-r .' -. 19Suda HMiO The Canadlan StatsaEwa-I1,Ji .16 <>1f2.LU IIv Cresswell'g erono dance. Musr was provided1 Wednegday ln Lyndhurst end' 4-H Jun o U d l l PhoriruceTilS7n, 2it3 saying "The Uttermast" 'eý On August 2nd an old tim- Ita vxsit fr1eiKds on Thurqdia rs. Brce TiPhoneE987r-4213i Pi- football reunlon and pot i efare returnlng home.A t O i~~ M uttermostll and selected scrip- 3 p.ni. at Saunau. A game s; Mrs. Harold Salter were Mr.o o on J I9t F S d ~ ~~~~~~~ture readings using those planned and leveryons who.1 Henry Goshel, Newcastle and Durham Court' nulinto a nlsdcnen P rof est S e d n wards. Respansive. reading wlshes -te camp Is welCame. ýMrs. Goshel Sr., visiting here Junior Judging Cmeîinîgte~xrlshlrhp ew a te723, Oh came let us sing IIa Weekend visitors with Mr.' tram Austria; Mr. and Mrs., will be held next ensa vîal orrlyugmn J'le'xca ste 'O n O ron s Streets the Lord, let us heartilv e and Mi. Mebourne prime Bob De Jang, Nestleton. Julv 9th at theTwihpwopa oatn Joc ntesrnt were Mr. and Mrs. Walton' Saturday supper guests with Hall, Orono, when4HCunarclue h .A 'On Othe sstrength0'ot ur Prime, Kitchener. Miss Susan Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell Members will beputhuhSmmrMmriludha salvatian. Oui- minister Is re-: Prime spent a few days visit-i and family were Mr. and Mrs., their paces.ben ctiud sne19. The Orona Police Trustees on Mr. Wm. Bunting. ceiving his holidays duringthe Ing her sister and family, Mr.1 Gi-m Crulckshank. Peterbor- Reitainwî pnýTe inro h 10ahl SIoc5,lqanc1gi£Jeatioa/ S ocial and (D eirsona ~June 23rd ut their regular To Eliminate Diagonal Park nt l month of July and he asked and Mrs. Carl Buckler, Osha- augh. Mrs. Eve Dewell ws83 n h u meeting received a delegationi The Qi-ana Police Trute h anrglo a atc-w.a luncheon guest on Monda83yn h ue wl ev'asi wl eslce y - - *-. -.* -.-*- eg,th .**egtintepatay wa for livestock clase i85 iigcosd ain 1 h Newcale:-Rain auçed ai Mn. R. G. Wright, Toronto..a ieio eVlaewi~asoaieaitoiu nl1aei h umrsnai Miss Gale anid Mr. Joe Glid-'Of Mrs. Jesse 110k. Soina, te H ndJ.a.rme ari.p last minute change ln planI ham been visiting Iver h@IPi-tested speeding an the!meeting in whîcb they are ask- which is as follows. For thedens, Scarbeough,1 are spend-!help celebrate her birthdaY. an ina cla i î on for th Newcatle Unted wekend wth hernece nof Streets. The delegation ing the Caunty Cauncil te i-es-I manth of July only, one serv- ing a few weeks visitin g wit.h Mi-. and Mrs. Dave Lagphamý Cnîpet ilion vI id eoatraiiyadptn Church and Sunday School1 familv Mi-. and Mi-.. Charles alsa presented the Police Trus-,cind the parking by-law for the tee will be he'd o the sih at their aunt and family, Mr.,and! and girls were visitai-s on Sun- i nto he iiin.Snir iIlaesip tees with a petitian signed byMain Street cf Orano te elim, Zion. The ime fthe sxM-.Toa oes a ihM- n r.Jc uiradNvc.Alc theni at w ek a e e,î A uî n.300 residents of the Village. m'I ate diagnal parking n the following services will euer li petitors lill judg clse. O a a an Dit ct R a th tllawing afternoor i wth! With the holiday seasan ' cuit aide of the street. TIs is 10 a.m., the place: August 3rd. 1Mr-. and