa Generai 'Iliere were many dungeons same souveist u dat Toronto. Hospital of Kanl Robert Fowl-. "thterusdtprtcth agtabyTehokysisi Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Purd, o r, 182 Tblckson Rd. N.. Osha- building. On dte ptp ao they had wt e b lgan 1tl. Temperance St., joined their , wa. Ho was In bis 28th year. Last week, the Memorial Hospital received a most ceremony took place in the Administrator's pff ice and there was a roof that could ho On chantstshedhobi in adnld wheris thGyorenteudRobertnFofler. ahndcoasýed hecorne gif t of $3,000 fromn the Ladies Auxiliary of shows, from lef t to right, Board Chairman Rex Walt- lot dawn so the guns could1 won certai usadtohe. th optl twl eue opurchasea e portableerAxlayPsintM .E.R Thompson, Pbi shoot !rom the top of tbe1 Somne trie ar: ezn a car for tbree weeks andl tour- was bornn bOshawa, Feb. hsi8.I, ilb se aanwesAxlayPrsdn r. .R ulctower. Atter a vory enjoyable TropbvHaryroh ndLd ed Spain, Portugal, Gibraltoni 1942 andl was mnarried thene X-ra y machine worth approximately $7,000; the old Relations Chairman Tom Cowan and Administrator tour we starteci for Bellevue Byng Tropy hnw I andl Morocco. Jul.v 18, 1964. A llfelong rosi- one iS over 20 years old and outdated. The presentation Richard Elston. House. stanted dow h tp n u If you bave out-of-town' dont of the city, ho worked tI ri ýnilya :3 eto the bus guestas in your homos or have the final Inspection department cm eJh .Madnl' eI been visiting away from home. at General Motors andl badiTwo R trrg BH cae s e ev ec g iinhme. t JongA.Macnad's WetFae ftH oce alo aven this coming weekend and1 worked for the finm ton sevenRe rig B S T a h r Re ev Re gnt namnwbgveuawodoeln ia01 Wetppdt onth hlia, ul lt,'hos.ame.anteningavensidawormetcie s horl fe îe rv on me nouuay, ULY ~., years.acivico. Some o! us started at the finst sriecnr ewe plaelot ubave this infor- A miember of Countice Unit- teto lo n mation Justual 33303. cd Chrcb, o wasalso mcm-In the master's bedroom was evenyanewa ugyteae Mn. Neil Hooey o! Stedmans ber of the Independent Order a huge canapy bed. A surprise most of hi inr elt Department Store here has a! Forestons. ta us was a bal! finisheil gamo about a qatrt ee.O a boon tnansferred to Preston as. Mr. Fowlen i. survived by eo! choss. There also was a the wayhoetemhrs ChoieMyea manager o! the Stedmans1 bis wife, the former Geongina gadaje okae w hub ewr eyniv Streter.Mr ooyco-Cylona McCarthy. bis parents, hundred yoars aId andi still Samo epe asown taaîgen !M.adM rnenced his new duties on: a daughten, Kanla-Ann May working. Isieep. ThesnsI agw onSctNwate rda. Monday o! thîs week. Fowler and a brother, Floyd 4i.. hn a loalvi i-veny laud.Wiiopae e rmTahn olgPt Mr. and Mns. Murray Pros- T. Fowlen o! Oshawa. . îngre aom wît.hamanelegaln- games. W eceltesho roaga ovcto x cott o! St. Catharines, Mr. and i e memonial service was pin oo o!chaan lgante. about elgttit.Tetpecssi a isSotwl Mns..Roy McMullen. Mrs. Gea- helil June 24 at the Armstrong. i In ano hinroande aw whenowas veryeuanlfr sb eclgthsfi tPig rge McMulen andl Mr. anil Funenal