T0lh. eanadtan Statemnan. Eowmanville, July 2. 1989 Provincial Convention A Challenging Experience For Orono 4-H Delegate For Neil Allun, R.R. 1, of 4-H1. Orono, 4-H provincial confer- Delegateq alis o expiai ence was a challenging ex- various agricultural depa perience. More than 75 out - ments of the university. etanding 4-H agricultural club nhe conference. howev, rnembers trorm across tle allowed plenty of timnef province attended the week- fun. Conversations. pran] long conference held at the and ing-songs eontinut-d la University of Guelph June past the recommended be 23-27. _____________ Activex participation on bath the individual and teamn leve] wan stressed. Each delegate was encouraged ta better un- Rep rts i derstand his own raie asà member of the group. Leadership methods and proposed changes in 4-HIcu W om en s thusiastic discussion. Indiv' - dual develnpment bas replac- MAPLE GROVE W.. ed technical training ini agri- The June meeting of ti culture as the main puroe Wrnien's institute featured NOTICE NOTICE 0F APPLICATION ta the Ontario Municipal Board bv the Corporation of the Township of Darlington for approval of a By-Iaw ta regulate land use passed pursuant ta Section 34) of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council ot the Corporation of the Township of Darliiigton intends to appl.y te the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant ta the provisions of Section 30 of the Planning Act for approval of By-iaw 2418 passed on the lOth day of June, 1969. A copy of the By-law la furnished herewitb. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-iaw and stating the landsa ffected thereby is aiso furnished herewith. Any person interested may, withîn fourteen (14) dayq after the date of titis notice. send by reglistered mai! or deliver te> the Clerk of the Township of Darling- ton notice of bis objection te the approval of the said By-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the sald By-law but before doinjr so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the By-law will be tonsldered. Notice of any hearlng that may be held wili be xiven only ta> persons wbo have fiued an objection, and who have left with or delivered ta> the Clerk under- slgned, the addreffs t.> which notice of hearing la ta be sent. The last day for filing objections willI be Juiy l6th. 1969. Dated at the Township of Dariington this thirtîeth iiAY of June, 1969. W. F. Rundie, Clerk, Township of Darlington. Hampton, Ontario. EXPLANATION 0F PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 2418 This By-Iaw la lntended for no other purpose than ta> correct a number of smail clerical and drafting errors that have occurred In previous zoning by-iaws between 1965 and 1967. These errors were noted during the pre- paration of an offiýce consolidation or the Township's zonlng by-laws ln 1969. Clause* 1, 2 and 3 eliminate a confusion created by the fact that two different clauses "h" bad been intro- duced to Section 13 of the Zonlng By-law. One of these clauses la now called 4«(hi)". Clauses 4 and 5 are lntended ta correct drafting errors which occurred when a consolidation map was lntroduced In 1967. The désignations now revert to the zonint whlch had been specifically described In By-iaws Number 2246 and 2296. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON BY-LAW NUMBER 2418 A By-Iaw toamrend Zoning By-law Numnber 2111 WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Dariington deems it advisable te> amend By-law Number 2111, as amended. