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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1969, p. 8

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. . . ..... 1%4 Lmadimotmnwwmnvfls, 3tl2,, IlSPORTropics j By Frank Mohun 623-7234~ WE GOOFED!i Tihe sports edltar was dimmayed ta note lu lamit week's 1 cOiurnn that we had faiied to correct the. time of Saturday's uotball game between Oshawa Tony's and Windsor Drop-la' Tavern. It had orlginally been announced as two o'clock, and changed ta six p.m. a lew hours later, alter we had wrltteni our calumn. We had pleaty of time ta make the change, but, forgot. It là hoped that aur readers heard of the later starting, tiras. We'd, hate ta think we were responsible for anyone isittingin l Alexandra Park, during the. aflernoon, waiting for, action ta begin.1 The eopular Junior Softbali Tournameat, invalving the! best teamrs in Ontario, will be played at Alexandra Park,: in Oshawa, on Saturday, July 12h. + t 1 t t t MIDGET SOFTBALL In the short space of à month the newly-formed Boys Minar Midget Softbail League. starting off with anly a nuc- leus oi six players ha. rapidly grown to three teama involving, 45 The Bowmanville clubs, namely the Rocket.¶ Jetsani Cornets have been la action against Hampton Hobbs Schooll Pine Ridge School, Honeyweii Contrais and a tean, from Oshawa. Double-headers. played ah the Memorial Park on FridayI evenings, are proving ta be mare and more papular with these young softballers, th ere is one probiern. in that ane of the team.s i. lookiag for a coach. The other entries are coached by Siebe Luchies and Lloyd Forsey. If you are interested ia helpiag with the other team, caîl the Recreation Departrasat office at 623-3114. A tip of the hat from this corner to Ccc Mutton, AI Cale and recreation direchor "Bud" Fanning for their interstl gettiag the league st.ated. t t t t t. Young Golfers. Haveè a Great Field Day on Saturday GOLF SAFELY' Following these galfing safety rules may rave you fran, belng injured or Injuring someone cisc. 1. Know and obey thc rules o! golfing etiquette which serve ta provide grouad rules for the game. 2. Respect your feilow players by allowlng pieaty of roam when playing off the tee. Keep your distance and ask others to do the same whea you are driving. Be careful when taking practice swings and remain ln pasted areas until ready ta start play. M 3. Neyer play until the fairway i. clear. Allow players ~ .... ahead ta uit second shots or until they are out of driviag Members o! the junior section of Bowmanville Don Sturrock, S( range before makiag your shot. ICounhry Club took over the course on Saturday for Wight and Club 4. Always follow the traditional practice of playiag the. bal their first field day of the year. Above are somne of Bob Preston and that la farth est from the. haie. Remain clear of others1tepiewnès ihsoedtil pern ntepcuewstk who are swInging clubs for fairway shoi h rz inrwt cr etisapaigi h itr a a 3. lwas b alrtforwil shts nt yor firwy.sports column. from lef t t right, Wayne Coombes, Wood, Tom Marc Consîder passible danger ariens if your shot gaes astray. 6. If you bit labo another fairway, use special caution wben retrieving your bail. Yield to persansl playing that fair-Rea Itors Increase Lead way. Return ta your falrway as soan as you have played your shot. Y. Neyer shoot to a green until the. players abead of you L P P 1 I" f have Ieft the puttlag area. Once your group ha. <putted B e e t n u l out", leave the green as qulckly as possile. Players who remain on the green ta tally their scores flot anly are discourteous but also increase their chances af beiagtK ap n o i g S r 8. owe cats av tie, ffot