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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1969, p. 9

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Koens Wipe Out Fuels? Kramps Tie Realtors 1 Kcn's Menua Wear de!eatedieigbt afeties and gave up Stephen Fuels 3-0 ta tic lthe1tbree free passes. lers for second, and tail-end Cus-t Vanstone led tbe Fus-- kaps hcld front-sunning niture crew with a triple and 'Walter Fr-ank Rosl Estate ta a sigle, "Butch" Cale and Bob 9-9 tici Men's Senior Town Heflani each adding a f iro League Softbail action at the singles. Jack Par-ker addd a Memorial Park, last Tuesday ths-eo-bagges- and James, a sin- nlght. gle to complete the total. In the opener, 1'Chuck"' Kil- Tom Pear-son collected two patrick tosséd a nllty two-hit- hits for the league-leaders, tr, faclng only 23 battes, both o! the infield vasiety, while striking out bal! a dozen wbile John Kilpatrick siugged and not lssuing a free pass. a ths-ee s-un homes- In the sixtb Ken'. ecored ail tbree suis ta bring the Realtors fs-ou I the third, on a pair o! waiks, bebind a 9-6 deflit. It was Kil- and singles by Reg White, Guy pats-ick's second circuit clout ti Pas-ks and Ray Preston. as many games. Lass- Prsisalo usne.2 Other Frank bittes-s wes-c a mod niund orfoma ,Kimi Rogers, Jini Smith and, giving up five bits, fous- waDlks ayor and !anning tbs-ee battes-s. White and Pas-ks led the' wIriners with two bits apiece.ý un dreds Pers-is and Colin Cooke, boP I the second inning wes-e thei offly Fuels ta coliect safetiesBreak Pool off Kilpats-ick. KÇramnp's and Fsank's waged a rip and tuck affais- in theRe ulations nigbtcap, that finaiiy wound up in a staiemate. John James tossed a six-bitter for Kramp's,I fanning five battes-s and walk-' ing six. Dennis Sullivan registored the ueason'e top strike-out mas-k of 13, as ho aliowed K napp's Raily Fails to Catch Courtice Gais Coustice bult up a 5-Ô lead a!ter ths-ee Innings o! play and thon withstaod a late Bow- nianvI»le Knapp's T a w i n g rally to eas-n a 5-4 victory Tbus-sday nigbt ln a Durhami Ladies' So!tbail ga nie a t Cous-tice. Wbelen scattes-ed 13 Bow- mnanville bits ta post the win, elthough Courtice wes-e bold j ta seven safeties off the coni- bined pitchlng a! Cas-ai Knight and P<tty Thes-teîl, wbo taok oves- n the fourth ta pitch scoreiess bail the sest o! tbe 'Goyne collocted two hits for Coustice, the others gaing ta Gay, Courtice, Kapuskin, Port- es- and Wos-den. Patti Calmes- and Betty Thes-teil lèd the Towing teani with ths-ee singles aplece. Wendy M~ountjay contributed a pais- ot base knocks, with Rita Bradey, Les Skinner, Delas-es Davoy, Rosemas-y Pes-- rie and Nancy Hooper colloct- lng the athers. Newcastle Tops Knapp's 1A three-run borner by Vos-a ,-Wright ln the eighth Inning gave Newcastle a 6-3 victary oves- Eowmnanvilie H. W. Knapp Towing ln a Durham Ladies' Saftbail encountos-, last Wednesday night ln New- castle. Knapp's scos-ed ail Ibresuns ln the fisst lnning, as the fisst five battes-s al bit safoiy. Newcastle plcked up a single rnarkès- in the second -and tled lb with a p air o! slxtb Inning talles. Wben neither tearn couhd score In tbe 50V- enth, thé game went Inta oves-- time. Pitches- Kas-en .Bickell scat- tered il bits tao as-n tbe do- cision, wbiho waiking fous- and striking out the sanie numbes-. She aided ber own cause with a, pair o! singles, the ather bits going ta Aildread, Owles, Hélmor and Scott. Betty Therteil tosséd a 'sevon-hitter In the losing cause, fanned five and Issued live bases on balle. Wendy Mountjoy and De- lares Davey eacb 'contsibuted a pair o! singles for Knapp'b,, the othes- safeties going ta Patti Calmer, Rita Br-adley, Betty Therteli, Lec Skinner, ]Rasemary Pés-ris, Helen Bani- sev and Watson. Four lnjured in Car- Panel Truck Collision Hundrede o! pool ownes across Ontarilo as-o breaklng a iaw designed ta save their lives, says Ontario Hydro. '~'" j They bave swimming or . 4' wading pools wbich have underwates- lights not equip- ped with a device for detecting Sround cusreènt leakage. The evice, called a ground fauit cusrent Interruptes-, Is intend- cd ta cut the flow o! power istantaneausly If a sllgbt amount o! current leakage ac- cuss Installation of GFCIe b.