Mrs. Cecil Sleman Tce, psley. daii-v heef, Sie heEtt oi ilaanpo skies a little more sunfly, here, aur neighboLr am I ,teIneto f i-sb rpae wt aale apo: u.havein ae ster os ustf tnaycleqetteA J plans goi underway. Meetingl been vacationing or huving Qi-ana Police Trustees ta meet: op brknasepluced on the p tarullelHam tn: ug.lda;At.4h. ina few days Mns. Alma Bell, 1Prescatt's were Mi-. and Mi-s.gain and poalos hv iîgïd colis n 20t atWloaPr tfuP ihteOtroProvincial{ tophswa. Harfarmmanae- dplom or dgreerouise a lame andracs we hlviineryour nws.Foret etPlc nti ater ndatside cf the sti-cet Mr. E. R. Hampton; Aug. 3lst. Zion:, na istiswith Mr.l Miss Lynette HaIre dwa amt sIls rplvsokayrfonzdCnda g ganges ndrcsldi- en u d uter! tw weespIeus e lNew-theolice ILtisme rsen tmWaodyard said the Caunties' Sept. 7th, Eldad. Notices will ad rs, iuud ;wend guesi ofs Miss atrien cosrvaIonI db berlurl ho.Cleeo rcaced dul ag. Mch n- aste nws irecly ntothewit n opyof he eUton.Engineer sid IIIthis coutld net be be mailed out ta yau. tend Mrsei-e i-. and Mn.andBottrelI, R..f MissHampo.trie àideiv articlswhh eomryClee JoYmei-t w us experienced Siatesmun office, 623-3303. Excessive speed and excessive alwdaylne n ht Wednesday, June 25th. M. J.; Emard and iamily, Oshaw. Mr-. and Mrs. Roy MetcalfIinavý include weei rse. 'hr sas h .F-n througiiout the water filled Sema arirM ikdrinking were botlt discussedt ireen cndtonwuedn-HoriSnir ubicShOl!Mi. ndMis FedHoi-ydwreFrda eennsvsiais ogrns mchnepais eesRel stt LmiedScolr baloo0nraces and tug-o-war. a Don ais , Marke by the group. The Police gei-OUs. a mutheld their annual -Awairds werge visitai-s an Sunday with wt teRev. and Mrs. Harold ietc. si f~f0t noîsad Rev.T. mit le inGrail nd Dnal Tilso wil b onTrustees stated that they wauld. In tht uccl naount Nîght". plus a Grade 8 Gradu- Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bi-aokham,i tnoOsa . Rfev. . Sitch sle iiwae-' i ybgnnn atratake this mater up wîth the [ \,827 a rlae a to ane h aldc shC.~~o hawa . n t 1t eUhre tmear isr.ito n oyfontu oît aite whch sppe wasun-and will be replaced by Lui-iy c>pp withîn the next îew days Dagmar Construction as part tai-ian, MIss JilI Vande-Walk- Saturday visitai-s wit.h Mrs. rigi-atulations ta a litjjiheIe ers.0enoie spplutvenold rw f with treats afterward af ice per.dndAhfavder eainr cmpse afeMrs. ý.inOrano. Mi-. Woodyai-d stated speech and told cf ber pastlHolroyd. Bawmaeviile. this year and te ail who weieiwho niusî lie withnte~ i giutr iayrc f cem for evei-yonee. Wer Donald'z apdeegaso thut the paving af the Qi-ana twa years speet at M. J. Hohbs' Mr. arîd Mrs. Donald Ad- nts otnt.Teege o-aelmt ie aainlnvriy r thi~ s ar gan tt edn C ng ratu a Pti- te heRol bieson.M s. F. a dam s. Mrs.Street.s would be undertaken and of the nanv activites cock and fam ly aie sp nding a se y id nI'cs ol n l the anmp eea e nor h ro aetur-h las i offîces ai ht Newastle. commocingwith July 3Ird. which are offeredtatetu-he\ek ttei cottage on' true, Chat of the ship whase o 15ec rmteM- j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in nextbeui-'s pJans aed th A brief discussion centred an' dents there, and of the ce- White's Island. ;rwwsdig ftis n happens in real lf htttLa onainbh fe weather wiil help build u in luieenl et ld sion's Pickering nuclear power parking negulations off theoaperatian of the teachers. Mi-. and Mrs. Glen SmIthîî edout te a passing ship for i ei-y thing Ca whihw aec aDrhmCuîl uir P 'tyWright; lst Vice President,: Ht succeedi D. 