nd ear &tain Bt crel WalerFrank Real Estate Veteran George Stephen lostj more in the sevent leus operation can cause an accident - if turned sharply. iacreased their first placehis third in four starts, givingi Bob Sleep had th or drivera on steep Inclines or Ia rougi areas, they are margin ta four points by- de- up eîghh hits, three f ree pass- for the wianers, prone to thp. feating Stephein Fuels 8-3,1 es and striking out four ba't- Hellam smashing a 9.Whn ar cous ndthadr reaprocbng gt ffand Kramp Furniture down-Â ers. isingle. "Moe" Ric Wen ga! cousand yaucanreaI a i ff eff e ed Kea's Men's Wear 10-3 ta, John Kilpahrick led the1 Dick Stata eachc ÏhL-gol corse Ifyoucanot akeIt ff efo e aed a three game lGsiag1 Reaitors with a home run and! pair of singles,1 lightniag tarts strikiag, take other precautions. Standing streak in Men's Senior Towna single. Other Frank hithers going ta 'Sam" Sri ln the open, the golfer la a promineat target for iight- League Softball action, Sun-ri Jack Bond, Jim Mc- played bath gan i iing. Raising golf clubs or umnbrellas above thc head day afternoon, at thc Me,-!Knight, Tom Pearson and- James and Jack Pa J rnght add ta lie elemeal of persanal hazard during orial Park. ,B ave Taylor.j Stata held Ken' electrical storms. Avoid the arnali golf course sielters Ia bbe opener, Frank's col-ý For Stephen's, Bill Brunt' uits, struck out t leccd ou bis i he tir as tic bace player ta collectland walkcd only o which are unprohected from ligitniag. You can seeklto take a 4-0 lead, and capi- two safehies, thec other gaingý the win. Bob Wil shelter under one of the smallcr Iree. la tic middle of talized an Fuels' errors ta put t o bot ad eu1agdfra-o a grave or in dense woods. Avold Isolaled trees and tie 1h out of reach, as Dennisipre, Don Bishop and "Sam"! knocks, fanaed tw, tallest trees la tie vicinity. You msa can aeek safety ia Sullivan racked uii bis sev- Sodn udapi fwl a lw sot uchasa rvin ordith r oherdepess ýenth win and fourth straigit.i Kramp's came from behind.thie loss. a owspt uc a araie r ith r he dprsionaj an early 3-2 deficit, and woni Reg White, Guy1 away from hilitops and high places. Stay away from! Sullivan dhecked Stcphen's Vbir first game in over twolPrestan, Don McA. wire fences, power or telepione pales. ioûn six safeties, fa'naedsi weeks by errupting for threeWilms hae TOURAMEN anddidr't wlk abatt r-uns in the sixhh and fouriWear bits. I3ASEBALL TURA.N .i Manager Clint Ferguson, will be attempting' to sharpea weekend's Ontario Amateur Baseball Association Champion- .~ t o s F n t o o L ship Tournameat being held la Peterborough. The. Locke TV club wiii be participatiag in the cigit club affair, liaI gets uadcrway on Saturday, June 28th, at 1:00 p.m. Bowmanville's h y D o ' L t l r ain G m opcniag opponents w ill be tie Iatercouaty A Il Stars, w ho y J m C a khi b a p t nd M ag r w l be n t e e g t promise to be a formidable foc. Tiey will be playing at 4:00 hiJl Car. t Fby a pitchad Ma nawill BeA Caions i p.m. Saturday afternooa.. I's going ta take sanie do- double steal, puhting runners ment, being ield in The winner o! this knockout competition will represent ing ta convince lie Locke on ;~econd and third. The next augh this oomiag Ontario ah the Canadian Summer Games, ln August at Hall- Elechrons that seven is a man bouneed out ho first, Their firsh oppositic fax Wahcerlocl uportth Elctonsrecie wîîceraiiylucky number, following thcir cnding the inning, knockouh affair wil be a big booshta their chances. The calibre o! tuis tournameat 4lS ta itleT Britaîn on Preston chaiked up 10 a! Inhercounty AIl SfI appears ta he first rate, wihh the followiag leams entcrcd: Pirates clîcked for three