- came mandatas-y hast year. Under provisions a! the On- tas-io Electricai Code, ail new * , public and private pools built .~ after May 1, 1968, witb undes--"'~'. wates- ligbting had ta bave a GFCI Instailed. But owneseof pools wbicb existed before that date were g Iven until Nov. 1, 1968, ta ave tbe device Instalied. This Ie where the probiem cames ln, saye Ontario Hydro wbicb Is responsible ths-ough Its Elec- trical Inspection Depastment for enforcement o! the Ontario Ehetrical Code. Because aider pools with lighting bave noves- given any problems, awner3 feel tbey as-o safe. But aider lighting systeme as-o mos-o likehy ta break down due ta dotorioration a! equipmont. tfiepr.o auda fenoacrdie GFCIs as-e aiso compulsory A iepm nStra fenoacrdie on electrical circuits which as-e by Thomas R. Brooks, 79 Scugog, was in collision with witbin 10 foot a! a pool. a Colbright Orchard panel truck driven by Har-old Failure ta comply with regu- HsiKn tCloe h olso curdo lattons govès-nlng pool lIght- okn igS. obLeTecliinocr-do Ing, can sesuht in a fine o! not Concession St. East opposite Chas-les Bickle's residence. less than $25 and not mos-o Both vehicles were extensively damaged and four peo- than $500 for each offonce. ple were taken to hospital by Bowmanville Area Once Instailed, the unit must be tested prias- ta each us Ambulance. The injured wore Michael Donoghue, 105 of the pool. A buttan iocated Liberty St. S., with a scraped left elbow, Gail Don- beside the unit's main switch wiil cut the power- flow when depressed, ensusing theo circuit breakes- Is mecbanically sound.Ginf*KifiI;n Pici Old Timers. to Play Soccer at Solina, Aug. 2 Plan. are progreusing for an Oldtimere Football Game t, he held at Salins on Saturday, Auguet 2nd, at 3P.m. There le a possibility that proceedingu wilI start wlth a parade sud supper will be provided by ladies of the ares. To be eligible te play lu the tante you muet be a former phayer of 50 yesrs and oves-. The players wili be divIded into two team and there will b. an officiai kick-off. lu the evening there wiil be s reunlon lu the Solins Hall. Trophies, pictures sud football history of the. area will be on dluplay. There wili be a few musical uum- bers. Entlre proceede of game to io to thc Sehool for Re- larded Ubildren in Oshawa. Wsteh The Statesman for further partloulars. (ounjtry Lunqe Golf (ourse 18 HOLES Concession 4 (Taunton Rd. West) nt Lynbrook Rd. 1 Mile West Highway No. 12 Whitby, Ontario oghue, 35 Waverly Rd., lacerated right ankle, both passengers in the Brooks' car; Hoskin with a broken nase and bruised shoulder and his passenger Wesley Shephard of Coîborne with a broken noso and lacerat- ed scalp. Neither the driver T. Brooks nor another passenger Maureen Baker, King St. E., was injured. Constable Don Anderson investigated, assisted by Constable W. Wakely. Brooks had pus-chased the car just the day before. rimnc -n1 Clobbered by Goliath 14m2 In Peterborough Tourney by Jim Clarke Bowmanville Locke TV Elec- trons were ln the s-oie of giant kilos-s when they taok the field Satus-day afternoon in Peterboroaugh, a g a i n s t the hlgbiy-tauted Inter-county AIl Stars. Unfostunately, the out- corne In thé O.B.A. champion- ship game was the reverse of the David and Goliath tale, with thé Ail Stars segistering a 14-2 verdict. For 41/ innings thé Elec- trons, with Ralpb Kennedy tosslng brihllantiy, ts-alied bya mes-o 1-O count. Thé bogrinn- ing o! thé Intes--county 19 hit avalanche began rumbling, with two out, in thé bottanioo thé fiftb. A double, a fr-ee pass and Rager Dewele's run- scosing single fallowed. An- other two safoties, before the final out had given tho Inter- county club four suns anda 5-O edge. Aftes- thé fisst five Innings, Kennedy bad colected nrne strikeouts and appa-od bond' Phone 655-3263 PAY AS YOU* PLAY WEEKDAYS $3.00 - WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE TEE OFF TIMES AVAILABLE - LEAGUE PLAY WELCOME... CLUB HOUSE w SNACK BAR rLSON CLUBS, BAGS, ETC. FEATURED it ýe i ýe I f ýe' i