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Dariington ENACTS as f ollows : 1. That Section 13 of By-law Number 2111 Is hcreby amended by changlng the numbcring of the second clause (b), which has the heading "PART 0F LOT 14. BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION", to (hi) s.> that thelonly remalning clause (h) of Section 13 la now the one dealîng with a parcel in part of Lot 30, Concession 5. 2. That By-law Number 2331 la hercby repealed. 3. That Sub-sectlon (b) (Jil) of Seétion 1 of By-law Number 2306 la hcrehy amended by deletlng from the tenth line thereof the figure 1493.37 and sub- stltutlng therefor the figure 1698.37 s.> that the sentence shall rcad: "COMMENCING at a point in the West limnit of sald Lot 30 distant 1698.37 feet measured N 16V00' W thereln from the South WVest angle thereof;" 4. That Schcdîîle "A" of By-law Number 2111 la hereby amended by changing from RI t.> C2 the zoning designation of the casterly 145 feet of tlhe land at the South-West corner of the Intersection of the THENÎ1CE-S 71055'-W parallel to flice mid south limît of Taunton Road as widened te a point ef Inter- section wltb a line drawn on a bearlng ef M 18*051 E front the said Point of Commencement, a distance of 230.06 feet: THENCE N 19005' W, a distance of 171.82 feet more or les.t. the Point et Ceâmimeemnt. 6. This EY-iaw "&l b«liorn» effective ca the date hereoi subjet to recelvimg the Appreval et th* Ontatri. Muniopal Board. Tffl S Y-LAW EI A AIFST, 8SECOND A TMD »TE AND NNALLY PAUSEDON TEE 1fIn DA FJUNE, A.D., 199 C~AU. OWN, ter, for fr i Enniskillen Pupils Take Tour of Towri's Spots of lnterest 'HoId Part y to Mark.% Doctor's Birthday And His Retirement time. making eerlyr morning exercises seern even eerlier. Evervane agreed that. meet- ng fell<,w delegaies flrn acrose tihe province was thec highipoint oetlbhe week. As one vouth said. "N'ow 1 coulti waik from Ottawa te Windsor anti eut wclI ail the way." rom . I nstitutes tour of the Henrv House Mus-..............: jje etim. kshawa. Nineteen mem-J a bers were taken on a conduct- i' ~ - -- d toyur of the Museum facý ibeir Historical Research prag- ram. Linder Mrs. Gardon Bes- The business part of the . meeting was lield at the C. E~1 Hall with the Presideni, Mrs " 'Haward Cryderman presidinig S ~'-* The rail rall 'Mv Grand- ~ mother's Hobby- was answver- .. ed bv 22 members. .. . *f Mrs. G. Jefferey reported for ~~ the Gooti Neighbors Commnit- tee. Mrs. S. Doyie. District Dîrecior gave@ a repart of the District. Annuial lelti in Bow- manville on May l4th. ~ Mrs. Fred Stevens spoke on . the motta "0f ahi things you 1-È ~~' wear, your expression Is the ,:5....5 most important and it cSts vou notlng.' She said "A srntle is the cheapest ihing we wea r, so Jets put ît on more often. A sniile is prompted -u;-e. from witin by happy anti kind thoughts. A smile is universal and %vill bridge the language barrier. Vie neyer know the 'heartaches we may case, simp- ly bv smlling. The meeting choseti wiih the repcating of the Coliect In uni- son. Lunch of fruit cocktail, cupcakes. tea and caffee a serveti by tbe group in charge. BOWMANVILLE W. The Bowmanville Women'sý Recentix, the junior grades from Enniskillen the highlighîs, also the Li Institute held their picnicPublic School split into two grotips to inspect some î nîerest, possibix înc.luding meeting ai Mrs. M. Wlscmnan's Te o:dte mnil o xoo h cottage. A short business of Bowsmanville's iteestngspots. hvtLrd he miil Zo w lte meeting was conducted byinexx ftre hall xxhere Chief Jirn Haymani pointed out al [looded with vîsiting stude President Mrs. C. W. Downey- and Secretary-Trcasurer Mrs. that their chtldren have everv 