ruas hie 16as fiveoufra ms K ennedy, nSaura Orillia, Southera Counhy AIl Stars, Intercounty Ail Stars, and the victory in the (cen-un the se venti ams whnnel- Leaside Maple Leafs, Kingston, Belleville, the Niagara District saC) eeth.Bwanii ing aboag, turning in a spec- saw a 2-i lead and a rnagni- tacular mound .job. Atonc Knapps Tc AIl Stars and Bowmanville. ficent pitciing effort by ' At 1:00 p.m. Sahurday, Orillia meets Southera Couinhy AIl Ralph Kennedy go down the point he had a five in a raw Star, wth owmnvile tcklng he Iterouny Sars or rai, wen te hmetwn trikeout chain going for hira. club rallied for the win. Afe hfigtefnlto plit their 4:00 p.m. schcduicd hathie. In the 8:00 p.m. eveaiag batters in the first, he pro-, encounter, Leaside Maple Leafs and Belleville tangle.011 Kennedy and the Pirahes"ceedcd ta nahch all hhree men' (Intended for -lasi Sunay at1:0 pm. Kigson ndlieNigar DstrctOnBill Preston staged a classic he faced i the second. Bawmanville's H-. AStahuroprenstreggsecwndi bathAroundthie Bases:- Taw iag ladies entry, Stas penhi seon dy of the tourncy. ciaiming 16 strikeouts. Lithle, Wright's second inning doU-1with four ruas ia eai Any local basebali buffs are advised that if tiiey have no~ Brihain, railing 2-1, used a bic was thie Electrons' only fifhh and sixhh inni specilic plans for the upcaming weekend, tia the Peterbor-iwalk, a hit bahsman and, extra base blow, with Cros- week ln Whitby tc ofa wl ceback i the clas sey, -Sainsbury, Akey and Mc- 8-5 Durham Ladies ough ast ity , ol dimondwouldbe awortwhil desna-1of a ornMurter th compOfehrtegcotheetrg at-I a-ichoryy tijn. Aiso, f any Bowvnanville and area residents are pln- the sevent. An infield Out. lack. For Litle Britain, Bob Betty Therteil si ning on vacationing ia the Peterborough area Ibis weekead, folowd by a throwing error McMillaa was their aniy sevea batters and sca tienwhynot atc sam o!ticbaseaîlactin aailble y Bowmaavillc's third base- swathcr honanil down more hits ho cara the decli tie Lift Lock Ven ruiebed ia n t HeOclyKap' collected 13 -the winners ho move la front Preston and Davidson added,0ff laser, Borciuk. ___________________________________________ 3-2. A two out single by Da- their other safeties. vidson drave in lie insurance The Electrons' next action' ee Sinnearplei rnarker. ce wiiatpl Bowmanvilie's "A rch ip Isingîcs, witb Sharle I Mrosscy opened tie top o! tic1 swahting a tirce-bal *LCl ! EP~*~.~<v,~ a single, and Heler igti witi a single ho righ.i. ad Pth Came a b al., Preston closed thc iid en' *singles apiece. Breac. te Electrons' bopes by whii!- and Betty Tiertell rappcd a single. With hwo' FAMILY WEEK jMagrati, Pollock and away, thie winners' efhander ieaci claimiag a pair. faancd tihe ncxt man, ending! RATES Last Monday ah the bcgame. Kapsld32ha Bomavile tok 2CiBudget te fina nîng, wîen F OidRI EBowavletoka20 ladies pushed across crasIerigt' onndrlhIO ar a aclose 4-3 d double, an infield error aad from $69.95 * 1 Boanie Simpson we a passed bail. Litle Brilain * 7 nhghtu, 7 breakfasts, 'for Ibree, includiag di mnade il a 2-1 garas ln ticl 7 diners tie winning rua, wil ____* Acivites Iclud: hos.