éd for one a! bis top efforts. Heading into thé top of thé sixth, Bob McKillop had allow- éd thé locals ths-ee safeties and tacked Up nino strikeouts. Thé Ehoctrons had a scoring tb.roat stirring in thé third, when after one was out, Kennedy csacked a single down thé third base lino. Leadoff bat- tés- Torry Black thon slashed a tbs-ougb-the-box single, with Kennedy holding at second. McKiliap bas-e dawn, dousing thé embers of a salhy, getting the next twa battes-s. Black led off Bowmanville's sixth Inning with a ground bail that eluded thé winner's second baseman Ran Smnith. Thé next man whiffed but Grant Wright baomed a sky- racket drive ovés- thé left field fonce, loaving thé Electrons ts-ailing 5-2. McKillop and fsiends. appeared vulnérable, two-run homes-, lid bal! thé Ehécts-on's four binglés. Black and Kennedy chas-éd thé othes- two base s-aps. Wsight's pals- of hits upped bis battlng aver-age ta .310 for thé yeas-. Ray Csombie's bal and timely wisecs-acks on thé boncb wos-ée missing for thé tous-nament battle. A badly abscesed taoth fos-ced thé bulky outfielder fsrn pasticipating. Last Thus-sday nlgbt thé Electrons ds-apped a 3-2 dé- cision at Alexandra Pas-k ln préparation for thé weekend taurnament, Thé game was a fine one, wlth thé Oshawa Legianais-es pushlng acs-oss thé dociding s-un, in thé last a! thé fifth in thé das-kness-halt- éd 7 ½ -inning game. Bath clubs wos-e sby sèves-ah a! theis- phayers but put an a good show despite this and thé bot. muggy woatbes-. after ail.i DonMcMus-tes- banged out The round - trIppor by four- bits ini as many trips, eWright, one of Bowmanville's with the Electrons edging the lono bright spots, apparently Oshawa Junior club 8-7 In falled ta ruffle the winner's the base-bitting departmont. husky righthander. Ho wbiff- This Saturday afternoon at ed the next two batters and 2 p.rn., tho Electrons will play didn't allow a baserunner oves- host to Port Hope Fiyers at the final 3 2/3 frarnes, stsik- Sover Creek Park in their ing out five of the il men be l6th garno o! tbe 1969 cam- faced. paign. The AIl Stars continued ta pummeli the baIl with groat gusto fsrn the sixth frame until the end. They rippedi a RECR EATION wearying Kennedy for five s-uns and five bits I the sixth, building theis- load to a 10-2 T 'PS sunaway lead. Gary Akey s-lieved In the A lifjacket Is stililbh most seventh and tinished on the Important pioce o! safety Eloctron's mound. He was oquipment aboard your boat. tagged for one s-un and three In Canada wo are fortunate bits, including a borner, as in baving available for plea- the Ail Stars continued theis- sure boats one o! the finest clouting with abandon. and most officient llfejackets Around the Bases obtainable anywhes-eI the The wind, which was much world. The Depastmont of In evidence In the tourna- Transport approved lifejacket rnent's oponing garno (OrIllia has been testod exhaustively 11, Southern County Al Stars. under ahl conditions o! mîlt and 0) wasn't a factor- In the heavy fs-esh wator using dozens of hitting Bowmanville encount- different body types and Ie a or. Until the Intercounty gal- provon and effective buoyancy axie o! stars found their of- aid. There are othes- life- fensive muscles In the fifth. jackets available on the mas-k- thels -0i-O ead appeared ta ho et, but the Ontario Safety a big one. It carne on a Texas League strongly secomniends League blow, a stoien base and that only Dopartment o! an Infield ors-or. With many Transport apps-oved- jackets o! the creani o! the Senior should be purchaseed for use Intercounty swatters In thels- In boats. lineup, the Eloctrons, despite Children are the most diffi- a good effort, were just un- cuit o! al Individuals ta ps-op. able ta contain ail that power- osly fit wlth a lifejacket that fos-over. Gait, Guelph. Lon- wil support them psoperiy and don. etc., comprIsed the Ail safely I the wates-. The On- Star brigade. McKillap, In ad- tas-io Safoty League warns dition ta tassing a poworful that It le important ta fit gamo. aided the cause with children with lifejackets ac- four bits. Hon Smith and cordlng ta their weight. Oves-- Dave Heffernan. both had sizo and undersize jackets three bits apiece, with the are equaliy danges-ous. Child- latter providing five RBI's. ren's lifejackets corne i sizes Roger Dewele (4 RBI's) bad a ta accommodate c h il d r e n vair o! safeties, while Ed woighing up ta 45 lbs. and ates added another four fsrn 45 ta 90 hbs. Over 90 RBI's and two bits. 