Home, Oshawa. Rev. In. th alept. It w s alerW hn Mrs. Harry Collacutt, Town, D. Anscott conducted the the a the mat wr'smedr .drivlng u pteean akStol croog attended the Humphreys-Busb I service which was followed by tIn thehouse r' e i soniso !ly dw hakdte wedding in Belleville on Sat- 1 crematian. Iang busae top.siBtre mothens rgonwlhuad urday. weno not allowed te go ail the for puttinupwhtenos, LEU Mr. and Mns. John Pning, vThisr s way up becauso It was blockei ThsIanscoltptt daughter Shelley and son Kev-ý OBITU R off. we wil rmme orqiea In, Guelph, wero weekend I os hr a h while. * *. I h eic !Jn t visitons with Mn. Pring's 1par-1 EE IDM rmn thc roomsenthee topfohaJueetth ecsi ents, Mn. andl Mrs. Wilson, ETADM an 1! alady on ted tp oiOn McnaJn h lt eaheto h nai Pring, Southway Drive Shel- 1at an net hno shewlad havtedteakaBreyBsdienbon Poica Plc nvsia loy remained fer a visit wlth ýAdams occureci on Wecinesciay. thrug s he wum ate n tud Turner, cle tSa' hrgacprns hogth atrssuySchool andto h blrn1 ciet lh1 esn ho ganpaen1 June 1lltb, 1969 at Memorial whicb was vony bard ad. a h nmn rdsaogîirdad tre enono.1 Congratulations te Michael: Hospital, Bowmanville, follow- heewa bckdonwthesm !termthr1n d h emeso hsdt Gillespie, son o! Mn. and Mrs. lng a brie! Ilînes. Ho was in whre w cullag o ack oor ; tahesr Ms .Gnlo cmetas etgtd7 C.S GlepiKngS.Eat is 77th yoar. where tboy chappeil the wooil bus trip t eebruhLf-Gnnlocrecs nld who on Sunday mornlng atth Son o! the late Mn. andi Mrs. for the fireplace. The grounds locks and aLnsyt h adis nlmlcasdm f;alvation ArmnyCiaewaTamsAasho ason outslde the place were veryý Canada Cryn1.aesc shekn id presented with bis Religion In Newport, Ontario. MnrrYt o. The bouse Itsel! 1As we wr aigpcue bod oe cil n andl Life Emblem by Capt. Adams hail nesidedI n Bow- Two very familiar f aces won't be seen around the board and their colleagues. Miss Laycock will be was big ahil beautiful. TheI the operatrsati awr boigog noteitno David Peck. Michael ig a mem- manville for the past six and Bowmanvîlle High School next year: Miss Edith Lay- living in Brampton and Mr. Stacey will continue ta gardon vas very cute with thel thb llft-Iok aso shwo as o! Bomanvilea caf ebb bs w th frer ea f heFnhlive here. This pooshwfrom lf oA .little flowens booming. Thon la boat vudh tknu 5 Tistp !fni omt ofBwavle esdb i ie h omrcock, ha fth rnhDepartment began teaching photo hows, ight, A .we went an the bus* andl wene foot to thrieabv.onbsîkmnsndo- Mns. Ken Sumensfonil, Mns. Gertrudle Goodman, In 1967. here in Sept. 1951 and Manseil Stacey, head of the H. Strike, member of bath the aid and new Boards ofî ready for aur next stop. We wathdtegt Pnsneo hstp ilntb Angus Blair and daughter Ho Is surviveil by fivo Science Dept. started his lengthy teachîng career here Educatian, Miss Laycock, Mr. Stacey, J. F. Ileyland, We arrived at Murney Tow- and closeaithbgbuktoeaelbytsbacen. Cathbeine Blair, Bowmanville, daugbters andl a son, Mrs. 1- in Sept. 1944. Bath are retiring and have been honored aiso a member of both boards and L. Lucas, Principal or about 31:45 p.m. This is anc'go upwhlth ote 0Canswilelidala- attended the first Regional Cochrane (May), Mns. E .o! the four Martella Towers came down hnw rv uelpnoscnb hrc .4 Conferonce for Anglican andl Cochrane (Eva), Mrs R. Oke with presentatians at a staff dinner on Mcxay 28th by of B.H.S.