-Courtlce collected a do' vuw- - -ird frime when Herr open Atifl sacue:brt-Ingle and Suzanne Go EU ed the inning with a wvrong1 back aidlng, golf, water- îwsîls fie ld single and came in on, ikilag, saaliug, toals. Topsittler orBo O'eil'2oul, ie l Teulat, wsWed Mut the. fIfth ta Put it out o! reach.f The hitting attack was led by Alldread with a home rua and two singles and Judy Powell with a triple and two singles. Kimbaîl was the other big hit- ter. smashing a three-bagger. Nancy Goodwin and Rose- mary Perris picked up two hits apiece for Bowmanville-,ý the. athers goiag ta Patti Col- mer, Weady Mountjoy, Lee! Skinner, Helen Bamsey, Carol! lxiiigin, ~~~u ne Bryson, 145. Most -- -- -- -1H-nje -- Golf- I er, Nine Holes, Ralph White, BURKETON !Annual Golf Tournament was~ Sixth Low Net, John Fowl- Mr. and Mrs. C. Coopr,1held at Bowmanvi'lie Country er; 7th Low Net, Keith Jack- Oroo, erevistesof rs.Club on Wednesday, June llth son; 8th Low Net, Paul Chant; W.Orn onere sto.o with 64 golfers taking part. 9th Low Net, Pete Boyer; iOth W . BrandOn Tusd.E.Ln Prize winners were: ILow Net. Cup MacDonald; Ilth r. , alond Mrs. E. DLunn* Low Gross, Don MacGregor:lLow Net, Don Rundie; 12th Onoaedon Mrs. R. Davy Sr., 81, lst Low Net Jim Colliss!Low Net, Geo. Stephen, l3th Mr. Sonny Irons and friends 57, 2nd Low Net "Jiggr," Cowl- Low Net, Walter Rundie; i4th spent the weekend at Wasaga ing 58, 3rd Low Net John Mil- Low Net. Ed Leslie; l8th Low Beach. 1ler 59, 4th Low Net Don Mere-ý Net, Harry Locke; 16th Low Rev. J. Lougheed, Oshawadith 60, 5th Low Net Gary!Net, Cijif Trewin; 17th Low has served as supply miite ige60. 1Net,, Art Hooper. ln Bu'rketon for the past sev- eral mon ths. Sunday was the last time he will take the service here. Tea was served at the close of the service, Sun- day. Mrs. J. Lougheed xvas a guest. Next Sunday, June 29 will be a joint service with Enfield congregation. Many from this district at-' tended the Millbrook Spring - - Fair and report a good show- Ing of cattie and horses. Fine _ weather made it an enjoyable u Mrs. R. Davey accompaniedj- - -- by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grant - and family, Oshawa, attended the Davey picnic hein ln Cedar I~.-j,, Park, Sunday, with 50 present. *.4S'Z fj p SPORTOPICS ROGERS AND DONAGHUE DRAFTED .Oshawa Generals. also-rans irn the Junior '«A" circuit. after rnarching to the Memnoriai Cup just samne three years back, attempted to boister their club at the draft meeting in Kitchener, Iast week. Two Bowmanville WhIz Kids frora last season's Junior "C" club were drafted, and rated a good chance to crack lie line-up. Mike Doaaghue, equally adept an defeace and the forward line, was picked as a centre, and Kim Rogers, a high-scoring threat. was chôsen for à wiag position. lncidentally Kimi. leading the Oshawa Legionnaires Junior basebail club in R.B.I.s, while displaylng pleaty of versati]ity in the fleld. He bas posted ah least anc winning effort that we kndw o! on the mound, stepped In ta catch a game and can play any other position on the team. Fine --Tur- For Ann Pnout )uale Firsh Lw Net Nine Holes, Jack L1n=r, 2nd Low Net INine Hales Bill Cale, 3rd Low Net Nias Hales Carson Elijott, 4th Low Net Nine Hales Jerry Ma rvin. Most Honest Golfer Jack 3colt Roughley, John Sheridan, Stuart,'a bProfessional Dave Zink; back row,f m l id David Ormiston. Absent when this!i m î en, Bruce Welsh, Don Hutton, John A. -h and Bob Howes. Anuifl while strikir ters. On Wedaf local. ,wcre Newcastle in affair tiat sa er Bickle al eight anid f Tierteil weat Knapps, givir walking six ai strikeouts. Newcastle 'ruas In the1 Il - The Ilth axînua ng out five bat-ipicnic was icld at Sahurday, June esdayngtthe nec wre 'b aduitsand cilîdrea lna ahtendance. A beaten 15-6 by deliclous supper was planncd n a hard-iithing by Marva Carcone an d G race- w winaing pilci- Stcele. 0ow 10 bits, walk Sparts were enjoYed byi fan thire. Betty evcryoîîe, planned by Bill and' t thie distance for Gardon Abernethy. ng up 1l safeties, Members o! the family were ind claiming seven present fram St. Thomas, Tor- ho. Greeahank, Bridgenorth, struck for six Oakwood, Peterborough, Tren- Ihird and five la ton, Whitby and Bowmanvilie. I ýalAbernethy t Orono Park- . .