'lbs., an adult jacket should be Grant Wright, with an I- 1 used. The only sure way o! 'field single, ulong with his fitting a child là ta try out the jacket ln lbe water and make sure it autamatlcaily rolîs 'the child oves- on Its back and holds the face out a! thie water. l'he Ontario -Sa!ety League was-ns vacatiorss ta check theis- ifjackots at the bo- ginning a! the soason ta make sus-o they as-e stili buoyant and thé matorial Is stiil strong enough nat ta toas- undes- the stress o! holding thewoas-es-'s weigbt in the wates-. If there Is any doubt about the con- dition o! a lifejacket, it is nioney well spent ta discard It and buy a now Cone. A gond lfejacket le Inexpensive ln- surance. National Safe Boating Week ln Canada is from June 29 to July 5. This new safe boat- Ing campalgn Is being spon- sored and promoted by the Canada Safety Council wlth the endorsement o! the Fed- oral Department of Transport. The Ontario Safety League suggeste that a good way ta observe National Safe Boating Week ln Canada Is for every pleasure boat operator ta make sure that ho knows the regulations and laws coverlng the operation off bis boat. The followlng are the Rules o! the Road and Rights of Way on Canadian waters.: * When meeting, keep ta the right. * When overtaking, pass on the right or left, but the boat you are ovestaking bas the rlght o! way. * Any boat approaching on your right or starboard &ide bas the rlght o! way. * Non-powered boats have the right of way oves- powered pleasure craft except if over- taking. The operator o! a boat gots practically theo mme treat- mont as when be is bebind the whoel o! bis car ln the Can- adian Criminal Code laws whiob cover: b* Dangerous operation o! bats and water skis. * lmpais-ed ability from alco- bol or drugs. * Fallure ta remain at the scene o! an accident ln which your boat bas been Involved. * Water skiing from one hous- after sunset ta sunrise. * Failure ta have a second, rosponsible person ln the ski boat as an observer. PFRO SHOP CONTACT LARRY HEFFERING'S PRO SHOP MANAGER '!¶i. Canadian Statemmn, owmanvfle, Zuly 2, 109 Enjoy Pilgrimage To European Sites On D-Day Anniversary. Ini conjunction wtth th 5hwere stopped in the city anniersay o~ D-Dy, M. suare by former menibers of and Mrs. H. M. Hooper, Pine' te French underground and Ridge Sohool, returned from' al were hustled off to a pub-. a Reginental Pilgrimage on' lic reception in the clty hall. June 22nd. Ninety members Many members were able to of the 14th Canadian Field renew ainaces with for- Regaient, Royal Canadiani mer membrs of the French, Artillery, and wives and: underground who had given children of many, viuited fi vo aid to Canadians during the Canadian War Cemeteries and1battles in Normandy. landing beach "Jtmo" at Ber-1 The group was welcomed nieres -Sur -Mer, Normandy, lin Amsterdami, Utrecht, Nij- France, Where the reginient megen and Arnhem in Hol- landed on June 6th, 1944. r land, ini Ghent, Brusseis and Hoopor laid a wreatb at, uic Adagem ini Belgium and at memorial in the cemetery at, Ev, Rouen, Bernieres-Sur-Mer, Bretteville-Sur-Laizze where Calais, Roulogne, Dieppe in his brother Ronald and sev- France. A brief stop was made eral members of bis regimont at Mons, Mewin Gate and were initially Interred. Arras, names that are fanilliar The group participated ini to World War I veterans. publie receptions at Ev, Rouen The Pilgriniage was plan. and Bernieres -Sur -Mer inned and arranged by meni- France and toured command1 bers during a reunion in posts, battie sites and stations ' Montreal during Centennial in HoUland, Belgium, France!year. Ail activities wore pri- anid- South and East England. vate and flot connocted in any' Individual niembers visitedý way with the officiai Capia.