'E. (Don) t hat some action h tebe taken eut ta the studgnt and guest weekend at Mrs. SnI par-1 answeri rpyta "Let dewn montlis. fals sadvsrt f arothagiltiecose Keetp in mind the Salad ariePedweîî; 2Whîti e wabsbe pon-mte vnn L'a e nit Whipper andasbeGaapponn- and hdrawtte. sidenoTofe!tspekerhorphe eoui- wexpentstaotagens Betyt.Baeend.paiand ttheoidinf the Senior r epeetrion bupeig aned Juardei n PryPresideni, Gai-don Dancey; cd tea sîmîlai- positian at the, _____!and____ i draw up ad rpTdChntaplntl t aer, agoth ume hlfas.Wiîeismui Iliy naii rectrgro uda, t. o th I-d Vice President, Ted Hosu-. receetly announced B r ucet tendent of Planning, North- Mrs. Grace Bai-tirîdale wereFor ail around the peiishing ;And w\Ith the hgldv a i vshwîi lbwr rectoy grunds St.George's le the past the Newcastle Nuclear Power Centre, ane of Anglicn Chuch. Tere ~ ~ Clb memens Eiect mbenland & Durham Cauntv Sunday' guests of Mr-. and Mrs. sallors was fresh water: they people have theirl igsi soehn or id, ryonce, 'iosClbmuni ai devotedi tht world's largest nucleai iBoard ef Education, whe used 1 Jack Carter, Candy and Chris.. a sie lt temut freadiness tar te im samthig er fil aya gi-ea ut to their time! power- complexes. tht word 'Suicce.-sfuil'"te build' Thornhill. Mrs. Gi-are Bai-t- a mit river and knew IL manths fer visits ieie L IU o uvn t an eijd . t ln fr eh ns ut ng' e is new position Mr. Fui e S is speech arund and what i-ale is spending a few davs nt! S metimes It seems ta tives ai- friends .o e dsa ei a i o a cf vens a b ejoyd. their w families lait. Not, ton wilî be responsible for H d ae eachl etter iepresented te hlm. vîsiting with the Chants. On1 me that boys and gil a-eav Please let m nwo o ' L Oui- Newcastle Girl Guides intendediy sa, but oten is tht licadcmui rlo-~II gCfiee was served in the! Thui-sdav evenlng Mr-. and thlrst.ieg f or eppoctunitics, vouj' travels or fgussxîni1 uiine leit the village on Thursday case af such an organization.. tîce' preg-ams ai-oued ttin r a e Home Ecanomies Room by r.Can eevitr Ithlwhich lie around then u-bn \Oi- oms Juidatruh evelngfo thir npta t-Their efforts ai-e aiten dont Pickering plant. The $570 mil- Mrs;. Mai-g Hall and the Grade Mi-. and Mi-s. Arnold Veener, i-recogfized for lack ef knawl- 232t.l5 mU n xi we tàwa. They have since i-t- ie vain, when th ey qIetlydo! lion nuiclear giant hs under con At thteQi-oea Hydro meeting î sti.dents. A variety of Sel- Manchester edge. Sa, you see the oppoi- îMaýiimonI has bee ecue turned and report a wonder-l good ie a manner kept quietI structice cen tht Lake Ontario t a prneiet on ence displays wei-e on view, Mis. Mai-ion ArLym and Mi-s. tunities ai-e there If yvil are il, two auts as folos c - CL fuI tme. liisvisi ta ttaw ~i- easos tht ai benva~~shoreline 20 miles east Of Hydro expects ta increase their for parents ta see pmus tht par- Florence Lake, Miss