1. Munday. The Mary Stewart' opportunity for studCollen was repeaied inJ unison. Plans were rmade to takeaa .Iuw I Home Economisi Miss Karen Loridon ini Septeniber. Murdoch. for Durham and Following a discussion inirn- Jul 'v 2 - 4th-4-H Science Daviti Kellogg, Port Hop% Northumberland. is ta have bers agreed to write to the Seiniar, Univ'ersity, of Guîelph. July 3rd, 4th. 5th---Soiland bler office In Bowmati,îvlle. Department of TraniSport. Par- Durharn CoLinty Delegates, Crop Days. Ridgeto\\n College There is ta, be a supervisor for liament Bidgs.. Toronto, re- Bri4i Vý'lson. lanetville, anti 0f Agricultural Technology. ibsarea, Mrs. Woof, station- ýquesting "Bethanvý- signs be Tuesday. Juiy 8th, q:45 a n. cd ai Brighton. Mrs. M. Flint- p-ct itejnto fT tefri' edvi eim 3:30 p.m.-Beef Cattle Fieldi off and Mrs. H. Couch were 1and 115 higbways and ait7A ber. However, it was decidetiý Dav, Ontario Agricultural Col- preenetiwih gusforthir nd35 igwas: also to n'- to hoIdd cîther a picnir or a lege. Bialogy Block, University' l eadership in thie curse Foeus i quet better buts- service froim bus trip sorrîtine durlng -thc of Guelph. on Finishes. Tickets were soldTo'rronto to Peterborough via summiier montbs. This year our, Thursday. Julv lotit. 9 ar1n. for the Golden Plaugh Lotige TA bighway througii the vil- pienie is to b e helti at Ennis- ;-Swine Evaluation Fieldi Dav, Bazaar on October l8th. A, lage. killeri Conservation Park on'Oiario Agrîcultural College. letter was receiveti tram the Mrs. Vincent Jackson read Juîv Srb - meeting ai ihe Guelph. adopied chilti in Turkey. the minutes and rorrespon- chu rch at l2:30. coniinuing on Menday. Julv l4th- -Ontario' The Rail Call was answercd. tience andi gave the financîaI to the ConsrainPkfo Safety Cauncil Tour. Ritige-I Slîîg, Say, Do or PaY. Meeting1 report, a pot-lukPalunch. toxvn. College of Agrîrultural closet i wth Lorti*s Prayer.. Mrs. Atidison Scott chaîred Mrs. Burr-to\txs then iook over Terhnology. Games anti contests created: îîîe meeting. Mrs. Keith Adamis for the -Norith Group. The Moi-: Wedncsday, July lliîh, 10 muc fn ad musmet.convener of Citi'.enship and to -Take pains with your a.n.-Cereal Ci-op Day. Uni- Thcv werc organizeti by the Education and members of ber nel viipisalr esi fGep.Co cec Directars of the Institute. Mrs. 'group werc in charge af the wards' was given by Mrs.'Butifirg. Guelph. S. Corden was In charge of program anti lunch. rw. Mrs. Yeo tuten iro-' Sundav, Jtiiy 2Oib- 5t butte. r ha.i aned conts s There wil] be no furîhtier duceci our Guesi Speaker for Anniversary Reunion - Junior Buttere undabl aecptresn meetings until Septemiber. the afiernoutu - Miss Hamili. Farmers' Association of On- and these wcre looketi after bvby omne conoinist foir the Dept. l.nver1st- '2a-d---eg'iiia Mrs. Downey and Mrs. Pat-. HAMPTON W.1. of Agriculture. Miss Hamill uy2s 3dRgoa field. Happy blnthdav was, The June mieeting oftecose ta speak on "Food Pois-' 4-HCneer.TeiU sung ta Mrs. F. Rundie. Hampton Women's InstitLite oning" andi outlineti the proper1 versity, Peterborough. A boLintiful poi-luck supper was heltiin bbc Christian Edu- rnethotis of handling footis ta' Juiy 22nd - 23rd--Her-efordl was njoyd b ail A scia raton Bildng o Tuedavelirinate foodi poisoning. espe- Evahuatian Clinlc ai 'University3 trne was enjoyeti follawlng with Mrs. Chant. aur Presi- rial footis for- the froezer and of Guelph. the supper with some ladies dent. in the chair. Tire meeting for- picnics. Her taik xvas en- Saiî.irday7. Juily 2lth -Here- piaying carda. Mrs. Park openeti bv the singing of the joveti bY aIl. Mrs. Burrows tord