- old wartime civillan friends. dian government celobratio%«, both on the continent and the which wore flot announecc&4 United Kingdom. until April 1969, too late fo* Mr. and Mrs. Hooper alsolthis unit to change its plans. v'isited relatives in London, Eastbourne and Bristol, spend- ing eight days touring Eng- LONG SAULT land by car. They report that, except for the first two days Miss Mary Irvine, Ayr, ini Hoiland, the weatber wasiScotland, Mrs. Fletcher and warm and sunny wit~h tom-IMr. John Johnson, Oshawa, peraturos ranging from 69 ta Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson 76 degrees. iwore Sunday guests of Mr. Other local members of thisi and Mrs. Win. Johnson and reginient who served durlng, Linda, Janetville. World War Il are Jack AlUin,1 Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Alexan. Morley Etcher, Herbert Col-, der and Miss Donna Ayre. mer, Jin Woodward and the Bowmanville, were Sunday late Bruce Lunney. afternoon callers o! Mr. Robt. Sanie bighllghts: nhe rmcm- Sm. bers participated with 115' Mr. Fred G. Smith and members o! the Stormont, Miss Grace Smith were Sun. Dundas and Glesigarry High- day evoning visitors o! Mr. landers i the new city of! and Mrs. J. C. Cook. Caen which was rompletely! Club 50 meetings are can- destroyed durlng World War, celied until Sept. 9. II. (The late Major W. Bra-i Mr. and Ms-s. John Baker den ses-yod in the S)&G's). Iand boys were Sunday supper At Ev, the buses in wbiob1 guests o! Mr-. and Mrs. Rt. the members were travelling Zybala, Oshawa. Prime Min ister Trudeau Wi!! Open Canada Games In Halif ax, Aug,. 15 to 25th Jack Eilbeck, o! the Ontario the gamnes wlfl also lnclude1 Dopartment o! Education's socces-, field hockey, box la- Yautb and Recroation Bs-sncb crosse, saling. basebail, hawn bas ail the dotails o! the 1969 bowling, tennis. water polo, Canada Games, Recreation water skilng, cycling. Dis-ector T. A. Fanning said The Ganies are a major yestes-day. exorcise ln lagistics for tbe To be held at Halitax and 2,000 volunteers wbo bave ta Dastmouth, ln picturesque arrange for, bouse, feed and Nova Scotia, the Gamos will transport the competitars. Dur- run froni August 15 ta 25. Ing the week 33,999 nieals wfll Mas-e than 260 Ontario be served and each day 440 Athletes wilh compete. box lunches will be delives-ed A total a! 2,952 athletes from ta the 15 event sites for those the 10 provinces and two tes-- wbo are unable la return la ritarios wilh moot in a wide their résidence for lunch. v'arioty a! evonts at 15 loca- New facilities were built tions ln the two citios. and others revamped for the In addition ta covering ail Gaines. A new 2,500 seat the traditional ts-ack-and-fléld grandstand and field bouse, an and paddiing events and eight lane ail weatber track, swimming and diving trials, tennis courts and four baw- ling greens wes-e huit for the Ganies. Othes- playing filds wes-é leveiled and resadded. An Island was removed fs-m arnnst- moutb's Lake Banook and the Lake bottam ds-dgod ta croate 1,200 mets-e rowing lanes. Total cost o! the Games le $1,738,00. The Fedes-al Gov. es-nment wili pay $1,138,000. Nova Scotia $300,000, Halifax $212.896 and Dartmoauth $87,104. The Games will b. o!!iciaily opened by Prime Ministor Pierre Tr-udeau at the Canada Games Stadluni, Saint Mary's Univesisty, on August 16. Gov- ernos-General Roland Michén- er will close the Gamos at Beazloy Field, Dartmouth, on I 63 WE HAVE 63DIFFERENT STYLES 0F - ~ (HESTERFIELDS ON OUR FLOOR F URNITURE DISCOUNT BARN PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4715 Highway 1,15-35 at Newcastle Cut-off BEAuTFVUAN" PAITE LOVE EATSON VELVET As Low AsuANIG Direct from Mexico $79,o95 siSeSssea. WE ARE LOADED DOWN WITH RECLINERS CHOOSE YOURS . . . MAKE US AN OFFER 1 ROLL-AWAY BEDS Ail Szes from 26" Up To Reg. Bed, Size AS LOW AS $19 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR FURNITURI NEEDS1 0 en. d remomber wh.n you shop at CoU*ntry Dons 0 a 0 ho 18 also a furniture manufacturer so ther. is no way ho con b. undersold 1 'M $4*OO -NO INITIATION FEE PREFERENCE TO MEMBERS - TOURNAMENTS

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