Sharon! willing ta learn. S epLy asle drseALI will long berememnbered by ilent work shouîd be kept sil- downtown Toronto. PhonpwrteOtroo 623-3303vtd t teAtrnadMr inBrw tligadbetrlcknx eri s o e thtm. It's ubers d that tnt. This 15 thet tme someone Mi.uln îndH rolroifpweLontnecnteswr inte ta teAtm ndM-JmBrnatlnanbeerukneten.Pys orhr rse.Be th Gids ndnsod re eer ya fr henet 0gymnaslum te the graduation ended the strawbei-iy tea on It is sti-ange hew ofteîî it now_______________ jthemGuiesveri ai-e casts a stene t.o say "What 165at Lakeview and watched eai-%. It was further poînted __ writing a full report for tht'ai-e they doing?" Let those ail tht plant's growth fi-arn fourieut that 7,9 per cent cf tht paper which you will Un-,us who know ail tee well, uîsL aaaslrette-Q-e yr eeu ad dloubtedîy lied most IesI- take these persans by tht'; mal-electrie station, havng 0ot te Ontario Hydro for Ing. Watch for tis in nextl arm, and 'qhew themn around lh uisad a capacity Of power. weksnews. at even one preject egt una ThtBiccleRoeo as eî taen y tes meber. n I 2,40o,000 kilowatts. Surplus le tht watei- account leThtewBcyc tle eorialaye n say thankbes.woul Du-ring bis ime there tours amounted to $2000 while that -teNecastlwe ek, with stu- e a a nth and waon o1 pthe plant Increased froni in Hydr-o was noted ut $2300. drens cf tht Publi St ehola ate ers on th Cene-go ý5.000 a year tea arecord ie 1968 Seme discussion was held on iT .dnt f hePble coo f olnees nth aee-o 11.000. a recent meeting which wasf attending and taking great. tery Clean-Up." Or even to a- n dctdl To-n-atteeded by some ai the corn-, Interest. There was a large': take a ride down and att the FBorn ond wale alesro mission.. te connection wit attendance. Students whae- vast difference and corne backtM. tered wrote a wiitten test as and spread tht word ai tht and a brokerage firm before effect of regional govereiment, well as taking part Je an ob- wondtrful efforts they hv jii yrestismi i-e, o'n caPblc-Timi es'n stacJe course. Bkswere shown. Cerailyau.Nw-w.h.ntso..isios.-..e checked on a safety pointi castît members ai-e working....................... ,systemn by Newcastle O.P.P.! for their cammunity and thet..... . Constablt J a h ni Chalmers people in their cemniunitv.: Constable Chalmers and thti With ont job complete, te- K t h n C p r . .... $ mitLet have been working ta-: Many Lb aeks te these mem- .y.Nany.K.a. geLber, with these rodeos for bers. and noa-members who tht purpose of shawing roadý are backing tbem inl their Let's invite guests over for a beautiful summer brunch, suafety to ail tht boys and efforts. intb gai-aid ta Include childi-en ie tht Invitation. Every- gi-.Tidy Ga--a 18' wtinn ont cao have such a wondtriul timne! And because few points, and two boys, Brad O JTTAVpeople entertain l thîs fashion. tht meal can lie long Preethy and Chris Cooper enmee.t'IIoth otstfrtefodae :tied for second place withb'160rmmbedItsesonttots.tofrhtfdsa- peints. Congratulations te tht IS NNECFuecemplicated and quite economical.1:0 'winners, and ta aIl those tak- Ni-s. Annie CheshIre. age, Tht lat breakfast is served aoy ime between1:0I druzn part, better luck next; 83 yearq, formerly af Manvers