~i. Let us explai.n ho you how Inexpensive a fuli-size galvanlzed steel pool caa be installcd la your backyard . . . also above grauad pool& avallable. Authorized Dealers for: NIAGARA and JACUZZI EQUIPMENT ARENDS SWIMMING POOLS Phone 623-3058 5 Bernard St. Bowmanville Enjoy Your Vacation Men1 HOE 0F THE SAFETY CAR! icky 22-POINT MECHANICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE SUPPLIED WITH EVERY VEHICLE 4u2 No CASH NEEDED!I IF YOU QUALIFY . . . MOST PEOPLE DO 1 tearn O.A.I p tourna-1 Balance of GM Factory Warranty on Ail Late Model Cars weekend.' 1968 BUICK WILDCAT CUSTOM* 1966 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS ion in theý 2-DR. HARDTOP 2-DR. HARDTOP il aeth4 British racing red with black vinyl top, black decor, Finlshed in iovely Azure Aqua with matehing decor, tas tbucket seats, full power equipped. An outstanding bucket seats and console. Real sharp! uni fr sfeCanadian driving. $3 9 Lic. L30244.......................----- ---------$1994 19.3468 RAMBLER AMX-- ------SPORTS $3 97 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. ing 198RM LRA XSOT 6 cyl., automatie, power teerng, power brakes, 4 2-DR. HARDTOP brand new white wall tires, wheel dises. We uold and "390" V-8 engine with 3-speed automatic console, hma ulate cnd iit ion Linc 5.- ies power steering, power dise brakes, posi-traction. Very smauecdton. ve.L245nc. $1383 sharp sports unit, deluxe radio, etc. 16 UC ESBE--R ADO t ek a p pL 4 5 1 - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - -$ 2 6V 8 , 2 -b a rre l o n re g u la r fu e l, a u to m a tic , fu l l p o w e rc d . W.ame up 1967 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. Thbis automobile was sold and has been servleed by ach of the V-8, automnatic. power steering, power brakes, r adio, us since new. Only 31,000 original miles. iings, last white waii tires, wheel dises. Showroomn condition, Owner's nam-e on reciuest. $ ) post aIn VerY Pieaulnt to the eye. $ 9 9 Lic. L7545. - ----- .5 9 5~ ýs League Lic. K89200........................$1999--- 1964 CHEV. 4-DR. STATION WAGON ruck out 1967 CHEV. BEL AIR 6-PASSENGER 6 cyl.. standard transmission, radio. Hiere's a real vacation holiday value. Exceptionally dlean. Local, attered 10 STATION WAGON one owner unit. ion, while V-8, autornatie. power steering, white wall tires, Lic. X24265,. - .---- ------- $999 3 safetiei wheei dises. Exceptionally elean, low mileage vacation wagon. le Towing Lie. 461477X $2394--- 40 MORE GOODWILL and two lene Caia 1966 PONTIAC PARISIENNETO QALT UEDCR igger and 2-DR. HARDTOPTO UL YUSDCR i Bamsey dIng two V-A. automatie, power gteerlng, power brakes, radio, T HOEFO da Linton black vinyl roof. Li. L12987. TO1892. RO had the Terrifie Value! Hurry! ----------$1 9 e d .three - TRUCKS - e Borchulk 1966 F0ORD "2'-TON 1965 CHEV, 3/-TON Fleetslde Long Box, 6 cil., standard transmnission, Fleetalde Long Box, V-8, 3-speed standard Courtice, radio. Only 20,000 original miles. Owner's name transmission. Real top value I iding Into on request. $ work horse. Lie. 32343. ..... iCourtice Lic. 47650B. ------ - -- --- 1 9 fecsin.ONLY 48 1969 CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK crn thne MANY COLOURS - OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM le Gloria SERVICED AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ouble and ray added rmanville ~ ~ I< U Colmer ~III ýh collict- PO TA B IKLD ho othersÀ erris, L.e 166 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-3396 bon, Non. Thertell. Tom Cowan, Pres. Slow Prestoun, Sales Mgr. a 12 rnt Roger Swan Ray Lathangue Weldon Brown a i a ýAkp-rnp-tl m

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