East Central Zone Club thanketi Mrs. M. Wiscman, the Institute Ode. folhowed by re-,thanketi-Miss Hamnihl for rani- at Farn of Francis Walsh, R. hostess. for having the picnln.peating in unîson the Mary ing ta our meeting. Mrs. YeoI R. 8, Peterborough. ai ber cottage anti ail joîncti Stewart Collen anti the Lord',S ihen îeporied on the Officers' Durham County in~~~~~~ Fo1\'1 JhyGoi e-Paer h al a)'y Canferenci' ai Gu~elph. Mrs .1 4-H Club Nieetings 10w. Worst Cooking Dîsaster" uvas Aliibi dispiayed a quilt she bati[ Moîîda<", Jn rd- Diirlianf ____-well answered with miany and it .as rnoveti anti seconid-i4-H1 Electi rc Club-Fama BETRANY W.1 humorous memories relateti by cd that tihe hadies wouîti go Gelordnad ly Klog Mrs. Verena Sandcrson o! ibe membcrs. After the iimin- ta Mrs. Allin's one day dur- Irome. Jl 4t.730pm Janctilhe was guest speaker:utes wcre reati and adopteti ing the sumnirer to quilhtt î- - onday, Juigh7t foTr:0 p.rn 'ai the meeting af Bethany it was nîoved anti serondeti date to be set laier.-C chn nghliLie ,Womn'sInsitut hed Mn-ihat the Hampton Instituite in The meeting then closeti bx'stock anti Field Crops Judtging Womens Insitut helilMon - * om petition, a Iso a make-up day, June l6ib ai the home of future x4uuld furego the 'nionithi-sinigiig "The Queer~ Lunch' ing .Mrs. Adidison Scott. ]y meetings af July and Aug-.\was ser\-ed by tbc Northimeetig.uv t 83 Mrs. Sanderson spoke on ber uIsi starting regular meetings Group. . . a.m.--Ot-oto Town Hall - At- hobby of colecting unusual' tendance meeting for ail Dur- buttons anti displayed many af ham 4-H Club members, ex- bher collection of whicbi she repi Electrie Club, ai the has over 20,000 ciassifieti andi Durhanm Couiniy Livesiork anti as manyv more waiting ta bie Fieldi Crops Jutiging Campe- rcatalogueti. She is a member 'tition. aof The Bubton Club of wbich Tuestiay, Julv 29th-- Bus trip' :there arce53 groupsalal acrosa o - ebeswi c Canada. Monthly bulletins are anti Swlne Projecis ta Shur- publisheti, wbîrh are benefirial Gain Farms, Maple, anti Cana-, 'ta knowledge. trading and Ida Packers, Toronto. purrhasing. Last vear she had Wetinesday, July 30th - attended The Flo-itia Siate Prolessor Hunt, University,'oa Butboî Show held ai Orlando. Guelph, xisit 4-Hl Pouliry 'l'le buttons displayed weie ruembers anti score projerîs, bath antique anti modern, also meeting at nlght ai On- 'matie fi-rn many materials anti tarin Deparirnent af Agrirul-ý in varying styles. Some were ture and Foodi Board room,' matie of Cascin. lucite, oxydiz-1 Bo w ma nviile. cd plastic, porcelain, abalaný Thuir day. J11!', 3 si BFus shelas, metai, clambroth, cut trip for 4-H membcî's wii.b 'steel, wood, glass, napper, ccl-, Dairv Caît Piajent ta Hastings; luioli. pcwtcr, animal horn. Counix# ory dieuu th ~PHONE 728-5565 i J. Webb oaf Scarborough. m,'.' ofchag in p demn $5 KING ST. E. OSHAWA l R. J. Payne was toastmasici y ri -NwM ,brarvx and other points of Citen Rae Dairn and Bow- locations that have been enis this year. the honoreti guests. Blanche and Jack respontiedtit sarne. A toast was aiso praposedti t the 87 year-old mother of! Jack (Mirs. Maryv Webb),.oa: Bethanyv. The toastmaster in- troiucenl frientis af bath bride anti groom. paying tribute ta the honoreti guesis. Blanche is an active member af the Dan forth Ladies L.O.B.A. anti Ci,'ystal Chapter. This Lotige was well repi-esentet I lcltid- îng the wor. Misiress Wor. Sisier G rare Hart ant i R. War. Sister Lotie Hamilton, PasI Grand Misiress af Ontario East. Gifts froni their frienisý weri presenteti bv their daugb-! ter Shaaron anti son Jimnmy xvblch innluieti a chesi af silv- eîr anti mirror. XVe extenti aur hopes anti besi wishes forj mialinmare vears af marrieti if e. i Dr. and Mrs. 