aod 1:00(. It is puesumably the ii-st meal ni tht day, but im.SainadBethany. dled on tht heur ut which it is servtd makes htai-ty foods and ~R E K 1 Ouir iands and nigbboursý Sunday June 22. She had alcoholle drinks permissible. Tht table settings should be C4 N i O D ýtn Bowmanville Hospital are, been ln a Newcastle Nursing brEATURE PRICEJ JANE PARKEasRI o asforai S loyd AI1di-ead. Danial Del Home for same ime. bih e ea-ubti a ea aulo sfra Ann Page (3 Va.ietes> ETR RCE AEPRE j Mooy, Mrs. Margaret Farrow,!, She was a memnber of Bth-' as you wish. ln tht sumnmer. an autdoor breakfast barbeque A ~ L I , Miss Darlene Glover, Mrs. aey United Churcli. hi partlculariy invitieg, featurlng fi like chieken livers FIORl A PI NII9 IVarie Milhench, Mrs. Jeaný Tht funeral service M'as heid on skewers or grilled salman steaks, along with your very HAN4~ Shearer, Mrs. Dora Smih.firn the Morris Funeral Chap- bi camk gS. edI t~te Osatttoo~B-"Own eetra al -9mh EW elti-SihJh WI n i eBawmanvhlle 0on Tht indoo arnch cao fu.te, estrTomate Sauce with Pork, BtoBrwegtia Chai-lie Woo, lwith Rev. William Piercy oai! Thew ___________________________ 2 x e Scouts, Leaders and a,1y Bethany Officiating. , 'eai off with somnething snappy. Make smal oney____________________________ ývnIunter help ai-t reminded She was predtceased by bh melon balls, for instance, put tbem le six individual saucers, Green Gêet e "t ma u ttton al ihusband. tht late Jack Chesh-and douse thtmn with a good port wine. Or, for each guest, U N E DL , Feature Retail e.Pie5e-S at O N N B E S512-f-or eg fins6 -SVt6 :0 aRnm. Saturday marning Ire. 1 place about ¾'/ cup oi chueked pîneapple in a wide-meuthed - in ulSIi~ II begie their bottie drive.. Palîbearers w erie Ernest glass and pour 1/4 cup orange juice over each. Top with a IAIU Ub Io RegYY< 59 ALI, SCOUTS ara exptcted Cavano. Douglaq Lgan, Earl cii htag-u a esata Wwu U.L REETSRg.2 for 43oe-Save 9t 14 fI or tins 9 C<>onut'Orange 1r.-2.-:Sx 'I tn d nib driva. asi Weatherlt, Murray Logan, a-ihn hrYadAPCoc ui ~9 <JE L O L Sx e.Pi.3c-SV eec 5 .thiq is the means of raising Toa adadF .Cc- c a!Nw110 ihota h recipes below. butStl ' ~camp money. Ouly with tht1 ci-. be sur-e and make plenty. Food as gond as this whll disappear Cran on Ftue5Lm.Wx.Jn Pkr :îIl ca-operation by severyaneý Burial waq In Fallils Cere ne- ie t& .*an this projeci be carried! ttry. Manvers Township. l eLm tal -cL uly ndwaî.MUSçHRoOM MAGNIFIQUE 'l Mrs. Gord Dancey accam-Su e - ig tM e t - ou e .panied Mrs. Bruce Tilîson ta, 4thi -on ute 1 a17ottin n ai hoppiv n un *kH v medirM-Oondicdifin . etrIrsV c-r side y M n. Carl Ci-amer, rs MicdB E lk P R5 Wetrn. K. aKenzie, BowmantProvinctilVice-pi-esident and 7 tablesrioans Butter one.01 behaîf of Mi-. Thom whoi imdu nasîe GROUND CHUCK IVBE&PR ASG 9 Cental i-euVic-preidat, was inable taelie pi-tient, Mr. 4 pound Chicken Livers 'Ivis LJewson ScîthMon - McLead wished the new Coun- Mdl < one blespoan bumtter ln a smal killet and saute thteaaaGad 1estd on *lrs L. ewisn, Suth on&-cil cvei-y auccesi in the future.te Reoidîg .erca.yMn ~aMn,. W. Bunting reports that chicken livens and onines aven nmedium heat. Whenth New Zeeland, Frozen, Shoelder CfPO N Rori n vtry worhwhilerad en.a1 livers ai-e lust caaked,remave fi-rn haut, and eutliJvers in ~- u .u a eyhanhhlead oy bPLamaîp89 able Hoein and School Train-, about 'y inch pitres. Set aside. Ie a large chafing dish or L v u C HP .