________ __ ____ __ built In 1846-7 at the time o! up the hllt c a ihu ih dmg a paeNy .kUnited Church Women at <Midneci), Mrs. W aî1a ce the Oregon cnisis. There are we were UdrteCiiaCc"ê Queen'. University, Kingstoni, Breck (Viola). Mns. Robent Tboy were residents o!* ' thnee faonrs. The basement We tCndoet ida hnei eat rvdi lasta weekend. The addresses, Carter (Mary) and Albert stock. F 1ormer Pup-l onor leiin eacrier wihbssc xiisa n Tensions In Our Time andl Adams. The funerai service for the ' "~I~m8m Capaniors, Artillony Raom andl Park.Atethsw drvipisnnta/o a$5 Certaintios of the Christian ervic .as ..d .he.....asedaas ,,aat .Powder Starage. The first around ta h rynFcoy ie Faih, erefolloed y ds-from the Nothcutt Elllott 2 p.m., June 17, at the Mcmn- . Mussind r.A.E.ase Funeral Home, Bowmanvilo. tosh-Andenson Funenal Home, oId rans, rifles, swonds anil iraam anddvbi oathe rvn I Mn ad n. A E Mstrsn0 Saturilay, June l4tb and Oshawa. Interment was in . carronades anb the top floor groups wt uds esw FlaigToCoeI n Mrs. L. McMaban. Lambert was conducteil by Rev. H.A. Bowmanviîîe Cemetcry. Rcv. .Iwlth a 32-pounder cannon andl them makncaptnsrhkotemstamncueso Street, Mr. andl Mn.. James Turner of St. Paul's Unitei l Ievin Francis, pastor o! the a picture gallery o! the reign- play chalE nlylo lc-acdns oaobacdns Olinski and daugbter, Park- ing monanchs from Quoen Vie- board chakSoo!itcmsolwatarsnaedsace way Crescent, Mn. and Mrs. E. Churnt w anIn Hampt ner- Ionto dChurcb a! tus he ergst taniata the presont time. The out bIng tcsbtteawy1alwa es n a Fainey, Liberty St. North, ton v o! Latter Day Saints, conducta- tower Is surrounded by a deep othens aremd: ny ihlnt o ah1 ie e and Mn. and Mrs. A. Flieler ed the service.dtcwbhcahocssihyhlsbte thsaesteboroyurpel.Yusud and famlly of Ajax, formerly Palîbearers, aI grandsans, a idge wbIc.canbebalsednta the craynaeme.Teasolwshoedytlnatî o! Bowmanville, were Sunday were Messrs. Donald Cochrane, jA n Rh oWanliam eM. n.d oe.Ti ic saotmk igrpit tp nafu aebgw ,iioswt n Benc ere Cochrane rc Rabb was haro at Palmerston,4. six foot deep. Leoving Murney Aften r orw ahIept h ib n o' Teryr aser, imGsffeeBrceCocraeiAlnnecGOt.oDff2,194yailatenwerowr e raeleilontaau wre dvnonsal bxeo hllupfatermoînetafic anidCnttohee LndaywacaWaneiarerle Pheublani ieeubicnnd 4 . .lasa tostopheoneantdraontThn eohakel ntIbat av ntratyeonilt. Congratulations ta Mn. FIower hearers were Messrs. Higb Schooîs. Ho was marnîc ~ most a! the boys at least bail Steele anlh. eprsaiacdntsem abperii M.Lwyo omnile a Dennis Cochrane, William in the Scarhorough Roorganîz , been patiently waiting for, the le!t for hm.tepsigln membr o!Cloke High Schooî OkePte Catherwoob, Ray, cd Church of Josus Christ o!fa staff, wha receiveil a Master ofArbmRbn lnsyai Latter Day Saints, Dec. 7, 1963 Arts degreo at the