'P. E. Ireland, on Saturdav, June 21st, en- tertained at a birthday party to celebrate this event and his complete retiremnent fromn the University of Toronto and ail medicai practice. *The guests attending in- cluded Senator The Honor- able Dr. Jos. A. Sullivan who is on the Board of Governors of the University, a Trustee of Sunnvbrook University of Durham 4- Electric Club ýHolds Session The Durham 4-H Ilame anti Eiectric Club held its firai regu- lar meeting ln the boardi room, of tbe Department of Agricul- ture and Food. The meeting was operietibv* thec assistant agriculture Rep.. Bob Watt. There was ani dcc- tion of officers as follows: President, Brian Wilson; Vice President, Ian Page;, SecretarY, lArlene Aluin; Press Reporter, Terry Malcolyn. 1Mr. Watt then introdiîced the Ontario Hydro representa- tives Bill Cooke, Keith Whbite anti Keith Jennings. lie theni turneti the meeting over ta Mr.i Cooke. Mr. Cooke outlined thel program for the summer and, continueti by explainlng thet ,readlng of meters anti thel technicai terms of electriclty.! Time was then spent for aý question period. The 4-H mem-ý Ibers each decitieti whai theyý wou[d have their meter put on.'ý There wvas a wide range of' choices fram TV ta silo un-' loatiers.1 The meeting wax turrlet back ta the president. Brianý IWilson who adjournet iIt. The& members look forwardti t ani interesting and educationa]: 4-H- eiectrce club project. Toronto Hospital and Chair. man of the Board of Direc- tors of the Ontario Cancer 1Found-ation. Ot'her gueste were Dr. and Mrs. G.C,~ Heniry. Chief of Service.,t Michael's Hospital, Dr. anti Mrs. Kenneth McAskije. Or, and Mrs. BrYdon Smith, Dr. and Mrs..A. M. McLeod (q Tor-onto and Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Berry of Bowmanville,. Patricia (daughter), her bus- bandi anti gr&ndchildren, a., ,well as John (son) from Osh- awa attended. Professor andi Mrs. lrelao<j wiil move ta Bowmanville this week where they wil! spend their summers at the&r lakeside home, They expect ta gpcnd six months nt the, year in Florida or abroad. Retiremen t cornesa fier thjrtv. five vears* se3wice ta the Uni. versitv of Toronto with twen-ý ty years as Depariment Chair- man. Muriel (Mrs. Ireland'i was, the former Muricl Decti who -as raised in Bawmnail. ville ini the home of her grandfather John Gîîgg. GET CASHJ TOIIAY FOR OLD APPLIANCESS THROIIGH ST A T ESNMA CLASSIF1EDS JOHN F. DELMI1ITh Generai Insurance ALIL CLASSES OF PERSONAL and COMMERCIAL LINES Contact:. JOHN iMeMILLAN 623-3111 or 623-3950 14 FRANK STREET, ROWMAN VILLE ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premiurn Quality * GASOLINE - * DIESEL 1 J i * MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps ( -5i ' available. CALL COLLECTf V Ai 668-3341 LFA VIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY .1 Jtcfreslîiicnetts w~i1l he available oit the site - ADMISSION FREE CON. No. B9ENNISKILLEN CONSERVATION AREA *'- -- -1GUIDE CON. No. 1 18ra0eIRARD 'CORNER CON. No. B9 TO OSHAWA TAIUNTON ROAD__ oT 1154 TO1 EBOWMANVILLE' v THE CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY wishes to announce that TWO PUBLIC FIELD DAYS wiII b. held at the. ENNISKILLEN CONSERVATION AREA on the weekend of JULY #5 & 6, 1969 ln a picnic type atmasphere watch FIRE FIGHTING DEMONSTRATIONS and DOG RETRIE VER TRIALS see a BEE KEEPING DISPLAV, and build your own BIRDHOUSE. Let your children <to 15 years) bring a poie and take part in a FISHING DERBY on Sunday. lî 1 1