< ~ A U NCT 3S.Ing Camp wax held ut Lake 1eleetric akîllet, mneIt the othen six tabiespoanx af butter. LA MB A C ONP * . Anr, e w s iCauchichhng June l2th a 1BAh This Wasa provin e id tcon Beat oggm, suit, pepper and wuter tagethenlIhghtJy and start ~Ladies Aid icience and lively discussions ta cook eggs aven a medium4olw heat. As eggs begin te H '~ litadies Aid faîfowed the morning. aiter- caak, udd ci-tam cheese, chicken livers and oelons. mneuse > , VPY M OE noce and cvening seioslO. Tht heut lightiy und ici-upc along tht battom et tht pan witb Virgina, New Crop,Clfon0FrRd Has B ke Sle ofic H ome:i e a to-I a wooden spoon until eggs foi-m large crs Do net aven- Grape, Orange, Fruit Punch, Orange-Pintappla Poe 00. 37c-SAVE Il* WhitN.Gae, No. Grade ný a ak a e whiaIee of Hopm eh tool-NiJ4-¼ is U fT A 1 h ThtLades idai t. n aeuniu-coock ans rve mcdiately. Gi-eat wt oat Engîish H i- KIi TeLadiscessA fulBaeSt e. -wycand y ou ConBar us APLED RIN KSL3 CAKES tinsI1.00 jrew's Presbyterian Church tien bttween your communty muffins. Serve. 6 generouly.GldS AR HEA REEALu w .a r ,land Caffet Party an Friday'stressed with the ideal being APL GID AE :'.ýbternoon le tht Sunday ichool a Haome and Sthool Council in I14 cups Sifted Fleur SPRAYSKMi" arslh 910l o rnam. Ni-s. D. S. Fergusen was tvtry County. 1 Y4 teaspoonu double-acting Baklng Powder Gerbera,4 Strained, Meatlest Varieti« SPECIAU ýthe canvener af tht entoyablel Follawing a discussion an3/ *sonSl :vet. iCommunity Urne ef Schoohs, led Y4 teaipeal aI A Yd 10-lb 4 14-z oeîîjars Thlere wus a wide varlety af by a member ai the Hamilton ¼ ptaon Cinnamon 4 9D Wý 4/-Zriy eidelicious cakes, pies, i-cils, iBoard ai Educatian, It wa1 tablespeon Sugar CodWtrDtrn (7OfDal Ibread and cookies. Those who0genraIVIcîft ihat much mare 1 Egg, well beaten I A C I OE ,gsz o . Qssisted ai tht sale ai Home luse could lie made ai existing icpMl u omtmeaue eron, Miss Elva Orchard andtand thut the communlty's needs V4i cup melted Butter or margarine 6h9te icit ..Pi.40 AE4 efrs. A. J. Campbiell. should be met. I cup tinely chopped App!es Chie* Bicis e.Pre a-SAE4 Tt President ai the Ladiesý Other short courses attended Su oehrttfer am od.,sicnao n E 4-oza5g w Labe ýid eMrs. Hugh Kelly and ,by aIl delegates werc on Sfttg&Pr hefeubain owwn atcinLabndeOIlLT A k rlý ey W. G. Narthcutt Knowîedge and Understanding sugar. In another bowi combine egg, mllk, butter and apples. jere in charge ai tht Collet loi Home and School, Leader- Add this to the fleur mixture, sti-nhng lightly until smooth. AU Prie" ahown uin tiis ad guurente.d throtmh ~~aty.Thttaleswcr .tra-iship Development, Speaking in Cook on hot, grensed griddle aisai-dtnary pancakes are 'SiveJy centred with diaintylPublie, How te Communieat@ eocktd. Serve with butter and hot mapile iyrup. Makea 14 >1:akets holding crystal cani Ain- ýand Audio Visual Aida. I «às AMedwlth garden flowers. -- t or-in~fch griddle cakes. Delightfu i wth sausages or baon Ruo$Kfw