University Neil Oke. anilbail since been a resident o! Onegon's 92nd annual Com- of Blackstock. mencement Exorcises on Sun- fD'TIfT'<Mn. Rahh was the pastor o!f...... Back to God Haut rnt n ol oAn abwsbr Oct.'1 A rather unique event took place on Friday evening, June 20thatOon -TOTPAT Dil 31 ado onrgaiosjon n 3 166 i shwa Public Schoal when a retiremnent part y was held for Mrs. Ray Canleton and AdsrbtcdCRSug Dm 30RdoCnrgtosji n .3 96 nObw.many of her ex-pupils returned to wish her well. Mrs. Carleon has been a A detSlit15 Every Sunday 10:30 a.M. PbWohi. GET CASH TODAY teacher for 32 years, 21 o! them spent in Orono. She is shown here with a 12 O.J HNS N'pBAYaiLn "Eveyon Wecom" Nrsey Sevic FO OL APLIACES beautiful Drummond original painting, one af the severa] gifts presented ta her. prv dS T A T E 'SNi A N 5 oz. prvddCLASSWIEDS S h 9-w w -~ ua w sD,1~;~ a R CK Sug. lit 1.1 . - Sugg. E ENT99CMIK0FMGEA ANNOUNCEMENTVisit Kingston Sights135 fPhli' 7 f( Effetiv JuI 1,1969ThePracice ofThe pupils a! Shaws Scbool atter we lcft the service when sameone hail donc .- Norman F. W. Pragneili Chartered Accountant weno veny exciteil on Tuesday centre we ail stanteil ta sing. wrang. Ho lot Guy put bis r MP XfTDCASRETIV SO l morning, June 3nb as they As we passed transports we; foot In the stocks ta tny it aut. NUU 8',SugIit10 Port Hope prepaneil for their annual waved ta the drivers andl they' A!tor thot the guide showed schol tp. wasabot 730 waved bock. In about a hait: us the collisIn which the mon Eg 0 andi when we left the school on aur hour we reached Fort Henry were put tan punisbment. Then 5ugg. list 0 wyta Kingston. The weatb- anil got of! the bus. we went ta, the officens' quart 1 ,91c NM AS J. S. Hinman Chartered Accountants or vas very duli, but Inside the We walked through the on- 1 ers. We lookel at the officen ,ss5CSam o-n arClrug.is225tI bus the people were not veny trance andl aven ta, the grass ta heil andl bis valuables. Then Ia Cobourg bull. Some o! thein hy tbe wait tan the guide. The guide:: we went ta the kcitchen where way of thein actions were not 1 ntnoduceil bimself ta us. We theofoticen's servant prepareil 1 PRESCRIPTIMONS wmiI merge in partnership under the name of wide awake. At last we wvere starteil an aur awn tour dowli bis food. Thon we went ta sot, on aur way. We took the easti ta the bridge whene we cnossed wbene the officers relaxeil atter road ta get on the 401. Some the dltcb which sunrounded their dinnen. Tbey played PRAGNELL, HINMAN, BRISTOW & CO. a! the people lookeil aut o! the font. When wo wore cross-, chess, neail books andl taikeil. E CATRDACCOUNTANTS the windows at the sceneny,! ing the bridge we hail ta watcb Thon we wont iota the CHAREREDthe rost of us sot In aur seats: out for the sentry on buty. The senvant's roam wbene tho DUG PORTHOP COOURGandtaled.Arounil 9:15 the guide took us ta a place andl prepareil the food for the H PORT HOPE - COBladies wanteb toi stop andl ger showed us the stocks which officens. The fond was not 5 KING ST. W. -POEf35~ c iacoffee. sowe algot off. Justlwere used for punIshmnent icooked in bore. W@ went,